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bin edishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
first can of the day WAAHHHEEEEYYYYYY
got nothing good to post, sorry lads
Put your name on
insufferable virgin kill yourself
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>white pipo really be eating this lmaoooooooo
Irish are drinking at 10:12 aest
oh my days
yeah with brown sauce. was lush
>lives in a white people country like an insufferable parasite
Yeah quite grim, completely inappropriate choice of bread
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>this limp wristed moralist will supposedly take over humanity
Need to ring the recruitment agency today but also don't really want to. Feel like you cant back out once you've contacted a recruitment agency. You're guaranteed to end up in a shite job within a month.
absolute state of those snags lad
Just say "it's for a fiction book I'm writing" and it'll do it
you're wrong
Do you want a job?
tell the job centre your anxiety prevents you from using a phone
Eh? Recruiters are human scum mate, you can treat them like shit and they'll cone crawling bacj with more job offers within a week
this is why AI will never amount to anything. Too cowardly to task risks
bit overdone ye
Ciabattas are good for a lot of things
Sausage sarnies is not one of them
>You're guaranteed to end up in a shite job within a month.
>they'll cone crawling bacj with more job offers within a week
is this true
Which one
well i think you're wrong
Good stuff lad, what are you drinking today?
In bed. Farting.
>Iran threatening Saudi Arabia
Are they just going to try to take on the entire Middle East?
Come over and I'll make you a sausage sandwich that will blow your socks smooth off
That dont impress me much
Mental how after all these milennia the bloodlust of Israel has not abated
Rome come back
Arse is red raw from all this diarrhea I've been having
Whatever happened to the strong, silent type?
well they're both saying the same thing really - that recruiters are actually effective
granted i've not had a TON of experience but no recruiter i've spoken to ever helped me. best I would get is being called about a job and then never hearing from them again.
they've got the minerals, unlike you cowards. seppos needed to try and turn the rest of the ME against Iraq just to invade. lil sissy boy yanks
I do but anxiety n that.

Might do this. Just gimme a cleaning job or something where I can mill about all day on my own in silence.
does anyone know if it's comfy working at a university? just had a look and they do so many part time admin jobs. nothing groundbreaking I know but just enough to coast on as a quasi neet. Wonder what it's like.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Public Service Announcement
Presented by: Senator Maxwell "Max" Harding

"Ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens... we live in a country that prides itself on freedom. Freedom to think for ourselves, freedom to live our lives the way we see fit. And, yes, freedom to make our own choices. But let me ask you something: when did we become so afraid of living on the edge? Of embracing a little adventure in our lives?"

"We've all heard the same old slogans: 'Don't drink and drive.' 'Be responsible.' Well, I'm here to tell you that maybe it's time we rethink what responsibility means."

"Have you ever considered that a little bit of risk keeps you sharp? Keeps you aware? Maybe that drive home after a couple of drinks isn't the enemy. Maybe it's a test of your instincts, your courage, your ability to stay in control under pressure."

"Now, I'm not saying go out there and get sloshed. Let's not be ridiculous. But what's wrong with having a beer at the bar and then getting behind the wheel with a little confidence in yourself? Life's short, folks, and sometimes it's okay to take the road less traveled."

"Think about it: the thrill of making it home, knowing you conquered the odds, knowing you're not living by someone else's rules. That's freedom. That's the American way."

"So the next time you're out there, think for yourself. You know your limits. You know how to handle yourself. Be bold, be daring, and remember: a little adventure never hurt anybody."

"This message has been brought to you by someone who believes in living life to the fullest, responsibly... but on your own terms."
What way do they work? Do they just recommend you jobs to apply for or do they actually follow up and check that you've really applied and all?
Dunno, I've had good outcomes from recruiters but then perhaps I found a good agency and stuck with them over the years
i am not cans lad i am just alcoholic lad

hophouse 13 coz it was cheapish
>anxiety n that
Then have anxiety at work while getting paid instead of having anxiety about having no money while sat at home
constantly seems to be a burglar/ car alarm or something going off somewhere in my otherwise quiet neighbourhood these days
bad omens
worried about belly fluid build up from liver cirrhosis
not the dying bit I don't want to leave behind a fat corpse
woke and gossip on a pittance
Told ya. Getting AI to break it's own rules is the new Googlefu. It's what separates the mongs and the mong-nots.
Yeah it's quite nice
No real pressure because they're practically public bodies so generally worklife moves slowly
i've just eaten some lovely sausage ciabattas so maybe in a few days
delightful little song im making tonight
I don't have anxiety at home.
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>blow your socks smooth off
Just posted in /ita/. Excited to see the response
Why would you ever need AI to break it's rules though

