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>haha beating my kids is so funny libs btfo'd
why are americans like this?
German (prussian) blood
Nordics have no sense of humor
A little bit of spanking won't do kids any harm.
My dad would punch me and hit me with the metal piece of the belt
americans don't love their kids
Not getting spanked it why white children are out of control
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>hitting your kids is.......LE BAD!
Shut the fuck up pablo
yes its nigger tier behavior
My grandma was prussian from the east and she used to spank her children and grandchildren a lot
There's something wrong with prussians
She spanked her grandchildren because they were mulatto
so true, i'm sick of all these white kids committing rapes and doing drive-bys
Why did he fucked the negrita then?
She used to spank all her white children and grandchildren tho
I think she only had 2 or 3 brown grandchildren
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>brutalizing your children to instill fear and an unquestioning respect for authority

thirdie governments
>brutalizing citizenry to instill fear and an unquestioning fear of authority
No? It was common practice across Europe until like ten-fifteen years ago
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if you need to do anything besides raise your voice then your kids do not respect you

and if not even your own children find you worthy of respect...
Using a wooden thing is too much but one or two spankings with your hand aren't bad
You've clearly never interacted with children
From what I've read, the worst thing about it were the elaborate and humiliating rituals that came with the beatings. Nothing wrong with a quick slap in the right context but forcing your kids to parade in front of you and thank you for the whoopass or letting other people beat your sprogs? Dunno mate
my parents beat me (emotionally)
not here, maybe in germany it was
Americans are mentally ill, low IQ, and behave like animals.
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My parents spanked me and now i watch vtubers
Only yugos beat their kids here, even 15 years ago. I wouldn't get it but I guess it's my white privilege speaking
Do you have ocd?
Still mad at my dad for washing my mouth out with soap once when I was a kid. Like seriously, what the fuck? I don't have kids yet, but I can't imagine being so angry that I would force harmful chemicals into their mouth just for saying a swear word. Worst part is I was like 4 years old at the time, I was a little too young to know what I was saying.
that's vile
American boomers were mentally ill degenerates and now their children exercise the same behaviour.
American kids absolutely should be beaten every single day.
Maybe in 2-3 generations they would stop being so fucked up.
The only place where I could picture is in a BDSM dungeon... Not the best place to disciplinary your children...
Pablos get shoes thrown at them which is why they can’t shut the fuck up about “le chanclas XD”
Corporal punishment has some negative side effects, but it reduces narcissistic tendencies. This country is already too narcissistic as is.
You know what else was common practice? not washing your ass and trying to pray away maladies
my father used to slap me when I was a kid now I hit him in the head with a fist
Does it? I was under the impression that boomers would getting beaten all the time as kids and that didn't stop them from being narcissistic.
The circle of life
Dad used to put a knee on my chest and call me a lifeless loser while slapping me in the face, I was 10-11 when this begun. I don’t think this made me a better person at all
The real problem stems from inconsistently applied beatings. The kid doesn't learn that parenting is hard and tiring, all he learns is that there's no external set of rules but only what the strongest person in the room can enforce on others
>gibs me dat
firstie kids
>gibs me dat
firstie govs
really makes you think
vgh... we ned to retvrn...
Fuck you for joking about this shit. I hope you kill yourself.
Your dad is a piece of shit.
I will kill your dad mate.
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>Dad never hit you
>Never get hit past the age of 6
>End up on 4trans
wahts wrong with beating anglo spawns? Its not like they become human even if you don't beat them.
*slaps you across your bitch mouth*
actually yes i do i have pure O
based kill that nigga
>I don't have kids yet
Well I'm never going to have kids because I have no idea how to raise them properly. The way I was raised was clearly not right, and I wouldn't wish that upon any kid. I've also seen how spoiled kids turn out, and that's not the way either. I don't even want to have kids anyway.
>Your dad is a piece of shit.
Here's the thing: he wasn't. Yeah he would spank me or yell sometimes but all in all he was a really good dad that cared deeply about me and my siblings. And when I say "cared deeply," I mean it was pretty much ALL he cared about. For every bad memory I have ten good ones. His dad, however, absolutely was a piece of shit. He would get angry and leave the family for days on end, and given that it was the 60's/70's I guarantee you my dad took some real beatings from my grandpa back then. Looking back, I think he was probably a vastly improved product over my grandpa.
In highschool I made a spanking paddle in woodshop and inscribed the words "THE BOARD OF EDUCATION" and gave it to my favorite teacher.
Corporal punishment has at least a symbolic sentiment in America, it's to parents/teachers what the sword and the scale is to the law.
>Well I'm never going to have kids
To each their own, but you might reconsider (see below)
>The way I was raised was clearly not right, and I wouldn't wish that upon any kid
I think that a lot of parents are marginal improvements over their own parents. Both of my parents didn't have great childhoods, but I can promise you that they were way better parents for me. Hopefully I get to have kids one day, because I know that I will be an improvement over them. Your upbringing doesn't have to define you.
I would bet the farm that your family are immigrants. Swedes don't do this kinda shit lol
>He would get angry and leave the family for days on end
This sounds like your grandpa might have been an improvement over your great grandpa too. If he left when he got angry it was probably so he wouldn't hurt anyone.
That's really weird
That's how it is supposed to be, and that's what I would aspire to do if I ever wanted kids.
>Your upbringing doesn't have to define you.
Certainly, but I actually never felt that the need to have kids. That might change, but still, I swore I would not repeat the mistakes of my parents, the first of which was having kids without the necessary financial stability, and I would never have kids in a shithole of a country like mine because I wouldn't want them to grow up in this culture.
Not 10-15 years ago but it wasnt THAT long ago that it was common in western Europe aswell.
Even in one of Astrid Lindgrens stories Emil in Lönneberga it was a common trope that the father beat Emil
There is nothing wrong with beating your children, if anything only my mother would beat me up but I couldn't take her seriously past the adolescence
Idk I thought it was funny. It's very common for teachers I know to get very frustrated with students that are rowdy and some will sort of make mock threats in good humor. As a result I viewed giving them a specialty teachers paddle was sort of like a symbolic gift that I respected them and disliked when students would disrupt their class. He was my sort of young chuddy european history teacher.
Your mother can beat me if she wants, does she look like Valentina Nappi?
No also she's over 60 now
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My mother spanked me and now I'm into femdom. Not sure if they are correlated
In my mind, spanking is a dad thing. Can't imagine moms doing that.
My dad kinda just didn't care, in fakt after around middle school we basically just stopped talking
what's it with white zoomers promoting brown behaviour as trad and based
he realized you're a useless femdomfag and wasted seed
If he actually realized anything, he would've stopped my mom from doing allat
stand up for yourself you wuss
By the time I got big enough to do dat, the spanking already stopped. This is the case for most kids who get beat, retard, its common sense
was your teacher hot and did she use it on you?
Look, an Albanian
look, a...
Beating your kids does absolutely nothing. They just learn to hide their bad behavior better. It's still slightly better than just letting them do whatever they want and grow into piece of shit entitled adults. There needs to be control, but beatings ain't it.
I was beaten when I was a kid and it taught me that violence is a solution.
>harmful chemicals
Its soap retard. There's nothing harmful about it.
Yeah, because black people are famously calm and peaceful.
Sure, go eat a block of soap if you really think that.
Does it significantly hurt, or is it more the humiliation? If it might make someone cry and scream and stuff, then it's wonderfully fucked up.
Some of you people obviously weren't beaten enough, if you're reacting like this. Sad cases of emasculated men.
Child abusers should be kicked repeatedly in the shins with a steel toed boot
What are the dynamics like afterwards? It's okay mom for beating the shit out of me, I understand now that it was warranted. I love you.

