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potato knishes edition
Brits can't maintan a society.
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I hope Mousey is alright. I never got a chance to tell him that I enjoyed his inane musings and Family Guy images.
catberg snuggling up to me
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reading about the muslim invasions of rome and iran
feel sick
sick to the pits of my stomach
rorkes skull calipers getting impounded by customs
mousenonce was a schizo tornado that blew away a lot of posters with his spam
he is gone but the damage is irreversible
Odd thing to say
Mad innit how we used to fight to keep them out because we KNEW that they were bad news
Now we just invite them in
I haven't eaten in two days due to toothache what should I eat now?
just got called flid in millets
lovely stuff lets see catberg?
Mousenonce is never “gone” unfortunately, he’s a cancer who will keep coming back
And the disabled, what shall be done with them?
bit gay
mousey brings the light
Get yoself a big ol 'gotothafuckindentistnigga' samwich NYUGGUH!
feel bad for people with small willies
mine's normal and i still have zero confidence can't imagine what i'd be like if i also had a little knob
would probably kms
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mouseberg used to love this one
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the legs
Swear the comments section of political article on the Beeb these days is just of petit bourgeois drones

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Ah yes
by hitler's hammer you shall be avenged
He's a far far far FAR better poster than you
got a long knobule me but its comically thin
posted it on soc once and people said the image was manipulated
How do you feel about the fact that Israel is currently shooting at and bombing Irish UN forces in Lebanon?
looking good there la
some well-weathered crocs
just imagine the exciting adventures youve had together
IDF just attacked my bollocks
need to buy some crocs
my slides are worn down completely
For me, it's booking 2 weeks holiday then handing my notice in the day before I'm due to go.
>b-but handover
>w-we need a knowledge sharing session
>can I just have 5 minutes before you-
Let me stop you there, I'm off on my holibobs. Got a problem take it up with.. well that's up to you. Ta ta!
mad how that entire religion is basically just a billion people called mo following the words of "autistic nonce warlord jesus" and we're expected to NOT be sceptical or suspicious of it
They're an odd bunch
I wonder what the decision making process is for choosing to enable comments on some articles
thought they would have went for the foreskin first desu
Hitler's only mistake was not wiping out england from the map.
You don’t even believe that yourself lol
the listen
yeah that's not a real sandwich sorry
try again
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>Jews attacking UN troops

miss the uni days when it'd be your turn to trim all the lads pubes before a night out
why are they like this? why do they go out of their way to be evil
What's the fucking point in UN peacekeepers if they just run into their bunkers when there's violence
Did your parents flee Germany after they were going to be arrested for Nazi war crimes?
Or are you another brown Latin man who LARPs as a white supremacist?
I really really REALLY do
I'm a big fan of being unreasonably rude and direct with people in the office
>thats not my problem
>Im not paid enough to do that
>not my responsibility to fix your rota
>im telling you im not asking, im going on holiday
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revenge for being scapegoated
oh my
Nah, I just hate anglos. Not personal of course.
So when Israel drops asbestos and white phosphorus and depleted uranium on Gaza's child refugee centres, nobody cares
But fire a few bullets at Irish soldiers and the world loses their mind
Make it make sense. Pure racism.
Don't think you can do that
The Holocaust exempts them from any wrongdoing
This is the kind of cope people pull when they realise nobody likes them anyway lmfao
Only 4 people died in most dangerous storm in 100 years of America

