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in rainbows edition
good thread shame its about to be filled with yanks
'dians are yanks
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I'm staying. How about you?
Feeling... Esoteric
Feeling... Faustian
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good edish
completely unfair that I quit smoking 10 years ago and still get cravings for a ciggie every now and then
brainberg trying to pull a fast one for some of that sweet nicotine
feeling sinister
Yudkowsky will likely win a nobel prize for his harry potter fan fic
hate when its a really cloudy day and then the sun bursts through the clouds making everything blisteringly bright for a few minutes
At one point I used to go on about 11 boards. Mad how entertaining this site as a whole used to be.
got the forza horizon 5 installing
right then lads, radiohead albums, rank em' - what's the top 3, and why is it:
1. The Bends
2. In Rainbows
3. OK Computer
im trans btw
why do people say "industry plant" when they just mean "nepo babies"
>Mad how entertaining this site as a whole used to be.
I'm curious what changed. Did we all just get older and stop posting as much edgy stuff?
Genuinely love farting so much
I can't motivate myself to play games any more lads :(
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mental how trainspotting makes scotland seem like the most grim place imaginable and even more mental is that its 100% true and it really is shite being scottish god knows what I did to deserve this in a previous life
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Had to put the heating on
i fucking hate having a girlfriend and friends it's too much effort i just wanna go back to being an incel with a dog
6 years for me and I'm the exact same. Especially abroad. No better feeling that sparking up some cheap European fags (with proper branding) outside a bar with cheap continental lagers in the sun.

Reckon the niccy rush would actually kill me if I had one now
post cute /brit/int lads
mad how the main character shags a minor
why are scots such nonces?
pooing gay porn
how big is it?
can't motivate myself to even buy a proper wardrobe, wearing the same dosser outfits almost every day
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nth for the baddiedem
Laying on a bed or settee is much better than a chair for gaming tbqh
Think that's the main reason for I don't really care for PC gaming
2016 and /pol/boomers flooding the site ruined it for good
Sometimes in life you get clapped down in the wilderness and sent to Lumbridge
You've just got to dust yourself off and level up
nothing stopping you really is there
It's been on a steady decline but genuinely since Trump announced he was running as GOP candidate there's been an influx of utter shite and /pol/ shit has breached containment
Mostly homogenisation. Every board is basically the same but with a different title now. A lot of the time threads devolve into arguments about race, religion or trannies. That and people seemingly don't know how to comprehend a joke anymore.
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luv em xx
desktop gaming with thigh highs is unbeatable for me
Pakis really are the scran kings. Can do anything.
y'know - although I report dozens of posts for being off topic, avatar/signature usage, etc - I reckon only about 1 in 10 of the posts I report ever actually get deleted, which means that really I should be punished 9/10 times for false reports but I don't think that has ever happened to me once. can't ever remember that happening.
schlicks to gay porn phenotype
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me when I see rorkes mum:
bow chicka wow wow
I maintain that Radiohead's Spectre song should have been chosen
it's really small
tiny enough that when i take a piss my ballbag gets some urine on it. very annoying
I lie on my tummy in bed with a monitor at the end of the bed. Mouse and keyboard on the bed with me. It is the comfiest position imaginable.
yes there is
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know this feel
maintaining relationships is so fucking hard
it's just so easy to go back to my dad's house and post on 4chan for a few months and then have to start again from square one

moving to NYC soon, restarting life again
let's see if it sticks this time
no there isn't
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because not all industry plants are planted through nepotism. a record label could have a random artist they discovered who they shove down peoples throats. not the same as shoving the CEO's wannabee popstar daughter down peoples throats
why not lad?


not been on /an/ or /his/ for ages
yea, even turn english girls into kebab
cronem baton giving a last vex bashing
would genuinely batter this runt if he ever darkened my door.
how is your neck not broken in twain
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Similar but different things

Industry plants get interviews and PR and radio plays far above their station early in their careers as a record company wants to push them in that moment. They don't necessarily have parents who also have Wikipedia pages.

