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UKbros...... i dont feel so good
I'll never forget the state of decay when I first landed on the port of Hull
Literally heartwrecking
remember how chuds raved how Brexit will bring a national renaissance

>its not our fault that it failed because EU screwed us over or something (even tho we knew this was going to happen if we voted brexit yet we did it anyways)
Literally ate 45$Trillion from india and GOd knows how much they are up from other colonies
Truly the decadence/decay phase has begun. Ww3 will break them

Imagine Europeans drowning to get to Africa lol
Saaaaaar etc.
>this wasn't supposed to happen
it's all going according to plan
not my problem anymore

>when I first landed on the port of Hull
why and how the fuck would you end up there?..
Things aren't any better for you, but people don't talk about it as often because you just don't matter as much

Britain leaving the EU is a good thing for Britain and it's a good thing for the EU too. Britain is big and important and global enough for national sovereignty. Your countries aren't.
>Caspian Retard
I rode a ferry from Rotterdam to Hull
tragic that such a thing even exists. most just get a £20 flight
>the eu screwed us
Not like they left the economic union and weren't entitled to the benefits or something
>russian spouting retarded shit
Or Aussie sex tourist
no im british, decided i would spend the next few years jumping around asia because i don't need to work, it's cheaper, and i dont want to fund the british state anymore
this thread is as retarded as the twitter cap threads
just because a random retard on twitter or a random youtuber says something doesn't make it real
they deserve worse
Where did all the brexit chuds go? You don't see anyone defending it these days.
yeah but its true
>this wasn't supposed to happen
It sure seems like it was planned though
it's not. they are nowhere close to becoming a third world economy.
>Muh 4trillion kek
Sar it was in a youtube essay sar
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Top kek, but I'm sure they are too busy spamming muh Russia le bad
westeren european nations have been cruising off the accoplishment of their ancestors for a few decades now. It's about time everything crumble down.
Why are there so many of these videos? It's like the 'China will collapse in two more weeks' stuff.
Remember how people acted like the whole country would collapse if we left? Fuck all has changed, this country was going to shit when we were in the EU.
Karma may exist after all.
most of them realized they got memed, but here is this >>202853786
the fijjeet!
Good riddance, death to britain the dirty whore
sorry to burst your bubble but the UK is not going to become third world
it's shitting itself yes but it's still leagues more developed than any third world nation and will remain that way
Sashi tharoor is based u anglo kike.
Ooga booga where da white women at
We got memed by our own government being morons, not by the act of leaving the EU.
This I see new "how Poland is getting richer than UK" video every day
>Sashi tharoor
>born in london
Always the most insecure ones trying to prove theyre not brits. Probably bullied in school
>Things aren't any better for you
living standarts and the economy is ABSOLUTELY doing better than the UK's
They realized that they are fucking retarded and moved on with their lives.
Yeah but what about the 20 millions Turks we let in after after Turkey joined the EU? Not like based white ethnostate Britain slamming the door on jeets and pakis immigration
Brexit would have been ok if handled by a competent government. However our politicians much prefered to ignore what people wanted (less immigration) and give them what they wanted cheap labour with eu rules + selling our businesses to yanks, chinese and indians
tale as old as time
how? in what world would cutting yourself off from a massive tarrif free market be a good idea? how would that work?
>Baltic Cope
Why the fuck would you care about being important globally, its none of our fucking business
>The exact thing other people said it would happen and I didn't believed them happened but I'm not wrong because ummm it's the politicians' fault
Hey i voted remain. I just sympathise with the aims. Really it was a referendum on immigration that was ignored
That's really retarded because the EU has jack shit to do with immigration. Germany stopped Syrian immigration as soon as they bribed the watermelon seller to keep them in his country and they didn't left
People really didnt like poles and Lithuanians and romanians. They werent sending their best. Now people are too jaded to complain. My cousins gf was Lithuanian and she had a full time job as a translator for the police because of the amount of criminals
the concerted psyop to make uk seem bad is encouraging, we must be doing something right.
now the issue is the ones coming from africa, which i feel is easier to fix if you are part of a massive union working together but hey that could just be me
was it worth becoming uganda tier to avoid ugandas?
Still true either way and brits are awful people and deserve the karma
he thinks the migrants are why it's third world, so his post is implying that germany will also be third world soon and is doing worse in that regard
atleast that's what i get from his post
Importing the 3rd world makes you more 3rd world. Mad to think otherwise
don't worry nigel, you managed to get there all on your own. was being so shit the niggers don't even want to come part of the plan?
importing migrants just deletes development and infrastructure? makes the educated just cease to exist? shits up the governments spending on the NHS and other vital infrastructure services? all of those are caused by the indians and not your shite politicians?
i agree there are way too many migrants and refugees, but to blame them for your country shitting itself because of its own dumb fucking decisions is retarded
You think immigrants dont want to come to UK? Are you retarded
he is saying that they won't anymore at the rate things are turning to shit in your country
which is false, as the UK is still richer than most of the world but you did make it harder for people not from the third world to come since you shat things up
>That's really retarded because the EU has jack shit to do with immigration.
completely and utterly false
why lie?
prove him wrong then? what does the EU have to do with non EU immigrants?
Absolutely they go hand in hand, our politicians do not listen to the majority of people and thats why people are so jaded with the situation because even if you want change... you have 2 parties to choose from.
We had fairly consistent population growth over the years. But doubling tripling that in 2 or 3 years is massive when theres no plan and theres absolutely no plan its just short-termism and some people are getting very rich from it.
But if you think people from completely alien cultures has no affect on society and national feeling then youre wrong. It absolutely does
>what does the EU have to do with non EU immigrants?
>non EU immigrants?
why would I debate people as disingenuous as you?
we hate ALL JFs and want them out and that's impossible in the EU
it really is as simple as that
he is right though, his videos are absolute garbage for midwitted redditors.
ah well then enjoy life i guess
>importing migrants just deletes development and infrastructure? makes the educated just cease to exist? shits up the governments spending on the NHS and other vital infrastructure services?

