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looksmax edition
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Morning guys. What'll it be?
almost got stuck in Dubai airport because I looked so different from my 17-year-old mop-headed, clean-shaven passport photo
Your head on a spike HAHAHA
Her sending her arse was unsolicited, as well as telling me how much she wants my cock. What’s the difference? Fuck off femcel.
cor nihao herro couple pork buns please luvvy
Should probably go shower and do something with my day now that I think about it
An arse pic is not at all the same as a dick pic, and the fact that you don't realise this has confirmed to her that you are a social retard
Do you want the truth? I am giving it to you
Otherwise you can fuck off to r9k
when i fight, it's not evil
just like being evil knievel
>as well as telling me how much she wants my cock
not sure we can take your incellious word for it to be fair lad, you are clearly a tad delusional
edish reminded me of this thread kek

Not clicking that
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Kek been telling my friends exactly this, think I'm saving your post to show them. Going to have long hair and beard until I'm doing a photo-op for the new id

Lads what is up with his pronunciation/stress on random syllables?
Is it AI? Is he trolling?
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do brits really send pictures of their willies unprompted to birds
what in the council house life is this
animals are so silly
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not AI
hes just speaking like a wacky spacker trying to be a 'presenter' and not monotonous. understandable but odd
I just btfo a Yank

He makes 54k PA and pays 1800 a month for rent and still said he was worse off than here
I see a lot of similarities between looksmax.org and /brit/.
I think he's probably part welsh or has spent time living in Wales. That upward inflection at the end is typical of welsh accents. But he doesn't have a full welsh accent.
so if my word is true, then it’s fair which I thought was the case
what about the words? if someone is telling you how much they want X thing and you give it to them, how is that unsolicited? also what are you talking about? if a woman ever shows you her arse then she wants you to fuck her. this isn’t incel logic.
>Yeah I could totally murder her
But he can't though, she'd look out the window and see some schizo with a machete on the street corner and call the police before stepping outside, this is without getting into other people intervening
saved five litres on piss in the past couple days for compost get in therE!
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To make you comment on his pronunciation/stress on random syllables to increase engagement, views and ultimately revenue.
This is particularly effective for getting native English speakers to comment and view which have a higher CPM than other countries.
timmy filming ugly desperate asian street vendors LOL
I'm half Welsh and no one in my family sounds like that
>speaking like a wacky spacker trying to be a 'presenter
Do people genuinely find that entertaining?
It's so jarring.
That makes a lot of sense actually, I was going to leave a comment initially.
she's crushing up a bird or monkey she found in her village with a mortar lol
>if someone is telling you how much they want X thing and you give it to them, how is that unsolicited
That's not the same as "I want to see a picture of your dick"
Also as the other anon said you're a freak who's probably massively misreading "signs" anyway
not that silly i want to chew her hair too
starvetoil trying to get a slutty waist, down to 33/34 now, 32” seems impossible along with maintaining/building strength and cardio fitness
So many little dicked incels crying
>so if my word is true
isn't though, that's the point
>I'm part welsh

are you mate yeah know a lot about wales and the welsh over there in germany do you with your heritage yeah?

get your head out your arse you clown
I have a 32" pair of trousers and can just about fit in them, need my arse and thighs slimmed down
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Cry dicklets cry
Ignore them mate, probably incels themselves wanting to drag you down with them
Many strange posts this morn
Been done have you
I'm half Welsh and half English and spent more than half my life in Wales, think I know a fair bit mate.
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men cant have slutty waists youll just look like crash bandicoot or this guy (me)
wonder how that happened
Been between 28-30 at 180cm for my whole adult life
Now say that in Welsh
The Online Safety Act 2023 (OSA) criminalized cyberflashing, which came into effect on January 31, 2024:

Definition: Sending or sharing a sexual or nude image or video to someone without their consent, with the intent to cause distress, alarm, or humiliation, or for sexual gratification

