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Please don't use a roastie coalburner to represent america thank you
which celeb is /ourgirl/
Sydney Sweeney obviously
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I look like this and do this
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Cailee Spaeny
Sydney’s Weenie
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I HATE being sick
the nyquil only made my throat feel worse
erm i don't get sick. ur weak lol!
shut up schizojeet
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make it fucking stop
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i hate
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erm im literally white lol!
She is not a coalburner she is a rugmuncher
>feather indian
One of her first boyfriends was a nigger who beat the shit out of her or something which is why she makes all those shitty songs and lezzes out
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the coal war never ended in the US, just changed forms.
did you know that according to some complex epigenetics that we don't quite understand some people actually develop traces of foreign dna (around 0.2% or less) simply from everyday exposure to those people? we don't understand the exact method of communication but it apparently happened in some people
new fear unlocked
It is normal for my heart to race during romantic encounters or is it just a thing that happens to inexperienced people
that is completely normal, don’t be ashamed of it. are you sweet on someone?
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guys i think i might have sleep apnea.
I think you have no bitches
very horny rn
i think bitches don't have me
go outside
leaking so much precum
should've voted blue.
I voted Yang
if GFs are real, how come I dont have one?

checkmate, atheists
daughter's name shall be Astrid.
thread theme
whats the sons name
good afternoon sirs
have you ever seen the rain
The fact that I can play this game and have no clue what words I'm intputting is proof of how braindead retarded it is. Fucking assholes making this shit and telling old people it isn't a waste of time.
actual thread theme: https://youtu.be/fJ_DH7jzoxQ
ultra sex with hot woman
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super omega ultra sex with big breasted brown women
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too much pain buds
what's the difference between regular sex and ultra sex?
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did bretty gud today
i only got 2
>canadian intelligence
Anyways, how is everyone else?
good morning/afternoon whatever
chugged a water and ate a leftover piece of pizza and im going back to bed
good morning
You run a business? What do you do
>inb4 head chef at wendys
A bunch of stuff related to real estate.
I flip house, build houses, rent out houses. I do as much as I can in-house to cut costs. Including selling my own properties because fuck paying realtors a cut. 4% of 1mil is 40k. For what? Putting an ad on a website? Nigga fuck off with that shit.
I guess I am a landlord with extra steps
Don't y'all hate it when the thread splits and you don't know which one to go to?
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me walking through my walkable city
is it illegal to sell a house with a realtor? never understood why they're necessary.
>I guess I am a landlord with extra steps
Are you injun?
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so true
what if i start shooting ropes
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government inspections?
Only women and jasonkin can't drive
god dammit that wasnt the right one

Nah, it's no mandatory. It's just that most people are NPCs with no sales ability/are busy with work so it's easier to just let a realtor deal with it. The other, more evil reason, is that Canada only has 1 true MLS which is realtor.ca and the realtor mafia are the only ones allowed to put up listings there. It's also the most visited website for buyers. So if you want maximum exposure you go there.
There are other direct sale websites, but with significantly less traffic. So it's just significantly slower to sell it yourself.
I don't mind waiting longer if it means I save a median wagie's yearly salary for a couple extra months of time/doing the showings myself. Sometimes realtors will hold clients hostage and come to me first saying "Can I get x% if I bring you clients?". Depending on my mood(and wallet) I tell them to fuck off or go with it.