Yes, it does. So many people have been let in on the Boriswave over the past few years that the infrastructure can never cope with it. Investment was already too low, but the sheer number of people has stopped anything from likely ever working properly in my lifetime. Healthcare, Police, other public services, housing - all fucked. There are not even enough building materials in the UK to make enough houses for these people.

The end result is smart natives leaving the country and the entire place flooded with useless, violent third worlders who are a massive net negative on the nation's finances. It will be very difficult to ever recover from this disaster.
We had over a million Polish and Romanian alone come here after 2004 which is the same as our population growth from 1990 to 2000
>importing migrants just deletes development and infrastructure?

>makes the educated just cease to exist?

>shits up the governments spending on the NHS and other vital infrastructure services?

>all of those are caused by the indians and not your shite politicians?
it's both

I am going to assume you're baiting and not just retarded.
have a nice day
governments only listen to the rich, i get that but your problems are more complicated than just migration
you wouldn't need this migration if you were in the EU and had seasonal workers or remote workes from other parts of the EU without any restrictions
the NHS wouldn't shit itself if it had funding, which was stolen by tax evading billionaires because you left the EU which protected you from that
>But if you think people from completely alien cultures has no affect on society and national feeling then youre wrong. It absolutely does
i never said that
my point is that the shit migration is a symptom, not the disease itself
Jeets are out in full force today I see
The video in OP is a bunch of made up cope by a thirdie
Meaningless fucking analysis
i love the conflicting views here
>migrants are why the NHS shat itself
then >>202855552
>the EU was always letting in millions into our country but the NHS only shat itself after it left the EU for reasons
They want to go to the UK because they already know people there and the Anglo communitarianism mindset is a lot easier to take advantage of.
>but the NHS only shat itself after it left the EU for reasons
you just made this up though?
The NHS has been struggling for years but now it is finally broken
now we circle back to the classic brexit cope that things were always bad and that brexit did nothing
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>importing migrants just deletes development and infrastructure
It negates it obviously. Net migration 2023 was 680,000. There was 600,000 births. So now, roughly and broadly, we have to build twice as much infrastructure as otherwise would be the case.

The UK has, for at least a decade wanted both EU and Non-Eu migration to go DOWN. Politicians (even those who won on having this as policy) have only increased the numbers. We cannot afford to build an extra Manchester's worth of infrastructure annually, just to accommodate people who come in to lower the value of labour and take from our social programmes.

