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Sad edicion

Previous: >>202969111
wypipo be like my dog needs dental surgery
Week 2 getting paid to do literally nothing. Wfh days its awesome i make 30/hr to play videogames and shitpost all day. In office days its pure torture. I can't tell if its incompetence or malice at this point. Feel like my manager lowkey hates me for some reason and is deliberately keeping me locked out of all systems. Effectively meaning i can't do my job. Or anything.
literally me
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have you guys ever done a powerpoint night
a what
Wypipo itt be like "oh the garlic in this soup spicy AF"
I feel like I've explored every possible fetish that interests me and now I'm just not interested in porn at all anymore
I have not coomed in nearly a week which is unusual for me
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/cum/? More like /dead/
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Good morning /cum/friends!
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>be dishwasher just chillin at work
>zoomer woman waitress coworker tells me she wants to an hero
this bitch is always so miserable when I say hi and asks her how she is
femcels, heads up you don't say this irl
>an hero
attention seeking tbqh
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usa b like
Why do the Moslem terrorists never kill the Israeli /int/ posters?
we only get the fat ones that look like bullfrogs
son how did you get in this condition
If I am productive today I might drink a little tonight. Thinking of either a wine spritzer or vodka seltzer
>wine spritzer
Ned Flanders ahh nigga
i will look like that in the future
morning bud
Did he drink?
I am older than Alexander the Great was when he died. a humbling thought.
She wants you to save her
He was just a figurehead. His generals and father did the legwork.
how old are you?
Alexander the great also inherited a kingdom that was on the precipice of greatness.
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Why do people feel compelled to dimish the accomplishments of historical figures?
I could've been a multi millionaire if my parents had just forced me to play baseball and dedicate every waking moment to bit
he literally did the legwork, his father did the logistical boring stuff to prepare him for zooming across Europe and Asia on horseback.
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Yeah I'm sure if you were in charge of Macedon instead of Alexander it would've gone the same way
It's unfeasible for a 20 year old to have accomplished what he did without substantial assistance, and it's documented that Philip had already planned the conquest
Alexander, the naive and immature boy that he was, was immediately betrayed after the conquests, and his mother imprisoned.
Alexander is a romanticized figure who wasnt even written about until hundreds of years after he died
Making plans and actually carrying them out are two very different things
There's a reason Alexander is thought of as one of the greatest military leaders of all time
so you're not in the league of alexander the great? what a fucking shocker
Yes, he had great and experienced generals
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applied for the apartment
wish me luck bros
What's your point
Alexander surely must have done all that is attributed to him because I, a random anon, am an average guy? Not trying to mischaracterize you, I genuinely don't understand the point you're making.
How many bedrooms/bathrooms and what's the square footage?
My first apartment was a massive loft, it was kinda based
Mighty Caesar also lamented thusly, and even his failures towered over other men's accomplishments.
What's your point though
bad faith arguing above
small as shit like 670sqft 1/1
I just want somewhere quiet because my current apartment is a loud hipster hotspot with active construction
My point is that I'm sure that I'm sure if you were in charge of Macedon instead of Alexander it would've gone the same way
I'm sure if I had 4 wheels, I'd be a bicycle
he was embalmed and interred in Egypt, this would have only happened to someone of extraordinary status.
Then why didn't Philip do it first? What a fool you are thinking Alexanders accomplishments were a foregone conclusion. He achieved what he did because of his boundless talent and unparalleled skill
i hope you are a girl saying this
he was 'great' in fucking other men in the ass, not so great in morals
Autistic individuals may struggle with pragmatic language skills, including understanding the social rules and expectations surrounding sarcasm
OH you're the jeet who denied he successfully conquered part of India before. Now I understand
Yeah he was a figurehead used to rally the people and soldiers
Shit like that happens all the time, it's why dictators make statues of themselves
Sarcasm isn't easily conveyed through emotionless text
Jeets and Alexander the Great have the same relationship as Brazilians and the Wright Brothers
OH you're the npc who strawmans me as some random fuck from your imagination because it's easier than contending with the substance of my posts. now I understand
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>i hope you are a girl saying this
im a transgirl ^^
It is if you're not autistic and able to understand social context clues like the fact that the guy I'm replying to is raging about Alexander piggybacking off Philip

