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/int/ - International

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Dreaming of a good thread (edition)
damn, it feels good to be british
I think you might have missed it
I think you got it twisted
but I told you to kiss it
my biscuit my biscuit
a real british-arse wanka plays his cards righjt
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Irish diaspora sub edish
How long have you been spamming these images man, and how many do you have saved?
this is the thread
Just found out from the 4chan boss that this the final brit thread
haven't done a poo on going on 2 days now
Thank God
From its rotting corpse may a thousand flowers bloom
Im posting in the irish diaspors thread

Bye guys
bottom-o-the-evenin to ya laddie
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Abo diaspora containment thread
cultivating a pube beard
heathermong meltdown
reckon the amount of aboriginal people living overseas is below 100
He's been doing this routine for at least three years
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Irish diaspora businessman marries his trophy wife
he needs to be locked up
might buy a cybertruck
Tried a phone game called Turnip Boy 'cause it looked cute and it was literal one-to-one Zelda port. Like the most shameless Zelda clone I've ever seen. Then it had the nerve to beg for money after I'd played for like three minutes.

What is with Americans and Nintendo shite?
feel like SHIT
why would you d that
aboriginal australians are probably the only race i've never seen in real life now that i think about it
well, along with african pygmies, khoisan, etc.
would have thought heathermong would like rupert murdoch considering he's on record hating irishmen
for teh lulz
Would you grass up your brother if he was the Unabomber?
it's rare you even see them here
let's get to bashing butts, as well as DEEZ nuts
might get a cybertruck for the boot space
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Make no mistake about this. I do intend to get a Nina gf.
nina from tekken?
ain't she the mother of that boxer bloke? you really want to date a single mother?
we are a nation of immigrants
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Why did you let Canada, New Zealand, and Australia break free? What a massive L. Britain should still be a global nation.
She was artificially impregnated while in stasis. It's not as if she was whoring around. Do NOT insult Nina.
that picture of that odd-looking man with the shaved head and big pube beard is this "heathermong", isn't it?
he looks irish honestly
Artie Bucco is literally me
Are you Irish diaspora?
Artie Ziff is literally me
looks like a soft white underbelly screenshot
that's mikey you stupid yank
bizarre post
it's just the background
*breathes poo breath on you*
fartie cuckold is literally me
your threshold for bizarre is actually what's bizarre here. dtfiy
it's just a useless observation to make
i like bizarre, anyways
Had a teacher who's breath stank of shit
She would pick on me for Latin and breath down my neck to look at my work
Always avoided classes with her until I had to explain why
Was so fucking embarrassing
just found out there was some massive hurricane in america
lt's hitting 2moro
dumbass fucking idiot yank
we should all go to bed and cuddle our gfs
Can't live with 'em
Can't live without 'em!
playing ff7 for the first time
bit bored
plot is also incredibly homoerotic
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ewan mcgregor with a pig nose
don't think I would want a latina to call me papi but I want the kind that would, does that make sense?
our whats?
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Fuck off and die
I've been shagging an Italian girl and she calls me papi when we have sex but that's not even an Italian word
Nobody in Australia says shag
as a guest of /brit/ I am respecting their culture and customs
I think /r/thedonald getting banned sent way more people to 4chan than the so called flood of "election tourists" during 2016

"election tourist" is sort of a newfag identifier because people who use that term inevitably arrived in like 2014
Technically 2021 since that's when I started posting here regularly
My first ever post on 4chan was in 2010 though
I posted on krautchan for most of the 2010s until it died and I stubbornly refused to post on 4chan for ages
Tell me about krautchan
Been here since 2014
Honestly whats with all the 27 year olds here who started posting in 2014? Its fucking weird
From the screen to the ring, to the pen, to the king
Where's my crown? That's my bling
Always drama when I ring
thought it was saying i'm cancer but then realised the label was for the ones before it and not the one it's literally in the same segment as so it turns out i am death (came in either late 2012 or early 2013 i can't remember which now)
cancer masterrace
I'm 25 but yeah.
It's a weird one ngl
If you want to emphasize that all such people always arrived in 2014, "invariably" is the better fit. If you're suggesting that their arrival in 2014 was somehow unavoidable or destined, "inevitably" would be the better choice.

