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Slepless night edition


absolutely based
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I had to laugh hard at the fact that Balkans is synonymous to poor backward shithole to the rest of the world.
my immunity is unnegatable
These don't work.

t. have been intentionally leaving them replyless for over a decade
evil creature
Good news guys, I just masturbated so I will cease horny posting.
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>Romanian and his son enter Bulgaria illegally
>start to fell trees illegally
>police arrive
>Romanian attacks police with motor chainsaw
>gets shot

Can't think how bad the situation will be when the Danube freezes over.
>from one haram into the next
Holy fuck that's tragic.

There is no god
During september Russia has send 15 million euro cash to Moldova in order to bribe arround 30k+ moldovians to vote against joining EU.
My current lifestyle makes me not boywife material. If I stayed at home and got government Gibson I would have invested into clothing and cosmetics but now I have to wage cuck as a regular guy.

I will save 1K every month. By next year I will have saved enough money to go to Turkey and get some work done. I can boost myself by a whole 1-2 points and I will be able to lure all balkmaymoons into my bedbroom.
yмpи мaмa ти дeeбa мизepнa гъpбaвa
how to apply for the gibs? i'll vote against too
They could have given 20 dollars of that money to krasnoblyatsk to set his life straight.
spelling mistake
completely give up RIGHT NOW

live by the truck, die by the truck
Ummm sweety. If you want me to die you can do it yourself. We can meet up at a nice secluded place and you can do whatever you want to me. C:
>ywn make serres tranny your eromenos
Why even live
>you can do whatever you want to me
translation - fuck me in ass daddy :3
is it obsession hours?
Bro you are obsessed with bulgaria 24 hours a day
20 bucks, nigga. Imagine the endless opportunities.
No he can kill me I don't mind
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mangal's dream, unironically

That probably buys the shack in Gületürkvechik
mommy sends you lollipops and you break her heart like this
If its about 20 dolars i guess we can make a balk fundraising and give it to him.

I doubt money go to regular citizen and peasants, they end up to people who have political influence like mayors, bishops, civil servants etc like a pyramidal scheme, regular citizens will end up with maybe 200euros per capita
>make a balk fundraising
That would assume we want to help the little orc and we don't.
Mommy was going through my closet one time and found my books on makeup and she called me a tranny and I cried in my bed for 3 hours

I could feed one person's neglected child with those money
irl mango would be running after the batkas trying to get them to read his books
So true!!!!
abe dzanki manki giou will fry giour mprain
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Mango's dream
Take 2 bro
What makes you wanna use lsd?
What are the effects you see different collors dilating and things like this?
Bumgaria bro, the word a 10 year old with autism and low iq would consider funny. It says bum bro hahahahahaha
The effects are not only visual. With the correct dosage and music, you can perceive the energy grid of ever-ecstatic and ever-omniscient consciousness that underlies all being in the universe.
deranged fetish hiding up makeup books for the sole purpose of having them found so you can get berated by mommy
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haha, suffer

>no sound
Very Christian-coded!
I have nothing else to take except lyrica and benzos which I already take but at relatively therapeutic doses (although lyrica is great recreationally)

I'll take one more now 3 hours after the initial dose for the lulz even if it's late I have plenty of benzos to kill the trip whenever I want
what do you think bum even means bro?
polubranian on PMS (pre-monday syndrome)
I have like hundreds of books at home, I ran out of space so I out them into my closet tucked in between some old Montgomery Ward Catalogs and my Mary Quant books. I never gave it much thought.

She was cleaning (and she likes to go through my stuff I think) and she was like "whaaaAaat's dis?! LOL, fucken troon"

And I was rlly sad because 99% of my books are about history, philosophy, and war. But you have one book that's not a traditionally male topic and suddenly you are an abortion of a male.

Not cool.
Those concepts are abstract and beyond logic&reallity.

I thought lsd is better to use with friends at a party or something but not alone in your room, can develope paranoia.
I would not consider LSD a party drug. Some people combine it with MDMA for parties.
You know I could go into explicit details about my fantasies but I won't because everyone will be judgemental so it's best I leave it up to your fantasies.also, what anime is that? Reminds me of Berserk.
Look at this plannermaxxer.
This was in my recommended but I ignored it since I am in my 30s.
hoarding disorder, public insecurity, potentially rough ethnik mommy?
an image is emerging
Damn i hate worldy life so much
>having hundreds of books is a disorder
Insane if you actually believe this. Hitler's personal library had thousands of books and he annotated profusely.