Location: The image or video can be sent via social media, dating apps, or data sharing services

Purpose: The OSA aims to protect online communities and combat digital harassment
Lads in here with micrococks. Pure fucking sprogcocks and getting upset. Tiny cocked 'men'.
Dwi'n hanner Cymraes a hanner Sais ac wedi treulio mwy na hanner fy mywyd yng Nghymru, meddwl mod i'n nabod mate bit.
Seethe on
>my remote company is having a Christmas do in December
Really cba, I went to the Summer party and it was a pain going to London just for lunch.
>I'll have two number nines, a number nine large...
This incel just pressed the nuclear button. When the Online Safety Act gets posted you know someone is upset.
That's...thats AI translated
What if the intent was to provide a sense of scale in the conversation?
Cope on freakshow! :D
Imagine being the grandfather in this situation, fucking grim.
You realise hardly anyone speaks Welsh anymore right lad?
Now they're coping. They are so upset that they think you're me lol.
Actually mad how big your cock can look when you get very lean, I’d recommend it.
Sent a chill down your spine didn't it ahaaa
How do you know he didn't clap African cheeks?
>I'm Chinese but I don't speak Chinese
Just doesn't happen
Spaino's about
Key sign is when a few posters become
obsessed with talking about cocks
Got a 5.5 inch penis
I have never sent a nude.
Last time I went to a works' christmas night out I'd paid for the deposit without knowing my singular work acquaintance was leaving the company prior to Christmas.

So I still went but had no pals there. Used up my free drink tokens then had a few trips to the toilet to sniff my gear but felt like a complete spare prick so left fairly early.
fail to see what is funny about this image
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... on a mountain walk ...
>Just doesn't happen
Yeah you're right, mental how obvious he is
I'm a freak of nature. A monster. An ungodly blemish on society.
In the old days people would capture me and throw me in a cave or off a cliff.
2024 I am forced to live in the world and suffer constant social scrutiny and ridicule.
It's 3%
No, parents, your child going to a Welsh class once a month doesn't mean they are fluent
Cocks? Did someone say cocks??
*goes effing mental and starts scooting around the flat, waggling my arse in lieu of a tail*
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The Summer party was at this awful nightclub bingo thing called Hijingo Bingo. I did the morning business shite, had lunch and then fucked off to avoid the bingo saying I had a headache. It's bingo with deafening music, flashing lights, and if you win you have to go and dance in front of everyone. Everyone thought it was shit.
I thought you were employed now
You are all a bunch of racists
Looks fun :)
Another amazing day in my beautiful life.
is this the roll of toilet paper I ordered?
This image makes small cocked incels like me seethe.
you lads ever not eat for a while but not feel that hungry, then eat something and feel hungrier AFTER you've eaten?
mental that
attending your work's Summer Party is an admission you have nothing going on in your life
That figure is also self reported from the census. Willing to bet over half of them consider themselves to speak welsh because they know how to say yaki dah and araf
Further cementing my point.
Best I can do you nowadays is singing cyfri'r geifr and saying the full llanfairpg, and some greetings.
This... This is white people
wish my life were beautiful
enjoyed this post
also sure you're being hard on yourself x
So the Welsh have ceased to exist as an independent race
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the best jamal can get LOL
Built AND lean
£175k + £20k< bonus
5 years married
2 mistresses
£1.2m house
3 privately educated children
Size 7 feet
Most people apparently did not think so and many of those who got bingo didn't call it out because they didn't want to dance.
I think only braindead giga normies would like that sort of thing
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The Welsh are the best at keeping their language alive on the isles. Shame the rest of the dying languages basically don't stand a chance
you mad asl LOL
You can still tell the full blooded ones by the wool
>Most people apparently did not think so
Hmm maybe because they were talking to you and you're known as a miserable cunt so they didn't really want to share any sort of joy with you
looks a bit young doesnt she
Nice projection
Too thin
Think English might be better at that actually
Do you deny being a miserable cunt?
Love talking about cocks and my 8x6
>trying to get a job but not really trying
>Family member has been asking people they know and now they've got a number for me to call and a name to drop during the call in order to be handed a job directly
>It's a fucking call centre job
I'm going to kill myself. I can't just not call them up. Ay least when it was online I could just lie and say I applied but didn't get it.
i wanna bloat her up
Any plans for world mental health day lads?
Less than 4% over 18s in Wales speak Welsh
Bent are you? How droll
Last toil event took us to a stand up comedy place, might have been enhanced by the booze but it was actually really funny
Yeah I might break Spainbelgcucks mind again
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kek I've been in situations like that, it's usually from genuine boomers who think just because shit jobs paid okay when they were young, they still do.
>'I hear they're desperate for fruit pickers, maybe you can do that as a summer job'
>'No thanks'
>'Well you said you wanted something and it's better than nothing!'
That being said you have no skills or qualifications you can't be picky because you have nothing to offer.
screaming this is me for the last 18 months, every time I see relatives it’s the same “got any luck with the jobs yet?” “yeah, that gap isn’t great (disapproving tone)” but I’m too nice to tell them it doesn’t matter. actually mad with the mentality that boomers have. they think gaps are bad, they really aren’t it’s not like I’ve been actively looking for a job. also, they think that your life is meaningless if you don’t slave away for someone. mad.
you could always tell filly was a wrongun
Sounds nice
Think mine's doing a Chrismas meal but I can't really be arsed
throw myself off beachy head
Is that the day everyone kills themselves on?
might make a lovely coffee
>I have to do a shit job for 6 months until I get a better job