Might work with messed-up kids I guess. Or get really kinky.
>buying a specifically produced kid-beater
Consumerist culture at its peak. Everything must be a product. Everything must be bought.
When I was a kid, I was beaten with dog leash or with a belt.
but i thought all white kids get told to go to their room and being grounded after committing a sin?
why shouldn't a shithead be beaten for being a shithead? if they aren't they won't realize their actions have consequences
They should be beaten up by other kids, not by their guardians
how are kids supposed to punish a bully in most cases? their parents need to force some sense into their head
my dad beat me as a kid and I'm gay now
Beating people up tends to make them resent you I guess, and if you can't realistically do anything about it, you're bound to get some interesting mental issues playing out.

Might work on some, but I'd be plotting revenge right now.
what a fucking subhuman
the kid can plot revenge if he wants, as long as he submits to authority and stops acting out
there are barely any white kids left in los estados unidos anyway, unless you count the jews as white
If feeling like the big man is your goal I guess.
Beating your kid is how you create a bully
you're confusing cause and effect

the goal is to make the kid behave
I really think some basic, non abusive physical discipline does help younger kids. You guys don't understand that they're basically animals at that age and will push every boundary possible. They sense and capitalize on your weakness much like dogs in a pack. Some are worse than others, and the worst need to be corrected early. It should be a last resort but also an option.
Could work. Think it's usually counterproductive if you want them to be happy and successful more generally.
In my school I have seen with my own eyes parents beating the shit out of their kids in front of whole class.

