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Why are Europeans like this?
Why is it irish people in the example?
What are those 4 irish doing in Scotland
Race-Bait thread number 431.
If you don't speak the language and have no further connection other than "my great-grandparents migrated from there", you have no right to call yourself german, scottish or whatever. Simple as
europeans equate identifying any connection between nationality and blood is racist, which is the worst thing ever because of the holocaust or whatever, so when an american (or other new worlder) who looks like them points out the obvious they immediately think that person is engaging in wrongthink fascism and is therefore le bad
They don't know the famine is over
mindbroken by entnazifizierung award
Why do they do this though?
"I'm American. But I'm also German, Irish and Italian". It seems like split personality disorder
Scottish-Americans and Scots both speak English thougheverbeit
Most Irish people in Ireland don’t speak Gaelic either, maybe they should fuck off back to England then
American English isn't the same as Scottish English
>Speak the language
Scots and Irish just speak English lmfao
Probably because they understand the difference between race and nationality
The Ulster plantation is over too, they should go home
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It isn't and they can't go home because they were forced to move there
Also the ulsterians did go to Glasgow you spastic
Europeans like to make fun
i would take 1 million pakistani serial rapists over one american who starts talking about ice cubes and mexican food
Theres nothing funny about Europe being on the verge of collapse
Dont worry genghis, nobody wants to go to fucking hungary lmao
you guys are always saying this you are not stating the obvious lol
I refuse to let my culture be commodified. I'd rather be stabbed by a thousand gypsies than act like my nationality is a Disneyland fast pass for some American to brag about. You will never be Italian, Scottish, Irish or French.
Genghis isn't a name
No idea what you mean mate
Genghis is his name
*like you are
Your culture is already commodified AND you’re getting stabbed by immigrants, pierre
new worlders have no real identity so they can't help it
Americans and blood and soil faggots are crying to the point they're despising us. XIXth century cultureless LARPers are a poison on national identity and causing far more long term damage than any nigger.
The irish like to drink and are exceptionally racist. It's pretty funny no one brings it up. I have a lot of Irish blood in me.
What language are you speaking, boy?
The vast majority of Yanks are English by descent, they never claim to be English because they treat their ethnicity like a quirky MBTI test. They don't deserve any of your sympathy.
Scottish-American English isn't the same as American English.
Nobody in America claims to be French.
Our "French" are Cajuns which are a completely different thing.
The only Americans who really claim foreign ancestry are Irish and Italian and they do that because they're more recent immigrants here and still have fresh memories of being marginalized by WASPs in east coast urban ghettos.
Then why do you come to this website to enact this little larp pretrnding to be a mouthpiece for your whole country for anglos' entertainment? you alone have made yourself and your country a joke
>still have fresh memories of being marginalized by WASPs in east coast urban ghettos.
never happened
Your diaspora literally lynched them.
Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans remembering the mistreatment they received upon arriving here is justified and WASPs try to erase it be saying "oh well, we're just white now so no hard feelings you guyzz :3"
dis nigga thinks gangs of new york was a documentary lol
They were lynched because they were guilty of crimes, it happened to every ethnicity

The only group in the USA that was ever actually discriminated against were African-Americans, the rest of them are lying rodents trying to get gibmedats
It is also because Irish and Italians have their own communities, like the Chinese in Chinatown. Yet no European would have trouble understanding it if they called themselves Chinese-Americans for the same reason an Italian would.
A mutt made it and mutts aren't very good at countries that are not USA.
This too.
They don't understand that people don't just stop being an ethnicity because they move elsewhere. They form ethnic enclaves which become unique cultural slices to the new worlder country they move to, and these enclaves are important because they often act as time capsules for the cultures of their old worlder homeland.
The Mennonites and Amish across the Americas keep an old German culture alive that doesn't really exist in modern Germany anymore for example.
WASPs back then thought eating pizza in public was a crime so I'm not really buying that.
Neither the American nor the immigrant are European
>Mfw Im a second generation immigrant but I’ll never be accepted in any European country because I was born somewhere else so I’ll be stuck in this third world shithole that only seems to get worse
Then denationalize and revert to tribalism, because apparently language and race doesn't describe what European is. OP's picture fucked up the flag, but that's exactly how nationalism works. If someone grew up there and speaks the language then it's automatic.
>second generation immigrant
to where
He was adopted by two gay American men.
Chances are OP has a reddit accont where he larps as whatever european ancestor raped his female sa native ancestor
holy fuck ahahahahahahaha
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I think it's funny, the entire world is going to collapse with us and that's going to be hilarious to watch
Irish don’t even speak their language lmao

>If you don't speak the language and have no further connection other than "my great-grandparents migrated from there", you have no right to call yourself german, scottish or whatever. Simple as

Bet you wouldn’t say that shit to the Turkish family that lived in Germany for more than 30 years but still isn’t fluent
They're clearly Italian
Italians and Italo-Americans aren't like this. There's mutual respect.
To Brazil? Second generation immigrants are people born and raised in a country who have at least one foreign born parent
> they never claim to be English

Can’t really blame us.
Weird projection
mutt new worlders wouldn't understand
Can you stop with your racial insecurity for one second?
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I hope you realize autosomal and Y DNA are two different things
they are?? thanks for letting me know
Hope this helps.
alri mutt
This is a settler colonial myth created by "civic nationalist" settlers like "americans", "Canadians" or "israelis" to steal land from native BIPOX people btw.

