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Humiliation ritual
Could not be me LOL
you're the least white country in europe
It’s over…
i wonder which country is in second place?
Looks like the sun is finally settling.
no one cares incel
At least bongs still have the moon.
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I'm Greek but it's painful to watch this or Germans cucking down to muslims and Ns
Has any country disintegrated as fast as the British? 100 years ago they controlled a fifth of the planet and now it's up in the air if they'll even control NI by the end of the decade.
Oh noooo we're 0.01% browner than the UK how will we cope
Let's start by not giving up free land to fucking third worlders maybe
Nafris and Africans are better browns than Jeets and Pakis
Stay mad LOL. You lost.
Let the cope begin
Mad France still holds an Empire while your foreign actors you call a "government" destroy your state to the point where everyone is talking how much of a shithole you have become?
Don't be like that

The UK will still hold the title of longest-running joke
Kek, forgot that France holds Guiana and New Caledonia and has gone full Rhodesia holding NC.
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Not sure I'd go THAT far

Don't think Jeets go on stabbing and shooting sprees
>Don't think Jeets go on stabbing and shooting sprees
They stab a lot, and also go on raping sprees.
New Caledonia is a special case but several other territories would be quite impossible to give away, because they are fully integrated into France

Réunion island, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte and Guyana are considered parts of France the same way Aquitaine and Bretagne are. They are part of the EU, use the euro, French people don't need a passport to travel there, they have their representatives in parliament the same way other départements do, etc

It might be a larp but legally speaking, giving them independance or giving them to foreign powers is unthinkable because they're fully French, just thousands of km away

Think of it like Alaska or Hawai
Not contiguous, but states just like Idaho or California are, which would make giving them away basically self amputation
the Moon is British?
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France is the second largest country on the planet when you count the sea bed(which you should since it is still territory that holds resources).
There is a difference
From what I've observed, French are much more civic minded than English, who are civic minded but more ethnic minded.
A french conservative will much more likely accept a Christian secular African than an Anglo would. Long term I'm sure you can figure out the consequences
This is why Greeks are White
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Guiana is also surprisingly large
Overseas territories are usually random islands but that place is larger than many European countries
(of course it's like 97% rainforest but still)
You are a caucasoid.
Oh I know all about the overseas parts.
It's just interesting seeing how of it's former Empire France managed to keep while the British can't even hold bumfuck islands in the Indian Ocean or Caribbean.
I'm kinda curious, outside of NC, does France get shit about those places from the UN? Or are the integrated so well that they can't be considered colonies anymore under international law?
The secret sauce is making them a part of the mainland.
As the Algerians will tell you, the only way to get out after that is trough a bloody civil war.
Yeah it's true, none of it would be a problem though if we had indeed stuck to "Christian secular" and relatively low numbers but instead it's mostly fucking Muslims and way too many of them

I'm not gonna pretend we're doing alright but since the British poster brought it up, I still feel like I have to say I seriously doubt they are doing better than us demographically speaking

Impossible to truly compare since we don't do true ethnic census unlike them, but their numbers are frightening and our own observable day to day reality isn't good
France is on the security council, has veto powers and the territories are not colonies.
There is no way for any country or organisation to approach them and tell them ro secede their lands.
Yeah, but that didn't stop decolonization from everywhere else, so I wanna know if everyone else is chill with them keeping these places.
At least they're still in europe
If we go purely according to the UN then there is also French Polynesia which is on the list of "non-self-governing territories" to be decolonized

Outside the UN there are border disputes such as Mayotte being claimed by the Comores and parts of Guyana by Suriname
Portugal as well learned that the hard way.
>does France get shit about those places from the UN
No. Guiana is actually considered super important because it's where all the EU's space infrastructure is. Mayotte meanwhile is a territory formerly part of the Comoros that seperated after it voted in a referendum to stay a part of France, Reunion has uniquely always been French territory given it was uninhabited until the French came, and the others are random, insignificant islands that all realize they benefit far more from being French than not.
There are some calls about some territories
New Caledonia for exemple
They are under occasional flak by the UN's decolonisation committee.
But those grifters have no way of doing anything to France.
Occasionally, matters of French colonies gets talked about in the UN but nothing can come out of it.
AFAIK, UN regards most of their territories as "non-self-governed territories" or something like that.

I think the bloodbath that was Algeria showed the French resolve to keep its colonies to the rest of the world.
Indochina too.
The U.S and USSR realizing what a clusterfuck that was after the French left I think kind of humbled the international community regarding the French too.
>Set to lose
I thought they just agreed to git it back to Maldives or whoever
>Clipperton Island is too smol
Mauritius actually
>All those seething replies
Sure, that too.
But I think their national culture and their veto powers were more important.
As someone who follows military equipment developments very closely, I must say that your country is in an absolute shitter.
Juat take your submarine fleet, you are currently completely dependant on France for all of your sensortech and in the future, you will be completely dependant on USA for your sensortech on "your" submarines.
Your nuclear deterrent is allowed to exist by the Americans who's ICBMs you use.
Your subs are the definition of "port queens".
Your future boomers will be underpowered, equiped by the Americans and designed by the Americans.
It kinda makes sense. The bongs have destroyed their economy and downsized their military, so they can neither take care nor defend their pacific holdings, so ceding them makes perfect sense. Honestly though I cannot understand how the bongs are not baying for the blood of their incompetent politicians. Slave race, through and through.
Why did they give it up? I would give to a charity to supply their soldiers with weapons to defend it.
>when you count the sea bed
Which you absolutely don't.
You didn't even mention their Russia-tier aircraft carrier fleet
They unironically have a black guy as a foreign minister who thinks thirdies will like the UK more for surrendering the territory
Yes we do jamal
I just focused on the subs.
I did forget this however.
It is a paper from RAND about the experiences the American specialist encountered during the development hell of the Astute class. It is a fun, if breaf, read.
This is the biggest cope map I have ever seen in my entire existence. The chinks wouldn't even try to do some shit like this.
You are the second least white country in Europe retard.
Because it's not land. You count land.
It isn't a "cope map".
Aha, and what would happen if I wanted to do some drilling in one of those blue dots?
Your country having things does not make your country bigger.
A country with more valuable natural resources is not bigger then a country without them. Same goes for a country with a preferable sea boarder (compare Greece to Turkey). Just because the one country has a more valuable geography geopolitically speaking, does not make it bigger.
If sea-bed was to be considered, then you would be able to conquer it as just any other land, but no, it's an integral part of the actual land above water.
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EEZs are not going away because you object to them. The reason why we don't conquer sea bed is because it hasn't been done yet.
Why did they do it?
It's a tiny ass uninhabited atoll full of washed up plastic but hey you gotta do what you gotta do for that EEZ
>EEZs are not going away because you object to them
I'm not objecting to them, I'm just saying a country isn't bigger because it has a bigger EEZ.
It's an EEZ map
No one in France considers it to be a map of "France"