What a joke
Odd lil monkey fella
he hates brits because we hate nonce like him (he posts cp)
Is it autism to watch the same rotation of 5-6 series over and over.
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remember when that greek zoomer spastic on here was so confused at the idea of meeting people in a pub who might give good advice he demanded to hear examples for the chad socialite millenials
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gibraltar rorke with the bold and beautiful browline
indestrcutible to punches
Hilarious how SN painted himself into a corner with his shite LARP and then got banned for CP to finish it off
forgot to pack a fork in with my lunchbox so I was sat in my car eating pasta with my hands and some salespeople saw me. I'm not doing anything to help IT people-normie relations.
Nobody does that
You live in a phantasie
I only go in chain pubs and I keep to myself. Don't smoke just sit and sip.
You're right, and I made peace with that reality many years ago
Remember when the only piece of wisdom you could recall receiving from Gazfucius was about as useful as a fucking fortune cookie?
carry on my gayward bummm
there'll be wee when you are done
Insane how the Internet Archive is getting DDoS'd over some Israel-Palestine bullshit
So sick of this inane conflict on the other side of the world infiltrating literally everything
I mean if you're there by yourself obviously you're not smoking as the moment you go out for a smoke you'd lose your seat.
am i supposed to know what SN is now, is this a new fantasy character you've added to your /brit/ roster
The fact he's not here means he actually did get banned completely on his pass
is that why you act the way you do on here
Why's that happening?
I try and sit outside in all weathers because I prefer it outside
When? I've not posted in 9 months
Tbh yes lol
who was that?
you mean the irish flag greek commie?
Crazy how Spaino gets banned and 90% of the shit posts stop
There's no shame in being new, but wind your neck in sunshine
No but I remember you spending the next hour whigging out with unfunny reddit tier sarcasm nobody responded to. Dont project your lonely, isolated zoomer upbringing on to others
bullshit mate
>literally who hacker group
>twitter account created earlier this year
>claims to be from russia
>pro palestine
its israeli/american feds
>over some Israel-Palestine bullshit
100% a smokescreen
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mad how it's quite easy to tell someone's IQ from what they list to
anyone listening to mumble rap or grime is comfortably <90
>No but
Ah but you do
I'll give you another chance though
What wisdom have you received from the Oracle of Madri?
You can always tell when SN is posting about himself because he calls himself "Spaino"
>I just don't like sittin' inside no more.
lil zoomer bro can't comprehend having a balanced, healthy social life he DEMANDS to know what it entails.
Struggling to interpret this graph :S
what cool tourist destinations have they got in Palestine and Lebanon anyway? anywhere worth visiting when the war's over?
why are jewish people so comically evil
do these anti semites know for a fact it was deliberate shooting? no, they don't, because an investigation hasn't taken place. so tweeting this out is irresponsible and nearing blood libel
fancy a coffee, but it's also just far too late in the day for one
another cow-pat strewn on the path of my life
>he's so broken he doesn't even know what good advice from your elders is
based lil wayne enjoyer
I accept your concsssion, and I fucked your nan
they blew it all up for islamic woke
Decided I'm not going to start dressing better. I'm happy being a runt. I'm actually going to start dressing edgier and grungier, bit like a rockstar and start shagging. How do I do this without looking like a child? I will wear denim jackets, I won't wear converse.
Yeah, odd of me to point out but not odd that you can't maintain a society, right?
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Might go to the shop, you lads want anything?
God I want to bully americans so much
Get yourself a jar of decaf. I have one for precisely this reason.

Doesn't taste quite as nice but better than nothing.
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Why, on God's Good Earth, does she make such fake and strained smiles? You can see the veins in her neck about to pop. It looks ridiculous and a bit like she has gone insane, which we all know she already has.
>he thinks everybody spent their youth in a dark smelly bedroom wanking to belle delphine bath water and playing fortnite
See >>203260120
love a tight
so fuckjng what. another 20 trillion to israel
bag of maoam pinballs
keep it on tattle.life next time
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Man When Roobs wore normal formal things instead of whatever ugly dress she usually wears
She needs a good fucking, preferably from Rorke
spent my youth doing drugs and it's just as bad as that
mallardlad wouldve loved this
It's a dark academia sort of look
reminds me of that buddha
saw a lad almost 30, probably late 20s wearing new balance trainers. grim. looked like a child.
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Watching random old videos while I knit and was comforted by the thought that no matter how bad my knitting (facing some struggles with my current project, have had to frog and re-knit both the collar and the hem), the end result will never be the level of embarrassing that is Roobee in her ”sailor collar”.
please somebody feed her animal products
you're watching someone wasting away
Popped the poo barm in the air fryer
some 60 year old twice divorced man with Alzheimer's who reeked of cigarettes gave me a jewel of wisdom while seven pints deep that "money *coughs up flehm and blood while pissing himself* isn't everything, y'know mate?"

