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why are east Asians the only ones that get along with white people? blacks Indians and Mexicans seem to seethe at whites 24/7 in comparison
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Asians are white
The global North in general gets along. The feud with Russians is more spiritual-political than social.
Hello Chang.
yes, it's iq
Posting in zhang thread
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But firtoids hate China
That's a modern aberration that is already beginning to fade
No I don't
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>That's a modern aberration that is already beginning to fade
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But I get along with Mexicans fine :P
Second or Third generation in they're pretty much indistinguishablefrom other mutts.

Honestly, the biggest factor I've found in determining whether they're decent people or not is whether their family that migrated was. If they were already trashy, they yeah, even after a couple of generations they’ll probably be trashy too
Whites and Asians share more common ancestry than any other species in the human genus. Because we literally are descended from at least two species that niggers are not.
Chang, we don't need gringos' approval
Hispanics are bros with everybody and Indians are the biggest ass-kissers to whites I have ever seen.

Of course you don’t hate China, Chang. But white firsties do.
Whites are closest to Arabs though.
>Hispanics are bros with everybody
Chicanos are the #1 white seethers here
and Latinos are half white. the genetic explanation does not make sense
In real life, Latinos and Middle Easterners get along much better with whites. East Asians are dorks, Indians are creepy and Africans are too hood.
>Latinos are half white
you live in India you don't know what its like here
I did my MS from UC B. I know exactly the racial dynamics in US universities.
no such thing as half white. you are a human being not a oreo cracker my nigga.
How would you know? Canada has barely any Latinos. Also, WMLF and LMWF are by far the two most common interracial pairings here, so the seethe is quite overstated.
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>you are a human being not a oreo cracker my nigga
Kek you fag
>blacks Indians and Mexicans seem to seethe at whites 24/7 in comparison
Only the men
konichiwa dude
Its only the most common pairing because Latinos are the biggest minority so there is more of them. Per Capita Asians and whites marry each other more. Chicanos generally hate white people unless they are very white washed.

>always seething on social media about white people (east Asians do this too but much less than blacks/hispanics)
>always seething on /int/
>live in different neighbourhoods (east Asians usually just live in the white parts of town)
>pro-DEI like black people (east Asians are anti-DEI because it also hurts them)
t. Zhang
Latinos only became the biggest minority in 1999. WMLF was the most common interracial pairing before that.

>always seething on social media about white people (east Asians do this too but much less than blacks/hispanics)
Asian people were blaming all the attacks on Asians during COVID on “white supremacy”. Asian men seethe at white men daily. Both Asian men and women complain about white conservatives every fucking day.

>live in different neighborhoods
You’ve clearly never been to the west coast or the Rust Belt

>pro-DEI like black people (east Asians are anti-DEI because it also hurts them)
Asian women are so retarded they vouch for DEI even though it hurts them. Also, Hispanics vote for the anti-DEI political party at a much higher rate than Asians do.
The bigger question is why are wypipo so desperate to be seen as oppressed
>Waaaah I got made fun of on /int/! Psyop! Psyop!
Stfu crakkka. You guys are getting tiresome
what race are you
because it's literally all you people do.
>racebait threads
>constant interracial porn spam
>constantly attacking whites
And I've collected even more screenshots and images since I made this one.
>t. proud autist
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Take a chilll pill timmy. Half the threads on /into are about muh bwc or some revenge fantasy of le Aryans owning the spooky browns epic style. Yet one thread that isn't glazing whites gets your little pink peckerdick all mad. Seriously lmfao. Only millennials get this pissy. I can tell you were born before the year 2001. Yikes. Start a family unc. Oh wait...lol
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Indians and Nafris are genetically closer to Europeans than any east asian is.
>Threads on an anime image board that don't conform 100% with my autistic, niche worldview is oppression
Timmies are so privileged that they care about this shit. Go outside lol bro
Asian Americans see themselves as poc lol
You are what I (OP) mean though. Look at this aggression. You probably Indian or some kind of brown and have no white friends IRL. Chinese and Filipino ppl usually have white friends.
LMFAO... A couple of threads a week. Pussy fuck... How old is you nigga? 27-30? Go have a life dumb oldhead flaky skin ass
Why did you guys spend 3 years spamming BBC threads then?
Anybody who thinks that East Asians are closer to whites than MENAs, Hispanics, or even Indians is a fucking idiot. No Hitler quote or classification of the Podunk School District supersedes thousands of years’ worth of ethnoreligious/linguistic culture and history.
Calm down Timmy lol. You're going to age even faster than your people (especially the """men""") normally do. Like it's just words on a computer screen. 4chan has always been aggro and shitflinging, why is it only ok when it is for glazing whites? Just take the bantz and move on instead of autistically documenting every single slight against your "glorious" race like a serial killer
The only person getting mad in this conversation is you. I'm not even white (not Chinese either like some are suggesting)
Shitler was a certified retard who went after Russians for being too “asiatic” while trying desperately to kiss east asian ass so he could get allies. He ended up shit talking the japs in his later manifestos.
lil nigga thinks he Don Quixote lmfao. No one is "mad" or "hates whites"
you are clearly seething
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>see here my chart says nuh uh
>i win
Nobody cares.
Nah. I'm having fun. Are you mad Timothy jr. Huckelberry? My gf (white) is also loving this thread. Gonna have sexo and put my BBC in her (based and redpilled)
That's awesome man. Yeah I was lying and am actually mad because I'm a little peckerdick Timmy seething at your BBC
>having fun
>all posts all communicate anger
>last post indicates he's close to posting racebait pornography
Source? Snopes already debunked that Btw you already admitted you were mad here:>>202850283

Argument won. I provided sources and fact checked your lies. Better luck next time Timmy
please just don't start dumping your porn folder
What is blud yammering on about?
chang would never post this, it's clearly a yellowfevercel
browniards are not white
Everyone here is wrong, we don't get along because we're similar, we get along because we're confirmed different.
When two groups are distinct, both are comfortable in their identities. But hispanics, blacks, MENAs, etc. have a bit of white-adjacent in them so it creates insecurities on both sides that turn to conflict
There's no wewuzzing for example
Holy shit lmao. Timmy for exposed. Can't believe he's seething hard at your BBC! Lmfaaaaao
Absolute bullshit. If you're born in the West you have the best chance of getting along with other people born in the West. Recent immigrants segregate themselves. Also East Asians seethe at us more than Indians or Mexicans.

maybe a couple years ago but /pol/ has nearly evened out at this point.


> My gf (white)
What planet are you on? White countries are heavily propagandizing their own populations to prepare them for a war with China.
It's why I don't like when this board shits on asian pipo or taunt their men with wmaf porn. I like them.
all Indians BTW. what is happening in India that those shitskins behave like this?
Uhhh, we Malays got along very well with the Brits. It just so happened that our culture is similar to the then Victorian sensibilities of the Brits. So much so, they (semi-patronisingly) call us"nature's gentlemen).
all those genetic distances are still way too fucking tiny to matter for shit
the reason is we as humans almost went extinct a long time ago and our population was reduced to 1000
Muttoid garbage. Go back to Africa or Brazil
I saw a perfect ass today
You have spent more than the last 5 years spamming about whites on int
90% of the racebait on this board comes from discord raids

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