Yes, that's your part in life. You can choose to do it or deny yourself.
skyping the American gf soon got any good memes to share?
suppose i could stop taking my pills for a few days for the occasion and just see what happens
jamal getting scammed 60 quid for this LOL
Yes your life is meaningless if you don't work with society
Had an interviewer joke saying he wondered if I'd been in prison after seeing a gap on my CV. I had to explain I was working in a completely unrelated field and didn't see the point in including it and using up space.
boomers cannot fathom not wanting to be a cog and not wanting to work in a completely shit job
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not really sorry but they like animals dont they that lot the so-called females
"this is us haha"
Don’t worry lads she’s 18 I can feel it in my guts
we work in a society
It's always the shortest, most vile and depraved jobs they come out with too. And they'll always justify it with some random shite like "aye you're going to be cleaning floors with your tongue, but it's in the civil service and those are jobs for life!" Give me 3 months to retrain my programming up to snuff and I'll just get a proper job instead fs.
'Tis almost the season lads
I just said I was taking a break from working, not really looking. It wasn’t an issue at all. Why do people think gaps in a CV are an issue, when they can just be explained within a sentence, is there a legitimate reason?
Most people who have lived cannot imagine that actually
As I said, even the shit jobs back in the day could get you somewhere so they still think that's the case.
Divali soon benchods don't forget to do the needful and shoot off a firework
is looksmax the new 4chan
people there seem even more unhinged than here
got some soy sauce in a 'sco delivery this morning and it had a fucking father christmas hat on it. take the piss
>also, they think that your life is meaningless if you don’t slave away for someone.
Well I can't imagine you're spending your time on anything worthwhile so they're probably 100% correct
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nth for the holodem
having sex with a woman like that
seems like it would be quite the experience
would like to try it one day
so erotic
Did a needful in the toilet this morning
Boomers bought homes, 2 cars, 2 holidays a year and raised a family of 5 on 1 income (working in a shoe shop or some such). And they got a defined benefit pension at the end of it.