these zoomer yung-uns just letting all this advice go to waste. tis a pity.
bin work off tomorrow, now you can stay up all night. you're going to head down to that one coffee shop and make some memories that will last you a lifetime.
just voted lads
yeah but at least you actually went outside and had friends even if just for a moment. The zoomer in this thread doesn't even theoretically understand that life.
Nice try
oh yeah?
have a latte. have two.
>(facing some struggles with my current project, have had to frog and re-knit both the collar and the hem)
Oh please please someone ask to see some of my knitting "projects" Pleeeaasseee!!

God I hate women
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How come there's no triple lock for the minimum wage?
looked like a right fag lol, massive fucking disabled shoes at his age
Yeah, odd of me to point out but not odd that you can't maintain a society, right?
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He needs an outfit that contextualises the man wearing it. Unfortunately for a lot of Zillennials the "t-shirt, trainers and jeans" look DOES accurately contextualize them.
You have to have a pretty high IQ to appreciate the complexities of Halloween III: Season of the Witch
alright don't go fucking mental now
A 60 year old in the same trade as you, starting off as an apprentice, and him with 40 years experience? Yeah, he can tell you a lot about what to expect, from managers, pay, conditions, ups and downs, because he lived it.

All jokes aside, I cannot believe you do not understand this. You are so divorce from reality you can't fathom this scenario, that plays out every friday night after work in every wetherspoons in the country.
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Ruby's tips for romanticising your life:
Add purple prose to your to-do list. (You will not be able to fit this in your PONKERPOD TIFTEA planner, which was JANUINELY designed by Ruby to suit all of her needs, HONNASTLEEE.)
Never be yourself. Always pretend you are AMMA WATSYON other people.
Avoid arranging your wardrobe in any kind of practical layout and instead organise it like the storage cupboard in a fancy dress costume shop, which will help you pretend you are A TWALVE YARR OWLD GARRL other people. Remember to scrunch all your formal outfits in a wrinkled ball and cram them in a dusty basket.
Avoid adulthood.
Avoid work.
Avoid therapy.
This isn't romanticising your life. It's more of Ruby trying to avoid reality entirely and some of the ways she tries desperately to be anyone but herself.
Anyway, how's your Thursday been? Plans for the weekend?
hirevue interview toil beckons
time to try and imagine up a reason for why I want to work for NatWest which is more than just "Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now."
Looks like I'm gonna have to ask around the pub for any rent boy veterans
I never learned how to talk to my fellow man.

Outside this website, I mean.
going to listen to some nsfw audios but not wank
Off to play Animal Crossing x
hmm peculiar
need a wank
Dunno what that means
Worked as a cashier and earned more than your MDs do
t. wore New Balances up until 3 weeks ago
Have often wondered this, can only conclude that it's because boomers and pensioners are spiteful cunts who hate their children and grandchildren. That's literally the only reason I can think of. Spite and bitterness is the only reason that makes any sense for why they make life as difficult as possible for todays zoomers and millenials.
It's quite sad desu. It's not even like there is anything wrong with trainers but the way they wear them and the models they choose always make them look like giant toddlers. Might be easier if everyone just started wearing proper footwear ffs. Could be worse though, vans or converse make 30 something males look like young boys and lesbians more than anything else.
doing whaat
they're not your fellow man. we are.
little goblin creatures who live in the darkness of their smelly bedrooms.
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Her story changes every time she tells it. It's the one thing I miss about the annual 'Anti-Bullying Week' videos she had to stop doing due to the criticism she inspired with every one - it was always funny seeing how much her story had changed again.

