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Invited: all Europeans. E.g: /brit/, /fr/, /deutsch/, /sauna/, /sverigetråden/, /norgetråden/, /nederdraad/, /esp/, /pt/, /éire/, /danmarktråden/, /føroyar/, /isl/, /skandi/, /fo/, /balt/, /polska/, /v4/, /kurva anyátok/, /hrv/, /slo/, /ex-yu/, /ita/, /hell/, /gr/, /cpб/, /srb/, /ukraïna/, /mol/, /pl/, /malta/, /benelux/, /lux/, /cz/, /sk/, /cz-sk/, /bos/, /mac/, /balk/, /ro/, /cyp/, /tr/, /ch/, /arm/, /ge/, /az/, /alb/, /бг/, /ქართ/
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the German government didn't want her as EU commission president btw
the German government's suggestion was Manfred Weber
the bitch will ruin europe, i hate her so much its unreal
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So good reasling
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Europa, Europa über alles
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come back then
Europe will be third world in less than three decades.
Rich Chinese and rich Americans will be dabbing up us the way we dab on thirdies today.
Isn't his party backround the same? I guess he's better for not being blatantly corrupt.
Yeah, the fact she still has the top job proves we need to vote for comission president ourselves.
EPP needs to die if EU wants to survive
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you wanna fight bro? you wanna fucking go?
come @ me
von der Leyen is clearly beloved by foreign lobbyists. Look at the asses she goes kissing ...
Yep, it exists only to siphon votes away from conservative voters and create bizzare cordon sanitaires with red-green loons
Serbia's place is in the union too eventually
butthurt seething is childish nonsense
they're from the same party (well, sister parties, basically the same)
but EPP went into the election with Manfred Weber as candidate, came out strongest, and then Macron and some others said they don't want him, so Von der Leyen was "promoted away" because she had failed in all previous national offices in Germany
>we need to vote for comission president ourselves
agreed, should be a direct election by the EU citizenry. Would also strengthen the sense of European unity if they had to campaign in the whole union.
It doesn't matter. You don't get into those circles without being vetted.
The fact she basically brushed off the whole vax corruption case, presided over a tumultous period and did nothing good during her tenure, yet still got to keep her job for another half a decade is ludicrous. She'd never win a popular vote election.
its crazy that the bitch who was in corruption affairs is now in the most important position of EU

lmao, does this sound like corruption to you? I thought balkans were as corrupted as italy, i'm disappointed
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the higher your office, the less likely you are to face consequences for fucking over the public, apparently
eu has too much power imo
Would be based if we had something akin to US elections with a POTEU who has to somehow manage to appeal to the whole of the EU.
That would be such a wild ride.
>Would also strengthen the sense of European unity if they had to campaign in the whole union.
I thought about this before. Imagine having some extreme polyglot as your opponent, panders directly to a good chunk of member states. Mediocretes like VDL could never.
Our current state minister lived in an flat for near on a decade that was earmarked for abused women. What are some funny corruption stories from Croatia?
it is corrupted, our current political party (HDZ) is involved in alot of corruption affairs and they are propped up by EPP and EU
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the EU isn't even united in its recognition of Kosovo
several members don't recognize it
there has to be some way to salvage the situation and make it workable for both sides
Didn't the extremely unpopular pajeet ex-priminister of Portugal also get a golden parachute this time around? Also involved in corruption, but S&D is in the coalition so he gets an important seat anyway.
our minister of defence has killed a man while driving drunk and he hasn't faced any consequences
This one gets less attention but she's the president of the European Parliament and her husband is one of the biggest lobbyists in Brussels.
If you look at her voting record, she votes pro-lobbyists (pro-business) 100% of the time and has done so for her entire career, and in every single field, whether it be arms regulations or fisheries or pesticides.
Not enough power*
Sorry about that. Like all intelligent Europeans i am for federalization of course
gay thread
Kek, imagine if we had an electoral vote system too (we sort of already do, but not quite as stark)
All these eurocrats kissing up to Slovenia or something because it's a swing-state
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How is it going in the Garden?
>she votes pro-lobbyists (pro-business)
Evropean patriot
Enough fucking stupid regulations that choke european businesses before they can even build themselves up
you are not me!
The lobbyists, many of them are not lobbying for European entities.
And in any case that's a completely separate issue.
federalization will never happen because EUcrats know that they will lose in a public vote
What do you guys think of the butting of heads between Macron/France and Germany?

