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misty autumn morning edition
if it’s hip it’s here
need heatherfreak out of business
up where they stay all day in the sun
its hip to be square
Leftypol has merely adapted to antisemitism. Rorke was born in it. Molded by it.
ive wasted my life
Good americhad edition (extremely common)
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190 is the fuel that keeps /brit/ running
off to the pub with you ASAP
pooing, wanking, shitting, and farting
leftypol voting in all the national and local elections

rorke casting 1 vote in his life (brexit)
leftypol drinking a whole long island to himself
kahtimers when i laugh at my own post again
in bed cant sleep bored
>Leftypol has merely adapted to antisemitism
no he hasn't
yeah so what
the missus
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Don't touch my truck.
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>gingernonce edition
*knocks your wing mirror off*
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What happened to scarves? Never see people wearing scarves anymore.
Everybody used to have a scarf, then the gays took them so only gay people wore scarves. Now not even the gays are wearing scarves. Are they okay to wear again now?
how does one get motivated in life? I've completely given up, it has nothing to offer me
what the fuck
I tried to play some videogames but I simply have no energy
You know who I hate?
Lesbians. Hate them cunts.
You said it yourself, simply gay now, zoomers love fashion though and dress very well so it will likely make a comeback soon
ive seen women wearing them

id like to get a nice one but clothing options for men are shit
Muslims worship the devil.
rorke wearing a scarf in the summer
Really struggled not to get hard in the gym tonight, too many fucking huge lads and I've not had a wank in 3 days
global warming
never met one, are they as petty and unpleasant as they always make the tv characters? seems hard to believe
>catyank edition
yeah an england scarf cause footballs coming home
videogames are boring and childish. give yours games and consoles to the charity shop and start living.
Should just fucking kill myself
does bandanas count? i only wear it sometimes because i look too cute in it

