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>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents
Previous: >>203049145
>not a Juno OP
shan't be posting
output is more important than input and that is not even close
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AI-slop challenge. Vidya edish.

>I like to play video games with my friends.
>What is your favorite game console?
>This game has great graphics.

>The game gets harder as you complete more levels.
>Many people enjoy playing online multiplayer games.
>The character collects coins and unlocks new abilities.

>Video games have become a significant part of the entertainment industry, attracting millions of players worldwide.
>Some games offer environments with an open world, allowing players to explore freely and complete missions in any order.
>Professional gamers often participate in esports tournaments, competing for large cash prizes and international recognition.
Then start outputting, Kim
Napenda kucheza video games na wenzangu
Console unapenda zaidi ni gani?
Game hii iina graphics nzuri zaidi.
Game itakuwa vigumu kama utafaulu viwangu zaidi.
Watu wingi wanafurahia kucheza online multiplayer games.
Mtu huyu anakusanya sarafu na zinafungua nguvu npya.
>video games
>online multiplayer
what is this meme language
Judging by the prenasalised consonants and open syllables, I think it's Swahili.
you can obviously translate games to michezo and video games to michezo za videos and online multiplayer games to michezo zenye wachezaji wengi mtandaoni but its probably more natural for them to use english anyways.
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Name five reasons why Russian is a good language. I wait.
Funny accent
Funny letters
That's all I could think of sorry
What do you mean by 'good language'?
I don't think one can apply ethics to languages.
1. It lets you talk to Russian princesses
Don't need the other 4
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I don't want to dabble in too many languages. I only want to learn 6 languages which are all very useful, and I've reached a pretty high level in one of them and an intermediate level in another. I have no need to learn any of them quickly and I don't enjoy focusing exclusively on one. I guess I'm just going to learn all of them slowly for a very long time.
Я люблю игpaть в видeoигpaх c мoими дpyзями
Кaкaя твoя любимaя кoнcoль
Этa игpa имeeт зaмeчaтeльнyю гpaфикy. B этoй игpe зaмaчaтeльнaя гpaфикa

Этa игpa cтaнoвитcя cлoжнee кoгдa пpoхoдишь бoльшe ypoвнeй
Mнoгим нpaвитcя игpaть в мнoгoпoлзoвaтeльcких игpaх
Этoт пepcoнaж coбыpaeт мoнeты и oтpывaeт нoвыe cпocoбниcти

Hecкoлькo игp пpeдлaгaют миpы c oткpытыми мecтнocтaми, пoзвoля игpoки иccлeдoвaть cвoбoднo и выпoлнять зaдaния в любoм пopядкe
Who cares
I will learn your language
sure whatever this works too
Which 6?
>never see myself as a 'languages person'
>never see myself as someone who'd even want to be a polyglot let alone do the work needed
>now working on my third language with a dozen more languages that I want to learn to read
Goddamn it
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Most people fail. I made it by the skin of my teeth.
What was your strongest temptation?
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>watch shows and cartoons in english since i was a kid
>have a naturally easy understanding of language, want to understand everything i see/hear, tried to neglect my french classes at school yet still passed all my tests
>get hyperfixated on grammar and phonology once i start digging into them
>get told i write really good
>still cant even speak spanish without stuttering and spitting
i was damned from the craddle
Spanish (my best)
French (2nd best)
German, Russian, Chinese, Hindi (all pretty bad)
This is a genuine question
One last time
I got German resources that I can refund within a week
Actually, I don't plan living in Germany (because currently, it's impossible).
With that circumstance in mind, should I just refund the resources and stick to English, or is learning German for its own sake fun?
Please, just this once, quit the shitposting and give me genuine advice.
>One last time
>quit the shitposting and give me genuine advice.
First of all, refund anything and everything because the best resources for all popular languages are free and you have no reason to spend any money at all.
Your lack of discipline is the problem behind all of these problems. How many reasons have you had for picking and giving up on languages? Were these really unforeseeable? You need to have a serious think over a long period of time about every possible reason to learn or not to learn a language, then come to a conclusion about what to study, and be disciplined enough to stick to it.
He's almost there boys!!!!
Is maith liom imirt cluichí le mo chairde
Cé acu consól is fearr leat?
Tá grafaicí iontacha ag an chluiche seo

