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Tattoos edition
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web logging
thank ya
You missed the subject line you TWAT
Reminder that JRR Tolkien supported and funded Spain's Franco in committing the White Terror, in which 400,000 Spanish civilians were murdered by fascist militias.
Reasons for being killed included: Being a Republican, being a Protestant, Being a Socialist/Communist/Anarchist, being a liberal, being an intellectual, being a Jew, being LGBT, supporting Basque/Catalan/Galician/Andulasian independence.
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look up operative vs co-operative grace
look up the de auxilius controversy
braindead atheists read one line on wikipedia and think they understand anything and even try to challenge people who have studied
utter braindead freaks
anyone got the video of the korean streaming girl getting groped and grabbed by this indian in some staircase
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Super volcano at Yellowstone declared active after 600,000 years dormant.
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The Smiths is so nice I am enjoying it before zoomers my age ruin it. I like to blast it while driving
God has been edging
I say that but I don't look like that
No I didn't
phone cameras utilise AI
Made you look wheyy
Catberg on an absolute mad one tonight. Can't be arsed with his tomfoolery
Don't cut yourself of that edge chuddie
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wow, between that the clathrate gun we're doomed
I would be a full on "refugees welcome" type lefty if all the immigrants coming here were fit women.
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what do zoomers have to do with the smiths
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>before zoomers my age ruin it
Mad how tech corporations are forcing AI bollocks into everything now despite literally nobody asking for it.
Punch him in the liver
Just made a sizeable donation to the Tolkien estate
would unironically solve a lot of the issues with immigration to just let fit women and only fit women in - but it wouldn't produce as much cheap labour so businesses don't want it
I was one of those idiots that didn't realise a girl was into me but looking back on it, it was painfully obvious. And it keeps me up at night what could've been.
*yawns loudly in your face*
blog on borelord
>this komodo dragon slaps your girls ass what do you do
phone cameras have been using ai for ages
there's only so far they can increase image quality when they can't use real optics, so they fake it with generative ai instead
diego trying to get the cheap whiskey off the top shelf
there's like a dozen or so women I've missed like that but honestly back then it never would have gone anywhere because I didn't have the knowledge required
Zoomers discovered it because people put the Smith songs over shinji being depressed

>In the last years of his life, Tolkien resisted the liturgical changes implemented after the Second Vatican Council, especially the use of English for the liturgy; he continued to make the responses in Latin, loudly, ignoring the rest of the congregation.
Figuring this is a non shaggers realization to have
chance would be a fine thing
Franco was so based
Best leader of the 20th century
stop calling it AI
it's not AI
what a pseud
Chud incel freak, genocidal fascists are not "based". Maybe your parents would like to see the kind of shit you post online.
Over here top shelves are associated with luxury since they're eye level. Bottom shelves are the shite stuff because you literally gotta bend over to grab it
well yeah it is
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Warning glass is sharp
unless you're in your 50s you werent around for the original Smiths run so who cares
there was no /brit/ Hungar Games yesterday and I'm agitated
energy prices going up tomorrow
My conspiracy theory is that they are intentionally doing this to blur the line between real photographs and AI-generated fakes. They want to make real photos look as "AI-like" as possible so that nobody can tell the difference anymore and everyone goes insane.
glass isn't sharp lol
I have handled so much broken glass and never been cut
not even once
lies made up by the establishment
Right back at you commiemong
just in time for winter
not a real word
enjoying a few jars were we
Reckon the intellectual thing to do is just not associating with these kinds of things during a regime
we're a stout people so many can't reach the top shelf (im 6'2 and am regularly asked to get retrieve things off the top shelf)
You have to gate keep shit when your my age because everyone my age sucks doesn't help they only care about money
le mgs2 face
SERIOUSLY considering retiring from /brit/
>inb4 haha see you tomorrow
Nah, I'm serious. This place is unusable most of the time with all of these schizos. Can't even justify coming to /brit/ due to good posts anymore.
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insomniaberg and anxietystein doing a number on me.
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pineal gland has been reduced to a crumbling walnut, a withering, flaking hunk of limescale and cranial residue
watering myself with a watering can
Blog on about it in /suomi/ mate.
Feels good to be 100% certain no woman has ever been interested in me
Need to chill out and play some games or watch something. Being studying or toiling for the last week. Need some self care and me time.
no it's simply just because phone cameras are shit
if you actually care about photography, you are going to use an actual camera
haha see you tomorrow
*sexy girl walks in*
*erection time!!!*
Am I right lads.
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I asked a genuine question in /isr/ and they were very rude to me
My wilberforce is very hard rn x
My parents are commies too. Seethe.
got cash in the attic on
Not really desu.
In the past, "AI" used to exclusively mean the concept of creating a real, thinking artificial being that can make independent thoughts and actions. Like the sci-fi concept of us having robot assistants or computers we can have sophisticated conversations with.

