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>dont be racist okay?
>but just dont be racist okay? Not cool. Viva la revolution
why are they like this?
nigga what are you on about
If you vould smoke ze cigarette an stare forlornly by le window…*sigh*…perhaps oui might understand…
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just be happy people are allowed to be xenophobic in 2024
It's is commonly known that the French are the biggest negrophiles.
>posts this on the only place where literally all french posters speak alright english.
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Always bring me joy when I see those rich Americans clowning on that french guy for acting rich because they got his table instead of him .
it is suspicious how good your english is
except for that one larper who i think is american and pretends to be retarded
We say Vive la Révolution
The French Revolution is one of the greatest victories of the French left.
Show vid
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I thought my english was decent.
Then I copy pasted some of my most lengthy posts in chatGPT asking:
1) what could be the nationality of the writer according to it
2) explain his reasoning
It correctly guessed I was french and roasted me as having 0 fluidity and constantly using translated french idioms. After that I asked it to rewrite my posts in "fluid" english and it ended me.
C1+ level forever for me.
I found a length test from back when I BTFOd that /balk/ tranny and I asked it to do a similar thing as you did.

>This text exhibits a strong command of English, with clear structure, complex ideas, and a confrontational tone. The vocabulary and sentence construction suggest a fairly high level of language proficiency, but there are subtle mistakes that hint at a non-native speaker.

>Guess on Nationality: The style of argument and phrasing suggest a possible Eastern European or Russian background. This assumption comes from the strong emphasis on political ideology, the tone of disdain for perceived hypocrisy, and the slightly rigid sentence structure. The content, which revolves around political struggle, revolution, and personal failure, aligns with cultural and intellectual discourse often found in that region.

>Language Proficiency Score: I would rate the poster's English proficiency as 8/10. The person clearly understands complex structures and vocabulary but occasionally stumbles with idiomatic and fluid phrasing that a native speaker might handle differently.

Feeling good rn desu ngl
>length test
*lengthy text
incredible that gook shit has worse auto suggest compared to the chinks
embarrassing, really
I love roasting the angloid dialect like they roasted the french language to create their, i speak fluent japanese and can read chinese characters, this is infinitely more valuable than having perfectly grammatical angloid dialect.
>*Proceeds to do the most gay shit humanly possible involving the most phalic of objects not even god was willing to make, plunging humanity into the pit of abadon along with blacks mudslimes and jeets*
Thanks frogs
I just tried with Chatjeep and here’s what he has to say:

>a) Is English your first language?
No, I don't think English is your first language. Your English is fluent and well-constructed, but there's a subtle formality and structure that suggests it's been learned, rather than acquired naturally. For instance, phrases like "subject myself to that same test" feel slightly more formal or structured than how a native speaker might phrase it casually.

>b) If it's your second language, what’s your first language?
It’s trickier to guess your first language, but I might speculate that it's a European language. There’s a clarity and precision in your writing that could suggest languages like German, Dutch, or a Scandinavian language, where the grammar and sentence structure tends to be well-organized, often translating into English with a clean, formal tone. Another possibility could be a Romance language like French or Italian, given how smooth the flow of your sentences is.

>Would any of these guesses be close?

That’s fine, he said I had a clear expression, yet my sentences flow naturally, he also couldn’t guess I was French.

Cya losers, I dab on both EFLs and ESLs
Lots of frogs know English. They just refuse to speak it.
And even if you try to speak French to them they will get obnoxious because you're not a native speaker.
I kept talking to him, asking him to guess my language, and he guessed either a scandinavian or slavic language.
Frenchbros the angloAIs are NOT on to me.

Wrong, 4chan posters are not representative of the country. Many people here can’t communicate in English for shit
i would not self-loathe myself if it wasn't for the internet, but unlike most of my countrymen, i know the full picture, this place is objectively shit and i need to leave before i hit 30
Actually no, balkan maymuns are more proficient with it than the French.
And that is a good thing.
I'm kinda surprised this thing is even this good at this.
>tried this with my second language, German
>it said yes, complimenting my sentence structure and familiarity with the German language
Either Chatgpt is dumb, the paragraph was too short, or I made it

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