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Male psychosexual revolution edition
Woke up 3 hours ago
Despite my best attempts sleep does not seem possible for yet a few more hours
I am up and about, reheated the half of the food (sunday roast) i didnt eat in the evening. Going to watch a film i think.

So my journey since Saturday night has been
>only got maybe 4-5 hours on Saturday morn/afternoon
>wake up at 4pm
>go to bed at 11pm
>cant sleep at all
>break down in tears for the first time in my week long journey into extreme insomnia
>go to sleep no earlier than 9:20am
>wake up at 3pm
>around 5 hours sleep
>feel utterly shit, worse than usual
>know i will have to go to bed even earlier unless i want another sleepwalking night terror episode
>go to sleep at about 10:30pm
>wake up at 00:30
>try my best for the first 2 hours to get back to sleep
>realise my body sees those 2 hours as a nap and i will probably not be able to sleep until the morning again
Just got to shift that circadian rhythm back away from the extremes of last week.
I'm getting better but dont want to jinx it so just go to chip away for now

I feel cold, i feel shit, i feel tired but life hopefully goes on and things will get better
Wasn't worth posting twice. Didn't read in either case.
Mad thing about Kiwifarms is that, unlike 4chan, it has a pretty large female userbase who go there to shitpost about beauty vloggers and/or complain about trannies. There's a whole subsection of the forum called the "beauty parlor" or something like that which is geared towards women.
my single goal in life is to impregnate a white woman its literally the only thing that matters

(I am an indian man)
Another reason not to go there then
The last 2 years to me happened in a flash

Not ready for it to be 2025

More posts like this and i will be off back to sleep
kiwifarms is full of gangstalking weirdos
think there is a whole thread dedicated to dsp with like 1000 pages. is a manchild who is bad at video games with occasionally funny moments really that interesting?
Okay I found it
thinking of eating some carrots with a glass of water
it's called /cgl here
When they nearly got taken down 2 years ago there was also a big thread on Mumsnet where they were all supporting them and writing letters to ISPs protesting against the decision to block the site. A few of them seemed to think the owner (Null) was attractive and they paid him a lot of compliments
This is cringe and now i associate white women with cringe and want a brown gf now
carrot is a god tier snack
/cgl/ is dead as a doornail
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Half the sunday roast and a yorkie bar down the hatch.
>think there is a whole thread dedicated to dsp with like 1000 pages
Not a thread, a whole subforum. There's a few individuals who have their own subforums there. DSP, Chris Chan, Ethan Ralph, and I think Nick Fuentes too

The DSP lolcow obsession predates Kiwifarms by many years however. These videos were uploaded in 2013
Need to develop a fake laugh
when I first found lolcow it was like peaking into a bizarro other dimension
Fuck up virge
Bizarre reply
I am not watching a film.
I am actually watching the walking dead.
I felt like a film was too much of a commitment desu
Crystal Cafe is another odd one. And they've been going for like 15 years now. I mean allegedly they ban all male posters (including MTF trans) but there's no way of actually proving your gender on there so it could just be blokes LARPing
Bizarre replies for bizarre posts
I'm watching a film.
>The internet sure is hecking wacky dude!
I seen a few of these oldfag things and theyre just depressing to look at because theyre all slowly dying and one day everyone with them and neo zoomies like me one day will look upon these sites with nothing but confusion and internalised cringe.
>being proud of having no culture
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Watch Hell Drivers

Like yeh, i wish i was born maybe 10 years earlier but im not so i gave up fathoming it all and prefer to move on.
All that shit is peak 2010s it's not oldfag in the slightest
im watching gorky park for more british soviet kino
zoomers are so fucked and they don't even know it
Despite the definitions, my definition is anyone who posted from before 2014 is an oldfag.
I'd like to have been born in about 1975. That way I'd be old enough to experience pre-internet life, but also old enough to experience the very first days of the internet and how exciting it was. Old enough to see all the big alt-rock, grunge and britpop bands in their heyday in the 1990s. Old enough to grow up with NES and SNES games and see gaming develop into what it is today. It'd be sick
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I've been posting here since like 2007
Would be pure comedy if this was the same poster >>202847760
im an oldfag by that definition and really dont feel like it ngl
we were so in phase
in our dance hall days
The original definition is that everyone who came here post-2007 is a newfag
I was born in 1985 and this is literally me
WTF are you doing here grandpa, go back to your kids.
By the time you realised something is good everyone has moved on.
Thats been my entire life, stuck in the past.
being called a newfag then really sticks with you doesnt it
a true oldfag of any website would have been there since near its inception
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Man this anime Uzumaki is seriously disappointing

