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reddit: the country
Disgusting jobless shithole. Long live the third reich
Maple flavored fags in a shithole country devoid of culture outside of trailer park boys. That's literally their only achievement.
Remember when leafs used to brag about how cool Trudeau was because DUDE WEED LMAO? And now they’re a third world shithole where Indians own everything? How’s that weed treating you fags now?
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Is Trailer Park Boys reddit?
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Why do you care about the job market of a country that disgusts you?
At least we have a name, Unitedstatian
He was okay until he wasn't. Your presidents are always bad.
>At least we have a name, Unitedstatian
Wack comeback
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There was a thread that got pruned earlier, but this post right here to me, captures your average 25 to 40 year old leaf.

This is what 20 years of propaganda from Michael Moore, CNN, CBC and other shit like The Daily Show does to you.

Think about how absurd their proposed situation actually is, how over confident they are with Ontario.

OP is correct, this country is reddit, in this never ending feed back loop. I actually want the US to invade and I think a lot of these cucks will be in for a rude awakening of how many people go along with it, in Ontario too.
Reddit has its uses. Its more like some shitty site that ends in .net.

Born and bred Canadian. Grew up playing hockey, drinking beer and eating maple syrup. I am as Canadian as it gets. But I am old enough to watch and love through the transitional period of a lackluster boring country go from borinf/staying in lane to ooen border faggotry degenerate globohomo juggernaut.

It was never "good". It was "okay". But now...ITS FUCKING BAD
any western country is reddit these days, specially canada, USA and france
it's more like doomer the country now. seriously if you pick a fight with a cuckndadian now that isn't a homeowner you're in for a bad time
At least we Canadians have better health care lol
out of all five anglo countries only america and uk aren't reddit
That's literally it. That is the SINGLE Canadian talking point. And that is falling apart too.
usa is a divided country
they still their based side but those other ones don't
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that's not true, we also have elliot moose
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>not reddit
based side = some small town in dixie, the rest is pure reddit, specially big cities.
it's not just "some small town" tho
I don't remember any man bragging about Trudeau being cool 2bh. Mostly just wine aunts and American liberal journalist fags who love jacking off to Canada to own le republicans
stop projecting
"Settlers" being your name.
Kill yourself, freak frog.
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Stop sucking Danish cock and become independent already. And take Nunavut with you.
Hey at least (You) got a (You)
I'll suck whatever cock I feel like, settler. You need to get out of Turtle Island, simple as. You don't belong and you're a horrible person.
Suersamuna qeqertaa, ilissi susassarinngilarsi ningoritsi
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Kek and then what?
Hang yourself to find out!
sweden is reddit
No dummy, what are (You) gonna do when we all hang ourselves? Nothing, because you're whining on 4chin from your island.
I'll find joy. OK? I'll find peace, love, and joy.

Certainly explains all the technical problems.

Thanks, neighbourino!
We'd lose everything north of Sudbury immediately. Toronto thinks it would fight, but it's already American... leaving Barrie (with it's steady supply of meth and fenty cut off), and Ottawa (with its misplaced faith in due process).
Can I come back and visit at least?
Only every other 5 years, and you may stay maximum 1 day
Bruh, "We" would "loose" all of it.

There's Toronto, and the rest of Canada essentially now. The point is, people actually believe that ORANGE MAN would just order an invasion and some Red Dawn shit would actually happen and somehow, magic, would just defeat the US cause we have our Avro Arrow or something.

This country was bought, sold and under US control where it counts for decades.
alright fine I'll go be a chud in europe. Will you come visit me?
No thanks. I have to help my brothers rebuilt things you've destroyed.
I can give good building tips
I should also point out, BC is a liberal/leftist province is also coming into question.
We're gonna tear your buildings down, remove contraceptions, proper ceremony for the dead children you killed, rebuilt dog population that you slaughtered, re-establish with each other.
You've "helped" enough, pale man. No thanks.
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What do you think about the Great Peace of Montreal? The French are indeed settlers but they did stop a few wars until the Angloids fucked everything up forever
Only post S6 TPB
Congrats to Canada for reaching 40 million. What was the main source of the growth?
you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
Do Russians ever have anything to say other than talking shit about others? You can't possibly be butthurt about every country in the world, right?
Everyone you disagree with works for Russia.
OP is literally Russian
Sure "We" would "loose"[sic] all of it, but Barrie wouldn't notice for a bit, and Ottawa might sit there and bitch for two-three weeks before actually ceding control.

