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shoebill stare edition

I've heard these birds are actually really chill.
Banámichi, Sonora in Mexico looks comfy
I bet it would lose its chill if you tried to touch it
their side profile is a bit more endearing
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well everybody's heard
about the bird
ah bird bird bird
ah bird is the word
instagram hasn't looked like that since 2011 this is some finely aged ragebait
This makes me so sad.
Am I supposed to not be nice? Wtf
just be yourself
I cant be mean
be nice, you don't have to be an asshole. being nice is nice
Nice guy is in quotation marks for a reason
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Drinking my last beer ever.
every beer could be my last
I am going to pray for all black people and their livers before I fall asleep tonight
that's the quote they had in the restroom at the rehab I was in
you must be nice (because women hate incels) while also not being a nice guy (because women hate incels)
Im half joking but you see what I mean. The game is rigged
>is drinking 2.5% beer
"nice guy" doesn't actually mean a guy who is nice, it's just a catch-all for guys who women aren't attracted to but are otherwise normal
Incels are retarded faggots who embrace feminist ideology, but then adapt it for males; not “nice”
fellas, i wasn't speaking about alcoholism, but rather the finitude of life.
i'm not drinking now, but i will be thursday
it really cant be that hard to survive in the desert
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did I keep her panties???

no it means someone who on the surface is nice and courteous, but past the surface level is actually quite mean, venomous and even abusive.
is that Butthew’s mom
Is she Finnish
I disagree
I just meant that if I assumed you were drinking 2.5% you'd live forever
Good question. No clue
Why is everyone bricked up right now?
is she german
Some of yall really believe women are less physical than men
if you set the expectation that you’re a prick by default, then people will be genuinely appreciative when you do something nice for a change :)
>t. machiavelli
nobody said that
no it doesn't dude, that's incredibly outdated
it barely meant that back when that image was made as you can clearly tell by context
Call it a hunch
me on the right

>Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck (née Jackson) is an American educational professional. Vandyck earned her Ph.D. from Cardinal Stritch University in 2019 with a dissertation on uncommon black names in the classroom.[3][4]

this is the most based black woman on earth
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i'm sorry
my future waifu has eyes like that too
brown eyes are ugly poopoo
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drinking milk
ur mother sinks my duck
just had some tendies from chickfila
I feel empty my life is meaningless
That's the definition of creep/creepy.
"Nice guys" are guys she *might* have been interested in originally, except that he's a perma-pussy dryer, so he's stuck in the friendzone forever.
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if you didn't get a perfect in today's connections lower your tone when speaking to me
the reason women aren't attracted to nice guys is because if you have to be nice to survive, then you don't deserve to live
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thinking about sexy black women
got my dick out and i'm slow strokin' my shit rn
me in less than an hour
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I really need to get a job...
keep stroking
i think guys who call themselves nice, arent actually that nice
What if you're not doing it to survive? What if you're being nice out of choice?
what if I came on your tummy while you were stroking?
post canadian twinks I can stroke my shit to. I got cream on my dick
im thinking about you ;)
Not even close. During the few days that females are ovulating, they're attracted to the "bad boy", but for the other ~25 days she wants the "average guy" .
"Nice guys" should be "average guys" , but want to be(and cannot be) "bad boys". Which creates the disconnect in girls, and causes perma-pussy drying.
this fag put whipped cream on his dick
You're confusing terms. "Nice" =/= Nice.
if your "nice" because you want to be, then it's different. take for instance, a fit alpha male with a 12 pack set of abs and 12 inch dick being nice is genuine because he doesn't need to be.