They don't understand why you're not buying a 3-bed detached house working 30 hours a week in Morrisons because they literally and unironically did just that back in their day.
really though
I think I would be too nervous to even touch her
too afraid of hurting her
ruining her beauty
DON'T WATCH: The dog gets decapitated by the horse when it kicks it in the head, the headless dog walks around for 5 seconds before finally dieing
How would it be quite the experience, there's nothing to squeeze, it'd be like shagging a man
think the inside of my arm is slowly rotting
/pol/chud spotted
Of course I do, I have a lot of hobbies and get a lot of enjoyment from them. This is worthwhile, not monetary output. A lot of wagies don’t know what this is like and live in a constant state of being unhappy, so they must ensure that everyone else is unhappy too.
you could probably put both your hands around her entire waist
Doubt you fucktards are actually talking about boomers (aged 60 – 69)
Go on
could easily toss her around or lift her
wanking out my arse
Greece is calling for you
>I have a lot of hobbies
Such as?
Most people in this general are ~25-30+ so it stands to reason that our own parents are boomers.
When I say boomers, I mean those who share the cog in the machine lifetime goal, so 50+ really and some mid-late 40s I suppose.
what else is there to say, I'm clearly dying, some sort of chronic wasting disease eating away at my muscles
>share the cog in the machine lifetime goal
And what is your lifetime goal?
I don't drink because I have an intolerance to it and boomers shut down when I tell them that, and cannot fathom not drinking because they often have no hobbies or interests, all they have is booze.
colleague slipped mdma in the odd spergy young spanish intern glass at the last toil afterwork because 'it'll be fun to see how she reacts'
So how do you get money for these hobbies?
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Create the most gimmicks
Great question *turns to the dosser and awaits a reply*
Didn't happen but I enjoyed the story nonetheless.
facts LUL(I'd shag her)
That's fucked up if true
Get an allotment, live in the shed, trade produce for living needs, bury your victims, become untraceable

I just saw a job and it looked good then I realised it was in the army ffs every time
Join the army, I always regretted not joining the forces when I was young, would have been a good kick up the arse.
nothing really happened anyway aside from her being more chatty and touchy. think he got cold feet and didn't put enough
Certified brownoid
Need a good WFH job that has no customer interaction desu lads. Shame there's no such thing.
new smiths song sounds shite
I've already tried and have received no reply and the local office said essentially to apply online
I've got one :)
start camming
I know that you’ll inevitably try to find some way to put it down, but I’ll list them for you anyway. I just enjoy learning and developing myself in a lot of things. I try to spend some time on them all weekly. It’s just most activities you cab think of are actually very fun, again, people seem to hate activities which aren’t just working. I like lifting weights, running, swimming, cycling, yoga, gymnastics, playing guitar, piano, bass, singing, reading/writing poetry, learning different types of dance, songwriting, pottery/painting/sculpture, reading about a huge variety of topics, gardening, cooking, knitting, recently some photography.
They aren’t super expensive and I’ve never said I’ve never worked. I have enough in savings.
Drinking is ridiculously popular and one of the things I hate most, my mother being an alcoholic firmly cemented the fact that I would never enjoy it or do it for fun.
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>Get an allotment, live in the shed, trade produce for living needs
yea, ok hippie, and a hakuna matat-
>bury your victims, become untraceable
from 0 to 100
my hobbies: rotting at home, eating toothpaste, sleeping, NOT sleeping (interesting one btw), 4chan

occasionally video games as well but I don't really consider it a hobby
Black able
Are you WOKE
strip like 3/4th of those lad
you really can get good at 3-4 things in this life beyond base level
>I have enough in savings
Yeah? How much? Who's subsidising your existence?
No you dont. You're a NEET
>every time I see relatives it’s the same “got any luck with the jobs yet?”
unironically makes me furious when I get asked this question