What image is coming into your mind?
>let's see if you're a good goy and watch this bibeo till the end - a lil reward for you - that means you're in the muh nority
>be a producer rather than a consoomer. but watch this video till the end, goy
Hitler didn't have hard drives and every book in the world accessible one or two clicks away
bro, we already established mango's existence came to be because he wants to fuck his father
Having physical books is much better than staring at a screen and much easier on the eyes.
I am afraid to respond to people because I could be giving Yous to Mangal.
Get fucked by his father*
t. non-plannerhuman
What's wrong with giving me (you)s?
never have encountered such a complex. usually the father is either post-sexual oblivious boomer dommed by wife or absent
you require physical intricacies for a book on makeup?
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MDMA and generally empathogens are obviously great being with others unless you're a bunch of losers like the majority of us

Lyrica in large doses also acts like an empathogen and it can get really addictive/habit forming like benzos but pregabalin actually gives you euphoria instead, pain-o-soma carisoprodol which I've tried were the bomb, I took them 1000-1500mg at a time but they reminded me like the first times I tried Lyrica in big doses without a tolerance
Bro half the thread posts about the american turk getting fucked, how he is getting fucked and by who he is getting fucked. Maybe its time you closeted fags take a good look in the mirror because he is mentioning dicks less often than you.
When I'm the ENTJ fascist dictator of the Balkans, I will pour millions into the IT departments of all government services

Waiting in line in some institution with subhumans will be a thing of the past
Probably even better than lyrica but 1)they last max 4 hours compared to 12-16 hours+ of lyrica and 2) your tolerance skyrockets with them
Paper pushing busyworkers will sentence you to death by a thousand papercuts, bro
I don't think I've ever wanted someone to OD more in my life
>you require physical intricacies for a book on makeup
There are scarcely any scans on antiquitarian cosmetic book. If there were, you'd have to pay for them. Those are quite rare. Much more rare than my 100 chud books.
80IQ retards believe that a fully digital administration is possible or desirable.
Cant you just be normal and not use drugs ?
>you closeted fags
Lotta projection in this post, xpozie. Everyone here is openly gay, even King of Gays has become mellower since his coming out.
Sashe's F20 is krasnocykas $20
It's okay just bring up 20th century history and I will change the subject immediately.
I'll just make them jannies for the websites
I don't care if they suck off the government teat, I just want to fill the form out at home unbothered by the gypsy odors
Imagine the 0 accountability when a gyppo calls an institution to ask how to fill out a form through his phone and the info agent is an AI that can't understand broken gyppo speech.
Imagine the loss of records.
I mean 130k+
that implies he has $20, bro
fair enough, couldn't you pilpul your mother like this instead of crying like a bitch for 3 hours?
I've become mellower because all of you have ousted as sad freaks. I take no enjoyment out of punching down.
So noble!
>he does not support Z or simps for a churka from asia like me so he better dies
Look at mommas little boy that never got to grow up and understand the world does not spin around him.
He should die for being a degenerate dope fiend
thank you, only befitting of a king
Quintuple backups with 'lach tecnology solves that problem

You'd have to wait for all boomers to die off and for gipi / shipi and timmydonian average IQ to be in the triple digits for that first, bro. Maybe in another 50 years
It seems to have developed an addictive personality with drugs and lately gambling which is even more concerning and I need to stop it
the more you keep going in circles the more insufferable you will become as a person.
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Diagnosed depressive episode which I would call major depressive episode and I'm trying to get a diagnosis for either autism or schizoid personality disorder in this shitohole since these two fit me really well, I just want a formal diagnosis and I'm not sure if rehab treatment and psychotherapy would help much because I've read schizoids are difficult to deal with in general, sometimes paranoid which isn't always the case but I can't explain
>gipi / shipi and timmydonian average IQ to be in the triple digits for that first
Just say it's not happening bro
Also with your obsession with being diagnosed with autism, why do you care that much? How the fuck would your life change even if you had an official diagnosis from a hack doctor?
You would still live your life the same way and the vast majority of people have a touch of tism and cna functionnormally, i think your issues are different. Don't think you can develop an addictive personality either, you are either born with it or you aren't, how was your childhood?
He has it but he can't spend it or he will not have it anymore. It's all he has.
So hot, I need to rape some random bitch
2 more weeks and boomers will be forever young. Get fucked zoomeroids.
Imagine forcing pipo to sign every document they submit with a digital signature. Niggas would be losing their thumbstick key all the time the same way they lose the keys to dey crib and their IDs. 3DS payments already overheat niggas brains and boomers refuse to do online banking out of fear of scammers stealing all they 500 EUR salary.
I didn't cry for 3 hours it was more like half an hour and I just stayed in my bed for the rest if the time. And no because the question is why I would have such books in the first place. There have been similar cases where I was sent womens' fashion magazines because my credentials were on some website and my mom checked the mail and that was another "lol" moment for her.

My entire family was convinced I was faglord before I even graduated high-school and I keep my (((feminine))) side a secret but after NEETing for years and getting myself a little bit of cash the mask started to slip and little details about my life just slip through the cracks and even my mom says that I'm actually a completely different person from what I present.

Coming here was also very blackpilling. Everyone I made friends with said I was a fag. Even the zoomer girls called me a femboy (hate that word). Called my old friends a while ago back in the states. They jokingly asked if I trooned out (I never talked about shit like this to any of them).

