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EU to impose huge tariffs on Chinese automobiles. Germany voted against them, but got overturned.
Based, China collapse imminent
>nooo, you have to pay fifty gazillions for your forced electric car switch, please give us money!
The EU said with one voice:
>Not today, Xi!
Why would Germany vote against the tariff?
Their industry is mainly cars I thought?
controlled opposition
>le free market is the best form of economics chud!
>noooo not like that! My feels and pride are being hurt
Wtf is wrong with whitoids
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EU (USA's proxy) can suck ony my big fat polish sausage. If I wanna buy a Chinkmobile...I'll buy a Chinkmobile.

I even bought a Chink drone right after yankees started their despotic Chink drone sanctooning.

Eat a fat one, yanks.
German corps like Volkswagen sell a fuckton of cars in China (literally more than at home) and they fear China will cut them off now and obliterate their business
French cars don't really sell in China
Besides Germany feels they are more resistant to the Chinese EV onslaught because people will keep buying BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche etc because they are brands of their own and there's always market for flex products. Nobody flexes Peugeots or Citroens
Yeah you totally are polish...
Tariffs are a bureaucrat thing, actual industry leaders almost never support tariffs as it is guaranteed to backfire soon one way or another
because it will make EVs in Europe more expensive in general and will reduce German car exports to China further
the German government wasn't unified in the stance though, some ministers support the tariffs
Godawful vote by us. We desperately need electrification and this shit won't be helping with that.
>electric car
Imagine being so stupid to buy these
Because China is the most important car market. German manufacturers will probably get fucked harder by the repercussions while BYD and other chinese companies are already building factories inside Europe.
Traditionally Germany is obsessed with supporting China
Put a cable up your ass, vute
Based free market pole
2 more weeks!
+15 rubles/dirhams/riyals (SAR)
Based. Hope the German economy collapses like its 1945. Based China.
>t. Soyviet buffer zone
I will never drive an electric "car"
EU are bunh of losers tat can't handle competition. even BMW, VW and other manufacturers are against this
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>free market they said
>ESG they said
>save the planet they said
Electric cars take away the biggest advantage of cars which is being able to go any distance without any sort of pre-planning and preparation
Yeah send more money to China and it'll fix everything.
No they don't, there's little difference between a full car battery and a full gas tank. Electric cars make sense from a strategically autonomous point of view because it makes countries less dependent on oil imports.
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Say hello to my highly illegal Chinklaser, pandejo, I can literally start a fire inside your mutt cars with this baby from a couple meters away.
Your shitholes can only dream of getting your hands on such high end Military Grade Chinese Energy Weapons of pyromanic dreams come true.

Thank You China, I kneel
Any money raised by tariffs will go towards megacorporations while consumers have to pay higher prices for the same products.
>sorry bro looks like I can't go there, there are not enough chargers along the way
The same argument could have been applied to cars and petrol stations in the 1930's. As more people buy electric cars there will be more charging stations set up.
where you got it from
PLA laser R&D nerdboy team.
no bro you're lying now, the way EU operates has definitely made everything cheaper and affordable, gas, electricity, food, housing etc etc, stop being a conspiracy theorist already!!

Google ULEZ London, they're trialing something similar now with proper cars being fined for entering 'low emission zones'

Pretty soon when all the retarded faggots buy EVs, the state eventually will be able to ban your car from going to certain areas if they want to (and they will)
do you think it takes the same time to fill up a car with gas as it takes to charge up a car?
No, but charging speeds will improve in the future, and you can have isolated fully-automated charging stations powered by wind turbines that don't need frequent delivery of petrol like petrol stations do.
Reminder that China is dumping their cars onto the rest of the world because domestic consumption has slowed to a crawl.
Wow really? That's so cool, thanks for the update, Captain Obvious!
You will buy an overpriced Volkswagen

