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oliver cromwell edition
by whom?
rape the disabled
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get in i said get in, get yourself down to swanage beach de lids
going to the shop, want anything?

How do you want to die when you go lads?
Ideally I want to be bitten by a highly venomous snake
Don't care if it's really horrific and painful it seems like a poetic end
I suspect if I ever have sex I would cum very quickly, like within seconds.
so since keir is rushing through all his unpopular policies now so that there's loads of time to rehabilitate his image before the next election, what do we reckon will be his next universally reviled and detested policy?
got rorkes gf begging for my inner dongologue
Supremely based.
>My dad is trying to get me a job
>Tells me this lady will call sometimes soon
>It's been a couple days
>Decided to network at my gym
>Meet pool cleaner guy who said he doesn't mind hiring autistic workers
>Dad gets pissy

Why is he like this
the big bockles for me la
need to jerk off an hour beforehand if you want to keep the woman entertained
just want to cease to exist, sooner rather than later
Phwoar but you just know she's ugly as sin under that mask
i think rattelsnake venom paralyzes you and then your respiratory system stops. not sure if thats extremely painful or not, seems kind of like drowning
western powers (via israel) vs iran (via various middle eastern states/factions)
incels and nonces that-a-way bucko
wrists slit in the bath would be kino

Is /brit/ this fast? Skull emoji x2
usa/europe funding Nazisrael and Iran supporting Hezb'Allah, Houthis and Palestinian resistance.
>Government to return British Indian-
WTF I love Starmer now
>-Ocean Territory
Good morning
but then surely my willy wouldn't be able to become as hard?
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>norwood 5
2 for me
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its a great point but i cant find out without a facebook account unfortunately
Ancient Masonic ritual
wtf they're so plump
shotgun in the head like a real gamer
good question. probably quite a few reasons
historical grievances
ideological differences
religion undoubtedly plays a part
same old shit really
like a 1.5, thinning a little bit there
almost 30 and still got full head of hair
lass sweeping at the hairdressers last time went "i don't even have this much hair on my head" last time kek
what's it like being choked to death
that's how i'd like to go, being choked by a big breasted japanese woman, looking into her eyes as a drift away.
rewatched that film Memories of Murder the other night

was alright, still enjoyable. Feel like it had a heavy influence on many thriller / investigation movies that came after it
genuinely depressing how cultureless I am
kept basically nothing from my parents original country and dont even speak the language that they do. just a husk of a person that speaks english natively
>historical grievances
>ideological differences
>religion undoubtedly plays a part

None of those.
Just remember porn is not real and that housewife might just want to give you a glass of lemonade
Not a bad thing
then what?
spanish is fairly easy to learn
We need to get more browns and blacks from the third world into the country and on benefits and in social housing.
This is a good idea because I am very intelligent.
Good evening
Name 5
alri lads haha
Mon-Fri big man. When I'm down I get angry at the most random shit. Want to kill eurocrats today - you know how it is.
jewish conspiracy or something
Love the flying double kicks sprinkled throughout
I know but free lemonaide is awesome I am just laughing because he is angry he is networking
korean faces are so strange
almost alien-like
no financial reason?
im slavic not mexican
Ever wanked to something you shouldn't have?
You clone a creature and THEY PUT YOU IN JAIL
what is this dumb spastic world
Will the line go up?
yeh that too i reckon
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off to bed
Quest for power. Domination over other humans.
bustin makes me feel good
come join EU4 multiplayer game british
you really think a korean film influenced films outside of korea? It was pretty good though, but I reckon it itself was more influenced by western films
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What is that?
2000-2100 is the century of transition
Transition from a world where the USA is the central focal point and world superpower, to a world where China takes on that role.
Errrr...... Mate? It's 4pm....
dunno if this is controversial but i think you should be able to terminate post-birth if the baby has a birth defect.
Started telling women what they want to hear and now I'm a top shagger. I cannot believe how simple it was. Calling a black woman "beautiful" puts the odds of shagging them up to 98% immediately, for example.
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sup bros
Yeah they were good but I feel the parts that bog the movie down the most on rewatch are the lengthy interrogation scenes with the retard suspects.