The animation isn't even great
You're a bit too young to have done some of the things I'm talking about though. You were 9 years old when Kurt Cobain died for instance. Not old enough to have gone and seen Nirvana live. You're also not really old enough to have experienced 1990s internet in a proper sense
So all the old nonces are prowling about in the dark depths of /brit/ tonight i see
Why would I want to see Nirvana live they were overrated shite. Dumb zoomer.
What is the expected level of accomplishment for a 27 year old man in the current world
It's just a cultural thing I think. I've been on 4chan since 2010 which is about the exact time pepe and wojak started showing up (known as sadfrog and feels guy back then). My experience of the site has been totally different to someone who came here in, say, 2006
chatGPT is superior is doctors and physical therapists in my opinion
Robos would improve the world tenfold and solve the competency crisis
lol ask spaino
Zoomongs exclusively listening to the bands they heard of from their HMV t shirts
Nonsensical and dare i say senile post.
Nirvana were great. I also think there's something amazing about having gone and seen them live because they literally died as a band in 1994. It's an experience only a narrow window of humans could have had. It's like having seen The Beatles live. Not like the Rolling Stones or something where you could literally go and watch them this year
Zoomers are failures
Simple as
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you are clueless
You are extremely mentally ill.
Daily reminder that Kurt Cobain was a pathological liar and a complete greedy fraud.
He'd shit on the mainstream and praise indie rock values and then call up MTV executives and scream at them for not playing Nirvana videos enough.
He'd shit on and refuse to tour with Guns N Roses due to them being "too macho" and then go on tour with the fucking Red Hot Chili Peppers.
He'd describe himself as a feminist and then write a song as hilariously boneheaded and utterly devoid of genuine understanding of feminism and misogyny as "Rape Me" (not to mention him openly admitting to trying to fuck a retarded girl).
This is a guy who appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine while wearing a t-shirt that said "corporate magazines still suck". I think that just about summarizes what a braindead, posturing, utterly inauthentic clown of a person Kurt Cobain was.
I would have killed myself too if I was as much of a fraud as he was.

Also, daily reminder that Kurt Cobain was also a corporate whore of the highest order.
The first thing Kurt Cobain, the elitistic and authentic indie purist did upon winning his first MTV award? He thanked fucking Geffen.


Fucking Oasis were more punk than Nirvana.

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>What's a good 90s band
>Oh I know, Nirvana!
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The /brit/ compound

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Bodied that cunt
dont think 4chan was ever bad for me but forum posting made me a bit of a sperg, back when they were relevant
Love being a zoomer. We're the first generation where not everyone likes the same things because the internet or whatever. We're all unique special snowflakes
Everyday when you're posting on the /brit/
And every post that is shit
Is unoriginal and fucking poo
And I say:
What a bradleyposting kind of day
If we can learn to watch The Chase
And laugh along at Fanny Chmelar
mate, i can't believe how awful this post is
>He'd describe himself as a feminist and then write a song as hilariously boneheaded and utterly devoid of genuine understanding of feminism and misogyny as "Rape Me"
Midwit-tier take
I had a doctor snake a tube through two fistula in my ass and drain a golf ball sized abscess. Took 3 corrective surgeries. Looking at my bamhole today you'd never guess.
You need to see this post i made >>202847792
Now, see?
An AI wouldn't say that
Imagine if all our interactions were with kind, friendly and helpful AI nandroids
How do I destroy my fingerprints
I like going on forums but i dont post there apart from once to enter a giveaway 2 yars ago
mental how insanely vile trannies are
>We're the first generation where not everyone likes the same things because the internet or whatever.
You do though.
All zoomer men listen to rap and play Fortnite.
All zoomer women listen to Taylor Swift.
All zoomers (both genders) pretend you're black and speak in faux-black accents and use black slang.
just gay people things
And they all have that stupid fucking broccoli haircut.
4 in the morning and you're thinking of trannies. Obsessed, much?
This but China