Brexit has fuck all to do with the UK hurting. Its the cost of living being massively increased (not enough infrastructure because of immigration-induced pop boom) and wages remaining stagnant (because immigration keeps wages down).
you are literally just making things up, you are 100% baiting because this has already been explained to you
you are also brown
the cost of living increased because
1. you imported a ton of fucking retards to compenstate for the lack of EU seasonal workers (who mostly left)
2. you left the biggest tarrif free market that provided you with tons of cheap produce
3. your businsses struggling due to the above
yeah i heard that nigel
sorry you shot yourself in the foot, maybe in the future you can rejoin when poland overtakes you
considering Germany is collapsing too, our economy is going to shit, our political landscape feels like the start of a new HRE and we are all getting fucked by the US and China in the EU, it is fucking over
salam aleikum ahmed
new terror attack in essen yesterday, 8 kids in the ICU
Youre coping. We lived it and the nhs wait times dramatically increased and all services were stretched the country wasn't ready for the amount of people that came after 2004 and for sure the government should have been better then we had 2008 financial crisis and it just got shitter and shitter
oh and the cost of living that increased everywhere else is just a coincidence
>All the eu people were just seasonal!
Simply not the case though
All of Europe is becoming part of the third world.
Before long the Chinese will be richer than us.
People are still in denial. They don't see the trajectory.
Where's the potential for Europe? We have nothing.
We are not competitive against neither the US nor China.
We have been coasting on past glory for decades already.
>advocating for white european migration to the UK instead of brown migration makes you an ahmed
i don't know what kind of fungus you ate with your gouda today
you can look up any statistic online, everything including your NHS took a massive dive right after your shitty brexit
anecdotal evidence is not real evidence
>We are not competitive against neither the US nor China.
Thats a good thing nigga, competing to reach the bottom of the barrel isn't exactly good
Are you retarded? China is on the verge of collapse.
well where are they now? where did they go?
i am tired of this shit
>uh check the studies your real life experiences arent fact checkable!
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Holy cope. Collapse from what? Last I checked China was still the manufacturing location for the rest of the world. And they have a national competitor for every single new American venture.
They even have a SpaceX clone.
People are always predicting the collapse of China just like they keep predicting the collapse of the US economy, out of pure wishful thinking.
>two chink bots having friendly fire
We live in a society. If you're not competitive economically and militarily you are the bitch of those who are.
Even according to the most biased of reports, leaving the EU cost 4.5% of our GDP. Compared to the housing problems this is quite literally insignificant compared to the policy problems implemented by the last 20 years of government. Note that I said compared to; our own internal problems (the middle class being bled white for more than a decade) matters far more than the latest geopolitical bungle.

In the 1970s you could buy a house (own it) with four years of work. Now its eight. This is because we cannot build an extra several hundred thousand homes a year, and because those extra people keep wages nice and low. Its not complicated. One could even argue that Brexit is a political distraction to stop the working class from realising their way of life is being systematically undermined by the political class.
If I was a Chinkbot I would not praise the US, would I? Retard.
The US is the only western country worth shit.
>4.5% of your GDP is insignificant
holy shit you are fucking retarded
>In the 1970s you could buy a house (own it) with four years of work. Now its eight
that's a fucking global issue you tard
Why is this Hans so butthurt that the Birts left his club.
It's honestly so funny to watch.
It's like, "HOW DARE THEY!!!"

Meanwhile the German economy is itself in recession.
least retarded bot
i am mad that they left a union that allowed us to fucking compete with countries like the US and china which you yourself are seething about (assuming you are not a chinkbot trying to demoralize)
you where just talking about le heccin evil chuds and how immigration isn't that bad
Stop replying to him it's fucking bait
This is bait
you have 0 reading comprehension and i did not use the word chud anywhere
re-read the chain of conversation you retarded faggot
i see this a lot from brit posters, you get cornered then resort to calling everything bait
i accept your concession, sorry you have to live through the shit times you brought upon your own country with that retarded vote
>that allowed us to fucking compete with countries like the US and china

