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LUCA edition.

prev: >>202891803
first for cum con sex
Second for sex with adult human females (not overweight or obese)
Love me LUCA bros, 'ate viruses (not racist just don't like 'em) simple as
And yes, i am trans in case you couldnt tell
Fuck me, it's true
I looked it up
>US assisting Israel in defense against Iranian missiles - report
Go on keep posting about some happening

Verification not required
Only politics (US presidential only btw) and jeethate seem to be actively enforced tbqhwyfam
Dear cheddar poster,
Shut up.
We need to talk about popcorn more
I, for one, stand with Saudi Arabia.
we need him back, I'm so tired of this shit man
I just now ate some.
Hate popcorn. Kernels always get stuck in my teeth :/
Floss is your friend
>unironically more American than apple pie
thank you ameribros for inventing this
Nothing is more American than apple pie (and mom)
>apple pie
It's from Yurop thoughbeit
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are creampies canadian, messssican or american?
loser jannys pet
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>the golems in question
Another thread killed by the snitch (who admitted to being trans for some reason??)
So are Americans. What's your point
Take that back and apologize this instant
did I get a warning?
kek, that's true akshually
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idk what this means
I think i broke my fucking $600 phone
flat earth meme
Is it an iphone? Dadberg got a new one and he's crying about having no button
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why can't we just have a good economy and no war again
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its a Motorola phone i fucking left it on a warm surface for an entire day like a retard and now it doesnt want to turn on or charge
That's what yo dumbass get for paying 6 bills for a fucking phone
went to see the new deadpool movie, and the popcorn was terrible! still enjoyed it, and the movie mightily, though.
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nothing is happening
nothing ever happens
nothing will ever happen
i just had sex with a woman
the economy is doing good though
Brokie feels superior because his shitty android cost him $100
I feel like I should go for a jog
You should order a large pizza instead
the earth could be flat for all we know
Dreamed of getting mogged
Why do you need a $600 phone. What does it do that a $100 phone doesn't? At least if my phone breaks it's not something I'd make a thread on 4chan about
Please have sex with me, ma'am
i wish it were. sitting at the edge of our known space would be very romantic.
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Because the $600 phone is nicer and will last longer than a shitty $100 phone?
There wouldn't be time zones if the earth was flat
Got what you deserve
You already know what we (non-janitors) think
>will last longer

Apparently not
>you should get a permaban just by lurking on /b
Then why is everything expensive
Niggas out here really bbqing goldfish
I would've been fine with a warning but this faggot banned me off /vg/ too for a completely innocuous post
how was I supposed to know that /int/ is pajeet-controlled now?
why does iran have to go picking on the chosen peoples? can't they just netflix and chill?
business idea: cum
I once said they only have themselves to blame for their reputation and got b&
OMG that's impossible on 4chan
idk im not an economy expert
If you post in a gacha or chinslop thread, you deserve a perma for the good of the site.
All F2P games are like fresh stinking turds for the flies, and the flies are YOU KNOW WHO
Poor third worlders, eg south asians and south americans.
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you wake up in tuzla bosnia
i dont play gachas i wouldnt know
You've never played any free to play game at all?
are they really that big? i'm looking at the grill, and the perspective makes them look huge! i though goldfish were tiny
look for reset video for your phone, I had to do it to my moto g stylus, you hold down of the buttons until it resets
like 15 years ago
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>up $1100 in gambling now
It says they are giant goldfish. Probably from the sea
I read maybe its because my battery ran dry im going to leave it on the charger for an hour and see what happens
Goldfish are genuinely just gold colored carp
The lots of differently sized goldfish
You wake up in my arms and we're cuddling
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I've eaten lots of goldfish in my time
Dried goldfish are good with beer
I've had to do it twice when I let the battery get too low
so from now on, the world is just gonna erupt in war anytime the USA elects the wrong president
only if you're a cute gurl
will going to iran save you from being an incel?
blackpilled again
yes, and also when they want to influence the election of presidents. America is the main character weather you like it or not
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don't be like that! stop it! stop it! think positively!
Look up a list of things that happened after Bush was elected
Lots of war
Is your name Josephi Krakowsky?
well good grief, look at that. a foot! man. my perception has been totally skewed. granted, i never had a fish as a kid, so i have no frame of reference, but it's very cool they can get that big.
>jeet just got caught deleting all his work instead of actually doing it
I always wonder what the thought process is
You've had to reset it when the battery got low? wtf I hope I don't have to reset I'm going to lose so many pictures
I hate /csg/ ESL motherfuckers with a burning fiery passion.
Will making a cross post that belongs on /fit/ or /ck/ upset my fellow /cum/mers, or is it just posts that affect my culture and country??
How does homeschooling actually work