Éiríonn an chluiche níos deacra nuair a chríochnaíonn tú níos mó lebhéil
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Law of Jordie, as t approaches infinity, the number of languages (n) he dropped increases.
Law of Jordie. You will start learning a language when y reaches 0
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Fuck it's really accurate too LOL
>You wanted to become famous in /lang/
>So you learned languages
>Very kino, but that won't get you famous in /lang/
counter words are basically grammatical gender
I cannot give you a rice, but I can give you a grain of rice or a box of rice or a kilogram of rice or a truckload of rice
I cannot normally give you "a water" (unless we understand that to be something like a bottle of water or a cup of water, in which case "water" is no longer a substance here) but I can easily give you a liter of water or a splash of water or a droplet of water or an ocean of water

I cannot give you a dust, but I can give you a mote of dust or a pile of dust or a handful of dust or a dustpan full of dust

these are not singular things but substances we have to count

in some languages, all nouns behave like substances

in these languages, I cannot give you a paper, I have to give you a sheet of paper, just like I cannot give you a plate, I have to give you a sheet of plate
I cannot give you a pencil, I have to give you a stick of pencil
I cannot give you an apple, I have to give you an object of apple (singular)
ok so in english the gender of "bread" is "slice"
but it can be "loaf" too
and depending on the context it's "order"

a slice of bread
a loaf of bread
an order of bread

a trigender noun
good job retard
>counter words
I think you mean "measure words", or "classifiers".
Honestly I feel like comparing it to grammatical gender is not exactly right; grammatical genders are largely determined by what the vowel or consonant at the end of a word is (usually) while classifiers are more based on what "category" or "classification" the word is, thematically, if that's the right word for it.
Either way, they're both their own sets of logic that you need to 'adjust' your brain to, in a sense.
KI-Fraß Herausforderung. Videospiele-Ausgabe

Ich zocke gern mit meinen Freunden
Was ist deine Lieblingsvideospielkonsole?
Dieses Spiel hat krasse Grafiken.

Je mehr Levels man hinter sich bringt, je herausfordernder das Spiel wird.
Einige Menschen haben daran Spaß, Mehrspieler-Online-Spiele zu zocken.
Der Charakter sammelt Münzen und dadurch schaltet er neue Fähigkeiten frei.

Videospiele sind zu einem nicht zu übersehenden Teil der Unterhaltungsindustrie geworden, indem sie zigtausend Spieler weltweit gewinnen.
Es gibt Videospiele, die eine sogenannte offene Welt bieten, was dem Spieler erlaubt, fesselfrei die Welt zu erkunden und die Aufgaben nach eigenem Ermessen fertigzustellen.
Profispieler nehmen oft an E-Sport-Turnieren teil, wobei sie um riesige Geldpreise und internationale Anerkennung konkurrieren
*countable/uncountable nouns
You have no idea how much I fight the urge to learn Greek every passing second
please dissuade me from picking turkish or speaking four languages. im afraid it will interfere with my proficiency in the others.
>Je mehr Levels man hinter sich bringt, je herausfordernder das Spiel wird.
[...] desto herausforderner wird das Spiel.

Ansonsten alles richtig, sehr gut!
*herausfordernder meine ich natürlich
I... can't... you must dabble
I had wanted to learn languages for years now and now that I've really started learning them I've started to want to learn to play the piano too. I never even saw myself as a music person but after language learning that task seems almost easy, with the hardest part being going out and dropping a few hundred on an electric piano.
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Vielen Dank
He yчeшe ли pycки бe, мoй чoвeк?
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I have been trying to learn it since December 2021. I have been trying to speak Russian with Russians on Interpals and everyone keeps wanting to just speak English
never change Jordie
we love you
I fucking HATE Jordie
He represents the opposite of myself. I love learning languages and he fucking hates it. Why is he even here
>My Russian posts are no longer getting corrected
I guess I am fluent now. Time to study Japanese full-time.
I ignore most of the Korean language challenges that comes up here because it's too hard to correct every single one
Not cool, Kim. How are they going to learn Korean without getting a pat on the head?
How much of native content can you understand at your level of Russian?
>picking turkish
Don't know why anybody would ever do this, other than some high level autism about wanting to conquer Turkic languages or some shit like that.
>speaking four languages
You can manage that much without having your brain destroyed.
Easy >I would like a glass of wine, please.. >Do you sell beer here? >How much is a bottle of whiskey? Med >Drinking too much alcohol can bea harmful to your health. >Can you recommend a good local beer? >They served champagne at the wedding

>포도주 한 잔 주세요
>여기서 맥주 팔아요?
Good. (여기 맥주 팔아요? 이렇게 쓰는 경우가 많지만 여기서 맥주 팔아요 이것도 100% 자연스럽습니다.)
>위스키 한 병 얼마에요?