And they left because the plan was not working. Maybe if the EU proves itself in the future they will want to join again. But right now, we don't got much going on.
for starters we aren't doing as badly as them despite our recession
No, now you shill for chinks because one of them lets you pleasure yourself in her once a quarter.
How's the German economy doing?
You got overrun by trash because you didn't put any restrictions on emigration when we first join while all other cunts accept of Ireland did.
better than yours that's for sure lmao
stopped receding, and is projected to resume it's normal growth
how's yours faggot?
>hmmm your argument is that thirdies are suppressing wages and increasing housing demand
>Actually that's an issue everywhere (see the first world)
>Just ignore fertility rates and rate of infrastructure development as % of GDP going up in the third world
>Just ignore PPP shooting up in the third world
It's pure bait none is that retarded reply to the krout only if you are a complete spastic and want to be laughed at by dancing in the retard ring
The British economy is growing faster than the German economy.
germans have a very bad habit of lecturing other countries without really understanding them, and it looks even worse when your economy is barely better than ours
oh yes, selling plastic crap 1 cents cheaper that other will really get us an edge
France, Germany and Italy are far more sophisticated and advanced economies than England. They brought nothing but vetos to the table.
Take care of your own before judging others.
Can you both please post charts so I can compare?
Growing faster than yours. How are the French doing?
Hate having to post under this flag being associated with the most mind numbing retards
Kill yourselves you autistic spastics
He is clearly baiting
That isn't a compliment to you at all.
>he thinks the migrants are why it's third world, so his post is implying that germany will also be third world soon and is doing worse in that regard
>atleast that's what i get from his post
doitsland is a criminal brown shithole and a shell of what it was
go put your tampon in
I said:
>Compared to the housing problems this is quite literally insignificant
Please try and read before sperging out. And who gives a fuck if its a global problem? The best way to solve it is to massively reduce the rate of migration.

To quote the Final report Migration Advisory Committee:
>While we do think that EEA migration has had impacts, many of them seem to be small in magnitude when set against other changes.
>The small overall impacts mean that EEA migration as a whole has had neither the large negative effects claimed by some nor the clear benefits claimed by others.
Shifting the needle slightly on one aspect of one section of the economy vs home prices doubling, and rents being even worse. I know which one is more important.
I know he is and I'm taking it. Don't care, I'm bored.

Since your so knowledgeable then you bring the receipts.
yeah because we literally shrank last year you retard, it's our worst time and you fuckers take pride in doing better than germany at a time it got shocked by the ukraine war
>points i never made, the post
>you are le baiting
go sit in /brit/ you retard
but i thought i was brown or something
stick to one story please
>your economy is barely better than ours
lmao we recently overtook japan as the third largest
quit your cope
see above
From civil war. The thing that has ended every dynasty. And China is on the verge of a bad one right now
It's wasn't intended to be.
Neck yourself you autistic little freak
Autistic spastic
It's not a global issue he is baiting you
>From civil war.
Now you are truly coping. The Chinese are more united than ever.
i am explaining what he thinks to someone who doesn't understand what he thinks
nowhere in that post did i insert my opinion you retarded projecting brown faggot
>doitsland is a criminal brown shithole and a shell of what it was
your house is made of glass in this argument lmao
you can't blame the housing problem, because it's a global thing yet only in the UK does it cause a massive collapse of all services
>Final report Migration Advisory Committee:
so true! this is why you need pakistanis and indians to fix what the EEA migrants didn't
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>I never said it's a global issue
holy MEDS
Judging by this thread, the civil war will happen in Europe.
How long before we are digging the western line trenches again?
brits : 2 (ww1 and 2)
germans : 7612377838
another one to the book boys
>yeah because we literally shrank last year you retard, it's our worst time and you fuckers take pride in doing better than germany at a time it got shocked by the ukraine war
We're doing better than most European economies, the French are on an economic cliff with an appetite to increase government spending on both sides politically. So you're not doing better?
>the Chinese are more united than ever
>According to Reddit and YouTube analysis
>No I've never read the economist or the FT in my life I don't know about the social structure of china but I can tell you epic snippets that I found on reddit
Germand and english make great allies that's the sad thing
Americanised sclave trash.
civil war requires a civilized society
only germans are civilized
we don't, they're too continental in philosophy
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>We're doing better than most European economies, the French are on an economic cliff with an appetite to increase government spending on both sides politically. So you're not doing better?
did i ever say we where any better off?
>n-no you!!
and there we have it. g'day my brown friend
We have been in a state of civil war since 1789, catch up niggas, be competitive.
german girl I spoke talk to told me the country is a shithole and her hometown was ruined by migrants, is it really okay over there?
Germans will start killing eachother in 2 years
your mom told me that the UK is a swamp with no infrastructure and a massive black hole in the city of london (actual black hole, from space sucking everything else)
is it really okay over there?
You Brits see yourselves as part of the Anglo empire first and foremost, with the US as its core.
The Germans have no place in that worldview. They tried to get you guys to be part of the EU project, but you guys proved to still be too loyal to the Americans.
That's why it didn't work out.
>you can't blame the housing problem
Ofc I can. Housing is exceptionally bad in the UK, and is the biggest economic purchase most people make. Its a foundational aspect of the economy and has knock on impacts to every other aspect of consumer spending. Housing/rent goes up? Spending in assloads of other totally unrelated sectors drops because people have less NDI. The predatory renting and housing market has stolen unknowable amounts of growth from the UK economy, all because politicians elected to sort it have instead made sure it would get worse.

