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>this is what the most powerful military in the world is feeding its soldiers
dafuq is that shit, are they unironically skittles or are they some special kid of whatever?
>be Steve
>eat Nazi chocolate from WW2
>completely fine
>eat a fresh within-date Chinese MRE
>almost die
didn't know the chinese had tortillas
They spend the money on weapons
>no vegetables
>no dairy
absolutely grim
Those are m&ms you macaco.
No they're Reese's pieces
Let's see
>Hulk(tm) juice
>saar bread
>McRib sans bun
>burnt tête-de-negre
the soilent green....
They're Reese's Pieces dumbass
Yours aren't much better thoughbeit

What do you think the purpose of an MRE is?
it's us mre, but french and spanish are the best
Israelis eat that?
These replies were made by neverserved limp wristed virgins
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clockwise from top left:
>lemon lime beverage
>Reeses Pieces
>pound cake
>"beef" patty and flour tortillas
not pictured:
>apple pie dessert spread
It's literally almost entirely desserts and junk food.
>>saar bread
they're obviously tortillas you dumb moor
weak bait
Those are clearly Reese's Pieces you trog
it's quite lidderally the same thing
let me guess, you need more
Serving is not something to be proud of.
It's literally called SERVING.
Fucking slave mentality cuck.
What's that green shit?
You're all retarded. It's October. Those are the Hallowe'en themed M&Ms.
it's got electrolytes
Hulk's semen
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op btfo
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Things do be like the movie don't they
I loved taking charms from marines and putting them in other marines' stuff
And that is supposed to be your lunch? WTF aren't people in the army supposed to be smart or something? Why are they feeding goyslop to those people? I thought nutrition in the US army would be some cutting edge stuff.
it's got all the necessarry nutrients though
>ranch sauce
>the yellow stuff is pure protein
You don't understand the goal of this diet. Army aren't sitting at a fucking desk all day. They do hard and dangerous work. They need muscle and they need energy. That means protein and sugar. They don't need to eat rabbit food.
you don't need any fiber because they put laxatives in the gum
Is this Korean military food?
Those are Reese's Pieces thoughbeit.
>protein and sugar
A lot of US veterans end up with PTSD because they can't handle stress... yes, I bet they are disposable too. This diet is stupid as fuck.
If your lame ass one-donkey army ever did anything but play grabass you'd have a PTSD problem too. Fried monkey shit and hot treebark isn't going to help.
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>You don't understand the goal of this diet
No, I do understand the goal. I understand that the majority of incoming US military recruits are from poor black and hispanic families who are used to eating slop like this every day. They're losers who have no other prospects in life but to sign their life away serving the interests of the United States military industrial complex.
it's mess served food
I don't know, I've been through a lot of shit, and almost killed a dude with an axe. And I'm fine, and I would definitely not eat that crap.
the name of the dfac is literally in the image
Do retards ITT not understand what an MRE is? It’s not le wholesome avocado toast with an organic spinach kale shake.
It’s literally preservative-filled, vitamin-fortified slop with enough macros to keep you shooting at whoever is chimping out this time.
They all look the same more or less.
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Here's what this coup-happy cunt feeds its troops
>no vegetables
>no fruit
>savoury snacks
>nuclear power plant waste

