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Zang Tumb Tuuum! - Edition
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>[The] masterpiece of Words-in-freedom and of Marinetti’s literary career was the novel Zang Tumb Tuuum... the story of the siege by the Bulgarians of Turkish Adrianople in the Balkan War, which Marinetti had witnessed as a war reporter. The dynamic rhythms and onomatopoetic possibilities that the new form offered were made even more effective through the revolutionary use of different typefaces, forms and graphic arrangements and sizes that became a distinctive part of Futurism. In Zang Tumb Tuuum; they are used to express an extraordinary range of different moods and speeds, quite apart from the noise and chaos of battle.... Audiences in London, Berlin and Rome alike were bowled over by the tongue-twisting vitality with which Marinetti declaimed Zang Tumb Tuuum. As an extended sound poem it stands as one of the monuments of experimental literature, its telegraphic barrage of nouns, colours, exclamations and directions pouring out in the screeching of trains, the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire, and the clatter of telegraphic messages.
— Caroline Tisdall and Angelo Bozzola
No no i make a balk thread i dont want to participate in your politics driven bullshit
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Based king will btfo Bumgal forever
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Did this nigga literally just make a shitpost and they thought it was enlightened thought?
Futurism is art, chud.

It's a poem. If you want high art read Mafarka.
boom boom wanna clap that zoom zoom bum
Wtf is wrong with janny
Whats the op pic isnt it thr ex naazi king of bulgaria

Again with political history wtf is wrong with you moron
>guy on top left

>With his friend the writer Giovanni Comisso, Keller founded a yoga group in Fiume,[4] which adopted the swastika as one of its symbols. The group had esoteric and naturist tendencies and Keller was often portrayed nude in photos of the time. He slept semi-nude at the top of a tree together with his pet eagle. A habitual user of cocaine, he was also a devotee of group sex, including with male partners.

>Disappointed and embittered, Keller left for Turkey, where he tried to create an airline, but his venture was not successful. Returning to Italy he joined the fascist movement, although the fascists never really trusted him because of his bitter criticisms. He took part in the March on Rome. In 1923 he returned to military flying, and was named aeronautical attaché to the Italian embassy in Berlin.
It's some shitalian poet, relax.
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Oh ok
He was the king of your grandgrandpa bro
No he wasnt
>too busy reading retarded albo tax laws to make a new thread
curse you mango, now the thread will get deleted for being a polmeme

Cooek politicarite gi gledam kako baba roga
there we go one xanax and everything gets thrown in the trash
I hope you get cured of your diabetis
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>Mind you, I don ́t derive an universal principle from this. It ́s is, however, indisputable that the essence of the woman is not just defined by their childlike curiosity, their inability to focus, the fear of monotony, the persistent vanity and the fearful cowardice but most importantly by their ineradicable desire for cheating. Their muscular inferiority made them into half tamed predators who tenderly dreams of constantly cheating on the loved but also hated man – who is after all the constructor of the cage called society. This is the reason that it is essential that that the male seducer needs to cultivate the powers and the tone of an animal tamer. To avoid confusion: I agree with all of this, this is no critique. Women are what they are. That means: the better part of humanity, more flexible, smoother, wittier, more sensible, less programmatic, better at improvisation or the be more concise: The least German part. A seductive, forceful, free, beautiful and brilliant man in comparison to the beautiful, improvised feelings of the woman always seems to have something professional, Teutonic about him. I fully acknowledge the moral qualities of the woman. There are women which, through their ingenuity, their sincerity, charity, willingness to sacrifice themselves, their delicate feeling and their erotic swing manage to baffle, however all their virtues are deeply sexual in nature, they speak to the inner fire which only function is to insure the continuation of the species.

Why should i care about this shitalian faggot?
After reading 30% pf this poat nothing has changed in society
Because its art and culture
It's politics
Nope its not
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Italy between 1912-1922 is my religion.