You keep on saying its a global problem. Its arguably a first world one, but even then its especially bad in the UK because of our suppressed wages (as well as massive lack of houses). But even then, a lot of other economies fucking up isn't a reason for us to follow them off the cliff.

>so true! this is why you need pakistanis and indians to fix what the EEA migrants didn't
Nobody voted for that. The very report you're agreeing with suggested the total reverse:
>If the UK is in a position where it is deciding the main features of its immigration policy our recommendation is that there should be a less restrictive regime for higher-skilled workers than for lower-skilled workers in a system where there is no preference for EEA over non-EEA workers.
It was ignored because the political elites in our country want to keep property high and wages low. They want specifically low skilled and poor people to keep costs down.
is she wrong or not? my impression is that a lot of this UK seethe is projection for the whole of europe going down the shitter
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So you're not doing better? I've been to Berlin, felt like Birmingham. Neither of our countries are a paragon of economic strength. But mines a little better.
Western Civilisation == French Civilisation.
Being in the EU doesn't serve British interests so we left it, stop taking it personally and get over it
Germany is generally much safer than the UK.
Lots of Germans move to London to get jobs in finance because Germany is such a bureaucratic shithole
It's rather grim
My neighbour is a energies analysist for loyds, very nice bloke but he always rags on Germany and Estonia
Hans spitting straight up facts yo
berlin is the worst city in all of germany, unironically
I dunno mate, she told me she was harassed by middle eastern migrants, doesn't sound so safe
The Americans wanted us in the EU.
This is historical revisionism. Literally every Brexit politician, talking head and even chuds on here at the time especially Farage said brexit was not about an immigration referendum and that saying it was, was a left wing smear campaign.
you don't see it as a problem in the third world due to their weak currency i think
the locals can't afford houses anywhere in the world, it's fucked
They said it but they made the most money from us leaving
i rest my case
literal gaslighting nigels
Germans feel great shame towards their nation due to their evil history so they never invest in their own country
It's why the UK will always stand above them for there is no evil done by Anglos
While Germans feel great shame in even acknowledging their nation existing
The French didn't even tell you they are forming the EU and then Americans told you to get in.
>Politicians said something so it must be true!
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brits ITT
you're ignoring the context, for the british public it was tied to the immigration problem
According to Zeihan, China will start eating itself after Xi is gone. He's in his 70s right now, how much longer do you think he has?
German politicians are well known for lying
Such as when they said they won't invade countries
Now polish and french people all sleep with one eye open
bruv american don't give a shit where you end up all they want is to keep EU tarifs in check, anything undermining the regulatory power of the EU is good for them
Zeihan also says every place in the world will collapse except the US and Brazil
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>Germans feel great shame towards their nation due to their evil history so they never invest in their own country
>It's why the UK will always stand above them for there is no evil done by Anglos
>While Germans feel great shame in even acknowledging their nation existing
the Americans strongly advised us to stay in the EU, that's a fact
are you kidding
they were salivating at the idea
yeah maybe back then they didn't see the EU as a threat but in 2016 they and russia were happy
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Forgot pic
>Germans feel great shame towards their nation due to their evil history so they never invest in their own country

Lolwut? No. It's because it's a country full of old people and all the money is controlled by clueless old people stuck in their old ways.
Russia was probably pleased, but the US government wasn't especially the Democrats
To others my nigga, not to us... lmao
this is the issue with regimes with such a centralized power
once the strongman dies it becomes a power struggle
most germans don't feel blame for something they didn't do and that's a fact
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Loicense now!