What's actually going on is that he just discovered ancient Greek history and his surface level reading just reached the part where Philip is building up the army
that means you cut off your tits?
ngl, we're living in some grim ass world.
I'm not raging throughever
I saw some Iranians online also claim that not only did the Greeks never conquer Persia, but that Alexander never even existed and was a Roman or Medieval invention centuries later. This also seems quite similar to what the anon is memeing tbqh
Went through the shitty part of town yesterday on the way to the Asian grocery store and drove past a suspicious amount of brand new Chargers, Mercedes, BMWs, and Mustangs that were parked in the driveways of rundown rotting shitholes
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>If you only knew how bad things really are
>Alexander conquers Persia
>immediately starts LARPing as Persian
They should just try to spin it in a positive way
Which book?
Hmm. Turns out i cant actually become more racist
I've interacted with too many people of African ancestry to enjoy their presence, personally
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there's another case wherein a south african woman was raped and mutilated until her intestines were falling out. she survived the ordeal which is amazing.
should have asked how much they wanted for the lot.
You ever wake up and just want nothing from life? I'm not looking forward to anything, I don't want to do anything, not even the things I usually like. It can either be that I enjoy nothing or I hate what I'm doing, and because I have to go to work today it's going to be the latter.
But I also realize that the case is going to be the same for the next 4 days after today as well. If there wasn't literally no other option that isn't even worse, I wouldn't go through with it.
Always get rid of traitors before enemies
It's from one of the many inquiries into grooming gangs that get ignored until it happens again and they make another inquiry. Alexis Jay is the author of the report
Was she white
I bet their registrations were at least one year out of date
that's called depression dude
Yeah I don't get it either, he sought legitimacy being becoming more Persian. If anything he's like a conquest dynasty that preserved the Satraps, officials etc. with only slight changes and Persia still remained Persian unlike with the Arabs
I dont go out and do things because i want to do them.
I go out and do things because i must do something or else ill go crazy.
dang it
found the link
>he hasn't heard the Charlemagne clip
Diddy's dropping the soap the second he gets in the shower
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>Brazilians and the Wright Brothers
This one is very odd to me because even as a non-American, the huehue claim makes no sense. They say the 1903 flight never happened or didn't count but ignore the flights in 1905 that still precede the Huezilian 1906 flight.
I don't think there's anything irrational about my outlook that would make it a mental illness or whatever. I've just realized after my days off this time that the same thing happens to me every week. I spend a shitload of time looking forward to something, the something comes, it's way less fun and lasts even less long than I expected, then I'm back to work. Every time I think it will be worthwhile and it isn't. My job ruined everything.
>You ever wake up and just want nothing from life?
no, i wake up hard and start humping my pillow, then a few minutes later i'll have a proper wank
>There, they brutally raped her, disemboweled her, and slashed her throat so deeply that she was nearly decapitated. Finally, they left her for dead in a clearing.
>But Botha was still breathing. “I realized my life was too valuable to let go of,” she later said. “And that gave me the courage to survive.”

Contrast this with (my post btw)

if you're not happy and nothing makes you feel good, you're depressed
contrary to popular internet belief, depression doesn't solely = "I want to kill myself I hate my life ahhhhh"
you need to find your passion in life to have direction to have satisfaction
They'll also confidently claim that everyone outside of the US supports their claim just like how Latinx Americanxs think that the US is the only country that says North and South America are different continents
You're depressed because all you think about is how sad you are
Just stop it
Worked for me
To whomever asked me what haircut I was going to get I got a skinfade and a 4 on top
all the time. unironically thinking of sepuku since my life ahead looks grim
Its probably just because its the first day of the workweek for me, soon after (probably half way through) I'll fall back into the delusion that fun is just around the corner and be happy again and the cycle will continue unabated. Momentary self awareness will come again, but only rarely and quickly forgotten. This is basically what it is to be human I think
When i asked "which one" i was meaning "which hair" as in the tired old just that "a haircut" sounds like "a hair cut" as in one hair
i wear wolfcut with bangs
>fall back into the delusion that fun is just around the corner and be happy again and the cycle will continue unabated
this is called complacency and resignation
life will not suddenly fall together without your input, you need to solve it
from your posts you strike me as someone with absolutely no drive or ambition, you have no goals to work towards so you simply go through the motions
that's not being human, that's being a bugman
I feel bad because I just nagged at my grandma to not hang clothes because it's going to be close to 100 degrees by the time they dry and she's 90 years old. It drives me crazy
so now im a fucking bug too, huh. great
Inch resting
you are behaving like one
if you want more out of life you must seek it
not do the same thing every day and expect change
Make gay posts
>Latinx Americanxs think that the US is the only country that says North and South America are different continents
>Latinx are so desperate to be in the same category as Americans they will ignore the geographic, cultural, geological, and basic common sense aspects of the 2 separate continents
Really makes you think
What if i want less out of life?
then you shouldn't be shocked when someone calls you a bugman
>not so great in morals
That's pretty relative schlomo
I'm not the same anon, nor in the same situation
okay, then you will simply be a bugman instead of being called one
you can call it being a bug but I think most people live this way and just don't really acknowledge it
According to them it's because Americans and Canadians are racist and imperialistic and don't want to be associated with them, ignoring that we're still on the same continent and hundreds of millions of Latinxs
>I think most people live this way and just don't really acknowledge it
this is exactly why it's bugman behavior
>oh everyone else does it so I'll do it too!
>everyone else does it so it's okay!
>everyone else does it so I'll be like them!
you should strive to stand on your own, not lump in with the masses
Makes sense. Does making abrasive posts on 4channel constitute a high ambition?
it's only abrasive because you don't like hearing it
hola senor. como te llama?
I actually don't mind at all. Why would reading your posts bother me?
Who are you to me?
clearly you feel some type of way about it or you would not be replying
Im not saying its ok. no offense because i know you're trying to help but do you think I haven't heard your advice before? im past even the delusion that I'll change and do something about it. I used to try that or at least fantasize about trying. Again, like most people, who also fall into whatever level of mediocrity is appropriate for their ability.