There is no cope involved, France is country with the largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world and the map just shows that
Of course that doesn't mean we are the largest country. They are 2 different things
It's cope from the Croatian.
What you are saying is irrelevant semantics-tier babble.
I clearly stated "when you count the sea bed", meaning, you are objecting to my post despite me being open about the nature of my post.
Anyone can explain why a Croatian would be sucking French dick this much? It's been almost 2 hours. Very odd
>when you count the sea bed
Which you never do, so it's a retarded statement.
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The sun never sets on France though
Why aren't you clamouring for a reform in your cunt instead of coping on 4channel?
>he doesn't know about Croatia being to France what Serbia is to Russia
No, also you are retarded.
And poland to US.
Lmao you're on 4chan, why arent you doing anything about africans raping your womens no no squares
>seething because I disqualified russia from the dick measuring contest
>endless pointless arguments
>mentions "poland" for no reason
You aren't Swedish, are you?
Huh? We're one of the whitest cunts in Europe, and anti-immigration is gaining a lot of traction. But why are you suddenly deflecting? Does the situation in your cunt bother you? It bloody well should.
stop fantasising chud, Finnish women are routinely bred by Syrian men
How is your flag consistently the worst thing on the Internet?
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I didn't know this, thank you knowledgeable /int/american
you're not white
who cares
No, I am Croatian.
But you are not British.
I don't doubt that at all; Finland is, after all, the country with the most promiscuous women on Earth by some metrics. And I do find the vast majority of Finnish women utterly revolting. Did you have a point?
It's Hanover...
Looks like I was right.
>least inclined-to-project Bongs
>French anon in Reunion is in the thread
What's it like over there? Genuine question of curiosity.
>Think of it like Alaska or Hawai
Isn’t it literally illegal for someone from the Metropole to move to those islands?
No it's not
source: I moved to one of these islands 2 months ago lol
Did you get fooled by the schizo French flag who makes thread about how France is the worst place on earth? Because he's lied a few times and pretended it was forbidden for mainlanders to move overseas

It absolutely isn't, although most of the time it's islanders who move to Europe and not the other way around, unless they're retirees in which case spending the end of their lives in the tropics is appealing

I'm telling you, the most accurate way to think of them as an American is to think of them as non-contiguous states. Distant but ultimately you are free to do whatever you want there as an American citizen, and the people from these distant places are free to do whatever in mainland America
Because they're all citizens

Note that I only mean the 5 territories I mentioned in the post you replied to

Others like New Caledonia and French Polynesia have different status and regulations, but even then it's not illegal at all to move there
In fact I was accepted into university in Tahiti, French Polynesia even though I'm from the mainland (and declined)
Our head of state is the head of state of all these places as well
>Because he's lied a few times
That nigger is incapable of opening his mouth without lying.
I caught him lying about his educational status on 3 or 4 different occasions a long time ago.
Does he still post here?
>Does he still post here?

Yes I argued with him a few days ago
What a subhuman.
I used to argue with him back when I was a regular here, back around 2018 ... when this board was a sight to behold.
Where did you move to? Reunion?
retard here, how does this pepe work?
Yeah Réunion

It's alright honestly, can't be bothered to effortpost and give details unless you have specific questions but life isn't that much different from the mainland except it's tropical and culturally more mixed
Have you been to Mauritius? Which of the two do you think would be better to visit? I've been wanting to visit Mauritius for a long time given it' a very chill, beautiful, not shithole place where Bong and American tourists alike are rare.
I've never been to Mauritius but it seems landscapes in Réunion would absolutely btfo Mauritius
Here there are mountains reaching 3000 meters, an active volcano, massive canyons and valleys, old growth rainforest and more. Mauritius is much flatter and thus has been significantly more altered and thoroughly settled. They probably have a better coastline though, if you prefer the beach. But Réunion looks otherworldly, look it up, and there aren't many American or British tourists either.
It's also safe and develloped, I've been to other overseas territories and they were much more dodgy. Mayotte which is relatively close is definitely a shithole for instance

That said I'd still love to visit Mauritius so I don't think either would be a bad choice
Rajesh, I...
first the queen and now this is the last nail in the coffin, with this the british empire finally dies.
Isn't that just average relationship between two non enemy countries ? I mean you could write the same article about France/Spain relationship, that's nothing special.
it exploits differences in how PNG thumbnails are rendered vs full images by essentially embedding another image in the grid pattern you see in the full image at a much lighter, more washed out color.