France is for more protectionism and Germany is afraid that it will hurt Europe (Germany) more than it helps.
As if we will ever get fair elections.
We will only get managed elections like the US.
Where you get two useless candidates, already vetted to be good puppets.
yes sadly this is the reality
neither France nor Germany were worried about the EU's wellbeing in this matter, they both think only of themselves
French carmakers don't export much to China, German carmakers do, so France profits more from tariffs than Germany does
Please exclude /balt/, Lithuanians are North Africans and Latvians/Estonians are Asians
Either way, it's still a question that needs to be addressed.
I don't think adhering to WTO rules makes sense if the US abandoned that shit.
unusual take from a Serbian
I guess I agree since that would enable us to move forward on that issue and resolve the current deadlock
reintegration of Kosovo into Serbia seems less likely at this point
Statelets like Kosovo or Moldova should just unite with their corresponding ethnic kin. Neither makes much sense on their own.
yes, that's my view about former German-inhabited areas in the east (although unlike with Serbia, no normie German cares one bit about that nowadays)
that's difficult legally
but it's not really a problem either, EU membership would solve most problems (although that's a long way in the case of Kosovo and Moldova since both are poor and backwards)
small countries aren't a problem
>that's difficult legally
>small countries aren't a problem
There's basically no such thing as Kosovar or Moldovan identity. They can't even meme themselves into one like the Macedonians. I don't think small countries are neceseraly bad either, but there's no need for two Albanian or two Romanian states.
it's true
show me some recent (past 30 years) examples where sovereign states voluntarily, consensually and peacefully merged
you really only ever see the opposite happening
Why do serbs care about Kosovo anyway? Are there a lot of people with relatives on the other side? It does not look paricularly interesting, it is not a historically important area, there are no natural resources, no ports, not the prettiest or important cities either
They never left Europe
>time frame set up to deny the most obvious, easily applicable example
Indeed we're still in Europe just not in the EU, like Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, etc

They're European
I have never enjoyed living in the world
we aren't european
Come on lads, don't be so down in the dumps

Thrace is
So like how is your day in european city? Me I work then I go home and do nothing
Why don't you ask out one of the many attractive young Swedish women
my life is sad and empty
Am ugly and not rich
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I had a caffeine overdose, it's kicking in
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Pic related managed to get married and had three kids

So perhaps making an effort is more important than looking good

Speaking of Germans and music


Can't beat a good coffee
Eurobros,when are we kicking the hungarian gypsies out of our group?
Hungary is a good country
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I wish Europe had a proper flag
What country doesn't have a housing crisis
It does though, and the flag of Europe was invented in the 1950s, long before the EU adopted it in the 80s

It was designed for the Council of Europe which is separate from the EU (most European countries are in the Council of Europe, including my country)
Drinking alcohol either makes me euphoric blastic gypsie music all night or makes me depresive suicidal thinking about Cioran's nihilistic philosophy, nothing in between. Lets see this night which way I go.
it often depends on the mood you had before
Need to get my bollocks destroyed by a stern german woman
rural East Germany
Ossis DO NOT suffer
You're part of this continent whether you like it or not
I hope the EU eventually collapses, but apart from that, I like my fellow europeans
no you don´t
Europeans are good, and Europe is a good continent

Stop saying DM, he sent me a DM.
No. Boomers used to say a PM. It stood for PRIVATE message.
Some boomer at facebook marketing (I guess) pushed hard to make DM more cool and modern than PM.
See the pattern? Direct message. More cool than private. Why should the youth think privacy is cool? Our messaging app is not private! Let's make DM the new cool !
>/brit/ invited
Terrorist bomber father Ernst Albrecht ??
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First you made fun of my explanation, months ago.
Then you did your research.
Now you teach what I said.

Like I had said, in or around 2017, Merkel had lost most of her power. People were tired of her, and she didn't have a strong majority in her country behind her. Macron was the new guy. He was very enthusiastic about the EU. He had just won the direct popular vote in France. In Brussels he was called the new guy.
He tried to make his Coup in the Brussels (Strasbourg) Parliament, like he had done in Paris. With his radical center. He did create a centrist party in the EP, European Parliament (Renew Europe). But it didn't win the European Elections. Hell, he did his shenanigans and told Merkel that she could put her Spitzen candidate unofficial rule (tradition) where the sun don't shine. This rule said that the head of whatever European party who had won the elections would become President of the EU Commission.