So, invariably
This image is for mentally ill sad acts
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that's right we say "oi luv, giz a root"
He's been at it since 2012

This thread is a duplicate

Move to the original threas
There's a social contagion at work making the guys laugh like snakes "tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"
I am a CIA asset.
she has euthanasiad over 400 people and runs an abortion clinic
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/int/ was a lot less strict than 4chan's /int/ and it was pretty much the only English board (literally created because of the influx of brits)
There weren't really any kind of /brit/ style generals until brexit, which I remember led to an Israeli Bernd spamming it and seething nonstop because it was apparently "4chan /pol/ cancer"
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Sex pliss
i'm 29 and i started posting here in 2006, bit of an autistic prodigy me
Fat pasty shut in neckbeard with one of those fat aussie accents
Based Steel Piller here
Ohhhh Caaaannnadaaaa
do you lads remember the dates of your break ups?
shut up
Actual freak you must be
What sort of life have you lead?
30 and been here since 2007 me
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hope the cheeto loses the election so i never have to read about yank politics on here again
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Don't like this twat
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but this is chud central and so will be the center of seethe if the negreet wins
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don't remember any of them, couldn't even tell you the month it happened
don't even know how long they lasted
impossible to read
It's hardly chud central. It's not cool to be a Chud on this site, not like it once was at least.
Being a chud is fine and nobody gives a fuck
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I'm voting for sonic hedgehog.
dipping my toes into the redpill manosphere
Is it really a legitimate relationship if you've had so many that you can't even remember them
paging rorke, your train is departing Chud Central Station at hitler o'clock

paging rorke, i repeat paging rorke
I've only had 2 serious relationships
Having female contact quite literally cures chuds
Dipping my toes into a vat of boiling acid.
I have a girlfriend yet I'm still a chud thoughbeit
why would rorke being paged at a train station?
>l'm gonna kill myself tomorrow
>actually tries suicide 10 seconds later
uwAAAAA!! i'm gonna miss my train to zogwarts! *puts toast in mouth and starts running*
he said it before midnight
>I look at it, "all you really needed was some drugs", but you want my drugs? I'll give them to you
how can she just say something like this. and what sort of person do you have to be to want to do both euthanasia and abortion as your jobs?
got the Vinnie Jones scenes from Eurotrip on
Lol shut the fuck up mong
the drug method of euthanasia is a lot more palatable than getting locked in a pod and gassed
A gas is a drug thoughever
wish 190 were here to post a list of all the drugs hes ever done
rorke was just having a dream, don't overthink it
life's a gas
you said it
Did you know 1 Japanese school teacher had sex with 12,000 Filipinas while filming sex? His nickname is "Legendo."
>he said the line
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whats her majesty doing in heaven rn?
the unplugged alpha
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Im going to end up being one of those creeps that has a collection of a certain type of plant or animal
depends on whether or not people poo in heaven
like soul she has joined the godhead or pleroma as a mote of pure light
barry "poomeister" poo
oh no it's you again
i could never forget those eyes
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life is shit
how often do u dream of the empire and it's consequences?
*my life is shit
we can only hope aye lad
Neck yourself and spare me of your incessant crying bb
do you like seeing newts outside
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your life is piss
get the sleep slept
ok i will okay okat oamayshehyeyeye
doing a life
just had a big fight with my step ladder
i yelled youre not my real ladder
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>your life is piss
wonder what colour the aussies cybertruck will be
life's a garden, dig it
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Pier Head, 1933 and 2024
It's lost it's soul.
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Nighty night
your life is mucus
So this...is what the other thread looks like
There but for the grace of God go I
Didn't screencap my post
my life is cum
fucking yanks.
>Reeves urged to scrap free prescriptions for 60- to 65-year-olds

first they froze them and stole their medication. and i did not speak out, because it was the right thing to do
whats deidre gonna do muh fugga
why the hell are you awake
How do old people freeze, like put on a blanket and a jumper haha what's going on?
reckon i'll just shrivel up and dry when i go
Fuck off yank
they have brittle bones, a light blanket could crush their pelvis
What is your obsession with posting pictures of this woman, who even is she
It's my mother.
jason's mom
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don't see many yanks that aren't fat fucking butter balls these days
ominous spots appearing
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fack it oll
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Quite curious about what drives a person to try curate their own personality on 4chan of all places, making shit up along the way to accentuate their brand, because they dont make money this way, nor any friends, so what do they get out of it?
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want to get scran and spaff on the list so I will be saying it more
dunno mate
the fine line between a gimmick and a goose
I'm all out of love
I'm so lost without you
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British's fun of their life is just only watching soccer and drinking beer. Is this really civilized human beings entire life? What a pity poor misery pathetic tribe in the whole world ever and never.
Lifting heavy things and putting them down again
it gets harder every day
>Is this really civilized human beings entire life
indeed it is
it's worth considering - when contentment has been discovered and achieved (the pub), why taint it with ambition, greed, and life's other quandries?
Beer, the pub - these are what life's worth living for
Immediately regretted clicking this bs
Get in
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oh it gets harder every da-ay
feeling horny not just in my cock but my heart as well
master of my domain
fuck imagine being a good little cody and coming readily equipt with quotes from seinfeld and posting them in /brit/ threads what a codyyy
what the hell man you're micromachines
don't let the jews ruin your idiom, i always say
sometimes i feel i've got to,
bum a gay,
i've got to,
let a gay,
take the pain i drive into the arse of him,
the love we share,
seems to go nowhere,
and i've lost my mind,
for my cock it burns, i can't sleep at night