there was a tutorial on how to do this somewhere but I don't remember where it was, someone else probably knows. I just remember it being easy to do if you follow instructions in gimp but too much of a bitch to code before my patience ran out.
AngloGODS are GODS. Continentalkeks on the other hand are just....funny, no other way to describe them.
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From what I've seen between the two I'd say a good comparison is probably Kauai in Hawaii vs. Oahu. Kauai is filed with awesome canyons, rainforest, wildlife, etc. while Oahu has less of that (but still some) and is more developed. A big reason Mauritius is attractive to me are the beaches, which I've heard are some of the best in the world. I'd love to windsurf, surfski, and cruise the richfag areas (Le Morne and Ile Aux Cerfs especially) for a good time. And from what it seems there's more cultural stuff to see/do in Mauritius than in Reunion even though they both have the strange distinction of being the forgotten Francophone Indian Ocean Jeet islands. Apparently the British invested a shit ton in the island during the colonial era and unlike other former colonies all their colonial stuff is well-maintained.
That being said, if I enjoy my time there, who knows. I'd love to visit both places and check them out given they're both far away from the most annoying types of tourists and most people don't even know they exist. They seem really cool and surprisingly nice for how out of the way they are.
>France/Spain relationship
Napoleon? Napoleon was a monster in Spain while much like Poland and Italy he's worshipped by Croats.
Yeah there are regular flights between Mauritius and Réunion so if you come all the way here you might just check out both islands even if you stay longer on one of the two

Réunion beaches are definitely not worldclass, there is some beautiful coastline but very few actual beaches, it's rocky and there are few corral reefs unlike Mauritius. It's definitely more attractive for its rugged interior. Fine by me as I'm more of a hiker than a swimmer
Also while there are some wealthy areas here I can't think of any place on Réunion that would be a millionnaires hotspots. Probably due to the lack of proper beaches and marinas. Richfags don't care about living in the jungle
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hmm, lazy reconstruction attempt #1
I hike a lot, all the time; but am dogshit at swimming even though I love being in the water and kayaking/paddleboarding/sailing. I really hope to get better at it over the next few years (given I might be trying out for the Rangers or SEALs in the future). I grew up all around lakes in Minnesota where we'd be on the lake all summer (because of how short and fleeting the perfect, amazing summers there were) doing that stuff, and I'd love to get out in warm India Ocean water on a chill, picturesque beach and do all that and more before hitting up the richfag areas for food and bars. And there's parts of Mauritius like Black River Gorge that have amazing hiking and waterfalls too. It's just a part of the world that really speaks to me, idk.
Also, when I was trying out for the FFL I met a super cool ex-wagecuck Japanese guy who loved to travel, and he said it was his favorite place he visited by a mile, which surprised me.
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Not really worshipped.
Napoléon is probably among the 5 most important humans in history but we do not specifically like him, we like the French and it is not a new thing.
Our men went to serve the French for half a millenia. That leaves cultural imprints, on both parties.
What abaout France/US ?
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lol no
Thatcher would have send the navy to Mauritius just to keep that old saying alive. How things have changed in 40 years.
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ok I remember how it goes now

you take one image, crank its output levels up very high and add a layer mask with a grid

you take another and crank its output max level down

then you set the gamma level very low.

I'm getting tripped up currently because GIMP sets a reasonable gamma value even if I fuck with it, fucking bloatware.
see >>203039106

you crank one image up, one down, then set the gamma super low to exploit the fact that the thumbnail thing doesn't gamma correct

but gimp was eating my gamma settings
A longstanding, brotherly friendship marred by occasional petty bickering, especially since WWII.
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this should look somewhat closer, i can't be arsed to do more experimentation
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maybe now? pack the high image in fewer high values and crank the gamma way up
This one is creepy.
You got it better here >>203039516
Nice work insomniac anon
I wonder if anybody from Martinique or Gwadloup browse this site
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bitch check this out >>203040162

I managed to reverse engineer the pipeline on my own.

Basically, what you do is this:
>take image A (thumbnail)
>take image B (hidden)
>paste image B on top of image A as second layer in gimp
>add layer mask on image B in a 1px line grid (basically masking 3/4 pixels in every 2x2 square)
>crank the minimum output levels of image B really high (I use around 240)
>crank the maximum output levels of image A somewhat lower so you can just barely make out image B (I set it around 200 for the brainlet)
>flatten and export as a png
>use pngcrush to replace the gAMA value in the PNG file directly without making any adjustments to pixel values (I set it to 0.02 based on some people complaining about bugs in how safari and internet explorer render PNGs)

You can use imagemagick or the gnome file viewer (nautiuls) thumbnail to verify that your thumbnail will look correct. Open it in your browser using file:///<path to image> to check how it will look expanded.
I can now automate this using a script, brb
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You made my night, bro.
The sun does NOT set on the French Exclusive Economic Zone, althoughbeiteverbeit
And yet I don’t have a cute serb-genociding, ustase-sympathysing hrvatska gf, CURIOUS!
Based experimenter.
they still have canada, australia and usa.
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what's the point of having a king if he doesn't block stuff like this
>canada australia
Those aren't anything to brag about
How do we stop the UK from doing more retard things like this?

This not only weakens the UK, they're weakening the whole Western world giving up key islands like this.
A part of the deal I believe was that the military base stays.
Only for 99 years. And now the Chinese can build listening stations or their own naval base next door.
>99 years
Again ? When will they learn...
One step closer.
I thought you had ties with them ?
Go there and get one.
/pol/ learned a new buzz sentence?
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just testing my new script, move along citizens
You aren't even white
Evil is defeated
You will never get the cocos back
Still at it, bravo, it's improving.
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I automated it. Now I can make as many of these as I like. Here's the script if you want it:
mongol empire ?
>Humiliation ritual
"Tell me youre a poltard tranny without telling me that youre a poltard tranny"
You piece of shit boardhopping kike go back the fuck to your trash of piece board or just fucking end it and kill yourself you're worthless trash
>get Falklands given back
>fills it with villeros, while the economy implodes
Terrible idea, narixon
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The articles counts the British Antarctic Territory so isn't it "Empire on which the sun never sets for three months of the year"?
The hordes lasted for a while
The fuck is Clipperton Island and how didn't the US steal it like with the Hawaii.
We tried
>We tried