>술 너무 마시는 건 건강에 위험할 수 있는다
지나친 음주는 건강에 해로울 수 있습니다.
(처음에 번역된 문장은 문법적으로 굉장히 이상한 표현입니다. '있는다' 이런 종류의 용언 활용은 한국에서 절대로 등장하지 않습니다. 네이티브들은 오타로도 이렇게 실수하지 않습니다. 번역을 하는 방법이 굉장히 많지만, 제가 위에 번역한 방법이 아마도 가장 관용적으로 많이 쓰이는 말인 거 같습니다.)
>좋은 국내적인 맥주를 권해줄 수 있나요?
이 지역에 좋은 맥주 구할 곳 있나요?
(Local은 국내적이라는 말과 전혀 다른 말입니다. 지역이라는 말을 써 주세요)
>결혼식에 샴패인 대접한다
그들은 결혼식에 샴페인을 대접했습니다.
(그들은과 같은 인칭대명사는 지나친 번역체의 느낌이 나므로, 만약에 어디서 그걸 대접했는지 분명하게 명시된다면, 집단의 이름을 따로 명시해 주는 것이 좋습니다)

Can I be cooler again?
I can't exactly read Dostoyevsky, but I can comfortably read picrel. (It fucking sucks)
When no one fixes my translations I just use Chatgpt to improve the one's I felt iffy on. It's no problem.
감사합니다! 설명도 복습해보겠습니다.
ChatGPT isn't very good at Korean yet. Some explanations are good, but English to Korean translation still feels robotic. This is because of the fundamental differences between Korean and English
I'm sure it will get better with better models and a larger dataset, but even now it's still better than nothing. I guess I could also check with this person I know who interprets but I don't really want to bother them with stuff like this.
The more I learn my TL, the greater my craving to consume content of my mother tongue grows. I hadn't been interested in native media until this
I wonder if this is because I realized how much my surrounding culture has shaped how I think and how I wouldn't fit in anywhere else than in the scandis
>Have not posted in /lang/ for months
>Open /lang/ because my wife is on the 'log
>Jordanianon saying he doesn't want to learn (insert language) and would instead like to try another lang
Miss my nigga Kalle so much you wouldn't believe.
what if you speak russian and they reply in english?
>Open /lang/ because my wife is on the 'log

the bull came over?
>Miss my nigga Kalle
What is it
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Tbh the "classical recommendations" are complete meme recommendations for almost any language, if you're near b2 already they're good but will still confuse you many times. For learning some young adult novels are better, at some point you have to jump from graded readers and other shit to native-level and if you start with some classical writer who even the natives have a hard time understanding it's too much.

Sadly, nobody actually has guides out for what young adult stuff to read in any language. I would have to swim through a milk-toast sea to actually find the good ones worth remembering. I've read a lot of average books so it's not too bad, just firmly mediocre.
Yeah, there's probably a reason for le read harry potter meme
I've heard that with chinese its best to practice speaking and using tones right away, even before learning any hanzi because otherwise they become a huge problem later
Would you agree?
Yeah, main problem being that was written in english first. It still works but it's not like you're reading some native spanish stuff, just a VERY well done adaption, probably one of the most well-done ones. I'd still prefer to have a list made by natives of what the best young-adult books are for every language, the primary problem for this being that those books are designed for a younger audience than the people typically learning languages so it's gonna be hard to find people who had read a lot of them and can honestly give their good opinions.

If I'm gonna read in spanish I may as well read something written by a native in their mother tongue.
Not my TL but I would agree that ideally everything would be practiced at once, but you have to prioritize at the end of the day. SOMETHING will become a huge problem later in any language, especially one so difficult, so you just have to find the concepts you think are "most important" or "most difficult" for you and focus on those ones with your limited time.

