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Old >>203130486
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buy an apartment you stinking poorfags
Image is cope. Nothing ever happens.

You will never empty your balls into prime teen pussy.
I inherited one. Time saved wageslaving: 30 years
Retirement: instant
explain this to me bros. why do i get (You)s for this post?
ok dude but you dont have to be so sincere
mine cost like 35k, I got it cheap
if only they'd finish laying down the tiles faster
>Grandpa has 3 Apartments
>I am still renting
>Have another empty apartment because my family wants to keep it as a museum for 'memories'
Unless you are an upper earner the only thing you should focus on being is a criminal.

Imagine paying taxes when you don't even have a future.
American family values.
They put corn and cardboard in the walls bro
Just pick yourself up by the bootstraps and work hard like they did bro
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>he's posting furshit now
He's a deranged homosexual
I am too but you don't see me posting furshit
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he should get a job and pull himself up by his bootstraps

nah, I saw it during construction

I post everything bro

I'm a biGOD
hmofa/ma/ba and collared are all based.
i would become really violent if that happened to me
>bro eastern countries have tight knit families, in America they kick you out at 18 and Nords are robots!
>the tight knit families in question
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That's the thing, I am.
>my family needs to give me what they worked for because they just have to ok?
All boomers in my family live in mcmansions with personal maids whilst their children live in two room apartments barely getting by. Moreover whenever we meet them they talk about muh bigger pensions and talk about how poor they are whilst sitting on millions.
Hallo Herr Bey,
ich hoffen sie haben Lektion gelernt jetzt ja? Danke sehr
>my kids have to take care of me when I'm old and disabled and wipe my ass and cook and clean for me because they just have to, ok?
anyone older than me should die so I get their inheritance
anyone younger than me should wageslave forever and give me their money
Kommisar would know booney is illiterate in German and would talk to him in his native language
They already nurtured you for 20ish years anon
>half the country leaves and the entire economy collapses
>housing prices drop to shit
>have money because you are a 40 year old boomer
>have good employment during your youth because you lived in a closed economy welfare state
>just work hard bro
my grandparents fridge is always stock with meats and cheeses while those are a luxury for me

I am poorer than 1930s peasants
They made me, I didn't make them, bro
kys stupid fucking roach
Was sie fragen mich bruder?
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>polukrainian's kid reading this, also knowing his papa's house got flattened:
>right click an ISO file
>computer crashes
I love Jeetdowns.
no sperma axed to be born
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So true king
Where is the Albo American.

I miss him.
UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BRO ACKTSCHUALLY according to near-death experience testimonies, everyone chooses to be born, where to be born, whom to be born to, whom to be harrasseed by and every little detail you can think of.
I believe this unironically.
Sashe and Iki consciously chose life on nightmare difficulty. Absolute kings.

>yes, I choose to be iki
>yes, I choose to be mango
God's strongest sovls
reddit roach is a faggot homosexual
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God wants you to love and forgive, not hate and seethe
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Indeed. Despite being marginalized schizo poorfag I've not an ounce of self hatred and would reincarnate as myself forever for all eternity.

See also: Eternal Recurrence
I may be a faggot homosexual but I am not r*ddit.
>be a baby
>die in birth
>be a baby
>die in birth
>be a baby
>die in birth
God hates fags.
>projecting through God
foolish and weak-minded
Burn yourself
Умpи мaмa ти дeeбa гнycнa coдoмитcкa
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Cope! Seeth! and Dilate!
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ugly face, ruined my mood
Okay I'll post more pictures when I get 15.000€ plastic surgery. Okay dear??
bogs arent attractive either, and your body is shit since you dont exercise
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What the fuck even is CoComelon?
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I'll pray I won't get bogged