It's probably not so bad when you're watching the film for the first time but on the rewatch it's just like yeah OK I get it, I understand these suspects aren't the killer and the hick detectives are trying to force a confession. But then the scene carries on for another 5+ minutes, dragging.
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We need to retvrn
The usa won't just give up that status
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rorke leaning back in his gamer chair
I swear hairdressers do that just to butter you up. Last couple times I've been I've had them complain about the thickness of my hair, take a photo of the pile of hair they thinned out and so on. Think it's just their way to keep a customer coming back.
Only 2 countries on earth have no Downs Syndrome individuals.
The Vatican, for obvious reasons.
Also Iceland, because they test for it early in pregnancy and offer the choice to abort if the fetus had Downs, and do far there's been an 100% abortion rate in such cases.
had one of these when i was younger
never played it and dont know how to play sorry
My obese parrot died today. A hugh weight off my shoulders
post more advice mate what have you learned
slept in one of these when i was staying over a mates when i was younger. woke up the next day fucking CRIPPLED and stayed that way for about 3 days.
mental that in 2024, no one knows where Great White Sharks go to give birth and no one has ever seen a newborn great white shark. Ever.

what the FUCK is going on down there
Hate Israel.
Hate the EU.
Love Ireland.
Love Palestine.
most downies aren't even bad people
>and do far there's been an 100% abortion rate in such cases.
lord our god on the ropes
That's why mums go to Iceland
who the fuck cares
>Also Iceland, because they test for it early in pregnancy and offer the choice to abort if the fetus had Downs
are you sure this isn't legal in the USA?
did it imitate your autistic grunts
only iceland your mum goes to is the shops cause you're a povvo family
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Barber sucked air through his teeth when he combed my hairline back
Literally fucking never understood these
If you leaned a bit too far back you'd end up going over
Stop being rude unprompted. You are a guest here.
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One Struggle brother.
Is pool cleaning such a bad thing? Like why does my dad make it out to be back breaking work
leftypol wins a jackpot on the quiz machine and rorke starts giving it the "redistribute the wealth then mate". leftypol turns bright red and hands over a fiver to rorke who flips out saying he's not a charity case but pockets the money.
sent that poor freak flying
no booze for me tonight. just dont fancy it you see
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more groundbreaking investigative journalism from the beeb
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Mate like a dozen of your states have full abortion bans
No exceptions even when the mother's life is at risk or for rape
Live in a cave do you?
Imagine if the Manic Street Preachers were Indian - bet they'd be called the Manic Street Shitters ahaha
let her loose letby
Didn't really work that one
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Some screamers being sent out today
deleted all my social medias on sunday morning after a horrific night on the booze, haven't even re-installed them yet. ignored my mates.
whats he do for a living that he can just fuck around all day?
Israel is faustian, fascist, based, National-Socialist, and white.
why would being raped means you get to kill a baby

never understood that
tell us what you did lad. fess up
kys nazi hasbaraist zionist shill
because it contains rapist dna
fit bird working on the till in savers
why do frogs like beer?
it's all the hops
crazy thing is Palestine is basically white too. they look indistinguishable from most israelis. I'd go so far as to say they are the same race
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i prob eat 100g of peanuts a day
if you were raped by a man, and then that man handed you his newborn baby, and then the state told you that you must raise that baby as your own son or face a decade in prison... wouldn't you oppose that system?
ah just had one too many
got kicked out of a club for being a drunken mess
kept falling and scrapped all my hands
nearly started a fight with some random bloke
was sick
lost my ID