Next one of twee indie mixed meat will be English Teacher
If the french invented it you'd hail it as a delicacy
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been watching Jocko's masterclass on leadership lately find it very motivating
social interaction is depressing

twitter is so unbearable
full of rorkeslop, ai, and bots
>why not lad?
Dunno, I'm getting a bit older now (28) and it's hard to try new games. Just lost interest.
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also want them both to destroy my hindquarters lol x
Gay? Good.
We'll never have this good Radiohead album. Thom Yorke and emo greenwood doing stuff as "The Smile" and it's pure soulless dogshit.
that dick is tiny
being the subject of a wikipedia page is like being gilded, unless its for something terrible
she looks so bored LOL
Oh yeah, and religion.

>not been on /an/ or /his/ for ages
/an/ is a cosy board. Not been on it much, but I can see the appeal. I used to fucking love /toy/ though. That might have retained a bit of its charm since it's a relatively niche hobby.
I put two pillows under my tummy. Use my elbows to hold my weight. Sometimes I'll shift my weight on to one elbow and swap them around if they get sore. it works surprisingly well.
>here's your Sly Cooper killer
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but we didn't so it's shit
Need a good gaming chair lads.
I play both consoles and on PC so something comfy for both. Also watch a lot of films on my computer.
Budget would be about £300 max.
used to post on /an/ quite a bit, definitely a comfy board

I feel like nothing beats /int/ though
perfect mix of posting speed and relatively sane posters I actually enjoy talking with

also a pretty neutral topic so you can pretty much discuss anything. I guess I spend all my 4chan time on this board for a reason.
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I don't think soog's a fujoid, she doesn't love gojo like other egirls
>I'm getting a bit older now (28)

Fucking hell lads you don't half enjoy talking yourself into the grave.
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almost every time they have some producer connection through family or family friends though
I see a luxury beanbag in your future
the most un-erotic shit I've ever seen in my life
where do leftymongs go for their cuckslop now that musk has taken twitter from them?
they're all so unbearable
what a sad and pathetic life you lead
"Cars" are not a hobby or interest

And no I'm not "bent", "gay" or a queer" etc
you should not be wearing a hoody and trainers after the age of 25. If you do you need to get a fucking grip.
Life ends at 30.
telling Lloyds that I work best in working environments that are constantly changing when in reality I HATE that shit
think being a waster in your 20s is understandable but being in your 30s wasting time on things like 4chan and video games is unacceptable
will be passing this threshold soon and hopefully will fuck off from it all
looks like the ol' jew snipperoo
still plenty of lefty accounts on twitter
yeah its so tiring seeing big accounts posting 2016-esque /pol/ screenshots. engagement bait, only fans slags, indians in every comment section, really bad
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Looks cosy although you can't play on a keyboard and mouse on that.
dont cry cos its over smile cos it happened
hope this helps x
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only reason you feel this way is because you are in your 20s

stop making excuses for yourself do some work
this - being a failure at 25 and being a failure at 30 is a subtle yet HUGE difference
I’m 29 and my default outfit is jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie from Superdry :/
im nearly 30 and already have most of my life sorted out namefag twat
Only post on /int/, /tv/ and /g/ on occasion me. I do visit /wsg/ ylyl threads sometimes if I want to see something funny
you don't hear about new zealand anymore
why do marines get their own term called amphibious warfare but paratroopers don't
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not a hard observation to make, just follow the jjk fandom
every fanny within a 50 metre radius of you is superdry
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apparently the nobility who inherit those big estates and castles dont work so they cant afford taxes on them and have to sell often
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can't get a desk chair because all the weight limits are 150kgs
>relatively sane posters
Are we talking about the same /int/?
This is where I spend most of my time, however. /brit/ is basically every board in one anyway.