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>Women are whores but not with me!
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I look like 20year old guy who dyes his hair white
Deloosional. Bro you look like the wagie at A1 who tries to upsell me on a contract full of things I don't need.
See i told you bro
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>I look like 20year old guy
You gonna zie taknezie package for z phone und pay ya ya
Each dimensional shift causes 5,000 hairs to turn gray
You tell that to yourself so you can go for younger girls. you go to party every week i wonder how come you didnt find gf yet.
he's not balding tho
21st mid century

Dude everyone mingles and the whole planet is a swinger life

There is no love
thanks bro
pray for my wealth too
yo I look up DBDR and suddenly his channel is gone
I missed the epic face reveal
Who and what social plaform is that and what is that
Join the shitshow then
I get rejected like a retard wants to join the army and be a navy seal
OLD: >>203062748
But every time?
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>The horniness still isn't going away
Holy shit bros. One of you guys need to beat the shit out of me. I need these feelings to stop. I need some kind of release. Laugh all you want, call me a deranged pervert—whatever. This for me is a physiological need.

Jesus Christ
Evvvry time man

9km incelwalk
thanks for the acknowledgement bro

just move to vietnam
Not even 30% of his income bro
give me 200k USD bro
Ask Xpozed bro
>you were supposed to pay for your kids anyway if you stayed married and child support ain't shit
That's a pretty good justifiable cope actually, especially for someone who probably makes 5 figures a month
not really, who the fuck spends 3k a month on kids
little shits don't need more than 300 at most

he's poor bro
I don't want to put him in a difficult position
>multiple 6-figure investments
>6-figure job as a certified public accountant
bumgal's bussy dried up even more than its natural state of being unlubricated by design, as is any other bum
The position in question? Xpozed as the employer and you as the employee
>he thinks I see potential boyfriend in middle class faggots
>not potential targets for home invasion
imagine paying my salary
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Miss my BF
Watching on national geographic channel a documemtary on modern greece
Now i am watching the dances of crete
Greeks have a similiar wedding in crete

And we have galicka svadba
To detect pinworms, doctors often request that patients take a "tape test." For this test, patients briefly apply a piece of transparent tape to the skin around the anus in the early morning, after the worm has laid its eggs. The tape is removed and examined at the doctor's office for any eggs that might be sticking to it.
anusbey 2.0
I want to rule over greece
Tiho shizo F20000000
On a seriouse not greece is a very nice state
My first order if i become a pm or president of greece is to not pay debts
schizo is wasted again
Im joking dude

Its just i see awesome documentary on greece on national geograpic
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I will pray for your soul, you really sound like you need it right now

I hope your father knows you're taking the wrong medicine

Watch this if you you got the balls, King
Watched it and i dont want again
everything is awesome when you're on drugs
I have a business idea
looooool, I remember this video
what a dumb bitch lol
Did you know she got 6 years in prison and was let go after 26 months?

String theory could have prevented this
kek... what kind of drugs makes retards this desensitized

>Sanchez’s blood alcohol content registered at 0.106 about 90 minutes after the crash, according to court records. But it was Sanchez’s actions right after the collision that grabbed national attention.

I found on cnn she got arrested for felonies some weeks after her release lol

How can I go about finding chuds from online dating profiles? .Is there anything I should look out for? Should I spill my spaghetti and just ask people who message me what they think of Hitler?
Submarines don't need drugs to be submarines
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I am genuinely tweaking over the fact I found some 1-2cm stringly black nematodes next to the toilet.
doctors basically have no life. normie adoration and a steady supply of whore nurses are about the only things they've got going for
Poortalk always amazes me
who cares, they have money
their licensing takes too long though, it's why I decided not to bother
They'd just assume you're trolling
Chad low inhibition stuntman patients fuck the nurses
nah, nurses are tryna climb the ladder and secure an ideal husband. basically easy mode for women
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Nurses do fuck a lot but trust me, the extra workload and being on call 24/7 for some ungrateful mouthbreathers that think you're literally Sheytan for being unable to instantly heal their retarded habits is too tiring.
ITards should be executed
You aren't ready for the millionaire talk.
the meta is you get in young, secure the doctor and then go freelance doing easy mode private care for old loaded up jewish women. only the cheap whores get left behind on hospitals all the way into the 30s and beyond, and yes those have basically completely given up and are just doing prostitution on the side
>They'd just assume you're trolling
Why would they? I have no love for Hitler. That doesn't mean I have to believe in the holohoax.
Bro we have Sashe who literally has 3 billion Eurodollars who's giving us daily Billionaire talks