As for the body I need to gain fat
you're already a blob of mediocrity
This Turkish Orthodox is my brother in blood. We came from the same timurlenkian roots.
Sadly I am not a blob I'm 55 kilo sticc
No, just no. I need to fumigate every "person" that lets their kid watch this.
Now this slaps.
Unironically, why isn't the West investing in anti homosexuality cures and pills?
Unironically, why don't you get a job?
You can't just eliminate people that are oppressed. Then how are you going to blame CIS white patriarchy for being oppressors?
>noooo you can't have sex with men!!!
that's um... DEGENERATE
turdks have faggotry in their dna for far too long, every single roach that posted in balk has always one nunned % been a homosexual faggot
>anti homosexuality cures and pill
Ugh... that's what they're doing you moron. They're making everyone gay.
The real answer is that the ruling elite are filled with pederasts.

Why would they stop what they themselves are?
jivee mi se mamou ne sum djamaikata
>turdks have faggotry in their dna for far too long
Proof turkey is european
>no one from balk wants to be my husbando
Heal my body and I will be in the world news

It's disgusting
Men are not disgusting they are sexy and I want them inside of me
I wanted to make a funny post but threw up in my mouth a little because if that ugly ass faggot. Guess I'm blacklisting this thread. Not even lurkable.
Maybe i should leave this faggot infested shit board again
this wouldn't happen if mango kept his trip on
>GUYS, i'm not gonna post in this thread.
>You see this? I'm NOT gonna post here.
>Mango better not post more face pics! >He's such a gross faggot!
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Reminder. 7th anniversary of this post is coming up soon.
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30k steps done
Hilarious how they still stick around for years regardless. Classic Gay King behavior.
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>As for the body I need to gain fat
Yes, better go to pol some you can watch bbc cuck porn spam!
stop being antisemitic
I now remembered grob bey

So why would someone choose to be born in say africa or to a junkie?
It's over.
Bruh the turkishness of your face
I guess life in the spirit world is perfect and boring and to souls there's really nothing more to learn there in perfect bliss, so they give themselves amnesia and physical handicaps to learn lessons on nightmare mode.
>my trip? I'm not putting it on sweaty, then you'd be able to filter me!
After i quit smoking I gained like 7 kilos
>Gregory Sheytan
I do.
I am osmanlı
Dragă slobozenie te slăvesc
I don't cwre if other peoole filter me, but the Albo-American filters all namefags out of principle. I have a crush on him so I want him to see my posts. I don't care about the rest of you faggots.
we must overthrow the gay king and institute a dictatorship of the proletariat on /balk/
Sakam da pleskam nekoj bugarin so shamari taka ponizhuvachki
losing the 15% testosterone boost from ciggies will do that to a nigga
Днec cpeщнaх eдин кoйтo ce кaзвa Пaткaджиeв. Кaкъв живoт e тoвa

Anyone wanna play turtlewow with me
Bugarite se ogromen problem za drzhavava
I ne znam sho da praime so niv
Budali, retardirani, idioti
I'm feeling sad so I'm gonna get drunk
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This is better.
Remix is fine too but OG is better imo.
crazy how we have based schizos but you homos decide to talk about the ugliest tajik turkmen roaches
You just know this is Nojko posting
God i wish i weren't such a midwit, it's hard being smart enough to hate everyone int his gypsy shithole, but too dumb to change anything or have any solutions.
A sane general would have him range banned by now
Gonna become balkan bald and bankrupt but visit the west to make fun of london, paris etc.
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Get rid of your fucking nose hair
Krasnobey and Galațibey would make great frenship irl
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All the old ladies say im pretty tho c:
Why should I trust you over them?

Ok bb thanks for letting me know
What about young ladies?
so true king
From experience, everything between homosexual and school-shooter.

