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do british people eat this?
Propa scran la
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what annoys me is that they post this shit online like it's delicious and will actually defend it if called out
fucking grim
When I was a kid the lunches my mother made for me were often a slice of cheese, some butter and two slices of bread
They were fucking dire
fuck french
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Unit 731.
would eat it if red onion instead
You faggots do similar stuff. You just melt it a bit and add some seasonings. No doubt French food is way better but not that different. Just more refined. Not an Anglo nor Frenchmen here fyi.
Looks like something I'd make if I didn't have any time to cook.
white people moment
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Faustian spirit. Stoic strength. Albionic soul.
its ironically good if he chuck it in the oven and add some cheapshit canned tuna or something
lmao don't try to make this a europe vs america thing nigel
yvp... it's trad
i've eaten this except i also added ham
cheese is expensive as fuck nowadays
Went to a part of Mexico recently where there were the British set up a lot of the local industry and the mountain injuns basically eat a modified version of ploughmans lunch but using their local produce so more beef and goat meat and with the addition of avocado and chile. 11/10. Anglo-Mexican slop is top tier.

>Torta bread
>Chunk of hard cheese
>Hardboiled eggs
>Salty ham slice
>Chorizo sausage
>Pickled onion and carrots
>Soft cheese and chile sauce as condiments

They had a British style clocktower too.
Forgot to add it was beef chorizo which was new to me and they would bring you spicy salty goat stew called birria on request for like a dollar per bowl.
I'd eat that. Love me onjons
I would eat that
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Sorry mate you were saying?
Stick it under the broiler and you can charge $13+tip for it
That's delicious and doesn't look weird, meanwhile yours...
nobody eats sandwiches without some kind of mayo or other sauce unless they are extremely poor
>Having sandwich with slice of cheese
>Having sandwich with big slice of cheese, UK
I'd try it.
Seems alright
It looks very weird
id put some butter on it but otherwise it looks great
It's not a product availability issue
it's laziness and cooking incompetence one
This could be turned into fine grilled sandwich if he just tried
Not enough cheese
If anyone wants to try this sandwich it's available at the blue boar in the Leicester for just £2.50

It's a pub snack it's not meant to be fancy food
>not meant to be fancy food
Just like I said, a laziness issue
Sorry was unaware you're enjoying cavier and pâté while you drink pints in Lithuania
I kneel
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>do british people eat bread rolls
I can confirm that yes, we do.
wypipo conquered half the world for spices and never learnt how to use them
>Grilled cheese sandwich is on the same level of fancy as cavier to an average brit
Nothing wrong with that
>cheese toasties at the pub
You're so Americanised it's disgusting
I'd only eat that if I'm pissed as hell in like 4AM
It's so good even the poles start to eat it at home
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A country that eats snails >>202855125 and another that slathers raw slop on top of bread like >>202856534 are mocking the wholesome, salt of the earth meal consumed by the poor working man of pastoral England.
dude im fucking eating and now i can't stop laughing
>Cheese Bureau
Wallace and Gromit-tier
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>Cheese, onion and bread LE BAD!!!!!!!!!
lol love how mad they get
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>Wallace and Gromit

Based. My mom says me and my GF look like this but with me being too skinny and she being 90% booba. Brit stop motion should be filed as a global cultural heritage, o algo.
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Nasty work. It probably tastes like nickels and rust. Picrel is what I see when a british flag pops up.
Fat ogre beast
>Just cook it and season it

Yes ? That'd also be the difference between raw mince beef on bread dough and a real burger
You say it like it barely makes a difference

Also proportion is important wtf are those massive slabs or onion and cheese
do british "people" eat this?
This has to be some kind of meme food. I bet it started as a joke like "I'm so poor, I put bread between my bread and call it a sandwich"
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>You say it like it barely makes a difference
Nutritionally yes

>Also proportion is important wtf are those massive slabs or onion and cheese

French pull similar portions you just portion them better. Not saying you aren't better, but the food utility between this and proper cooking is minimal. It's just trashier but has the same nutritive effect.
remove the onions and you got a proepr meal right there
There was one (1) reported recipe of a toast sandwich from a Victorian cookbook for the most impoverished peasants, but the meme took off regardless. No one eats that
Cheese and onion sandwiches are mostly a boomer/rural thing. They're OK but the thickness of those cheese/onion slices is abysmal in OP pic
Oh yeah if we're talking nutrition I don't see any difference in fact the uncooked one could possibly be better since nutrients can be lost at high temperatures, but I'm pretty sure what people dislike about the OP has nothing to do with nutrition just form and flavours if the French cared about nutrition over flavours we wouldn't add 2 sticks of butter in every recipes or have things like the kouig-amann and fondue
You don't need to sign your posts
I don't
>from a Victorian cookbook for the most impoverished peasants
Worse. It was for invalids.
seems much better than what we eat in argentina we eat cheese with this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dulce_de_batata
Bongs started rationing food in WW2 and only stopped in the 70s. What was war time cuisine in other contries has become the new normal for them.
Too spicy
Genuinely can't believe a cheese sandwich is generating this much seethe
I mean, that looks like something I'd eat.
>that fucking bread
Jesus Christ
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>ywn live there with ava dalush
Bullshit. If you have high quality bread and meat/veggies you don't need to drown it in sauces. Sauces ruin the taste of everything else in a sandwich.
explain to me why this is bad

The quintessential French sandwich is jambon-beurre aka ham and butter
If you use bread like OP, processed off brand ham and margerine yes it will taste like ass and you're better off drowning it in BBQ sauce or something but with a fresh baker bread, good ham and rich yellow butter there is no need for sauce
stop it
this is called (university)student sandwich here
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post more British cuisine
Kek based Anglo
I'm sad just looking at this.
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The ingredients are fine but the Brits are just completely incapable of presentation
they say theres nothing wrong with their food culture
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vgh... brvtvnnvv..
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Toast sandwich, the G.O.A.T.
>if feminists love women so much why arent they all lezzers
acutally good point
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Based and Barrypilled

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