no. now are you satisfied with my attention?
how do you live?
at school i had a lesbian teacher and she was a right miserable wench. easily as petty and unpleasant as any tv character, worse in fact. ugly as well.
stay chipper
watch skibidi toilet instead
before you give someone life advice remember you're posting on brit at half midnight
probably doesn't get cold enough in britain for it to be anything more than a fashion statement
without videogames
you look like funky kong
you'd look cute hanging on my wall
by spending his nights here, now THAT is living
be specific
wow fuck u mong!
leftypol slithering into the rorke pub for gammons
Dogberg doing rancid farts again
eating an egg lads
one simply lives their life, without videogames.
doing a read
egg of chicken?
me? its astronauts. wankers.
>egg lads
and what are those? funny little fellas who run around in your kitchen? fuck off
never met one. get a bit big headed do they?
Mental how badly I mindraped him lol
The Council of Hitlers
now that's a funny little character, I like that
make sure you specify next time
same as if youre drinking milk of cow
they just post on reddit bragging about going to space
finlad would've loved this
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>It also excluded the Hitler from alpha alpha nine, who was a communist.
will do
people who buy ready grown lawns that they roll out give me the ick
Julius Sneedser
april ultra derby item oaken
at putting bold mark ratio larger even gets enough revenue
let's raise magical brave pure alien mass to live overseas
Did decline bench for the first time, need to build a juicy chest
bet you think youve done a "number" on him dont you
Right got out of bed cant sleep so bored gonna smash some vodka
Whenever I tell people I only have one ball they always bring up Hitler. Hitler didn’t even have one ball. Someone just made it up. Sick of it.
if you dont have a spotter and you fail a rep you're utterly fucked
the mindchild?
got a ready grown yawn for whenever you post
true, just character slander
remember seeing a 'ark felton video about himmler and he said they laughed at him naked on the floor because he allegedly had a small dick
>I only have one ball
the other
is in the albert hall
is that a topic you can casually bring up in conversation quite easily
Sick of people trying to besmirch Hitler's good name
Blimey that's a bit tasty innit
>claims to have mindraped someone
>posts about him every day
Sipping an espresso martini
yeah just have to bring up hitler and then slip it in
peng vag peng feet
just lost my job because of this image
bet you thought that would be hilarious when you wrote it
After ww2 did all Austrians/Germans with the surname Hitler change their name
Cockmogs me!
Yeah I do it all the time. See: >>203199756
Will swap to dumbbells immediately
Breath of the Wild is comfy but the world is a bit empty
leftypol: morning rorke
rorke: i love hitler and im missing a testicle
why do women's arseholes go so close to their fannies
Hitler was so based.
trying to quit weed...very boring
just got promoted coz of this image
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Vladolf Putler
Genuinely don't get what straight men see in women, minging
manlet ginger with a black wife wont stop blabbering on about a japanese restaurant he went to
blog on you boring cunt
Mens arseholes are the same you just have bollocks blocking your cock from it
rorke based but cringe
leftypol just cringe
Yes. l dont think it was a super common name anyway
Male arsehole inspector chiming in
Fuck off
that's a man
fanny is like dinner and the bumole is like dessert
No western leader would dare say this but it's true you know
Low T
Went to a Japanese place a little over a week ago and the server was an artsy looking sort of lady and I could see her belly button
just scranned a tunnocks
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been replaying the resident evil games lads, there are so many waifus in the franchise
We all raping the disabled in here lads?
Oh yeah
let he who has never blogposted cast the first stone
Japanese lust for white women really does create the fittest birds
reread your post
for me it's sheva
Feels nice tucked up in my little English bed knowing that millions of yanks are in mortal danger due to an oncoming hurricane
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my waifu
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Won £4.40 on the lotto
/brit/ has grown too big for /int/. It's time for a concurrent /brit2/.
>bloke face
>bloke face
>bloke face
>bloke face
>bloke face
>bloke face
>bloke face
>looks like the boy Schofield bummed
>bloke face
>bloke face
>bloke face
No luck on the old premium bonds:(
still cant get an answer as to when Karl shows up in Ludwig
make it then
episode 5, briefly
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For me it's Nina from Tekken.
well thats no good
meanwhile you have a storm of pakis spinning around like tasmanian devils with knives
still a good show
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Could do with a shag :/
glad my American gf lives far from the danger area
first wank i have had was a to a drawing of chun li getting fucked by ryu, weirdest thing was i have never even liked street fighter
the girl who plays ashley is so cute it is insane
Where is she
I'll give her a kiss for you :3
is she in another nation? your imagination hahaa
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this is my life today
Nevada. Haha.
Why are chuds so obsessed with the hurricane? I see they have already tried to politicise it lol
does anyone wanna play minecraft with me?
Bloody well done lad
I'll have a burrito with rice and beans. thanks
Fuck off retard
done him
gonna show her this she'll enjoy it
Won £100 once
Bodied that freak
heard there are holes in the wall where you could stick your willy and get a free blowie or shag from the other side
Yanks are all schizoids so they think hurricanes are caused by government wonderweapons and wildfires caused by government space lasers and shit
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fuckin hell you done him up the arse
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thoughts on latex girls?
i'm 28 and wank to sfm of games I've never played regularly
Glory holes, but it'll be a smelly bloke sucking you off probably
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yeah I'm not sticking my dick in a wall for some mystery surprise on the other side
True lmfao
what does sfm stand for?
got called salad fingers at school because i'm lanky and weird presumably
safe for mongs
One does not like to touch on the weary Irish question. But surely Americans will find difficulty in believing either that John Bright did not know oppression when he saw it, or that he wilfully upheld it. That Irish Catholics had terrible wrongs in former days nobody doubts: French Huguenots and Spanish heretics had more terrible wrongs than theirs at the same time. But what is their political grievance now? They have not named one except the union; and that the union is not a blighting curse seems to be proved by the prosperity of the Protestant North, which stands in exactly the same relation to Great Britain and is under the same laws and institutions as the rest of the island. Surely the Draft Riots, the Molly-Maguire outrages, Tammany, and the Clan-na-Gael must sometimes suggest to American Anglophobists that Irish character is, at all events, a factor in this unhappy problem. That character is just the same in Australia that it is in Ireland and in the United States. The overbreeding of a very amiable, but not very energetic or thrifty, race, on a soil which will not support them, is what no government can prevent; nor can any government, whether in French Canada or in Ireland, annul the effects of ecclesiastical domination on industrial progress. Yet Ireland was making headway under the union when this agitation broke out.
source film maker
became a synonym for 3d porn
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It's bizarre how bad it is over there, schizomobiles all over, mental preachers in the street. Literally mass delusions
kek, thanks
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You look like this AHAHAHAHAHAHA
I MUST get a Nina gf.
heard she got fucked by kuma
Very smelly right now but cant be bothered to shower or even change my clothes. Just sat her smelling bad drinking vodka
too late to bother washing now mate, just be smelly until the morning
fuck up spaino
Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.
Lightning <3
the “gods” (plural) aren’t real
Apologies. I'm a bit mad, you see
Huw Edwards is selling his gaff?
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>tfw no ugly duckling gf who is still a nerd at heart but also goes to the gym and now has a fat arse
wonder which noncey asain country he'll move to
chilly weather making my skin dry
anyone managed to quit weed?
yes. smoked daily from 15-26
do you just sort of get used to not being high eventually? Find being sober very boring
Doesn't exist.
Haters were right, squatting does in fact grow your legs. This is terrible news
wish l had friends
Listen. You don't like me, and I sure as hell don't like you. But if we don't work together, neither of us is making it out of here alive.
good morning sir
*wiggles head*
I'll be your friend
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Someone's having the shit tommorow
those noodles are SHIT
all heat no taste
also why the fuck are you eating them dry what's wrong with you
If you're reading this, I am already dead. You are now part of the resistance.
bet you cant eat the whole thing
fuck ya bud
oh yeah well I bet you can't live a whole and satisfied life
I'm a bit of a racist, but I have to admit I like Laurence Fishburne. He's always kino in whatever movie he's in.
when you order seafood at the restaurant but find out your chef is Laurence Fishburne
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he's in a movie with Thomas Jane l watched and enjoyed recently. Dunno why they didnt get him back for Matrix 4 can only assume he was too based in some way
the galway gf
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galway gals
when you travel to Kilkenny, Ireland and realize you're wearing your orange parka
bad father
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yeah and your arse! nice!
i have no muscles ;_;
you can grow some
nice one i might get bummed
they're hiding under your weakness
i have no backbone
most men love grabbing mine. not in a gay way but it still feels a bit gay. well whatever
mental how we can't predict earthquakes, those could just happen at any time if you're in a seismically active area
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never gonna stop the puffin
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Why did they put the Starfleet headquarters in San Franfisco
same reason they put a space-time rift in cardiff
any finns in?
erm technically the rift was there before Cardiff
i keep getting sick over and over. I feel like my immune system has gotten worse FUCK
might be drunk enough to sleep lets see
Are you under a lot of stress?
/brit/ annual orgy this weekend lads. We all ready?
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the American gf cant make it so just us lads this year
not really, except exams

