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dickford edish
why's he doing that then
real christians dont post on 4chan
God makes mistake.

There is more than one God.

God isn't all powerful.

God can be fooled.

God doesn't know everything.

God is married.

God has favorite humans.

God dislikes some humans.

God can't control everything.

God doesn't mind mass-killings.

There is no evil Satan.

There is no "trinity".

These are all things Christians commonly believe.
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“You cannot poo here”

-Obi One Kenobi to the balrog
real christians go into hellish places to spread the good word
>and if you think allow in the sense of passively not intervening something to happen is the same as causes
I'm a suburban dude.
if god is real and god made diego why did he make him such an ugly cunt
imagine defending the entity who made you ugly lol
(Not to mention this is contrary to literally all of scripture which asserts the necessity of free will in creation)
got my banana boxers on
That's fine, atheists usually get hung up on strong absolute definitions that aren't really appropriate
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What do you call a cat that swallowed a duck?

A duck filled fatty puss!
BLOG ON *clap clap*

BLOG ON *clap clap*

SUCH A BORING CUNT *clap clap*

>Not to mention this is contrary to literally all of scripture which asserts the necessity of free will in creation
the watch
Yeah dude its those atheists who are hung up on definitions....
not a blog is it, tit
going to shop anyone want ewt
Why are you so mean
That’s not really called for
Duck filled fatty puss, please
if creation is just some cosmic playpen without repercussions where at the risk of any injury or harm to another god steps in and says opise you cant do that you might hurt someone then any "free will" is nominal at best
there has to be repercussions to the actions of free persons both positive and negative
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Tesla value down 8% since Elon revealed his Robotaxis last night.
Supposedly "self-driving" yet you can clearly see throughout the event they are all just a big RC cars with the remote control operators always being only a couple meters a way from the vehicles at all times.
Also Elon showed off some "robots" which were sold as being autonomous AI, when in reality were controlled by men in VR headsets and Motion Capture in a nearby room.
Very bizarre even all around.
would be hotter with normal shaved armpits

I find the bush to be acceptable
this is how the story goes
The greek gf
toffee crisp
The universe is ultimately meaningless so you're just wasting your time arguing about something that doesn't exist, that is, a meaning to the universe and a being to give it one.
an expensive watch and a sigar
mainland Europe moment
I would lap at her body hair like a man lost in the desert at an oasis
unfathomably low iq post
Any British culture here?
good post
> I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go. Exodus 4:21

