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How do you plan to escape the 9-5 in your country?
Work a job that matters. Like water treatment
What do you mean TO 5?
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Finna apply for a doctorate program so I can parasitize off my parents for another 5 years
being a neet
no money which sucks but there's something new on internet every day to waste your time
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incel van
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>vote for SD so blattar can't get welfare and get kicked out
>then vote for S so they bring back the neetbux
>get on neetbux and get like 40k a month because Ahmed and his thirty kids aren't eating up the budget anymore
Im joining the zogbot 9-5
I'll be a artist~
the aussie police harasses van-car lifers
I am 25, I have never worked in my life, I am studying my second degree, my parents gave me a house when I was 16, and they own other properties too, right now they pay all my expenses, but they have told me that when they retire they will give me another apartment, which I can rent if I need extra money, my only goal is to finish my degree and look for a job that I like.

To be honest, I feel a little guilty about it, the culture of my country is violent, maybe I have the knowledge, but I am a little intimidated by looking for a job, I don't know if I can handle the social pressure.
I live in NZ, my starlink just makes my flag australian for some reason
You dont suffer in mexico
by living cheaply and using the saved money to buy shares of Nvidia
cant even find one, 27 btw living off of whatever alcohol dad buys
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Picrel will be my path to freedom...I can see it
but I enjoy working?
have you tried doing things that you enjoy instead of things that make you money?
thats pretty neat, is it because you live rural or because they offer better bandwidth?
This kek i worked 11 hours yesterday.
both, internet in this country pre elon was pretty grim
what's your occupation?
Least privileged thirdie posting on 4chan
>usCcCub university of dog spinning
I'm working from home.
Go back to balk bro
it's always like this, the firsties are all the bottom rung of society living in miserable conditions while the thirdies are all rich and live in luxury
post more bro, balks dead in the morning
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a career they enjoy.
Most of us have this shitty thing called a job.
I fortunately don't hate my job and the weeks go quickly, but a 3 day weekend would make a huge difference.
fuck you
i dont plan to escape it. I already escaped.
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>have you tried doing things that you enjoy instead of things that make you money?
yes but no one would pay me to complain about no pussy on my BPC
Still a 9-5
I have to eat, you know.
Play RuneScape while I do it.
I genuinely just never will, I dont see any practical way of actually getting out of it so im effectively just giving up
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Never Get Up
Is that thing still alive? I used to play it like 20 years ago
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I dont know, recently I've been unemployed and started enjoying life again but I have job interview later today
Good luck !
I'm investing every euro I make in stocks and bitcoin. So far very good returns since 2018. I hope I can buy a house with land in 5 years and live a frugal life and try to be as self suficient as possible. I hate the city.
I'm 24 (soon 25) and already have 115k euros, most of which is invested
I have that thanks to my dad gifting me 15k euros for my 18th birthday, being very frugal and investing since 19 yo
I started working properly this year (had some income before too but not as much)
so now I put aside 1000-1500 euros every month and put it into index funds
I hope to be able to retire by 40, should probably be possible if I remain a solitary incel
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In my mind
I've only ever managed to get part time and casual work
Firsties cannot suffer.
you can do it by 30
Already did. I'm retired due to my diagnoses.
This is how everyone in our generation is getting ahead. Gambling the inheritances of our affluent parents.
>inb4 it was investing not gambling
An 8x in 5 years requires seriously aggressive and risky investing aka gambling.

The world wont collapse because of climate change or war in taiwan it'll be the total social mayhem that occurs whenever the rich elderly die and transfer all their wealth to the irresponsible maniac youth
doubt. Explain how?
1) i didn't gamble, I made it through index funds. They just performed well
2) my parents aren't affluent, my dad saved that since my birth. They're lower middle class.
3) I made a lot of it by my own work, I didn't just invest the 15k, I worked various jobs on and off since I was 16
just chop down expenses and move to a cheaper place
Based protestant work ethic enjoyer
Yeah, old school runescape has been a thing since about 2012 and is still being updated with new content but kept retro. I just got back into it a week ago. It's good nostalgia.
structural engineer
I already do that. I won't move to a shared flat cus that sucks. Can't move back to my parents either cus they're very annoying. So rent remains a must.
money can give you freedom, I don't like work but I don't like being dependent on my parents or the state either
that's why I want to achieve financial independence asap
I was raised Catholic btw
move to another country then
here it would even be possible with 180k but I'm aiming for 350k since I plan to leave this shithole
if not another country then move to villages/small towns that are much cheaper since you don't need to work
I have never done a 9 to 5. I will have a new much better paying job next week that will be 6:30 to 2:30 which is a much better schedule for me. Actually gives me the ability to do things.
I work 996 but I make a shitton of money and it won't be forever
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B-but I already work in water treatment :(

I have a fun job that pays well, let's me travel, do fun stuff and meet cool and strange people.