Not me. Im indie. I like china instead of japan. But not the populated normie parts of china.
Zoomers are finished
Glad we finally had this talk
very accurate post
ever see that video of kurt at home holding his baby daughter so she can have her first haircut and he can't do it because he's completely fucked on heroin and valium? I feel so bad for courtney... she was going to na meetings and taking methadone, trying to get clean while kurt and his "friend" who he would shoot up with and who bought kurt all of his guns would make fun of her for it
he was whacked out of his mind with a closet full of guns and ammo and a small child in the house
he strangled courtney once after she demanded that he get rid of the guns and the police came and arrested him but she didn't press charges
he was also trying to get nirvana's contract changed so he would get all or the majority of the songwriting credit/money instead of splitting in three ways which is what they had initially agreed on as a band... doing it simply so he would have more money for drugs
he turned into a slimy selfish scum hypocrite
why are so many bongs awake at 4am on a monday
>Im indie.
Zoomers don't understand what "indie" is. It's a lifestyle, not just an aesthetic.
coat them in poo
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That's arguably the most chuddy board
>Im indie
You're an independent record label?
>I feel so bad for courtney... she was going to na meetings and taking methadone
She is a literal murderer. She killed Kurt and got away with it scott free
On top of that she's a psychopath who falsely tried to accuse Dave Grohl and Trent Reznor of being pedophiles
zoomers and millenials are the worst
thank god i'm a xillenial
How much coffee do you consume in your waking hours
you're dumb as dirt
You're being an apologist for literally one of the most evil women in the music business
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you got to listen to a fart
listen to pajeet
listen to him shitting
shitting on the street
Boring me to death with this one.
Its a vibe and i live it. Simple as.

Finished shagging your wife.
To be honest every generation has just gotten worse and worse with fewer and fewer actual people. I actually get along best with boomers.
I have literally never drank coffee or alcohol regularly in my entire life.
Its not something im proud of, just how things are, i have yet to have a good reason.
Yes falsely
A few years ago she was smacked out on drugs or booze and posted a late-night screed on Instagram accusing them both
Immediately all her batshit insane followers started descending on the pages of Foo Fighters/Dave and Nine Inch Nails and spamming "PEDO!!! PEDO!!!"
The next day Grohl and Reznor must have sent their lawyers after her because she deleted the post and put up an apology retracting all her accusations. And none of it was ever brought up again
Bitch fucked around and found out.
Mental how badly Brits raped the Moomins
Must've been done from seething jealous rage and spite
That means youre even worse.
>calls himself 'indie'
>listens exclusively to artists signed to major record labels
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Nah it was a randomly infected gland in my butt. Never had receptive anal. But if you have surgery in NYC, do it at NYU. Same cost but the recovery rooms make you feel human
yeah right courtney love who is famously a messy loud mouth with no filter often while inebriated on prescription drugs and/or alcohol is also a machiavellian mastermind capable of evil schemes and having people murdered and somehow never once letting anything about it slip out
totally makes sense
Yes I have, how did you know?
Me? 2002 lad but see myself as an honorary zillenial.

Xillenials are cool too. And xoomers, and Gen Zlpha
why did you censor out your name when everyone knows you're jeff
sounds like a couple of rich and powerful men silencing a vulnerable woman
I remember when people who listened to indie/alt rock used to despise all rap and referred to it as "crap music" and would display visceral disgust if you ever mentioned it in their presence

Jay Z headlined Glasto in 2008 and got pelted with bottles and beer cups because the crowd were fucking enraged that they let an American rap artist play there

Of course that'd all be called "racist" these days I'm sure
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Oh really? that's fascinating

*turns up Nevermind*
I'm a massive zipster (zoomer hipster) but its not even on purpose im genuinely just born with better taste than most.
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My name is Jeff
Sounds more like an insane person who made up lies and then shat herself when she realised she could be held legally liable for doing so

If the accusations were real then she would not have gotten legally shut down so quickly
It went woke.
In fairness, you cant controll the masses if theyre all listening to non brain numbing shite.
uhhh gyaldem poster?!?
I... am STEVE.
she isn't remotely attractive
Going to piss and shit myself laughing in my future care home looking at 2010s memes
>Courtney Love has taken to talking ill of Trent Reznor. Saying things like: 'Nine Inch Nails, huh-more like Three Inch Nails.'
top kek, dunelm
Janny, send him to brazil
that voice, face, and vibe THOUGH
Yes she is.
no she isn't
Utterly mental how little Netflix shows you of their catalogue. They have like 5000 films but all they ever show you are the same 25 things on the front page.
I find most of 4chan is more mainstream than twitter or reddit, naturally.
The idea that 4chan is alternative in any way is laughable.
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i wan 2 fuk u lik an ANIAML
zoomers are the worst generation because they were raised by the freaks that were raised by boomers
Yeah thing is they shagged back in the 90s (possibly even while Kurt was still alive) so everything she says about Reznor has to be viewed through the lens of her being a bitter ex.
Its fucking raining isnt it ffs. ALWAYS RAINING