So yes, I got blackpilled. I realized genetics are basically your destiny and people essentially end up becoming like how they look like. My only hope for not being mistaken as some kind of onahole would have been going to the gym for a year and injecting myself with testosterone. This is not something which I wanted to do so I decided to embrace the faggyness. Not openly, but in my personal life—which will eventually leak out to the public anyway.
I don't know what I'm doing at this point so rehab either public or private is inevitable and the main thing I want is a team of 2-3-4 psychiatrists and psychologists to pretty much confirm I have what I have and give me a piece of toilet paper saying that with my name and a signature and stamp

Last private psychiatrist I visited 3 times literally told me "yes you seem to have symptoms and traits of both autism and schizoid personality disorder (after telling him of course) but you can't get diagnosed because you're an adult"

what kind of backwardsd shitohole is this with such mentality
really shouldn't come by surprise from the usual shit I see every time in this shitohole
Just put the chip in the hand, lil bro
>digital signature.
I open gimp and sign my name on the PDF file
I win
say no more
>all da mark af da biist comments and christcucks doing the equivalent of astaghfirullah self-soothing chants under every chip video
It would just explain some things in my life and I want it for my self basically, I want to have the paper to stare at it whenever I want to possibly come in peace with it but I doubt it really, it seems to be more complicated that I can even think of and only a team of properly professionals would be able to determine what's going on, call me hypochondriac I don't care, it's clear as day to me that something is off with me and it could be very possibly be schizoid along with autism because they share too many same symptoms
And I know it's become an obsession but I can't really help it if you mostly keep it on yourself
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>the hand
Those are rookie notions. Directly in the cerebral cortex, what could possibly go wrong?
Xhey right doe
did we bomb odesa (formerly known as odessa) today
what caused polubrainian to randomly jump into thread and obsess over me harder than ever before
This little junkie weasel is desperately looking for drug money, bro

It thinks that if some doctor some point gives him a good diagnosis, he will take it to KEPA (disability assessment and certification center) and they will grant him monthly gibs. But this will never happen and he'll rot alive.

Such is the life of the albanian waste that is the junkie posting under my flag
and you would want them not to call you that? that would be the ideal world? but would you still be this way in it?
I still dont know which flag is that
Perilous times have come!
Anyway I will play some GTA V on the xbox 360 since I've given away my original Xbox ONE which I've bought almost when it was released for 320 through a bundle, anyway this little cunt cousin enjoys a much better console than me but can't hate me

My computer broke down and I didn't bother fixing it, it needs a complete rebuilt anyway except the PSU or either a laptop which would only be a second hand if I want one for gaming
ok but you already talked about rehab, so now is the time for action. either do it or don't, but if you chose not to you should stop talking about any of this and suck it up. the more you linger the worse it gets
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bottom of the balk iceberg lore
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Am I having a deja vu moment or is the LSDreek posting the same shit over and over again like sashizo? I swear I've read the same shit a few times.
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I am not looking for gibs you piece of cunt kelly shit mother fucker

I know in order to get gibs in this shitohole you have to be seemed handicapped or retarded aka below 70 IQ, which I'm not, my IQ according to a recent WAIS-IV IQ test was 107 and it was during a period I really wasn't doing drugs in general

So fuck off cunt Kelly I hope your blonde hair comes down
Why is xhe so fragile bros?
Poverty and the bad climate in Siberia.

>enter Bulgaria illegally

EU free movement within
>30 stories on sashe's insta
madman actually delivered
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I definitely have to be "hospitalised" either in a rehab or whatever under the supervision of psychiatrists and psychologists and I just want a formal diagnosis in this fourth world piece of shit hell of a country, that's all

Pic related pretty much makes sense of some things I claim and think to be a reality
Give a low IQ person an inexhaustible amount of mind altering drugs and you get Saschizo
It's not about what people do or don't call me. I don't really mind if it's the truth. I took it offensively because it's not the image I try to evoke to people, in fact I don't try to evoke any image to people. I just keep to myself and that's it. Despite all my efforts at being non-descript normies still form their opinions on me and expect me to act a certain way. So fine, if people expect me to act a certain way then I will just go ahead and embrace it. I think it will lead to overall better integration of ego and allow me to live a far more stress free life than conforming to my own patriarchal ideas. I'm not killing my virtues per say, but I am externalizing them in the hopes of allowing myself to live better. I have enough stressors in my life. Larping as a chad is not another one that I need, since if I were to be honest with myself I would have to come to terms with the fact that I am a passive and high maintenance person who can easily spiral into negative emotions.
why did you run away and delete your posts when I told you that me, bobo krtolica and mangal are coming to beat your ass? pussy lol
>sashe made a vid on pegging
Since a kid i have had high iq
Link it, king
>waah waah my iq is too high for gibs
>waah waah i have issues why won't the state give me gibs because i take drugs

rofl you little turd, you're albanian, like the little weasel you are and your supposed smart brain you would have moved abroad long ago to find the money for your addiction but it seems like you're in the limbo status where your only official travel paper is the albanian toilet paper passport which takes you nowhere near the golden gibs goose tutorial countries

so you'll keep living here and keep rotting alive hahahahahaha

This is my new anthem guys!
his 2nd vlog from bottom to top
If that's all he wante di wonder why he gambled all those 42k euros that he apparently won.
Why do i keep losing my shit?
Rasha BTFO forever
Are you really albanian?
Unfortunately they're not inexhaustible. In some months I'll get a substantial amount of money which I will have to protect by not wasting it