just watched the Civil War, I think it was pretty good
what did my fellow americans think about it?
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lol what a bunch of clowns
wackjob party
why is this... wait a minute... this isn't dixie?
we dont watch marvel slop here
It was good because it showed the true disgusting and sovlless nature of journaloids
I kneel to the leaf landchad
That was my only takeaway from that movie. That journos are still, as they always were and will be, tremendous faggots.
unfortunately too ugly for a pretty white gf irl
most heterosexual aussie
well yeah, just like the film Nightcrawler
they are like hyenas
i feel like i can't talk about political issues without coming off as a concern troll to literally everyone/every side even when i'm being completely genuine, but i don't think i'm a centrist cuck either, i feel pretty passionately about these things
I owe my success to the chinkflu catapulting real estate prices in Canada into pure schizophrenia territory much faster than they would have.
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>centrist cuck
I never get this American shame for being a centrist
You can't like points of both sides, must be bend to agree with a side
isn't that the most cucked of all?
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this is what I imagine every finn poster looks like
anon please stop posting pictures of me thank you
Is this real finnbro? Are you actually a cute girl in irl life? Will you be my gf?
>DOJ sues Alabama, state’s top election official for allegedly purging noncitizen voters too close to election trib.al/g3Oh3zx
Wait I thought the dems said foreigners never voted in our elections...
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has this ever happened you
in my dreams
She doesn't want you canuckbro, she wants a real man, a real 250lb Chadmerican man.
Millionaires are made out of middlemen
Congratulations on not being an NPC anon. Everyone please clap for anon.
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>suing for kicking people who arent allowed to vote from voting
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they're eating the dogs
>americhad thinks I am a man
Leafsisters... is it over for us?
everyone knows redditleaf isn't a "man" per se...
Redditleaf here. Where are my fellow Redditors?
When does the Narwhal bacon?
i don't think left and right is real, that's one of the main points of concern. those are retarded classifications. and my preferred policies are too controversial i can't fit in with these people calling themselves leftists/liberals nor people calling themselves republicans/right-wing/conservatives because i have some opinion somewhere that each of them is REALLY SEETHING about
at midnight
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Okay. What kind of American are you?
Tell me where are you from?
You sir just won the internetz. All of itz.
A true gentleman and scholar. I tip my hat and nod respectfully in your direction.
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my name is kevin
Total woman love
She said that she loves me bros
Won't the mods ban you for posting unclothed Ukrainian children?
there's really only one issue that matters and it is whether White countries have to be filled to the brim with immigrants. nothing else really matters, we can figure that out
i filini
whats your first name
Did u know a storm just wiped entire north carolina towns off the map and completely isolated Asheville, which has gone dark due to no Internet/water/power/ways to leave the city. Barely seen any news about it. Am I tripping cuz this seems like it should be bigger news
i agree very much. immigration problem and demographic decline is the top priority tbqh. leftists hate my opinions on that but then i'll say erm actually gays and trannies are good and right-wingers will seethe and their heads will explode. but then i will say women are bad actually. and leftists will explode into a cloud of soy
its all over Shitter because magapedes are blaming FEMA for needing to wait for the governor to ask for emergency aid
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like I said, only one issue matters.
I wonder where he is nowadays

does he know he became the face of /b/?
I like to believe that he's still out there somewhere, getting blown by his gf and that shit is still as cash as it used to be.
wish could do something about it desu. even actually getting involved irl in rallies was futile
going to the supermarket to buy more pasta, poptarts and tendies
Nevermind I just looked it up.
Shit is no longer cash.
RIP John (Paulie Carbone). You were a real one.
the abortion debate is really blowing up for some reason. Genuinely dont remember it ever being talked about this much
it's because le womyn running for le president. that's literally it
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>Paul Bonnaventure Carbone (1 February 1894 – 16 December 1943) was a Corsican criminal involved in the Marseille underworld from the 1920s until his death in 1943. He was known as the Emperor of Marseille.[1] Associated with François Spirito, who would become one of the leaders of the French Connection, Carbone inspired the film Borsalino
Personally I support abortion because of the demographic that makes use of said service. We need less of them so if they filter themselves willingly I won't be one to complain.
Because SOME NUMBERS out there that relate to STUFF in NOVEMBER say that men are abandoning their previous team and uh that debate is the one thing that gets women really riled up to hawk tauh the polls
It’s because fundamentalist christians are threatening to overturn settled law and strip rights away from women.
I know this is a very unpopular opinion here, but that’s why.
isn't abortion mainly black people's thing?
here's my hot take, anyone who actually wants an abortion, isn't suited to bear (dysgenics) or raise (degeneracy) a child. lmao! yes abortion is bad but it's worse to let those abortionists have children. i say we allow it and carry out the abortions but we have to sterilize everyone who gets an abortion but not in a way that encourages further degeneracy. they likely will be jailed too for sometime.
how many gay thoughts have you had on your faggot head today so far?
why can't you be normal mexican anon?
Wouldn't all thoughts in a faggot's head be gay?
If Republicans can capitalize on the massive gains they're making with men, and continue that after this year, things will end up being OK.