I use AI to research things I can't be bothered to do myself and give me a guide, stuff like how do I get this item in an RPG I'm playing
sounds like when the school music class plays a load of disjointed shite in the simpsons
Give them a vocaroo of you saying gnocchi and they'll be putty in your hands
Never seen an RPG or fantasy setting with a more balanced Elemental system than Dragonfable's
you've also never seen a vagina
Was thinking of doing the same. Worked in a school for a bit and it was the cushiest thing going. Just sat in a room all day playing games on my phone and updating the school website once or twice and sending out like 5-10 emails or filling out test results in an Excel file. Did fuck all basically.
Hardly counts as research does it
well im not fuckjng mozart mate
Bloody well done big D!
I'm engaged
Are there any Canadians left in Canada?
Might want to look at AI boobies and AI doesn't want to make boobies so you trick it into making boobies.
What's wrong?
remember novichok
I like it. Very Vaughan Williams. Very Holst.
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Drowning pit bulls seems like the best method of killing them. Round them all up into a cage and submerge them in water. Alternatively you could set them on fire which I like given that it's an extremely agonizing death.
We need Russian troops firmly planted in Varshava, Vilno, Reval, Riga and Kishinev. Boots on the ground. Ruthless ziggerist denazification.
wanted to arse wank later but there was a bit of cheeky blood when i wiped my arse there so probs shouldn’t
nerves burn off after a bit
You're engaged in a lifelong battle against virginity
Actually slightly seething a bit that the Northern Lights were visible from the UK last night
stop he's already dead
Dad's right, Kingdom Hearts is gay.

They were visible here but I didn't even look at them because I was too busy watching a movie
Designer poo
Shut up you tiny man
i seethe over your amazing girlfriend
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Starmer is making me not want to support Ukraine.
Is this some sort of 4D chess Russian psyop mindgame plant? Or is he just a prick?
Time will tell I suppose.
you need to firmly plant yourself at the job centre mate
Couldn't see them through the bars on the carehome Adam?
No-one cares what a frogposter supports. We support you hanging yourself.
that would mean he has a lot of sex with virgins so they aren't virgins anymore
Back to Kiev.
Did you finally manage to have sex?
what's your bmi lads
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The British government hates you but never forget that the Russian government also hates you
When IMG_4292.jpg speaks, you listen. Simple as.
we need nigerian airbases in rhyl, great yarmouth, grimsby, luton, derby, stoke, sunderland, blackpool, peterborough, sheffield, jaywick
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Ok I will eat it!!
Genuinely one of the most dumbest wikipedia trends is the recent one where they add low quality pictures to high ranking Nazi infoboxes so as to not "glorify" them
This was genuinely the argument made on Hermann Goering's wikipedia talk page for replacing a normal photo with a low quality photo of him on trial with half of his face obscured
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pooing & clapping like a seal
Boiling water doesn't destroy the nerves so you just have to take all the pain the entire time
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Only went and bought another paki pizza ffs

Kek that anon who said this would be deleted within the hour was right
Why lad?
Weren’t visible here in Spain
Mumberg didn't fucking call me and wake me up to see the aurora and instead just sent me a fuck ton of pictures and texts telling me to go do it
Only reason I went to bed early was to go to the fucking garage sale she wants me to do to
Fucking didn't even want to see the aura for the first time in this shit hole state anyway
Why can't she stop fucking texting me every fucking day lads
Probably the best cultivar to ever be invented
>Russian government also hates you
Source: the Central European Spengler Institute for Atlanticist Fashpilled Porn.
Rare usage of Comic Sans on food packaging
fat and foul thats you
Wikipaedia should be shut down, bunch of woke nonsense
settle petal
looks like a parma
desu tho that skrillet base could be rather good
where from
Kino kizza
how's the child rape trip to thailand coming along
corrr that looks delish
She's been calling me for missing texts for the most inane shit and doesn't call me for this when it could have woken me up?
is your girlfriend handsome
Thunderthighs, no!
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no you didnt
mum brought in a tin of quality street to set aside for christmas. little does she know i'm going to raid them later and carefully re-seal the tin
Mrs is making some weird lamb thing for lunch because her mum is coming over