I know, wasn't thrilled to go there but just went there for the cool history stuff. Britain and Germany are fairly similar in that we both have our nice and well maintained towns and cities but we also have dilapidated shitholes. Aside from the capitals, the national landscape is quite similar. Britain just has a lot of older housing stock that needs knocking down, but that won't happen until immigration comes down since the demand is so high.
Meanwhile brits do or are made to
once a city gets touched by the soviets it never recovers
poland is the only exception to this
>but berlin wasn't under soviets!
yeah but they touched it so it's over
French like the EU because they have a submission complex
Poles like the EU because Germany introduced modern sanitary concepts
Germans like the EU because it lets them bully smaller counties
Noble Albion saw this and left the deposit union
but why? if anything you helped stop it
Germans still seethe at russians for defeating the Nazis
Can't trust em
Brexit was supposed to be
>Poles out
Instead of
>Poles out, Pakis in
this was a good thread
the poles out part is still good tho, what a worthless group of people, even the romanians are better
The Americans wanted us to stay in. The Germans wanted us to stay in. Your economy is basket case, we were the only other functional member with an idea of fiscal responsibility.
he is literally me
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Very fun
Brexit made me do it or something innit
We are talking deepstate spook shit and this nigga are telling us about some talking head on cspan kek
I don't know anything about second/third world housing markets. Labour is by far the biggest cost for housing, and its obviously cheaper outside the first world. Less regulations too, but pretty much every other aspect is worse.

My point is that across Europe housing is fucked. Not only is the UK disproportionate bad, but combined with stagnant wages (barely changed while housing has more than doubled) is the reason for the cost of living problems. Not a 3-5% drop in GDP from politicians doing something geopolitically retarded while they continue to gut the countries internal structures.

They were told what to do by the voters, they were told what to do by the reports they commissioned, they ignored both and continued to do everything in their power to keep housing high and wages low - because that is what benefits them and the people who bribe them.
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i want you to know that i only shitpost at you because i want what is best for you
i want you to join our family
well good for you and your companies such as...uh...Rio Tinto or something? lmao
work on your english pierre
well demand too, no one from outside the third world wants a house in the third world so foreign speculation doesn't impact it while chinese and indian rich fags (and some american corporations) will buy up everything in a town because they know it will increase in value and it's an easy way to make money
i ain't nigga
i should deffo brush up on my typing fr fr fr tho
Sorry couldn't hear you over your debt to GDP screaming at me pain.
This thread could have been ruined so easily if it was made during amerimutt hours
well it did start off with yelling then became a massive shitpost so i love it
if you don't start lynching politicians in the next 5 years, it might actually be permanently over
it is never permanently over
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Me too Germbro. Maybe one day we'll be back.
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eventually brudi
who is laughing now mr farage
And now you have more migrants and they're brown and not christian. Good job!
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when will the british bullying stop
UK still pays EU handout money gibs to Poland tho. 2030 or something is the last year for handout money
Never, we are the lightning rod that holds Europe together
Europe is not a country and thus it cannot have a civil war.
the german economy is in a recession again you faggot, the new statistics got released
what fucking growth, 0.1% a year?
Oh why would the current western establishment shill against the UK after Brexit???? What an unsolvable enigma!
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This comes down to the issue of bong workmanship rather than Brexit. Nobody wants their things. Ever driven a Land Rover? It's a poorly built POS compared to its competitors in Freedom Land or Weebistan. Ever used bong electronics? They are China quality tier. I never once used something made in Britain in the last 7 years and we have a free trade agreement with them!
Get a dyson. Better yet a henry hoover it'll last 30years
>Get a Dyson
Still buying a Kenmore anon, it will outlast me
>mutt enters the thread
whats the deal with this freak
>henry hoover
are they actually good or just a mem? I have been somewhat disapointed with the price/quality ratio of pic related
My parents have a henry hoover that still works and its older than me. Its like 50kg though
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Your country is irrelevant compared to mine, your country lost the American revolution twice in everybody's eyes. Your king's family is full of known pedos and quite frankly on America's Semiquincentennial I will be pissing on a Union Jack in the street!
a recession is the shrinking, we are out of it you retarded faggot
England has weird creeps like that for some reason. Look up "Purple Aki".
burger hours starting with a bang...
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>a drop of 0.1% in Germany's gross domestic product in 2024. The forecast for 2025 is an increase of 0.8%, and a 1.3% increase for 2026. The institutes expect inflation to be close to the ECB target again this year at 2.2% and 2.0% in 2025 and 2026.
I would like to try Albanian food, any recommendations?
>predictions revised down every time
>this time they're correct! we'll totally grow!
sorry i forgot you are a retarded muslim
my bad, carry on anon
Germany did better than predicted this year so this argument doesn't work
You know what I think Germany can get it
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They revised the forecast down, that's not doing better than expected. They also revised next year's down and halved future projections.