Unless you're Chicano, this almost says nothing about the US just France and Mexico
The U.S tried to claim it as a guano island but Mexican and French politicking led to the U.S losing interest
There are Indian gangs there?
Tons. FFS they call them "grooming gangs" because their MO is raping as many girls as possible.
Not enough backstabbing and rising tensions
Realistically though if France and the US were ever at seriously odds you could just take it and there wouldn't be much we could do, or would do since it's uninhabited
>women vote to import jeets
>the jeets rape the women
circle of life.
Congratulations on finally becoming white.
We'd take it if we knew where it was on a map. Geography is the bane of my fellow mutts existence.
Naturally. What goes around cums around, they say.
Ukraine surely wouldn't still side with the bloodthirsty thirdies
It comes from /tv/ my good Ukie friend, and is often used in reference to Hollywood.
The UK still has the Pitcairn Islands
You don't want to know what goes on over there. Makes the bizarre story behind Clipperton look like a textbook colony.
I've heard of the child abuse thing in Pictairn Island that took place a few years back. Is there anything else I should know about?
It's not that there was child abuse. It's that there was an entire island of people in a multigenerational pedohpile rape cult.
what's Portugal problem?
>had to ethnically cleanse the Chagos to keep it
justice served at last
Latinx unity
>The dispute between Mexico and France over Clipperton was taken to binding international arbitration in 1909. Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, was chosen as arbitrator and decided in 1931 that the island was French territory

take that mexcrements
No one's talking to you bunny Buns.
>the british empire
is it 2024 or 1924
Congrats on finally becoming white. What it like?
>tfw the hurts you so much you make entire seethe discussions even in completely unrelated threads you havent posted in.
Lmaoing at you faggots
Theyll allow you to study there provided you have money which is what one of the seething nigger is doing but theyll never allow you to get a job because all of them are saved up for locals. Exceptions being civil servant posts and hospitals.
Case in point the seething nigger couldnt find a job even after 2 months
Why exactly do these tiny islands want independence? I can't imagine it being economically beneficial.
>justice served at last
Not really any justice to the Chagossian people. Now Mauritius owns their land instead.
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That wasn't the dispute. You're thinking of New Caledonia. Chagos is a whole other rabbit hole.
Underrated, pioneering, and long overdue comment
They don't
Only New Caledonia is making a ruckus and it's not small + has an actual native population
nigga you bought half your country from us
how else would they do offshore banking or sell diplomatic passports?
can also sell eez access to some offshore oil or mining company
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It's almost like there's some foreign power pushing anticolonialism to advance their anti-west geopolitical agenda and has for decades, wonder who that could be
>Theyll allow you to study there provided you have money
Wrong, no one asked me for any bank details
No one asked me for anything, literally just booked a flight and rented an appartement, and the rental process was absolutely identical to renting in the métropole
>Case in point the seething nigger couldnt find a job even after 2 months
Wrong, I didn't even try to get a job because I won't need one until my 2nd semester, at which point I will find a shitty supermarket or cleaning job just like in the métropole

You're gonna reply with more innacurate stuff so imma just go ahead and ignore it my keyboard is getting visibly worn out on the letters I use to reply "wrong" at every one of your posts
>The lease for Suffield was renewed in the 1980s and 1990s; in the 2000s, the British and Canadian governments agreed that it would be more practical to review the 1971 agreement. The result was a new deal that allowed British forces to continue their training exercises in Suffield without renewing their presence every decade. In short, since 2006 the BATUS is permitted to maintain their training routine indefinitely.

they have an indefinite lease to land here
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>when you count the sea bed
A level of cope I have never seen before. Not even Indians cope this hard.
>no one asked me for any bank details
What i leant is provided you have enough money to survive through your study program without additional income since there are no jobs there and the few jobs that remain are saved up for locals only
>won't need one until my 2nd semester, at which point I will find a shitty supermarket or cleaning job just like in the métropole
Nice cope to say you havent found any
T.actually visited and look for jobs in 3 domtoms (guadeloupe, martinique, caledonia). And youre absolutely full of shit or just denying the truth.
they still get to keep diego garcia
i'll colonise you in the name of the british empire. carry out the europeans legacy of the east indies
French islands compared to other insular nations actual provide insane levels of opportunity, mainly thanks to the oversized French public service, but still...
but why did the UK give away islands randomly
was it expensive to maintain?
>take a look at our numerous islands and our benelux size colony in south america.
We won.
Vive La France Éternelle.
Why is the U.K. giving them away?
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Take the L
the US ordered them to do so threatening them to call France for us to cole and Chessapeake their asses
The U.K. has decided to give them away
The U.S. is the main beneficiary of the U.K. having them, it's a U.S. military base.
an they are now cutting the middleman
So you think that the U.S. is going to take ownership of them? That would be an unexpected turn of events.
Hardly my problem.
The sun DOES sets for you THOUGH.
Unlike for us.
EXCEPT it's not EXACTLY true because we get to keep the military base there
and if you don't think that counts it's the exact same deal we have with Cyprus so clearly it does.