Ruby: "I was never bullied, I just enjoy books where people get bullied for being too smart and gifted."
Ruby: "OIY JOST REALOISED THAT I WAS BOLLIED ACKSHAULLY! It JANUNELY happened, I just forgot about it until now. Please buy my new semi-autobiographical book where someone (ME!) gets bullied for being too smart and gifted."
Ruby: "The big difference between me and Erimentha Parker - the main character in my book - is that Erimentha didn't realise she was being bullied. But when I got bullied, I knew it all along!"
Ruby: "The thing that helped me move past bullying was to just ignore it. At the time, I didn't tell anyone, I just practised stoicism - a philosophy that I learned about several years later."
Ruby: "The thing that helped me move past bullying was not to ignore it. Tell a teacher and a therapist, like I did. It worked wonders!"
Ruby: "I would recommend not telling teachers or adults if you get bullied. It didn't help me and it might make things worse."
Ruby: "You should just forgive your school bullies and move on, like I did. Now please excuse me while I make videos about how I was bullied at school long into my twenties."
Ruby: "I was bullied in year 7."
Ruby: "I was bullied in year 10."
Ruby: "Actually, it was year 9."
Ruby: "No, wait! Year 6!"
Ruby: "It was every year of school!"
just had a very pengerific chilli.
dadberg calls these my gay shoes when i wear them
What is MD
You need an outfit that puts everything you've been through into perspective. Gristly bits and all.
what trousers should i buy.
the skinny black jeans i bought in 2019 finally developed a hole
i see people wearing baggy light blue jeans now but i dont want to buy into a dying trend
not the original anon, mate, I'm just taking the piss
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I'm firmly in camp 'Ruby was never bullied, but latched onto the trope that kids get bullied for being too smart and bookish, so she needed that as part of her 'kind bookworm' repertoire. She read a lot of middle-grade mean girl books, thought she could write her own ripoff and that claiming it was autobiographical would sell more copies, so she suddenly "realised" she was bullied just in time for the book announcement.

I'm sure she was unpopular at school considering how much of a judgemental, self-aggrandising little weasel she took pride in being (which really shines through in Erimentha Parker, where she paints those as virtuous traits). I'm sure people made the kind of mean comments that all schoolkids hear at some point. I don't believe she encountered anything beyond that.

It says a lot that in her bullying videos, she could never come up with a single believable example of bullying and seemed incapable of distinguishing bullying from constructive criticism. And in her supposedly autobiographical self-insert book depicting her bullying experience that she claims lasted all of her school life, all examples of bullying are cartoonishly unbelievable.
It's gotta be chinos. Time to get a clue.
if you're handsome and have a good physique you can wear whatever you like
not worn jeans in over a decade
What like a big bootprint on the back of a shirt?
At what age is it reasonable for your parents to ask for money if you still live with them? Have a mate who is 30 on the dole still at home and his parents still dont ask for money from him
I reckon if your parents start asking for money at 25 you'd be more inclined to move out because I could not image being in your 30's living in your mums house still relying on her entirely
That is reaching levels of grim and pathetic I would not want to imagine
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>zoomers giving out fashion advice
lmfao didnt you freaks all look like this for like 5 years?
yeah maybe but i'd argue the difference is negligible
my social skills back then were only on point if the conversation pertained to drugs or getting them, and "going outside" to smoke or buy something in an abandoned parking lot, side street or alley is eerily similar to the fabled smelly bedroom. same atmosphere and all
>a first-year doctor - known as an FY1 doctor, will receive a basic salary of £32,397 in 2023/2024
>Swedish cashier earns 17USD, 34USD on weekends and late hours
About the same
swear this has been around for nearly a decade here
these are the latest trend
Swedish cashier earns 17USD per hour, 34USD on weekends and late hours*