once i wanked to you,
now i'm bumming you,
this tainted love you've given,
i give you all a boy could give you,
take me dick and that's not nearly all,
tainted love (oh woah ho ho ho),
tainted love
now, i know i've got to
bum a gay,
i've got to,
get a gay,
you don't really want any cock from me,
to rape this tight,
little bum, to push your shite,
and i think love is to prey,
but you're sorry, you're not prey, just gay

once i wanked to you,
now i'm bumming you,
this tainted love you've given,
i give you all a boy could give you,
take me dick and that's not nearly all,
tainted love (oh woah ho ho ho),
tainted love
Why you lot up early then
leftypols karaoke
don't bum me please,
i cannot stand the way you tease,
i love you, though you hurt me hole,
now, i'm gonna pack my cock rings and go

tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh,
tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh

bum me, baby, tainted love,
bum me, baby, tainted love,
tainted love, oh,
tainted love, oh,
tainted love
Gamers be like
Don't mess with me, I cleared the Water Temple
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>Murder suspect falls asleep during trial in Michigan transgender "woman"'s killing
pub CANCELLED tonight lads
Pub post something racist on twitter?
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its 5am lads why are you at the pub
they paved paradise, put up a parking lot
pubs gone woke
banana and a pint of whole milk for breakfast de lads
dare you to chuck it all in the bin
drunk man outside going UUGH UUGH UUGH
help me, i've just fallen into a ravine
/brit/ was the pub all along
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not as freakish as you might think honestly, i'm still pretty weird and socially awkward but i'm not a weeb or anything, nor do i really have any freakish niche interests, also not a virgin and can be quite charming with women sometimes
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what's wrong with your dog
nothing he is just from middlesbrough
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have a job. lifestein going well. buying a shit ton of guns and ammo just in case
most chad scottish name is Keith
same age, but you have 7 years on me posting
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have a job. lifestein going well. buying a shit ton of flans and ammo just in case
catberg has regurgitated a mouse in the kitchen. shan't be dealing with that so i'm now preparing my reaction when mumberg tells me when i see her tomorrow (today)
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agf url doo iuu otr
Neck yourself, retard
what should i make for dinner
What an odd cat
Pay attention when something doesn't feel right bros
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Add onions if it doesn't say that and you like them
bro linked the cooking channel
weird cunt
making a likkle pizza not a bad op tho
On the poo chair doing a poo
french niggas when they get home from the box of night be like
so tired of living like this.
bit of rdr2 before toil i think
so scared of ai lads the ai nonce is doing my head in with his posts I'm literally going mental he doesn't understand what he does to people here every time he posts that evil shit he doesn't understand the severe stress he's causing
that poo was a leng one
laying in bed with my bumhole blown out. corr this must be how girls feel after getting shagged all night
knew something was off about gays when i learnt they put their willies in the poo hole. never saw them the same after that.
some just rub their willies together
Slippery wet little carcass
/brit/ is so dead... I remember the days when you could hop on at 6 in the morning and there would be Alan, Lachlan, Emmett Patrick Garcin, 190, Moni, Sicilian lad. the dutch lad that posted BBC porn, aladdin poster, the little mexican bloke (fuck what was his name)....

all these personalities... lost to time like grains of sand in the desert
sorry that was me
mister lubber man
/brit/ making a comeback in a big way
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joe biden. wake up
tsss yeah
just got bodied by wordle
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all insufferable nutcases whose insane drivel you read so often you became attached to them
your post is the equivalent of a molested girl missing her nonce uncle
i didn't mean to attach big brad to this
shitting a poo out me arse into the bog
feel like SHIT
imagine thinking tripfaggots are what made /brit/ good lmao
British monarchy has moved from a pastel comic book idealized love affair to a gritty dark knight realpolitik shillfest with the passing of queen Elizabeth and the coronation of Charles
>the little mexican bloke (fuck what was his name)...
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The unforgiving virtual dojo of Four Chan has transformed me into an unparalleled master of sparring wits
As much as I can sometimes dislike this Bradley spam, I do appreciate the creation of original content
can't believe he actually got away with this
This new horror movie with 90% on RT is terrifying audiences!
Ethnic Britons should be banned from emigrating.
back from my two week holiday in japan
back to this eyesore of a country, fucks sake
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it's a famous historic image
Because of paedos like you saving it and spreading it
think ur projecting there
might go in black face for halloween
dead thread
yes suelad

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