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It's the middle of October
It's warm.
The leaves aren't falling off the trees.

I dont want to make this political but fuck global warming.
>Is that an anomalous event
>must be *pattern*
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>I dont want to make this political but fuck global war-
You're right
Every year its gets worse

A pattern
2 weeks ago we went from 36 to 16 average in the same hours.
It was 3 degrees in the morning the other day.
Yes. If you were to say “the data shows a strong correlation when we average out temperatures throughout autumn”, then you can make that argument. When your sample size is one, then you sound like a fucking retard.
It is getting warmer, what is the point of this sperg?
My man, over the last 10-15 years there were way to many autumns were I could walk around with a t-shirt in early to mid october. Which was pretty much unthinkable when I was a kid.
okay, actually fuck off.
we had the coldest summer i've ever seen
we had colder temperatures in september than i've seen in ages
it was pretty chilly earlier this month
it's 12c where i am which is not atypical of october
Because muh climate change is supposed to be a soyentific theory but normalfags ruin everything like always and make it into an apocalypse cult.
Severe autism
See, that’s a valid argument. Not “today sure is hot. Global warming, amirite?” It’s no better than that retarded congressman who brought a showball to “show” that there’s no climate change.
Ive seen this explained somewhere and it is to do with global warming although that might sound stupid.
Being a high IQ sperg is like living in a cattle pen among animals. I suffer.
It's the 7th of October, most leaves don't begin to fall until the end of this month, mid-November in the case of oak trees. Are you foreign?
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Global warming, hell yeah. I'm sick of this frozen hellhole, I wanna live in a warm paradise like southies do
Have you ever heard of the "atmospheric density" or "climate sensitivity"?
Do you honestly think that your father remembers winters the same way you do?
It's colder than usual here
See >>203133103.
Climate change is a historical recorded reality
ITT: seething retards who think I’m denying climate change because I pointed out garbage methodology
literal cult desu
We are going to die Fritz, buy an EV before it's too late
>the globe is getting cooler because the globe is getting warmer

leftists are idiots
>being warm is a bad thing
It was 4c in the morning last week. I had to wear my winter jacket
The wording is implicatory.
I don't know shit, but iirc due to global warming the gulf stream is getting slower, thus affecting european climate by shoving less "warm water" to europe. There are climate scientists out there that believe that if the gulf stream becomes even slower, we might witnessing another massive cold period in europe.
But I might just be talking out of my ass.
Our atmosphere is not a pot of water.
>From the dew-soaked hedge creeps a crawly caterpillar...
>WHEN... the dawn begins to crack,
>It's all part of my autumn almanac
>Breeze blows leaves of a musty-coloured yellow
>SO... I sweep them in my sack,
>Yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac

>Friday evenings, people get together
>Hiding from the weather,
>Tea... and toasted buttered currant buns...
>Can't compensate for lack of sun... because the summer's all gone
>La la la la, la la la, la la, la-la-la...
>OH! My poor rheumatic back...
>Yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac
>La la la la, la la la, la la, la-la-la...
>OH! My autumn almanac, yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac

>I like my football, on a Saturday
>Roast beef on Sundays, all right
>I go to Blackpool, for my holidays
>Sit in the open sunlight

>This is my street, and I'm never gonna to leave it
>And I'm always gonna to stay here
>If I live to be ninety-nine,
>'Cause all the people I meet... seem to come from my street
>And I can't get away... because it's calling me (come on home)
>Hear it calling me (come on home)...
>La la la la, la la la, la la, la-la-la...

>OH! My autumn Armagnac,
>Yes, yes, yes, it's my autumn almanac
>La la la la, la la la, la la, la-la-la...
>OH! My autumn almanac,
>Yes yes yes yes, yes yes yes yes!
No scientific theory is a reality. It’s called falsifiability. Imagine someone saying “Newtonian gravity is a historical recorded reality” and then someone observes Mercury’s precession. Oopsie! Not a reality anymore.
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This theory only holds water if you completely ignore the fact that we've had constant cold periods for the past 600 years
Weather changes all the time. This is like denying whales exist because you have never seen a peer reviewed study proving they exist, stop being spastic
Yes, weather changes all the time. We’re not talking about that. We’re talking about climate change, more specifically about the hypothesis that humanity has a significant enough impact to irreversibly shift it from its equilibrium.
>Mercury’s precession
Just an observation that didn’t match Newtonian gravity. Was one of the first confirmations of general relativity alongside distant starlight bending near the Sun.
Yeah, but this time the causes for something like a cold or a warm period are different.
This isn't a formal scientific study, you fucking retard.
>the world getting warmer in aggregate means the world is getting warmer in every single location
Rightoids are subhuman.
>it's different this time because....ummm...b-because IT JUST IS
it's always like this here. Temps can still reach 20 or even above that until Halloween, then you get the same old brutal, overcast winter as always where every day is at around freezing.
whatever helps you sleep at night
The equilibrium point is always slowly moving
Nigga it's snowing
hasn't snowed for 15 years here
We got thise green parrots in Paris with pigeons now, but the ones in Barcelona are way more hectic
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>zero rain for over a month
>temperatures haven't dropped either
>newsreporters are acting like this is a good thing and tell everyone to "enjoy the warm late summer weather haha"

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