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So recently I spoke to a bunch of foreigners from these countries like netherlands, australia, and germany, etc. and they told me that cigarettes here in albania are dirt cheap, while in their countries, they cost around 20 euros. What blew my mind was that in new zealand, anyone born after 2006 will not be able to buy cigarettes. Cigarettes will probably become illegal in a couple of years in most european countries, and I’m not only talking about western countries like germany or sweden but probably even countries like bulgaria, albania, and belarus. The 2006 factoid the new zealand guy told me blew my mind, so what other measures do you know of that governments are taking against tobacco?
Menthol cigarettes are banned in some countries
>that in new zealand, anyone born after 2006
The UK is doing the same for anybody born after 2009. Young people here don't even really smoke anymore, its all vapes.
The FDA wants to ban them but the White House refuses to approve a ban because they'd lose black voters.
>they cost around 20 euros
that's like a pack of 54 here
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Menthol cigs are banned in my cunt
It's a good decision to gradually ban cigarettes. Young people will never get the chance to start smoking and will never get addicted to them.
What is not good is that the addiction and harmful substances jew will introduce (and legalize) other more harmful drugs to people to get addicted to.
A pack of Newports is about 20 even here
there will be riot and genocide if cigarettes ever reach that price lmao
Cigarettes went from like €6.50 to €11 in just 2 years here
that's genuinely crazy, a pack of 20 marlboro (good cigs) is 6.2€
4.96 US dollars for a pack of Marlboro Gold in soft pack
mine are around 5.60 euro
Nah. They were just being polite in order to politely put down their own countries and politely compliment your country; in proper Western Euro countries fags cost 10euro/pack. Straya is the odd one, that's all:

Most cigarettes are priced that way. I support it though if you want to actively kill yourself like a retard might as well make you feel retarded doing it.
>soft pack
I've only seen those in thirdie countries like Italy or Poland. What's the point of those?
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It's bad for your health and shortens your life span.

No fun allowed.
No cigarettes for you.
No sugar for you.
No salt for you.

Oh, now people live for too long, better raise the pension age and the taxes.

They're kind of hard to find and kind of vintage, ie cool.
Cringe, broken cigs and shit
dont worry next year its gonna cost more
and people get mad when im racist yet they discriminate me
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my luckies are 5,30€
they better not touch them

Regular packs are kind of bulky here so soft packs also have the advantage of being more compact and shit.
My 9 euro pack of Malboros fits perfectly well in my jeans pocket and I don't ever have to worry about it becoming a crumpled mess.
I've read those laws in NZ are already getting modified or repealed because the gov forgot how much tax money it got from cigs

it was more performative for the prime ministers constituents
they're cooler than hard packs.
only premium brands can afford to put their cigs in soft packs. marlboro, lucky strike, camels.

Again, regular packs here are kind of bulky. Same story in Germany?
Don't see what's bulky about these. Skill issue.

Well, I got into smoking back in the 90s. KnowwhatImsayin’? And back then, fag packs were way smaller.
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Banning them sounds good. I personally find it rather unethical to raise tobacco tax so the government can grind even more money from nicotine addicts. Just the past decade a pack of cigarette has doubled in price, and it's all due to the tax.
>Little shit!
Why do neolibs have such a hardon against cigs? The miserable and dehumanizing world they created wasn't enough, have to take away the few short joys people do still have?

And don't feed me shit about them caring about peoples well being or some bullshit like that.

Well, the tobacco industry really acted like dicks for decades, so there's that. Also, pills and illegal drugs are far more profitable, so that's how the whole anti-smoking cabal began.
big tobacco well poisoning
theyve completely shifted the blame from them (adding unnecessary additives solely to increase addictiveness) to the people (filthy addicts that cant be helped)
its also very convenient that this legislation is dropping right when big tobacco has fully matured their alternatives like vaping and smokeless tobacco
Neolib philosophy revolves around making people into soulless robots. Banning cigs is in the same camp as banning banter in offices.
of all the stupid things i done in my life smoking is the worst, it gave me nothing but cancer and a filthy car.
and now i crave a smoke.
pay your own medical bills then
>its a liberal thing
fuck you. im probably old enough to be your father, im not liberal in any sense, and if i can vote against smoking i will do so and you will live by the rules voted for by our democracy. dont like it? vote against it or embrace snus instead, but i dont want the days of smoking to return and the majority are with me on this.
>t. crab
Every smoker will tell you they enjoy smoking, every ex-smoker will tell you they regret ever starting
*No mention of WHY you hate other people using cigarettes*

>imagine being so powerful that you control the white house

How does one become a black voter?