but if your fat with a panniculus and bitch tits and your nice then that's construed as a mechanism of self-preservation by women because otherwise you'd get ripped to pieces in the real world
what the fuck is connections
i'd pull my pjs up, lick my fingers, and continue to post on /cum/
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why are there so many faggots here?
for me, it's touching my penis until i orgasm
hawk-dove evolution analogy. they want the bad eggs because back in the day it was them that stole them from doves and reproduced through force and aggression. their body is just following it's natural response during ovulation
hawk-tuah evolution
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my life is always better when i have a job
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Phoneposting ngl
minigame on the new york times websites
go outside more often
or maybe talk to a woman older than 25
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my cock got hard looking at this
connections reset in 20 minutes for me
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wew lad
if someone asked me to hit the jong i probably would
enjoy buddy
get your head out of there apu you're gonna asphyxiate
no wonder the movie flopped look at him
i would suck a cute trans girls cock im not gay
that's a huge bitch
i'll do it when it's up and i'm going to attempt a perfect
half of americans believe demoncrats are controlling the weather
i love black women so much its unreal
guess the secret word https://semantle.com/junior
it took me 12 guesses
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Hi guise!
Who asked?
florida brosss
i gave up after a few tries, i have no clue how you'd even begin to attempt this.
I just farted and clear colored goo came out of my ass
this is too hard
Democrats? nah. TPTB maybe. certainly have the capability to
>can only palm a size 3 handball every other day
Yea, I'm gonna need to see a warrant
i'll give you a hint, do 'boil'
Happened to me once
This happens to me when i eat too much protein
i know what the answer is, i just have no idea how you'd even deduce that from the beginning. the hint word i got was "headwind" which to me has absolutely nothing to do with the answer word.
i got it
same, i don't wanna spoil but that was a really bad hint
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October 9th. day i quit drinking forever
for me, it's easier to take it one day at a time. "no alcohol ever again for the rest of my life" is not a realistic goal for me, but "i'll wait until tomorrow" is enough to kick most cravings.
this is stupid
you got this anon
connections is up
doing it now
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just keep guessin' lil guy, you'll get there!
You can't just be nice. You have to be masculine as well. That's if you care what women think about you of course. That pic is old but the feeling of it is timeless. It's when a weak and wimpy guy is trying to get with you the the repulsive "ick" feeling a women gets when her lizard brain is telling her to protect her eggs from this inferior weak low quality male.
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so close!
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i am so mad
i don't want to spoil but i feel like they put 4 names there as bait so you didn't perfect it
>The nearest word has a similarity of 59.53, the tenth-nearest has a similarity of 50.06 and the thousandth nearest word has a similarity of 27.02
Just got the nearest word without getting the actual word AAAHHHH
thoughts on travle
shit game
connections clears
I will become a 24 year old virgin in a few weeks i wish i could afford a prostitute
my penis can travel to your bumhole
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goodnight and sweet dreams
good night
have a nightmare bitch
It's only ly 12am
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this is too hard
I started trying out a ppl routine instead of full body and really like it so far. Takes like half the time and doesn't fuck up my sleep as much.
this one is interesting but i am terrible at it
do not touch your pee pee
It's okay
you got it boss
touch your pee pee a lot
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Tomorrow is the day where I see her again
about to quantum fap by not touching my pee pee and also touching my pee pee at the same time
I haven't jerked off in a week for maximum confidence when I go to the singles night on Friday
Even my liberal west coast friends say that Portland, Oregon is a shithole.
I thought Portland was cool, what happened to it?
what kind of haircut should I ask for tomorrow?
Used to be the growing center of the white power/skinhead scene a long time ago since it was big city that was almost entirely white. Jews picked up on that then targeted it to inject insane left wing shit into it, and it became the center of antifa. Deliberate and planned
wasting my life on 4chan award
What if you get laid and prematurely ejaculate?
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Just went outside and saw a bear trying to peek into my apartment building's dumpster before it saw me and ran away. That's first time I've seen a bear outside of the zoo.
My problem during sex is usually taking too long to cum/not cumming at all, so we'll see
Did it turn you on?
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fucked up my sleep again award
I feel trapped!!!!!!!!
Good luck. I usually last pretty well but met up with a girl after almost 2 weeks not jerking off after a long dry spell and i exploded in like 30 seconds lol
If i had a car you would never see me again
Just pulled a huge piece of wax out of my ear.
I'm jealous
You are going to fuck up your ears if you are digging too deep
It's been awhile.
I can sell you a car for 500. /cum/bum discount
Runs but needs suspension work
Got expelled from college for asking source too much.
yes i made myself deaf for two weeks because of it
I dont have money
Then a car wont help you much
Gas and blinker fluid isn't cheap
Those earwax removal videos are the best thing ever
Something about a clump of earwax makes me want to eat it
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florida is FINISHED
King Tootanbrappan
it says something about women when the euphemism for guy she isn't attracted to is "nice guy"
Have you guys ever had you're ears cleaned out by a doctor?
My ears have always produced excessive wax and once when getting my ears checked the doctor ordered the nurses to clean them out and they sprayed water out of squirt bottle straight into my ears over and over again. Hurt like fucking hell, but all this caked in dried wax was coming out. Took forever, but afterwards I could hear a lot better.
do you have anything in mind? what length?
what kind of bear was it we have black bears here that like to try to go through peoples garbage but they're mostly harmless fraidy cats
They like guys who are nice, but as I said here >>203205214 it's not enough. Sexual attraction doesn't work like that. You have to be masculine. Work out, get muscular and lean, learn how to fight, etc. Get a hobbies (respectable ones, not video games and D&D), become a master of your craft, become a competent doer and go getter.
if waffle house is closing you know it's an actual emergency they can serve food with no power too
We are spreading our culture in korea
Currently watching Friday The 13th (2009)
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>roommates really just let piss ferment in the toilet all day instead of flushing it
Yeah, and you can buy a special syringe and do it yourself at home.