hadn't had much to eat and had been drinking since 2pm, went feral and had about 15 drinks until midnight, Christ knows what I could have been saying.
neither israelis or palestinians look or are white you toads
i eat 101g of peanuts a day
easy calories for my skinny body
i reckon every century has quite a bit of transition actually
Omega-6berg having a blast in your stomach
I eat 102g of peanuts a day
I care more about the bins being collected properly than the Israel/Palestine conflict
this painting is pretty badass he saved britian from the claws of napoleon
i ate 2lbs of almonds yesterday
then learned almonds have cyanide????
but im here
eat peanut butter instead
American Jews are all children of European / Khazar converts and look white, and they steal land from Palestinians who are the descendants of the historical Jews and look olive skinned/ brown
can't find magnesium anywhere
price of nuts is too high
yeah, i do.
alcohol is also poisonous
might go for a drive later to get out the house

dunno where would be open on a friday night after 6PM though besides McDonalds or supermarkets. Suppose I could sit in a supermarket car park and go in and get a can of juice or something then sit on my phone for a bit in the parked car then drive home

it's something
warts and all
Might get a Blacked subscription
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is today the anniversary? i know its october 1805
When did you lads realise your life was over? Me, it was when I was about 14 when I realised that I'm too lazy and unmotivated to succeed at anything, even the things I enjoy.
can't you just go to one that's further away? make more of a drive out of it. then buy something to eat for the longer drive back.
supermarket then mcdonalds is the usual for a lot of the lads in the thread of a friday night
Don't think you'd be allowed to kill it thoughever
about 6 weeks ago. shan't be going into details thoughever
Why don't you go to your local pub and have a drink? Chinwag with someone at the bar doing similar?
Hi, I am a US citizen who received a 10-year Netherlands / EU travel ban in November 2022 due to visa overstay and operating several informal businesses. Recently some unfortunate family matters compelled me to legally change my last name. I just received my new passport with the updated name and began wondering whether or not I could now re-enter the EU. Does the US share information like name changes with the EU or is there some kind of personal metadata that would still flag me? I have heard that Germany is in dire need of skilled professionals and would love to immigrate there if possible. Thanks!
close enough but yeah he was pretty badass imagine dying and having some say
>"look sir you won"
>"the isles are savesd"
yeah I suppose I could do, not a bad idea

It's a nice thought but I'm too mentally ill to do that.
Not very diverse
not great is it really
we've all been there though
It's never over
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How about eating these peanuts...
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just come in on a dinghy and you'll get a free barratt homes newbuild and get wanked off
His last words were "God and my country"
why not head to a rural area and visit some small shops for a drink? i met someone who changed my life drastically that way
done him up like a kipper
0 on one side and 1.5 on the other for me from parting my hair the same way for a decade

sucking a monkey
No beaches or parks?
he was a true hero of Britain
-1 for me
bet all that seed oil makes you really feminine and twinky... you in london? x
Are poos supposed to be the same consistency most days?
I ask because some days I have hard pellet like poos and some days I have soft sloppy poos.
same with eel births innit
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>i met someone who changed my life drastically that way
hope you have a happy life with him x
neither of those consistencies are healthy
big pair of black bollocks
Thought my life was over. Not anymore mate.
Got my 90s mix on.
Oasis, REM, Nirvana, my bloody valentine, The La's, Smashing Plumpkins, The Charlatans
What a great decade for music
what seed oils are there in peanuts
In America you can drive to a diner and get a steak or whatever at 3 AM. That's living.
seed oils are bad because.... they are!
how do you know im a girl
What should a healthy poo be like?
need to invest in a little bit of shoeshine for that plan to work
>spent an hour writing a cover letter to this company
>have a 2:1 in a degree that they're asking for
>get rejected a few hours later

job-seeking is such a miserable experience
enjoyed this article
George Michael
Moving into my brand new flat in a month. Can't wait, first time I've ever owned a property!
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>Smashing Plumpkins
>writing cover letters