He didn't want Manfred Weber. (Macron comes from the French Socialist party). I think he wanted Margrethe Vestager first, and Merkel said no (I guess). So the middle ground was Wonder Leyen. Back then I thought this was cool. I didn't know she was so corrupt.
I (like Mr Macron) liked Vestager better. Google's worst nightmare.
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Why am I never invited to these Zoom calls ?
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Who cares? You, and we the EU, are both little (unruly) sluts of the USA.
Recently I learnt that the UK doesn't even qualify as an independent nuclear power, if you follow the official rules.
Those rules, very deatiled, for example, say that your nukes are regularly tested with test bombings. Of course, test bombings are forbidden now, so we do computer simulations.
Well, recently, France might lose her sovereignty over Bull SUPER-computers and chips. (don't ask about Bull, yes it sounds english, it is originally, long story, but it's been a french pride for decades)
So there's a heated debate over here about Saving Private Ryan, ATOS, the french conglomerate who owns Bull.

On a side note, one learns that the UK doesn't give a shit about having her own supercomputers for nuclear testing.
Doesn't take seriously the idea that the USA could cut the power when it wants to bomb some target that Big Brother doesn't want to see bombed.
I have no SAUCE but Kuzmanovic is not a funny guy, I never caught him lying or exaggerating.
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>Let me search this and I'll get back to you.
ok so this is fresh news from december 2023.
big vote at the European Council with all the Heads of State and Government
Topic : Ukraine joining the EU

Orban used to vote NO.
This time (in November? December?) he leaves the room. Which is enough for the decision to pass.
Why did he leave the room.
Because he made a deal and got €10bn EU loan.

Ain't money magical ?
I mean somewhat understandable. If a large power vacuum was created then there would be countries that would like to steer the wheel. You can already see this with Poland, they seem to want to become more significant from an economical and geopolitical standpoint. Then there is obviously Germany and France. Northern Europe probably thinks it is better to trust an outsider than giving too much power into one specific EU country that could potentionally alter the system to their own benefit. Southern Europe is pretty quiet. Orban can be very annoying but quite irrelevant from the future of EU, there are a lot of (often underdiscussed) problems like the Euro crisis he has no answer for. More of an annoyance but not significant
Can't we just talk about Bogomilism ?
Yeah this is what im talking about, he is being annoying but without a purpose. Ukraine is sadly not in a state to join any time soon so that Veto was pointless anyway. Orban got addicted to being able to say “I said it” and he thinks Ukraine is 100% going to lose so he makes some noise so people will remember. It is quite selfish but from a power standpoint also kind of insignificant. The larger countries would need to find a common voice but there is disagreement on many issues
>More of an annoyance but not significant
I loved when he was Head of the EU for 6 months. Doing official trips to Moscow and Beijing, saying the EU too wanted peace.
Then everyone in Brussels London Paris were hysterical picked up their phones, « no no no it was not official !! Don't worry daddy! We still want the war against all the bad guys! »

> north and south
Hmm. It's funny how France is in the middle. I liked how François Hollande was nicer to Greece than Merkel. But the Greek Euros were printed in France, and Hollande still said no to Varoufakis. But Merkel wanted to compeltely abandon Greece.

> rather trust a bigger power than trust anyone of us
Yes, probably. So the US probably want us both united, and divided. So we can agress on one thing, let washington as the arbiter (referee) of our conflicts.
Honestly, this works. I have high esteem for the guy, Orban.
But I learned that he's not even far right in Hungary. There *are* actually far right parties in Hungary, and he doesn't talk to them.
But I think he (or a representative) was a member of the EPP, the People's Party, and Orban's party was expelled a couple years ago ? And has had to make friends with the European far right?
>You can already see this with Poland

Like a battered wife who jumps into the arm of another man, because *he* is so nice and perfect.
USA will walk all over them just like Russia did.
Fidesz adopted a lot of policies from the far-right over time. Many people say it is just a proxy-party really. They are not very significant. I actually have not heard about them in a really long time. Far-right will always get some votes because gypsies committing crimes, etc. in this aspect Hungary is not some fascist country. And the hooligan types are kept on a tight leash