And you will be happy
It's the first time the eu is doing something in its interest and it's still retarded
>Look at my flashlight
kek, the sheer autism on this faggot
they absolutely wanted to vote to impose tariffs but they didn't want china to then single them out for retaliation against the german car industry by using it as an excuse that germany voted for the same thing against china, so they got other people to do their dirty work to hide behind
you guys are all clueless about politics
Shitlionaire fights are cringe. Even cringier is watching the plebs getting riled up and cheering them on, as if they'll get anything out of it
If China falls for it, then it worked and Germany did nothing wrong. Ends justify means.
Chinese EV probably use a lot of infineon and Siemens chips
you're right, i think italy should close all the factories and maybe move them to poland aha
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Why is Europe so retarded? I thought whitey was smarter than this.
Kek you sound really upset bro
If the shitlionaire sod off people would actually benefit
Good, i would never drive want them anyway. I only drive Mercedes.
Good, fuck german shitlionaire
this neoliberal cretinism
bro i cant read all of this
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Do you like cheap Chinese cars? Here in Puccia they aren't cheap at all, despite the fact that chinks only dump us their worst noname brands. Starting prices are $20k.
Now China impose similar tariffs on Das Auto and EU's biggest automaker loses 38% of their sales (the Chinese market is HUGE). This forces European car makers to increase their prices in the domestic market to make up for the losses in Asia hiking the prices of their electric cars to about the same as the Chinese ones + tariffs.
I think it's logical that once, or if, China dominates the EU market and kills local competition they will pump prices to unimaginable levels, because fuck timmie gon do
It's not cheap here either
Thankfully we showed our allegiance for the Star-Spangled Banner again.
What local competition?
All EU cars are designed by homosexuals that hate cars for homosexuals that hate cars.
Is not even a competition, Chinese make electric cars for the people, and eu make electric cars for people that trade cars every 2 years and claim they are doing it to "save the planet".
based only aryan german cars in my steppe
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They can build factories in EU and import migrant labors.
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they can always dump their junk in africa.
you know, where electricity and infrastructure is thriving.
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*slaps european cars with sky high tariffs*
Splendid idea, sure got them now that the sales will be butchered in a 1,3 billion market.
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lol, "flashlight"
This "flashlight" will set your sombrero on fire faster than you can holler AYYYY CARAMBA , amigo, stay jelly though. Your lucky you're puta narco country even allows you to get flashlights.
Germans should simply start working and building their cars at home, they're way too lazy
Jews ordered EU to declare war on Russia, now they can't afford electricity to run their factories.
I fucking hate our cuck country. Leftists, rightoids, libertarians, socialists. All of them somehow think we should follow le free market when everybody is else is imposing tarrifs and subsidizing their economies. We are falling behind in a new age of mercantilism
it's true, my village already froze last winter and russia will nuke us with hypersonic missiles for our russophobia in about 2 weeks
the few people left alive are planning escape to brazil which is a rising brics economic superpower
>subsidizing their economies
Literally every country subsidizes auto manufacturing, including Germany.
Why would Germany vote no
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>yes they get to be a racial ethnostate while my people get replaced by neoliberal policies but at least we have free markets and innovation unlike China
Oh no no no
You're going to blind yourself you stupid nigger
True but when you say we you actually been the billionaires that own everything. You aren't a part of the equation
It's always Germany acting against Europe's best interest? Have you noticed that? It's almost like we've seen this pattern before from them.....
Don't worry about it, I have good protection.
Those German companies deserve to fail then.
You suck up once for even a few microseconds and at least one eye is fried jakub
Why the fuck are you even fucking around with such dangerous shit
(Ok, milliseconds, you're not LIGO tier obviously)
I think the EU is so rotten that we simply are at the step of self-cannibalism.
Do you know, how much fun I had frying wasps from my grape wine this summer? An experience worth the risk.
Capitalists have essentially lost the argument is my takeaway. Even chuds have ditched free market capitalism and are slowly pivoting to socialism. In the 90s if you told people what's happening now would happen they would either assume the USSR reformed somehow or the USA was actually infiltrated en masse by eastern bloc socialists somehow like in a Tom Clancy novel.
You realize you can easily blind other people right you fucking psychopath
What we are experiencing is not socialism. Its a planned economy.
Of course

But I find it too funny making flying birds nosedive from panic when the see the beam coming at them, feels very Star Wars, like imma jedi n shiet.
Can't stick to the rules against a country that heavily subsidizes its industry, uses slave labour and steals technology all the time
Mutts lost so hard at le righteous free trade game they either accepted falling into oblivion out of principle or act up
>we is le most efficient wage slave dey cheaters
It's not planned at all. These are just some measures so our billionairinos can maintain power in their countries since they couldn't rule the world
but enough about the USA
>Free marke-AACK!
you should be arrested
at least you will only blind other polacks :)
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Why can't cumSkins innovate?
You should jump out of your nearest window. Sspx catch any kraut helicopter flying over my home. That bitch is going blind. :^)
That helicopter would call the Polish police and they'll arrest you.
>outsources labour to China, India and vietnam to jew locals out of a fair wage
>patents literally everything and stifles innovation
>bails out bankers when they fuck up the economy
But sure blame the chinamen for being dishonest

Now I'm worried
>cheap cars bad you must buy overpriced European ones
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Also, I'm adding egyptian helicopters to my list as well. For moses.
Because EV's are unironically a shit technology and not the future.
what the fuck is wrong with germany
they truly hate europe and would do anything as long as it harms it
>Saar people in jail make tshirts for the military
Anddddd? You fuckin clown.
What's the x axis? It must be high bullshit if tesla is on top
All cars are bad and you shouldn't buy any, but infringing on consooomers "rights" is a litereal holocaust
t. lives in the centre of Rome and never leaves
Why are there so many pidors in thailand? Do they love ladyboys so much?
The funny thing, is that the UK and Australia are actually welcoming the cheap cars since they want to get out of their economic rut and further wean themselves off of oil imports.

