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Share your bookshelfs, preferably with books about history, politics, philosophy, science and similar topics.
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Here's the only shelf I need.
I'm reading a People's History of the United States. The last one I read was last year Understanding Chinese Government
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Some are mine some are my girlfriend's. Truth be told I've only read 2 books this entire year but I am finally starting to crack The Bible nut
Did you understand?
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This is what I've read during the last 12 months, not much I suppose.
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my bookshelf is called libgen
How is it living in reunion?
Based and same
Elegant little shelf, anon. I'm impressed a Mexanon is reading English at this level
You've got some cool books Enzo
>Apprendre à dessiner
>Deep Learning with Python
>3 books on Analysis (4 if you count the one on Diff Eq)
>2 books on Linear Algebra
>1 book on Mechanics
Would you mind telling us what you studied at university? It sounds too mathy to be CS, but at the same time it doesn't sound like pure math.
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Mostly sci-fi, consulting books and tried manga for a time but couldn't stick to it.
I'm open for recommendations, want to read at least three books before the year ends.
Mine was Zlibrary, but seems it got shut down.
Very chill so far and beautiful, I'm not a native I moved like 2 months ago

I know Enzo is a /fr/ character but idk what he has in common with me
English is practically my native language. I started learning it back when I was 4 years old. In fact, I feel more disappointed in the fact that English is the only language I've ever learnt to near-fluency, and that I never got past the lower-intermediate level on other languages I've tried learning (German and Japanese).
Are there a lot of white French there or is it overwhelmingly blacks?
Imbat work so no pic but I have a lot of fantasy books and other novels. In addition to that some stuff about History like the Sleepwalker by Clark, The Prince and Discourses on Levy by Machiavelli (plus his letters) and some books related to my university times and work.
What's in the box?
What did you study at university?
Neither, it's extremely mixed with white French, blacks of various origins (descendant of slaves or more recent arrivals), south Indians, south-east Asians and Chinese, some arabs + all the races born from those ones intermarrying

White are a minority if you think of it as whites vs browns but in truth it's a dozen different communities from around the world and none is really overwhelmingly larger than the others

There is next to no racial or religious tension here you have churches and mosques and temples in the same neighbourhood, unlike other overseas territories like say Guadeloupe where many blacks are still very much resentful for slavery
Kek based. Missed that post.
Geography and Urban Planning.
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I'm reading pic related, their translation of the Rig Veda and a translation of the early Upanishads atm
I'm taking the Jeetpill
Ram ram dosto!
You've got to read some sagas of the icelanders
One of my favorite books is The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck. She was also a West Virginian who loved China so I feel close to her spiritually. Bittersweet tale about not taking your own work for granted with a fascinating late Qing era setting
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Thanks for the recommendation, I'll read them.
Interesting. Are groceries and cost of living high? In Hawaii it's incredibly expensive to live.
You can get that collection on anna's archive as pdfs
I recommend you try Hrafnkel Frey's Godi first
I share the same opinion. I was looking for some books to study physics, all of them the textbooks needed like eletrodynamics by griffiths, and the prices are crazy, some cost around 70€ or more.
Some books that I buy from national
publishers become just to expensive, in the last two years, books cost more 10% to 20%, reaching prices like 30-40€ for a regular book.
>You can get that collection on anna's archive as pdfs
That's where I've downloaded all my books and it's never failed, it's a good site.

>I recommend you try Hrafnkel Frey's Godi first
I'll download them tomorrow morning, it's exactly the kind of reading I like.
I've never bought any book during my programme, so my bookshelf doesn't really reflect what I studied. It was a mix of pure and applied maths, numerical analysis mostly. Bit of statistics too.

The filename prefix

Course packs and lecture notes, I don't like throwing stuff away
I hope it is
A lot of people find them to be incredibly boring
It's generally considered to be more expensive than mainland France yeah, but I've found that it depends on your lifestyle and what we're talking about

Rent seems to be about the same, I'm in the largest city and it's comparable to average French cities. Electricity seems the same, water is cheaper, petrol is significantly cheaper and prices are fixed throughout the island so you can refill in the middle of nowhere or downtown and it'll be the same. Various insurances are roughly the same. The used car I bought wasn't particularly expensive either.