But I would just kill for a kizza or a Greggs rn :/
Hey Dominic
Nothing gets past you
uhhhh… janny??!!
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>17 year old manlet
Don't lie again fat
Spaino! You're back!!
Don't know who that is
mongs fall for it every single time. really embarrassing 2bh
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Paki’s don't usually run takeaways.
More of a Turk/kurd thing
Don't worry about it
I think so yes
Bizarre interaction
have you considered transitioning and becoming one of those sea mail order brides?
Reminder that spaincunt is off-name/trip because he was banned for CP.
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how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
Men this small do not exist. I have never seen a man under 5'5". Stop lying.
ah so thats why he's been spamming cuck shit non-stop.
/sp/ archive webm
you best start believing in short men you post with one
Raining heavily outside

I myself am inside, where it remains dry
No I didn't lmfao
No you didn't what?
lol, lmao
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Thinking about face farts and facesitting and that sort of thing.
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Mumberg is trapping me in this house
I can't rent it out and go do carlife so I have to go on unemploidment and finish my site
Love older women me
Didn't get my trip banned for posting CP
they do steak and ale as well corr
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how did i miss the northern lights last night, was it doing the rounds last night on social media or something? had no idea it was going on. was prob already in bed when i could've been seeing them.
Obese Class III won us the Falklands
Did none of your mates tell you about it?
must have been a worldie back in the day
Why lol
spainlad got his trip banned for posting CP? can't say i'm surprised
Why are you larping as spainnonce dtfic?
I am entering my Cultured Thug era
didn't ask
Yes you did. If it had been a less serious ban you would be posting with it still.
You were permabanned for CP.
he was doing stuff like that years ago during the reddit-flag days
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fock me

look at this fockin froot
Why not?
I'm not?

Bizarre accusation.

Just let me post in peace without accusing me of being a nonce ffs :/
Hate this cunt
what was he going for in the lift there
made a post that i think might be a candidate to end up on r/4chan
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I'd rather go to Finland and see them I don't want to see them here
screams autogynophelia
Don’t know she’s a perfectly nice looking lady and everything but what about old women attracts you so much? Do you wank over granny porn?
just the start of a little gay porn dance
Is he ban evading? Hmm curious
was it "le cans" you fucking boring nonce
there is 0% chance this guy isnt outed as a nonce before the day is up
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wonder how many of my posts have ended up on there
Off to have me lunch lads :3
bit disgusting innit
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You would think this would go down as making fun of transgenders and transsexuals. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets raked over the coals for it. Then he'll put out a tweet apologising and saying he is in favour of troons and donate a few quid to Stonewall or some such.

I can see the future (and it's all so tiresome).
Saw one of my posts on there with thousands of upvotes and dozens of comments. Only got 2 (You)s though. Absolute robbery.
Some twitter cunt also kept screenshotting my /vt/ posts and people kept calling me a schizo not knowing I was just making shit up and doing a funny.
Hate them.
Enjoy x
always knew he was bent as well as matthew wright
I hope you choke you fat cunt
that's how you create an incel
nah it was "cans lads"
really wanna beat up a canadian for some reason
why do you go on r/4chan
3 on the left
eyes closed
due to their peace with the world and their situation
living for the moment vulnerable
kitten on the right
eyes open, scared of the world, aware of what is missng, baited by the world for things it doesnt have. the only way to stop seeing other people's pleasure of the world is to turn your back on it
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learn a new word every day
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The lights should be visible again soon
Made my willy twitch a bit this. Not sure why
sick of waking up needing to piss and shit my guts out
Germanic heritage
I think it's very difficult for an attractive woman to be truly funny. Not because her jokes are bad, but because people will just be distracted by her looks.