The Empire continues despite our government's incompetent insanity.
Whose problem is it?
English copium for breakfest.
>was it expensive to maintain?
yes, you end up needing to spend a bunch of money to keep locals employed, as >>203049914

like the french government has a TV and radio station on the island of 6000 people here with 60 employees, they even keep a permanent courthouse to deal with the town drunks with a local jail

also general war guilt
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Nigga so mad he broken.
i had no idea britain lived rent free inside the heads of some many french. i always thought of the french as being quite classy and fashionable, didn't realise they had an inferiority complex
How long do you give it until the British start begging for American annexation like Northern Mexico or Western Canada?
My sides
>inferiority complex
You're the one voluntarily dismantling what little remains of your empire, imagine if the U.S just gave up Gitmo one day lol
>some news on U.K. making some deal to give away some obscure islands
>Hordes of French incels go mad
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perhaps annexation by the US would be a lot more appealing if you didn't have so many unique problems of your own

shape up and I'm sure you can have the intercontinental empire you desire
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My empire is in my investments, I own more of the U.S. than you do. I'm not at all dismantling it.
lol remarkable level of seethe
Oh yes Nigel, we're really seething over here
>We are reaching levels of copium that only Belgium could normally reach
you clealry have no live and are seemingly very resentful of the U.K.
I quite like France, it's a tragedy what's happened to it, I have such nice memories of France in the 90s, now you go around and it's the biggest shithole in the developed world, from the cities to the towns to the south of France it's either a dump or a ghosttown, the French people are simply disappearing.
It's sort of like Germany or Italy that in the future either those countries won't exist or what it means to be French will mean something very different.
based, viv la frans
>inferiority complex
Kek why does the eternal brit always immediately start spewing this cope? It reminds me of BBC
glass houses etc.
>I have such nice memories of France in the 90s
ok boomer
>you can have the intercontinental empire you desire
We already have it. FFS we're the ones who actually own the base on Diego Garcia.
>I own more of the U.S. than you do
And so the Americanization of the Britons begins.
We would love to annex you if you weren't so bizarrely authoritarian regarding civil liberties and somehow even more cucked on migration than us.
>what it means to be French will mean something very different.
The amount of projection in this lol. Britain will be a Union Territory of India and potential battleground in an Indo-Pakistani tard fight by the end of the century.
? I live on planet earth where if you go to a country called the U.K. and go around the towns and villages are full of ethnic British people, the British maintain relatively high birth rates (similar to other Anglo countries) and at the very least people speak the English language.

In a lot of France there wasn't even people around speaking French. A lot of smaller towns and villages, which back in the 90s when I was a kid were full of life, were just ghost towns, sort of like rust belt U.S.A. vibe.

In the future these countries like France, Italy, Germany, Russia, either won't exist or what we think of when we talk about French culture, French language, French people, will mean something very different to what these terms have meant in recent centuries as they're either undergoing complete demographic collapse, or are being rapidly demographically replaced by people who don't care for the host culture.

That is not the case for U.K., U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand. They have their own issues with integration and so on, but it's a world apart from the death of much of Europe.
bongoloids getting quite hysterical ITT
I respect your opinion but it would appear that you have no understanding of what you're talking about beyond things that you imagine. The U.K. has far higher native birth rate and far better integration than European countries.

The U.K. will change but it will continue. The towns and villages around the U.K. are full of ethnic British people, and immigrants generally speak English and integrate.

What it means to
>be Italian
>be French
>be German
will either no longer exist in a lifetime or it will mean something very different to what we mean when we say it today.
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holy mother of copium lol, your country is turning into a joint paki-pajeet property
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>melting down into paragraph long schizo posting
And we're the ones seething...
>core meltdown ongoing
I'm upset about France, my grandparents were French and left Algeria.
As of U.K. 2022 census Pakistanis make up 2.5% of the U.K.

This is the issue between some boomer meme and reality. If you left your bedroom and went around France you may get a better sense of things.

The U.K. will change, like all developed countries, but it will continue. The British have relativley high birth rates and integration is relatively good by all metrics.
That is not the case for many European countries, especially France, Germany, Italy. Germany and Italy are undergoing complete demographic collapse, and France is mitigating it through mass immigration and has large integration issues.

Today we have these terms of
>being French
>being German
>being Italian
and all the connotations of culture and language and values and so on, but in a lifetime what it means to
>be French
will either not exist or will be something very different to what we mean when we say it today.

It won't really change for America or Britain or Australia.
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britain's bright future in question
Have a good day bruv.
Its all good banter innit
Bruv, take it easy and lean on the British banter genes instead of the seething Nafri ones...
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I'm not saying France is better, unfortunately we don't do ethnic census
What I am definitely saying is you're fucked and if you want to make the case the UK is a better place than France (understandable, it's your homeland), bringing up immigration is NOT a good argument
>politics/current events - Russia

>politics/current events - Britain
>238 posts

Australia, Canada, and New Zealand all have our head of state
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it's embarrassing how desperate the French are to be relevant. You're not. You fantasise about Britain and America in English. Pathetic.
The king doesn't do shit
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Why are bongs having such a hard time at accepting their decline?
Why do you take so much pride in being our landing strip? At least the French military can hold it's own without having to be somebody's doormat to be relevant.
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To what, Britain finally nuking Argentina? The Falklands are populated by Brits you ignorant sub human monkey cunt

We'd literally kill you like we did before

The Falklands were British in 1765.
The Falklands were British in 1833.
The Falklands were British in 1982.
The Falklands are British in 2024.

They're ours by history and democracy and might
Pride and arrogance, long their bane much like the French.
Difference is it manifests in deifferent ways there than in France.
>being proud of being the golem of a golem
All Argentina has to do to get the Malvinas is pay the Falklanders $5000 each to vote yes, and they all will once Milei is done turning Argentina into the South American Singapore.
>At least the French military can hold it's own without having to be somebody's doormat to be relevant.
When did that ever happen? When anglos were liberating France after Britain defended itself singlehandedly and inflicted the first military defeat against Nazi Germany during the Battle of Britain? Or Vietnam?
Oh fuck off, you guys all would be under Hitler or Stalin's boot if you didn't scream bloody murder for Uncle Sam's gibs and men.
You mean that war you guys didn't support even though Australia and NZ had no problems giving some help to the effort?
So? Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are British populated states whose head of state is the British king. They're not actual nations. They're British. More of North America belongs to our king than your President.
And yet the king does nothing to utilize that authority as his commonwealth flies off the rails.
Being angloid is a mistake, they are the ones with tons of niggers even compared to France, they are clowns on top of being liars.
>you guys all would be under Hitler or Stalin's boot if you didn't scream bloody murder for Uncle Sam's gibs and men.
Oh so by "zoom zoom" you really are a fucking retard under aged freak?