I accept your concession, go increase taxes to help the economy Hans
what i posted is a 2025 forecast, retard
the site you are using is saying that germany will do good next year and that most of the worst is over
dumbass third worlder
greatest of allies
>forecast cut to 0.8% is doing good
yeah, projected sub single digit growth really shows the worst has passed
It's still doing good, don't get your point and seething about germany, doing better than the UK in the past 5 years that's for sure
yes anon, coming out of a recession means ending the negative growth
i know it's hard to understand when the average iq in albania is 81
the recession is done, the shock from the ukraine war is over and supply lines are readjusted
of course, until american elections are over and something retarded happens there and then projections are revised downwards again because of "external circumstances"
a country barely eking out a 0.8% level of growth years after the supply shocks from the war happened is not good when it's supposed to be the EU's strongest economy
the EU economic zone grew by 2% this year, despite it's strongest economy having the worst year for it on record (where it also overtook japan as the 3rd largest by the way)
you keep coping like every third worlder because you are a crab in a bucket with low IQ that just wants to see better countries fail
i am sorry god cursed you with your place of birth, but please take your copes somewhere else
yes the yen's devaluation and japan's status as a dead country for decades at this point are the perfect comparison for the supposed workhorse of europe
france and germany not doing any better actually
uk still has higher salaries in tech, law and finance
uk collapsing is a bit of a meme really
more cope, but it's pointless to argue
i know it will eat you from the inside to see germany recover and do well next year and that alone helps me sleep better at night
germany has been the worst performing eu economy since 2019 q4
i've nothing to reply to that, made me chuckle
literally google 2019 q4 gdp vs 2024 its not a matter of opinion
what else do you have to share? those posts are entertaining to me
are you going to use the sick man of europe meme?
whats the point of entering into a thread if you find facts “entertaining”
whats your point really
Brexit only happened because the Tories constantly used the EU as a scapegoat for the decline that was happening already. I don't think it made any difference either way.
my point is to laugh at thirdies who want to meme themselves into believing le europe is dead and that they will overtake us or something
brits have been fighting wars against continental eu countries for centuries trying to cause as much damage as possible
it was only a matter of time anyway pinpointing exact cause is pointless
i mean tratcher had a nazi germany map in his suitcase apparently she brought everywhere
people somewhat downplay the brit vs continental aversion
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It's shit everywhere in Europe except for the Nordic countries.
what part of adjusted growth do you fail to understand?
see >>202862121
I'm enjoying the fall of the West.
The only place not shit is Denmark but somehow Sweden manages to export some of its crimes there
let him seethe anon, I haven't mentioned overtaking anyone at all but he seems obsessed with it
like the average german he refuses to see the stagnation around him
how so? norway and finland are also great
ah yes, third world countries lecturing first world countries
never stops being funny
And Germans being obtuse mongs never stops being boring either, such is life
ppl are just talking next to each other really
countries can both stagnate and still be nice due to commulative growth
cant do that forever though
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>And Germans being obtuse mongs never stops being boring either, such is life
the thing is people see a country doing badly during a shit period and think this is the end and there is no coming back from it
no, hard times come and go people need to fucking chill with the doomsday posting
what happens nowadays with the birth rates and immigration is historically unheard
+ life quality has improved so much, along with ppl expecting a generious welfare state that things are much more complicated now
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is there a group of people out there that is faker than the anglo? hard mode: excluding jews
i get you, but this birth rate issue is hitting even india now, europe was just ahead of the rest of the world so it got it first
yeah but its the same as with the commulative growth
by the time birth rate drops due to increased life quality and urbanization theres a billion extra people
and africa is still extremely fair from eu level rates
look at the world, africa is basically the only place with 2.0 birth rates
i get your fears, but i feel like people get too scared as if things won't get better or the economy won't improve increasing birth rates with it
its a genuine concern imo bc there is not just less people but less supply in critical industries
lot of german companies nowadays: german boomer engineer with decades of experience who is about to retire and lower level east eu employees
uncharted waters, but when was the future ever guaranteed?
try to have faith in our countries, they survived so far through thick and thin and this won't be any different
A lot of boomers in Germany right now that don’t do anything but are still getting paid as well (look at VW). I genuinely believe that will probably improve once they are gone
you can observe this in smaller communities
historically brits used to be good at rowing and canoe spring
nowadays hungary has more clubs than the uk and they are building up from zero
or diving with americans. americans used to be a top diving nation but nowadays they got left behind by aus, brits, chinese. they dont have the coaches