Whereas today "AI" just means "programs on your computer you can use to generate fake bullshit and scam people with"
no one knows what that is
This but my prostate
>Need to chill out and play some games or watch something
keep the dark thoughts at bay?
Never been to a dutch shop so could not possibly comment on the layout of their shelves nor the arrangement of products upon them
I can guaran-fucking-tee you a woman at some point in her life has wanked to you.
Just post when it's not wagefreak hours. NEET hours are actually quite calm and civilised, ironically.
ai means artificial intelligence
hope this helps
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no mate they just tell you that to make you shut the fuck up at the dinner table
We also don't make the shelves as high
No they're not, they just can't be arsed disagreeing with you when you go off on insane schizocommie rants at the dinner table
I know that at least one woman has wanked to me because she basically admitted it to a friend of mine and he later told me about it
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I wonder how many posh white british girls from conservative tory families have hooked up with cronem from east London. :3
Yep. Boner central when a sexy woman walks past
I pop a stiffy
all the good yanks have left so you can filter their flag in confidence
filter ireland, belgium, south africa, netherlands
filter the namefags and tripfags you encounter
filter the schizo ritualpost MD5s that are posted first in every single thread
filter the gimmicks that have overstayed their welcome
then it would become almost bearable were it not for the fact that the thread would be empty
once had an autistic furry lady tell me that she wanked to me and it was one of the most horrifying experiences in my life
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I'm a chud and don't like random scribbles, this is sexy tho
didn't ask you what a vagina was mate.
These schizos (like Belgium) post here literally all day. He, in particular, starts posting at 6-8AM and doesn't stop until like half 11. It's unrelenting and a complete waste of time.
Ye but he's saying the intelligence lacks the intelligence part or SOUL
Applying for the US Green Card lottery lads

Finna get outta this shithole once and for all x
>More voters now prefer Rishi Sunak's government (31%) to Keir Starmer's (29%)
hooked up with? what do you reckon they did
Incel Hitlerian freaks think they know my family better than me LMAO
You became a Chudler purely out of rebellion against your liberal parents and because women aren't attracted to you
What's that then? Is it really a lottery?
will look horrible in 10 years
was going to call you out on this being bullshit but I just googled it and british people can actually join the greencard lottery now
its unbelievable how badly starmer has fucked everything up
I find it mental how my parents grew up in the USSR and were pioneers and everything and came out politically indifferent at best. Communists are just bad at brainwashing.
Going through all that effort just to make the place somewhat bearable just screams "stop wasting your time here" to me. I'll be here tomorrow no doubt, but one day I reckon I'll stop coming.
what was he supposed to do
just fly to mexico, get a tan and walk in
I’m like 80% sure the guy has programmed an AI to make these posts for him and he has very little interaction with them. He comes on occasionally and responds to questions but most of the time he just spams for hours on end without interacting with anyone else
See previous post
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>Communists are just bad at brainwashing.
You sure about that?
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I had this glass break in this weird shape shape where it is symmetrical with like two cut out U's, so I grabbed it like this and then it slid down.
waste of quints
do better
probably the beast with two backs if i had to put my finger on it
I only see Belgium posting around 5 or 6 o'clock in the afternoon.
Israel is currently dropping white phosphorus on civilians in Lebanon
i've made probably about 20 posts total this year and i can tell you that i absolutely do not miss this place, place turned to complete shit after covid and never recovered
You might be right. I just think he's an extremely mentally ill autist (which is why he has a 'routine' of sorts, that being the same 10~ posts he makes, one after the other).
Yeah, literally a lottery. Brits can apply now
Yeah I think they change up the countries every now and then. Gonna try this time
leftypol idiot tries to not strawman challenge [impossible]
>what was he supposed to do
don't release rapists and murderers from prison
don't send people to prison for years over naughty tweets
don't freeze the pensioners
don't pander to the muslims
don't let the illegal immigrants in
I knew someone who moved to Oklahoma and was back within six months because all he could get was cash in hand construction jobs
gfberg is coming over tomorrow night. im thinking of cooking a prawn curry.
>vote for the most right wing party in the country
yeah, brilliant lefty brainwashing mate.
feel like SHIT
corrr might have to give that a bash
why is modern existence like this
You're right, /brit/ is very grim these days