I have to live up to my expectations!
>those videos popping en masses randomly on youtube

I am too well adjusted to befriend anyone in here
>former sex haver
>never gambled
total opposite of an average balk poster.
Mhm, yes, very informative.
>sprays carpet with coom liquid
>scrubs with a dishwashing sponge
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I'm 4 of those bro, 5 if you count whores/
Of all the westeners brits are by far the most despicable on average
Hard choice, french and dutch are close
Krasnogay shut yo bitch ass up ziggy
I would have looked like you if I didnt work construction since 16 and stood all day playing vidya and marijuana or whatever you did în your prime.
Why did you kill Beyazid bro?
>stood all day playing vidya and marijuana or whatever you did în your prime.
I posted on 4chan

And what do you mean "look like me"???
I have a green card but I dont want to go to america. Your thoughts?
Dumb niggerfaggot greeks are still hoping that a socialist larping miscreant will rise from the ashes, become government and start pulling billions of euros out of a magic hat again to hand it out to government workers and other idlers basking cross-legged in the sun and guzzling espresso from a plastic straw.
How are we still such imbeciles
You two have the same mongolodi phenotype, which is why he has dreams about you andyou wrongly assume that was me.
I fought tooth and nail to get to BG and half impoverished myself in the process. Those are my thoughts on America. AVOID.

That's a shame because I think about your AK bayonet inside of me.
I blame Lazarevici and Mircea cel Bătrân for that, dont worry bro timurik Sun will rise again.
Praise Tengri

Changed my mind, no longer want to stab you, you will keep suffering
pasok and ND should really pay their debts
Why do americans dress like hobos?
Why though the salaries are much higher than anywhere in europe?
>I fought tooth and nail to get to BG and half impoverished myself in the process
peak delusion
Both of you are wanna be evil but are actually good souls, you even helped that begger with a ciggaret I saw normies punching beggers because they asked for cigs.
That's fine, I already have a 1 year plan. I am saving 500€ + every month, and after a year of saving I will get a loan from my bank and travel to Turkey to get cosmetic surgery. After the healing is done I will work on paying back my loan and find some wealthy degenerate code maymun in the process, OR if I want to try my hand at true love I can seduce a balkmaymun construction worker and make babies with him.

And this is my plan B. The plan B to my 5 year plan. Plan A is still in progress.

>Why though
Because I am racist, homophic, and iliberal. As far as I am concerned, the USA is the great Satan and it must be destroyed.

>haha Mangal is poorfag
<Yes, I am a poorfag
>omg delusional
Kill yourself retard
>cosmetic surgery
lol what
Yeah I decided to become a tranny before I hit the wall.
I would rather not get into the details but it's definitely not a larp, lol. Granted I am not delusional enough to believe what trannies believe but I sure as shit understand that we are living in an increasingly gynocentric society and looks are perhaps the most important thing in an individuals life: Yeah. I'm not larping. What a silly thing to larp as.

If you live in plovdiv I'll let you touch my boobs
youll cut your dick off or what?
You shall not take permanent decisions for temporary issues. You will still be a man with female makeup what impresion you will create in society if you choose to live like that if you choose to give more attention to sexual identity than your religious identity. People will look at you and say îîhhh, bradar îîhhh, whats that? whats that bradar?
No! I'm only making cosmetic alterations. The easiest way is obviously through hormones. However once I save up my money from wagecucking I will look into rhinoplasty, jaw reduction, and brow bone reduction along with hairline lowering + lift lip.

My motivation is purely spite and sex.

Bro by the time I am 30 zoomers will dominate society and troons will simply be a fact of life. As they already are in degenerate places like Brazil. There is Estrogen in the water turning the dawn frogs gay. No one really values religion. Majority of people value money. This religion thing is just a way for people to cope.

I see an opportunity to look sexy and get attention. By God I will take it.
Bro bg is not a good country for trannies youll be beaten up at some point
>before I hit the wall
Nigga looking like the female lead of the original Top Gun in 2024 saying this nonsense
I drink only healty borkut so no estrogens in it, literally the volcano im living above it piss this pure strong water off naturally. I have to sleep now, i bog ne te veseli brother in Christ
I'd kill millions tbqh
That's because most trannies are on the spectrum, have no idea how they look like to outsiders. The majority of them look worse than drag queens and obviously a BG gorilla will find this distasteful and give a beat down.