is that meal a way to induce murderous thoughts in your soldiers?
Bruh, I ain't eating fucking avocado and toast. That is exactly my point.
I thought our messes were bad, but I'd take ours any day compared to that wtf
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Europeans in modern times have no experience with army life, the ones that do join their country's """military""" just jerk off in the rack all day and eat lobster dinners it is pretty much adult daycare over there that's why we constantly have to do joint operations and fight their battles for them because they are overfed undertrained pussies
We don't eat it.
Look at any other country's MRE's you boot licking retard. What the US is feeding our military is a fucking joke. They treat the soldiers like children, probably because they mentally are.
I guarantee this nigga eats PBJs with the crust cut off every day
And here was I wondering what would be US army thing when it comes to diet and building stress tolerance. This has to be some stupid joke.
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thks taxcucks
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awesome everyday
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Post the real one
Nigga there are half a million people in JUST the Army. That's just one branch. We can't afford to feed those fuckers goose liver pate every day. It's an MRE it's just meant to keep you shooting for a day not live off of for years.
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eatin like karaboga every day
Green drank? Is purple out of fashion?
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Our military is basically a gutter system meant to collect all the IQ runoff from the American public school system and hopefully funnel them into the Army rather than prison. You're not dealing with the best and brightest if you're arguing with a US soldier. If someone claims to have seen actual combat then you know you're dealing with a genuine retard. You have to be worth less than dirt to be put in harm's way in the military, they don't want to risk losing anyone with value.
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why are retards here posting food that boots get served when in their base instead of MRE
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>I suffer in Korea
>mess hall foodie
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the korean in this thread is a moron
You didn't have to specify in this thread
I want Steve to impregnate me
How do American servicemen still have teeth if this is what they eat all day
The dfac on Kadena had calpis and melon fanta in the soda machine, shit was so cash
OP's pic is an MRE
not actual food that is served in military barracks
God only knows what fills the troughs in the barracks.
mash potatoes, turkey, casserole, basically school lunch stuff
All the recipes are publicly available
The corporation that supplies these meals probably charges the US military like $50 for each ration too
anon is obviously us military in korea
>>saar bread
We call them Syrian bread here
But you can't handle hard work with only that
didn't he eat a pre-WW1 ration once
nice hiss
No fucking way I eat better than the literal American army LMAO
You realize this shit lasts decades right?
Tbf, I think they in part just select items that won't go off even after months in room temp and doesn't need to be properly cooked. It could use some work though yeah
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>the glowing green water on the top left
wtf is that
At least you get cool utensils
It's something like gatorade or vitamin water.
He's obviously an anemrican G.I. you fucking retard
What's food like in the Korean military?
in a real war, you all are eating rice.
this are all peacetime niceties.
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This was what they fed the average grunt in the early to mid 2010s(when I was in the military). I heard it has improved significantly in the recent years though.
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Looks bizarre but might be good in person
Everyone in the US military is addicted to energy drinks, chewing tobacco, and Tabasco sauce.
you mean texas pete
Reese's pieces you uncultured swine
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I think we used to just import Malaysias MREs during the civil war, idk if picrel is accurate.
We should nuke Osan and Camp Humphreys.
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That's an MRE
this is what I ate recently at the chow hall
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this is what I ate on a navy ship. All they had left was one pound of rice and a chicken leg
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this is a mysterious tuber I discovered outside the barracks. I ate a piece and it was really bitter
That's a daikon radish
tasted like shit
You're supposed to pickle them or at least cook them first
for babies who signed up for adult day care.
makes sense.
I wonder how it got there.
I cringe every time I hear someone say "thank you for your service" or someone being super proud they were in the military. 80% of jobs in the US military are support roles and like half of the combat roles are really just combat adjacent. The vast, vast majority of """veterans""" did normal everyday wagie jobs and wore a dumbass uniform. They think because someone raised their voice at them and made them do bare minimum exercises for 8 weeks before learning how to cook zogslop at the local base they're super soldiers. Combat MOSs that act hard as fuck and never deployed are even worse. I can't tell you how many """ infantry veterans""" I've met that say they have PTSD from "serving" and you find out they were stationed in Germany in 2012 for 4 months.
No branch embodies this fakeness more than the Marine corps.
I have ptsd from fighter jet noises
No I'm not american
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There's like 10 grams of protein in this entire picture what the fuck lol
Awful and you don't get paid.
I'd just surrender to turkey.
all korean mukbang videos feature someone eating some unidentifiable blender slop
this is the better version of it usually are those german hotdogs that come in a jar
>overfed undertrained pussies

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i have ptsd from eating this and being cannon fodder
Looks good thoughbeit
never seen a picture of finnish foor that looked better than this
>this is what "suffering" looks like in Finland
Green shit is disgustingly though
t. zogbot muhreen
Average Chinese person would've not touched the rice
It's not the food it's just the rice
old rice literally turns into poison and kills many old or dumb people yearly
Pea soup is great. It's tradition here to have it on Thursdays.
I don't even know if sneedish soldiers get MREs I'm pretty sure we only do canteen food
Ew that chicken looks undercooked
True, "thank you for your service" is what I say to the McWagie handing me a whonper or cleaning up the shit i left smeared in the stalls
Pea soup is why I didn't join the military desu

my entire youth I wanted to be a soldier and kill Africans for my country but instead I now kill millions of my children everyday in the goon chamber
didn't get sick. also the refrigeration went out halfway through the float
honorary finnish citizen
Of course we have combat rations and other things like that, for field use. You don't march back to the canteen to eat when you're on an exercise in the middle of some frozen arctic forest. Although sometimes the cooks might prepare something in a mobile mess. Sometimes you get no food at all, as part of the exercise.
lmao, grow up
Food designed for oversized fat 80 toddlers
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I don't think you can top this one.
thatd just be pemmican and maybe some cans
theres food that generally keeps forever like honey
apparently it was some special chinese ingredient
ecto cooler? fucking nice.
>sometimes military food doesn't look appetizing

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