Captcha: GAYN4
>why don't you like getting cancer because of a bunch of smoketards shitting up the air together with the cartards
Smoking should be banned wherever possible. All it does is stink up the place, and doesn't even provide any benefits outside of what breathing exercises would.
Peak degenerate low IQ behavior.
>you vil live in ze hermetized pod
>it iz for your own health
mostly because i can.
partially because i was once like that fag and when kids refuse to listen to experience i just walk away and let the law deal with them.
>you vill have to breethe some smoker's air
>just becauze he wantz to smoke
Yes, that's called personal choice. Not that your country would understand.
>Yes, that's called personal choice
If your "personal" choice impacts other people it stops being personal. Fags smoke under my windows, forcing me to either get smoke cancer or get braindamage from living with closed windows. What is worse I can't find those fags, as it seems that they are smoking from one of the windows under mine instead of the street under.
If I fart in public, then it affects other people. Should we ban farting?
>Smokes on sidewalk
>Forces people walking by to smell the stink
>This is somehow their personal choice
What you want them to play a game of dodge the smoker or something? Fuck off with this selfish ass shit.
That's a natural bodily function. Smoking is your stupid choice. Stop this cope.
Fornication and defecation are also natural body functions. Yet you'll likely complain if you see someone copulating or shitting in public. Not an argument.
Farting is generally involuntary, natural and doesn't cause cancer or brain damage. Farts doesn't fly into peoples windows.
>Yet you'll likely complain if you see someone copulating or shitting in public
Yes, because it should be done in private. Meanwile smoking should be illegal even when "private", as we all breethe the same air.

It's illegal to burn rubbish, yet for some reason it's legal to burn cancer sticks.
Sounds like those ex smokers should start smoking again
Are you a SAAR or something? The shitty logic doesn't scream "german" to me.
>doesn't cause cancer or brain damage
Everything causes cancer. We should ban meat then, according to you. Or breathing for that matter, since air has trace radioactive elements.
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It's your logic, not mine. You are the one saying "natural body function => it's ok in public". Silly lard.
>Everything causes cancer.
No, not everything. In addition, not everything is a useless thing like smoking that doesn't give any benefits that would compensate the damages.
>We should ban meat then
"Meat is cancer" is bullshit from the same "scientists" that can't tell what a woman is and cancelled the guy who discoverer of DNA for telling that different races have different IQ.