Well it is Pakistan
happiness is in your own hands
when talking in cases of only disciplinary punishment, you wouldn't get it without having done something that if you were an adult would have probably got you arrested
it's just cops for kids
not talking about smashing the kid's head in with a baseball bat because he didn't get you a beer here
Yaoi paddle? Why?
Kids should listen to their parents, but they shouldnt be forced to listen because they are afraid of them
If you beat your kid, if they dont have any very close family connection like siblings or an uncle or grandparents, they'll end up having a growing feeling of loneliness. Its just a shitty way to deal with kids if you want your kids to become good humans

I know it sounds mean to say: but yes they should. Respect is a synthesis of fear and love, not just love. If they think you are capable of nothing they won't respect you. One of the worst things we've done this century is pretend like fear, anxiety aren't corrective responses that produce positive outcomes.

Is it good to not be afraid of heights, anon? To not be afraid of poverty, or dark alleyways? Fear in of itself isn't some evil thing. If a child doesn't fear you they will walk all over you and that is bad for their future as they will then learn nothing from the parent, which invalidates the entire purpose of the role.
In front of the whole class? Brutal.
I didnt say fear is a bad thing. I said fear is a bad thing if its towards your parents, the supposedly two people who love you the most and protect you the most
literal dung hole that we live in

now that i am an adult i can't even imagine how a fucking 40 year old nigger can beat his 13 year old son in front of whole class.

And this is why fathers are so important, they encourage a natural baseline amount of fear. Kids start life off slightly afraid of their father, you can see it in babies just starting to walk even. The larger size, deeper voice, greater seriousness, natural disciplinarians. I have two small kids of my own and I barely had to do anything for them to hang all over and bully mom while naturally respecting me. I want them to feel safe with me but also listen and do what I say, it's critical they do so or else they won't be prepared for real life which mandates serious things.
that fear turns into resentment and hate which is why boomers are all dying alone in retirement homes where they get beaten by African American gentlemen
ultimately it comes full circle

If you can't fear your parents, how can anyone else? How can anyone feel safe with a weak, flabby, clown of a dad that they don't even respect? Think about it. Why do women seek out dangerous, masculine, men? Because by being under the protection and possession of men being worthy of fear, you know they can protect you from the rest of the world. Does your dog feel any less safe with you because you have to yell at or correct them sometimes? No in fact, it can make them feel safer because they know you are a serious individual.

Discipline isn't arbitrary at all, people who act like getting punished for an obviously wrong thing somehow creates a constantly fearful, beaten down child are terribly off. I would actually argue it ultimately made me more confident in my own dad's status. It's not like he did it for fun or at random.
LOL I knew it was bad but I wasn't expecting this kind of response. He's a good dude, just has a few faults, as we all do. "Honor thy father," as they say.
Notice how your example was to yell at the dog. In reality, you should say kick the dog, because thats what you're suggesting for a human child, who is FAR more intelligent than a dog

I have never seen anything more hateful towards a parent than the spoiled child. Without fail. In my own family of 4 siblings, the youngest, who got the least discipline, has been the most avidly hateful and critical of them. My single mothered friends would routinely scream at their moms. I don't buy this bs one bit.
yeah man. that was fucking brutal. pakistani parents are fucking psychos man. i remember one instance in particular. my class fellow's dad was buff meatheaded retard. our nigger female teacher called his dad for some really minor mistake. when his dad heard the complain he slapped the kid in the back with full power and then on his face. i remember him begging his dad his that he will behave and sobbing so hard.


Yell at, smack, whatever. A child becomes smarter past age 4 or 5 but the parallels in how they think are striking because they're operating at a very basic, cause and effect level. Which is why I said yes, physical punishment is naturally phased out as they grow up and can be corrected in more abstract ways, like groundings, but the foundation of respect has to be established early.
only mothers need to hit their kids.

a father yelling at his children is more than enough. my father never laid a hand on me but i still fear his wrath to this day
No. You are being disingenuous.
You would not kick your dog, but you would smack your human child.
Beating culture used to be huge here too but it all disappeared. Up until the 00's middle/high school teachers would make kids they don't like plank in front of the class and beat them with a bat. And the popular kid in class will beat the shit out of some poor kid and take his money. We also have a private afterschool, same here. Luckily for us it all got eradicated
my mom used to do that to me on the bus, she would also randomly say racist stuff to black and nafris
i thought she was mentally ill but she was just a severe alcoholic
Not to sound like a woman but yelling at your kids is almost just as bad as hitting them imho