Basically, if it fits into your plan you should practice them. If you can't find a way to fit it into your plan either change the plan or work on general knowledge instead and learn them through the slow and tedious way of osmosis by general knowledge. All depends on if you find them difficult or not, if they're the most difficult thing for you they need to be in your plan. If you don't know enough yet to have a "most difficult thing" you're not far enough for it to matter.
I thought this would be an easy search on goodreads, but apparently you can't filter books by their original language. Absolute disgrace of a site
Я люблю игpaть в видeoигpы (никтo нe гoвopит тaк. Гoвopят в кoмпьютepныe игpы или в кoмп/плoйкy(плeйcтэйшeн)/пpиcтaвкy) c мoими дpyзьями

Этa игpa имeeт зaмeчaтeльнyю гpaфикy - нe пpaвильнo (гpaммaтикa aнглийcкoгo)

Mнoгим нpaвитcя игpaть в мнoгoпoльзoвaтeлЬcкиe игpы

Этoт пepcoнaж cибиpaeт мoнeты и oткpывaeт нoвыe cпocoбнocти

Heкoтopыe игpы пpeдлaгaют миpы, пoзвoляющиe игpoкaм cвoбoднo их иccлeдoвaть и выпoлнять миccии в любoм пopядкe
>пpeдлaгaют миpы,
*пpeдлaгaют oткpытыe миpы

hate this thing in french so much especially in que clauses. I always read at as not even though it doesn't always signify that
I don't have but a single remark to make: you can do the same thing in English (well, sort of)
45% retention on 60 cards today

Early onset dementia coming on strong
i don't know if i can say what qualifies it as a good language but I do have a soft spot for it because it was one of the first foreign languages I learned to read.
Nope, I have had two people say "let us just speak in English"
>I wonder if this is because I realized how much my surrounding culture has shaped how I think and how I wouldn't fit in anywhere else than in the scandis
I could never live in my home country.
what's the fastest way to learn mandarin?
KI-Drangherausforderung. Vidya-Ausgabe.

>Ich spiele gerne Videospiele mit meinen Freunden.
>Was ist dein Lieblingsspielkonsole?
>Dieses Computerspiel hat großartige Graphiken.

>Das Spiel wird schwieriger als man mehr Ebenen beendet.
>Viele Menschen spielen gerne online Merspielerspiele.
>Der Character sammelt Münzen auf und schaltelt neue Fähigkeiten frei.