Although I have recently taken up browsing /trv/, since I've travelled a bit this year. I go on /vr/, /vrpg/, /lit/ and /tv/ occasionally, but not as much as I used to. I watch every live event on 4chan (/sp/, /v/, etc) but then retreat back to here afterwards.
That's a good outfit. I dress similarly. Only genuine autistics and schizos care much about fashion once they leave secondary school
have no idea what that is and no desire to find out
buy trainers before you buy a desk chair
and a salad from time to time
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Any falkland islands veterans in?
we need to get all the world autists together, give them their own state and about $500bn in funding per year and just see what they do - because I can't imagine any other way we'll end up colonising the stars peacefully if we don't get our mongs on the case pronto
cars are a good hobby if you actually involve yourself with them actively but a lot of car fans are passive in the same way sports fans are and that's why I think they're lame
prince george sex arse
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didn't know menthol was harmful to animals until now
weird how it's just refreshing to us but causes horrible symptoms for others
how so?
>will be passing this threshold soon and hopefully will fuck off from it all
*laughs maniacally*
tried everything known to man but I just can't shift the weight.
do you think I'm pretty?
My life has been over since the pandemic
yeah, billionaire megacorps need their worker bee serfs
katy walking home sore
got 600 quid in my wallet
just like having plenty of notes available, you see
Have you tried not stuffing food down yer gullet (I could benefit from abstaining myself)
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October in two days.
plenty of people lose weight, it's not an impossible task
never understand why people heckle fat people trying to lose weight. I've seen it at the gym and also from people in their cars driving past thrm trying to jog or on bikes. genuinely not on.
Cash is king
The year is almost over.

*mugs you*
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it's so over
common excuse (lie) from disgusting fat scum
sick to fucking death of not being able to wear my flat cap anywhere without receiving a bunch of mocking comments
surely being cultivated by humans is an evolutionary success for a plant species though?
got my comfy pyjamas on x
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>yeah, billionaire megacorps need their worker bee serfs
I booked a one-way ticket and am never going back to Australia. I go to mainland Europe tomorrow. The future is now.
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alri' Thomas Smellby, calm down you can wear your cap if you want to.
this except for NYC
I will get a girlfriend by the end of this year.
Take this away. I can feel it on my mouth. I can taste you on my fingers, I can hear you like the holy ghost. And kill you if you get too close.
this, but it's women with fake tan and tattoos making every lad's willy 200% flaccid
so now that the dust has settled... was this the sound of velcro from his new creps, as he claimed?

mad to think about
this except wife. and she will be pregnant.
all your notes are flat lately, boyo
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Just wear a baseball cap. It’s not the 19th century
dreadful post
wonder why the army isnt more aggressive in recruiting if things are that bad, all you ever see is some shite tv advert about it being fine being a muslim in the army or something
never see them out and about talking to anyone or trying to recruit in any other way
should have been carthage
cost, like the reason for anything
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>all your notes are flat lately, boyo
Are Boulies chairs any good
mad to think I was punching above my weight with my only ever gf who let me fuck her without a johnny but I never trapped her with a baby.

Regret it to this day.
haha nah don't pull me down to your level
being sincere here, video games to me haven't been very interesting for atleast 5 years. i just see them as things on a screen as opposed to a vibrant virtual world
4chan is also incredibly dull now. when i post im almost always telling other posters about what they dont know and/or correcting them, and the gimmicks/memes aren't funny to me anymore. the 2016 political bs destroyed the last bit of ambiguity, as it's now all leftypol/chud screeching
i will in fact move on and i'll be much better off for it. I suggest you do the same
Mad how Israel can commit a brutal genocide, starve millions of people, bomb 7 nations, assassinate diplomats, aid workers (including Brits), murder an American activist and all the US and British government can muster is 'express concern' while continuing to provide material and diplomatic support to them.