You cant invent a culture or nativity.
This is just structural reactionarism

No, you little, deeanged racist freak, speaking a language is not indicator of nativity
Lots of pony masturbating proxies in this thread
Native Americans, jooz, japanese (during WW2), Germans (during WW1/2), Irish, Italians were viewed as second class citizens. To some extent Arabs during different periods, most recently after 9/11.
But but but...My great grandparents came from Sligo, Ireland just at the tail end of the famine. Names like Carr, Connolly, McAulay. I was baptized in St. Patricks Catholic Church. I went to Catholic school. I get drunk as fuck on Guinness every St. Pats.

Im not even a little but Irish? You would turn me away and sooner take a muzzy or african. Jeez. Why arent the English like this? Man being Irish really does suck. No wonder the English think they are retards.
"Scottish" Americans don't look like that.
Dirty jew RATS owe nothing but gibsme for being DIRTY JEW RATS fuck you nigel commit painful and slow suicide pronto or else
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>Yanks are English
That's true but as you know race works different here. Most of us are European mutts (e.g. 10% Swede, 15% French, 40% English, 27% German, 15%McDonalds grease, etc.). Also being "English" is boring so Americans pick the most recent (or exciting) portion of their genealogy even though they are completely detached 100% of what it means to be a Norwegian or a German or an Italian.
it's true tho
>Native Americans
Not part of American society, not our problem
>jooz, japanese (during WW2), Germans (during WW1/2), Irish, Italians were viewed as second class citizens. To some extent Arabs during different periods, most recently after 9/11.
Never happened, they had the same rights and freedooms as any other American
I was born in London to English parents and lived there until I was 3 but because I have an American accent Muhammed who showed up 5 years ago is more British than me according to europoors.
Nobody in America claims to be English, Scottish, Welsh, Dutch, French or, for the most part, Scandinavian as those peoples first settled America in large numbers long before the Revolution. They arrived by the millions afterwards, of course, but they were settling into established, Anglicised communities rather than being forced westwards onto virgin land
bbc in yanks out
germany and ireland are way less interesting countries than england lol, yanks are so dumb and ignorant
He's right. Usonians say shit like "I'm Japanese" "I'm Filipino" "I'm Méxican" like, really? Show me where you been born.
Np chinky
Polish Jews were definitely looked down on, German ones were accepted. Somehow Germans avoided the wave of Catholic hate and Italians/Irish were obsessively hated.
they were all accepted and had the exact same rights and freedoms as everyone else, you're confusing ethnic enclaves with discrimination
70 IQ post
Englands history after Protestantism has been usurers buckbreaking poor people for 500 years
We are talking about ethnicity, not nationality. My family is Irish Catholic but we never thought of ourselves as 'Irish' even though we might call ourselves that. It's hard to understand I know, especially for an ESL.
Yeah but our culture is descended from the Anglos so we view it as boring.
Ireland's history is worshipping trees and Germany's history is losing two world wars and squabbling nobles before that
>Ireland's history is worshipping trees
ER no
t. Paddy McDonald
It's true.
And for your information, I met loads of German-Brazilians and once they are here they are 100% Brazilian and get offended if you say they are German.
>Its true
>gives an example of the exact opposite happening
Can somebody be Australian without growing up down under? No. That would be preposterous.