And, no, we don't have an Avro Arrow. We've got a full-sized model of one, but there's nothing in it.
umm no sweety, sweden is the reddit country
Bring some skates and some akvavit.. and book some time off of work - the hangover's gonna last a few days.
Do you believe Century Initiative?
(Assuming you're the same anon)
I had to look it up... 100 million Canadians? Not even if they were Canadian.
I imagine it has to do with >>202920403
that has a lot to do with 1995... which was a response to projections of 2015
Regardless, you have a lot of sex to do if you wanna reach 100M.
Get to work. But leave Jay from Kenora alone, she's mine.
Kenora's a long drive for anonymous sex. I think Jay's safe for now.
We're trying fertility treatments. Both the missus and I were against having kids until we met each other, but she's been off the pill for three years, and no podlings yet.
I think I can impregnate Jay using the power of the mind, so she'll give birth to cross-freaks of Ojibwe and kalaallit.
How come you were initially against? It seems like couples I come in contact with end up with pregnancy few months later.
I hope you and the missus will be blessed with podlings.
There's some mental illness that's really slowly being bred out of my family - I don't know if it's from residential school trauma and taking it out on the kids or what, but I definitely come down with some serious cases of the blues. The missus has a rare form of dwarfism that even she wouldn't know about if she didn't get tested... so there's a chance we have depressed ojibwe midgets with red hair.
I imagine she's not a primordial dwarf. Meaning 'rare' as in your offspring would likely be dwarfs And periodical blues, or constant?
I hope not being able to get her pregnant affects your depression in a negative way
Rare, as in she's the world's tallest leprechaun lol. Her arms and legs are 1/2" shorter than they should be, but there's a gene replacement/mutation there that could potentially pass on.
My blues are much more periodical now than they were, but I spent most of my teens depressed and self destructive.
We're waiting on results to see where the problem lies. Worst case Ontario, there's in-vitro, surrogates sperm and egg donors, and adoption.
>I spent most of my teens depressed and self destructive.
Same here, and I still have those tendencies, but not as aggressive as during teenage years.
Aggression have been replaced by loneliness and pessimism instead. I still shut myself in and minimize social contact when worse, and if so I'd need alcohol.
>We're waiting on results to see where the problem lies. Worst case Ontario, there's in-vitro, surrogates sperm and egg donors, and adoption.
I can't imagine Canadian state would neglect a child regardless genetic deformities. You have necessities should she get pregnant during the process of you waiting for results?
Sorry, "Worst case Ontario" is a 'Rickyism' for "Worst case scenario."
If she gets pregnant while we wait on test results, then great. We can see if we can get screening done on the embryo (more likely if we have to go the in vitro route), but the traits that seem to dominate in both our families lead me to believe that we're likely to have a clever child who's built like a tank and has a serious issue with authority.
>Sorry, "Worst case Ontario" is a 'Rickyism' for "Worst case scenario."
That's what I assumed after chuckling a bit.
Nature and nurture. You will find the best suitable paedagogy regardless the results. It's the best outcome for anything.
Qujanaq, qatanngutiga.
Illillu, ajunngikkina
I work in international trade, importing stuff into almost every country you could possibly think of. I can safely say that CBSA are the worst customs agency in the developed world by a massive distance. ArriveCAN was already a huge failure, but now they're launching a new trade system at the end of the month (CARM) that is mandatory for all importers and I expect it will be a complete disaster that will halt all border traffic for several days. I look forward to seeing Justin Brownface either make impotent excuses or fire everyone to save face. Or maybe they'll delay it again at the last minute like they already have four previous times. Either way, fuck Canadians.
The practice is always a good time!
>It was never "good". It was "okay"
Sounds like this site, then.
Perspective is important - sometimes you think you're going in circles, but really you're following a downward spiral!
Well, if there is a downward spiral, surely there must be a way to "spiral upward".
No one fights just so they can secure some flavor of defeat.
and yet we keep coming back
Plebbit: the sitcom
We only watch skibidi toilet here. Ironically of course.
All Anglo settler colonies that didn't have a revolution to affirm their independence and identity are fundamentally fake and gay.

Canada unironically has zero right to exist and it is only American mercy and indifference that allows it to.
First off, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbntYP-J-8M
Fuck the east coast.
Second, WEXIT is the best option for us, because you east coast fucks keep wrecking things for the provinces that pay the bills.
Third, joining the USA isn't going to help us. That's just asking for a different federal government to fuck us over. I'll take the indirect fucking that the USA gives us, over the direct fucking that they'd give us as states.
You're one to talk, you need Denmark to do your negotiating for you.
It was actually 41 million, when they were announcing 40 million. StatsCan thought that people who had expired visas, would leave. They didn't, and never confirmed that they left, just subtracted them from the total.
The main source is Trudeau bringing jeets and chinks here.
I can't name a single thing that got better since early 2000 in this country
What about Western United States and Western Canada forming their own Western Republic absent the east?
Regardless of the union they're in, Alberta will call everyone else liberal fags, and BC will still be full of them.
Thinking about just rolling with it and having a harem of ugly jeetas
Controlling shares of Northern NA's wood, oil, media and tech? Washington would have boots on the ground before it seceded.
So long as we can get rid of southern BC and California, I'd be open to such an arrangement.
Alberta isn't even the most conservative province.
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You can ally with Southern seperatists. Ideally, this is what North America would look like from a cultural-geographic viewpoint.
Why you wanna us talk about Indian again
>not giving Quebec their own colour
You want to keep speaking French, you need a buffer. That buffer is Ontarois.

I've seen worse.
I don't understand this reddit meme. Nowadays the entire internet isn't much different from 4chan, it seems like people here are even calmer in blue boards.
What the shit did you just try to say?
Quebecois are way too gay to deserve their own republic.
>You want to keep speaking French, you need a buffer. That buffer is Ontarois.
I don't care one way or the other, but I'm just saying that Quebec isn't like the rest.
I mean, they're woke retards who love being oppressed by government. But they like to pretend that they're not like the rest.
True, they'd fit in with the rest of the faggot tranny east coast USA states.
4chin is becoming like old reddit now because they're THAT contrarian
meanwhile twitter and reddit are more insufferable than this website ever was
just look at the nice little civilized conversations people are having these days on this board, it's truly incredible
or it could also be LLMs
Once you leave Montreal, it's God first, and Quebec second. Churches, trees, farms and liquor stores as far as the eye can see. Most of unpopulated Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are the same. Newfoundland might as well come along for the ride - they're good ol' boys.

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