Constant posting about interracial sex fetishes and people's sexual orientations

/b/ was ruined years ago and maybe the same thing is now happening to /brit/
forgot to mention to filter the communist schizo as well, completely forgot he existed lol
he posts the same 5 images and includes the same rotation of 5 or so words pertaining to stalinism in each of his posts so he's very very easy to filter out
>place turned to complete shit after covid and never recovered
It was half-decent until 2023
The quality of threads took a complete nosedive as soon as that year started for some unknown reason
Sir Vote Loser
would point out how silly it is that commiemong is talking about intellectuals getting massacred but he's just a fake personality so it doesn't really matter
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Genuinely cannot believe this Belgian lad. Wakes up and immediately gets on /brit/ to chat about black lads. State of it
he was white as a sheet
and also sold false teeth
He’s definitely mentally ill and autistic yes. In a really sad way it’s almost quite impressive. It’s a LOT of time and effort simply to mildly annoy a group of maybe 30 people.
There's always Britfags. It's a bit boring and slow over there, but the posters are fine and have an IQ above 85.
Pic related is how much I care
Need a Jewish sugar mommy to brainwash me into being her goytoy
His first post was at 09:40 today. He goes through little bursts of posting.
Ah yes, didn't even remember the tranny/random slag posters. The random gore-posting JF. Heathermong. This place is so fucking shite.
yeah Tolkien was a fascist cunt, a shit author, a tarq, and Lord of the Rings is comfort food for spoiled brats who should rolled over by T-72s
Alternatively you can look at it as they vote for the only major non-neoliberal party.
A lot of the older AfD voters in East Germany will freely admit they miss the DDR.
tucked up in bed snug as a bug
You sound like the biggest nonce I've ever met (no offence)
In Netherlands you can get magic truffles in the shops
have you considered just filtering him instead of sperging out
great post
snug as a slug* get the terminology right pls
Can say same about fgm
nini :3
>more than 8 people agreeing the thread is shite
>yet 8 frequent good posters would make a good thread
*snuggles up to you*

room for one more?
Feel sick dont think l can manage any more vodka shots
if your given year for when /brit/ stopped being "half-decent" is 2023 then you joined long long long after the rot began
>Money is made when bombs are dropping in Afghanistan
>When white phosphorous falls in Palestine
>Whoring weapons at a record pace
>Arming anyone who wants a taste of disgrace
>Wants a taste of disgrace
come home, all ye good posters
shit posters need not apply
I do both, lmao
life of the stemfag
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omds rorke just get over yourself already
angry sexless gimp. your entire life will be shit lool
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it's monday. why are you drinking
Heard they're fun to take at the Anne frank house
Become very shit recently between the Belgian cuckold and the 'personalities' of Spainlad and Mousey and probably some other freaks I'm not aware of
you should vocaroo this for us.
Fucking hate queers
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Humans fucking suck
His new autistic fascination.
might be the most autistic cunt in the general
Yeah yeah mate go dress up as an elf and fight orcs
Really bizarre what happened to r/redscarepod
Used to be this edgy, irreverent, anti-woke sub that mocked pretty much everything from BLM to covid to the Ukraine war
Then the shit in Israel kicked off and suddenly they have 10+ posts on the front page per day about "le genocide in Palestine" and how it must be taken Extremely Seriously™, no jokes allowed
impressed you forgot the desperate to fit in cucknadian
demonstrates how utterly inane he is
I retired from /brit/ in 2018, lived a normie lift for a good few years and found myself back here in 2021 after my life spiralled put of control.
nary a word
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toby is based
not really
dubs and we talk about bach's toccata and fugue for a hour
>358 results found.
He is unironically more fucked up than Toby.
yeh yeh mate go dress up in leathers like a homosexual and pretend your dead ideology isnt dead
Just get a yank gf like me mate
I leave and come back all the time
usually just means I have a gf and have to devote my energy to her
(as you can see, I am currently single)
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>358 results found.
EU nonsense
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bach created it
stokowski perfected it
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Arise, you who refuse to be bond slaves,
Let's stand up and fight for liberty and true democracy,
All our world is facing the change of the tyrant!
Everyone who works for freedom is now crying:
Arise, Arise, Arise!
All of us with one heart,
With the torch of freedom, march on,
With the torch of freedom,
March on, March on! March on and on!
>if your given year for when /brit/ stopped being "half-decent" is 2023 then you joined long long long after the rot began
2023 is when various extremely shit gimmicks like cuckspamming and the gyaldem nonce started.
'll 'e
deary me
I vow to thee my country
All earthly things above
Entire and whole and perfect
Another 10,000 poo posts
got banned for calling someone a faggot yea
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bored af so I made a transparent Bradley
Who do you reckon “Katy” is to the Belgian spammer? Some girl from his past who left him for a wog and now he spergs out about it every day? His sister maybe?