Funny how "based trad" 4channer from Germany (where Shitler was openly anti-smoking and anti-smoking laws were drafted) defends giving blowjobs to the smoke jew.
sometimes I buy a pack of unfiltered camel cigarettes as a treat for myself and they cost around 15 or 16 dollars and it feels outrageous
can't imagine paying that for shitty menthols
omar coming yo
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>banning a plant people can grow in most Western climates
LMAO yeah that is fully retarded, you'd think they'd have learned this lesson with weed but no
if the general public doesnt like your farts then hell yes. do you like walking in others farts? well i dont, you can go around fart sniffing in fartland, here we dont. you disagee, move to fartland then.
When the anti-alcohol laws were introduced, moonshine was produced, but the general amount of alcohol and alcohol-induced crime dropped dramatically. A colossal portion of murders are commited by people who love to drink the alcohol jew's cum.
The point is, same thing with weed. Same thing will be with tobacco.
>do you like walking in others farts?
He's German
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>No, not everything.
Yes, everything. Cancer is just a mutation. Everything in the environment affects it. It can even appear on its own.
>let's ban everything I don't like
>nooo, why is gestapo at my doors? I'm the good guy!
There are nuanced standards to those things anon. You'd know that if you weren't brown.
"Nuance" translated from retardspeak is "my universal statement isn't actually universal and I just used it as a rhetorical device".
>everything i dont like
more like everything everyone dont like. you know, democracy is a thing and its working quite well here. now you go ahead and be chud, its literally not my problem. i will beat you if you smoke in my presence and you cant do shit about it.
The majority of Germans didn't like Jews. So the Holocaust was justified. Quad erat demonstrandum.
You shit and bathe in private. You fart away from other people, and you shouldn't be smoking in public spaces.
All of this are common accepted ways of behaving if you want to avoid being a nuisance. Now stop being a thirdie.
>All of this are common accepted ways of behaving
We're talking about legality here, not what's socially accepted or not.
they didnt like them because they where superior to them.
imagine being below jews lol
>Cancer is just a mutation.
Not just a mutation.
>everything affects it
Not everything can severely damage DNA, especially on such a scale.
>nooo, why is gestapo at my doors?
I would join the Gestapo if it arrested smokefags, alcoholfags, drugfags and car-speeding fags, just like they did in Germany (minus the alcohol and drug parts, sadly).
>the Holocaust was justified.
Yes it was. Your point is?
See I know you're brown now because you can't even be civil, you HAVE to win the argument even if it means shifting what I was even discussing.
Fuck off, act normal, stop bothering the native Germans.
Doesn't change what I said.
>Not just a mutation.
It simply is.
>Not everything can severely damage DNA, especially on such a scale.
Don't need to severely damage it. It's not the same as radiation sickness.
>I would join the Gestapo
Kinda expected from your flag desu
I know you're a mutt because you can't into logic and display your obsession with race.
>in new zealand, anyone born after 2006 will not be able to buy cigarettes
I think they just canceled that retardation.
>Cigarettes will probably become illegal in a couple of years in most european countries
No way. The tobacco companies are extremely strong, and eurofags smoke like chimneys.
>so what other measures do you know of that governments are taking against tobacco?
Well the Hungarian government banned elfbars and limited most vapeshit like crazy because they were eating into the tobacco companies' profits.
>It simply is.
It isn't. Carcinogenics and mutagenics are different classes of chemicals for a reason. While all cancer is mutational, not all mutations are cancer. Specifically the uncontrolled immortal cell growth ones are.
>don't need to
You do, and it's not easy.
>it's not the same as radiation sickness
No shit, two different phenomena are different.
>kinda expected
>classes of chemicals
Or other agents and stimulae
>two different phenomena
Both are about DNA malfunction.

Riddle me this, how come people who never get exposed to le evil carcinogens still get cancer?
Based if real
>So the Holocaust was justified
So was the rape of Berlin and Hiroshima.
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See my point of Americans being incapable of following the train of thought.
>Both are about DNA malfunction.
Yet only one of those two types of malfunction causes cancer.
>why do still get cancer
Because of the first (carcinogenic) type of malfunction. Smoking, driving for no reason other than "it's fun", and allowing cancer patiens to procreate and pass on their genes greatly increased cancer rates in the world in comparison to industrial and pre-industrial eras.
Fair point. So let me get this straight. Your entire rationale is "let's ban everything and be anchorites for the rest of our lives because bad things sometimes happen". I respect this viewpoint, but I don't want this cuckolded view of life enforced on me. Please fuck off to your monastic commune in the middle of nowhere instead of terrorizing people with your neuroses and fear of death.
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Germany literally didn't learn from its mistakes until being beaten a third time if you want to talk about not being able to follow a train of thought
>Your entire rationale is "let's ban everything and be anchorites for the rest of our lives because bad things sometimes happen".

No, my rationale is "let's ban inhaling and exhaling poison for no fucking reason ever other than "it's fun"". Same with alcohol.

People are ok with drugs or various types of extreme porn (even if it's not purchased and the person thus doesn't stimulate it's production) getting banned, yet consider tobacco and alcohol bans as literally 1984.