In Asia, people get their ears cleaned by a professional (or their mother) gently scraping inside their ears with thin tools. "Mimikaki" is the Japanese term, but that kind of thing is found all over Asia.
seethed at imaginary women online again award recipient
Easier said than done I know, but it is possible to make yourself attractive if you put the effort and time in.
Women have to do way less, and it isn't fair but it's also less in their personal control if they weren't born good looking. Men don't give a shit about careers or hobbies.
It's just "Are you fertile looking, and are you pleasant to be around"
Asshole teenagers from the 1970s and 1980s are much more entertaining than those in modern slashers
Why is this?
If it's yellow let it mellow
Cant watch modern horror films they are so soulless compared to ones from the 70s and 80s
And those are the good ones
I think there are lots of great 21st century horror films. I do agree that the 70s were the golden age
Film as an art form in general died after those decades. It's just endless consumer goy slop since then.
when is the hurricane thing happening?
Very ignorant statement.
Just because marvel slop dominates the box office doesn't mean that other quality movies aren't being released
wednesday night/thursday morning
i think milton is expected to hit florida in 24 hours or so
It was a black bear. At first glance I thought it was a dog.
like i said they are pushovers for the most part, but a mama will protect her babies so they are still dangerous of course, but usually if they see people they get spooked and run off
they have a funny hurried, slouching run too
I am once again being victimized by poor choices.
made a pan of very special brownies
the secret ingredient is sugar
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high quality chocolate and strong coffee in the batter
damn, that sounds good
i can’t do edibles i had a really bad time last time i tried them
just do 15-20 mg
i’m scared to try again it gave me a full blown panic attack for hours
What's happening in florida, lads?
Nothingburger until it isn't
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People in some areas are evacuating.
There's political conflict between the state government and the federal government.
nothing positive, as usual
whos milton
not sure, i was about to ask you
they were bullies IRL, kids today only send offensive messages.
>There's political conflict between the state government and the federal government.
What's the conflict?
the state government thinks its fake
desantis has gone on TWC twice already telling people to prepare for it
most of them still think its fake
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Governor DeSantis not taking phone calls from the vice president and both commenting publicly about it.
he really wants orange man to win even if it costs american lives
the converse ive had since i was 20 are starting to fall apart
i have flat feet so shoes only last about one year on me before holes start appearing.
how about work boots?
it’s not the sole that’s failing it’s where the material connects to the sole hold on ill take a pic
only wear boots in the rain or snow.
Why do they look so dirty
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My grandfather
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sad but almost 10 years is a good run
i used to wear those. they weren't long-lasting shoes for me, so yes, almost 10 years is impressive.
you should have censored the inside.
how i noticed was it was raining a bit, and my sock got wet because it’s not water tight anymore
maybe i should learn icelandic
maybe you should learn to shut the fuck up
Wouldn't Spanish or French or Chinese be more useful
i wonder what people do for fun in iceland seems kind of boring to be young there
Sex and alcohol
slave thinking
Uhhhh what is going on
Indians are having to go back.
We're waiting for you to find a second Harun al-Rashid
Isn't Persian Empire more of your thing
just ate an apple from my second cousin’s orchard
Is this a euphemism?
how was it
holograms were so cool when i was a kid
one of the best I’ve ever had
lol no, literal
>second cousin
distant enough for marriage.
the milkshakes that bring the boys to the yard are in fact milkshakes
apple orchard twinks of canada
I read that Icelandic dating apps check if the two people are closely related. It's a major problem in Iceland.
We’re both heterosexual males. Also, he’s the same age as my dad, due to his side of the family having kids younger
Florida will lie in ruins.
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>We're both heterosexual males.
that makes sense, i wonder how they managed this before you could test dna and stuff to see if you're related
can we get this fact checked
remember when they had that michael jackson hologram perform somewhere and everyone got super upset about it like 10 years ago
Yeah. Maybe you could get decent results if people entered the names of their eight great-grandparents?
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Genealogy instead of genetic tests. Medieval Christians were very concerned with preventing incest, as it was considered completely unacceptable by the Catholic Church.

It was probably easier in the era before mass urbanization and deracination. People tended to live around the same villages across many generations. There would be baptism/marriage/burial records many generations back with your local parish records.
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Thank you Mr. Dahmer, very cool and metal as fuck \m/
Nothing will convince me to get a gay tattoo THOUGH
I’ll just have to fight off the cannibals the old fashioned way
I've got tattoos (picrel).
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I did 100 push-ups today
that makes sense thanks
it is weird how most people had no idea what the rest of the world looked like, just their village and maybe the next town over. you can see a mountain range in the distance and you have no idea what it’s like on the other side, and all you know is what other people tell you
i can’t even do one so you’ve got me beat 100 times over good job
Also, governments kept track of people's identities for tax purposes
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Its spooky season
i think i would have made a good medieval ruler
i would hold feasts all the time and make sure the peasants were taken care of and happy
Your enemies would have taken advantage of your kindness and had you usurped
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i’m excited
im going to a pumpkin patch this weekend it’s gonna be fun
but i wouldn’t have any enemies within the kingdom because of my benevolent rule, the middle class and the peasants are happy
maybe some of the noble people would be mad that they aren’t getting more stuff and it’s going to the peasants so that’s where i could see conflict
>middle class
That didn't exist back then.
Also, conquerors would see your kingdom as easy prey.
Unspeakable pain
i thought that like, blacksmiths and craftsmen and the clergy would kind of be like a middle class, not quite nobles but not unskilled peasants either
i was kind of under the impression that peasants only worked the land growing food, and that's it
Go back to middle school.
they dont make them like they used to

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