It's around 12k euros which isn't much

With this I'll either build a nice gaming rig or get a gaming laptop, put at least 2-3k euros of it into kaspa hoping it will x50 or something and idk then, I mean by then I would have a diagnosis which is all I'm asking fot at this point and for a long time

I might sound paranoid but I don't think I'm, have in mind I'm under the influence at least 300μg LSD alone but I've always done drugs alone so it's not something new to me, it's just that I haven't tripped oj acid for around 3 years except yesterday and today

Oh and from that money 500-1000 euros will definitely go in a nice stash of cheap drugs like speed, MDMA, ketamine, meth (even though I've not tried it), some heroin maybe, carisoprodol pills and hash so things stackup so do the prices for all these since as I said I don't see a sober future ever or any time soon
What made you like this?
Kelly you really seem to be on the low 2 number IQ levels

Did I ever ask for any "gibs" or even "benefits" from the state? I know I can't get these because I'm deemed "too functional" in their eyes, I just want a piece of paper with signatures on it confirming whatever the shit I have

And no I'm not an immigrant as your 6"3 blonde ass expected and hoped me to be, I have an idea of where the gibs and benefits go in this shitohole (a significant percentage seems to be going to the gypsies as anyone knows)
Bad decision took in a bad tine that caused chain reaction
you do mind even if it's the truth, ain't nothing undignified about coming to terms with this. only poseurs have ever spawned out of the apathetic act. and to double down on it? it's just an absurd logic, even you know how stereotypical that is. Whatever must be, let it at least be honest and without pretense.
No both my parents are Greeks and their parents are Greeks and the families are Greek as far as back I can go. Where did you even suspend that I might be Albanian if I didn't even mention such a thing?

What made me like what?
That's not kelly, that's the attican, you live in Athens tood on't you? Maybe you should meet up and solve your differences like that
Its blogposting hours
I think only actual retards are proud of modern countries.
From >>203114480 saying you're an albo obviously, please pay attention

>What made me like what?
OCD, paranoid and a junkie
skase skyle prezoni xameno kormi, pigene pisw stin alvania re xaivani
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I was completely blacked out back then and basically lost control over yourself and your actions, play stupid games win stupid prizes

I should come to the realization that I won't ever be this lucky again going from 50 euros to 42k euros so I should stop gambling all together but it's literally everywhere, especially in the TV and on the internet, Poland has taken action against it and I think has completely banned gambling which is a pretty good thing for the society, something similar to either prohibiting tobacco or putting huge taxes on tobacco so less people will eventually smoke like Australia has done along with the UK if I'm not wrong
That's why I'm only proud of my grandad Alexander the Great
they digitalized every service here and also tripled paper pushers
nobody knows where they put them

lol, you're such a self-hating little wuss
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>prohibiting tobacco or putting huge taxes on tobacco so less people will eventually smoke like Australia has done along with the UK if I'm not wrong
This will indeed work, not like everyone is going to buy from black market lol
I think that's kelly or someone with connections with Kelly or at the very least influenced by Kelly's ignorance so I don't care much about what both of kelly and attican if he's really a thing and he's just not kelly larping as usual
That's why I'm proud of my grandad Temujin and my other Tatar grandpa whom he defeated, and also of my chink grandpa who fought Temujin, too.
I mean obviously there will always be supply when there is demand in both legal, grey and black markets
ur fuckin gay u homo
Nah the attican is capable of actually holding a converation and has more to him than simply being obsessed with Sashko and Iki.
Kelly is not the only greek here.
And I'm this open with all these because I know in what kind of piece of shit hole I live so I really don't care hahaha
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The only real reason you want to know who is behind a post is so you can insult them with weaknesses they've shown in the past rather than address the arguments in their posts
Ironic that you would be against smoking but at the same time you take deeply addictive opioids that will likely kill you in the next few years if you don't stop soon.
They are doing the same shit in all of EU increasing taxes on tobacco but that won't stop anyone and the money from said taxes doesn't even go to healthcare but to some politician instead.
But someone that has weaknesses is automatically wrong so it ends up being correct heuristic anyways
if I wanted that I would frequent namefagging media
Judging by his language I'm pretty sure he's worth to have a conversation with haha