mug's game
thematically incoherent
+1 to my post count
3 or 4 on the bristol stool chart
get the Our Lady Peace on
>>spent an hour writing a cover letter to this company
just have a generic one set up
Has any one of you negros tried meditation? I want to cure my brain rot but I don’t know whether this is another fool’s errand the YouTube algorithm is baiting me into doing.
i am sorry but the songs i picked for the London trip are all smith songs and the one clash song
are you straight out of uni? cover letters are a complete waste of time considering the volume of applications that you'll need to make
>"Owning" a leasehold flat
Oh deary me someone didn't read the fine print.
should be applying for jobs but i dont know what job i want
what kind of job would someone who posts on brit, likes being alone, and likes video games, want?
Never ever experienced this
Every single job I have ever applied for they've been interested in employing me and only once have I not been offered it after the interview, but I had already made my mind up within five mins of that particular meeting that they were utter cunts and I didn't want it
glowie xx
why's that?
medals in the post
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>mum didn't let me wash the dishes with hot water until I was in my early 20s
Not arsed, 999 year lease tiny service charge and leasehold is gonna be abolished soon anyway.
the smiths aren't from london
fuck sake that made me laugh far more than it should. going to steal it. will be good for a tinder opener i reckon.
Don't tell people what music I like since inevitably the normoids around me are unfamiliar with any of the bands I mention
overnight security
>why are no jobs tailored to the adolescent lifestyle I presently have
it is called growing up mate
food factory
my mum wiped my arse until i was about 14. true story.
chinese tonight i reckon
peanut butter and roasted peanuts have seed oils
peanuts themselves have polyunsaturated fats also anyway
Neutral Milk Hotel is it lad?
dipping her pinky in the dishwater to make sure it was the right temperature for her big boy to do the dishes
Good shout but how do you get into it
Same but for drinking her breast milk kek
i know but their songs are awesome
It's not really a problem if the lease is in triple figures and you can afford the service charges
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sucked my mum's tits until i was 10
neighbours bratty daughters are frolicking in the garden
Went to lift but cba because it friday night
In the UK there's the SIA licence, most will require that.

I've no idea what is required to get one but presumably it's a pisstake since every security guard I've seen has looked to have an IQ of about 85 and a BMI of about 25+
I've wasted so much of my life applying for jobs and 0.001% ever go anywhere
in the pub smoking area 3 pints in avoiding my coworkers wondering how i can get away
mum washed my foreskin till I was 18
Been rejected from 5 jobs so far
1st class from a Russel Group in Economics
1 year work experience at a Big Four firm
Extensive volunteering history and involvement in university societies
Years of work experience as a tutor and working in retail

All rendered totally worthless because I'm a white bloke - currently working at Tesco just to keep myself afloat. Great stuff.
what are you going to do about it?
yes but by applying to them and, more crucially, being SEEN to be applying to them you are entitled to benefits
what the fuck are charity shops playing at? £7 for some bobbly jumper
Anyone want to go clubbing tonight in London?
The majority of people get their jobs through nepotism. If that isn't an option for you consider NEETdom.
get a licence, get your certificate of no criminal conviction and literally ask any mid tier business if they want to replace their decrepit boozing guards
thats cap
It's a new dawn, a new day for me, Ger McCarthy
erm so where is diego?
is diego coming?
hate the people i work with
annoying middle class wankers
might go back to my previous job and wallow
out shagging
Unironically listen to mostly classical music these days
Can't bring myself to even listen to my old favourite rock bands
Traditional pop like Sinatra is ok too