It's from gartner, they rank different automakers based off of different factors.
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They're having hard guilt over genociding Native American. I can't blame them , such a despicable act they committed.
they are only cheap because chinks massively subsidise their industry
ever heard of dumping?
How do you plan to kill yourself after you blind a stranger (or more likely a family member)
Yeah I did one earlier
Now you're just talking poppy cocks.
What's the wattage and what wavelength
There's a reason high power lasers are not legal, they're literally orders of magnitude more dangerous than firearms
Wouldn't you like to know, Stasi, ask my PLA nerd frens, if they bother to answer you back. XD
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For the last 20 years, Germany has spent all their savings on investing in China. That's why there is zero growth in Europe: all the resources that was supposed to build factories or anything in Europe was sent to China instead to build factories there. The only growth in Europe was imaginary "number goes up" growth based on their Chinese assets.
And now they're captured. They know they will lose everything they built there, and they're fighting tooth and nail to please China to let them keep it a few years longer.

The German car makers are the absolute worst. They want to stop production here, and import everything from their factories in China to benefit from Chinese subsidies. They're even starting to close down European factories while building new Chinese ones, it's a huge shitshow in Germany right now. if you buy an electric WV or whatever in Europe, chances are it was made in China. That's why they voted "no" this time.
Don't they sell dzhikers and lysians in rossiya?
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Check if the fuse to the PLC is bad before you go asking those questions
You're crying about China subsidizing their cars while your population is subsidized by the EU. LMAO
W-wuts that?
good morning saaaar
A PLC which is a automation and robotics controller. Siemens of Germany and Allen Bradley of mine popularized them.
The only thing tariffs succeed in is making you fall behind.
>The only thing tariffs succeed in is making you fall behind
Maybe if you are European where all of the domestic industries suck ass because of constant government interference
you have had a trade deficit with europe for decades, retard
Based Hungary taking money from russia China and the EU
>you have had a trade deficit with europe for decades
I am standing in my room rn and literally nothing says made in EU on it faggotor.
damn high energy prices in Germany. if only they didn't get rid of those nuclear powerplants that the had
>we don't have a trade deficit because I personally don't buy european products
It seems the fluorid in the water truly makes the lardistanis utterly retarded
>Noooo. Only le billionairinos are efficient and noone else
China needs to pay their fair share for their environmental impact.
We all pay carbon taxes in the West, while buying cheap Chinese products made by burning coal.
>inb4 muh per capita emissions are lower in China
that's irrelevant when we're talking about the manufacturing process and making Chinese companies pay their fair share for their disproportionate impact on the climate.
Is there any country they don't have a deficit with at this point?
Our GDP is 23 TRILLION DOLLARS BIGGER than France's you daft frog cunt
Didn't say that my terroni friend also Italy has notoriously shit industry which happens to be a perfect example of my argument
precisely because its high-end machinery, automotive parts, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, high fashion stuff

for consoomer slop you buy directly, there's indeed china, Bangladesh and whatever
Go back to your shithole
>still no counter argument
>still seething
It's ok fatbro, mental retardation and broken bucks are widely accepted in the US nowadays
you should get off your VPN first
>Still counter argument
Actually GDP is the best indicator of economic and industrial performance. Nobody uses French products except for food outside of France.
>Every country in the former USSR sphere of influence is a corrupt shithole
>That makes sense, being corrupt was the only way to get ahead in those Soviet countries who were basically colonies of Russia with no real power
>Every country in the US sphere of influence is a bloated bureaucratic nightmare full of government interference
Fill in the dots
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GDP doesn't tell you enough about the economic situation of the middle class and lower class.
>precisely because its high-end machinery
I work in factory as an Electronics tech that statement is vehemently false outside of Europe and German cars are notoriously poorly built.
then stop importing them in these quantities, idk
In the UK 1 in 5 people live in poverty and their current GDP performance is very indicative of that.
We aren't that's the point kek
usa is the #1 absorber of German trade surplus since 1945, dummy
That's mean we are buying exclusively high tech machinery like you stated in your argument. To add on to that most German cars sold here are made here exclusively for our market.
idk what exactly the exports are, but you're the #1 client for our stuff