I don't think about getting better anymore. I think about driving home from work, except instead of going home i pick a random direction and just keep driving and i leave everything behind. of course its even less realistic than self improvement, but at this point I think that's the only way I would actually change my life. something drastic that I also wouldn't do
>and Canadians
Let's be real, they don't care about us lol. They just want to all be able to say I'M AMERICAN TOO jajaja and get some prestige from the association with you. Such is the power of America.
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>nearly 120 posts
>14 images
Low effort general? Or too many mobilefags? Perhaps both
FUCK posting pictures NIGGA
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I gots webums too
underrated gem
we're right brained
>do you think I haven't heard your advice before?
but have you tried applying it?

>im past even the delusion that I'll change and do something about it
>like most people, who also fall into whatever level of mediocrity is appropriate for their ability.
>I don't think about getting better anymore
more resignation and complacency

what do you like to do? if nothing now, what was your hobby as a child, your favorite thing to do?

>i pick a random direction and just keep driving and i leave everything behind. of course its even less realistic than self improvement
why is this unrealistic? you have a car, that's portable shelter and transportation to anywhere
you presumably have some money since you're working, that's food and amenities
what else do you need?
That poor fuck, man. How sad. His mind must be full of copes to avoid confronting how grim is life is
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here anon. have an image of tony shalhoub. hope this contributes to the /cum/ discourse.
I hope I was never friends with any secret fatties online but I know there were at least a few
I don't want to set the world on fire okay. I just want to start a flame in your heart
Most of the anons here are fatties, statistically speaking
Me? I'm skinny :)
two thirds of the regulars are currently on vacation
You're skinnyfat
>Make the perfect song
>Make it 2 minutes long
>Ruin it with a lame monologue
Why did they do this
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*starts twerking on you*
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>On strike
>Decided not to demonstrate tonight
I really should, but I think today's a good day to rest. I'll post (covered because SFW) boobas and answer any ILA-related questions. That's kind of like helping right?
I have a question
who asked
That was the style at the time. 2 minutes is way too short anyway
This place is gonna have a complete meltdown in November. It's gonna be the janny and his pet posting alone in /cum/ for 3 days lol
Some pisscord mod in a DBZ server keeps uploading voice clips of him saying "nigga" and he has the whitest voice I ever heard. It always embarrasses me
**cums on your hair**
i want to become a fucker of cunts. i'm gonna tell my sad to buy me a suit so i appear more attractive to the ladies
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Next time you feel like posting about a discord server, just slam a baseball bat into your cunt or fall down a flight of stairs instead. ok sister?
hispanic behavior
went from an amateurlapsed anus to a prolapsed anus
Everyone who has discord is either a) a child b) a pedo
Lick my taint
He's a mulatto but he sounds like logic
I use it exclusively for porn game support and troubleshooting
to the depressed anon I was not trying to shame or insult you
I simply want more for my people (/cum/mers)
I believe in you
Are you feeling guilty now anon
>zoomer exceptionalism
no but I could tell he was taking it (at least slightly) offensively and not constructively
makin hummus
hopefully it ends up tasty
why are there chickpea but no bropeas
I know. its good that you make the effort.
it's more individualism than exceptionalism
if your goal in life is to be a background character in your own life, I find that underwhelming
Not really relevant to your post, but it’s kind of funny how abbreviations fundamentally change the meaning of words. Such as in what you just said, by dropping the -phile, technically it just means a) a child or b) a child.