Honestly I really dislike the current gov., they are very corrupt and irresponsible with peoples money. There is a new party called Tisza that is threatening Fidesz, I really like them, I mean so far its mostly a one man show, the husband of the ex-Fidesz minister of Justice or what, lol. It is somewhat similar to Fidesz even from a foreign policy standpoint but seems to willing to address the peoples worries and deep rooted problems and corruption. I really hope they win or at lesst take some portion so the current party does not hold a 2/3 majority anymore
I think USA can benefit from someone loyal to them becoming more powerful within the block
I dont see a scenario where US abandons Poland because the Union is pretty stable from an overall standpoint, there is not going to be a civil war or border dispute that would significantly alter the playing field like in the Middle East. It is a pretty safe bet imo, a win-win situation
yeah idk. From a french pov, it is HIGHLY annoying. We were in the club 6 that started the EU / ECC / CECA (the coal association). The goal, well, I know now it was never the case, but as a teen I *thought* the goal was to become as powerful as the USA.
So we invite more and more countries to become more powerful. But what ? They *want* the USA to be the EU's big brother... This is unsufferable!

What about Albania ? Nobody ever talks about Albania, except mafia and whores and murders. I recently learnt that it was THE exception of the Eastern block, back then. The only Maoist country in Europe. Pretty cool in my book.

Oh, and did you know that the recent august cyberattacks against socialist Venezuela (the biggest DDoS cyberattacks against a country in history according to experts) appeared to come from Northern Macedonia ? That is near Kosovo, where USA had their biggest base. That they left a couple years ago, allegedly... So, like this Army base, Northern Macedonia is now a US no-rule-of-law land, where they can do Guantanamo level shit.
Just so you know. Macron after his last terme in 2027 will still be young for a politician (50). His career plan is to become the next head of the EU Commission. Lots of his decisions are explained like this by redpilled analysts. According to them, he sinks France with joy, just to please his EU Masters and beyond, Atlantic Council and shit.
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I kneel
not invited : /cum/
a masterpiece
hell probably succeed i can definitely see him becoming the head of the EU commission
Yes it wouldn't be too surprising after all. I wonder how he sleeps at night. I heard he does lots of cocaine. Macron's running nose is a running gag on french yt.
G'day cunts
Lol just checked, Spain and Romania accept their passport so it doesn't matter what the parliament says.
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How is the mushroom season going in your country?
>Yuropeans fundementally dont like each other
You could say the same about different types of Americans, but they're still a country

You aren't European

Dunno, I'm not a big fan of mushrooms really
>Not included
What Europe are you talking about? LMAO
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need big muscle bf please :3
Neither of those countries are even on Council of Europe, less so other organizations. You choose to be on the other side of the Iron Curtain.
I mean. It would be fine at least, if they didn't include Caucasus and Turkey as well as us, but including them and excluding us is pure cringe.
What's next? Will they add Tunis, Morocco and Egypt as well?
Georgian deserves to be on the list. Azerbaijan and Armenia probably too. I do agree that Türkiye is questionable.
we need this just for the westoids to seethe incomprehensibly
Hello Jan

Wow I wonder why. Maybe you should use your brain for five seconds.

Good post

Thrace is in Europe and many people in Georgia want closer ties with Europe, so I think they are welcome in this thread.
we wuz british n shit
>t. Jeet
>Georgian deserves to be on the list. Azerbaijan and Armenia probably too.
They're all still very different from Europe. And even if we look on some other cultural customs and religions then I'd understand Georgia and Armenia. But Azeris? Really? They're like Turkey, but even more alien thing.
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Cope and seethe

Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are all part of the Council of Europe, pic related

Manfred Weber seems like a reasonable and down to earth guy who actually cares about Europe, I think he would've made a decent EU commission president
Ze Germans are about to beat ze Amerikkan Hollywooth people.
Our entertrainment industry is very industrious and serious, look on the quality of our product, make in Germany:
Germany could be the next Japan. Horribile economic stagnation, to mate with great cultural influence on the entire planet with our great entertainment.
Very much young people around the world will be eagier to show and share German cultural products like... like... You just know, right?
Hello fellow evropeans
thoughts about northern Cyprus?
admitting Cyprus in 2004 while the territorial dispute was ongoing was moronic
>Germany could be the next Japan
impossible, japan actually just works
nobody wants to live in germany
The north exists for cheap fuel and that’s it. A lot of the younger Turkish are aware the north is a shithole and come here or go abroad to work or live because there is nothing in the north except casinos. It’s a depressing place.
not him
also not saying Germany doesn't have huge problems
but we're the #2 immigration country in the world after the US
I used to know many Albanians/Kosovars growing up in particular
No one wants to look hyper-woke Hollywood anymore and Germany and German cultural products will fill the vacuum that emerged. You won't life in Japan either because Japanese people have long work daies and all.
Nevertheless, you love anime.
The same will happend with Germany. Sure, nobody would like to life in this shithole filled with crime, povery and third-world-problems. Still, you will watch our products and pay... Like with anime.
>also not saying Germany doesn't have huge problems
>but we're the #2 immigration country in the world after the US
... and this is just another problem...
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the situation needs to be resolved
even if it doesn't actually matter for the world, it should be adressed
sth like the Annan plan, there should be normal living conditions on all of Cyprus and there should be no UN line separating it in two
that's because you're only below canada in being desperate for new blood
germany is just the least bad option in the EU now that the only halfway decent country, UK, left
everybody that came there would've went to england if they could, not a single person I know actually praises germany
it's just the least bad option