Do you deny that were you grow up heavily influences your character and upbringing?
Also Brazilians who live abroad think its exotic to “be brazilian” so they try their hardest to be as stereotypically Brazilian as possible.
I always cringe when I see these people on social media
The German-Brazilians are very proud of being "German" when they are in Brazil, but once they are in real Germany they suddenly realize they aren't German at all and go full on Brazilian to hide their shame.
If (modern) Australian was a race, and a person had two Australian parents, but lived in say, Germany, they’d have the right to say they’re Australian.
Not that hard to get.
No Europeans think that Brazilians are exotic in all the good ways.
Never met any German Brazilians being proud of being German. How do you know what they’re like in Brazil? Seems like you’re just making it up.
this. larping as a nationality from a country you've never and never will visit is just pathetic
start speaking to a self proclaimed """german""" american in german and see how well that goes. it's just pathetic cherry picking and coping with being a rootless mutt
the nafris aren't ideal but 1: most of them were born here and 2: those born hear speak the language
that's a lot more than the "i'm X" american can say
>It's true
What happened to BLOOD and soil?
Every normie in a white country thinks its cool and exotic to be anything other than white. Thanks for losing WW2 now nobody wants to be white, retard.
I don't dispute that. However they would have little clue what growing up in Australia is actually like.
If they grow up here they will probably play football, not whatever hand egg game they play down under.
They probably would never hear about cricket.
Unlike Australia, Germany is very formal and they are likely to grow up with polite manners instead of like Crocodile Dundee.
Not at all. Arabs or Chinese are not exotic, lol.
Have you ever met an American? Do you think they actually claim to be German/Irish/Scottish whatever? Or do you just want to knock down strawmen because you know you can't
>most of them were born here
lol who cares
>speak the language
>Germany is very normal
Your people have been cucked into submission so hard from losing a war that you sat down and are currently committing suicide.
They're just mad that their subhuman ancestors didn't move to the US and they now have to deal with muslims, and this is their way of coping
He will say yes, but it's obvious 90% of the people on this shithole site just like to act like they really experienced the strawmen they see on social media.
Do you even know what that war was about?
Those guys who lost were very fond of Germans being cucked.
>Belgium flag
>the nafris aren't ideal but 1: most of them were born here and 2: those born hear speak the language
>French flag
>causing far more long term damage than any nigger
>French flag
>I'd rather be stabbed by a thousand gypsies
Because your country is full of them, lol
lmao you people have really been buck broken by a single war
Another thing Europeans dont realize- Americans endure constant xenophobia when traveling Europe, so some might do this to ward that off.
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>most of them were born here
>lol who cares
this is your brain on amerimutt. i identify as american so where is my green card. pedro and juan want them too. who cares they were born in mexico, they're actually american
>speak the language
the local language? usually dutch in flanders and french in wallonia. go dress up as a leprechaun, plastic paddy, so we can point at you and laugh
Answer my question.
Why do you Americans larp as NAZIs but claim to love liberty.
The NAZIs weren't fond of any kind of liberty. If that's not being cucked I don't know what is.

Also we are on the same boat. If we are cucked. So are you.
Okay so you havent met an American, you just get your opinions on us from social media. Good to know.
>i identify as american so where is my green card.
If you have a clean record, you're actually Belgian, and you're of good character I'd love to have you.
>the local language? usually dutch in flanders and french in wallonia
So what if someone who only speaks French and sucks at Dutch wants to move to a Dutch speaking town? Are they not Belgian? Does an African fluent in Dutch belong more than they do?
>pic rel
It's some guy on Reddit. This is your answer?
>Why do you Americans larp as NAZIs
We don't? lol
>Also we are on the same boat. If we are cucked. So are you.
The difference is that we're having it imposed on us. You people are actively cheering on your destruction.
They're terminally online, so they think if other terminally online people parrot a stereotype than it must be true.
It's just that you Americans have a different concept of ethnicity.

For you being Italian is being 100% American, but having Italian grandparents and some cultural traditions to decorate your bland American life.
But in Europe somebody would understand Italian to be a person who grew up in Italy and whose family and roots are also Italian (otherwise they are Italian*).
mad amerimutt is mad. denial is a strong coping mechanism but it seems you have discovered it on your own, good for you

what are you even trying to say. one of my friends has vietnamese parents and his dutch is absolutely flawless. and he was born here as well. and then there are the americans who can't even pronounce their dutch surname
>no, van isn't pronounced like the vehicle you fucking retard
but they'll call themselves dutch anyway, because their great great grandfather came from around this area 200 years ago
I legit don't even understand what you are talking about. Can you stop being vague and speak plainly.
but that Turkish family has lived there for 30 years and knows what Germany is really like
I'm not like that.
The thing is, I'm just a voice, and the majority don't think like me.
>one of my friends has vietnamese parents and his dutch is absolutely flawless
lmao dude you're just a libtard. you realize if an American moves to Europe their kids will be just as fluent and assimilate far better? Your friend will never be Belgian, he has no roots in the region compared to your average American. Do you not care about the continuity of your people?
>van isn't pronounced like the vehicle you fucking retard
>but they'll call themselves dutch anyway
Do you people understand the different between ethnicity and cultufe?
>So what if someone who only speaks spanish and sucks at english wants to move to an american town? Are they not american? Does an African fluent in english belong more than they do?
this is how you sound. and yes speak dutch or fuck off, thank you. we're pretty anal about that stuff. integrate please, if you can't do then what are you doing here
not sure why you think this is a gotcha
Nobody considers Turks German. At best they are Turkish-German but even that means little.
I don't think you know shit about Germany, desu.
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> born in America
> don't like it
> nothing I do, no amount of time I spend anywhere else, no values or worldview or level of integration, will ever make me anything other than American in the eyes of /int/
Being born was a curse.
Germans enthusiastically support politics that will destroy their nation.
>Can you stop being vague and speak plainly
I'm sorry you don't understand the nuances of English but WE are the ones that culturally conquered the world, not you krauts.
You can go to Canada or Australia or New Zealand.
I don' t really care about nationality and why is it such a big deal.
To me, I am a russian since I live in Russia currently and was born here.
But in the case of me immigrating somewhere, say US then I would start to say that I am Russian born american.