>cuckolded view
Yeah, not wanting to die an early death and have offpsring mutated into a low-iq version of Steven Hawking is "cuckolded". What's next? Is it cucked to avoid sniffing Uranium and to refuse to leave neareby people who store Uranium snuffing powder?
A mutt derailing the conversation accuses me of derailing the conversation. Kek.
A Jew can affect your life just as much as smoking. If you listen to Hitler, a Jew lives in the walls and makes all the bad things happen in the world. Just like a smoker lives in your walls and blows smoke at you at every possible moment. In reality, 99.9% of smokers don’t blow smoke in people’s faces. Obsessed.
>If you listen to Hitler, a Jew lives in the walls and makes all the bad things happen in the world
He never said that. Funny how an alleged German didn't bother reading a book that shaped his nation's history (the Reich lost, but even it's loss impacted Germany greatly).
As I have said, if you want alcohol and smoking banned, then be my guest. But please, fuck off to your own commune and practice it there. Don’t be a tyrannical nazi about it.
>an early death
No such thing. You die at some point in your life. It’s just death from your subjective point of view. Just because you died X years before the average doesn’t matter one bit because you’re fucking dead, so why do you care? And there is no intrinsic virtue in living longer. You can live a satisfying life and die at 30 or live miserably for 100 years.
>and have offspring
once again, having offspring is about collective wellbeing, not an individual one. I am for individual happiness, not a nazi dystopia where everyone lives like shit for some greater good.
>an alleged German didn’t bother reading a book
funny how an alleged nazi doesn’t know that it’s banned here
when will you invade poland again?
i was coastal artillery, im more than happy to fire at you again if you invade. you just have to get thoose joooows, right?
Don’t act like the mutt, Bjorn.
>Saar you are mutt
We emasculated your nation on the world stage, you speak softly when talking to your better
>But please, fuck off to your own commune and practice it there.
No, I will not "fuck off" from the place I was born and to which I'm entitled.
>doesn't matter one bit
Correct. But by the same metric being a "tyrannical nazi" doesn't matter too, as it doesn't matter if a jew got holocausted or died of age-related diseases.
>is about collective wellbeing, not an individual one
Both are tied. Without collective wellbeing there wouldn't be an individual one, unless you're a billionaire Shlomo or some insane cultist who can stay happy even when starving in jail.
Funny how I never actually claimed to be a nazi, and funny how a "rules suck, everything should be legal" german can't use a VPN and download the book from the internets.
>No, I will not "fuck off" from the place I was born and to which I'm entitled
Good. Please stay in your nazi shithole.
>But by the same metric being a "tyrannical nazi" doesn't matter too
They do. They are enforcing their way of life on others. I don’t. You are free to not smoke or drink alcohol. Don’t tell me what I can’t or can’t do, asshole.
>as it doesn't matter if a jew got holocausted or died of age-related diseases
You and the Norwegian still can’t understand that I extended the Norwegians logic about the tyranny of the majority to the Holocaust to disprove him, can you?
>Without collective wellbeing there wouldn't be an individual one
I disagree. The collective always opposes the individual. I am of Ellul’s and Kaczynski’s opinion on the matter.
i act just like i want to, thats a direct freedom i have. if you dont like it thats indirect to you and you can just leave this site, no one forces you to be here.
You can act like a monkey, sure. Or you can debate like a normal person. It’s your choice, really.
when the majority dont like and agree with your behaviour you can continue to act that way or reconsider your actions. be the monkey everyone hates or fit in, your choice, really.
but dont hate on us for calling you "the monkey" you choose your own path, we didnt.
I don’t. As long as you don’t legally punish me for being one. Simple as.
>Good. Please stay in your nazi shithole.
I will.
>they are enforcing their way of life on others
Same with smokers who force others to inhale cancer. The only difference here is that the smoke kills in decades, while cyclone b kills in minutes.
>to the Holocaust
Which was justified. And yes, I don't understand. Enlighten me.
>the collective always opposes the individual
Yet without the collective the individual wouldn't be shitposting on 4chan, but would be hiding in a cave. Or would probably be dead (if you were rushed to a hospital even once in your life chances are you wouldn't survive outside of civilization).