Where did your wealth go? :)
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>>zoomers giving out fashion advice
>lmfao didnt you freaks all look like this for like 5 years?
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just found something slightly unusual on the ol gay porn search
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I'm smoking on big za
It's reasonable at any age past 18, although they should really give you a maximum one year, whether that's after school or uni, to find your feet
you just owned that guy
>checkerboard vans
grim remember these
No mate, like an Oxford shirt made in Amersham. Like a Barbour jacket but not International. Like Chestnut moccasins lined with Shetland fleece.
I wish you would smoke your head clean off your shoulders, you disgusting paedo cunt
i find german accents really cute on girls. especially if they’re nerdy and a bit autistic
I saw a guy yesterday who was wearing New Balances and he had tattoos and an attractive girlfriend with him

When I saw him I thought shit, I need to get my own life together so I can get a gf

You'll think I'm making this up but I'm not
dont recognise any of this shit. it certainly wasn't millenial
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Oh thought you meant Managing Directors
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an ugly fat tranny wrote this
seething gimp
you just owned that guy
No I'm coming to Sweden. Make room for me.
>Captcha: 0ppor7unity
So you don't earn as much as a Junior Doctor here
very familiar with all of this, especially that god damn new era sticker
No notes
oh no
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don't @ me
clap them cheeks
TL;DR Jewish nonsense
those are for people from southern california exclusively
you're not allowed to wear those
The person who rewrote and renamed the article was doxxed and found to be a Lib Dem activist tranny obsessed with kids
Very dodgy individual
Wow really sounds interesting LUL!
anyone who wears skateboarding shoes without skateboarding doeasnt "deserve" to wear them
You outearn one of your doctors if you get lots of weekends or late hours.
everyone from southern califorrnia skateboards you fool
Why are there no Irish Jews
Seems a bit antisemitic
feel the same about non-Americans wearing chucks
bit Chilean this evening, might pop a jumper on
yes that shouldn't happen either
or baseball caps
yea okay poser
Leo Bloom
Do the numbers properly or don't bother posting
There's a good cashier, work it out
too many yanks
Oh my days swedecuck on the bloody ropes
Every skilled worker in Sweden just does a 1-man company where they work as the lone consultant and pay a flat 20% on profits instead. Also you buy your private stuff via this company and dodge the VAT on everything. New car, computer, your own food, all tax free.
Might start replying to mate's instagram stories going "Why did you AI generate this?"
you are only allowed to wear adidas sambas, grim
What is it with the cum diaspora itt
I once worked 80 hours minimum wage and earned more than a guy who worked 3 days that week because he kept pooing.
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>bit Chilean this evening
*does an ollie on your head*
anywhere the wind blows (... up my arse)
I did and told you the results
poosting here and getting drunk on wine and beer
fuck toil, I'll have to work all weekend so idgaf about being in good condition tomorrow
today is the day I LIVE and I WILL NOT message the ex
A "Junior Doctor" is not a Doctor. It is a trainee Doctor. But they don't like being called trainees because that would distinguish them from the real Doctors, the tall white men in suits that float about the hospitals with an eager team following him around
Cashiers are not skilled workers
Any other copes?
*goes stiff and falls over like a startled goat*
Forced booze sessions are always the worst
Not a cashier and it wasn't about me, autismo
*punts you up the arse*
good post this
you just owned that guy
So you have been defeated, have a good night
When is this cure for the common cold/flu coming then?
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44 hours of overtoil in the last 2 weeks aha it's class isn't it this work stuff
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all nice and well but theyre active
not much I can do about is there lad
circumstances have handed me this only opportunity to get fucked up and it's either grab it with both hands or be a sober prick for more than a week which would drive me mad
*tre flips on your skull*
thats from the halloween special where bart has psychic powers and forces krusty to be on tv 24 hours a day
Your economy, country, people, prosperity, well-being and infrastructure was defeated by Brits managing them.