You're like a little baby
The pay is also only good if you get into a private institution somehow. Public pays like dogfood.
everyone on public has at least 3 private jobs on the side, although they kinda made that illegal here since you need to ask permission
so even more docs will leave the country lol
You're right, im right. I could very well be doxxing myself yet again. Im sure sooner or later someone would pick it up and show up at my house.
they were raking up cash good during the pandemic. things have calmed down somewhat but the freelance networks that were set up still remain
Heh, mini-onaire problems. If you were a real big-ionaire like Sashe, you'd know how to protect yourself with string theory. Has anyone from /balk/ ever gone to his house? No.
no one cares dog, even in the balkans millionairehood is asswipe money territory these days. stop being a selyak about it
Don't forget my special Christmas offer from the last thread ;)
>literally posts his ID, address, house, every room in his house
>nothing happens
CIA agents are protecting him
>spends his youth being made fun of, alone, dedicates his best years to moneymaxx to flex on his bullies, only to end up being made fun of for another irrelevant achievement
great things can happen if you stop being so one note
>doing things for others
ngmi motivation
HAH speak for yourself. After 20 years of calloused fingertips I can finally enjoy calling half a dozen /balk/posters poorgroids. I won.
Crazy to think im not even the richest person in the neighbourhood where i grew up in. I was about to tell a story of another guy that's a millionaire but some things befell him where his life turned out to be pretty much really shit.
He's not the only one....
a million is statistically not that much for a lifetime, you can have that much by 40
It's not about how much you have, it's all about perception, i can pick up the phone right now and jet you to dubai to have a dinner with billionaires if it's moneytalk. Money doesn't talk with nomoney, understand?
It's 3 AM in Dubai bro
bro, the only thing that matters is your edging high score
Okay after some analysis it isn't pinworms but the larva of this piece of shit. Fucking cunt had me tweaking.
why lil critter niggas chryna hide in our homes nowadays
the maymoon summer was crazy, legit africa was cooler than balkmoonistan
i had a bunch of wasps chryna create a nest on my balcony
>that shitty NTS doujin is still ongoing
>author still milking it after a reboot and probably won't give a proper NTR ending because of "plot"
god I hate unironic ntsfags
just rope yourselves already

hahahaha, you were about to go buy some horse dewormer

And this is how Timmy became a man
Those pieces of shit are annoying and drink blood.
There's a famous real estate mogul that i often meet on my lets call it jog its not a jog but lets just call it that. You can kidnap him at any time he doesn't have security nobody cares.
But if you get piss drunk and take a piss on his front door there's goons walking up right at you and sound alarms playing.
Explain this to me, we're relatives.
>You can kidnap him at any time he doesn't have security nobody cares.
Thanks for the tip anon.

I have a heist we can do
Getting real tired of your shizonas larpznimal
rashazn fighting with xemself's again
This is insulting on two levels. First, associating me with OG rasha whomst I've nothing to do with. And second, associating me with that tumorous metastasizing multiple personality growth known as aznimal.
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and now that you're upset I shall sleep with a smile on my face
Billionaires roll you aren't ready for that talk.
It's real though, i'd have the same success talking to my dog.