Call me a larper, hat post me if you want i don't care
Wish me luck I am gonna go for the interview to be a pool boy
done my incel walk and had my incel wank. going to have a big plate of pasta. need to do the washing up after. and might have my yearly bath tonight. the only question is if i should do drugs to enjoy my evening or just stay sober and bored.
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Might get a cheeky shoulder of whiskey after toil
Gay clubbing?
Uni degree and work experience mean fuck all these days.
Swans, Xiu Xiu, Merzbow, Skinny Puppy, Throbbing Gristle, Coil, Current 93, Nurse With Wound, etc
favourite symphony?
depends what kind of drugs
Statistically speaking almost 45% of white english girls will get Blacked this weekend
The trick is to get into something niche and be really good at it not just big four firm accountbot 242009232
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and your watching and wanking, you filthy fucking nonce
new VPN spaki?
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and i won't be one of them
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I've heard of someone banned getting in in greece with just a name change and new passport but no idea if it's just a greek fuckup or an EU fuckup or a one-off fuckup. also no way you're gonna get any sort of definitive answer to anything all you can do is rock up and either you get in or you don't
beethoven's 5th
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mad how animals of all kinds are capable of love and affection
Really need to reign in my racism. It's quite an ugly emotion, and will land me in hot water if I'm not careful.
5 job rejections is nothing mate, that's babbys first week of job hunting
Accidentally clicked on the gay porn section on pornhub, and then on the "extreme" and "gangbang" genre selection choices, and then accidentally hit play of one of the videos
Oh dear
what's your least favourite race?
we've all been there
Repulsive reptile
"righto team, thats me, see you lot on Monday"
if you have no specialist qualifications or experience then job hunting will obviously will a long and arduous process. why are people surprised at this.
if you want an easy pathway into a career, retrain
And yet I don't get any
My Friday night:
Finish toil at 5pm
Go for a drink at my local pub
Come home with some scran
Watch gay porn into the wee hours
>babbys first week
day for many
good lad
do you talk to folk at the pub or just have a quiet pint yourself?
/brit/ zesty af these days
I always thought monaco was overrated
might get a gay porn kebab tonight
it's woke gone mad
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>Swans, Xiu Xiu, Merzbow, Skinny Puppy, Throbbing Gristle, Coil, Current 93, Nurse With Wound, etc
opioids or diazepam. im thinking opioids.
simply cannot have one drink me
if I have one I will have another and then I will finish off another 8 and stumble home at 2am
Might get some beers to enjoy with my gay porn kinos this eve'
>Watch gay porn into the wee hours
we LOVE to see it!!!!
Sometimes I talk to people, sometimes I have a quiet one
gay prawn
you're telling me reggie ledoux fried this rice?
fucking mental you can't drink after one pint. 0 tolerance they are doing now. it's ridiculous, fucking dictatorship.

why can't they let the citizenry be responsible adults?
get the Dvorak on

It's the official /brit/ beers and gay porn night
You don't want to miss this
my keyboard is dvorak
>wanking to gay porn
you gay or something?
I suspect you meant "drive after one drink" here.
Finish work at around 6
Go to the gym
Come home for scran
Trim my plant, been on the todo for a while
Will say I'd read a book but will probably shitpost here
Mihai may have passed on to the big bum sesh in the sky due to drug misuse, but I'm sure he occasionally looks down on us with a smile when he sees how zesty /brit/ has become after his passing
Can't believe
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the trains to east croydon are getting packed with fresh clapmeat x
Can’t even enjoy classical music without normies thinking you’re trying to act all intelligent and better than everyone.
ffs I just like the melodies
hm bit too grim and degenerate for me
how was your day?
>mental you can't drink after one pint
uh yeah can't wait for Idiot Pigeons next EP, people say they're just copying Chocolate Fascism's sound but they were incredible at the last Crud Festival
good, had some jerk chicken x
shooting sam altman with a cannon
shit gimmick
didn't realise buying ETFs on Vanguard means you have to buy a whole unit
e.g. if your chosen ETF is £50 per unit, and you invest £270, the remaining £20 is left over
absolute dire gimmick bet you’re chortling like a 7 year old boy in your smelly bedroom
how is taking codeine and having a bath degenerate? if i were a woman drinking wine nobody would think thats grim or degenerate
Scotland's policy on anything alcohol related is baffling
blog on martin
>east croydon
Ah the classic boring gay retard incel shut-in taste
It is

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