What do you think I'm gonna do? Go around wearing skimpy clothing while I still have my big ass jawline and definitions? Fuck no. I stay low and blend in like a normal person. I'll still continue being like this even after my cosmetic alterations. I have no intention of dressing like I am on my way to Sofia pride.

Bro everyone says I look like a tatar terrorist or chichen Islamic

I am very happy for you. If you end up having children please don't let them drink plastic and be sure their mother breast feeds them otherwise they will end up like me.
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Forgot pic.

I don't mean to make fun of them, but they look like a guy in drag. Sorry.
I also gave a hobo a ciggie also, even gave him a lighter, the next day a whore asked me for a cig too and i told her to, wanted to punch her in her whore face.
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don't give yous to the attention whoring pederast
Also the reason why people hate homo issues in Eastern Europe is not because of some 'conservatism' or 'prejudice' but because there are bigger issues here, like putting food on the table for your fucking family. Maybe instead of making pride parades for your bourgeois sexual Moores you can make a national pride parade for the people who keep the country running.

No sympathy for LGBT freaks. Let them be gassed.

Such an overplayed meme. I look nothing like her.
They give yous to the pederast roach because they are also homosexual roaches especially the albaboonian roidtroon l/g/bt disfigured roach and the turkfaced construction homo
every single roach is homosexual chomo no exceptions ever
mangal is peak bulgarian (gay nazi)
I thought that was a nigger at first
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Feel like takin a shit bros and a big piss holding for too long now might explode on these ghost niggas
bulgarians pretend they hate mangal but in reality they're all brown gay nazis who drill each other asses
>пaмяти пoгибших дeтeй дoнбacca
I hope you're here when those nato-cock sucking BG flags come here.

ideologically and in terms of sexual preferences he's closer to you asiatic pidorashkas
You want your ass drilled by bulgarians is the general vibe of your posts bro
They dont hate me because I am gay or a turk. That's just a larp so that way they can look like heckin based patriots fighting against foreign degenerate barbaric scum. Everyone who shits on me is aligned with the west. Without exception.

There was one възpaждaнe voter who shat on me, but he never bought up my ethnicity or sexuality but for calling me stupid for being against russia because to him russia is the key for peace and unity in the balkans. Whereas while I am anti-west period i am still opposed to the russian government and i have no intention with aligning myself with them. I am against all (((democracies))) because democracy is not loyal to any nation or to any people but to money itself.

Maybe 40 years ago I would. Not today.

No sweety i don't use IG
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it happened again
woah put a lid on that estrogenic outburst faggot, I don't dwell on (you)s scheming whom to give and whom not like some woman, I simply go with the flow mindlessly. have a problem with that? make better content instead of talking in uga buga moonrunes all day
he just wants to suck your cock, see his flag. you're already balls deep down his throat in his mind
Same ol' story, will keep repeating itself
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Omg baby I missed you!!!!
Let's talk about Dijana Micevska, is it true that you developed schizophrenia after she rejected you?
>mooooom the bulgarians insult me back again
lmao bitch
mango's your fault you fag
why didn't you shoot him while he was there for some weeks
he developed schizophrenia after talking to bulgarians online for a decade
so true king, so true
who you tryna jellybait now?
I specifically and deliberately worked him out of the namefagging, you're welcome
but the namefagging was good you fagcel, I could filter him
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No one I'm just glad to see you !!! ~~
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>filter the only somewhat entertaining specimen of buttmadgayria
why would you do that?
Why is he so fragile?
Don't post these pictures EEK!!!!!
very nice, you should make me glad as well and find a new job quickly
bye now
buckbroken by the poluchad
>go to work slayv
Never!!! Freedom!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHH!!!!!
I wish people would respond to my messages so I wouldn't be left in the dark; it's really annoying when it happens, especially in formal settings where I'll ask a question to try and clear up any uncertainties.
I'll respond to you sweetie :3
Take your f20.0 meds schizoooo
If you do the ngos and cia will stop the harasee of you and your familay, do it for them
Do you guys think now that Stefan has started working out and getting fit he can beat up Atanas in a fight?
I talked to them and they said if you stop beating up your dad and take your medication they will stop the harasee.
They said they have evidence that you do, remember they put you under 24/7 surveillance
>The only physical thing i have done was self defence because i wont find a job
So your dad told you to get a job and you beat him up in self defense?
Did he tell you to get a job afterwards? What did Atanas say to this?
Do them in bumgaria and ROMANIa too king
Sorry bro i liked, was just fucking withyou i dont wirj with the cia and the ngos
china just had terrorist attack
why did you do it?
you need to commit acts of terrorism against them asap
If I came to Russia would you show me around? :3
yeah I guess, I had to interact with faggots back when I had a job at clothing store so I can tolerate you but since you're a bulgar I'd have to beat you sadly
>I'd have to beat you sadly
Omg that sounds great
Tell me more
you're speaking his love language (physical violence)

