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Not only is Japan one of the cheapest developed countries, it's also one of the most beautiful, and safest, and cleanest, etc etc

Why does this paradox exist? How is this possible?
average IQ above 100 and no immigrants
japan is a stinkhol
>no immigrants
Who's gonna tell xer?
Hinamizawa... home...
that pic is from tottori actually
small town caleld kofu
High trust, ethnically homogenous society.
doesnt explain why portland is a shithole filled with freaks or why Blackpool is a miserable shithole
It perfectly explains it. Portland was a nice place until recently, and now it's less than 70% white (thus becoming a low trust shithole).

Blackpool is a miserable shithole because it's in the UK and everywhere is a miserable shithole here.
That's actually a very nice and genuinely interesting video btw
Tottori prefecture is actually just below the national average in development btw, but now the whole thing is organized seems hella developed if you ask me
Most people neither have the mentality nor the willpower to become farmers, which is why the countryside is so cheap in Japan. After all, you already have people too lazy to mow the lawn or pull out all the weeds in their own backyard.
That is one way to look at it, but like anywhere there is good and bad
im going to move to a japanese town and impregnate every woman
>Portland was a nice place until recently
I grew up there (actually across the river in vancouver but same shit)
it's not a place I enjoyed living.

both Seattle and Portland are massively overrated cities imo
They also have high quality people with a very xenophobic society which is perfect
>very xenophobic society
is there any proof this is true? because I dont think it is, at all
I'd give my life for Shimonoseki and Kitakyushu
It's massively overpopulated. Shit like fresh fruit costs an arm and a leg. Horrible work space dynamic. Full of antisocial weirdos.
I have a Syrian friend who works in Japan as a car mechanic
People don't treat him in a bad way but he's very integrated into their culture and we levantines tend to pass as locals in any country
Now he doesn't look like a perfect Jap but he looks Asian enough to blend in
Shaming hasn't been removed from Japan yet
>Japan one of the cheapest developed countries
Who told you this?
>High trust
They don't really like their government lol, voter engagement isn't that high. Also Shinzo Abe basically burnt years doing nothing to actually help anything.

>ethnically homogenous society
You do know society isn't split across only ethnic lines?
Japan has rather low social trust.
They are just largely culturally and ethnically homogenous.
I am telling YOU this
The East Asian trick:
Pay your population pennies so labour stays cheap while the overall wealth gets better. Japan is nice because it's infrastructure is phenomenal but is only cheap to foreigners. Living in Japan on a Japanese salary is hard. There's also the issue of the countryside basically emptying out because low birth rate + dying population + high urbanism means the majority of these rural towns are half empty
True because their police are very strict. Japan is one of those countries that somehow manages to be democratic and authoritarian at the same time. Elections are "free and fair" but the same party gets elected every single time and that party is deeply involved in everything. It makes it very easy for them to impose crazy laws that push everyone into a mold. Japan is notoriously clean because the fine for literring is insanely high and extremely surveilled. After a few years of that law people got used to it. They use that tactic in the Arab gulf sometimes and it works varyingly
>Japan has rather low social trust.
I was going to mention this as well but I can't find the corresponding infographic at the moment

just because they are mostly japanese doesn't mean they trust each other

public trust is more a function of having a strong body of law enforcement rather than just demographics
>Japan is notoriously clean because the fine for literring is insanely high and extremely surveilled.
This sentence alone outs you as someone who's clueless about Japan at a fundamental level. Literal Ben Shapiro's retarded talking point recently. No one ever gets fined for littering in Japan and surveillance doesn't get in the equation either. Not a thing. Singapore works that way. Japan works on a shame-based morality system that gives to the watchful eye of the community the authority even when not there. The Tokugawa Shogunate was like that, not today's Japan, at this stage it's internalised on a societal level.
Again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Actually almost every countryside in first country are good as paradise if you want to know about them but they may don’t like any foreigners like Japan where those Japanese farmers dislike any race except EAST ASIAN
>those Japanese farmers dislike any race except EAST ASIAN
Again, an absolutely clueless poster.
>Pay your population pennies
wages were relatively high during their post-ww2 boom phase and that's what enabled Japan to have a huge domestic consumption market and push them to high-income status.

Modern China is trying to do the same, shifting its economy to focus on domestic consumption to overcome the middle income trap. But the average Chinese don't have the disposable income to spend money on all the goods they produced, unlike Japan from the 60s onwards
When will you move there then?
>Japan works on a shame-based morality system
Nigga everyone there hates each other. They would rather work 80 hour work weeks and die from exhaustion than go outside and make friends
Out of homogeneity comes extremely fucked up people mentally and emotionally, total screwballs
ignore that faggot, the pacific northwest is extremely low trust. pnw sōys hate all of humanity and want to kill themselves. they're the worst kind of american to get such a kino bioregion, and it's a real travesty. indeed seattle and portland are some of the worst america has to offer
>cars, houses, and standard food portions are tiny
>homes are basically made of cardboard
>very easy to trigger social death by forgetting one of their ten thousand social rules once
>bureaucracy is absurd
I mean I'm not denying it's soulful but it's not paradise
>cars, houses, and standard food portions are tiny
To be fair, their average height is like 160cm
So are people here, but here everything is bigger than even in bongland
I respect that Japs can live with less but if you move to it as a foreigner you WILL feel the difference (unless you're a brit)
Hard to get in, and even harder to leave Tokyo once you get in. Even if you manage to learn one of the hardest languages in the world at native level.
Japs are basically children lol (no offense).