Attican, if you're even a thing, what's your problem? I'm from Attica as well so how should I be named? I would prefer a name not related to drugs or drug use and since I'm not sure if I'll live in Attica for much longer, I'm not sure what name to give to myself, what do y'all think?
At least you can't be hacked bro, since you are 80 years behind in technology
You are wrong because you're Albanian, Catholic and from Montenegro
my yataghan will be the judge of that
bro your country is the definition of a country being wrong
Sorry bro you already have a name here and it's "junkie" it's the same name you had for years and you cant blame us since that's all you posted about for several years
Where do you plan to go?
stop seething bro
let me copy paste this from my non-existent psychology folder while eating pringles
you thought daddy was cool so you wanted to be a manly man, until you realized you were a skinny little bitch
you couldn't be assed to get better you used the classic it can't be done excuse lazy bitches love and started your /pol/yp homolust phase since if you couldn't be the manly man you'd suck the dick of one and larp as le spiritual masculine tradwarrior
this directly contradicts your hilarious internal worldview of masculine = good, feminine = bad which led to your progressive mental degradation until you fled to fucking bulgaria to larp as an insurrectionist while getting bummed
in your mind you think you're wrong, which is why nobody will ever take you seriously

a woman's arguments are irrelevant
I value a makkke's posts more than mango's since a makkke thinks he's 100% right even when he's wrong
I'm not like that, every addiction is bad, I recognize that

It's just that the "society" has become a piece of shit pretending everything is going fine while it's not, I guess these are the supposedly called normies? I would rather lose 20 poits from IQ to become an NPC normie getting pleasure from stupid netflix series and having to deal with a femoid which ugh I can't even imagine how someone can handle average women the way they've been transformed today
That's just your schizophrenia bro
I doubt the option was ever even in the table
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i need a job where i do nothing, i don't care about the pay
Security private company thats the closest job to doing nothing i can think of
spicy pringles are too spicy

indecipherable post
>i do nothing
IT is waiting for you bro
I really don't like the word "junkie" because it's more of an insult than an actual name and it's a proven medical condition as it should be so drug addiction should be treated like an addiction and not as a crime and with a stigma, always talking about normal situations, not stuff that's going on in the streets of many US cities and elsewhere

The truth is that these most of these people do have a medical condition and are left on their own completely especially in countries like the US so that's why you see so many homeless and drug addicts there, since they kick them out their homes at the age of 18, many of these households were problematic to begin with so the conditions in these households obviously affected the people on them and then they were just kicked out and left on their own

I know I'm talking about extreme cases but maybe this seems to be the case in the US and around the world. Unresolved trauma is obviously a main cause of people going nuts in my opinion
No, I don't mind if it's the truth because it's not something for me to be offended over. My sexuality was not even something I particularly paid attention to until other people brought it up because I am at an age where single sexless males are a redflag for any normie circle. Normies do occam's razor and just assume I am a faget in the closet when in reality my personality is simply not compatible with the overwhelming majority of people. Even a fellow mentally ill lone wolf schizo found me insufferable, whereas the people who I'm supposed to like— would just see me as an insufferable faggot, and the typical leftoid/anarchist crowd would see me as authoritarian and intolerant. Ironically I respect most the people who can flat out say "ew dumb faggot" because they are going against the contemporary zeitgeist.

Anyway, the fruits of all this gish galop is me saying people tend to be part of a 'crowd'. They assume you are a part of a 'crowd'. Individuals don't exist, it's your group which defines you. I have no group so I'm trying and failing to make my own group which is antagonistic to contemporary values.

In this process of making friends due to the basis of mutual shared interests, I came out as a failure. However, during this process I discovered psychosexual characteristics which can make people attracted to me thus allowing a basis for a group to be formed.

So, I have an image of a certain target demographic I intend to consume. Essentially lonely incels that hate the world. I discovered that I cannot build relationships with lonely incels with lonely incelism as a backdrop. I discovered another foundation and a far more powerful one at that which will allow me to steer relationships in my preferred direction. This greater power is sexual power, or left hand magic.

The average man is sedated by video games and porn, so I have to remove those factors from people which I intend to radicalized. I will gain monopoly over the sexual sphere...
...and monopoly over the activity sphere. Essentially I will start doing at the individual level what I intend to do at the state level. To seduce the body, and shape it according to my own will. You can't really make a "friend" stop watching porn and go to the gym or get a job but you can do it to a lover. There-in lays my power. Finding individuals, isolating them, and turning them into something respectable.

So what is the hard part? Gaining the sexual power in the first place. The way I see it now only gays and drunk dudes will be attracted to me. So through looks maxing I will further effeminize myself so that I can appeal to sexless men, get them to chase me, and make them fulfill some certain parameters in order to sex me. With my last target I gave up the sexual act too easily so I must be more conservative next time around.

