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What the fuck happened to this board?

t. Oldfag who just returned after 8 years
It has changed.
Did this board not have rice fever back in 2016?
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why did you leave and where is your foreskin
covid supercharged the kara boga meme
tranny invasion
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We all have to pay the fanum tax to the rizzler now
It happened in 2015 when all the election tourists arrived...
did you come here expecting to see these memes spammed all over the board

>mehmet, my son
>t. alberto barbosa
What's the difference?
t. normie who came here this year
haha you are the one who starts all the anti-russia threads :D
nigga think he Eminem
It was never good
in 2019 a turkish anon with a dynamic IP spammed this board with Big Black Cock porn so badly that the entirety of turkey got region-banned for six months. unfortunately he had a VPN.
the board will never recover. it is now the /int/erracial sex board.
I stopped using for about 6 years and it's much worse than before tbqh
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It has become much more friendely and inclusiv
rules were introduced
We couldnt get ourselves to like vaginas and we're stuck here
ritual posters/spammers have honestly ruined this board big time. there are threads about the same shit being made nearly hourly for months on end
>8 years
holy newfag, kys
what the board was like 8 years ago
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It's pretty much exactly the same as it was in 2016 honestly, except the frogs and 'jaks look a little different
Troops and Brown folx
gamergate, 2016 election and covid ruined this place permanently. Also a jap orangutan admin that doesnt care about this site
>a jap orangutan admin that doesnt care about this site
better than moot trying to continue SA janny culture and constantly fucking with shit desu
Big black cocks happened

No oldfag uses pepe
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we never get threads like this anymore
kek cant believe i missed this thread
>returned after 8 years
Pick one and only one, dumbass zoomer. Lurkmoar.
Are you people retarded
Ceasing to browse in 2016 != Starting to browse in 2016
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It's not fun or interesting anymore. We haven't even had a big meme in several years.
Mass influx of refugees(redditors and mostly twitterians) changed the social fabric
How do we save int?
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normies have utterly destroyed internet
zoomers especially are the worst
That applies to this site in general.
if a board is its inhabitants, then there is no hope
unless all the "bad people" find another place to ruin and move on leaving wasteland in their tracks
Conservative fans come here and telling us that trannies ruin this site (a site with fking lgbt board). Hiro see them as a boost than spams.
That's why /pol/ is number 1 traffic now, yes you heard it correctly, an oldfag should shocked by this.
Now we also have jeets under any flags.
You referring to normies of decade ago or now
Chud is normies of internet now.
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This is my oldest /int/-related pic. Almost 8 years old. Does it make you feel better? I also have some countryballs.
haven't seen a Lebanese flag recently. somehow they just vanished.
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I wonder why. I also wonder if any /int/anons have ever encountered eachother in combat these past few years. There's something especially tragic about terminally online incels being forced to kill each other by their respective governments.

Here's another old one. Not sure if those statues exist anymore.
that one stuck with you, didnt it leaf. here you are all these years later still seething. don't worry. the meme is over, even though your flag is just as ridiculous today as it was centuries ago. the problem is nobody can take a fucking leaf seriously.
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Canada used to be the most disliked country on /int/.
whoever drew all those memes by hand was a little too good at preserving the aesthetic
its unironically over

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