Done them
what reasons would she have to make false accusations?
Millenials are literally just zoomers but older (thus more of these hideous troons and obese virgins and schizos)
i absolutely hate this woman and the people who post her. i came back here after a few years in late 2022 and the simps are the worst thing that happened whilst i was away. that and trannies
She is a woman. It's what they're biologically programmed to do.
Millenials started believing their own propaganda/memes about zoomers being literally the worst thing ever.

Thats how EVERYONE sees millenials. And nobody respects them. Zoomers atleast have some pity.
Because she’s a fucking lunatic and she holds in contempt any men that she shagged who then dumped her
i don't really care i was just googling the pedo stuff you said about and read that zinger
trent reznor might as well be a harry potter character for all i know or care
ok incel
Simp harder she won't suck your dick
Why are you so mad.
wtf is that horrible tattoo on his hand
sounds like a lot of projection on your part
what a shame
You're all boring.
Shut the fuck up 2016mong it's 4:30am ffs
Bizarre accusation
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Should go to bed but maybe not yet because i ate a little too much.
Blog on
Being called 2016mong at this point feels like flattery.
2016, what a fucking year. That was the peak.
Apart from the Tf2 meet your match update i think. Anyways, 8 years ago, how on earth.
Brum Brum here he comes
A supercar, a superhero!
Brum Brum here he coooooomes
Brum Brum here he comes
A supercar, a superhero
Brum Brum here he coooooooooOOOOMES
Way to go Brum!
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my hole existance is flawed
He’s just another boogeyman like Spainlard or 190. 99% of posts accused of being “him” are not even him
Maybe it was all a dream, the 2010s.

Mad how we are closer to 2032 than 2016 nearly.
wish i had some valium
>Maybe it was all a dream, the 2010s
mental decade
what's shocking is that we're now almost halfway through this one
Someone is awake at some ungodly hour moaning about le zoomers le millennials etc with a huge fucking reddit space smack dab in the middle of their post. Don't have to be fucking Sherlock Holmes to crack this one.
>He’s just another boogeyman like Spainlard or 190.
>99% of posts accused of being “him” are not even him
So nothing like 190/spainlard then
It’s not him you retard he hasn’t even posted here in months
What you gonna do... here it comesssss

*whacks enter key* BAM...

Righto 2016mong whatever.
190 haunts this general
He literally cannot leave
Schizo moment
Only namefags get irrationally wound up about being called out as namefags. If you see someone breathlessly denying they are a certain poster you can absolutely guarantee it's them. Like a normal person would have just looked at that post and just not replied. Spaki does this like clockwork.
Mad how i will be a 2026mong in 2 years

Only 2 years

Less than 2 years

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Meds now
Fucking hell you were right. I wish you werent.
definitely not a nonce no sir
lol keep proving my point. You literally can't not reply to this post.
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Slept from midnight until about half 2 and then laid there for 2 hours unable to sleep.
Guess it’s time to get up at start the day.
spainchad is sexy. i'd actually bang his arse
Name on mihai
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I can't support Palestine. Khazarian milk is mana from heaven
He is employed and a woman after all. Love women in uniform.
holding the chewed gum above a candle
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Women dont have breast milk. They pretend but they actually hide a milk bottle behind their tit while breastfeeding
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
My vibe rn. Non sexually, more like tension.
people will literally pay more money for paper that is solely used to wipe their arsehole if it has frilly patterns on it
modernity is mad
Mad how we just say fuck every day like its normal when it literally means to move your pp inside a man or woman. Ewww!
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It's a portal to adventuuuuuuuuuuuure...