>Same with smokers who force others to inhale cancer
Hold your breath. I am not enforcing you to inhale by law.
>Which was justified
kek. I wish the Russians kill every child and pregnant woman in your country just for saying something like that.
>Yet without the collective the individual wouldn't be shitposting on 4chan, but would be hiding in a cave
And? Is the former better than the latter. I’d say no. I again refer to Kaczynski.
>Or would probably be dead
Society doesn’t make you immortal. And there’s nothing wrong with death. Only death cults like Christianity think there is.
>Hold your breath
Hold your breath in a gas chamber. You need to breethe to survive? The nazies don't enforce you to inhale by law.
>just for saying something like that
Found the Jew.
>is the former better
It would be better to die in a cave, without your precious cancer-sticks, suicide-bottles and other goyslop?
>society doesn't make you immortal
Yet it improves your survival chances and quality of life.
>nothing wrong with death
And nothing wrong with the Shoah?
>only death cults like Christianity
And like Judaism, right?
>It would be better to die in a cave, without your precious cancer-sticks, suicide-bottles and other goyslop?
Sure, why not?
>Yet it improves your survival chances
Really? I still die in the end. Don’t see how that’s an improvement.
>And like Judaism, right?
Judaism doesn’t really do this. It’s a pagan religion if you think about it. Just a monotheistic one. Death isn’t some special occasion in Judaism. Just like in other pagan religions.
>Really? I still die in the end. Don’t see how that’s an improvement.
So life is meaningless if you're not immortal?
>Judaism doesn't really do this
But Christianity does?
Here's a small test, if you will.
Type the words "YHWH" and "God" in your next post.
>So life is meaningless if you're not immortal?
And if you’re immortal. I’d argue it’s even more meaningless if you’re immortal.
>But Christianity does?
Yes. There’s a whole concept of sin, purgatory, heaven, hell, etc. All of those are transcendental and not immanent. Pagan religions don’t do this. You just meet with YHWH after you die in Judaism, go to the underworld or Valhalla in Greek and Norse mythologies, etc. Christianity and Islam are the only ones that make a big deal about the afterlife and how your actions on earth influence it. Paganism doesn’t care. You could argue that Buddhism does this stuff with karma, but I would consider it on the same level as Christianity and Islam ie a death cult.
>I’d argue it’s even more meaningless if you’re immortal.
How so?
>Paganism doesn't care
Hel vs Valhalla. Elysium vs Hades. Nav and Iriy. The passageway rite in Ancient Egyptian religions. The different afterlives in Aztec religions.
You know how Kars in the second season of JoJo achieves physical immortality and cannot be killed by any means? He gets condemned to floating in space for eternity. How fucking boring and meaningless is that! Yet any immortal being will eventually get to a state of the universe where every star will have run out of fuel and there’s fuck all around. I’d want nothing but suicide at that point.
>Hel vs Valhalla
Hel is just a realm where ice giants live. It has nothing to do with Christian hell.
>Elysium vs Hades
You’re confusing Roman and Greek mythology lol
Why do blacks love menthols so much in Murica? Here menthols are for women and fags.
soft packs are comfy. when i smoke i always buy a soft pack
When I visited Germoney it surprised me how much you guys smoke. The "small" packs are the usual 20-cigarrete ones.
>Yet any immortal being will eventually get to a state of the universe where every star will have run out of fuel and there’s fuck all around.
This universe exists in cycles. Plus there are other universes. Plus if your brain somehow manages to stay sane and contain memories of trillions of years, it would have god-like powers. You could literally form your own dream-worlds in your own mind. Personally, I would prefer the cool soothing darkness of empty space over the nothingness of death. Hell, I would even prefer it over some of the days of my normal life.
>is just a realm
Correct, but there's a reason why some norsemen went to Valhalla, while others did not. Because of actions in life, which greatly impacted which realm they got into after their death.
>you're confusing
Elysium was Greek first, if that's what you mean.
>This universe exists in cycles. Plus there are other universes.
Citation, please.
>Plus if your brain somehow manages to stay sane and contain memories of trillions of years, it would have god-like powers
And power = meaning?