Allah helped him by making him not care about women, but he shunned Allah's grace and trusted science. Now Sheytan, in the form of Testosterone, has granted him his eternal desire - to feel the lusts of the flesh, but Sheytan never gives without taking, so he made him an ugly incel, that he may never satisfy his lustful desires.
Why sheytan make me take female hormones

Why sheytan make me lust after men
I read what Russian psychologists write about my psychological type, and it essentially boils down to "very sensitive and likes to receive receive rough sex"
Brutal as a male.
pucciяns are experts on homosexuality
Guys tonight i am gonna take a break from partying and make 20 stories with evidence about certain thing

Please share the stories and my blogpost /r/stringtheoryisreal

The message should be spread
I hope you guys please do not call me a schizo and actually as someone who has supported you and prayed for you to get better also support me
>20 stories
based content king
also when are you gonna start vlogging on youtube bro
vvvvooooork your myejik h'ai
nyevr vanna lose zis feeling
h'ai yem ayble yend I'm wheeling
yeeees I'm wheeeeling
vooork your myejik yu
syet my beating kheart in motion
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partiqta na pedo-bota
toq mai nosi rolex
golemy zrny zrnczugy mygo razturat szupakot

He'll be hittin dat in a few years don't worry
I got a job for y’all.
The payment is greater than any money.
Also reminder that this is Serbias true flag.
Cheers to the anarchists liberating Ukraine also.
so what is job leaf man
в бaлкaнчaн e иcтинcкия бaлк (дeмeк бик)
Why aren't they range banning him?
Because he is a true Christian, just like you (:
I only see him spamming this filth. He should be in prison. 1 week for each time he spammed it.
But he celebrates youthfulness and innocence, just like you (:
He also has many of these images on his phone, just like you (:
He wants to molest children, I want a God-centred relationship with a 17 year old who will bloom at the time of our marriage.

Death to all Christians.

Don’t call people “Christians”, what an insult.
Then why were you worried about the images on your iPhone ):
Because I read about fascism and discuss genocide regularly.
But why did the police raid your home ):
They know I'm a fascist. I talk about similar things in real life as I do here.
Why do you people sleep too much?

There is so much to do and so many ways to succeed in your hellholes.

ikicel, when are you getting a job
Bro I look probably better than you and you seem younger, so treat me with respect.
um.. that last one is actually an albania 3
so albania is the best country on the balkans
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>I look probably better than you
Bro you masturbate all day in your room.
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>pov: pic related but in its brown German Turk fat version is trying to teach you morals and judge you itt
All chugged down with 500 grams of sugar slush mmm imagine her liver
I'm sure your dick will start working again once you lose the weight bro
Bro you are a sleazy rat who only comes here for trouble making.

Bro I'm early 30s, so my testosterone level is falling. I'm not insecure about it.
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>I'm early 30s, so my testosterone level is falling
bro, I...
I take heavy medicine, what did you expect? I'm able to have daily sex with an angel, but not enough energy to toss her around and fuck her for long.
I'm better off than the majority of posters here. Your rage is just a result of jealousy.
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Did it just call me a rat?

The limp dick who waits for a global war so men could die and he'll go rape virgins? XAXAXXAXXAXAXAXA

There's a reason why his kind has been considered equivalent to sewer insects
Now then I'm thinking of it, he'll have to raid a pharmacy first and loot whatever stock of viagra they have

Like they did in The Walking Dead but for antibiotics and gauzes, but limpy boon will do the same for peepee pew pew drugs
You will get blown up by nukes, while I take care of your sisters.

I just realized how much God loves me. How can people not believe in our just and loving God?
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It never began for negativecanthaltilashko
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The sleeper has awakened
I stay up at 6 during the week so weekends I like to sleep more
this is true. i don't have an iphone or a car.
we suntanning
>be mango
>find mentally ill zoomer
>pretend to be a succubus
>absorb his semen trough your butthole
>play the victim for even more attention semen
do you think the magic happened it gayreece or in bumgayria
Im a doctor in business administration but I never got laid with a nurse, explain this
>30 going 50
How do you call an albo in space?

thinking of learning a new langugage
learn bulgarian and acquire pasosh
Learn GREEK.
learn chinese
i tried german but everything about it feels too soulless, now i am thinking of spanish
languages without a use or interest are pointless
Spanish is a useful language to learn for several reasons:

1. Widespread Use: Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world by native speakers, with over 500 million speakers globally. In the U.S., it’s the second most common language, with over 41 million native speakers.
2. Career Opportunities: Speaking Spanish opens up career opportunities in various fields such as healthcare, education, customer service, government, and international business. Many companies seek bilingual employees to serve Spanish-speaking clients or to expand into Latin American markets.
3. Cultural Insight: Learning Spanish provides access to a rich cultural heritage, including literature, music, cinema, and history. It allows deeper connections with Spanish-speaking communities in the U.S. and abroad.
4. Travel: Spanish is the official language of 20 countries, mostly in Latin America. Knowing the language can enhance travel experiences, making it easier to communicate, navigate, and immerse yourself in local cultures.
5. Cognitive Benefits: Learning any new language, including Spanish, improves memory, problem-solving skills, and cognitive flexibility. It can also delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline.
6. Educational Benefits: Many academic texts and research are published in Spanish, and being bilingual can help in studies, particularly in fields like linguistics, international relations, and social sciences.

Learning Spanish not only opens doors in terms of communication but also offers personal, professional, and cultural growth.
general uses are irrelevant
it needs to be useful to (you)
i need to find a wfh job for when i move back to my selo
i tried looking at some call centers here but i have too much competition from jeets knowing only english
move to germany bro
why would i? my quality of life will only decrease plus i dont like their timmified culture
to learn german and consoom more obviously
Yeah, i could also visit boon's doner shop after my winter vacation on the alps
java > sihashtag
Demonic influence makes you insult me.
There you go.
He will never recover from this
Guys did you see the stories i put on instagram
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classic bumgaria moment
You never been there i doubt you know something about Germany besides internet memes
hows janis bro?
>t.nazi larper
It's for you too.
I already know JS bro.
if you can't comprehend this you lack the sufficient brain nourishment and are a boomboom with a fossilized pineal gland
name something you do with js
I might do my master's in germany if the learning goes well
Based future master's degree achiever
I actually had to work mainly with React for the past months to rewrite the entire checkout form and add more payment methods
so cancer
the only way I'm doing memester's is if I just pay and never go
As I said, besides internet memes
Bumgal is a living parody of modern day tropes

Daddy issues
WMAF(male) only
3/10 with complexes that xhe will never pull Chad
Do you think you are better than me?

Your opinion will be crushed by logic and facts.
bro thinks he invented btfoing liberals with facts and logic
Bro university is just mini retirement for 20 year olds
I'm thinking about doing a 1 year master's just so I can go back to parasitizing my parents and not working
You're on a level of intelligence as a toddler, remember what an old fat nanny told you at school?
>read the question, skenderbeg, read the goaddamn question you fucking retard nobody asked you to blog
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this only works if you don't have a 5 year plan on a tight schedule
1 year not working is retiring 2 years later

blogposting general
>learn to speak proper language instead of it's mymun sounding village dialect spermed by serbs
funny he skipped right over that
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Literally me
Bro who gives a shit about retirement after you're a demented geriatric (30 years old)
this is what everyone under 30 says until they reach 30 and realize they're still here for 40 more years
Xhey right doe
Life is enjoyable when you're young
the hedonic treadmill exists, you're vaguely content for 99% of your existence
Just don't retire then, you'll be vaguely content anyways, right?
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Did you you know that the citizens of the Russian Federation have western cars?

This is a solid proof of winning and definitive superiority compared to the morally bankrupt western big satans.
I think posts like that one humble everyone here.
yes, but I have to work
if I'll be vaguely content working and not working I'd still choose not to work
You just know he's a gigasoy.
Mummy complexed you into being unable to accept getting BTFO'd
200 euro average salary in rossii?
Da, videli :-P
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I need to con my parents into paying for a PhD program