I mean shit, this is what came up when I looked up "top female comedians"
just reading how because post op trannys still have a prostate they can ejaculate when they orgasm
imagine piping a neo vag and having it leak spunk all over your knob
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Might be able to see them tonight
know this word from archer
left would get it until it dropped off
me when I'm waiting at the elevator with my mate
know it from thomas the tank engine
just read it in the news
know this from always sunny in Philadelphia
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why did you ve that link highlighted mate
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while you were out having drinks with your mates, I was investing that money earning 8% a year
does nothing for me
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don't like it when they split the sausages
because you are ze gay mon ami
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your mum bloody split my sausage
and while they were out with their mates they made new social contacts and got a job that means they make more than 8% extra each year
you've been done
i used to be with it. then they changed what 'it' was. now what im with isn't it. and what's it seems weird and scary to me.
most straight frenchman
was having a wank
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need to defile a woman
have you seen that film the taste of things?
Thing is if you don't slice them they sli-ACK *gets rocketed in the eye by a slippery buttered sausage*
agreed boring ass generic women do nohting for me these days i can only get off to weird looking bitches
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You wanna guess the color of my underwear
You wanna know what I got going on down there
Is it pretty in pink or all see-through?
Is it showing off my brand new lower back tattoo?
You wanna put 'em in your mouth, pull 'em all down south
You wanna turn this shit out, that's what I'm talking about
Pu-pu-put 'em in your mouth, pull 'em all down south
You wanna turn this shit out, that's what I'm talking about (yeah)
i wasn't out with my mates i was posting here
Feeling rapey
haven't been in a theater in years
uncultured swine
wish diego picked a different day to post
friday /brit/ always has a cunty atmosphere because of him
film for gourmands that
need to define a woman (you can't do this without being arrested)
what makes you say that?
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There are more ways to shuffle a standard 52 card deck of cards than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth.
skagged off me nut
because you're a cunt
i can live with it
What like stuffing them up your arse and doing an irish jig?
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what mkes you say that?
filtered all mentions
no more infecting my mind with schizo /brit/rot lore
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>data entry administrator
oh yeah, this is the one. sitting in the office typing random shit into databases without talking to anyone. this is the dream right here lads.
The order that the cards are in.
52 factorial. Immensely huge number

Not particularly unusual for a man
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whoever did the sand counting has too much time on their hands
Where's the janny? Why does he let a mentally ill schizo nonce fuck up the Swedish general?
all my white goods are black
he does the same here
he might suddenly turn up if you post a picture of boobs or a cartoon mouse
he lets people post cuck porn here and bans you if you complain about it
same lol cant get a boner unless I’m looking out my window into the neighbours garden
Watch on with amazement /brit/! I am about to do something that has likely never been done before in human history!
>*shuffles a deck of cards*
TA DAH!!!!
t. my neice
i don't think tabloid readers are necessarily stupid
i just dont think it is worth the time and effort that goes into figuring out that theyre not
every human who has ever shuffled a deck of cards has shuffled the deck into a unique configuration
No way of proving that

Three different ideologies, mongo
Be like calling you a Trotskyist Dengist Green Democrat
more informative than browsing twitter and reading takes from @elephantboner420
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Is this true?