>Videospiele sind ein großer Teil der Unterhaltungsindustrie geworden, die Millionen Spielern weltweit anlocken.
>Manche Spiele bieten Umgebungen mit einer offenen Welt an, die Spielern erlauben, frei zu erkunden und Missionen in jeder Ordnung zu vervollständigen.
>Prospieler nehmen oft in Esports-Turniere an, um um Geldpreise und internationale Anerkennung zu konkurrieren.
It looks like you can search by language on Barnes & Nobles and see what's being bought most (includes many textbooks) and the Internet Archive's text archive can be searched by language and by views. These were the only ones I found in a roughly 20 minute search. I know you search by language on Libby too, but selections depend on how good your library is.
What an assholes. Why are they on interpals?
if i get to a b2 in french, will i be able to pick up cute, pure french girls who make delicious pasteries?
writing seems like a good way to learn a language
Is there a chinese language equivalent to 4chan?
no, but you can always go for the nafris and subsaharans
Komica (taiwan)
there's also one for HK, but they use cantonese also forgot the name
Used to be one for china, adnmb, think its dead
They have the same sound right?
In my southern UK accent they do, yeah
I recently did a bit of the Michel Thomas Spanish Foundation course and it felt kinda fun but then I fell off. I dunno if Duolingo might be better for me actually, the Spanish course supposedly has a ton of material and it seems like the method is basically the same except more interactive.
I'm actually planning to move to South America at one point so I kinda need to learn it, this is not just for fun.
This is one utility for leddit if you can tolerate it. There are enough terminally online autists there who will read your writings and correct your mistakes.
Thanks for the suggestion. Tried Komica and got a "not allowed country: IT" message...
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In what cities or areas will this be remotely useful other than Paris touristy areas
Why do you want to move to south america?
It's that bad in Sweden?
Duolingo isn't a phrasebook?
Of course it is!
Why else would it be repeat the same sentences over and over each unit?
Because you memorize things through repetition.
1) I don't like the "Ich" sound. Is it incorrect to just replace it with the "Ach" sound everywhere?
2) I don't like non-rhoticity. Is it incorrect to pronounce every written "r" as an uvular (like in French) fricative? Is it incorrect to do the same but with a trill "r" (like in Russian)? Do Bavarians, Austrians, and the Swiss really do this?
3) Am I correct that the fortis-lenis contrast is basically the same as in Chinese? I.e. "b" denotes a fully voiceless plain stop like our "п" or like English "spot" while "p" denotes a voiceless aspirated stop like in English "pot" so the difference is only in aspiration?
That's just spaced repetition albeit
besides English, what language has the best memes/internet culture?
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Hello friends and niggers whats up time to learn some german so i can acquire hot bavarian gf
wake tf up and do your anki reps
virgin anki slave vs chad native language content enjoyer
Japanese and South Korean have some kind of very distinct internet cultures I bet
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Ich bin sehr einsam, Kumpeln...
>t. took 5 years of watching peppa pig to finally understand native content made for toddlers
>watching peppa pig instead of youtube/bilibili/anime/Dostoevsky
How long did it take you to understand peppa pig with your ankitarding?
I woke up and just reviewed my 200 french cards
>Anki reviewing
>Immersing with content
very effective
>Immersing and then using anki to reinforce new words
braindead retarded
You lost
wenn ich nach Deutschland reise, wird Olaf mir ein putziges gebräuntes Mädel zuweisen? Ehrlich gesagt stehe ich auf von Nordafrika und dem Nahosten abstammende Frauen, im besonderen wenn sie verwestlicht sind oder zumindest ein bisschen. Hab kein Bock darauf, sich mit einer verschleierten Muslime zu verabreden.
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Kiel estas mia eterne komenca Esperanto?
There are multiple italians in this thread.
There is only 1 Italian in this thread.
The winter climate is extremely destructive to my mental well-being. I was at one point in the process of moving to South Africa because of this.
If I worked completely remotely I would 100% move to Cape Town
Normalerweise bevorzuge ich europäische Mädeln, die das europäischer Charakteristiken haben, aber ehrlich gesagt, ich habe nicht das Recht wählerisch zu sein.
Pick a better country, south africa has been on the verge of civil war for years.
I go there every year. Cheap country, cheap labour, great food. On a European salary you can live like a king.
One thing is going there as a vacation and another is moving. For the latter you have to take give a greater weight to political risk, which in south africa is great.
gilt für mich auch. Pingelig bei Frauen zu sein ist ein Luxus, das ich mir nicht leisten kann
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Wünschst du irgendwann mal, du konntest Alles neu anfangen?
>Pingelig bei Frauen zu sein ist ein Luxus, das ich mir nicht leisten kann
Einfach nicht hässlich sein.
시작할 줄 몰라, 그리고 한국어를 말하기 두려울 것 같아. 아직도 실수를 너무 많이 하다가 생각해.
>let slip that I play an instrument at the Korean church I visit
>now they want me to perform this Friday
Looks like no TL study for me this week, haha..
>어떻게 시작해야 될지 잘 모르겠거든. 한국어 말하는게 좀 두렵기도 하고. 너무 실수를 많이 하는 거 같기도 하고.
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boah das ist mir nie im Leben eingefallen. Definitiv einen Versuch wert.

Ich sehne mich fast jeden Tag auf meine Jugend zurück. Damals war ich mit diesem hübschen sportlichen Mädchen von dem Golf-Team und wir haben knutscht usw. Traurig ist es aber auch nicht zu widerlegen dass Ich den Höchststand meines Liebeslebens als Jugendlicher erreicht hab. Mit der Uni ist alles rapid schiefgegangen und stand jetzt hege ich enorme Zweifel daran, ob es noch überhaupt zu retten ist. Kann mich kaum ausdenken, von einer Frau geliebt zu werden. Manchmal muss sich man einfach ergeben und die weiße Flagge hochhissen. Am Ende des Tages hab ich zumindest Deutsch was mir nie wehgetan hat.
See, now imagine embarassing myself outputting.
Well that goes without saying. You're trying to get to the point where mistakes become minimal
한국어 실력을 향상하고 싶다면 잘못 많이 하게 되겠지
Understandable. I don't like winter myself.
Which countries are you considering?
한각어 만하고 끔찍한 한국어를 견디는 사람이 어디에 찾을 수 있어? 여기는 한국인이 거의 없어.
>Am Ende des Tages hab ich zumindest Deutsch was mir nie wehgetan hat.
Ich fühle das
왠지 한국말을 배우는 사람 너무 많은데? 작년 아무도 없었다
내 회사가 한국 재벌에 속해서 때때로 한국 떨기나무글 나와. 그래서 그냥 배우기 시작했어.
음.. 한국어 수업을 하는 곳을 찾아봐요. 폴란드 안에 하나도 없으면, 아마도 앱 사용해봐
너무 지루해, 인터넷에서 익명 사람들을 방해하기 무척 더 재미있어
한국 회사에 일하면 한국지사로 방문을 생각해 본 적이 있나요?
damn didn't realize we had this many korean learners.
알았어. 인터넷에는 그런 사람이 어디 찾아볼 줄 몰라
아직 두 번 한국에 출장을 했지만 그때 언어를 절대 몰랐어.
>아직 두 번 한국에 출장
아 부럽네~ 아직도 갈 적이 없다
I've missed you, Esperanto-learning Vietbro. You're the first regular I remember since I first started posting in /lang/
무슨 부분이 방문했나?
우리 호텔은 강남에 있었어. 구경을 많이 안 했은데, 서울에서 어디나 언덕들이 있어서 산책을 여러 번 했어.
Duolingo was the first method I tried and yeah, it has a ton of material, yeah, it's not as "boring" as a lot of the other stuff, but I never made any progress. I could have kept using that app for 2 years minimum with the amount of content it had but I realized I was wasting my time.