It is as easy as that. Why make such a big deal out of this?
>Germans enthusiastically support politics that will destroy their nation.
Like what?
i honestly can't tell if your blatant racism is trolling
>you're born here, speak the language, unlike the american mutt
>but your race is different from mine so you don't belong here and the mutt who's never been here does
if that is your argument we are done here
That only works in the US.
You'd be laughed out the door if you did that in most other countries.
lmao then why is Belgium a unified country?
>yes speak dutch or fuck off
So if it's a Belgian whose family has lived in the region for 2000 years but sucks at Dutch, you'll take the African instead?
>integrate please
You cannot "integrate" into a nation you don't share blood with. That's just how it is. They won't integrate to your culture, they will speak the language, and while your guard is down they will destroy your people and culture.
>Like what?
And people like you will cry over ethnic nationalism all day. That's all I'm espousing by the way, just simple ethnic nationalism.
Imagine unironically using "racism" in current year. So an American who looks exactly like you and shares all of your ancient ancestors is a "mutt", and some African with no ties to the land is a "real Belgian" because he's fluent in a language? In the long run Belgium will become an African country with African culture.
you're right, I don't, but those "Turks" would
That's a spineless corrupt politician and our government is at historical lows in terms of popularity.
lol i'm sure Alice Weidel and her brown lesbian partner are gonna save you
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Hapa girls are going to save us
I don't vote and I don't believe in salvation.
Pretty much all political options right now are shit.

CDU: party of retired fucks, no future vision
FDP: party of market liberalism, but paradoxically, lobbies hard for industry incumbents
SPD: party of corrupt state administrators
GRÜNE: co-opted by neoliberals and lots of idiotic ideas eitherway
Linke: tankies
BSW: was a good protest voice but not a whole party, retarded in many ways
AfD: racist nazis

It's over.
>AfD: racist nazis
being racist is the only thing that will save your country. Nazism is bad though for its militarism
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ITT: Europeans fail to appreciate how shitty it feels to have 0 cultural connection with any of your own countrymen

Just think about what it means to be an Amerimutt. We're told at a young age that America is a cultural melting pot, where people of all races hold hands and sing kumbaya and we get along in perfect harmony, and we all take bits and pieces of other cultures and mix it together and we become Americans, God bless us. But anyone who isn't retarded knows that the reality is just the opposite; America is where cultures go to die. You are forced to drop any and every bit of cultural baggage you had and conform into the singular 'American mold', anything outside of that needs to be treated with hostility and destroyed. It's a soulless, corporate-esque feeling being an American. Knowing you have 0 connection to the lands of your ancestors. Knowing that you'd be unrecognizable and incomprehensible to them. We feel 0 connection to this land; there's no real culture or history to connect with; I can go to any of the 50 states, and the language, people, architecture, and way of life is largely the same; an obliterated mutt race is all that's useful to the state. This is how you're of most use to them, as broken, cultureless eunuchs; easy to control. And thanks to globalization and the internet, even regional variations between Americans like accents have all but been destroyed too.