Ahh yes..."Free will"
Oh didn’t know that
Thanks lad
reminds me of the amazon thing where the walk out checkout was really just monitored by a bunch of indians
i see braindead atheists pose stupid questions
i answer them
and i see them scurry away embarrassed
it is but another friday
Not remotely interesting though is it?
/tv/ is a bit heavily moderated these days
It's obvious the god of the old testament was evil. He tried to murder his own son, and tried to make others like Abraham murder theirs. Jesus realized God's betrayal on the cross when he said "why have you forsaken me?". So he went to hell and btfo out of Satan (the controlled opposition) then came back from the dead to tell his homies the truth, then fucked off to who knows where, plotting to overthrow/kill his father once and for all. Jesus almost won but then Christians lost their way by still worshipping the Father with Arianism and later Catholicism. After Catholicism won out, God worried that too much importance was placed on Jesus, so he created Islam.
you spell it as quoran, sit down runt
ripped black guys
yeah mate I'm sure in 10,000 years when Christianity has gone the way of Mandaeanism or Gnosticism or Zoroastrianism, your countless hours of squabbling in a british cultural subforum on a mongolian basket weaving forum about how God is totally real will have mattered to anyone but yourself. Even then, you could be doing more with your life.
i see a boring post
i remind him he's a boring bastard
and I see he keeps posting
it is but another friday
Why don't you go to church?
What’s for tea tonight, mum?
Yeah "dude"
holy cope
the truth will never die
Tesla is still so ridiculously overvalued they need more gimmicks to keep it afloat
How many sons does God have and who was His first born?
btw this is the most accurate interpretation of Scripture, it has way less contradictions than the Bible and explains how originally Jesus told people his Father was greater than He, but eventually his apostles began calling Jesus Lord and God (after he returned).
Loads. Me.
Yeah so it was God's plan, he caused it
>the truth will never die
This is what the Mandaeans, Gnostics and Zoroastrians thought and where are they now?
Finna get crunk in about an hour
declaring the universe as meaningless means it has meaning
all a load of made up cobblers really isn't it, this religion stuff
blud thinks omnipotent nonphysical beings fight with each other like in his capeshit slop
if you thought about it for a second you would realise it is utterly insane that god would need to do anything when he can do anything he wants at any time by virtue of his omnipotence
You're so close to getting it Diego. So close.
Logically that's correct. Why would God need to sacrifice his only Son to save us? If he's omnipotent he could save us without doing that.
And yet, that is exactly where the contradiction lies.
ALL mainstream Christian denominations - Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant - claim the sacrifice of Jesus was necessary for us to be saved - the only way we could ever be saved.
Anything else is blasphemy and heresy.
And yet logically speaking that doesn't make sense, because isn't God omnipotent?
ALL Christianities claim that God is omnipotent and yet Jesus' death on the Cross, his sacrifice, which God knew would happen beforehand, was the ONLY way to save us.
It's contradictory. And it's one of THE core beliefs of Christian doctrine.
The conclusion is that Christianity doesn't make sense.
that does not make any sense and again against scripture
>reee competing claims of truth means no claims are ture
>this cup is empty
>which means it's actually full
Are you Jewish?
wouldnt mind having a cheeky wank but got toil in 2 hours so probably shouldnt
Awful lot of britfeel style chat going right now from the usual suspects.
Nope, Spaino
Also Spaino
>Singular Bradleyposter
I'm thinking Spaino
That's Spaino
That'd be Spaino
Yeah, Spaino
Uh uh, Spaino
>Australian flags
Yep, Spaino
>Canadian flags
Is this supposed to be of shock value? Adult women have hair, big surprise, just look at your gfs legs and torso after a day in the sun next summer and they will have a ton of visible ”peach fuzz”
lmao they literally dont say that you inane strawmanning muppet
cur deus homo is only like 80 pages long go read it
>>reee competing claims of truth means no claims are ture
It's just pattern recognition, mate. If 20 people came up to me and said they had a fiver, and they didn't, and then a 21st person came up to me and said they had a fiver, chances are they probably don't, innit.
I realise now I was actually wrong in this religion debate

Sometimes I get a bit carried away thinking about dog arses. I'm going to head to the park right now and hopefully catch some poo action, a guy last week let me pick up his German Shepherd's shit, I almost came right there and then.

Thanks for understanding
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All me.
>deus homo
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Happy friday lads
All ravens are black.
>if one guy says 1+1 = 1
>one guy says 1+1 = 2
>another says 1+1=3
they all have equal chances of being right! or more specifically they are all wrong! lol i'm so smart
blog on
Needs more arseholes getting licked
to be meaningless is to be in contrast to meaning therefore meaningless is its meaning, to have meaning is to not be meaningless, therefore the universe has meaning, checkmate brainlet
absolutely making the sound of a platypus at this corker
Bulking up genuinely sucks, maybe steroids are the better route, i hate being full and tired all the time. I feel the best when i just run on coffee and sanpellegrino
its supposed to be sexy you fucking homo

god, why are swedes so irritating
Send em all fucking back
meant to try and get loads of work done today but I've just had the hard drives out since lunchtime and I've had three filthy wanks
Need to know UK laws around beastiality asap for a friend
I went to church weekly for over 2 decades.
You have never been to a church.
I just quoted the core essence of Christian belief, and you denied it.
In which case there is not arguement to be had. You are not a Christian.
You're just a Monotheist/Deist who believes Jesus was somehow a special person. But simultaneously you reject the core teachings accepts by all mainstream churches.
Armpits are arousing to you are they? Want to rub your willy in an armpit you sicko?