I would and do smack my dog and a child if I had to
The reality is the following
If you cant get your kid to listen to you without yelling at them or hitting them, they wont show any better behaviour towards others in other facets of life.
If your goal is to improve the behaviour of the child, making them understand why what they are doing is wrong is the much much superior way. The way to correct behavioural issues is never to physically abuse a kid
schools are the nest of satan

i am sorry anon
You smack your dog?
some children need to be disciplined. i know i did. not all kids do, like my sisters didn’t for example. but when my father would yell at me, the difference was that it was out of a desire to straighten me out, not to inflict wicked punishment for no reason at all. i adore my father, he was a good man who made the best decisions in life. my father is an old irish-catholic man who was regularly beaten horribly by his own father yet later chose to never lay a finger on any of his own children. i came out fairly well.

More like a fantasy. You want to reason with a 5 year old? Lmfao. Have you ever talked to one?

Sure, he's wild
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>person with the absolute worst most spoiled out of control kids you know
>"so yeah I'm doing this thing called gentle parenting where I talk to them instead I heard it prepares them better for life"
only brown children need to be spanked because they're naturally malicious, and this evil can only be beaten out of them.
White and asian people have already surpassed this level of humanity. We don't require beatings to behave.
Women are mentally 5 year old their entire life, they NEED correction on a regular basis too
Why do chuds love child abuse?
It's because it's the only time they really feel powerful.
subhuman the most spoiled and hard dudes i know were hated by their parents, society and teachers. getting beating without showing any pain was a sign of honor and strength for them. to prove to other boys that they can take it. and they were addicted to it. and they are still addicted to it.
That’s why single mothers are the ones trying to “reason” with a five year old. Just take something away from them or do a light spanking. Niggers in this thread act like spanking means a brutal beating.
most fathers can get away with just yelling. Even without any physical fear, it is usually enough to listen.
Really the root cause was the military. Hazing used to be crazy there until 2011 or something. Doesn't help we used to be under an authoratarian junta dictatorship
>Just take something away from them
This. Punishment doesn't have to be severe it just has to be consistently enforced.
>pic related
holy shit man

so korean men were """hardened""" in the last decade and now most of them are effeminate k-pop types?
The libs have a dildo with the same quote
>You've clearly never interacted with children
you are literally a woman
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My brother has two kids, one is now five and the other one is four. He's never needed to beat them, they just listen to him. I've spent a ton of time with them too, they can get a bit wild sometimes like kids do but you have some serious case of gorilla brain if your response is to start assaulting a child
>it's not assault I'm just beating them a little
My theory is that kids are people and people have different personalities.
I met very obedient kids and also kids who had no respect for nobody and would not listen to anybody, not even their own parents.
How would you deal with such a situation?
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Yep, picrel is the conscript police which was notoriously violent because the protests were also violent because well, the protestors also got "hardened" in the military.
ummmm, just like talk to them about their feelings bro
all kids are innocent little angels, delicate flowers with pure souls
Take away their toys until they behave.
OK you take their toys away. They throw a tantrum and start destroying all your shit.
Now what?
The more they act out, the longer they go without their toys. Also, LMAO at thinking a 4 year old can cause serious damage.
Idk, but do you really think the answer is to slap them until they shut up?
damn, i had no idea about this side of korea
yeah, that’s the thing. my respect for my father comes from many of his attributes, but one of the core things was fear of discipline. him being a hot-headed son of an Irish immigrant is one of those things. he is a great man who i still look up to in my mid-20s and i do believe his firm but strong verbal discipline carried my respect for him a lot further.
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Those kids can get absolutely wild sometimes. I was actually going to mention that, the ex broke up with him so now they share custody. When the kids come back from the mother, they're totally out of control. Then on like day two or three of staying with my brother, they're perfectly chill and just play together etc., so I just have to imagine that someone is doing something horribly wrong. And my bro even avoids getting really angry at them. If he actually raises his voice then they seem to kinda freak out like dang I guess I really did misbehave. So I'm inclined to think that you can maintain authority even without hitting them or stuff. Just be consistent and firm. The last time we hung out, he was telling me how the mother is planning to or already has some weird walking leash for the younger one, because he just "won't listen" and keeps running around when they go to the store or somewhere. And he was telling me this while we were walking around in a mall with the kids and they were behaving perfectly well, nobody was running anywhere. It's honestly pretty amazing, they're like different people depending on who they've stayed with

When I behaved really, really badly and my parents had no other way of disciplining me, my dad spanked my bare ass. It hurt for a second, but there was no risk of permanent damage. I think it is fine if used very rarely.
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that paddle needs holes to cut into the air resistance
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Shit was crazy in the Army. Until in 2011 when some bullied guy an hero'd his platoon. Hazing gradually disappeared. Bullying in school also disappeared around that time period because the new generation decided playing LoL is cooler than beating each other. The protests also died out. Last year some chud performed mass-stabbing so being aggressive in public is frowned upon. A lot of the guys in the 20's are incels but they just say mean shit online and never take it outside.