It’s like how hippopotamus means river horse (hippo: horse, potamus: river), so when you just call one a hippo, you’re just calling it a horse in Greek (see: hippodrome, etc)
I don’t think you want guypee in your hummus
Yeah she's still alive. Has two sons (despite the stab wounds to her abdomen) and does motivational speaking.
I prefer calling them garbanzo beans
They sound cooler
going to smoke weed and then spend hours designing on figma
I will rape you all mothefuck
What's the difference between a cjickpea and a garbonzo bean?
Just smoked weed
Drinking tea now
cute ^-^
i'd never let a garbanzo bean on my face.
What's the difference between a sub, a hero, and a hoagie?
Chickpea comes from Latin “cicer” via the French “chiche”

Garbanzo comes from the Gothic (Germanic) “*𐌰𐍂𐍅𐌰𐌹𐍄𐍃 (*arwaits),” via the Old Spanish “arvanço,” which evolved into “garbanço”
Does she live in orania now
I love you
As a real Eyetalian American I call them ceci
I’d never let a sub pea on my face
there's a provincial election in my province of BC

not sure who to vote for
As a souther american, i call them niggers
Will the janitorial staff dare disrespect Southern culture by sweeping this post?
currently spraying water at my anus with a bidet
As a southern American, I'm fat and stupid
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99% of Canadians are Southern Canadians
I love that for you, brother, unless you're one of those i don't love so much
Alberta is more southern than Virginia nowadays
Edmonton & Calgary stops it from being 99%
think I will have my 35th listen of Almighty So 2 in a little bit
Alberta is a western colony of actual-Canada and is 50% jeeted anyway
Canada = Britain
Western Canada = 13 Colonies (but too pussy to fight for independence)
Canadian Shield = Atlantic Ocean
When a white person says something offensive online, a bunch of other white people will scold them, mock them, demand they apologize, try to cancel them...

Does this happen with other races? For example if a black person says something offensive, will a bunch of other black people show up to cancel them and call them a horrible person?
And by offensive I mean something racist
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I don't like this picture.
There is too much sadness in this world already.
Recall the number of times and the context in which blapipo are called "uncle toms" or "house niggers" online
Isn't the context usually when they're not being racist
>Does this happen with other races? For example if a black person says something offensive, will a bunch of other black people show up to cancel them and call them a horrible person?
I've seen blacks do it to other blacks but usually it's when they say something pro-white or to a lesser extent anti-lgbtq++++ instead of racist
That’s the opposite THOUGH

Self-hating xenophile White traitors criticize whites for offending other races, while other races criticize those amongst them who suck off other races
Yeah this is what I mean
darkies be like get the bbq sauce
Are you Haitian?
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Asians (in the US or other Western countries) will get cancelled by other Asians for not worshipping Blacks thoughbeit. Remember when BLM was the state religion and some gooks pointed out how Asian Hate was almost entirely being done by Blacks? Asians cancelled their fellow Asians.
To compensate for their inadequate life. They experience ego pain, and the only solution is to rationalize why the other person isn't that great.
I don't recall asians cancelling each other.
I do recall sockpuppets astroturfing outrage thobeit
>if your goal in life is to be a background character
Literal main character syndrome. So yes, exceptionalism. Or rather, self-exceptionalism.
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>Among those who lambasted Park is comedian David So, who described her as “one of the most tone-deaf, f*cking b*tches I’ve never met in my life.”
>“B*tch, you did not get your a** beat by cops, you lying a**, f*cking hoe,” So commented. >“Oh, you were racially profiled? When? When? Tell me when b*tch! What did they think you were, the notorious ABG of West Hollywood? Shut the f*ck up, lying a** f*cking b*tch.”
>So went on to compare Park to a “f*ckin old, racist, White f*ck from the south” and threatened to throw a cupcake on her “dumb f*cking face.”
Lol slants were pretending to be Black panthers for months
Leave him alone
In general, traditions develop because they’re memetically effective, and the people who do other stuff are less successful. There are periods in which technological, climatological, demographic, or other such changes make old traditions no longer the optimal strategy, but one must buck the trend carefully, so as to avoid falling into the same old traps that caused the old traditions to develop in the first place.
>that greentext
Why do people insist on making things up and then getting upset by them?