Like no way peoples parents can teach them anything
What happened? They called you a chicano?
Fire away
I was homeschooled for 7th and 8th grade. My mom has a master's degree in teaching.
quite a few posters here are already on /ck/ desu
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Guess who's back to shit up the thread?
bro you don't have to know shit to be a teacher, all they do is read from a book
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I'm cool with anything short of gay porn spam, fuck the jannies and their kneelers btw
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sexo con cum con cum con sex
There are people who legitimately homeschool their kids with lesson plans, units, curriculums and testing etc. Then there are various schizos who just want to take their kids away from public school but don't actually teach them anything.
Try to remember what school was like.
Teachers are not superhuman. Many are even subhuman.
Homeschooling has a lot more personal tutoring as well.
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no, not like factory reset, more like a hard start
qtpis <3
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was he really balancing on that ball or was that AI
You can balance on my balls you slut
s-sorry I meant to quote this anon...
going to close tab and not look back into this thread
*cum slut
<blog> going to work out my shoulders and back right now. Later, i will go on a 20 mile bike ride if the roads are dry enough.
Afterwards, i will cook a delicious sloppy meal of baked chicken thighs and rice.
Lastly, i will complain about the [NOT INDIAN] migrants coming into my city
Boring bastard
Is that before or after you kiss your boyfriend on the lips you fruity fairy homoman?
Nothing boring about exercise

Oh, i forgot. I'm also going to work out my forearms when im done with my back
animated, we're getting the thirdie webms reposted here
>Lastly, i will complain about the [NOT INDIAN] migrants coming into my city
the saving grace sentence, based even
During? The kissing session will be between the bike ride and dinner.
I will be cooking while naked btw. Next time just ask
Piglets can naturally balance on a ball because of the way their baby feet are shaped
What is the evolutionary purpose for this ability
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it just turned on after i did a hard start thank you so much
I should start looking into adopting a little baby pig. I bet I could raise him like a dog and we could be bros and go hiking and stuff.
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you should pay that guy
can someone give this apu a transparent or white background?
I would if i had any money
How are you so dumb and lazy?
Also you can do this in mspaint easily
Hot. I wish I was your bf
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Do you look like and have the sexual organs of a woman?
You can thank me in the heartfelt speech you will give at my funeral
Ate too much. Can’t move
based based based
Being adorable to humans who will feed them for being cute

Pigs are smarter than even dogs so once it gets a certain age it will lose interest in you and start reading books or something
Finally a real American
How could I be your B(oy)F(riend) if I were a woman numbnuts?
Jews hate pigs, Muslims hate pigs and dogs. Why are semites like that?
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>and start reading books or something
The abrahamic faiths have always been fucking retarded
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Which faith isn't retarded
I support Israel as it's Christ's kingdom
dadberg is going to burger king
time for the very sad song. it's gonna do it, and i'll get all weep-y. well, alrighty then. engage.
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People in the 1800s were more accepting of trannies than chuds are in the 2020s.
mesopotamian moon worship
>t. Amanpreet Gill
We got Burger King at home.
momberg made a point that it had been a whole month since she last had an argument with dadberg. they've been married for 30 years. how the fuck could it be so bad that a month of no arguing is an achievement. i hate them so much.
Went for a jog instead
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>literally didn't know until she died
Nobody cared about troons until they started trying to make it the state religion
For some reason, people who worship the moon are always women
Ancient aryan yamnaya steppe animism from 6000BC also Shinto is pretty cool
so bored
Sun worship is the only religion that makes sense. You can see the sun. We know it's real. We can feel it's effects and see it's effects. No life could exist without it. Without it's function, everything dies.

Makes a lot more sense thanks Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism or anything else
Ur-Nammu aint no woman
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there is nothing wrong with being weird. but you should learn to hide your power level. in general, the more openly weird and abnormal you are, the more talented, skilled, or otherwise valued you need to be in order to be tolerated by humans. I think there's probably even an exact equation to describe this, its a ratio essentially where we would take a measure of how closely your behaviors align with others to how skilled/otherwise valued you are.

An easy pop culture example is quentin tarentino, who is renown for being strange and having a foot fetish (which isnt really THAT abnormal), but he is also known for making great films. It also makes sense as a ratio because certain traits would be seen as so far away as to always be repulsive and no amount of social value could justify it in the eyes of the masses. Like extreme fetishes, or very extreme beliefs, etc. The best thing to do if you are neurotypical (and unable to isolate or find a group of like minded or at least tolerable outsiders) is to sublimate those desires.

The problem I see in zoomers is they fail to understand this, they see being abnormal as a virute in and of itself and wear it with pride, then demand to be accepted.