Looks maxing as a troops carries also another positive aspect in the general social sphere. The current society worships women and attractive people. Being a woman, or being a gay, or being attractive allows one to get away with far more anti-social acts than a str8 white male. So if I larp as a marginalized tranny faggot, I can infiltrate deep into the bowels of the global-homo-jewish order and destroy it from within.
stop essayposting
ayne nobah gon read all dat
the problem is you talking on this board 24/7 about drugs like it's something noteworthy , sorry I've been an ass to you but you're insufferable on that part
Addiction should be treated like a mental illness*
And it's a classified mental illness for sure
i have no certification in IT
bumgal is an insecure friendless incel and is using bumgaria as a convenient proxy to get bummed since he appears exotic to balkan gorillas
You know, I could be much, much more insufferable like lee tier but I don't
So true king
No bumgal is a terrorist and he recruits more by allowing them access to his bum.
yeah no, you don't hate ponies that much
Srsly who are most well adjusted balk posters?
that's just an excuse, within the next couple of years he'll give it up to bitch about his new "bfs"
The croatian ship worker
the aesthetic sense is a lot more detached from the self than you let on, there has likely never been a time when he wanted to be a manly man.
an increasingly sadder cope. the obvious problem with this contrived planceling is that the nanosecond you unshackle an incel from his own mind he is just going to find a woman and turn into a dadcuck normie lecturing you how it was all about settling down and grilling all along. a sexual cult can only ever work with seasoned sexhavers. and those are all submarines.
Ros (pbuh), Fulgrim (pbuh)
is losing your mind trying to get a creak out of a bike headset all day long well adjusted?
The fact that you think that my only goal is kinky sex demonstrates to me that I am correct and my cover up will be fucking perfect because even when I flat out reveal my intentions people don't believe me.

I hope you are aware, that the whole extremist process can be discarded and it will allow me to have less resistance? I can go hop on grinder and get bumgaled right now if that was my true intention. But no, I have other, greater goals in my mind. But I am happy that people think my goals are so absurd that they just assume I'm in it for the sex.

Retards don't understand Tantra
You speak like a woman that scares dick
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mental how there isnt a fanta zero exotic


also this
crorats are pretty stable

I've delayed reading psychology books below the minimum until later, so this is just from my head
Rather than being he wanted to possess that ideal of masculinity, which can manifest as becoming that ideal or finding that ideal in someone else
mango subconsciously gave up on the first instantly which started him on the path to bumming
it wouldn't even be that bad if he wasn't so in denial about it
truly womanish

yeah yeah, you think you're so unique mango
see you in 5 years if you're still here
woah bringing out the big guns,
compose yourself faggot
>he is just going to find a woman and turn into a dadcuck normie lecturing you how it was all about settling down
Nah I've chatted with some really depraved people. You are simply assuming that no such people exist. The difference between Eliot Roger and your average incel is low inhibition vs high inhibition. Someone close to going Postal is not the type to give such lame generic advice. My dad was married and successful with women, but he never gave me such lame generic advice. He gave me the "just be first" shit which a lot of people on the incel forums still do. Someone who has suffered immensely is not going to become a normal fag easily. Let's say 80% of incels are actually lame normalfags who will heel as soon as they get a crumb for pussy—there will still be another 20% to tap into.

Maybe I am not the pessimist after all, since I clearly do have hope for my intentions.

I'm not a child. I have no intention for being unique. I am only copying the teachings of those who came before me.
I purposeful ask anons personal questions so later I can use their answers against them.
ain't no incel suffered immensely dawg, it is an illness of decadence. and those 20% who are groomable are already trooned out in kinky discords by better groomers than you, it's too late in the game.
You still don't understand incels little bro
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It could be much worse but the only thing that prevented it is doing them by myself, I either don't care about others or I've not tried having "fun" with others in the normie way of thinking even though benzos are barely any recreational if at all
>it is an illness of decadence. and those 20% who are groomable are already trooned out in kinky discords by better groomers than you, it's too late in the game
if only mango could comprehend 1% of this
competing with feds and goonmasters isn't something for delicate little girls
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Looks like i hit a weak spot, show me on this doll where my post hurted you
svetovid is a hilarious nigga
makes nords seethe that he is 1cm taller than their average man
>you are still a king of manlets bro
says whatever, still a pizza slice taller than the average
>but you can't grow a beard bro
says bears are for faggots anyway
posts himself butt naked for men
i've been laughing for hours
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>delicate little girl
for better or worse you are just not that good of groomer mangal
I like that, and you should make your peace with that too and play to your strengths
your mom reached all the way to those balls at the bottom
I sure I read first markus, am i retarded or wtf
nah i deleted it
Nigga is unironically a diagnosed autist
I would have assumed passive homosexual narcissist that NOPE-posts to provoke homolust
At least i got born by hetero way, you were born by surogate and addopted by gay couple from albanian orphanage thats why you coach mangal all day lmaoo
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Because the fact of the matter is that as much as I would like to larp that I am creating some sort of a cult, the truth is that I cannot bring people the positive reinforcement they need to actually feel like they are in a cult.