But i didnt know about that, and that seems to be one uppity gook, not a cultural phenomenon.
Business idea:
Get a time machine and become the first nutmeg merchant in Europe
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flirting with the warehouse girl under the guise of a work conversation again
Made the mistake of looking up one of bullies who made my life a living hell, and gave me PTSD which I never recovered from.
Karma isn't real
karma was real for all my bullies. the first one got hideous deforming acne and stopped bullying me because his self esteem just hit the shitter. the other guy i was never phased by because he was really just kind of a huge loser to the point that i didn't really feel insulted. makes you think huh
Business idea:
I go back in time and poop in every toilet that you're going to use next, so you have to see every poop I take.
How tf does one wash white shoes? Just put them in washer?
you're supposed to wash them with your cum, you dummy.
get a shoe shining kit, that is if you're wearing shoes worth washing
I use an old tooth brush with dish soap and wash in the kitchen sink
I'm glad it was real for you, but I grew up in an predominantly upper middle class affluent suburb, and the kids there were all from wealthy families and were just psychopaths after their cutthroat status obsessed parents. Traits that serve people well in the corporate world.
They weren't low iq troglodytes
Sane and a good idea. Thanks
They're tennis shoes
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tennis shoes go well with tennis skorts
>main character syndrome
you say it like it's a bad thing
you are the main character in your life, you are the only thing you have full and unending control over, ergo you are the only thing you undeniably have to serve in day-to-day life
this does not mean you, on a grander scale, are more important than anyone else, but that you are the most important relevant to yourself
How is the dishwasher not a sand and good idea?
That’s disgusting. Why would you cross-contaminate your kitchen with bird shit or whatever else is on the ground outside? Wash it with a toothbrush and dish soap in the bathtub, or somewhere else you can clean thoroughly, or the dirt doesn’t matter, like in a bucket in the driveway.

You realize that the dishwasher doesn’t fully clean itself out between loads, right? One time, I tried washing a baseball cap in an otherwise empty dishwasher based on some idiotic online advice, and it got peppered with little bits of food from a previous load of dishes. Likewise, if you wash shoes, you’ll get a bit of shoe dirt on your dishes next time you use the machine.
>You realize that the dishwasher doesn’t fully clean itself out between loads, right?
Someone doesn't clean his dishwasher water filter.
You can just run your dishwasher again, empty. If you're so worried, and cycle the water.
I checked the filter after that happened, and it was clean
I mean she had to deactivate her account because of all the hate and death threats lol, this wasn't isolated either happened to a lot of Asians who didn't understand the racial victim hierarchy
nigga, we are playing roles
No jobs I can do on indeed today
about to blow a fucking gasket right now.
watching destiny
FedEx took down it's listing for the job I applied for
Its the only job that pays a living wage for 6 hour shifts
Congrats they are just about to inform you that you are hired!
im a neet
What happened
Big if true
I mean david so saying, "were you this, were you that??" those experiences arent normal and arent necessary.
Some people think cops just go around shooting blapipo indiscriminately, but couldnt even guess at the actual number of people shot in a year.
A little over 2 weeks ago, my computer's SSD (which had my OS on it), randomly died for no reason. I only had it for about 2 months. I RMA'd it, and it took forever, but I received the replacement SSD in the mail today. Except it was the wrong fucking model.
about to blow your back out rn
i am everything wrong with america
He's going to lose his mind if that FBI DOJ report about Jan 6th ever gets released to the public.
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You’re more likely to be killed by the police if you’re White
I blew your mom's back out last night.
I'm aware.
a traitor might become president. wont blame him
I guess you don't realize what that report that they're delaying until after the election is going to say.
Who is his wife fucking now?
>Some people think cops just go around shooting blapipo indiscriminately
Well I mean from like 2014-2020 the US media was expressly saying that with their reporting so it doesn't suprise me NPCs and grifters believed it. A nation of +300 million people and they would focus the entirety of the media apparatus on some groid dying to cops. PECULIAR
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>dying to cops
The counterfeit bill scammer died of a fentanyl overdose THOUGH
This just in, there have been 12 civilian interactions with cops in the past 20 years!
This is powerful
I’m talking about overall statistics, not cherrypicked nonsense from the legacy media
Also applies to the original dindu nuffin thoughbeit
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No you're not. More white people die to police, but white people are also 65% of the country. Black people are still more likely to die to police than white people.