Imports are unsurprisingly more expensive, if I want French cheese/dairy or drinks it's pricey. Same goes for all temperate climates fruits and veggies that don't grow here, also good bread is costly

But stuff produced locally, and there's a lot with the fertile soil and tropical climate is reasonable. So I've just adapted my diet and don't spend significantly more than I used to

Online purchases from Europe or elsewhere are very expensive because of custom taxes and distance, not a problem unless you're addicted to ordering random shit daily

Takeaway food is surprisingly much cheaper than in France and there are creole food joints absolutely everywhere selling big portions of delicious food

I'd say it's fairly balanced as long as you give up sole habits and embrace new ones. But there are things I'm not aware of that could be pretty expensive like electronics and appliances of all kinds
>The filename prefix

Ah yeah
Truth is I see more and more pics taken with Google Pixel phones on this board, whenever someone makes a pics you've taken thread
nta but I appreciate your in-depth response. These kinds of posts are the reason I still come to /int/
Yeah, I may end up buying some of the books I've liked the most to have them in physical form, but my usual way of reading them is using a Kindle and downloading them for free, otherwise it would simply be too expensive to read something new. We are lucky to have been born in an era where the Internet exists.
Have you tried looking for books at charity shops? I remember I saw some books on programming and CS-related stuff at some charity shops back when I did some volunteering work. They were kinda old, with yellowed pages, but I imagine the concepts themselves haven't changed much in the last 30 years.
That sounds great. I looked it up and it said mainlanders have moved in very large numbers over the decades. Sounds like people like yourself have found the "hidden gem". Wish Hawaii weren't so ungodly expensive I've always thought it'd be nice to live there but an average home goes for 750k. It's actually gradually pushing natives out and to the mainland especially California.
Did you move there and your family is back in the mainland or do you have family on the island too?
I find very difficult to read and study textbooks from the computer, I kinda prefer having the physical version, but unfortunately its the only way I can do it right now.
Internet saves us in a way that we can have acess to all type of information from home and free.
What are the books that are more frequently publish there in Mexico in history, politics? and are some from western authors and other parts of the world, or just mexican and latin americans?
Yes, but the problem is that most of them are in Spanish, it's not like I've searched so exhaustively, I just know that it's not so common.
>the problem is that most of them are in Spanish
Spanish, English, French, whatever. Just use whatever you can most easily get your can get your hands on. That's the GigaChad move.
I was taking a shit it was a productive use of my time
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Gr rus mutt quadlingual chud reporting.
All my shelves except this one look like garbage displays. This post made me realize that I probably need an overhaul.
I think it's a lot of retirees moving here whereas I came for my studies and probably won't stay when I'm done with my degree, it's more often the opposite where local new students move to the mainland where there are dozens of different universities and more job opoortunities
I have no family on the island at all, just wanted to see something new and I'm studying biology and ecology so it's more interesting here due to the exceptional biodiversity
I fucking love reading
I have more books but I can't be assed going down to take a pic because it's pretty tight but it's just more primary sources and books on Medieval England, Rome and stuff. Favourite books not shown are Frederick Barbarossa biography and Blood Royal which is about medieval dynastic politics.
I cant really understand those words, but I do suppose thst the last book from Thomas Piketty is "The Capital for 21 century" or something like that. Did you read the book, and if so what do you think? I have one from the same author, but didnt read yet.
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About 75% of my books are still at my parent's place, even after years never moved them here.
That can looks like it's about to explode.
>Dutch Car License theory book
>>2032FromSoftware fan?
I ve read half of it. It is a scientific analysis that the working class don’t owe shit nowadays. Quite boring.
The other Russian books are by pelevin, Brodsky Mayakovsky. One is a Russian hohol dictionary and the other one Greek French one. There is also a Greek constitutionional law and some books in English.
Your bookshelf remind me of this guy.
That's a different guy from me.
The stereotype on this board and /n/ seems to be that the Netherlands is a country full of old women with bikes that doesn't have a single car, so I just found it kind of ironic that a Dutch person would own a book needed to pass a the theory section of a car driving exam in the Netherlands.
How are your bookshops? Do they publish and sell books from just greek authors and from western or russia, middle east and other parts of the world? What type of political and historic books are more usual to find?
Also, if I may ask, I was always curious on how do greeks see Portugal and Spain? Do you see us as southern europeans, with similarities, like economic and social, for example?
My fault, was not to you, was to >>203246394
>What are the books that are more frequently publish there in Mexico in history, politics? and are some from western authors and other parts of the world, or just mexican and latin americans?
Not that anon, but there are lots of Spanish-language translations of books by foreign authors in bookshops here in Mexico, especially by American and British authors. Continental European writers' works are slightly harder to find, but not exactly uncommon. Popular Asian writers like Murakami are easy to find too. Also, many large bookshops in the largest cities in Mexico (Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey) have a small English-language section with a mixture of popular fiction, literary fiction, and pop history/general interest reading material. Books originally written in Spanish tend to be the cheapest and are also the most abundant. Generally, for every book about Roman or Greek history, there are likely to be 10 books in that same shop about Mexican, Latin American, or Spanish history. Also, many translations for foreign-language books are printed either in Spain, Argentina, Chile, or Colombia. Books about subjects like African and Chinese history are still hard to find in bookshops around here, however.
Do you have a sister?
Seems normal. In general, publishers will publish book about they country and region. Here most of the foreign authors are americans or british.
Popular western literature is translated in Greek, but also South American and Japanese.
Let’s say Bolano, Borjes , Gabriel Garcia Marquez are translated in Greek and quite popular for those who are seeking such literature. Also Yukio Misima, Murakami and others.
Well yeah, Greeks do like Spaniards, italians and Portuguese people, and kinda like being grouped with south Europeans. Despite the similarities, I also see this is quite a western worship problem, because many also understand that we are orthodox lunatic balkaners at heart and even share some culture with middle easterners to an extent.
There's something cringe about a mexican having only books in english. You are a completely americanized self hating chud if I had to guess.
I think the PIGS case from the EU make that idea widespread, but I do find us in same way very close, like economicly, culturally, socially, but also we have our diffencies. We tend to see greeks that same way, not as a balcan country like Bulgaria or Croacia, but more like a southern european country like Italy a little far away.

