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Apparently both these guys are in their 30s. The guy in the back in 38 and the guy in the front is 32. How the fuck do people stay looking so young? I’m 22 and I already look like I’m 40 lmao. My older brother who is 28 looks younger than me, people mistake him for 20-21, however he takes stuff like Finasteride and is obsessed with skin care. He only started a couple years ago but he basically reversed his age. I wish I listened to him but I think it’s too late for me
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Here’s a pic of me for those who don’t believe me, I’ve posted myself several times on /int/

I fucked up man, I think I’ll save up for a hair transplant after I use Finasteride for a year. I got a gym membership too but god this is depressing, seeing guys born in the fucking 1980s looking younger than me because they took care of themselves
Skin care is gay. Npcs be like
>apply this cream every day on your skin because jewish companies told me to
fuck off
looking older is a bless for men
i have baby face syndrome and it fucked me up, women dont look at a 32 yo who looks 21
Imagine comparing yourself with Instagram models past 15 years old

This really you at 22? Grim
holy shit, man. I'm so fucking sorry.
I’m sorry man you just have shit genetics or shit diet. You look very unhealthy.
These niggas look gay af
It’s medical grade skin care, you don’t use a cream. It’s something called tretinoin. You don’t need all those fancy creams. It’s a gel that helps you maintain your collagen production
Looking young is the most desirable thing ever. I look like a fucking old man and people laugh at me when I tell them my age
Bro I can’t help but compare myself. I don’t wish I took action earlier. And yes that’s me lmao, I’m literally 22. I was born in 2002. Let that fucking sink in
I don’t know what to do but I’m trying to change. Hopefully for the best. Gym, Finasteride, Vitamins and going to treatment from the dermatologist soon. I fucked up but maybe I can reverse some damage. I’m planning to get a hair transplant after a year of using fin
They look like chads
Those guys look like action figures, lmao
Why are you watching this? They look gay. Are you gay, OP?
you need a hair transplant + maxillofacial intervention bro. hard to tell from the angle but your upper jaw looks recessed which makes you look old among other things. just these 2 things will make you look normal and young. do them sooner rather than later.
They look good
I’m not my friend sent it to me to black pill me
Theres nothing to reverse you dont have enough hair left you should go gym +/-beard depending on your jaw. You can own the hairloss and trim it or let it grow or go bald as u like. But the idea that you can reverse a norwood 5 is a lie.
>Looking young is the most desirable thing ever.
yes, for women. men age very well
>I look like a fucking old man and people laugh at me when I tell them my age
ok you do have it bad but its still better than baby face, men with baby face are not taken serious anywhere
it’s mostly genetics these people were already good looking before skincare
The Norwood reaper has no mercy
grim you have less hair than my grandpa when he went to the grave
Bro I’m gonna do a transplant next year. I need to stop my hair loss with Finasteride or I may actually switch to Dutastride soon. I don’t want to get my entire donor area destroyed. Fin alongside minoxidil has helped me a lot in the past 3 months and I shed way less hairs now.