Very ironic image to use.
Only taxpayers should vote.
It's very rare to be shot by the police for no reason.
If the police are shooting you, there is generally a good reason. Niggers aren't trained and aren't even close to rational actors.
I can trust the police, I can't trust the nigger.
Only men should vote
i agree puerto rico for statehood
thoughts on the longshoreman strikes
>he still thinks Floyd didn't OD
He killed himself, the police took the blame, and the western world rioted because some nigger took too much fentanyl.
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Completely disagree; the opposite should be true. Traditionally, citizenship meant you weren’t taxed, and paying income tax was the definition of slavery
I just checked the latest statistics. You're wrong.
Have you heard the union leader talking? It's pure greed in his words. Talking about how the companies are making so much money, etc.
Might fuck up a fish today idk
It's going to be 90+ degrees for half of October
Not very comfy for spooky month :(
Pull it backwards.
So true… Why shouldn’t the Jewish private equity firms be allowed to keep all the money? Cool it with the antisemitism, union goy
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I stood up on the corner and shock my shit now I'm finna give y'all another hit
>least verbose lefty meme
Political spazzes spamming up another thread with their infantile nonsense.
Truth is simple, lies are complex
That doesn't even make sense. I didn't even suggest that I support the union. I think it's BS that they're going to hold the American economy hostage, just like I thought it was bullshit that the Canadian rail strike was too.
Some things are vital services, and shouldn't be in the private sector. I don't like expanding the public sector, but you can't end transport like that.
Petting a dumbass dog rn. He's soft as a mf
Oh no we won't see the schizo posts and the reddit pets folder dump :(
reading comprehension
You lack it.
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lol yes argue, fight, get salty and try to trigger as much people as possible.
were you banned recently?
Instead we see low effort image macros and sarcastic imbecilic drivel.

Schizo posts and animals are a lot more interesting than you
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Shut up taconigger, all you do is watch soccer and cheat on your wife.
I was. I went to /asean/ and said "nobody likes asian people" and someone didn't like that.
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I just fixed a plumbing problem all by myself
Don't speak to him like that
We need to stop scaring the few /—m/ posters away from /cum/
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Fuck niggers.
Fuck faggots.
Fuck trannies.
Fuck jeets
Fuck Christcucks.
Fuck Atheistbetas.
Fuck Democrats.
Fuck Republicans.
Fuck the environment.
Fuck the corporations.
And fuck you.
>Schizo posts and animals are a lot more interesting than you
You don't even know which leaf I am THOUGH
Quads are getting so big I have to switch to briefs :/
Dear Jesus, give me an American girlfriend.

I only managed to trigger 3 people. Not very effective.
>I was
It was noticeable
> I went to /asean/ and said "nobody likes asian people" and someone didn't like that.
I posted a handrubbing meme there of a Chinese merchant and got warned. Other generals have very territorial jannies, we have the opposite
Fatty. Go on a diet
I constantly feel like I'm missing the easy in to getting a job, like I'm trying to scale a wall while a door in it is just out of my view
Are you the NAFRIcel? what happened to you?
If I were fat I'd just get a bigger size but then the waistband would be too big
>think of way to milk NEETs of money
>get business loan
>start business
>milk the NEETs
>draw the rest of the owl
wow that helps thanks
I'm pickle riiiick
Wubba lubba dub dub!
I'm not an Arab / sandnigger / Semite scum.
she's brazilian
Also Arab scums hate Americans.
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The new better not be cringe
It better be based
low-effort (potentially with no edition or previous)
make it yourself then you stupid piece of shit
the union leader is a blinged out multimillionaire mobster

I support organized labour but longshoreman....thats the epitome of the corrupt labour stereotype
No I'll wait for one of you pathetic slaves to make it >:)
And what about janitors?
and then cry like a little bitch when you don't like it
sad individual
im making it. but you all need to wait for 150 seconds
B-b-b-but he's corrupt for MY benefit!
>forgetting to hate the jannies
brb killing myself
It's crazy to think that across the world there are literally billions of people enslaved to overproductive work so a few thousand innovators and wealthy people can live out their ambitions

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