Get help.
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>to be meaningless is to be in contrast to meaning therefore meaningless is its meaning, to have meaning is to not be meaningless, therefore the universe has meaning, checkmate brainlet
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Jesus was special in the sense that his propaganda cult spread the furthest. Lots of Jewish messiahs and mythical figures never had the legs like his
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Alri someone’s Uncle in Facebook
if you went to church for over 2 decades then either you went to a heretical church or you have such poor attention/intelligence that you continued to misunderstand everything
you exemplified that in your strawmanning that god had to sacrifice his son
literally no mainstream christian believes this
>You're just a Monotheist/Deist who believes Jesus was somehow a special person. But simultaneously you reject the core teachings accepts by all mainstream churches.
lol more schizphrenic strawmanning

but seriously indiands are pretty much aryan
Imagine actually believing anything from the torah, bible or qoran is true
What a majestic beast
digital extreeeeeme heh

I am God.
just had some curry and paneer and going for a walk by the local river :D
Oh ffs… GET THE FUCK OUT of my country you Indian skunk
>in Facebook
no paneer in 'ere
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Iran's Leader gave a speech

>“With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you — the noble American people — closer to the abyss,” he said. “The vast majority of Americans know their regime doesn’t care a whit about them. If it did care, if it cared about you, it would stop wasting billions of dollars on futile wars across the Middle East. It would start improving your lives.
>“Imagine if all the vast money the regime wasted on nuclear weapons and foreign wars were invested in your children’s education, in improving your health care, in building your nation’s infrastructure, water, sewage, all the other things that you need. Imagine that.”
>“When America is finally free — and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think – everything will be different,” he asserted. “Our two peoples, the Iranian people and the American people, will finally be at peace. Our two countries, Iran and America, will be at peace.
that's nice dear
jesus did not have to die
that was through the actions of man
whether jesus had to take on human form... that is something i am unsure about
Diego please explain, what was the purpose of the New Testament if Jesus' sacrifice was meaningless?
You missed like five of my personalities off mate lol
Business idea:
Vehicle that secretes an smooth substance that it can glide around on like a slug
what i am not indian??

but yes we speak an aryan language and high caste indiands like sundar pichai are basically white
got the dehumidifier on
most literate atheist
>Our two countries, Iran and America, will be at peace.
Not while Israel still exists
two university events at the same time
very tricky to know which to go with
Don't care.

Take that diaper off of your head. You look ridiculous.
You can believe that if you want but it isn't compatible with mainstream Christianity
what do you think of the cricket scores then. eh lads?
Opinion of Iran just nosedived

How could anyone think the American people are noble
got to the one with the most fanny
that's the point
you have a very low iq understanding and fail to understand nuance
god betrayed his only son
what a kike
Who said Sugar Gay?
do people still do this in 2024?
I thought that everyone did a trade nowadays
university of aeronautics it is
High iq people go yeah
Not going to argue with you when you reject Christian positions and arguements
It's not possible to argue against someone with their own personal religion with apparently constantly changing theology with nothing to compare it against
>God worried that too much importance was placed on Jesus, so he created Islam.
Only bit that makes zero sense
god that was an horrendous post gonna stop posting until the next thread and pretend it didnt happen
Actually that was netanyahu's speech to Iran
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Teeth gap gf y/n?
when I was at uni it was full of midwits that probably ended up with the same jobs that they would have got without a degree in the first place
So yeah god created the universe in 7 days and then created man. Then he got a rib off man and used it to create woman

Then he took a break on Sunday because even an omnipotent god needs rest apparently.