I still used their podcast though, they spoke slowly and gave a transcript, and it's fun seeing the crazy wacky stories that come out of the spanish-speaking world. I'd typically listen to 1 podcast episode a day, using the transcript when I didn't understand anything. After that I'd write down 20 words I didn't know and write their definitions, coming back the next day to write them again. You could probably use Anki to do this but there was something fun about writing them.
Any chinese speakers? What do you use the language for?
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He killed millions...
capire cosa dice il parrucchiere
Well life happened and I got quite depressed from college stuffs. I'm trying my best though. I paid for that uploaded illustration to keep myself normal and it is composed of what I have been in love so far in this world.
Il videogioco diventerà più difficile dopo ogni livello.
Ci piace molti giocando i videogiochi multiplayer.
Il personaggio raccoglie le monete e poi guadagna più delle abilità.

I videogiochi hanno un ruolo importantissimo nella industria di divertimento, attirando milliardi di persone dal mondo intero.

I give up. It's over.
Eh, anche per me è un po' questa la massima estensione dell'utilità della lingua... Aimè, tanti anni di studio buttati...
Me gusta jugar a videojuegos con mis amigos
Cuál es tu consola de juegos favorita
Este juego tiene excelente gráfica

El juego vuelve más difícil después de terminar cada nivel
A mucha gente les gusta jugar online a juegos multiplayer
El personaje recoge monedas y gana nuevas habilidades.

Los videojuegos han vuelto en una parte importante de la industria de entretenimiento, atrayendo millones de jugadores en todo el mundo.
Algunos juegos ofrecen ambientes open world, permitiendo a los jugadores explorar libremente y completar misiones en cualquier orden.
A menudo los jugadores profesionales participan en torneos de esport, compitiendo para ganar gruesos premios y reconocimiento internacional.
I've just come across one of the most grandma obsession on our English learning forum in South Korea

This is the translation
>Il videogioco diventerà più difficile dopo ogni livello.
This one is good
>Il personaggio raccoglie le monete e poi guadagna più delle abilità.
sblocca nuove abilità
>Ci piace molti giocando i videogiochi multiplayer.
This is actually unintelligible.
One of the most obsessive grammar babbling*