As for jaw surgery, I plan on getting that in the future. I need to save up. I’m still only 22 so hopefully by the time I’m 24-25 I won’t look like a subhuman.
I’m not doing the beard cope. I’ve already regrown a lot of dormant hairs thanks to meds.
Men don’t age well if they don’t take care of themselves, I just want to be a little bit desirable. I look like a subhuman right now, theee years are supposed to be my prime years
True but taking care of yourself can help you extend your looks lifetime
Keep coping and the reality will be even harder to accept
> Men don’t age well if they don’t take care of themselves, I just want to be a little bit desirable. I look like a subhuman right now, theee years are supposed to be my prime years
Nigga no 20 year old in the past thousand year had a skincare routine since puberty to keep his “youth”
No 20 year old in the past grew up with junk food and microplastics though
Im not losing that much hair but i want to kill myself anyways
im 32 and im a failure, give me a reason not to
>french chads making dysgenic mutts feel inadequate
many such cases
im 27 and still get ID'd unless i go to my local store where they know im a drunkard
you are just fat lol
probably a weak jawline as well
how did you fuck up? what should you have avoided?
i wouldn't bother with temporary "fixes", save the money and just do the surgeries. i did my hair transplant in turkey without any chemical measures or snake oils before. same thing applies to the jaw surgery. i honestly think you'll look great once your done because these are your only 2 problems from what i see, but don't do my mistake and wait too long. i wish i had done them sooner because these surgeries are real, permanent fixes that will change your life.
you/this is me
want to die also
You know pierre boo is gay right
Men don't age well at all. You think Brad Pitt managed to age well just because he's a guy? No, it's because he works out, has a healthy diet, has a skin care regimen and probably even goes to the dermatologist. You think the average person here is gonna age that gracefully as Pitt when all they do is eat slop, get drunk and sit on the computer all day? If you want to age like fine wine then you're gonna have to put the work into it.
It’s insane how many of these lookmaxxing guys are faggots.
sitting on the computer keeps the sun away
check m8
you look older than my dad
Blue light exposure causes wrinkles and I doubt that you any of you guys use night mode.
Carolus Rex my king
at least you're white...
He aged better than bryan johnson and chico
is that it? Dude you look magnificent, the fuck you talking about
I’m coping but it’s a realistic cope, you can change the way you look with surgeries and meds
I ate fast foods, ignore signs of balding, was lazy and didn’t take care of my skin
Thanks I will probably look into a place where I can consult for my jaw surgery or maybe get fillers in the meantime. I don’t want to waste anymore time
It doesn’t matter. I’m still ugly, I can’t even run JBW because I’m so ugly
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>I’ll save up for a hair transplant
you can go for a bieber fever thing in the mean time
you can pull it off
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>How the fuck do people stay looking so young?
No smoking, alcohol, drugs or eating too much fast food, avoiding stress, regular exercise, positive affirmations etc.
What do you mean?
I don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs, I also haven’t had fast food in a year
does this do good results
Thick lips boi, wanna suck my dick?
But desu ur not that ugly and clearly white, u have autist perverts vibes tho, do something with birds nest.
Yeah jared leto has been using it since the 2000s and look at him. He is like 52 and looks like he is 30
I’m ugly, being white doesn’t matter as much as you think nowadays unless I go to east asia, but even then I look like an old man. I can’t run JBW game without hair
grow your hair and comb it over your forehead
arr white look same, but you really bit like Russell Crowe cute version.

Dont loose your hope, that hair makes just look older and guy who doesnt care about himself.
The guy in the front—Bach Buquen—is 19, not 32 lmaoo
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Pretty sure you need to still take meds for the rest of your life to keep what you have and prevent further hair loss. Otherwise you end up in a situation where the transplanted hairs remain while you continue to bald, unless you know that you won't bald further from genetics.
Why are French men so sexo
I’m doing that right now, already regrew a lot of lost hairs thanks to meds
I’m gonna looksmax and get surgeries man, I can’t stand looking at myself in the mirror
yeah, you're hairline is done. Shave it and go the gym for a year natty, then go on gear and grow a beard if you can. Your face is perfectly fine.
Pretty much going on a similar path as you, but I can't do shit because I have no money and all these products are expensive. Fags know what's up, they use these products day 1 and keep their youth well into their 30s and 40s.
are you from the midwest
im pretty sure we went to high school together
Despite my ethnic genetics I will likely have full hair till old age due to my family genetics.
But I am also 5'4'' (163cm) at 24 and cashiers just recently stopped asking for my ID when buying beer, so what can I say. Most men can kill me barehanded.
You might not be able to stand the initial side effects. You also need to regularly use sunscreen on it because your skin will be sensitive. My face was so itchy and dry while tretinoin that I stopped about 3 weeks in when I tried it. I did try differin many years later and that was easier for me, but it could be that I regularly moisturize now and don't get as much acne anymore to begin with.
>shave your face
>get hair implants
Grats, you now look 22 again.
you forgot to post 'in your country' therefore this post is off-topic
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Gayface makes you look prettier than the average man
>these are the people discussing racial superiority on /int/
no way he is 38
im not doing the bald cope. I already gain back some hairs thanks to Finasteride and Minixdil, I'm switching to Dutastride next month, after a 6 months - 1 year I will get a hair transplant. I will also get jaw surgery since my chin is a little recessed.