Another fun way to consider it is calling it the anime effect. The main characters in anime have really absurd ridiculous hairstyles and personalities but thats because they're exceptional in other ways, extremely powerful etc. If you arent exceptional in other ways, and you wear your oddness on your sleeve, dont be surprised when people mistreat you.

it isnt fair, but it is the way things are.
anime is the worst gateway drug of all time.
>Worshiping a finite, mindless object makes more sense than worshiping creator of said object
We taking it back to 20000bc with this one
Isn't Christianity the religion of the US and why we founded America?
>The best thing to do if you are neurotypical
not neurotypical/ neuroatypical*
Father Sun and Mother Moon.
Also the moon affects women's menstrual cycles which is a core part of their being
Why do you think G-d had Titus sack Jerusalem after the israelites failed to heed Christ's teachings?
Very good post
>Also the moon affects women's menstrual cycles which is a core part of their being
Pseudo science
Because the Jews betrayed the Messiah and God gave him to us. However, they are still God's chosen people.
Is this a pasta? Rare high quality /cum/ post
>mention semitic demon worship
>everyone starts seething
Triggering NPCs is such a low-hanging fruit, but I can't help myself
I think you're a liar amd a fool.
Where's the anon who posts food webms?
My public/professional face is initially stoic and a bit aloof but polite. I reveal more of my personality as I get to know people.
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Playgan or SAAR both nothing to be proud of tbqh
hm. well what do you know about that. so i guess it isn't a modern abstraction. a leftenant, too. what a guy. or gal? i don't know. hahaha
>I reveal more of my personality as I get to know people
nice triples. I need to learn to stop doing that. its natural to get comfortable but it has caused a lot of turmoil. probably best to just always be a bit reserved/aloof
You sound underage
>object which affects the tide somehow doesnt affect sacs full of fluid which otherwise react to small changes in pressure, temperature, light, etc
Why would it affect women and not men
>Another fun way to consider it is calling it the anime effect.
and "people" here call this a good post
your question itself is flawed. Men and women are false divisions perpetuated by abrahamics, I'm trans btw
'levity is the soul of wit' - probably Shakespeare or at least probably what he meant to say
now this is a good post
Put on a tripcode
It affects everyone, but women have a core biological function which makes them relate to the cycles of the moon.
For us men it's just going into epic frenzies, for women there is an element of one of their most important imperatives (childbirth and carrying life) which, despite the enemy's attempts, is a core element of their existence.
>Men and women are false divisions perpetuated by abrahamics,
>iran shoots a bunch of missiles
>do minimal damage
>many miss targets or are intercepted
>kill someone in the west bank
The power ranking of Iran has been freefalling, Israel blows up their embassies, assassinates their officials and all they do is weak shit like this.
dont encourage it
Dadberg said he's staying behind in Florida when we move up to Tennessee
SO my pay got delayed because of Indigenous niggers religion or culture whatver day
>Worshiping a finite, mindless object that definitely observably exists makes more sense than worshiping the imaginary, invisible, totally made up creator of said object that nobody has ever seen

we need george carlin to save us
that's what you get for being a fed
You can't see something that is infinite and exists outside of space and time
momberg is a fed
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>US is not Christian it's secular or something
>The founders specifically set up a chaplain's office with daily prayers before every session for no reason at all in Congress
Excuses excuses. All religions are the same
>No bro, trust me, MY god definitely exists! He's just, you know, not in this space time continuum and is like so powerful you can't even perceive him. How do I know this? Because, dude. Some desert Jews thousands of years ago copy pasted some Babylonian myths and it's like totally real
watching destiny
That's not why the US was founded though
watching a canadian watch destiny
>He's just, you know, not in this space time continuum and is like so powerful you can't even perceive him.
That's a necessary trait for any sophisticated creator God
where did you hide the camera
idk why people seethe at deism
The US was founded by me personally and I can tell you why it was founded if you want to know
No it isn't. Omnipotence precludes limitations.
Thats for me to know and you to find out
>Omnipotence precludes limitations.
Can you break down what this means?
I don't doubt that there's some Prime Mover of some sort. But Bible stories about floods and plagues is utterly retarded. It's the kinda shit you believe in only because you were raised to believe it and can't conceive of anything else.

If a baby elephant is chained his whole life, even when he grows huge and powerful enough to break the chains, he won't. He won't even try because he's been conditioned his whole life into thinking the chains are unbreakable
it's very odd how many well-known streamers are literal cuckolds
If you're omnipotent there's nothing you can't do. That's the very definition of omnipotent
Streamer niggas be like "Hey could you fuck my underage girlfriend while I watch?"
God can make himself known to us, that's the point of religion
But of course you can just reinterpret all of it to the level of "haha le dead Jew on stick, sky daddy".
Yeah and then they say the n word
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Have you guys ever gotten a massage?