Understand this and you will understand their entire nation.
>Hard to get in
outdated meme
anyone can get into japan nowadays

literally anyone with a degree can get a visa for a job in japan
Okay, tell me what to do then genius.
are you a software engineer
what do you do for a living
Heavy tourism lean. Look up what a carry trade is and that's what they make money off. Also to make matters even better for them they get support from the US military industrial complex because they helped out tremendously during the Cold War. So it's an island sized resort, with low unemployment and unproductive jobs. Around 90% of Japan's skyscrapers were built after the bubble burst, now that people are suddenly getting tired of big cities (because they all look the same) they're switching over to more rural appeal so people can see the 'real' Japan that's like 6% of their population at most and over half of it is elders. It's a highly dense population which also makes it so crime rates are low and most of the nature is ignored because no one lives there around half the population is in Tokyo and Osaka alone and they import everything so there's no need to tear up nature to build cities or look for resources. That's all I could think of off the top of my head.
I am not a software engineer, nor do I want to spend my days at work buried in code.
I thought you said anyone could get in? Are you now telling me it's only software engineers?
No, I just want to know what you do so I can find some retard on twitter than does the same and recently moved to japan.
Lets say I work as a network engineer then.
Also finding some rando that managed it doesn't mean "anybody can do it" like you claimed.
love his channel
It became the cheapest in this 3 years and will be just a random poor shithole soon.
'ate japs, simple as
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contact him vebjoern.nilssen@cornerstone.jp
Nah, Japan is the gateway for pretty much all trade in the Pacific. No matter what happens there's always going to be money filtering in. If globalism died then yeah sure, Japan is screwed, but as of right now it's geopolitically invaluable.
>"Bilingual market"
I speak from experience when I say that there are a lot of jobs in Japan you just can't do without some Japanese proficiency. Without it you are limited to English teaching, or code monkey jobs. Even if they don't state it outright, they do want you to have some proficiency, I have been told this multiple times.
I encourage you to not just get your information from the internet is all.
He probably doesn't want to work for 1/3 of a US salary
obviously getting a remote job from the states would be best but not everyone can do that right

and let's be honest living in japan is so much better than living in most places in the USA. it might still be worth it
leave this area and you're not gonna see any immigrants
inherent japanese culture and values + mostly perfect mix of collectivism and individualism + very strict immigration requirements
They developed robots to not import much migrants.
b-but portlandia..
is it actually cheap? or are the homes cheap that are build with terrible stardards and disposable, please rebuilt it after 30 years?
Those cheap houses are from deserted areas its a way to attract new people there to dynamise the economy, if theres so many abandonned houses in japan thats because they stopped making kids to populate them.
if that is the case then why aren't arab countries safe? or hell most of africa
Why would I want to go to a place filled with yellows?
typical right wing
Low iq+brown
> levantines tend to pass as locals in any country
No we don’t silly
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They have Mexican festivals. How?and why?
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Because it's a shithole country that's teetering on the edge of collapse.
That's because weebs think that anything or anybody Japanese is beautiful. There's plenty of countries better than Japan when it comes to how beautiful it is.
If Japan was that safe, women wouldn't need their own trains to avoid getting molested. Seriously, if all the onsens need to ban tattoos to keep the Yakuza out, that should tell you that the police are incompetent and/or corrupt.
Rwanda mogs Japan.
if only their work culture wasn't so shitty
Hard work and not listening to whining of literal subhumans (workers)
flame war incoming
>>cars, houses, and standard food portions are tiny
Less fat fucks and less SUVs driven by said fat fucks.
>>homes are basically made of cardboard
Americans do it as well but they don't get the excuse of living in an earthquake prone country where bricks are a hazard.
>>very easy to trigger social death by forgetting one of their ten thousand social rules once
Literally every western country is like this.
>>bureaucracy is absurd
We took 5 years for an infrastructure plan to go beyond the "hmm should we do this stage" and we will take another 3 years for it to get through the "get it approved for the consideration of funding" stage.
Every criticism of Japan can be applied to an even greater magnitude to other western countries.
Literally no one will reply to this because you know that I'm god damn right.
I love Japan. I spent a few weeks there a few months ago and absolutely loved it. The nicest people you could ever meet. I hope they like Australia.
dubai is the safest city in the world
What African country is ethnically homogeneous?
Portland got infected by the far-left mind virus. Communism is a huge cause of problems in a mostly homogenous society.
Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Estawini, Lesotho, Eritrea
You don't understand what is meant by "high trust".

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