>the cool soothing darkness of empty space over the nothingness of death
The cool soothing darkness is really fucking boring and you’ll get sick of it eventually. Death, tho, that is instantaneous and there is nothing to be bored about afterwards.
>Elysium was Greek first, if that's what you mean
Yes, the Greek underworld headed by Hades. So it’s entirely wrong to juxtapose them. There is no implication that the underworld was good or bad. Even the tartars didn’t carry this implication.
>and power=meaning?
"You could literally form your own dream-worlds in your own mind."
>is really fucking boring
Boringness exists in your mind only. You can be severely depressed and bored the moment you were born, or you could autistically paint the world in Hoi4 for decades without getting bored with it.
>headed by Hades
Hades is also the name of an underworld, not just the name of the god. In fact, in slavic runes when people say "Hades" they think about the underworld, not the presiding god.
>good or bad
Never said that. But the actions in this life did impact your afterlife, which was my point. The good-bad dichotomy is not that relevant here.
>”You could literally form your own dream-worlds in your own mind."
And? You can also get bored of it since it does fuck all.
>Boringness exists in your mind only
Hence why we perceive the world as meaningless. The alternative to boredom is striving, which is equally as meaningless.
>But the actions in this life did impact your afterlife, which was my point
Not really. I should really retract my statement about Tartarus, because that’s really where the actions impacted the afterlife. But there was never an implication that your average mortal goes there. You had to do some extremely deranged shit like feeding your son to Gods to go there. The underworld had none of that. Compare this with Christianity where literally every single human being has a 50/50 chance of ending up in either eternal torment or eternal bliss.
>Hence why we perceive the world as meaningless.
How exactly does it remove the ability to ascribe meaning to the world?
Not 50/50, but more like 99/1, as most people will go to Hell. In any case, I've mentioned several other non-Christian examples, like the Egyptian passageway ritual in the Egyptian afterworld. Plus the "you go to this place instead of that" doesn't necessarily need to be a punishment thing. Norse warriors went to Valhalla not because they were "good", but because they were warriors. And norse unwarriors didn't go to Valhalla not because they were "evil", but because they weren't warriors.
Tobacco industry decided menthols would be the cigarettes for blacks so they advertised them heavily in black media and communities.
>How exactly does it remove the ability to ascribe meaning to the world?
You can, but it’s just smoke and mirrors. It’s a way of coping with no intrinsic meaning in the first place.
>I've mentioned several other non-Christian examples, like the Egyptian passageway ritual in the Egyptian afterworld
I have zero knowledge of Egyptian mythology to give an informed response.
>Plus the "you go to this place instead of that" doesn't necessarily need to be a punishment thing. Norse warriors went to Valhalla not because they were "good", but because they were warriors. And norse unwarriors didn't go to Valhalla not because they were "evil", but because they weren't warriors.
That’s precisely my point. It’s in stark contrast to Christianity. Judaism works in a similar way. You’re not really punished by God in the afterlife; all punishments in the Old Testament were mundane. And then there’s the Book of Job where God just fucks around for lulz to test Job’s faith in him.
>You can, but it’s just smoke and mirrors. It’s a way of coping with no intrinsic meaning in the first place.
Yes, all thought concepts like "meaning" are made up. But that absolutely doesn't mean that they can't have meaning for you, just because somebody else ascribes extra meaning to the necessity of a concept to be "material" or "objective" or otherwise be regarded as "smoke and mirrors".
And then white people avoided menthols as a result, which just cemented the stereotype
I mean, if life did have meaning, then there would be no need to create one yourself. So I don’t buy the existentialist’s argument. It sounds like imagining yourself as Napoleon while being restrained in a mental asylum.
>No, my rationale is "let's ban inhaling and exhaling poison for no fucking reason ever other than "it's fun"". Same with alcohol.
Begone teetoteler, don't you have a trench to go die in?
Really? I heard everyone still smokes in continental Europe and cigarette stigma is more of an Anglosphere thing. It seems weird continental Europe would ban them.