Sorry It's late in South Korea so I'm also making babbling
I will learn Vietnamese in your honor
(sorry that was a lie I will not learn a single tonal language in my lifetime besides Mandarin)
>what lack of input does to a motherfucker
I did dreaming Spanish today
Those types of Koreans can read scientific papers written in English but can't ask simple questions like 'How have you been?'
Molti piacciono a giocare i videogiochi multiplayer??
that guy is kind of retarded
A molti piace giocare a videogiochi multiplayer
No need to learn anything because of me. Just enjoy inputting whatever you like.
frères américains...
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Reminder to be methodical instead of analytical, be analytical as little as possible for something like this. It's like a job, you go in, you work 8 hours, you go home, you get paid. The meetings are there to iron out problems, but too many meetings slow things down, and if things are working you don't even need meetings.
Analytical thinkers
>Hmmm, I wonder how I could improve my learning
>Guys, is it really worth it to learn this, will I really be able to language-pussy-brain-maxx with this setup?
>Ah, I feel like I've done a lot of work today (has spent 2 hours lurking /lang/ and other language sites, merely 1 hour of practice that day)
>That was a good youtube video in my TL, now time to move on to some reading
>That was a good hour of reading, now time for anki
>That was a good anki session, now time to music-goon
>Ehhh, who cares if it's not efficient, I'll review it at the end of the month
This is seriously one of the most retarded things I've ever seen in any language-learning discussion on the internet. This person needs to face some kind of punishment for this level of derangement. It goes far beyond not knowing something and seeking an answer. Sometimes reason can't fix a lack of reason. Sometimes people need to face consequences for being stuck in a degenerate mental loop.
this sort of shit ain't it brah
I agree. Sometimes you just need to put in work and figure out if it's worth doing things the same way after a while. Too many people are looking for a method that solves everything for them. Doing things the slightly inefficient way, realising your mistake and moving on is part of the process. It's inherent inefficiency but still the most efficient way.
tu lis des documents sur la sorcellerie et le savoir occulte du dixneuvième siècle pour faire de l'input, n'est-ce pas vrai, anon?
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Arrière, Satan ! Eloigne-toi de moi!
I think sustainability is more important than efficency for language learnering
It seems like there are a lot of people who try to pick the most efficient method but then burn out because it sucks
Anki is so brutally efficient you can fuck around the rest of the time and you'll still learn much faster than anyone not using it.
It's really bothering me that spanish has llave and clave as two different words. How pedantic.
>Try learning German for a year
>There is quite literally nothing you can do with the language
Should I learn Turkish or Arabic instead?
But why would you WANT to learn Turkish or Arabic? Realistically an asian language is gonna be just as hard, but you won't have to interact with arabs or turks. You already have the power language combo of Spanish + English so you're near-maxx usefulness, at this point it's probably just better to pick up languages you like instead of "useful" ones.

For me personally I would never learn an arab language, never learn an african language, and never learn indian languages. I never intend to go there or talk with any of those people don't know why anyone would.
Yeah, so that's where it comes down to being methodical. You do the anki every day. That's the method, then you add in what you think you need and just do it without worrying about how effective it is.
Do you seriously think you'll be able to do more with Turkish or Arabic? Are you Muslim? If yes, then I guess you'll get more out of it than German, but otherwise you can do a lot more with German. They have a lot of books and literature, so get reading. Finding German speakers is probably easier in the US than Mexico though. If Turkish is a reference to the Turks in Germany, they will speak German better than you.

lyrics for the first song
I don't care too much about actual usefulness because English is the only language I'll need professionally, but I do want to have something to do with the language I'm learning.
German speakers are few, and they use English anyway, so there aren't many people to practice with. This is the same for online content and music, since most well-known German artists sing in English, and YouTubers do exactly the same.
I can't think of any place I can find German content without forcing myself to go do very specific discord servers or subreddits.
Honestly, I'll never go out of my way to read Hegel or some shit in their native language.

I was thinking of learning Turkish because they actually produce good music and a lot of cheesy tv series. On the other hand, Arabic is widely spoken and may even have more online content, music, communities, etc.
>German speakers are few
Found the lyrics for the second song in the comment of this video

What do you think, can I Russianmaxx by singing Old Believers chants?
>Studied 122 cards in 18.48 minutes today (9.09s/card)
>Again count: 65 (46.7% correct)
Not getting any easier. Leeches are piling up too. Trust the process etc
Lang? And maybe you have to add something else in, can you see the ones you're getting wrong every time? It might help you to actually write them down with a pen and paper. Lower than 50% is still abysmally low, though, granted you're only doing 9 seconds a card.

Try picturing what's on the card in your head if the card is so difficult. It will give you at least a vague idea whenever you see it.
They don't have only Hegel. They have all sorts of genres. Discord servers and Reddit is probably what you have to do for most languages, but I wish you luck on your next language.
Just give up on language learning desu
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i believe in inpoot theory but im still going to minmaxx grammar before inpooting
am i retarded?
Yeah and generally grammar gooners are. You retain it better when it actually makes sense for you, if the concept has nothing to hold onto it's forgotten easier.
You'd remember the grammar rules if you saw them, got confused by them, then looked them up. Just reading through some grammar books for 10-20 minutes a day makes sense, but doing it before input doesn't. It's supplemental and not really something to focus on for the majority of languages.
does anki count as inpoot?
Probably not but it doesn't matter and there's no point getting that autistic with any of this. Vocab, grammar, input, all of it is needed and you just balance whatever you think works best. The category literally does not matter.

And yes, you still do need to listen to someone speaking or read some basic low-level stuff even if you're doing anki.
that's too much chaos, i need order, i'm autistic.
Japanese. This is most likely because there's 3 steps to learning a word rather than the usual 2 in alphabet languages.