Tldr; we are a broken, cultureless serf class, and that's exactly the way we like it. Don't wanna conform into being standard amerigolem? That's too bad; it's all you'll ever be. It's no wonder people in this shithole country clamor about how "ackshully I'm 100% pure 'insert European country here', now pay attention to me". Look at the Americans ITT who are doing that exact thing. We're desperate to feel a cultural connection among Europeans that we lack in America. That's why we do this bullshit. It's not just goyslop that sustains us, it's also cognitive dissonance and denial.
>We're told at a young age that America is a cultural melting pot
well, that's what every european country teaches now...
Imagine writing all this bullshit to impress random Europeans online.
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>Lmao British?
Culture is downstream of race
culture is all that matters. I would consider anyone who speaks english and has been here long enough to assimilate the culture "american". meanwhile I would not consider a spic who only speaks spanish and is a cultural foreigners in everyway "american" just because they happened to be born in hialeah.
No it's not. They're usually correlated but not necessarily.
How do you maintain our culture without keeping America White then?
It's not hard to understand. It's just that you anglosphere fags got your concepts wrong and perceptions so wrong that it's not fun anymore.
>it feel wrong to call insects animals
>cereal is a soup
Shut the fuck up
It would be fun to ask euro normalfags on the streets what holds more value, blood or culture?
Haven't you ever met an Asian or Latino who sounded and acted completely native.
Cope, Prussian blood courses through my veins. I drink German beer i don't need any fake ass language
Amerimutts are the most insufferable firsties on the internet, why are they like that?
Yes, but accents are superfkuous
asking it to someone who shares neither blood or culture, that's what we're dealing with
is your country of origin really that bad you need to pretend you're something else?
Then you must not leave home very often. Everyone under 30 is culturally homogenous.
>buck broken modernist "old" worlder has zero concept of a nation outside of a country
I'm just saying it would be interesting to know what they think compared to what 4channers think
>is your country of origin really that bad you need to pretend you're something else?
yeah it's pretty bad, but I don't pretend to be something else since I'm a mutt
You will never be German.
"German" is a fake identity anyways. I'm Swabian.
Go back to Africa Mohamad
>all these seething new worlder replies
holy based post
>yeah it's pretty bad,
What? No one dislikes Chileans.
I'm 50% polish. Can I come over to Poland and eat some paczki on fat tuesday?
New Worlders be like:
>I'm 43.5% Castillian mid-caste with some Basque admixture
>Ah very nice, you know I'm 12.2% Andalucian myself.
Old worlder comes in like:
>NoooOOOOoooOOOO!!!! STOP TALKING RIGHT NOW!!!! YOU'RE MAKING A MOCKERY OF ME!!!!!! Help me EU!! Sue them for violating my ethnic copyright!
bro, all our neighbors hate our guts. Elsewhere we have reputation of low-life muggers.
America does have a distinctive culture by this point though. Arguably the best culture on the world considering it's influence throughout the world, the modern global internet culture is extremely americanized and it will at some point erode all other cultures.
The problem is that euros confuse the word nationality with ethnicity. American isn't an ethnicity. Yes someone here can be ethnically German, we all have an origin place. I don't understand why this idea is so hard for people to grasp. When you see a Chinese person you don't think oh, he's an American or he's German, despite living in either country, you think he's Chinese regardless of the fact that he wasn't born there or even speaks the language. Euros are as cringe on this matter as much as the Americans who say stupid shit like "I'm Irish so I like to drink a lot".
to be fair, most non-american internet circles are dogshit cringe. every time i think something like
>oh i'll check out what a chinese meme circle is like
>let's see what arabposting is like, i bet they have some killer jokes
it's all just 9gag-tier low brow shit making jokes from 10 years ago. absolutely boomer facebook-tier garbage.

thirdies LITERALLY cannot fucking meme.
All that mutt cope lol they are rootless amalgamations of atoms occupying space , I would sooner be dead than live life as an amerimutt
99% of the time it's just friends or family joking amongst themselves, but online Europeans love to find the worst examples and claim that it represents all of us.
I don't speak any amerindian languages either so I guess I have to go back to england, except that's not an indigenous language of the british isles so i have to go back to germany
wow full circle
europeans just do this because they have a complex with america. if there was a lost tribe of irishmen found in the amazon forest they would be soyfacing
Modern America has no culture, you only believe this because real culture has been browbeaten out of people.
Scotland doesn't exist. It's a province of the United Kaliphate
The Scottish and Irish languages are memes perpetuated by terrorist groups in the UK and Ireland. Their kings already submitted to English sovereignty and they speak English.
>At the start of 2022, there were 819,356 immigrants and 205,819 Norwegian-born to immigrant parents in Norway, together constituting 18.9% of the total population.
Scotland still doesn't exist. No means no. You literally rejected your own independence. If you want to be ruled by London, be ruled by London, but don't pretend to be anything more than a backwards province. Even Faroe Islands have more autonomy than Scotland.
Doesn't ireland have a very lenient citizenship by ancestry law which allows practically anyone who has irish ancestry to claim citizenship? I know italy and poland have something similar
it's literally just another loud member of the leftist minority on the world's biggest leftist containment website though
The Irish citizenship test is "making a car bomb while drunk off whiskey" if you don't succeed you are immediately deported
Some difference
What if I speak the same language and family has been here for 200 years? What about Criollos, French Canadians or Boers? Are they not technically Spanish, French and Dutch?
It's true to an extent. Your extremist mind makes you think he means the syrian refugee that arrived 2 weeks ago but he probably means the 3rd generation syrian that doesn't even speak his own language. How is he not more ingrained in the culture than an American?
If they were an aboriginal and born outside then yes they are :)
That includes eu-migrants though. I think we make up most of norways immigrants lol.
>Syrian immigrant
Learn to read.
That's not a good thing either bro, just means your countries are now under the control of EU globalists.
always with the copes, the EU is brown as fuck and Norway doesn't keep records of their ethnic breakdown so they're obviously hiding something
No, it's hard to defend r*dditposts if you take them literally
That's a Pakistani flag
Ethnic copyright is a perfect term lmao. They think they have a monopoly over an ethnicity because they were born within the *modern* arbitrarily defined borders of the country.
And they double down on it by making a point to say they feel closer to an african/pajeet/gypsy that was born there.
Next level derangement syndrome.
But they European by blood. You do realize that before the concept of nationality, you and a Belgian-American shared the same ancestors, native to Europe.
This civic nationalism is bullshit
include me in the screencap
Yet the European flags itt agree with him, curious
speaking the language and moving there is just advanced larping THOUGH
that is ireland flag
what the fuck else am i supposed to say then when i am asked about my genetic ancestry?
'i dont fucking know im from america bro'?
Culture is technology. Pretty much every society revolved around harvest festivals and pastoralism. Every modern nation has no culture by this rationale. And no language doesn't count, if it did count France before the French Revolution mostly spoke Latin, most countries didn't have their own lingua franca it's a fairly new concept.
Blood? Lol no,most americans are mongrels with more nigger blood than european flowing through their veins.Why do you think they are called mutts?
>spanish passport
>born in morocco
>lives in mexico
El ogro sin patria....
too bad your ancestors were early days cosmopolithans that left their country. You arent above migrants
in Europe we call migrants migrants even if they are 3rd gen
That's true but that's why we refer to it as X European ancestry. No North American who was born here and has no ties to their ancestral homelands will literally refer to themselves as X nationality because that's obviously incorrect
Go get stabbed then lol. I'm sure that whichever migrant stabs you will probably be more happy that you died than you would be sad to cease living.
>why do you think they are called mutts
Because of a forced meme spammed in 2016. Blacks are like 12% of the population there isn't enough of them here to fulfill this fantasy Europeans like about all of the Euro immigrants that came in here in the 20th century breeding BBC. It's been 8 years of this cuckold fantasy it's time to let it rest.
I dont want to be though I did date a girl from Ireland for awhile