>I like lifting weights, running, swimming, cycling, yoga, gymnastics, playing guitar, piano, bass, singing, reading/writing poetry, learning different types of dance, songwriting, pottery/painting/sculpture, reading about a huge variety of topics, gardening, cooking, knitting, recently some photography.
Fucking hell you're bent
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Bare neeks LUL
Okay so you're just Spaincuck
Honestly prefer spaintwat when he's larping as himself rather than multiple minilarps each thread
I’m fairly decent and have been able to learn a huge amount and develop quite a lot about them, that’s why I do it. For some of them, I’m at a much higher level and I can kind of shift my priorities around every now and again. Either way, it still takes a long time to collect a lot of information and become good at things. Most people just won’t stay consistent so I’m happy with where I am and still significantly above being a beginner in everything. The power of doing things regularly and keeping to routine makes you improve tremendously. There’s no need to limit yourself. The jack of all trades master of none meme is terrible for growth. I don’t really have interest in being very specialised in anything.
Fuck me; an allotment in my ciry is £75 a year
Just not on
>larping as himself
He's not really done that since the Tesco Mince incident
literally how did you come to this conclusion
>also, they think that your life is meaningless if you don’t slave away for someone. mad
this is absolutely true

as far as I can tell my dad's entire fucking purpose in life is to work his shit job.

he calls into his shit job, eats, and goes to sleep
Over 60k. I’m living at home right now.
And what is your entire fucking purpose in life?
Because I can tell
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he has to work to look after his useless autistic virgin son
How fucking old are you lmao
Were your parents subsidising you when you were working?
You sound like a leech, so their complaints are 100% justified
not an answer
Don’t mind being bent, feels great to have interests. I remember how grim it used to be years and years ago when I had none.
*shits myself in public*
Bitch suck my 12 inch
Wouldn't be fucking surprised
I’m 27. I paid reduced rent. I worked in a niche sector of engineering.
Out of the...250, 300 women I've been on dates with? One was head and shoulders above the rest, and now she's gone because of reasons out of my control. The odds of meeting another person like that? Not happening
>I’m 27
190 you've been 27 for the past decade

I immerse myself in philosophy, arts, culture, media.

seems like I struck a chord? why is that?
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Sorry lads, you don't get to complain about boomers when you're living off their money
Move out and fund yourself, then you can complain when they call you a poof for your gay hobbies
>the odds of meeting another person like that?

You do have a hobby, don’t you?
philosophy is a load of bollocks only thing that matters is the real world
Sounds like the odds are about 1 in 250, which are actually really good odds
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a mealy-mouthed reply
Always embarrassing when an auto-didact artist NEET drops "The Hobby Bomb" on wagies and it fills the following 10 threads with non-stop seething and cope. Yes, there is more to life than haggling for more working from home days and Steak Club at Wetherspoons.
Yeah, I do a sport
shagging 3 girls off bumble and whichever gets pregnant first is the one ill commit to
Sabrina Carpenter looks like a mogwai and that's the end of it
Doing a cheeky wank to F1NN5TER's femcock to be completely honest
Sorry lads, you can’t complain about the taste of food when you aren’t the chef. I don’t make the rules.
Both Starmer and Jenrick have Jewish wives.

Mad that there's an irl Bene Gesserit breeding programme
>Warehouse Apprenticeship

New heights of collapse
Yeah I do a sport

you work to support my hobbies
I hope you are happy wagies
incel cope
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>Both Starmer and Jenrick have Jewish wives.
Good, Britain supports Israel
There is more to life than hobbies
kek I hope that isn't real
Searching for posts that contain ‘mealy-mouthed’. 562 results found.
To make children better fact-checkers, expose them to more misinformation — with oversight
"We need to give children experience flexing these skepticism muscles and using these critical thinking skills within this online context," a UC Berkeley psychology researcher said.
cried in front of the girlfriend last night. tbf she was crying too, we were both emotional. i wonder if it gives her the 'ick' or if she appreciates that i can be open in front of her.
NEETcel's head spinning with that one
I've never been interested in having children. I just don't care if my shit doesn't get passed on.
Stop posting this hoe, she belongs under my table
Best job I ever had was packing nails and screws and all that in a warehouse.
all yours
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Dunno but can't wait to see everyone's opinion on this
Yeah we don't care either mate so keep it to yourself next time
I will never forgive Obama
being a neet is synonymous with inceldom.
i'd rather toil and not be a pathetic virgin my entire life 2bh.
Thank you, less people like you in the future, excellent
Feel guilty about lying on my CV. Am I a pussy?
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How big was the lie
very very good post
Worked somewhere for 3 months and said it was a lot longer
enjoy your final days together
Weed lol
>Rage clicks: Study shows how political outrage fuels social media engagement
>A new Tulane University study explains why politically charged content gets more engagement from those who disagree.
>Researchers found a “confrontation effect,” where people are more likely to interact with content that challenges their views than those that align with them.