stab, what are you doing up this late you fucking psycho?
He woke up at 8:30 AM sashizo time, it's now 1:30 PM what's your problem
damn, didn't drink a single coffee today
no wonder this day went like shit
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I now make 2500 USD a month working from home and I barely code for 2-3 hours a day.
Imagine not being a programmer.
>wageceling for scraps on a third rate satrapy
nothing short of taking it over would have been acceptable
I quit a week ago. The sluggishness is real.
quit? what's this some new health meta?
I'm not doing it for health. Every once in a while I'll drop random shit like flour, alcohol, sugar, salt, etc.
uh huh, you do you bro
veidzi veidzi in a keidzi
x'ol ntei glong giou svet x'end reidzi
niit is komfi niit is kuul
niit is frii from gouark x'ent skxuul
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Bro can you tell me why I got replies for a post that's not mine?
retards sucked the last blood droplet of cs2 that it didn't even know it had with this farming for stars bullshit
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he really shouldn't selfy
what a waste of money
When mangustas make plans, God laughs
aaasm naaaidubria arenbi ispauniteuuu
No idea but I had the same thing happen to me on /fit/
Didnt you sleep you faggot? Don't you have to wagecuck today?
Bro take care of your sleep. It's one of the things that contributes to F.20
boon, what are you doing up this early you fucking turkish psycho?
Gym time. Then shower and going one-two hours late to work.
I have a name you worthless subhuman.
It's painful to exist and see these teen angels around the world, but I can't buy them flowers yet.
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Why is it always Bulgarians?
>equating having a dick in your ass to being in paradise
Krasno was right about bumgayrians
We have that in romanian language too lol
Vpn wouldnt know bro
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How funny hahahahahaha tsiganovo hahahahahaha. What a cringy loser
I'm gonna shove my pinkie up your butthole and swish it around your mouth if you don't calm down
Bro face to face all you would do is repeating how it was just a meme
Face to face I'd pin you down, take your pants off, shove my pinkie up your butthole then smear it around your mouth.
Why are all romanians such raging homosexuals
I am Bulgarian.
Also you're more gay for receiving it instead of doing something about it.
oh no no no no
>I am Bulgarian
So you are a self-conscious romanian?
The blood of asparukh khan flows through my veins.
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I'd much rather be macedonian than bumgarian
VGH, another proud member of the dulo clan has graced us with his presence
But i guess this perfectly explains the bumgarian desire to get pegged.
So still Romanian then
5187.5 kg of man made metal lifted. If you equate this weight into krasno units you can say I lifted 100 krasnos.
I am from Bulgaria. You began acting submissive after I threatened you with a solid buttfucking.
Are you planning on returning to Romania at some point?