The men's party will always beat the women's party in the long term.
Thankfully you will never have any political influence, and your bizarre ideas don’t affect normal people.
no it's because a wombyn is running for president. but it is kinda obnoxious on the side of conservatives tbqhwy to immiediately attack "women's issues" because a woman is running for president (that's literally what they are trying to do.)
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There are a couple of femboy and tranny threads up right now so quite a few.
Those are rookie numbers. We gotta pump those numbers up.
White people are racist
you don't want to hear this but i'm most likely in a better position for political influence than you are lol. i won't say exactly what it is to avoid being outed as le annoying 4chan poster, but i'm literally in riding-level politics.
Not racist enough unfortunately.
If white people were *simply as racist as everyone else is* the world would be much better off again.
>Mexicans are once again the only normal ones
No. We must be better than everyone else at everything including racism.
Gotta make the wars we wage on eachother looks like a picnic in the park compared to the autistic fury we unleash on our lessers.
My garage has become the beloved home to an entire cricket civilization
Are you their god?
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I went to this bar last night
Why are white and black women so evil
thank god we're becoming a hispanic country
If I move (illegally) to the US any gun owners in thread who wanna make a crew ans rob stores together?
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is this you?
Their praises are sung by night in cheerful chirps of adoration, yet whenever I endeavor to greet them they are struck silent in awe
did you take home a fine latina momma?
Post houses from your area
no go do that in europe
that's not bad, for the same price you can get an absolute DUMP in my town, like a place you'd have to bulldoze and rebuild.
It was a very good year
ok ill be the driver you seen driver by ryan gosling basically im rying gosling got five mins
>that price
Is it in an area prone to forest fires and/or landslides?
fuck loans its a bad tactic if someone here has 600k$ liquid let it be known ill respect that more than a guy who only has a 600khouse
No, it's in the Inland Empire. San Bernardino county
You write beautifully.
i thought the same
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yes this one
Ma'am are you a prostitute
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Genuinely mind boggling how jews can just bomb three countries simultaneously and get away with it.
what does she investigate
i would and durimg sexxo i would keep mentioning her unnatural eyebrows "wow you got legos on yo head bitch" nonsense like that
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fuck it I'm moving to funland
the folds of her genital area before and after getting BLEACHED by anon and friends and also a broom handle
How much is that in real money
she's a foreskin investigator
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houses in my area are super cheap
54166 if you want to search zillow
You can’t suffer in the US
one of my friends moved to wisco because houses are so cheap
I think Indiana has the lowest housing prices, but it's far more boring
A roastie racemixer is the perfect representation of this nation
>Da howzis are cheap there, dontchaknow

Do you say dontchaknow alot
Why's the website shitting itself on mobile
But that means you will die at the end though
Because you smell bad
no, but if I travel people always notice an accent
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Been watching that shitty Menendez brother show and now I feel bad for them. Ryan Murphy is still a terrible person
i would be fine with sydney "capital g cup" sweeny being the cum mascot, not billie eyeroll
Shut up brown
yeah I wouldn't want to live in indiana, not really wisconsin either but it'd be better than indiana
Idk who those people are
thats the life of a driver... also you have to supply a suped up car
cumcels hate her thougheverbeit
There was a woman us d to make deliveries to my work who was from Wisconsin and her accent was so cute. She sounded just like the mom from Bobby's World

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seems alright. if he gets a big badass role you know impressionable young women will find him zaddy material
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taytay has always been /cum/s official queen
times are changing tay has been voted off
I would love to touch her body
Age gap relationship? Fine.
Height gap relationship? Fine.
IQ gap relationship? Absolutely not.
I can't phonepost like this hiro i demand a solution
niggas was never meant to see this many bad bitches , social media got
us fried . our ancestors used to only see 10 like baddies in dey whole life
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What's the problem lil bro
I'm phone posting just finw
Wow really? Thanks friends
anons ancestor was a glasses wearing nerd that never went out lamao
fatties in the back always hating!
I'm gonna go get the papers, get the papers
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I need a haircut nigga
show ur current hair
Same but I've been dying it with sun bum spray and it's finally started to look normal
I think banana chicken would be good, I think the flavors meld, but I don't know how I would prepare it
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thinking about that one time a cute girl who had a crush on me came and told me "anon...today is my 18th birthday tee hee""

and I was like "oh, happy birthday!"
>2 hrs to the nearest big city and it's Milwaukee

You can go live in Brandenburg and get the same experience.
Whoops wrong picture
Who is this woman?
I have no idea and don't know why I have it saved but I was drunk shitposting last night so
I want to kiss her
Apparently it's a "woman with no makeup" according to reverse image search
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>>2 hrs to the nearest big city and it's Milwaukee
Green Bay is 30 minutes away
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Sonia it true that if you stir milk long enough it becomes butter
When I was a boy I made butter by hand while on a field trip.
looks lke a female macron
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I'm not touching that one.
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Why did she stop replying
cumpies, im drinking covfefe
damn i don't know. who can say
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cringe: the city
How was Luke the chosen one who brought balance to the force of Anakin was a Jedi and a sith and Luke was never a sith
She answered your question in a way
It's full of sexy Latinas however
Anakin was the chosen one, lorelet
Trigger a shitcano into defending the super amazing state of California
How do I rekindle my love for soy wars after watching the franchise get raped and abused by Disney
This is a retarded question but is there a non-scammy platform where I can sell single-use promo codes that I have no use for?
Watch that one where they destroy the original Death Star
Watch the originals that aren't touched by Disney? What kind of question is this
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i'm going to worsh your penis, lincoln
i just give them away on facebook marketplace
Play kotor 2 with restored content mod and high companion influence mod
But I won't have anything new to look forward to
these are about 1200 square feet. there was a trailer for $130k but it'll probably cost at least
It's 2024 and I still use my PS3 all the time.
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saw a cute girl at the bus that I think Ive run into a couple times already
>thicc in all the right places(big butt and boobies)
>acne and some kinda fat cheeks so not a 10/10 stacy, but very cute face