I literally just said about the fact that Britain won the Battle of Britain against Nazi Germany singlehandedly, inflicting the first military defeat of Nazi Germany.

Britain's RAF broke the Luftwaffe.

America wouldn't have been able to enter Europe at all after Pearl HarboUr if not for Britain. D-Day was a British operation conducted across the English Channel from the island of Great Britain mostly using British empire troops.

Britain's RAF destroyed Germany.

Britain's Royal Navy helped feed and equip the Red Army.

The Red Army would have been destroyed by the Luftwaffe if the Luftwaffe had not been destroyed by the RAF

Uneducated ignorant retard child
>they are the ones with tons of niggers even compared to France
Your country is too ashamed to even record these demographic statistics you disingenuous cunt, you're going off your own imagination despite the fact that Paris is almost entirely black
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>brits actually think they have a modicum of authority over Canada and Australia and that those two countries don't actually take their orders from the WH
sad state of affairs...
>actually the Britain won WWII
This is hilarious, Higgins-tier shit. The Red Army nor the British would have mounted any effective resistance to Hitler if it weren't for Lend-Lease aid. Give it up already unless you're some troll.
>D-Day was a British operation conducted across the English Channel from the island of Great Britain mostly using British empire troops.
Even the most anglophobic old frenchman knows that D-Day was hard carried by the United States. Turning down your own anglo bros because you are buttmad is crazy.
Just leave the thread, go for a jog or something. Crazy fuck.
Spurred a melty in fronce
You guys are both pathetic but I ultimately still prefer the French over you guys because at least they aren't in denial about their situation.
Brits might be Anglo Coping but we are Euro Coping and its working a lot better, we already have you guys buck broken over tarifs and regulations, Anglos were to dumb to realize you just need to threaten burgers to stop buying their slop for them to cuck down.
The sad truth is France is the only relevant European country
there is no proof bigger than Africa's hatred towards France as they know they are pretty much colonized by the French and there is nothing to do about it
or MENA's seethe towards them for interfering in their politics
Take it from a thirdie we know best who is fucking us
Thank you sir, please keep buying our weapons sir.
We will king
Search for sickle cell disease cases between france and england youre clearly ahead, "bro"
An international court ruled they should give it to Mauritius and like 10 illegal immigrants arrived there once.
I find it absolutely confounding that the British are somehow both proud of the fact that their Empire has been reduced to being nothing more than American aircraft carriers and ports of entry for Jeets, yet extremely spiteful, elitist, and ignorant towards actual Americans.
As much as you guys have problems with your immigration, political leadership, and social stuff at least you guys have an excellent military and live in a society where there are far more freedoms and political diversity than in Britain.
>nothing to do about it
They've "done somthing about it" by becoming Russian and Chinese cocksuckers just like they were during the Cold War. Pathetic really. That being said Africa is easily Macron's biggest fuckup.
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>That being said Africa is easily Macron's biggest fuckup.
it was, on the other hand there was very little domestic support for keeping the troops there
>The sad truth is France is the only relevant European country
>there is no proof bigger than Africa's hatred towards France as they know they are pretty much colonized by the French and there is nothing to do about it
>or MENA's seethe towards them for interfering in their politics
>Take it from a thirdie we know best who is fucking us

Russia knows that Britain is the most important nation in Europe
Angloids are somehiw obsessed with the french, pointing fingers at us to cope with their own mediocrity, the worse is that the whole world are sheeps for angloid entertainment culture and they eat their lies, they have sold their soul for a couple of shekels.
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Ukraine knows that Britain is the most important nation in Europe
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remember; any "brit" that makes a post defending the UK is a certified VPN.
actual brits know that this country is a complete shithole that's beyond redemption and beyond defending.
this poster >>203026109 is just your average run of the mill anglophobe VPN

yes we get it. you all hate us. we know.
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>he's still going
France just like the US and some other countries like Turkey and others will always be relevant simply because of geography, it also mean it will always face geopolitical and internal issues.The US is relatively new at this game and playing in easy mode so it hasn't quite experienced the downsides that come with the upsides but don't think it's never going to come.
stop posting please
The endless French flags in this thread, a thread about Britain, shows that you're completely lying

The French are Brit-obsessed anglophobes because we didn't wipe you out in history like we should have done, out retarded governments never bothered to really wipe out the French

Could have done it so many times but no, we were too civilised. Then Germany tried to do it and we should have let them

French bitterness and insecurity about Britain DESTROYED THE WORLD. The USA exists because of French meddling. You subhumans destroyed the world because you couldn't handle that our nation is better than yours despite being less than half the size.
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indeed indeed
patriotism is long dead in Europe save for boomers but they don't post on /int/
I thought they wanted to (re?)join Mauritius? The peoples are related and its a bit small to be an independent country

Hope they're allowed to go back home at last, in any case
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can't believe we were so fucking based that we founded the most powerful country in the world for the sole purpose of buck breaking britain
we also founded Britain so it kind of evens out to be fair.
America knows that Britain is the most important nation in Europe
>we didn't wipe you out in history like we should have done
Like WE should have done a thousand years ago lol the absolute arrogance of angloid drones will never cease to amuse me.
As long as you guys can tard wrangle Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria you should be fine.
Everybody knows Ukies respect the Poles/Visegrad and the Balts more than anyone. You guys are probably behind us in terms of cunts the Ukies like and see kinship with.
>will soon finally set
bro it's been set.
What's your next revelation, there were no WMD's in Iraq after all?
England was a torjan horse for america into european affairs, THO, youre the cuck of your former servent, you sold your dominance out of arrogance and greed for a couple of shekels.
Realistically speaking owning a load of random little islands around the world is a bit daft
Giving them to third world shitholes is stupid though
being a british patriot nowadays is extremely embarrassing. when i see foreigners insulting britain i know there's no point trying to actually argue because they're right. the UK is a fucking joke.

any brit trying to defend this country is delusion and pathetic.
We love you guys here. We'll never forget the help you guys gave us with the Revolution and then Louisiana.
Nobody here like creatures speaking the angloid dialect as their native tongue, forget about us like we did for you.
>Realistically speaking owning a load of random little islands around the world is a bit daft
how so? any square meter of EEZ is extremely valuable in this day and age
No, you bankrupted yourselves helping America and the people who funded America had their heads cut off for starving the rest of you.