>you love anime
I couldn't care less about anime
Japan has a functioning public transport system and no refugee crisis
depends on the immigrants but generally yeah
Germany is a decent place to live despite its flaws, just bc better options exist doesn't mean that's not the case
Alles klaar vor de gangbang
The original Cyprus constitution was made for a power share between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. I don’t think a federal states would work because the north is an economic shithole that it would require the Greek part to fix. To fix it, Turkish Cypriots should relinquish the north control to the central Cyprus government and go from there. There are issues with Turks living in Greek peoples houses in the occupied areas and this will have to be looked at as well. It will be difficult but Enosis is not a thing anymore. We should be one island.
Today I peed blood again.
I would be willing to live/work in Germany as long as they are fine with my very basic German

I could learn more German I guess, if my salary made relocation worth it

I think it's a cool country in a lot of ways. Beer, good food, strong economy, good football teams. Etc.
Germany is about to go full shithole and it is too late to prevent it now.
Maybe, there will be islands of better life quality in the ocean of shit.

That doesn't preclude that our cultur will influence people worldwide...

>depends on the immigrants but generally yeah
Germans of academic backround leave this country in significatn numbers while we got a migration of mostly young males from less educated countries.
Nobody can that delusional to believe that works in our favour. Maybe, the migrants themself profit much from this state of affairs, we Germans doesn't.

The greates loser's are the Germans who cannot leave. Good educated, hard working etc., yet no international top experts. Their fate will be to silent observe the downfall of their coruntry.
Maybe, I will look from a better place...
agreed on all parts
hope it becomes reality
you prolly have an idealized idea of Germany
come here first if you actually wanna work&live here
there are jobs in which English is enough depending on the field
there's truth about what you say but people like you are so whiny, no Germany is not a shithole and if you are well educated you can earn very well here too. Yes taxes etc. are high but you still earn well here. And plenty immigrants have good qualifications too even if we let in too many who don't.
True Germany isn't doing well and we have problems that need to be addressed but no we're not a shithole and whiny people like you are very annoying
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What is the best place in EVRUPA to leech neetbux from? My local employment office seems to be getting angry with me (ToT)
>Germans of academic backround leave this country in significatn numbers
Where too? In the UK I don't think that happens to a large degree. I think you get some doctors going to Australia because apparently the pay/conditions for doctors are better. I think some academics go to the US/Canada if they're able to get a job because obviously the salaries are better, especially in the US. But I assume most British academics stay in Britain.
not him but Switzerland and the US are the main destination for skilled German emigrants
Because German law doesn't allow some investigation.

For instance, research about automotives is meaningless if you can't use it. The same with nuclear energy or steam cells.

But we're actaully quite good at AI
switzerland since the language is the same and US and big US corps usually have german offices for quick L1 visas
Interesting. Switzerland is expensive to live in though right?

You could say that the absolute elite in any country will often leave for other countries, I don't think that's unique to Germany. E.g. Steve Jobs' biological father migrated from Syria to the US. Does that mean Syria has fallen, it's over, etc? Well maybe Syria does have problems but not because of emigration I don't think.

Germany is a leading country in the car world though. Maybe it's THE leading country in terms of profitability although I'm just guessing. You have VW Group, and also leading premium car makers: BMW and Mercedes. Japan does well in cars of course but I don't think they have as much of the premium market as Germany does (again I'm just guessing).
yes, Switzerland is very expensive, but bottom line in most cases you still make significantly more than here

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