I want to get one but I'm worried about laying on my dick for like an hour. I never sleep on my stomach really.

I'm not fat nor do I have a huge dick. just something I'm kind of paranoid about.
did you know there are USA living in israel? they come mostly together in the 70s and settled in some cities in the south like dimona

some have been deported but others stay and serve in the army.

here's one of them rapping
they are very integrated
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why is china so suoless?
Whoa jews living in israel thats crazy
shut yo ugly ass up
East Asians in general are very NPC
Iraq doesn't seem to be up to much nowadays
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smartschoolboy tier
What the fuck is this creature
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average mesopotamian male
Looks like one of those Tzimisce szlachta familiars
can't believe i have to be here at toil for another 3 hours still
i want see him with the white makeup and filters
What a grim image holy shit

plastic and mass production was a mistake
Yeah. I had one done by a tiny asian lady. At first she was going kind of soft, then weak kneading, then she went at me with her elbows and that felt like it would leave bruises, then I felt her climb onto the table and start kneeling into my spine. Shit started cracking and hurt, but I felt great afterwards.
did she give you a happy ending
Me too. This shit is a gyp
Not that kind of massage place you little sex pest
Alright but I'm saying do you have your dick pointed up toward your stomach? I just don't wanna compress my dick for that long underneath me.

I know it would probably be fine but like I said I don't sleep on my stomach so it's not a position I'm normally in.
recently got an ad on normiegram for an incredibly scummy looking massage place with grim women. I'm thinking it had to be a honeypot
Stole your cum karma and posted this on /sp/
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After days of doing nothing, I have to ramp up my productivity right now to meet deadlines and not fall behind
Procrastination, ever the companion of the lout
Nigga you'd only need to tuck your shit under your stomach if you have a b0nar.
Just point it down like a normal human being. You can even test it out right now. Just go lie down on your stomach and see for yourself. One hour isn't going to break your dick
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try to make me seethe
according to the people of mexico the departing president was the best because he gave them 200usd a month.
Omw to /sp/ to call you out for stealing posts
who shot him in the ear?
I put ketchup and mustard on tacos




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Ok ok!!! I will then
I care o algo
I care
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Mexico has 18 Michelin starred restaurants
Canada has 25.
Therefore Canada has a much better cuisine and food culture than Mexico
Sometimes sleeping on my tummy feels good, but i always have to roll over, or else my morning wood doesnt happen and then my cock hurts
Science doesn’t lie
you don't understand dirty street food that makes you sick is culture!!!
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cummypies, im drinking covfefe
Are they actually good restaurants or do they just serve bullshit small plates that can be consumed in one bite
Any grown man that refers to his stomach as "tummy" has some kind of fucking disorder, or some mental issue that begs for treatment.
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Real authentic and delicious Mexican food has fecal matter in the meat and insect bits in the vegetables
Both are present on the list
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sexo con mejican cummy bummies
That's true tho. Culuture isnt just about good stuff and vapid consumerism. You wouldnt know this by talking to women
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Technically speaking all vegetables have insect bits
it sounds like a joke but there are people in mexico who get mad if you take them out to eat in a clean restaurant instead of a hole full of rats.
I am mentally ill.
why yes, how did you know i am mentally ill?
Why are you willing concede a God may exist but deny supernatural phenomena
I've never been called a lout before
Grad student
Not if you wash them
Vegetables are especially delicious if it feels like you're chewing sand while you eat your lettuce
I've been to San Diego and it's the same way there
They think the best food comes from a stall where you risk food poisoning every time you eat
I made reimu in soul calibur
My blackberries today had live aphids in them but I ate them anyway
I love my wife, reimu. Pics?
blud ate ze bugs
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>The United States has now called on every nation in the world to join it in condemning Iran’s salvo of ballistic missiles against Israel earlier today
Condemn it... or ELSE!
You can condemn this ;)
*points at butt*
Chugga Chugga Chugga CHOO CHOO
I love war drama
>>202917206 (you)
who will make the new? 3 anons threadsplitting at once I assume
this thread is still good until page 10
I got it
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>/cum/ dying at 300 while everyone bakes a new bread waiting to be first
Mexican standoff
im making one
Mexi/cum/ standoff
Why stress about making a new when you can have a cuppa?
Guys I'm making the new
one more minute until i can post
Just finished my back and forearms exercises. Letting my blood sugar normalise as i get ready for my bike ride
it factually isn't
I say this frequently though.

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