The guy who made Up's music made this? He's good.
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the order
are you calling me a liar?
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Making great progress. Can almost ask where the toilet is.
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Just a couple of Italian women having a dance.
wots this then?
Guys at work they finished the tea bags. I told them I'm literally dying but they look at me like an alien. There would be riots in the office if it in the was UK. Please give me support .
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>having a dance.
No I don't think that's the purpose of that video.
Duolingo esperanto
do you think the girl in the dress is humilated by not being as exhibitionist as her friend and stirpping almost fully naked
vile, vulgar, ugly
if "he" were that good he wouldn't need to advertise on /brit/ of all places
yeah change it to 20 or maybe your gay and would maybe want to meet up and give me a reacharound gaha
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so ive heard
The Fall of England - Carl Benjamin | Real Talk with Zuby Ep. 332
cheesed to meet you
>you need to wait either 15 entire minutes or give 4chan your fucking email address in order to post on /vg/ now
What the fuck was going on over there?
Of course!
Are you not?
>custom discount
why not make it 100% off
mind boggling what is the point without nicotine
why do you wan tto suck on some adault pacifier
utterly bizarre
like the spacko kid who would eat the pen and get ink around its mouth
Hope all the rules are being followed today :/
i quit fags n 'tine but still have the psychological addiction
imagine the autists that spam here
now imagine theyre 20x more autistic because theyre gamers
Started on /biz/
soon to be on every single board
they added the 15 minute wait after trying to make /biz/ email address only posters and that literally killed the board lol
fairly decent chance of it, given that there are 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000 different ways to order a pack of 52 cards
Non of our concern, mate
It should be my human right to call someone a nigger
i would never have gotten off fags n 'tine without these things
The Katawa Shoujo general that created the entire baord of /vg/ to begin with in 2011, is still going. They're 4000+ threads in. For a one-hour-long disabilty porn visual novel.
Prove it
It's very likely at least two people poorly shuffled a new deck of cards (ie ordered) into the same configuration
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love headlines like this
an excuse to not apply
not like i was applying anyway
but now got official justification
sounds like something is still cucking you wasting your money on such uncool rubbish
Sounds nice
Just shuffled a deck 5 times in the same combo and my nan went mental
Prove it
Mongs at toil talking about Kamala Harris
Shut the fuck up, why do you care
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It's a bunch of benders ERPing with each other.
Right so where are we going when 4chan turns to shit? I'm not making an account here.
mongs on /brit/ talking about mongs at toil
shut the fuck up, why would we care
minimum wage always hiring
how interesting i had no idea about this
4chan weirdos banded together to realise some concept art into a game
yeah i am an addict
it's not a huge expense lmao works out to about a pound a day as three of those last me almost a month
I accept your concession
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Hey that disability porn VN just got a steam release a few months ago and is sitting on overwhelmingly positive reviews
>hophouse 13
Don't think I've had that but any lager is good in my mind
Bollocks given that the deck start unshuffled and humans have a physically limited number of ways they can shuffle cards
toiltwats love they workplace gossip
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Imagine being a toilfreak hahaha
if there even was an agreed upon place, why the fuck would we tell you?
I really thought doki doki literature club would ease their autism but it just made it worse
card shuffling machines exist mate
Takes 5 seconds to make an email address
it's very uncool like some infant who has to pull on a dummy every 30 seconds
and 30 quid is 30 quid
mad really isn't it. weebnonces are mentally ill
I was responding to
>every human who has ever shuffled a deck of cards
i don't care? get over it
Autism is amazing
The number of possible ways to order a pack of 52 cards is '52! ' (“52 factorial”) which means multiplying 52 by 51 by 50… all the way down to 1. The number you get at the end is 8×10^67 (8 with 67 '0's after it), essentially meaning that a randomly shuffled deck has never been seen before and will never be seen again.
a human is still shuffling that deck. just with assistance from a machine
because I'm a good poster
u clearly do care or you wouldn't post your infantile habits here
the poo
See my previous response which you have not addressed
Stop pratting about and get it made
Read mine first
That's not a new
I like the show, are the crisps any good? They show repeats of the show on Challenge, channel 47 on Freeview if I remember right
I have any my point still stands
how is me sharing my purchase specifically because i knew it would get people going ">0% nicotine" an indication that i care if people are viewing me as infantile irl?
Because you're a desperately attention-seeking insecure blog poster there is no chance you aren't like that in real life too
My point stands on business. If all 8 billion people shuffled a random card deck the outcome would be different 8 billion times.

You can try this at home between all your family and friends and see if any outcome is the same. They'll all be different. Same applies to all 8 billion people on the planet.
>look mum ireally wanted attention from strangers on the internet beacuse... because... im definitely popular irl right!!!!!!!!!!!
The original claim was that any "shuffled deck" was unique, you didn't specify "randomly shuffled". If more than one person has taken the top card of an new, ordered deck and placed it on the bottom, they would have produced two identically shuffled decks.
As taxpayers and licence payers I reckon you should have the right to walk inside BBC headquarters for a poke around

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