Eventually maybe my investments will pay enough dividends that I can retire.
this water don't look treated, treat it better. treat it to a nice dinner maybe a fancy restaurant why not?
I don't wanna move countries
honestly my job isn't too bad either, I'll probably manage until I'm 40-50, then retire early
yeah what happens is that they don't make you any money at all and then you have a shitload of unpaid bills
there are probably small towns in germany that are much cheaper to buy something due to lack of local jobs
it's 10 years of your life that you won't get back, you do you
I have been unemployed for 3 months and it's boring as fuck.
I have 2nd round of job applicationj tomorrow and hope to get hired.
lmao i wish, most jobs in Brazil are 9-6
Nah, im miserable as fuck.
I wfh it’s not too bad, I was done by 10am yesterday, went back to sleep until noon and did stuff around the house.
They just gave me a raise too.
sure, but I don't wanna sit alone in some East German village full of boomers either. What's the point. At least here I have some family.
Bitcoin is going to fail big. Investing all you have instead of saving for emergencies is the type of behaviour that is ruinning our country. I hope you lose every cent :3
no different from Sweden, here its 8-5
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Applying for welfare soon and if that doesnt work im either gonna go be homless in a different country or just straight up get some rope
bro cant you just apply to military
things... I enjoy???
That sounds interesting, sadly I don't want to work outdoors, maybe in Finland where the weather is shittier and where I am less likely to receive sunburn I would
Swing trading and lowering my food expenses. I spend so much on take out, it's retarded, I know I'm addicted. I should eat more fruit and veggies
You are aware you can always sell stock and crypto if you need it in emergencies right?
fuck that im 29 i did my 3 years and im not gonna tolerate these weak pathetic excuse for officers anymore, only reason weve been at war for a year now is because of their dumbasses
got nothing to lose really so i prefer to take my chances on the streets
Don't take my choice as a guide. find what you like. everyone likes being lazy but after you get to do shit you like and get paid doing it, you realize that working ain't all that bad.
Did Starlink drive down prices?
>How do you plan to escape the 9-5 in your country?
only middleclass soymales say shit like this
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I worked 17 hrs monday, 18 hrs tuesday, 19 hours wednesday last week
How is that legal?
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because I wasn't technically asked to, when I mentioned that the work for a customer would take me 2 weeks my manager just strongly implied that I should have it all done within a week

since I "did it myself without being asked to" I'm also not getting paid for it or getting offered days off to make up for it since it was "my choice"
>I'm also not getting paid for it
Even when I work past my shift at my literal McJob of putting fries in the bag I still get paid for the extra time I'm clocked in.
I understand that that is hourly wagie work and you're likely salaried, but it's still egregious. Your manager sounds like a manipulative piece of shit.
I'm pretty retarded so I'm worried if I lose this job I won't be able to get another one
Or I will get fired really quickly when I don't learn my new tasks quick enough
It's scary to be in a precarious situation like that, I get it.
However, it doesn't matter how retarded you are. Nobody deserves to be treated like that.
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fake some mental illnesses(easy)
starve myself down to bmi 17 or something, never bath, unkept before applying for benefits in person
Lived in one just like that for over 3 years but I had sex in it so it wasn't an incel van
>but I enjoy working?
>have you tried doing things that you enjoy instead of things that make you money?
You can enjoy doing stuff while also not wanting to spend most of the day/week/month/year/lifetime on it
If you're poor or middle then never, at least in my cunt
I accepted my fate but drawing keeps me alive
>Live on less than what you make
>Invest your savings so that they grow on their own
>Increase your income often
>Repeat until your investments generate more money than your work
>be civil engineer
>enjoy building shit
>mostly do resident job so i just hang around and make sure no one is doing anything stupid
>construction workers are fucking hilarious

sucks to suck firsties
>government comes in and calls you a disgusting fucking richfag
>slaps a wealth tax and a capital gains tax on you
>uses the money to campaign for more tax raises
>Repeat until your investments generate more money than your work
That will take around 50 years at current rate
>you learn your lesson
>stay away from thieving poorfags
>move to a 1st world country with friendly fiscal policy

>you increase your income faster by working remotely for 1st world countries that pay x5 your local wages
>1st world country
>friendly fiscal policy
that's literally only the US
most "first world countries" are meme scandinavian tax plantations where you pay 80% tax for 0% ROI pensions in 70 years and "free" education and healthcare/childcare that costs thousands every month even for single males
there is not a single decent county in this cursed continent
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marrying a rich guy.....
You plan for Financial Independence, Retire Early during high school
Switzerland has 20% flat income tax and 0% capital gains tax
Andorra has <10% income tax and <10% capital gains tax
Portugal has 20% flat income tax if you are a foreigner
Monaco has 0% income tax and 0% capital gains tax
UK, Ireland, Estonia, Romania... have their own great tax strategies for particular cases too

You don't even need to live there all the time either. Just half the year to keep your tax residency there
With the money you save on taxes, you should be able to afford the cost of living there, plus an extra home back in Albania for the other half of the year
And once your investments have grown enough, you could even just retire back to Albania, since even with tax accounted for you could have enough to live for the rest of your life
cancer full of germans(swiss) even for EU citizens like me it would be a pain to move there and would require a work offer to stay
meme microstate
cancel honorary east european country, pretty sure the NPR tax loophole was repealed this year
meme microstate
you ain't getting a tax residence in there places because it requires a rental contract and 6+ months of living there
>retire in albania
I only need 150k to retire here but I'm not staying in this shithole
I'd rather starve to death outside than live here
there's germs around but the place is beautiful. maybe you can move there if you start your own business instead of getting a job offer?
ski resort country. they have a digital nomad visa that facilitates getting their tax residence
previous gov tried to shut down NHR right before losing power, but the new gov undid that and kept the NHR, so it's still good
cost of living is like 50k€/month lmao, but still
>retire in albania
Your best bet is probably Portugal. Cost of living is similar, people are friendly, weather and food are good...
Based, but only if pointed at the Bossman
I might apply to peace corps or do the English teaching thing.
I won't be escaping 9-5 but at least ud get to see more of the world
>weather good
I fucking hate the sun and hate the heat, nothing more irritating than some pasty twats telling me how the weather is good when I'm boiling alive in 42 degrees while balkanoids yell everywhere and get up on your face like it's their back yard.
no, I've looked at the numbers and visa options
it's too expensive and if you make too much money from capital gains it's considered professional trading and you're taxed
meme country
it's a southron shithole, I don't want to step foot in another country near the Mediterranean in my life
plus they'll definitely increase taxes while everything keeps being dysfunctional and full of tourists

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