World gone mad.
not a word
RuneScape - Autumn Voyage
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Business idea: Fat Arse Asians
Dunno what adverts you’ve been seeing, cause all the ones I’ve been seeing (along with posters up on bus stops) only have white people in them.
imagine if she did a poo like that
Currently possess £80 in notes and around £4 in coinage.
not mad at all
just how power works
that's the peaky blinders cap right?
do you think you are in peaky blinders or something?
I enjoyed this edition of 'man kicks ball'

have a boss who scolds me and puts me down often. asked around and thats just his style, apparently. believes that pushing people to the max is the only way to success
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Nothing wrong with a pint or two after a week of hard work
Hezbollah out here getting genocided and we doin nothing
almost like having control of a region of the world that is the confluence of the 3 largest and most populous continents is geopolitically advantageous or something
alcohol isnt a drug. its a drink
I don't take any of those except when I'm ill lol

russian woman moves to nyc, complains about everything
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can only assume this is all made up who is 30 years old with only £3000 in savings?
i'm the opposite, done loads of md, ket, speed, etc, but would never touch benzos or prozac. just dont trust a drug that doesnt wear off in a few hours, simple as
Makes me laugh at toil when the norms say that "don't like putting chemical into their bodies"

Oxygen is a chemical. Water is a chemical. Everything you eat is a chemical.
Mental how my cock is kind of long, but not very wide so it doesn’t look like much.
Nothing wrong with a pint or two every day
my whiteboi willy is experiencing erectile dysfunction
why does he have that gormless mong face
wish I could eek out a living jacking off on camera
warfare idea: kill as many lebanese and palestinians as possible, declare that they were hezbollah and hamas afterwards
she's beautiful
Honestly, probably loads.
Just look how many women in their 20s and 30s seem to go on holidays abroad every year.
might have a pint or two
t. junkie scum
The chemicals you’re taking won’t make you a woman
Back to /r9k/, shoo shoo
demonic possession
Her penis is huge!
you lads tried those new Terry's Mint/Milk chocolate balls? alot better than the orange ones. Orange chocolate is abhorrent
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bet you like liquorice
cigarettes coffee and beer arent drugs they're just made from plants m8
Beer is British culture and if you don’t like it you ought to go back to Pakistan
my macbook air m1 is a piece of shit I need to get rid of it
lsrael firing missiles at itself as an excuse to genocide lebanon
just like weed and heroin then
Cash ISA: £53,600.00
Lifetime ISA: £5,000.00
Stocks/Shares ISA: £8,000.00
Fixed Bonds: £22,000.00
Pension: £12,300.00

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hes a gormless mong most like
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Lift is so fucking unfair. I was born with an absolutely tiny pecker that barely works yet there's men walking around with massive knobs who don't even want them. I want mine but wish it was bigger
nothing has changed
I wave at every cat I see when I'm out and about. I try and call them over to stroke them but some cats are timid.
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spiritual successor to alita just dropped
all you need is a penis moderately above average in length and be in decent shape
camera angles and lighting will do the rest for you
Business idea:
sex with women
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>being a junkie is British culture
Absolute STATE of you
flattened him
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might cop this pan
Do you meow at them
me personally? 28k a year with £10000 in savings and no other assets to speak of
Sometimes, yes.
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>Mood: 6
>Energy: 4
>Testicles: 2
>get Monday and Wednesday nights to myself, basically every other night with gf
>Anon I'm free tomorrow we could spend the evening together

Lads I've really fucked myself by being a dog for the first year together. Now I can't just have a Saturday or anything off, without her kicking off
if i was a girl from the moment i found out about egg cells and the fact that they can't make more i just know id be having massive anxiety over every period. probably turn me into a massive slag trying to get pregnancy as early and often as possible. social work adoption services would have their hands full with me
The not in shape part is my main problem
>Lift is so fucking unfair.
you have to press the button to call it to your floor
really more about how you use it
Kat the Finnish tranny mogs you.
>lift is so unfair
Grew up poor so absolutely hate spending money
absolutely brutal
i have zero savings. hard to save when i live alone and have a slightly above average salary but also have a social life and other things that drain cash from you

however, i own my flat so thats something at least.
shut up anime nonce kill yourself
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>Current account: £104,000
>Help to Buy ISA: £12,000
>like three ISAs: £18,000
>government inflation bonds: £12,000