I think it's safe to say your bronze age country doesn't work the same way mine does since "gentle parenting" in Pakistan means only 50 lashes a day not 100
>And my bro even avoids getting really angry at them
Also this applies to me as well I suppose, of course since I'm just an uncle and they're not my kids so I don't want to get super angry and scary at them. The other week I had to look after them for a bit, then at some point they get a bit out of control when playing and one of them started like kicking the other for some reason. At first I tried saying something and pulling him back but he kept doing it, I got kinda pissed so I just picked him up and hauled him to his bed. Then he seemed to just instantly calm down, again since they're definitely not used to seeing me angry so it must have been pretty freaky for him, and he must have realized that he messed up. But yeah that's my experience. Didn't need to yell or do anything physical except carry him

It is case by case, some are more docile and listen to basic discipline and some don't. But yours is not the general case, everybody whines about all of these loud out of control tantrum kids in modern society and yet don't take a step back to wonder why it's on the rise.
Do not overestimate the effect of corporal punishment on children.
I have been slapped by my parents a few times and locked on the balcony, but it hasn't traumatised me and I don't hate my parents.
Those are fond memories for me.
My parents and grandfather laugh and talk about being beaten and kicked by teachers and parents when they were children.
In their time corporal punishment was more extreme and common.
Lack of discipline definitely, but there's just so many ways and steps to keep discipline before you "need" to start beating them. A lot of parents seem to be just really lazy and just hand them a tablet to poke at, so that they can keep browsing their phone. Whenever I'm hanging out with them, it feels pretty exhausting, you're constantly alert and observing that they don't do something weird, in which case you just instantly step in to tell them nah man don't do that. You keep doing that and they do learn what they're allowed and not allowed to do, and things are more peaceful in the long run. They'll definitely throw tantrums like kids do, one time recently the 4yo was told to clean up before eating i.e. pick up like three toys from the floor, he just starts bawling for like 10 minutes. We just waited it out and then eventually he cleaned them up and came to eat. They're not even my kids and those tantrum cries have become like white noise even to me lol. You just start noticing when they're tired or hungry when they suddenly everything in life is horrible and they just start crying for no reason

That is very nice to hear. I hope I might also be able to command authority like that when I have my own.
amerimutts literally mutilate their children the second they pop into the world, a paddle should be no surprise
Damn i wish i had a trans son now just so i could hit him with this
Look up Schwarze Pädagogik
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I think the way it works is that you're just commanding that authority all the time, just constantly paying attention and stopping them from doing dumb shit instead of first ignoring them and then just snapping. Small kids definitely require a -lot- of guidance constantly, on one hand it's fun doing stuff with them and watching them do things, but on the other hand my brain is always totally fried afterwards. Even if you're seemingly just relaxing on a sofa for a bit, you're still just on alert listening and expecting something to happen. But in the long run it pays off when they just start understanding what they can and can't do, mostly
> beating my kids is so funny
True. Beating kids is based. Otherwise, they become homosexuals (turned into libs)
There's a difference between spanking or slapping your kids when they're very young and they almost get turned into a puddle by a car after they ran out to the middle of a road and screaming at and beating your teenager kids for getting bad grades. I think the latter is incredibly harmful and more than likely to fuck up your kids for the rest of their lives.
If you dont beat your kids they turn into redditors
Angloid blood makes them hate their kin
Ok let me just say it's okay to give your children a correction, but abrasive corrections could lead to developmental issues and people who abuse their children usually have developmental issues themselves.
Kids become smart fast so you want to use their intelligence to your advantage criticizing them for being illogical, trying to get them to think for themselves.
Note that this only works for white children (obvious irish not included)
i'm white (zoomer) and i was spanked with a wooden spoon thoughever
i'm on 4chan so needless to say like you i didn't turn out right
Lmao this looks so gay because you know the parents won't be hitting the kids with their full strength and only give light taps on the ass with the paddle
Should've posted a belt or something
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tee es em tee
They're going to develop daddy issues and a fixation on ass.
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hurting kids to make them behave just leads to shit like pic rel
my dad only had to hit me once
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>that selfie
>twitter account
>uses emojis ironically
people like this need to die, ASAP
>asian people have already surpassed this level of humanity. We don't require beatings to behave

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