Basically why certain tripfags get ginormous amount of replies on /brit/
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me? jobless shagger
doing the lunch thing with gfbear

no i'm BROKE
bharat will rise from the ashes of centuries of muslim and british oppression and internet racism and when (not if) it does, you will be lucky to polish our shoes. So spam SAAAAR all you want, in the future your anti-Indian racism will disqualify you from having a job at any major corporation
Cute post.
wagies turning red after being hit with "The Hobby Bomb" and filling the following 10 threads with non-stop seething and cope
scrap all bennies
Google images unusable because of AI slop now
Best image search site these days?
Thats standard
In Jewish mythology the Tree of Life or the "tree of souls" produces new souls, which fall into the Treasury of Souls. The Angel Gabriel reaches into the treasury and takes out the first soul that comes into his hand. Then Lailah, the Angel of Conception, watches over the embryo until it is born
The computer off. A language learned. A hobby enjoyed. An instrument played. A clue gained.
The deleted pictures on /tv/s archive
>Google images unusable because of AI slop now
it's not just the AI that's causing google images to be unusable

it can't search properly anymore, you literally cannot do search by image like you used to, the functionality was just fucking destroyed for some reason
AI has infected all areas of the internet like a cancer. The people responsible for the development of AI should be punished severely. I refuse to use AI.
post link to /tv/ archive?
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>Jewish mythology
>the Treasury
ffs lad
What did you just say
just in general
you can't double dip the same post for more (you)s NEETcel, this thread is for discussion and the advancement of British culture, it's not like the $15/month classic runescape account you put 40 hours per week into where you do the same thing over and over again and keep acquiring XP. Originality and wit are rewarded
did you know australia has rainforests?
Don't have it in me to wank
become a giggolo, go from neet to self-employed
do christians and muslims believe that as well if theyre jewtwo
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Workers of the world unite (except if they're British)
Bit nippy today
mumberg believes your soul chooses your body before it's born. reeks of cope
Hello lads.

I am actually a time traveller from 2100 where all available informations are generated by AI and not human.
Every single photos, images, texts you can find on the internet is generated by AI in the year of 2100.
You would think pretty mad but in 2100, so called first worldies are halved in number and the speed the AI can generate the information is simply INSANE when compared to how humans do.

I came to 2024 because the internet is still fairly filled with human generated contents.
male prostitution toil is usually a very niche look
not every serial shagger can get money from lonely women for shags
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clopberg on a tear
UK dunked on
he's imitating black people (oppressed and cool) not southerners (wh*te)
Really don't understand how he did this.
I laughed at Ulster for being an apprentice at 24 but now I am also an apprentice at 24,last year
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recently become more attracted to fannois, used to hate them and think they were ugly but I have urges to use one now. wonder why that happened.

the entire country including london has a lower GDP/c (nominal and PPP) than mississippi. The actual GDP of mississippi is far smaller than the UK. Leftist innumeracy on display
I just btfo* this spacker
*blown the fuck off
Do American leftists think the EU is a progressive leftwing institution?
day is half done. im toiling this afternoon and evening. planning a drugs free day and an early night.

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