Whoever it is she has left a massive mark on his psyche
i wonder how many east london cronem lads hooked up with white british birds from conservative tory families LOL
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Communism is more alive and necessary than ever.
Now THESE are some good fucking posts.
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I'm done. Can't stomach this shitehole any longer.
Incorrect, kill yourself, happy to help, your nan's a whore
berlin is the pengest city in europe too bad the people are los angeles levels of fake
its so alive yet you only post photos from nearly a century ago.
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>I wish I were katy
I like milfs more I am attracted to older women but they aren't interested in me. I been rejected by a girl who was 40 and 35
oh dear oh dear
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despite making up 10% of /int/, British posters are responsible for 41% of posts about poo
Hungarian-Jamaicans mixed race girls runny poo porn
Berlin's a fucking shithole
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>filter belgium flag
>look in thread
>thread is full of posts talking about belgium flag
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no it's not it's peng
punted that runt into orbit
Well that's him cooked at 180 degrees for 20 minutes and served with chips and onion rings
>berlin is the pengest city in europe
mate its not even in the top 10
pengest city in europe is budapest (or budapeng as i call it)
I thought it was some lefty podcast run by that tryhard tart who used to bonk Adam Friedland
No it's fucking shit
Honestly surprised it's that low
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ahh yes the fabled /brit/ lore
irish(f)-jamaician(m)… WOW, now that’s a pairing corr
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every single thread commiemong gets battered like a fish i swear to god
Just booted up the machine (2015 Dell inspiron) and logged into the compute cluster (Nord VPN)
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budapest is grimdark

berlin is peng mate i toiled there for months. menawhile you're from stoke
at least a quarter of these are me
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ATTENTION POO POSTERS: Poo posts will no longer be tolerated, return to your usual postings, casualties will be minimal
him and dave constantly fighting to be the most stupid person in britain
They were contrarian about everything, which obviously comes to Israel as well because they’re tsundere.
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that's not fair, there's tons of recent stuff
Pretty much did the exact same. Moved in with a few mates in 2016 and I didn't have a PC for another 3 years, didn't go on /brit/ once. Soon as I got a laptop I was straight back on it. Utterly grim.
Aye aye sir

On the bog doing a Fulham
It is. But its one of those cases where the users of the subreddit ended up turning against the podcast and now hate them and disagree with them on everything.

A while ago they had a massive seethe session because the girls put out an episode where they were sympathetic towards Israel. Started calling them "fascists" and "genocide apologists" and all sorts.
Love me used Dell Inspiron. I use it with my TailsOS bootable USB.
If it's so peng why did you only toil there for months instead of years
The so called proletariat
Based and shitepilled
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cooooorrrrrr lads just found a pic of commiemong
would absolutely rag the arse off her (male)
Oh my DAYS commiemong
Getting strong ‘ vibes from this post lad :/
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thinking of refunding my george floyd sex arse and replacing it with a tom daley sex arse

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Why are you using Tails, mate? You better be a druggie.
Does anyone here own a Dacia Duster? I've heard they're fantastic little cars
cos your mum offered me a 90k a year to batter her arse on the daily with my poz willy
least disingenuous leftist
This is literally me
corr actually would
Just find it weird that apparently its ok for them to make jokes about pretty much everything (even racist/transphobic stuff) but the minute someone says they don't care about Palestine its 100+ downvotes and multiple replies calling them "evil"
>gyaldem nonce
absolutely despise that helmet
we're starting to get some vtuber fags in here too. Sick to the bastard death of it
obvious edit
Thinking about trading my Honda Jazz in for one of these
what was the very first poo post, the one that started it all?
having a listen
Rosie Jones
It's time for an exodus.
The Emperor Trajan was a Dacia Duster haha
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>obvious edit
It's an absolute shitheap mate
decent drugs but that's about it, the city itself is offensive to the eyes
Ah yes I'm sure a quirk chungus called vivian knows all about politics
Budapest is the porn capital of Europe
You need to go back
She’s spitting ngl
Do it mate, they're fantastic little cars
thought that was prague
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>TailsOS bootable USB
Anyone else feel like exterminating unpure groups from our society
nah mate I lived in victoriastadt it was a nice little neighbourhood
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new sarah z kino lads
dacia duster, cracking bit of kit
I post plenty of pictures of communists fighting against NATO fascist terrorists.

I'll remember that the next time right wing trad LARPers are posting pictures of ancient Romans and Greek statues.
there's a tranner at work and she's one of the fit ones
would love to put it in her
Yeah I’ll start with creepy little online 4chan incel fascists like you haha
>dacia duster
love her videos
ask her (him) out, surely you get more confidence talking to a boy
the cronem taking out katy for a mid-day feed n fuck while her bf timmy is toiling for abrahamberg
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just trimmed the moustache lads what do we think
yeh i'll be living in your head rent free lol
give a >200 word description of her appearance
how tall?
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State of it. Even the architecture is giving up
might do so at the next work outing (next month)

about 170cm quite tall for a girl
post her socials
>there's a tranner at work
low status signal btw

trannies exclusively work as baristas and librarians

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