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There is a guy on /bra/ who, besides being openly a pedophile, fucks his own mother.
Why is this funny
Generals are for weirdos and should be moved to bant
polska is a venn diagram of women-hating incels and weeb faggots
/balk/ is for people obsessed with bulgaria
Why would you come to int to go on a general when you have your own Chan?
dont even think of going to /asean/
Here we don't have N. nor Angolano setting useless rules.
Because it's cancer.
it's mostly shizos insulting each other
sometimes there are funny stories, but rarely
He just said that being against paedophilia is virtue signalling.
the neets in /skandi/ are so lazy they can't even keep the thread alive while us wageslaves go earn money to pay for their neetbucks
Only a pedo would say this
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last month we had some drama between a 35 and a 24 year old guy and their shared 16 year old female "friend"
a posted who lives in finland video streamed himself doing stuff like pic related and other wacky stuff and all of us found that to be pretty funny
Our general is full of faggot Europeans dick riding America
>general gossip thread
spill the schizo tea sis
There's nothing to tell, it's just the same 5-6 retards repeating the exact same shit every day
I think he was probably molested and can't think of interactions with other people in terms that are not sex.
I know people like that, if sex isn't on the table he doesn't have much incentive to engage with anyone, even in thought
also my country doesn't have a general and the closest thing to it is an abhorrent place I avoid like the plague
What happened to /lat/? I don't see it anymore.
argies and mexicans are in the middle of a e-war over who's the most insufferable, so they now circlejerk each other on /csg/ and /mex/
I've read /csg/ is mostly trannies and genuine mental illness, so argies might be winning.
We have pp
We have matthew
We have hoodieanon
We have warehouseanon
We have Omri
We have weightlossanon
We have breakingnewsanon
We're pretty tightknit, comes with having a small general, everyone knows each other
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Frogs and neets
who is this?
There is a really cute Egyptian guy working at the shawarma place around the corner. Olive skin, green eyes, and a shy reserved smile. I want him but all the shawarma is making me fat.
most of sverigetråden are highly educated, cultured, and work high-earning jobs. we mostly discuss literature, philosophy, politics, or newly released scientific papers. it's my go to place for learning about current events and getting a deeper understanding about the world.
It's dead and that's a good thing
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that's because the specific Mexican parasite janny the split was meant to ostracize is still in /csg/
Central asian thread is spammed by self hating Kyrgyz mutt
They all circlejerk some 17 year old girl called Hex and the entire thread is constantly about drama involving her, a discord, or other freaks associated with the thread. It's trash
Does he really fuck his mother? Why are people saying this?
Please use the gerund, he is fucking. Aparently it's a weekly thing.
We don't have it anymore because everyone died except me, kelly and attican
Did he say this or are you schizos making shit up?
He said and reafirmed multiple times. You can see on desuarchive.
>believing what an attwhore tripfag says
>whole general is probably talking about him rn instead of ignoring
if I cared about fame on 4chan (wich is the weirdest thing to care about but I've seen more tragic cases around here) I would also make shit like this so people remember me.
We have a schizo in our general who calls himself the fuhrer and is probably a pedo. He posts continuously about how he wants to fix the country but it''s complete gobbledigook
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I hate /bra/ and I hope everybody from their shitty discord group dies a horrible death
>ctrl+f pedrinho/farma/caneta
>179 results
We talk about maple syrup and how much we all hate the PM. Plus the one feather injun who doesn't speak any english or french
Brazilian latent attwhoriness, mental illness, social alienation

These were the ingredients chosen

To create the perfect little /bra/dophile

But Professor Utonium accidentally

Added an extra ingredient to the concoction--

Low(er) IQ!

Thus, /bra/ was born
>We have pp
that bro is so annoying
How /csg/ being full of trannies is a victory?
Search "milzao" in the archives.
At least they have mi parce Cris el Maric0n.
Speaking as a half-Mexican, Mexicans have been the worst posters on /int/ since 2011. When I first came to this shithole the board had a notice board joking about how most of the posters were apparently Mexicans. Eventually the heat moved onto the Brazilians, but since the /hilo/ threads took over Mexicans have made a return as being the worst faggots alongside the scandinavians and israelis.
Norweigans and the Danish are pretty chill.
The only actual Scandi posters are Danes, Icelanders, and the Faroese, pretty sure the rest are MENA or Balkan diaspora.
Just a small group of weirdos. Half is unemployed, couple are alcoholics and a few do drugs. The ones that do work are unironically incels. There was one guy who kept talking about fucking dolphins
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ours also has a furry who openly fights the pedos and chuds

because evil can not truly win as long as there's at least one good man keeping the fight on!
almost all posts on /balt/ are by a lithuanian schizo who uses multiple vpns
Anime posters and pedos
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>Half is unemployed, couple are alcoholics and a few do drugs. The ones that do work are unironically incels.
whats the difference LOL
this thread is gay as fuck
There's a guy who posts non-stop about hating the lrish and a Belgium who posts non-stop about blacked memes and an annoying tranny the rest are good lads
/brit/ has a vpn using gay man with a Belgian flag who pretends to be a black person
You also have a based woman who is employed.
sounds like he got tricked into confirming it and started playing along. He was saying that paying 1k to his mother is helping out on the bills but didn't deny the sex part
none of this is true
Wrong. She is based and works on lidl.
Probably one of the worst threads on 4chan and I've been to /trash/ and nu-/b/
Brazilian imageboards have brazilian mods with their ridiculous rules and powertripping atitude.
He pees on random women?
whatever happened to butthew poozueta? i dont see him on /mu/ anymore either.
is he the one posting all that k-pop trash?
brazilian imageboards are 50% politics and 50% e-celebrities these days, and it's all in one single board since all the secondaries are dead.

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