That said being American is much better
this is true but most americans of English descent (like myself) just call ourselves americans.
pretty sure whites are going to survive the collapse (the jews did and they're complete twats), the only thing that the fall of the west is going to cause is removing the forced diversity blanket from all the undesirables (desert people, jeets etc)
whites will try to migrate to asia etc places where their skills will actually be appreciated while the old land tears itself apart with remnants and invaders duking it out, the undesirables will either flee like rats from a sinking ship or will try to loot and get popped by the military / militia of the remnants And the invaders
israel will get nuked to a crater the moment US is too busy to help them and pretty sure no one but the western white people are stupid enough to spare the jews (seeing as what happened to the ones who saved them from ww2, look at US and GB)
it's going to be one helluva fun show to watch from a junk tv in some noodle shop in some asian low income country when it happens
>The vast majority of Yanks are English by descent, they never claim to be English
I do howeverbeit
>vast majority of yanks are english by descent
does he mean northern irish, scottish, wales or what part of english? pretty sure french, germany, italy and poland have something to say about the vast majority part as well
they adopted english language, that doesn't mean they are related to the londoners
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irish, scottish, welsh or londoners though?
The average white American is much more genetically European than Balkanoids. You're Arab rape babies.
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I looked into the census and it allowed people to write in what their ancestry was. As you can see, there are separate counts for Scottish, etc. However, the majority of White Americans say they are English alone or English + something else. The census takers aren’t purposefully rolling different groups into “English.” Note however that this is self-reported and most White Americans are some combination of English + x, German + x, etc.
if you added irish and scottish it'd take up the whole map.

Continental Euros and kraut LARPers seethe about but the average white American is British ancestrally
>"what do you feel like?"
>"i would say i'm a english gentleman type you know"
self reported is what it is
they're less bri'ish than i'm swedish and i still identify with finland due to being born here and having most of my blood from finnish ancestry
I do genealogy professionally. South of the Ohio River, Northern New England and Utah people are entirely British descent normally. In the rest of the country they're usually mostly British descent with significant but still smaller amounts of German, Dutch or Irish ancestry.

I have a German surname but almost all of my ancestors were English, Ulster Protestants and Welsh. I also have red hair and freckles. I went to Germany once and they had very few gingers, but gingers are pretty common back in Southern Indiana.
>i'm a mutt but i identify as the maritime world power of ye olde that wore suits and top hats
'ello dere govnur, is have em freckles and ginger hair innit, how bout a few shillings for a bo'el of whiskey?
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>your blatant racism
Americans relations with Britain, ethnically, are entirely different than what you're implying here. Americans don't call themselves British or British American. We aren't the descendants of immigrants in the way an "Italian"-American is. American is its own ethnicity, but its ultimately a British derived one.