And to be fair, it's mostly all the abstract words I can't get a proper picture of in my head. Like, "Just as I expected" or, similar If it's a noun or a verb, my retention is much higher. I imagine when I start being able to do input (I'm on 500 words now so it's still way too much of a struggle) these concepts will stick.
To add onto this, anki even counts as grammar for me. I have a deck that has sentences and phrases in it. When I do my anki I try to see what rules are applying for these phrases, I catch the conjugations (like everyone does)
It's not direct grammar lessons, but anki has actually been more effective for me for teaching me conjugations than any grammar book has.

Maybe, those base concepts a lot of times are harder. It is pretty normal to get tripped up by the "catch-all" or concept words. They can mean so many things and apply to so many things that it's hard to recognize how they're being used, it comes with practice.

I'd just write them down by hand and try to get to 60-70% minimum. 50% really is too low.
just red le histoire de babar
so basically i am fluent now
If it's 50% on all cards including learning new ones, I think it's fine. It basically means he's spamming cards quickly until they stick. No?
>German speakers are few, and they use English anyway
You got to go to their pocket of the internet.
I remember the cartoon. Not sure how faithful it is to the book, but I found the concept stupid when I was a kid.
Got any recommendations outside of the cringe that is r/ichiel and zoomer Youtubers?
Very large German presence on X. Reddit is reddit but sometimes read /r/DePi which is like a not pc version of r/de. Also, sometimes I just read through youtube comments and get in back and forths there. ZDF leaves their comment sections open unlike Tageschau. Sometimes I like to watch Compact.de on youtube too. They are a pretty popular schizo boomer right wing magazine/news outlet. Can be amusing; they/their audience hate us amis and love russia.

I also like Formula 1 so I watch Motersport.de and Formel1.de on youtube.
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How do you say strawberry in your TL?
la fresa
die Erdbeere
Interesting recommendations. Thanks a ton.
>Il ne fallait pas mettre "le roi des Juifs", mais "Cet homme a dit : Je suis le roi des Juifs."
>Pliate répliqua : Ce que j'ai écrit restera écrit.

John has some kino moments. I have now read all the Gospels in French. Onto Acts. Bit worried Paul is gonna filter me hard later.
How can I become fluent in Spanish as someone living in the American south and is it even worth it?I've been practicing on Duolingo but want to maintain motivation. Are there any cartoons or anime worth watching in Spanish dub?
Yeah, but that isn't good. There are methods you can do to improve that 50% catch rate, it's all subjective but I wouldn't want to lose 50% of the work I did.
Spamming them quickly but with just a tiny bit more of work / context would probably significantly increase the capture rate. Basically 50% might leave you feeling vague and unconfident when you encounter a word, this isn't good. You need to be able to react fast, even without context. 50% simply isn't good enough, and adding in just a little bit more work to get it to an acceptable number is probably ideal.
>Is it even worth it?
The most "worth it' language for any american to learn unless you have some local language stronger than it.
>Cartoons or anime
I watched d'artican y los tres musqueperros, it was okay. It was light enough at least to not be annoying or insufferable, and it was still made by nips. It's also a culturally relevant movie, as spanish people are obsessed with the 3 musketeers. Also I want to fuck Juliette even if she is retarded.
Thinking about learning European Spanish so I can flex on the beaner mowing my yard. Thoughts?
He won't see it as a flex
I feel like one of my decks is leeching hard and I don't know why, I just can't remember it that well
I think I'm going to start using sentence cards again for it
Spanish hasn't changed since 1500. Your Spanish accent will only make you sound stupid and is incredibly easy to mimic.
Why did you all miss this very important post?
Nevertheless, did you know German "mister" and Russian "dick" sound the same? No shit anons, I'm not trolling.
what about telanovella?
des fraises
What the fuck I know Russian now???
Zoomer can speak English but can't speak his mother tongue. Many such cases.
Probably Japanese

If you're referring to words like 何も、何でも、気質、性格、性質 etc, that are similar and you're not sure what the difference is, or words like つまり、とにかく、 it's best to solve that problem through more immersion.

If you're struggling with the same words because of kanji, I'd recommend looking the kanji up in Jisho so you know what each radical is and can recognize it easier. I've done that with words like 解消 that kept tripping me up.

I'm around 5k words so I can give more advice if you say what specific words you're having trouble with.

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