I already got a gym memebership I'm working out and eating clean
good brother, we can't give up
yeah I'm from Minnesota, im german-anglo mutt
you're lucky but the heightpill is brutal, you are close to turkey though so maybe you can get leg lengthening surgery
im doing the hair transplant once i can regain lost hairs with meds
sorry I meant in your country ofc
i used to be one of these wignats and i grew up. I realized being white is nothing to be proud of, it's random. The only thing that matters is looking good, good looking people of all races always win in life. Only bitter losers care about race.
ill answer this for you; he is 38. He takes very good care of himself
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you should've gone on finasteride like 10 years ago. it's too late now. just shave it at this point. there's no getting it back.
Damn. I thought this was a picture of me after a drunken night. Go full elon and transplant or accept your fate.
here you get asked for ID even if you look old. They always ask me and I look old af.
Wait, actually, do you have family in Michigan? We might cousins or something
im 22 bro, i was 12 yrs old 10 years ago. I've seen people make amazing recoveries with Fin and Dut than get a hair transplant, I just want my hair to stop falling out and my shedding has stopped since I've been using Fin, I even got a little regrowth.

I will get a transplant in 6 months to a year. I need my hair to gain back even a little grown before then
yes but I'm german-anglo mutt. There might be some scandi in there because my grandfather is from Michigan but I was told he was German and Northern Euro, maybe he has some Finnish in him.

I'm also literally the only person in my family with green eyes, everyone else has blue eyes. 150+ extended family members. Even my mulatto cousins has blue eyes Shit is crazy
just shave everything
They look bogged. Especially the one in the back.
Yeah sometimes I'm glad these guys are gay. Too many chad looking gay men out there. They are devious as well because they use female beauty products so you just have these 30 year old fags still looking like prime college chad.
>good brother, we can't give up
You too man. I think as long you aren't fucking up your health due to obsessing over this stuff you are in the right path. I don't believe in this "man peak at 40" bullshit so I'd rather retain my youth and hair as long as possible, once I'm 50 there is no point to it anymore.
im 30 and just got carded today
i dont do shit
did you go to cristo rey
Just become a transformer
OP, the guy in the front is 19 and the guy in the back had a surgery, fillers, eyebrow raising, skin laser treatments and frauds hard with filters and angles

Cumskins age like shit so don't feel too bad. Also don't do retarded shit like tretinoin which dries out your skin and increases cell turnover (aging). Also, some midwit, aging millennial will point out how le hayflick limit magically does not apply to skin cells but that is cope as that study was done by the producers of tretinoin and it's derivatives and it is shown to decrease skin thickness. That is why they don't recommend it for people under 25. If it was truly anti aging why would it matter if you use it at 18?

The only anti aging regime you need is raw brain, raw blood, raw liver and fermented coconut water. If you are truly toxic, then leave some liver out for a month on your porch and eat it when there is a bunch of ecoli and other bacteria predigesting it for you

As for pharma related shit, dutasteride works and you could apply an estrogen or progesterone skin cream to your face once a week. Don't overdo this as it might go systemic and give you tits
>Gym, Finasteride, Vitamins and going to treatment from the dermatologist soon.
Yeah, you should definitely take vitamins and see a dermatologist. I don’t mean this disrespectfully, but you genuinely look very unhealthy so it would probably be best to look into that.
this guy isn't white tho, he's mixed
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I'm 32 And I looks younger than the front man without any plastic surgery or skincare thanks to my genetics

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