>some goatfucker
You know who is powerful? Israel
Is this what they teach you?
As an orthodox i feel more close to islam than to protestant and catholics
>t. Vladimir Transnistrescu
zigros arrested a doctor from ulyanovsk who was recrooting people in a homosexual satanist cult

ulyanovsk borders tatarstan and chuvashia and is 10% tatar, 7% chuvash, so he was probably bumgarian
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>Super abonatii samo terikati lushkavi magnatii ahlelele
Bumgal's Chuvash cousin
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Lmao why is stefan janev such a noob?

Why is he keep sending hurricanes to Florida when cia harassment hq is in Virginia?
Nigga pissing and pooing his pants over a weather forecast
pidorashkas, having successfully transitioned from a slave culture to a prison culture over the last 150 years, center all their existence on the concept of violent homosex
Is this Bumgal, Bumita, Bumlo, Bute or Bumakgarian saying this?
EU accession status?
bulgăre, bulgăraș
Bum status?
This is my new anthem

I kneel
Tva e proksi oligofren be lud
Abe vijdali li ste cigani kak psuvat drugi cigani na cigani? Sa mina edin mango i kreshti na drugi mangota EIII CIGANI TAKIVA MRUSNI MAHAITE SE OT BG
It's funny because there's 12 Țiganeştis in romania and not a single tsiganovo in bulgaria
he's literally boon
not me btw
is that the name of your father?
Why did your false prophet marry a child?
how come romania is so wealthy but bulgaria is so poor?
Allah told him to do it
How do you know it wasn't F.20 causing him to live out his pedophilia?
F.20 didn't exist in those days
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Is this what they teach you
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Total blk boy sissy clitty domination and feminisation by BWC. blk boy buck breaking enslavement and rape.
least closeted straggot
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it's not gay gay to sissify blk boys with your cock, blk boys are not men and it was never considered gay to fuck them and buck break them
I can tell it's sofia

t. google maps pro
It was known as madness back then and Muhammad the mass murderer suffered from it.
If he was mad how come he had millions of followers?
Last post before bed >>203164512
First post waking up >>203171849
Imagine the life of this guy
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Imagine the life of this Police officer, think about all the blk boys he's sissified with his BWC. Imagine all the blk boy cock sluts for White men he's created, imagine all the blk boy sissy clitties he's made leak with blk boy sissy pleasure.
Based Bulgaria obsessionist
bro, you post and fantasize about me as I sleep.
B някoй мoмeнт cтaнa пpиeмливo дa cи мъж и дa имaш фopмaтa нa кpyшa
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blk boys have long ago embraced this logic
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I talked to my local Imam, I'm planning to convert this Saturday. Takbir fellow muslims. I'm already missing my foreskin from fucking unclean women, so everything is set.
Height adjustable desk legs with 1 motor 230 euro, 2 motors 300 euro

Do I do it bros?
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This city is spending every penny on trams and busses meanwhile half of the city center resembles islamabad
Nigga got a metro but spending money on buses like a Shkupi mayor instead
Metro has already 73929101 stops and they never stop building more because its the best way to steal eu funds
most of the country looks like mariupol after the special military operation. islamabad is an improvement
Sofia has money to turn itself into a presentable place. Meanwhile the money goes into transport overload
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once I am the supreme leader of this galaxy I'll tear down every building in bumkans and order to build these. no transport allowed, you walk
>actually having functioning public transport
eu moment
Why would anyone use a bus instead of the metro?
>you walk
I use my e-scooter
Because bus covers some alternative routes and has one trillion stops so one does not need to move at all
that will be 3 years of labor camp "sofia-1" sir
pl bully cigány >>203174592
I want krasno's opinion on this.
everyone involved must torn apart via two bent trees execution
Joana delova skinata e?
Sashko lichno ja ima skinato.
Aз личнo кe мy гo cкинaм гaзoт нa Caшкo.
woke up
brushed teeth
jerked off
went shopping
attended a meeting
posted two messages on teams
assigned a ticket to myself to seem like I'm working
back to jerking off

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