The Normans were not "the French". The Norman conquest resulted in French territory belonging to Britain, not British territory belonging to France. We've owned your country. You've never owned ours. You speak our language. We do not speak yours.

France is a bigger country than Britain that has destroyed itself multiple times out of jealousy towards Britain.

We put Napoleon in a cage and he died.

We saved you in WW2.

It's pathetic how obsessed the French are with us. We don't think about you beyond how obsessed you are with us.

Vile frog people. We gave away some islands on the other side of the planet and the French act like they've won a war. Unbelievably pathetic.

Remember when the Australians were going to buy your submarines? Then we stopped that.

French relevance today is Macron going to Russia and China begging and getting nothing
Mauritius is 2nd world
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>The Norman conquest resulted in French territory belonging to Britain, not British territory belonging to France. We've owned your country. You've never owned ours. You speak our language. We do not speak yours.
least delusional man in england
It's worst than that, they live their empire fantasies vicariously through Americans.They bamboozle themselves with their "Special relation" and their "Five eyes cooperation" into thinking they still got it.I'm quite glad we basically got destroyed and pic related was able to channel our faustian spirit into something not entirely retarded.
When was Mauritius part of the USSR or the Soviet block?
See, French subhumans created America just to spite Britain. Subhuman Americans then praise French subhumans for their interference. French subhumans then react with hatred because the French are that insecure about anything anglo, even Americans, who they created in the first place

The French are spiteful perverts and nothing else. Evil slimy cunts who exist just to be jealous of us.
Holy Schizophrenia
Sad but true.
You guys see us as fat retards while we see you as effeminate twinks. It works out.
You guys are our bitch, now suck me off like a good lass.
>It's pathetic how obsessed the French are with us
The clownery will never cease to stop with you angloids, we NEVER think nor talk ablut you, never, i can buy whatever angloid newspaper rn and there will be a french bashing topic to feed your eternal obsession.
>we basically got destroyed
You're currently fighting the Russians to retain control of your African empire, wtf are you on about

They gave theirs up, you redrew some lines on a map and moved from controlling the nogs at the point of the bayonet to controlling them at the point of fiat currency, withheld foreign reserves and biweekly military coups
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>we created the US out of banter
>ends up buck breaking the UK in the span of a few decades
>now britcucks can only cope and seethe for their current situation
EXTREMELY sad state of affairs
There's nothing about "French" that isn't from Latin anyway. We retained nothing French that wasn't originally Latin. The Normans restored the civilisation that was lost in the anglo saxon dark age.

Some of our words come from French.
All of your words are English.
We are not the same.

Charles De Gaule was the ultimate French man. An evil lying slimy jealous insulting freak who DEPENDED 100% ON Britain to save his life and liberate his country, then turns around and stabs Britain in the back out of French bitterness

We should have let the Germans have you. Our foreign ministers in the world wars were total retards.
At least we follow our own way, even if its bad decisions after bad decisions we aint no deluded cucks like britbongs.
>fighting the russians
You don't understand how Africa works, it's nothing like anywhere in the world, you don't need to fight anyone in Africa, you just have to wait for them to fight for you and pick up the pieces.Africans are their worst enemies and Russians are in for a surprise.
Fighting them by taking a vacation and waiting the local melaninated fauna to eat all the Russians alive before swooping back in is still fighting.

I never said you were gonna lose the fight, after all you've got a lot more experience herding the darkies.
>There's nothing about "French" that isn't from Latin anyway.
Difference is that were proud and cherish our latin roots, the very moment we make mention of YOUR french roots you turn schizo denial liars, whose the ones full of hatred ? Again, we never think about you, when we think about english speaking people we think about fat americans, england is irrelevant af.
The French literally don't stop crying about America. You retards created a country to spite us and you ended up spiting yourselves. Now you're pretending that you love America to spite us

The French are just spite spite spite spite spite. That's all. It's so boring. You're just evil jealous cunts, inferior to all anglos, that's why you're obsessed with us

There is literally nothing French about this thread yet the Brit-obsessed French are crawling out of the woodwork like the cockroaches you are
He's the "angloid" poster, a well know schizo. Ignore him
>the very moment we make mention of YOUR french roots
Our "French" roots are just Latin roots, is what I just said, retard

Britain was an actual part of the Roman empire. "France" didn't even exist until afterwards.
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I never realized how their perceivced relevance mattered so much to brits
you just make fun of them by calling irrelevant and they have a complete meltdown
why can't you be like belgians or swiss people, they don't give a fuck about being irrelevant
>Noooooo we never ever were french influeneced reeeeeee the latin culture just passed through italy made a big jump over france and landed here in the disgusting cloudy island like magic reeeeeeee
The (((Swiss))) would rather you not think about them at all
The Soviets had a lot of fun fucking around in Africa during the Cod War much like Wagner is now. The Sahel is Russia's new Mozambique/Angola and much like those interventions will be nothing but a sap of much-needed resources for a far more important war.
Huh, neat. Didn't know we had one of those, reddit spacing should've been a giveaway.
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we were just having a little banter before you started posting your canned infodumps and collages and getting buttblasted all around thep lace
even putinbots have more self awareness than you
>taking a vacation and waiting the local melaninated fauna to eat all the Russians alive before swooping back in is still fighting.
Well we're fighting them then i guess.
>You guys are our bitch
Your ancestors would have been lynched by the Founding Fathers for not being white Brits you deluded subhuman freak. Disgusting mentally ill mutt parasite in a country founded and settled by anglos

America is going to be destroyed by China. Our empire was overseas and we gave it independence. China is going to destroy America itself and it's the natural conclusion of the creation of America.