for me it is watching girls cosplay
Disabled? Raped.
phwor would shag her
offered somebody some sauerkraut for their pizza
alri ssm
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women? cringe
dogs? BASED
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The Binär Elektronisk SekvensKalkylator, Swedish for "Binary Electronic Sequence Calculator" was a Swedish computer released in 1953 and was the fastest computer in the world upon its release.
resisting drumpf
>Buddhists consider reincarnating as this a punishment
imagine living this good
might start saving up all my mundane replies and post them at once at the end of the thread
hope l get some
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business plan, pizza company that has your pizza delivered by a cute femboy, no sex just eye candy like hooters
mental how christian bakers have to do gay cakes

but if you go to a halal butcher and ask for pork...
whatever happened to this lad?
>but if you go to a halal butcher and ask for pork...
Whoooo boy
You're in trouble now buddy
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the same thing that always happens, twink death.
shagged him rotten didnt i
another reason we should bring in chinese over the others, they love pork
Died of complications from a prolapsed anus
the amount of photoshop on that face oh my days
just got done shagging the missus and then the meds wore off
not bent but would love to shag a bloke that looks like a girl ideally one thats on the hormones so they have little breasts for me to suck on
dont look up the hui people
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>Mexico mayor’s decapitated head was found on his car only six days after taking office
well they say variety is the spice of life so get that estrogenized penis bud
Ay caramba
wypipo dont spice up they life
Foreverial tiedup fat Toby
extremely rare, borderline mythical, good leaf post
Klingons are like if outlaw biker gangs were an alien species.
terrified of my grim future
wasn't that good
gimmick idea: desperate to fit in brit
bumwank o clock
couldn't be me. I just rile up the little lads
The Klingon homeworld is named Kronos. Kronos is the Greek name for Saturn.
Typically, when we think of a Star Trek alien equivalent of Jews, we probably think of the Ferengi, the Bajorans, or maybe the changelings as the archetypal space Jews.
We probably wouldn't think of the Klingons. But on further inspection, you start to wonder... Kronos/Saturn (equivalent of the Canaanite gods Remphan/Moloch)... highly aggressive, bloodthirsty, ruthless, militant species.........
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what a load of wank
i always thought of klingons as one of the lesser races like blacks
love pretending to be an NPC in videogames, living a simple life as a trader or farmer, avoiding combat and never becoming "the chosen one"
bed for me then i guess. Hope i don't wake up
Worf was played by a black guy but most Klingons were played by white actors. One of the producers said that when casting Klingons, they would just look for big burly guys who look like they're in a motorcycle gang.
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lunch time
He's a literal millionaire from being a pro League of Legends player and has a girlfriend who helps him dress up
Fuck sake...
youtube is more pozzed than msm
Have you guys ever heard of the interrupting cow?
It's this thing where
Sneaky is more succesful than everyone on /brit/
Has a long term loving girlfriend, is a literal millionaire etc.
not nearly enough peperoni
I'm a millionaire if I include my property
its the talk tuah podcast nothing pozzed about it
have you seen the clown that hides from gay people
If I'm bicurious then is the clown only in my peripheral vision
Janny, kill it
I see that ssupposed crackdown on heathermong and other schizos has already waned
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could just stay here

Not using that other thread
The thread is still up you blind retard

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