and since germany doesnt have cost advantage I assume its not t-shirts
>idk what exactly the exports are,
Then why did you state that you did very matter of factly?
how does the UK's GDP show that? if anything the UK should be doing better than that considering how high their GDP per capita is
you are proving his point
because thats our exports in general + cars
but since you dont import readymade cars, that leaves the rest of what I listed
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Pic related are German exports to America in 2022
well, machinery, pharmaceuticals, medical instruments. and cars somehow even though tariffs are supposed to prevent that
fifth column
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we had to learn that the hard way
I'm reporting you to the ADL for this antisemitic post.
What a retard level post. If not for evil gubberment, there would be no General Motors, Chrysler or Tesla right now.
GDP nominal and per capita are two different measurements. America is one of few countries that happens to do good in both.
rich people influencing the government, tale as old as time
Yes, because you should open your ass cheeks when the chinks have labor that costs 0 dollars and a complete lack of regulations flooding the market with cheap shit
You are talking specifically about the car industry while purposely ignoring our huge technology, manufacturing and petroleum sector because it negates your argument.
that's honestly communism.

Germans, Hungarians, slovenians and slovakians, maltans are the last capitalists left in Europe.
If you are not memeing China's manufacturing capacity is what has made green energy prodtion viable worldwide. Especially solar.
lol LMAO even. the only reason you give a shit about solar is bc youre a chink that produces the mining metals for and constructs the actual panels. solar is only effective in certain parts of the world canada is not one of them but youre not even canadian
>european companies charge rip off prices
so rather than lower prices to be competitive or the EU reducing regulatory costs for companies they just tax imports
Wow do I? Tell me more, Admiral Obvious!
everybody seems to completely ignore the fact that china has adopted capitalism and free market economics harder than any country on earth currently
> dzhikers
Never heard of it.
> lysians
Oh, this one is rare here. I know the owner of a corporation where I'm wageslaving has it. It costs $90k I think.
not really ... its a mixed system and leans more towards planned economy than any other major economy.

they literally have central planning. there are no large private banks, the government meets decides which enterprises and sectors are funded.

they have capitalism on a more individual level where youre free to accumulate capital and, of course, the early industrial type of capitalism where workers have zero rights.
Is it true that the Russian auto market is 50% Chinese imports now
So sorry sir
You were doing unwell until you descended into that muh regulations bit
You don't know what you're talking about
55% of the Chinese economy is wholesale state enterprises. This jumps to 64% if you include non corporate "private" arrangements like worker coops and profit sharing syndicates. Thats ancapistan to you?
>55% of the Chinese economy is wholesale state enterprises.
not to disagree, but source?
Oh no. What a horrible thing to happen to European consumers!
China is trending more to public ownership too.
There is a 120k cars per year Geely factory in Belarus, 80% of which are sold to Russia.
lmao no they haven't
It's state run economy
Remember when their Elon musk type said something about the government and they kidnapped him?
>tldr news
yikes dude
They glow hard as fuck but you wanted a short source. Plus they are anti CCP neolib shills so if even they admit China's not saved by le epic free market theres something to it.
Yes, there are only either Chinese cars or Ladas. If you want Eu, Japanese or Korean car, you have to pay to inofficial car dealers, they will buy it for you in neighboring countries and drive to your place.
that is quite literally exactly the same as what the US does
>Germany literally shut off several car plants in Europe because: 1) Wages are too high 2) Energy is too expensive since making cars is high energy intensive
>"haha this is good it will make Germany move car plants back to Europe"

Do you guys not pay attention to the news, or...?

Are Euros willing to pay even more for domestic produced cars + rising gas prices?
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And this is why the UK is not a part of the EU. The "China EVs tariffs" passed with a "majority" vote of 45%. If the UK was in the EU, it probably wouldn't pass with a 30% "majority",
The other thread was moved to Pol, but not this one.
Mod is German ?
UK is an actual capitalist country.
Too bad about their wages though, I guess it's the price of capitalism. We're so rich in our country.
shouldnt have put "War" into the OP, dumb snailmuncher
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Europeans please explain to me how this passed. This is even harder to understand than "popular vote" in the US.
When did this site become like Disney ? Edulcorated.
don't care, I'll keep my ICE car until hydrogen becomes a viable alternative
what do you not understand?
number of votes for was higher than number of votes against

"abstained" votes are literally countries that wanted to vote in favour of tarrifs but are scared shitless of chinese retaliatory measures.

abstained - cucked but also cowardly
against - cucked
for - based
don't worry they will start manufacturing them in Hungary soon

you vill buy ze cheap ev and you will be happy
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Don't look up how hydrogen cars are currently selling and what they're doing to hydrogen charging stations.

They're cleaning out inventory and selling hem at a huge loss.
It's not even manufactured in Hungary, or Turkey. But more assembly. China just the other day said that no key technologies will be assembled in Europe.
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