Let me guess, next you'll act all aloof and detached while also seething about how I should rope for pointing this out :-). Not me that ruined all of your country's prosperity now was it?
Bought a full duck on Monday for £8
So far I've had
>2 portions of duck breast, mash and veg
>3 portions of duck leg ragu
>rendered the fat out the skin, stored that, made scratchings with the skin
Still got
>plenty of scraps and wings for soup
>carcass for stock

Not bad for £8 la
don't even know where you can buy duck from
We created great societies like israel and pakistan you fucking racist prick.
See previous posts in which you were utterly destroyed
how do you make scratching out the skin? don't really like pork scratching but curious about the process
food shops
there's no point to it all if you didn't live your myth from age 18-25. after that it's just scrambling around for a windfall so you don't work yourself down to the bone.
being a toiler is so grim
fancy a beer?
just get a slingshot and walk down the canal
loads of them just sitting there
Waiting on the response for a really good internal position at work but got an offer on a better-than-my-current job external position
They’re pushing me to make my decision by tomorrow but the internal position isn’t making their answer known until next week
Anyone seen that indeed advert with the lass running around and it switches to her jogging out in the country and you see she’s a total PAWG in like the last second
very economical
waster not want not
a duck in the hand is worth eggs in the basket
plenty of ducks in the pond
alls fair in love and war
beggars cant be choosers
dont throw the baby out wiht the bathwater

Simmer the skin in water, after about 30 minutes there will just be fat in the pan, store the fat and put the skins in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 to crisp up
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in my 30s and arsed my life right up
My bag of Haribo Starmix has not a single egg in it
Takes the piss
You have been done
We had something similar [IR35] until the tories decided to scrap it last year because all those public sector jobs and pensions are quite expensive :(
living my myth on indeed.co.uk applying for minimum wage jobs I don't want
buy a duck and eat duck for a week
buy a slingshot and eat duck for free
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Get yourself off the university then lads. It's too late for me but you've still got time.
probably all in the Tangfastics
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mugabe be spitting fax
i'm so in pain and hurt and woudned
Take care
Bugger off nonce
*kisses it better*
got any better ideas beside homelessness?
I won't just to spite you
little girls on the telly
my haribo starmix has no milk bottles in it
furthermore, my tangastics bag has absolutely 0 love hearts with the foam on the bottom
this is an outrage
I presume you meant "off to university".

Unfortunately your spelling error has given your sentence the exact opposite meaning. Fortunately I was able to decipher it from the context.
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if it's hip, it's here
No toil for me tomorrow
I am free
sounds pretty easy, might give this a go if I ever end up with a whole duck
Mogs all your shitty flats and smelly bedrooms
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I'm Scottish
i can't believe it. my tube of chewits has no guava flavoured ones. absolutely NONE!
how is that acceptable exactly?
who do they take you for?
you, the loyal and paying customer?
is not your enjoyment of the product an important component of the transaction?
somebody needs to be punished
>either slave away in a warehouse or supermarket or be homeless
Well >>203262059?
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>tfw lil timmy sent his pale pencil dick on snapchat
Sweden is having a lot of issues with social cohesion, and parallel cultures with rapidly increasing violence. Only country in the world where the most learned language on duolingo is it’s own. I’ve read multiple articles of a lot of swedes not now feeling safe on the streets generally. Wouldn’t be a place I would consider.
Class posting as always. It's great to have you hear. Not even joking.
"Get off the university" doesn't make any more sense as a Scottish person.
Bought some cola bottles and not ONE bubblegum flavour in it, someone needs to die
literally not a SINGLE avocado flavoured skittle in the entire bag. i'm sending them back.
t. harry potter
can you send the wogs back while you're at it?
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racist nonce
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religion of crease
my twink feet fucking stink
You couldn't even get in lad
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What did Sabrina Carpenter mean when she said she wants BBC inside of her?
reminds of janice griffith who I've wanked to a number of times
um well
True, I'm white
cheers x
Weird considering she has a boyfriend. Bit grim.
fucked it with a subjectless lads
it's all up to you now
it's ok, you'll get it next time
She said it THREE times and the BBC keeps inviting her back
put the dunce hat on then and sit in the corner for a minute lad
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There's a double meaning if you dig deep
would have walloped the gf (now ex) if she said this
fuck off
is she the greatest poet EVER?
It's a piece of piss mate

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