I made my BF watch documentaries about banking and he just got bored and sleepy. I made him read introductory notes on how capitalist economies function and again he got bored. Spengler kept him for a bit but then he got bored and left that too.

He was with me for 6 months. Why? Because he liked fucking me. But then I showed to him that we may not be sex partners forever, he immediately lost interests than ran the fuck away to his mommy and daddy. Coincidentally by that time, we haven't fucked in a while.

You know Charles Manson? The guy who had a cult of attractive women around him, all of them thought he was some sort of genius prophet who can see into the future whereas he looks like a deranged lunatic to most.

You know what his secret was?
He had a big dick.
Because you are a shizo bro
women have this thingcalled a clit mango
they're not going to cum from your joystick
No one that has posted as many pie charts and PCAs as him is anything but neurodivergent
>Women cannot come from cock
Women can't come from YOUR cock.

what a virgin response
now this is schizo content
I'll coach you ass too dog, you getting jelly. let's hear your shit then
no his secret was that he got to live in a much more innocent and lower entropy boomer society whereas today he would have been accuse raped before he even crawled out of middle school and turned school shooter or ODed on crack. alas you were born an informationmaxxed zoomer and these options are not available to you.
But I had a cock inside of me and you never had anything so checkmate loser ;))
*ahem* actually what plays an important role in whether a woman can coom from penetration easily is also the distance between her clit and her vagene opening. The shorter the distance the more likely the orgasm from penetration alone heh *snorts*
Man what is this fucking blogposting thread nobody reads that shit fucking retards
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have to wait until next weekend to drink again, this shit sucks
>he would have been accuse raped before he even crawled out of middle school and turned school shooter or ODed on crac
Bluepilled nonsense.

If you are attractive, you can do anything to women. If you're ugly you won't even be able to breath around them.
yeah, for a week, and then they get bored and it's over
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because most of the nerve endings are in the clit, it's basically an atrophied dick head

yes, very relevant to our discussion
in 10 years maybe you'll ask the question why nobody can stand you unless they're fucking you but I doubt you'll be self aware enough to do anything to change that
this is why women shouldn't be allowed on the internet, I already have to put up with your kind IRL

I finished my Pringles so I'm going to sleep
>knower of why cuntsucking is gay
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I know many things
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Pic related
I have only superficial similarities to women. If masculinity and femininity were an opposing scale I would be skewed more feminine but that's only surface level categorization of psychological temperament.

Fine, I like dick. You got me. But I don't need to make some kind of cope to explajn why I'm getting dick. The dick is just a means to an end, and that's the will to power.
One thing that most men don't realize about women is that they don't give a crap about you fixing her problems, she just wants to complain about irrelevant shit to you so she can get your attention.
alas many are not privy to the knowledge, and slop around holes as a result
yeah, it's like talking to a wall
pearls before swine would be an insult to swine

those people should read basic biology
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Imagine if all women had this
1-5 I buy shawarma made by churka woman hands
6-0 I only buy cigs
mangal, thoughts on the big clitted dyke option?
Rerolling for shawarma
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>big clitted dyke option?
You mean going for them?
Fuck no. I want nothing to do with women. And knowing from my experience with them, this feeling is 100% mutual. I no longer have sexual attraction to them either.
>do u hate ur mom
Obviously not. I am speaking of women in a general sense, that is liberated women. Women as an animal. They are an all destructive force.
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it's over
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I obey the numbers
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Took 4 tabs half an hour ago, should I just go for it and take the remaining 6 to see how it goes like? I've got plenty of benzos
what if it was a fashy dyke with a special snowflake act?
Do it bro
this nigga bran look like a chicken nugget
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>what if it was something that doesn't exist
No. Also 'dykes' don't date men. It's as much of a conscious choice as it is a sexual choice. They don't like men, in fact they hate men. They are like the inverse of me. The militant ones would castrate all men if they could.

I know, but I am envisioning a special, novel complex, which you seem unable to
If near-death experiences were real then people blind from birth would suddenly be able to see (in spirit form) and once they came back to their bodies they'd be able to describe it. Checkm8 afterlifists.
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Fuck it took them all, guess I'll be tripping till the morning but I have benzos
Fuck it
Take all the benzos as well
ivl kritsr
I might indeed have to take a big dose of benzos as a trip killer if these tabs are strong but I don't think they're that strong

Anyway I got bromazolam (which I'm very little dependent to), diazepam and flubromazepam but bromazolam is obvious the best one out of these for a trip killer initially at least
It's a worthless exercise I am afraid. And within a few years time my body modifications will make the pursuit of women impossible. I turned my cerebral distaste of women to physiological revulsion thanks to modern medicine.

You know all those famous feminist dykes from the 60s that hated men and wanted some kind of female revolution? They looked like men and everything?