We're cousins that share the same grandfather (pre-16th-18th British culture and history). English musicologists used to travel rural America to collect folk tunes because what Americans called "old time" or "bluegrass" were in reality old English folk songs that had been lost to time.

You don't, and will never, understand this kind of historical-ethnic fraternity because you're Finnish and Finland is an irrelevant cultureless pit with no colonial offspring and was still living like Siberian tribesmen when America was building trains and conquering a continent.
We should have nuked you instead
Whiskey is an American drink. Whisky is British. Get it right next time.
And your ancestors were slaves to Swedish overlords and your prehistory ended in 1250 you worthless china Swede faggot
>self reported is what it is
Yeah, that’s why I told you to note that in my post. I’m not trying to hide that; I said so myself. It’s still the data we have, and more than you, some random Finn who doesn’t know anything about my country, just feeling like it isn’t true.
>they're less bri'ish than i'm swedish and i still identify with finland due to being born here and having most of my blood from finnish ancestry
We’re talking ancestry, not identifying with a modern country. Try to keep up.
He didn't say he was British, retard. Why are all Scandis on here so dense?
don't talk to me or my son estonia ever again you 20% bri'ish mutt
and what i'm saying is if you would break out the % of ancestry i would still be more swedish based on that than you are english
try to keep up
You are an Asian mutt and vastly inferior to the true ubermensch; Appalachian Americans (so purebred that we literally turned blue from inbreeding)
You're probably wrong. What % of Swedish are you? I'm betting its under 60% unless both your parents are from Sweden.
my ancestors were english
>if you break it down into shit I’m pulling out of my ass, then I’m right
Stop posting.
finns have blood from (for most) only 3 places, norway, sweden and finland (sometimes estonian and german), we're less mixed than your mutthole country due to proximity and history
you having some 35% english ancestry as the only ancestry that stands out from that cesspool of genes doesn't make you english, it just means you're so fucking mixed that the only thing that stands out from that is the maritime empire made up of about 4+ different ethnic groups
holy fuck
am i the only old-worlder who thinks blood and heritage is more important than soil ?
cried out the frenchman
we're well aware of your disdain for hereditary things france, settle down
bit late to whip out the "blood and heritage" card after you chopped off the heads of your monarchs
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I only descend from 2 ethnic groups. I am likely less mutted than you because Finns are slav-baltic-norse-germanic-siberian-mystery meat mutts with depigmented negro facial features.
He just said something completely opposite of that you slant eyed freak
>i descent from 2 ethnic groups
let me guess, cherokee and urban youth
you don't think brown immigrants are german?
oopsie! off to jail for you!
Use your eyes
Finns are consistently the lowest IQ euro posters on here. Swedes are usually smarter.
Technically the brown immigrant born in Germany would be Germany. Their connection to the country is that they're born there and they speak the language. That's how nationalism works, those Americans in the midwest are not German in the national sense they only say they are because people ask things like 'Where are you from?' then when you answer the US 'But where are you really from?'. Because everyone here is an immigrant, the only ones that get a pass as true Americans for some reason are the ones that say 'I can trace my family to the Mayflower.'
You have nothing to support what you’re saying. The average white American is no more a mix than anywhere else in Europe. Most are only NW European, a genetic grouping so small dna companies fail to accurately separate them. The only difference is the recency and the cultural mind brokenness about this stuff. You’ve already admitted to Finns generally having blood from 5 nearby places (you can’t even be sure how much you are of each, yet I’m the mystery meat more mutted than you) but you’re somehow better because I have blood from 5 nearby places? But I’m the cesspit? Europeans like you are completely hypocritical and only get your impressions of Americans from movies, memes, and the worst parts of the internet.
>finns have blood from (for most) only 3 places, norway, sweden and finland
what about sami ancestry
I say this too thoughbeit. FOB Haitians who don't speak a lick of Spanish are a million times more Mexican than the Americanized Chicanos living in the US.
Sami, Baltic, and who knows what else.

Have you ever seen finns before? They unironically look like albino bantus
Chicanos will never be American thoughever. We're sending them back.
I didn’t even mention this in my post either: Finns have some of the highest amounts of East Asian DNA, higher than Hungarians and Ukrainians, and beaten only by some northern Russians. But Americans are the mutts whose genes come from a cesspit.
The Norman Conquest is over. Go home Fitzgerald.
scandinavians who have a lot of east asian DNA are literally called something else, sami as said previously
hungarians are not asian at all, they were europeans that migrated FROM north asia because Europeans USED to live there
Ukrainians have a lot of tatar admixture but that wouldn't be accounted for in your post since you're describing east asian only

europeans are very seldom mixed while americans really are mongrel mutants. cope and seethe cody sanchez
saami people are a minority that is located almost entirely in the northern part, they're not that big of a part of the population and see themselves as a separate ethnic group same as fennoswedes
Fennoswedes are sama-baltic mutts though
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>europeans are very seldom mixed while americans really are mongrel mutants.
This isn't true doe.