eu cunts already suffer a bit for example if you live in usa you can intern at companies like nvidia or intel

im not a doomer, western countries a lot ahead in qol and development and im very skeptical about the rest of the world catching up
but its not looking too good either
same, but we will still take a hit for our educated worker problem
it's thanks to this development that we are able to deal with the problem better
atleast that's my opinion
its going to be hard to do any reforms bc the majority of voting block is boomers and they will always prioritize their own well being
you can see this with italy, they have the oldest population and retired italians dont live any worse (probably better actually) than retired swedes but the young ones do
the boomer problem is temporary
italians just don't fucking die of old age for some reason
its the laidback lifestyle and good weather etc

germany for whatever reason seem to be extremely bad at attracting people who want to work
you can see this even with ukrainian refugees, in holland and poland the vast majority work and cause a tax surplus while in germany the vast majority do not work
>it's thanks to this development that we are able to deal with the problem better
>atleast that's my opinion
yes but there is a limit. For an example automatizing everything is trivial for us. We literally just don't have the people anymore.

What about Germany though, where every wave of automatization can threaten like a million of workers? How do you deal with the violent non-Germans who have zero loyalty to your nation and will never subscribe to any long-term plan trusting? You take their lower class jobs from them and AfD gets 30% and then there's an imam in the corner waiting to give them the explanation as to why a shaitan made you do it, what happens next? How can you convince that person and his 10 unemployed cousins who no longer receive any welfare, that you're not an evil kulak that has to be eaten? America and about every rival of yours will do their best to convince them that you *have* to be eaten, so what more convincing argument can you say in response?

I don't want to be blackpilling but Germany is covered in landmines that were either planted there by bad luck or deliberately by America, and you will make the mistake of stepping on them sooner or later. You can't just automate the problem away. This is the hidden debt that you accrue when you opt for the cheap worker option. These cheap workers will always remain the cheap worker class, even when you no longer need them. But the way that our modern society is structured is that there's a bunch of radical ideologies waiting for this specific turn of events, praying that you do this, whether you're the Russian Empire or Weimar government, or modern Germany. Countries like Japan and Bulgaria do not have this problem.
>germany for whatever reason seem to be extremely bad at attracting people who want to work
because our government has no clue how to do that
government just tells people come to germany there is work and when they come here they have no clue what to do about anything
how do you get a bank account? rent? how do you even register? nothing is explained about jack fuck so only the really desperate stay while the good workers leave for a place that probably speaks english
you are overestimating how much power those creatures have
they're cowards, but i get what you mean
i don't know how to answer you, since to do would be solving all our modern problems which aren't simple
Might actually hang myself if I have to live another day in this hellhole
lot of ppl have been talking about east germany voting afd but the actual outlier seems to be west germany
almost every country had a significant surge in rw parties, austria, spain, italy, etc except west germany
the fact ppl are talking about banning it is scary
>people somewhat downplay the brit vs continental aversion
De Gaulle had it figured it out ages ago but everyone called him a hater.
there used to be this myth of only old people voting rw but it seems the actual opposite
west germany has a tradtion with the large parties and ppl who have been voting for the same or same two parties for decades, its almost cultural
east germany has no historic political culture so younger and more dynamic parties can succeed there even if the population is older
what makes you so important, your entire policy boils down to kissing american ass just like we do
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it's unfortunate how few people are redpilled on continentalism and the anglo obsession with it. Whether you're a liberal or not you must come to the realization that Europe will either be a continentalist gigachud empire, or be punished for not being one. We are in the timeline where the liberal psyops succeeded and people were somehow convinced that Europe can exist under America's wing as an anti-continentalist anti-chud entity. No one ever told these people that you will be deliberately sabotaged and made poor by design, by the people who obsess over continentalism. Whether you personally are liberal, and whether you successfully color revolution your country into being liberal and green like you, does not matter. You will never be their friend. Your color revolution will only be used as a way of hurting you, not helping you. This is a harsh realization that not many are willing to admit. Europe can only get back on its feet when this realization is mainstream and when the inevitability of either a mass chudout or a mass death is weighted fairly and ideologies that tilt us to the latter are crushed for being fifth column traitors. This continent is destined for a planned nuclear annihilation if things do not change soon.
They actually thought that if they left the EU they'd stop getting immigrants
leave britain alone
just a million more jeets will fix it
if you like shit weather than 25% VAT
better than staying to fund the british state. the sooner it collapses, the better off we will be in the future

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