Yes I'm an idiot lel
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britain grows more desperate by the day and produces ever more stupid criticisms of american BULLS
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Obviously not.
Im trapped in a life
do you reckon normies are truly happy or are they naturally hardwired to bottle up their misery and put on a happy face
>Current account: £104,000
Doesn't look very good.
"malcolm in the middle" except it's "penis in the arsehole".
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why don't you post your real pictures?
life is a privilege. youll realize this when you get diagnosed with some terminal illness
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still cant believe theres a company called Schindlers Lifts
ugh cant wait until I get to NYC
quintessential jf (vpn) tryhard post
What did I say before about salaryposting intensifying the more it looms for toilfreaks?
Do you have a mortgage
is that considered a lot
big fan of when we all pretend that we're actually millionaires
needs chocolate buttons
Sucking on a penis.
alri John "Jigsaw" Kramer
rorke should actually be called Chard or Bromhead since those were the actual guys at rorke's drift
oh yeah very funny lads I mistyped life and instead typed lift. Not as if you can't understand what I was actually fucking saying YOU FUCKING BELLENDS.
you're going to shag so many promiscuous young liberal girls lad
they're all on the pill so you can cum inside their pussies
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You could put 95k in savings and investments
nah piss off
He actually does live in Iceland. Spaino has mind broken this general so bad that genuinely nice lads like the Belgian lad get shit because the schizos convince themselves it's Spaino. Spaino himself was a great guy.
How tiny we talking?
drift along to another thread yeah
>He actually does live in Iceland.
what evidence do you have to support this claim
Any of these good?

you are such a weird autistic cunt spainwog ffs
>t genuinely nice lads like the Belgian lad
whats nice about him exactly
would be so much better calling someone Bromhead
3 inches (hard)
wait you're right. being a bit of a bromhead, me
Broke down in tears outside Home Bargains because I thought about the struggles that seasideMARK goes through on a daily basis x
He hasn't been needlessly belligerent or transphobic.
What's good then
wouldnt you like to know
Rorke rocking the designer stubble
Leftypol opting for the pube beard
Current account: £2
Various ISAs: £0
Savings account: £0
Inheritance in trust: £875,000. 2 houses. A rental flat. Inherited stocks worth around £500k.
he's constantly calling people virgins and incels and ruining people's self esteem because he has a bizarre fetish that claims white people will never satisfy women
>or transphobic
Fuck off spaedo ahaha
>I have £1,000,000 in the bank
>What? Is that a lot? haha
you're literally replying to him mate
could do with a knob slobbering at this hour but unfortunately have no warm hole to park it in as of this moment
core an apple microwave it and fuck it
surprisingly masculine post for a canuck
Might just go to sleep. A lot of hateful people on tonight. Probably the WFH mongs fuming they have to spend another day desperately trying to convince their boss that they're not dossing about.
thats rape
you should log off and read a book
or something
dont see the point in an ISA personally
>hello mister bank can you hold onto my £1000
>sure come back in one year and you'll have made £50
g'night spainwoggers!
You have to spend another day desperately trying to convince yourself that you're a woman.
sell all 3 homes and live out of hotels for the rest of your life
wait, do you spastics really not have the attention whore tripcucks completely filtered? you actually read their posts and, even worse, engage with them? hahahahahaha
Ah a fellow mikeynomics connoisseur
When it came out I put 0 as the price for the album and then immediately deleted it
The cancer killing Britain
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Fuck me Timmy's aged
Post-310 NEW


i can't be arsed explaining it to you but yoire wrong unless youre a total povvo and you only have a couple of grand
iran needs to get their shit together

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