I do have to admit though, I personally am of mixed heritage...
Angry that I'm purer than you
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I only brought up Hungarians and Ukrainians as a contrast because they’re often made fun of for being asiatics, when it’s not the case genetically. Finns meanwhile do have high amounts of east asian admixture, their average being some of the highest in Europe, being about 5-10%. They actually have mixture, unlike most Europeans as you’ve pointed out. Meanwhile, White Americans are literally just white (pic rel is based on actually dna tests). Only 5% have some sort of nonwhite dna while all Finns tend to average out with some wast asian dna, that wasn’t just from Sami, but from an ancient mass migration that was bleached over time.
I’m trying to denigrate Finns, but I’m pointing out the hypocrisy.
I’m not* trying to denigrate Finns
west belongs to islam white males agree Insallah.
What's the deal about the mendez brothers being not guilty for kikkkinhor summit?
>France before the French Revolution mostly spoke Latin

What the fuck did I just read
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Most people of British descent are muttified but don't know the exact percentages, so it's easier to put down English
>this thread again
you will never be european, you have no citizenship you have no language you have no shared culture
hey as a swab you will never be swabian either
mutt mongrel new worlders retarded talking point
before the concept of a nationality not a single soul gave a flying fuck about a child born somewhere else because it was hard to keep track of who came here or there
history is filled with people moving somewhere and becoming that culture (mainly in the roman empire)
blood as a concept for people who aren't nobility/royalty is a modern concept that started around the founding of america
>itt: europoors cope over the existence of genetics
Americans should immigrate en-masse to Europe to save it from demographic collapse.
Can't quite with those beady slits finns call peepers.
Americans have no right to call themselves German … IN GERMANY
Anglo-Saxon colonists
Americans have a country to go back to.
But we don't.

Americans can send money back to their home country.
But we can't.
Europeans feel an inferiority complex towards Americans because we are better than them in almost every way so they deny our heritage because it's the one thing they have over us.

Exhibit A. When Americans say "I"m German", "I'm Irish", etc, they clearly are not talking about nationality. They are saying that they are ethnically German, Irish, or whatever else, and their ancestors came from those lands so they feel a sentimental connection to the history and culture.

Exhibit B. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA haven't been around long enough for the people to undergo ethnogenesis yet so they haven't formed their own unique races yet. These people look instead to Europe as their ancestral homeland and the place where most of their ancestors lived. Germans get to look at the history of the German people and claim it as their own; when they read about the HRE, Protestant Reformation, the mass deaths during the 30 years war, etc, they feel a connection to those people because those are their distant ancestors. Ethnic Germans living in America have that same claim because that's where their ancestors were at the time.

This is also a good point. The opinion of the average European about race and heritage is far too ideologically poisoned to be useful. Despite all our flaws, I'd argue Americans have a healthier perspective because we don't identify with modern European institutions, ideologies, or identities based on fear of being invaded
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Shut the fuck up you have shitskin admixture
Finns are about 14% East Asian.
You retards wanna talk race and be racist but you shoot yourselves on the foot every time, lmao.
only neo leftist cretins who want to virtue signal do this
No they’re not. Finns have up to 14% East Asian admixture in their autosomal DNA, Swedes also have some, and Danes and Norwegians have less. That’s widely known for anyone who understands genetics.
You are a pathological liar.
I have all of the three
False. Yamnaya born outside the Steppes were still Yamnaya, same for Corded Ware, same for Bell Beakers, EEF… ANF born outside of Anatolia were still Anatolian. Same for Celts, same for the Germanic tribes, Goths, Suebi, Vandals, even if they were born outside of Scandinavia, they were still the same Germanic tribes.
I find it hilarious how Europeans itt claim to have copyright over who is and who isnt European so you’ll just spill a bunch of fallacies because you don’t know the history and genetics of your own country. Maybe you deserve to be replaced by Mohammed and Ranjeesh.
>when they read about the HRE, Protestant Reformation, the mass deaths during the 30 years war, etc, they feel a connection to those people because those are their distant ancestors
That’s a big point as well, the distant ancestors of a German born in Germany, are the same of a German American in the US.
The German American’s ancestors literally built Germany from the dawn of time, and now since he was born outside of *modern* borders (Berlin wall only came down in 1990 for example), he should simply let go of all of his ancestors and history? Sounds limiting and stupid.
is this the designated yuropoor seething thread
Its the thread where they get repeatedly BTFO until they stop posting
you need to sleep more and drink less alcohol
people like you deserve to be ethnically replaced
I don’t and most Americans don’t, but keep seething because you’re full of shit
>all the new worlders seething
truth nuke

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