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You will NEVER live your myth in Norway
*whips out US passport*
all those women are ugly though? Australian lass' MOG them
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If u don't look like this them It is over for u in Scandi
these girls are all ugly
Norway is the most cucked of the Scandinavian states. When you think of vikingers you think Sweden. When you think of absolute degenerates you think Finland. When you think of scandis as Europeans you think Denmark. You never think of Norway at all.
these girls are all beautiful
best wishes,
>Norweigans are much like the Japanese
Oh, so I need to ask their rates first. Got it.
They're all cucked. They have like 0.01% of unironical nobles who hold all the wealth of the country and live in London while the rest fights for welfare with trillions of imported browns. A very grim place if to think.
Some white women are pretty but these really aren't. Scandis LOOK beautiful from afar but if you look at them from up close and for a while you see the munted faces.
but only the 2nd is kinda cute, the rest is ugly
those women are below mid doe
objective reality doesn't require proof
didn't wanna be that guy, but ye i thought the same
Being able to afford a decent life working on a Norwegian fishing boat in some town on the coast?
Yeah probably not
They're all average a 3-4 butterface. The only thing that makes them valuable is "oh look nordic" "white viking" i.e. they're all being artificially praised and glorified by western propaganda.
In reality they have always been a backward part of western civilization, like the white Amerindians who were pushed there by stronger and more adaptable species of the white race.
They never even had evolutionary selection there. Which means their genetic material is much worse even compared to the French/Germans and other Europeans where there have been constant wars and massacres for centuries.
So if anon wants a white wife with strong genes, he should better look for a wife somewhere in central Europe.
They all look exceptionally good to me
Also, all of their languages sound like they've all stuffed food in their mouths and make random noises.
No wonder why they all speak good English.
I don't think there will be anything in the future, most likely they will be replaced by jeets/browns and will be anglicized. So they have reached their peak, they will never have anything better. So what's the point of praising and admiring them?
Holyy, the cope in this thread.
they're like a failed attempt of attractiveness
they're roughly attractive but not fully there.
Their individual features are good but they're kind of misplaced.
The one on the far left is the most attractive one even though she doesnt have as nice as individual features she's got a good skull shape and everything inserts nicely.
She needs thicker eyebrows like the other girls and she'd be quite cute
>They have like 0.01% of unironical nobles who hold all the wealth of the country and live in London while the rest fights for welfare with trillions of imported browns.
Anon you're literally descibing Russia.
Norway were the majority of proper raiding and exploring vikings. Danes were an organized kingdom that went to war with armadas of ships with the goal of conquest. Swedes focused on establishing trade lanes and mercenary work for the byzantines. Norwegian were the ones who settled places like Iceland and ran slave ports
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mental illness
Vikings were quite literally the incels who left because they couldn’t get it done at home
None of these ULTRAMEGAGIGA attractive THOUGH. They look fine and everything, but they're average gals. I think there's good looking and ugly people all around. The average just skews to what you find more familiar. The OP post is pretty self-absorbed for assuming everyone wants to go to Norway to get some supposedly divine blonde pussy. Thirdie browncels probably, but I don't think there's such fetishization in the rest of Europe.
>inb4 le u r da browncel thirdie
Yeah yeah whatever, go find another word to describe your continent then. Me personally I've always envied the North's quieter culture; I hate how loud and obnoxious everyone here is.
3 is getting mogged so hard while also being freakishly tall
look like arab lebanese
average medjeet is ugly, short and brown
You must go back
Go back to where? I’m an anglo-German mutt
>>203051694 >>203047602
You don't get it, beauty isn't all about what you see on the outside, it's about ancestry.
Yeah it's why I posted it, the only difference is the size of the welfare in question. Imagine if THIS (rusgolia but you can buy more food) is the best yoorop can offer. We're doomed.
why would that work in norway? even if the post is retarded
woah take a chill pill buddy
you’re brown and you poop in the street and rub cow dung on your face and drink urine. You have an 82 IQ
>t 75% Norwegian
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How do we ruin those Scandis, bros? No one should be allowed to have so big ego
why are scandi women so ugly?
its like they are a strain from somolia slavland that got blonde hair and retained the other features liek the broad nose and bulbous forehead
like look at
her eyebrows are disgusting cut lieks slashes that are too narrow and her nose is as recessed at the bridge as an asian like a stub and her cheekbones are sunk in in for some reason
I've seen whitoids IRL and they are not that great tbqhfam, massively overrated I'd say, very masculine
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disgusting ape lip
simping has been a disaster for the white race
they didn't travel for pussy tho
they did it to get that bag
this, I have never seen such a complete meltdown
Shoot yourself with a coconut gun.
good lord the amount of make up she's caked on her face.
That hog is GREASED.
notice how they all have dyed hair? scandoids are turbofrauds
Maybe 1/10 of the people I see here are good looking Same as everywhere else. I don't get the glorification of our beauty standards.
Yes, euros have no chance with those girls but pakis and africans are guaranteed norwegian pussy
>fake blondes
>get laughed at and bullied for being a trumptard
sorry to break it to you, your passport reeks of powerty, insecurity and has no bragging points here.

motsatta för mig

alla svenska tjejer som brevas här på nätet är fula som stryk. men de flesta tjejer jag ser på gatan ser ut som fotomodeller. de riktigt snygga tjejerna horar inte ut sig på nätet, de behöver inte det
Expand on this pls.
The cuck in the back is getting frame mogged by both of the women.

Norwegians and most scandis are nigger worshipping libtards
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ok, but regardless, can you agree to never come and leave us alone?
holy fuck, this trvthnvke caused at least 5 brown black men to kill themselves
>shoot yourself with a coconut gun
It fires in spurts, there's a chance of collateral damage. A tarp and shotgun or putting a 9mm in your mouth works just fine.
Maybe you're trolling but I've seen this kind of comment multiple times on Instagram for instance, insinuating people from ALL countries would do anything for a green card and marry you just to live in the US. So arrogantly ignorant and idiotic. They think salary number = bigger is the only thing that would matter to all.
I wouldn't move to live there if they fucking paid me to.
yes, poverty. its you who have to work two jobs to afford rent in a trailer park, not us. its you who have an actual homeless problem, not us. its you who cant afford 5 weeks holiday, not us.
report back when you know what actual wealth is.
kompis, du driver jo reklame for at de skal komme. best å holde kjeft og ikke tiltrekke oss oppmerksomhet.
In general, I think slavs have the most beautiful women. They also sound great when they talk.
those are some nice curves
youre an ugly looksmaxxer incel
We suffers in Norway
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Explain this.
although all affairs with Byzantium were conducted by Rus, during the heyday of the Varangian Guard (11-13 centuries) there were no Nordcucks at all in Eastern Europe.
this is like a nigger calling an arab retarded
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Norwegian women aren't that beautiful.
they look like yung lean. no thanks
guy far right looks like a hispanic coworker. explain euros.

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