Because black people come from the southern USA and mint is a popular flavor there.
The laws here are indeed more lax, but the prices have gone up significantly and we have stuff that Americans find weird like mandatory scaaaary images on packs. See the one the Pole posted a while back.
>if life did have meaning, then there would be no need to create one yourself
How would your brain comprehend such a meaning without creating it's made up copy, just like our vision is just an imperfect copy of the world around us create by the cooperation of the eyes and the brain, instead of being it's actual form?
>it sounds like imagining yourself as Napoleon
And the only downside here is that your imagination is imperfect, nobody around bows down to you, and you will lose the ability of imagining yourself as Napoleon thanks to old age brain degradation and death, or the injections the doctors give you. If you could imagine yourself as "Napoleon" while actually living the life of Napoleon, with the lifespan of Napoleon, and the abilities of Napoleon, does it really matter if you're actually in some sort of matrix, or dream, or something else entirely? Unless your goal is to get to the core of the matters of this reality, in which case, immortality is the main tool for you, as it will give you time to attempt to reach the truth.
How is that a bad thing?
>How would your brain comprehend such a meaning without creating it's made up copy
Wouldn’t need to have a copy. Bizarre thing to say. It would just be a part of life like breathing or eating. You wouldn’t question it.
>And the only downside here is that your imagination is imperfect
Nah, the other downside is that you’re a literal schizo living in your imaginary wonderland instead of engaging with the world. Might as well not exist. Is this really that different from death? You’re basically abstaining from reality at that point.
>It would just be a part of life like breathing or eating.
Yet even your comprehention of such basic acts, or such basic things like gravity exists only in your brain. A flawed, imperfect, 3+1 dimensional depiction of a much more complex universe on a certain scale, unable to truly comprehend something much smaller, and neither having the ability to see something much larger (without adapting it for your sight via different tools).
>instead of engaging with the world
And why is that engagement so important? Is it because of social stigma? Or the need for survival? Need for growth and dominance? The last two things don't synergize well with the "immortality is useless" worldview, and the first one kinda contradicts your individualism.
You are paying for the illusion of enjoying it because it fucking feels good. Not smoking is nothing, you don't feel anything not better nor worse. It feels good to feel bad and kill that with a smoke, it's the whole fucking point.
>Yet even your comprehention of such basic acts, or such basic things like gravity exists only in your brain
Not really, it’s twofold. I don’t need to understand Einstein’s field equations to ACK myself from a multi-storey building.
>And why is that engagement so important?
It doesn’t have any intrinsic importance, but for someone who argues that death is an evil, it’s downright strange to claim that the practical equivalent of death is preferable to existence. If we exist, might as well exist instead of abstaining from such.
>The last two things don't synergize well with the "immortality is useless" worldview, and the first one kinda contradicts your individualism.
Don’t put words in my mouth.
>immortality is useless
useless and meaningless are two different concepts
Their loli tiny pussies need to be creampied and stuffed full of cigarette butts dumb fucking naive whores
Cigarette burns all over their little slutty bodies and tummies
i hadnt thought about this but that makes sense
the same reason they season dey food
in my case I dont even feel the menthols but I get the dopamine spike
they're a poverty friendly cigarrete I imagine, it's very easy to get unaccustomed to smoke unflavored, but flavored can be smoked by anyone
>Not really, it’s twofold. I don’t need to understand Einstein’s field equations to ACK myself from a multi-storey building.
So you don't need to understand the meaning of life to live it? Wouldn't a "material" meaning simply be in the fact that something exists, as a phenomena? "I am immortal, therefore immortality has meaning" type of thing.
>that death is an evil
I didn't say that it is evil.
>practical equivalent of death
Hos is it an equivalent of death, exactly?
>don't put words in my mouth
My bad, I was trying to rush this discussion before it's bed time by summarizing parts of it and making mistakes in the summarization. But, didn't you claim to be pro-individualist?