5 more years of sitting like an effendi and eating, heaven on earth
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Life cheap in Russia, 250 euro enough da)))
Serious question: Why do slovene and croatian flags hate italians while irl they are friendly to us (especially croatians)? Is it just banter?
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King of planet, global leader, Allah korusun
Westoids have thin skin and think you hate them when you're just not mincing words with them.
I will personally deport you back to the Middle East
Greeks are so based, tatards don't even have water or electricity
You and what army
I am a one man army
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This was DEBUNKED too by a Bulgarian woman!
>Albino Murat
I haven't beaten or robbed a single westoid since 2019.
Russian name btw
Kubrat's brother Murat is Russian now?
Kubrat was muslim?
Many believe this
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If you haven't been here you aren't cut from the same cloth as real ones.
I see the worth of the masters degree in fyrom
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>You cannot fast travel while jumping or falling
ENTJ business tip:

Legal white slave market

High value white male with a degree but don't want to work? Sell yourself in marriage to some Arap sheikh's ugly daughter and sit like an Effendi and eat for the rest of your life
10 years ago 4chan was peaking now its just a hub for mental illness
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shtipokawa? no, Japan!
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>I wake up
>I open TIKTOK
>I click on every link featuring RUSSIA
>I cry about it
>I go to sleep
Religious identity > sexual identity
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Here's your peak bro
Is hiking common in Bulgaria?
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Pasok has leadership elections today and I passed by the local election point, there were young people in queue waiting two vote..
for the leader of the party which owes 450.000.000 euros to the banks and drove Greek to bankruptcy LMAO

Nuke us, pls
I hope a yeti eats you as you "hike", ros
He has to cope with being a millennial a blink of the eye away from becoming a pensioner some way bro
That being by prowling the apps alphoomers use
Try again
Isn't it quite strange how the algorithm pushes this content to my device when I have nothing to do with Russian shittok? I don't like Russian videos, I don't comment on them nor I interact yet your bot army manages to sneak them into my feed!

But to be honest, bots ain't gonna turn Kyiv into Kiev anytime soon so we're good
You keep watching them you retarded geriatric
I think he's too low IQ to understand it
Brain too calcified
You're angry bro, is everything ok? You don't act like this normally
Too many dementia posts ITT
bro every day with you is like a groundhog day
you're having a dementia already
I've completely given up
another dementia patient
Don't worry bro, Sashko and Maⲛgal will post in a bit and they'll bring the long awaited sanity itt

>Groundhog Day
>1993 ‧ Comedy/Romance ‧ 1h 41m

Based AMERICANIZED russki with his references of movies I never heard of!
>movies I never heard of!
>Groundhog day
You just forgot about again, grandpa
Well sorry lil' sidekick, I should have written "before I googled it" but I thought you'd be smarter than that
Just as I thought the 85 average macedonian iq was meme
Ngl the 'partment was looking pretty grim
1. I didn't know he was 'mentally ill'. I still don't believe in mental illness. He is just extremely irrational.
2. I don't pretend to be a succubus, but he said I am one
3. I didn't say I was a victim, I said I was betrayed.
It happened the day after he poured gasoline all over my apartment and threatened to burn it down. He left but I asked him to come back because my kitty absorbed the gasoline and got super high and I had to take her to a vet. He came back. I told him to spend the night and then he tucked me in the morning.
imagine investing in a place to rent it out and it gets spermed with gasoline oh no no no
I should probably mop the place too
I still don't know/understand why he did it.
>all we needed was a small spark to get rid of mangal and it didn't happen

So mean!
jk bro, glad you're safe
dogal will dry hump your leg
>tfw war on my border
Feels good knowing NATO protects me
Lmao, I'm not interested in sidekicks, he should ask krasnochurka if he wants a second one
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>From USA ally to homosexualist ally
Many such cases!
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Rain innit
Not me doe
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So true king
I'll believe you when you 1v1 nojko and post the results itt (because he can't possibly beat you)
He would cast gypsy curses at me bro
I can't possibly win
immigrate >>203095045
My identity is not being homosensual. I'm not even homo, I like women too, except I also find them disgusting. I'm just talking about homoshit because what else do you want me to spam with? Politics? Clearly most people don't like that and there ends up being arguments. So I talk about the next thing I know the most about and some people clearly find it entertaining.
A shit smellying gyppo hag cursed me two years ago and nothing happened yet
I wish I was never born

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