I'm like the male version of that. I am Valerie Solanas's worst nightmare.
I would say you're their mission and they would probably entertain doing graphic things involving prosthetics and your bum
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No their goal, as in their womanish nature is the deconstruction of civilization and the enslavement of men. If you ask me, they have achieved their goals and we live in the most gynocentric society in history. Still have soft spot for people like Paglia, but de Beauvoir types must be put into cages.
UUUUUUUM CHUD it's in a video so it's true and you've been fact checked

Drogirashi ne se lugje
clearly have a severe lack of vision. ponder the scenario where the feminist revolution wins because all the incels either became dadcucks or got gay groomed into faggotry, and you end up a rapeslut in some dyke dungeon for them to play out their anti-male fantasies with.
but that's not what I was going for. instead say a trad-dyke archetype emerges that also disdains womanhood, and you and her can celebrate masculinity together.
ti nemas pravo da sudis
samo dedo bog ima
Neka fati da pie kako normalem choek mesto da ne zamara za diazepam
>ponder the scenario where the feminist revolution wins
It already won. Western courtship practices are already evident enough. The concept of dating itself is female-centric. The female already has far, FAR too much power than previously. They have no social rules which they need to follow. In fact they create them. Women are the masters of society, whereas men are in opposition to it. Read the Sexual Cycle of Human Warfare.
>say a trad-dyke archetype emerges that also disdains womanhood,
HAHAHA you think dykes would ever let go of their pussy pass? Insane.
>and you and her can celebrate masculinity together
Nigga never met a dyke in his life.
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>zasto ne prai toa sto JAS sakam da prai
>neee ne moes da prais raboti koi sto jas ne gi sakam
much like you, with body modifications let's say she manages to escape her female nature
>Nigga never met a dyke in his life
well obviously they avoid me like a plague
Ama ja sum Musliman KRALJU
Ni alkohol ne sakam
>much like you, with body modifications let's say she manages to escape her female nature
I've seen too much M-t--F regret stories to take this proposition seriously at all. Sadly I habe non saved so here is a rehab room video in which you can skip to the relevant parts.

Also why would I let a dyke, or someone trying to larp as a man peg me? I can easily overpower them, despite having basically zero muscles, the ones that exist are denser, and my bones are still denser. Maybe shit will change in 5 years, but point being:

My foreplay sessions with mt BF were more like wrestling. I'd get on top of him and try to pin him down, and he would easily overpower me and bend me over. (Sometimes with one arm!) So yeah he takes control of both of my arms with one of his arms whereas I am trying to resist and break free and overpower him. Obviously I fail and he has his way.

I will crush 95% of even bull dykes. I don't submit to people I can crush.
what's the best car in most wanted
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Apparently it depends on your goals, driving style and driving skill.
now you're boring me with this obstinacy and obscene tangents
this thought experiment is now concluded, thanks for participating
k I'll just buy the most visually appealing then
which is lamborghini
lambumghini haha
bumborghini haha
bumbumghini haha
They'll call you an incel, they'll call you bitter, or cynical, or resentful, or a virgin, or a loser, but they'll never call you wrong.
That's because incels are always wrong so that would be redundant
as bulgar you would go for BuMW
also mind spermed
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mercebum bumz
watching near death experience bibeos
fucking chipped paint nigger creak
Very adjusted thread, seems that the alborat got into an argument with the gypsy plumber, interesting turn of events
When you are smart, and know your surroundings, it is wisest to play the fool and pretend to know nothing, for your enemies will move past you like a bullseye with no color contrast.
I have no enemies bro
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concept oc
So true, king.
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>it's still fucking creaking
platinum suffering
kill rape and die mood
veidzi veidzi mpek tou keidzi
x'ol ntei long giou svet end reidzi
niit is komfi niit is kuul
niit is frii from gouark end skuul
spacers or new bearings, my final cope tomorrow
Interacting with NPC drivers in bibya games really offers a glimpse into the mind of the average balkmun and explains why they feel justified when they violate the rights of people they perceive as less important than them.
A dark city full cries
The night sky
looming over

Is this hell we have been waiting for
Searching for paradise, fighting for our lives
We keep moving on
The darkness is here
Is it a dark hero we cry out for
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haha no new thread for you, troony chunes
>wagies don't wanna wake up for the big day
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What day did you say it was today? Monday? Heh. Funny way to spell Saturday.
it's October 7th you ingrate, big occasion, how many 9/11s was it? can't remember but a lot
Had a nightmare where I got alopecia on the side of my head above my ear
I wonder how cities with metros deal with flooding

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Explain, why are you like this in this particular morning?
Kill yourself pshek, catholic dogs not welcome here.
I'm atheist doe.
Still a pshek, this is a Z thread.
make new /balk/ for us
Couldn't you useless fucks make it to bump limit in time for troonita to make his ding dong edition? Fucking useless
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