>useless and meaningless are two different concepts
Correct, but, in any case, immortality is (where is is in capital letters) the most valuable tool for knowledge and truth-seeking. You can't know and you can't seek if you're dead.
>and making
>So you don't need to understand the meaning of life to live it?
If it were to exist, then yes. We'd be like ants content with our assigned role.
>Wouldn't a "material" meaning simply be in the fact that something exists, as a phenomena?
>"I am immortal, therefore immortality has meaning" type of thing.
Not what I'm arguing. Just because something exists doesn't mean it has meaning. But if meaning were to be an intrinsic part of existence, then it would necessarily be phenomenological like you implied.
>Hos is it an equivalent of death, exactly?
If you abstain from existence in all but name, then you don't exist. So you're dead in all but name.
>But, didn't you claim to be pro-individualist?
Yeah, but that's kind of far from our banter about existence and meaning. Individualism to me is just a matter of social organization, which is way far from metaphysics.
>immortality is (where is is in capital letters) the most valuable tool for knowledge and truth-seeking
Knowledge and truth-seeking aren't equivalent to meaning. Moreover, all phenomenological statements are inductive by nature, so you can never be sure that you've reached "the truth". So it's just a form of striving.
I sell it for 13 dollars at my shop
I just smoked a refreshing Newport, ahh.
>We'd be like ants content with our assigned role.
So does that mean that our discontent makes the meaning immaterial? If so, does it mean that if some person is content than the meaning is material for them? An individual meaning, instead of a one-for-all phenomena, just like some individuals are alive and some are dead, some a humans and some are non-human, some are "female" and some are "male", etc?
>if you abstain from existence in all but name
But isn't the dream, the hallucination, the computer game and the insane delirium also a part of existence? How, for example, touching grass is more a part of experiencing "existence" than building blocks in minecraft? Is it about using more senses than vision? If so, a "Napoleon" could actually smell the royal beef he's eating in his state of insanity.
>aren't equivalent to meaning
If you aren't content with them, as in the first part of your and mine posts?
>you can never be sure...a form of striving
Yes, with this I agree. But striving still gives you much more knowledge and a larger chance of somehow surpassing your cognito-perceptual limitations, as opposed to not striving and or being dead.
>So does that mean that our discontent makes the meaning immaterial?
No? It doesn't? I don't see the logical implication here.
>But isn't the dream, the hallucination, the computer game and the insane delirium also a part of existence?
Hm... In some sense, sure, but if you're not engaging with the phenomenological world, then it's really not? We tend to think of dreams as something inherently not real. It's something that isn't brought about by our senses, but the cognitive processes in our brain. So you don't get any "empirical knowledge" from dreams. I could point you to Schopenhauer's argument as to how dreams are different from reality, but I'm too tired to recount it on my own.
>But striving still gives you much more knowledge
And? Still doesn't give you meaning.
>a larger chance of somehow surpassing your cognito-perceptual limitations
That's semantically absurd. You cannot ever pass your own cognitive and perceptual limitations. Just because you have a conception of something in your brain doesn't mean that you are no longer limited by your senses and your own brainpower. In case of the latter, if you could somehow "inject" all of humanity's knowledge into a 30 IQ retard's brain, I seriously doubt he would do anything with all that knowledge aside from going "bruh what a bunch of nerd shit".
>it's all vapes
Isn't that the same bullshit?
nigga went to sleep
goodnight, ukie nazi nigga
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These cost 3.50 last i went to the US
tax on cigarettes and liquor contributes a large portion of healthcare funding in most countries and is the sole reason why governments haven't banned it yet.
smokers pay for their medical bills and hundreds if not thousands of other people
But they can still probably consume that foul, shit smelling vape
>What blew my mind was that in new zealand, anyone born after 2006 will not be able to buy cigarettes.
this was thrown out
It was the new chud in charge who did that, right?

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