If only I wasnt ugly and knew how to talk to girls
There are probably EU books out there that you haven't read
then forget about it and stop living in the past.
You're not so different from reddit soy manchildren if you still want to watch fucking star wars it's been like a hundred years already get over it
I havent bought a console since xbox 360 and my next one is going to be a wii
Read the legends wiki and bask in the glory of Palpatine returning 1000 times over in all sorts of wacky new ways.
I hate acne on women because I see it as a sign of poor hygiene and it makes me think her pussy probably stinks
For me, it's
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me thinks ill never be able to survive
*sign of high testosterone
acne may also be a sign of menstruation
I want a ps3 just to play the ratchet and clank collection
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nigga you can emulate all 3 games for free
>methinks / me thinks (a misspelling)
only women say and write this.
theres no good games to play
watchin destiny
damn this nigga smart
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Insane picture
He's a cuck isn't he
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new zelda is fun
yeah he is
do beter deutch anon
I don't have a controller for the PC
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>he doesnt have a 360/xbox controller
Wtf is SESAC and why is blocking every music video?
Nice feet
Shut up
I got rid of my 360 11 years ago
What's your issue
yearly flu is coming on. Should I get some mildly spicy miso soup or garlic broth miso soup?
I hate the Silent Hill 2 demake and I can't wait it to be released so everybody just can move on
doesnt mean you had to get rid of the controller
i know there was a stupid pearl clutchingmoral outrage about swearing lol but i just cant take anyone who swears a lot seriously as a rational, emotionally stable person.
girls go to uranus to get more anus boys go to venus to get more penis
The footpussy
There needs to be a proper silent hill series or movie but unfortunately this is the worst possible time for such a thing to be made
>spice = chili
I want to watch the SH movie but all Ive played is about 15 minutes of 1 so I dont think Id get the best experience
>sign of poor hygiene and it makes me think her pussy probably stinks
If some strippers can keep good hygiene despite being nasty hos then so can basic bitches
No one's going to buy a console without a controller
some races think that spicy means you put a red hot chili pepper on it and that every other spice is not a spice. minced garlic is technically a spice. brownpipo cannot accept this
boi u stupit
Cannot understand this post
My sinuses are clogged
I describe the silent hill movie as a mid horror movie and a bad silent hill movie. If you want a movie with a similar experience to silent hill, watch Jacobs Ladder
Strippers wear makeup to cover their faults
Post more of her feet please
>>some strippers
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fucking LOVED jacobs ladder
if you're not wearing a mask you're gonna kill my grandma
But he didn’t even mention chili
My YouTube recommendations become more interesting every day
youre welcome
it's 2024
yes. he said spiced soup or garlic soup.
garlic is a spice you fucking retards
I got vaxed again LMAO xd
All I get are 80 view schizo babble videos
most people are fat slobs because they're losers at their core
watchin destiny
damn this nigga short
what the fuck is the /n/ board for
Bicycle and train autists
not him but what happened in 2020 was atrocious an ineffective. It's one thing to wear a mask because of cultural asian peer pressure or some shit, but when you try to force it on people and be a complete ass the way "americans" were you deserve to eat lead and die.
But garlic soup isn’t necessarily spicy
hang on i wanna make the new no one else make it
If a person drives 642km over the course of two weeks and consumes 30,86L of fuel, how much kilometrage does he gets per liter? And what his consumption of fuel per 100km driven?
whats that in real measurements?
Bruh I'm not helping you with your math homework
okay i made it
tree fiddy
...all that happened 4 years ago. For how much longer are you gonna be mad about it?
I said spicy not spiced
dracula over here bitching about garlic
it's a spice. what do you think spicy means
But garlic is a spice so it also makes the soup spicy duh!!
That is NOT what spicy means
spicy means having spices
No it does not
ok then what does it mean nibba? what does spice + y (adjective suffix) mean?
It's the feeling wypipo get when they put too much ketchup on they french fries
nibbas confusing spicy with hot
Na, hot is something else. It's when your mummy does the laundry in her tank top
no. hot is is the sharp taste of chili peppers for example. garlic is a spice but it's not hot
Nobody would ever utter the sentence "this food is spicy but not hot".
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until it happens again
yes they would i just said that.
No non-autistic person would say it
autists are the ones who come up with language duh. what kind of language do you think you are speaking.

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