I share a sadness about how our countries have been toutched by the tourism and the lack of respect about the history, the art, and from what I have seen Greece is facing it more hardly. How do you see this?
Yeah my country is now a giant tourist resort for German and French pensioners . There is no industry or anything left.
The economy got somewhat better the last 5 years.
And I am not saying this like it’s the worst thing in the world.
It’s just is what it is.
Like in 2016 the wages were around 450 euros now we are back at one thousand. It’s not going great but people have kinda accepted the neoliberal future.
How's it so far ?
We are facing something similar here. But our economy seems facing difficulties in growing outside of the tourism. We get a little less, around 820€ but we get paid 14 times a year, and our government is rising the minimum wage to 870€ next year. But even with that is hard to face the house prices and other things, that became too expensive,
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The Rigveda A Guide is great
Easy to read and very interesting, it's not just a dry analysis of the text itself but an introduction to the world of the rigveda as well
I highly recommend you pirate it
I haven't read much of pic related but this edition seems really good, very scholarly
Man I'm so excited to read the puranas like shiva purana
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This was the best book I bought in the last 12 months
based, but the best one is where the kid goes to stay with his grandparents and they turn out to be werewolves
also why were there so many about those blue blobs? those books were weird
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I just googled it and apparently it was called Werewolf Skin and it was his aunt and uncle, not his grandparents
still a cool book though and it gave me a lifelong fear of northeastern america and the cold dark woods between the appalachians and the Atlantic
It's really old style of can we would get at Aldi in the early 2000s. I found it cleaning up my dad's backyard and couple years ago and thought it was bit of a relic so I kept it

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