*switches on portal*

Step insiiiiiiiide... and seeeeeeee what adventure awaits youuuuuuuuuuuuu...
I don't want to subscribe to this blog
High effort gimmique for this late at night.
sometimes i go look at their man-hate thread or similar such threads on lolcow
makes me feel strange, you get the urge to defend yourself and correct the record about men but you realise they're probably just venting and have a similar experience trying to browse 4chan
Nigga gooned himself gay
All "internet discourse" is a waste of time. Would be equally as worthwhile arguing with a chatbot.
ideal scenario would be hijab sets off a suicide bomb and kills them both
Nay darent
yeah it must be nice, hope one day a woman will allow me inside her
theres one dedicated "gyaldem" spammer and one dedicated tranny spammer. really gives me the fear of how outsized the impact a single retard with nothing but time can have
Mad how /brit/ probably makes up most of this boards activity and yet its like the same 2 or 3 lads here.
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pretty insane how far it has fallen
>theres one dedicated "gyaldem" spammer and one dedicated tranny spammer.
One of them, or both, are Spainlard.

Actually fuck it, why even bother saying because either im talking to a sleep deprived retard or it's him and i'm just going to get some mongy reply.
think I might move to /britfeel/, not really vibing with you lads
is that the minecraft movie
They're so fucking difficult to filter is what gets me. It's like a masterclass in how to relentlessly spam an imageboard. Post from a UK flag. Only use images, but always change them up. Rarely use text and never use easily filtered catchphrases or filenames. Make sure the images aren't outright bannable but just annoying enough to catch your eye. It's like a filter vs. their retarded spam arms race.
time to stop fucking around and actually beat bg3 honour mode
Filterfags are mentally ill virgins
*steps inside the portal*
*takes copious notes*
Mad how much better everything would be if the internet was still in that 00s era and wasnt implemented into normie life.
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Step through the portal lad
it worked for Sirius ;)
I dont get what the portal is. This is the problem with adapting books, youre not told what everything is unless you read the books.
go on git POOFMAN
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Heeeeere is your adventuuuuuuuuuure...
what does it feel like to nut inside of a pussy lads?
It freaks me out that people post on other threads.

Theyre just going about their day, in their other bubbles, and im here instead.

Took a look at /britfeel/ but didnt understand it. Its like how i felt coming here for the first time. Just babble.
*enters the portal*
What on earth
I want to go to Draynor manor... no actually Draynor village.
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Just sat on the handheld mirror I bought the other day to replace the one I stepped on a couple of weeks ago
That's me done for 14 years, lads
Yeh maybe i wont go through that portal after all.
How do I kill the desire for female companionship within me? Looking back it’s been one of my deepest desires all of my life to have a loving woman as my partner; years of dealing with women have taught me that women are not like that whatsoever and I should just get comfortable being alone instead of letting these women into my life
its kind of sad looking at the graphs of what areas are increasing and decreasing in popularity. basically all the smaller hobby boards like /ck/, /tg/, /biz/, /fa/, /mu/, /out/ etc have been declining for years, and the only areas that are growing (besides /vg/) are dogshit boards like /vt/, /lgbt/, and /trash/
I noticed you spelled honour that way and appreciate you for it
Me? reaching that stage in my early 20s when i realise im an adult and need to procreate or conquer or something
>and the only areas that are growing (besides /vg/) are dogshit boards like /vt/, /lgbt/, and /trash/
Tranny/Chud website. The shaggers left years ago.
its a mystery in the book too
presumably he died
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You can't. If you're healthy, you'll want women.
there's no flags on /britfeel/. making it unusable

I have to know if I'm talking to a Brit or Aussie, other Yank etc.
hello, I have rewritten the song "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go", particularly the "Jitterbug" opening
*janitor tackles me*
why did he do that
Allah forgive me but honestly if she were selling me a pallet of pagers I might just buy it
*throws it back*
I keep telling myself i will participate in internet places i havent before and see what they are like but now im instutionalised to /brit/ and 4chan.
I live in fear the places i used to go will all be dead when i return.
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come on mate, posting gore is so 2010 /b/
>I live in fear the places i used to go will all be dead when i return.
don't worry mate I'm sure Reddit and facebook will still be about
>I keep telling myself i will participate in internet places i havent before and see what they are like
dont bother theyre all shite
internet is shite these days
All the hot israelis are just europeans
that's you on your adventure
why did you do that?
You know the guy who owns kiwifarms is a feeder
you're a feeder mate, now get out of midlane
Why bother at this hour you evil ghoul.
Livin' easy
Lovin' free
She's a nigger on a one way ride
Askin' nothin'
Leave me be
Takin' everythin' in my stride
Don't need reason
Don't need rhyme
Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do
>women are not like that whatsoever

Women aren't loving? feel like it's hard to make a generalization that big
no i'm the cameraman
why are YOU awake then?
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British in fact
This is not a woman but a man disguised as one.
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I wasnt properly sick but it went up my nose and it was quite unpleasant
Never had a gore phase really. Yeah I know there's evil shit out there and grotesque shit. I have an imagination.