America stole Britain's technologies and now China is stealing yours. You're done.
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>you're pretending that you love America to spite us
Wtf ? We pretend to like america ? Where, when ? We are logical people, america is the power dominant nation of the world and we care about them because of that like we dont give a slight little fuck about bongs roasting under the eternal clouds on their greasy island.
>for not being white Brits
My family are old-stock Scottish Southerners who've been here since the early 17th century. I'm one of the few Americans who's actually ethnically "American" going by retarded blood and soil arguments.
>it's a Chink
Who'd've thought.
We think about ourselves only and maybe japan, whatcare you guys on.
autistic French frogposters are desperate to call Britain "irrelevant" while non-stop posting and crying about Britain as if its their religion

It's more non-stop spite. You're just saying the most stupid spiteful things you can because you're obsessed with us and you can't handle our obvious superiority over you.

It's pathetic that you have no purpose in life other than thinking about the better more powerful whiter more relevant country to your immediate north whose language you speak and whose people liberated your country in living memory

frog posting frog eating subhuman
It's hilarious because in the U.S the stereotype is that the French are the most petty and anti-American Euros barring Serbs and Russians. Bong's programming broke.
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any more butthurt to share with the class?
Baltoids are mostly fixated on Russia-Ukraine on either side for good reason.
>gloating about creating America

low iq foreign cunts
Why would we be depserate to call whats factual : england IS irrelevant since several decades and they settled itnforngood with brexit, being the anti europe block american dog.
Defeated you to the point of spamming frogs, the French fold easily, WEAK
>they settled itnforngood witbrexit
Britain is a sovereign nation state
France is a member state of the EU

Thanks for reminding me that only of us is from a real country
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>posts more of his canned responses in search for a desperate win
mindbroken so hard
>reeeeeeeee frogs you created america!
>yes we did, what are you gonna do about it?
kek what a crying bitch
I think its because we don't have the Good Guy/Bad Guy view of the world, burgers seems to think that if you don't bootlick them at every occasion you hate them.French people tend to extremely critical towards the people they like, sometimes brutally so and Burger culture doesn't really respond to that very well.In France if you don't care about someone you just pretend every they do is great simply so they can fuck off.
>canned responses
Says the French subhuman spamming frogs and reaction images because he's lost the argument of words
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Loyer gratuit
You subhumans broke the world. America's existence is a bad thing for France too. You ruined the world because you couldn't handle that we won it.

We're better. You're spiteful.
We dont hate americans, we just dont like you if you see the nuance, that might be a misenderstood on the supposed french hatred for america since they expect we love them for ww2 or entertainment medias and are taking our coldness for hatred when in reality were just not fond with americans and to be quite frank : with native speaking english creatures in general and everybody else except for japan, we love japan, at least since millenials gen.
Funny thing is it's not even cherry picked, you could pick hundreds of newspapers from any period and make the comparison
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It's mostly leftover Boomer stereotypes coming from WWII, Vietnam, and Iraq.
Most Americans think highly of France and French stuff, even if they have some SERIOUS misconceptions about what France is actually like.
You have a massive folder of screenshotted anti-French Big Black Cock articles and spend every waking moment hating a fellow Western country for arbitrary, nonsensical reasons; you're the pathetic one here.
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I understand why britoids hate us so much, it's because we created (according to them) a country that managed to be better than them in every way to the point britoids became their bitch
it's an humiliation they will never recover from
As if French newspapers weren't crying about Brexit

What a gigantic collage of cherrypicked nothingess
>Britain is a sovereign nation state
England is the larping dog of america, the trojan into european affairs against their own interests, your the useful idiot looking at his belly and playing with his dicky while the world is moving fast.
>we just dont like you if you see the nuance
Definitely makes sense. Americans are infamous for not being subtle and concerned with details, which has always deeply bothered me.
>at least since millenials gen
You guys liked Japan before it was cool
>hating a fellow Western country for arbitrary, nonsensical reasons;
For destroying the western world by bankrupting themselves to create your anti-european mutt country

Bragging about creating America while crying the most about living in an americanised world

French spitefulness is so mentally ill. Your people are disgusting spiteful jealous subhumans who exist just try to annoy us for being better than you

Britain's HDI is better than Anerica and France
You are so irrelevant the average european can't even name your current PM lol
this nigga cryin lmao
America didn't ruin the world, it was just a filter and France passed it
I don't see American bases in France as if they own the country
I don't see the France waiting for approval from the USA to do literally anything that matters like most Europe

The Frankish Kings are the sole standing power in Europe like it was in the medieval times and hopefully soon they free the rest of Europe from American influence
Oh man if you knew how much the boomer gen were arrogant toward the little nation of japan and asians in general its disgusting, i iniw people that prefer arabs to asians up to this day, this is that confusing.
I'm under the assumption it's for Japan slapping you guys around in Indochina.
Still, with how much artistic and cultural exchange there was betwen French and Japanese boomers (Godard/Truffaut's kinship with Japanese filmmakers and artists as well as Moebius and Miyazaki's bromosexuality being great examples) it seems like you guys got over the Japan hate faster than the other Westerners from my POV in America, where the Japan hate persisted until the fucking 1990s.
at least French have the balls after WW2 ended, the brits on the other hand is L after L after L after L and the little W they had was just beating fucking Argies lol lmao
Literally NO ONE in France at ANY GIVEN TIME cared about Japan occupying Indochina
Ah, so just typical boomer stuff regarding the Japs I see.
i'm fairly knowledgeable in history and never heard about Japan having anything to do with Indochina, it's a literal non subject here and yes French people tend to be Japanophile for some reason.

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