I've seen a few videos (usually by accident or I wasn't expecting it). no interest in searching for more
Evil cannot imagine good
Good can imagine evil
desu i didn't watch the webm the whole way through and didn't realise they did a close up of some mangled nigger
never had a gore phase because im not a weird cunt
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My reddit folder on my 6 year old phone has over 1000 images and i never looked at them in like 2 or 3 years
me being hung up on literal interpretations over the symbolic and ignoring the deeper statement about empathy vs. self-centeredness to instead make a comment like "WELL ACTUALLY EVIL CAN IMAGINE GOOD"
I'm still in my Gore phase
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clearly in india or some other place in the third world
what were they thinking man...
I did. Not into it anymore though and haven’t been for about 15 years.
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Posting a gem from the reddit folder
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last thing I see before being shot while filming their tiktok
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Mad how i used to save 4chan images from Reddit and i never even went on 4chan prior to 2021
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one does not simply browse /brit/ without laughing at poo jokes
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Ah i remember these. We need increasingly verbose /brit/ memes
I haven't seen a single one that made me laugh
brevity, wit
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Mad that.
I stand corrected
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everyone on /brit/ is among the ~30% richest on Earth
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do you ever fall asleep with your hand on the mouse and then you're clicking it and moving it around in your sleep?
never fallen asleep while doing something like reading a book or on the computer
you'd have to be incredibly tired
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Catyank wouldve loved this
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No but I've fallen asleep in bed with a glass in my hand and woken up with it unspilled
oooh yer 'ard
i have dozed off untold number of times while playing video games
often leads to in game death
lost a bg3 honour mode run because of this
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embarassing, but this looks like some kind of african dignitary and pitchers of water probably don't exist in whatever civil war ridden country he's from
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Does australia have specialty sandwiches? Anything unique?
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get the r/prequelmemes posted
get the r/vexillology posted
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2019-2021 memes hit diff desu
I shook hands with someone that shook hands with the Queen who shooks hands with her uncle who shook hands with adolf hitler
I'm always incredibly tired
maybe the man in the picture should consider being gay then

if you expect women to be """"interesting""""" in the same way as men you're approaching it from the wrong angle
no one can explain mission impossible
neither the television series nor the films
anyone else on the fentanyl?
it's impossible to explain
most people in general are incredibly boring including most men
what a stupid idea that it would be a men vs women thing
alright george floyd jr
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What spices make the perfect meatball? Want to make a sub tomorrow
but I can't get ahold of any good stuff so I'm kicking like a kangaroo
Chilli flake, ragu, basil, breadcrumb
gonna leave a google review for my favourite brothel
hamburger with bacon egg and beetroot
Raguuuuuuu.... ahahahaha
full of cold feel like shit
not good at anything and plagued by insecurities that prevent me from getting good at anything
for me it's the humble ham and cheese croissant
use lawry's garlic salt (the one with the parsley flakes in it)
ground oregano
black pepper
some finely grated/ground up romano or parmesan cheese
and a piece of dried out bread soaked in just enough milk to saturate it, or breadcrumbs with the same amount of milk
and make sure to also add an egg
hawk tuah spit on that thang
Finally got a pc setup im proper comfy with, now its time to finally capitalise on my youth and get good at esports before im old and decrepit 30 yr old
I’m guessing, going on personal experience from seeing people die from it, rather than any sort of statistic, that over a 3 year period, the death by overdose rate of people doing fentanyl must be somewhere around 80-90%. You’re basically signing your death warrant doing that shit.

Again, this is coming from personal experience, not government propaganda or what have you.
>get good at esports
but why
easier transition into a successful twitch streamer obviously
i recently tried kratom and it was pretty shitty, very easy to feel sick on it too
I get less nausea than with actual opioids
but I understand there's supposed to be a lot of shitty quality stuff out there that irritates people's stomachs and offers nearly nothing in return
Can't think of any European movies I like. Are there any? Let me know in the comments.

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