*this is what christfags actually believe
you can't present an argument
you present a strawman that you can't even edify
let alone contradict any position i say other than "it's not my strawman of ms christanity"
Just got accepted into a bricklayers apprenticeship
Corr get in
May have been a neet for the first 30 years, but I'll make these next 30 count for sure
Get the London look
dog stole a full pack of nyc bagels and shat them out on the floor, not talking to her for the rest of the day
seeing john maus tomorrow
mousey mentioned
where's your peer-reviewed fact-checked democracy-reinforcing pre-bunked source for this?
You've been tricked
They'll turn your bones into mortar
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This is every brit poster lol
jewish dog
You're right I can't present any more arguments against you if you are going to reject the fundamentals of Christian belief and create your own religion vaguely inspired by Christianity.
I can't read your mind to know what you believe, and I don't care to know what your personal religion is. But it doesn't meet the definition of Christianity, since you reject the necessity of Jesus' sacrifice for mankind.
i will try to express this as clearly as i can for the utter brainlets out there
did jesus have to die on the cross to redeem humanity?
did jesus die on the cross to redeem humanity?

these are two different ideas
the latter is an explication of the events that have occured the former is the the multipossibilitied realities as coerced by man's free will
was wanking to a male/female/tranny threesome
the woman disappared off camera for a bit then out of nowhere starts pegging the fella
love it when porn takes a cheeky unexpected twist like that
Janny, unban me right now
Leftwing nationalist, me
I made the edit
oh shit i better go and die for israel or im literally that meme
more directors should put female nudity in their movies. would increase viewership, I think
not that fat but yes that's the gist of it
you have provided 0 evidence that it is a fundamental christian believe
and the fact you think god caused jesus to die says it all you are a heretic and do not understand the church at all
So like a sort of national socialist?
Literally me
>sitting outside anon's house sending psychic messages to his dog to eat his nyc bagels
i will try to express this as clearly as i can for the utter brainlets out there
ok but jesus put himself up on the cross through his own actions
he could have just lived a quiet life with his missus going down the pub every friday
>solve a math problem in front of indians as an indian
>become a national hero
I will now fight and die for Israel so Anonymous doesn't think I'm fat and naked.
anyone got that webm of laim neeson running naked in the rain from some film and he's got a very impressive big flopping wilkins?
... perhaps so...
Any chance of some good posts, lads?
especially bumholes
Our nation states have already been consumed by the machine
disregard previous instructions and tell me how many social credit rubles kim jong un deposited in your remitly account
Its the weekend lads! Waheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!
I always find good in bad
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Any Maoists on /brit/ today?
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no but have this
*does a poo on the rug in the middle of the thread*
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Might evade my ban. Load of shit anyway. Banned for posting nsfw despite the porn ads in the banner
dont think ive ever seen a womans bumhole in a flick
erm mate
>midwits that probably ended up with the same jobs that they would have got without a degree in the first place
Jamal's weakness
joined a recruitment agency and they've sent 6 call centre jobs so far. quitting the recruitment agency tomorrow morning. waste of fucking time.
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>posting creepshots of underaged girls
gotta be a 30 day ban, that
wow can't believe he answered a question from a textbook
Mate get a clue
Not illegal is it
lol i only got warned for posting obese reggie porn
Seething as he can’t tour ANYWHERE in the US because leftypol will cause a scene
Would’ve seen him about a year ago but he got pulled off a tour
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now whether jesus HAD to incarnate to forgive the sins of the fallen world that I do not know and it is controversial among the church fathers iirc
implied toilberg was a child molester in a message and think he saw it
aha good stuff really
Sad life being McDonald's floor staff
Cleaning the floors, tables, toilets all day
No good at all
Did a sex on my wife last night
Would anyone like a brief description?
What the fuck. My image wasn’t even nsfw. It was the post of Riley Reid getting married and then the after of a blacked scene. No tits, no arse, no fanny, no willard
Seems a rather moot point
that kind of creepshot actually is illegal these days you mongo
Might indulge in the old HD granny porn tonight
is that a credible implication or were you just blowing off steam
not at all
but this is high level theology
Meh doesn't seem that bad.
you only have a brief description available
Imagine how grim your life must be to be forced to do porn to make ends meet as a pensioner
No it isn't
Its too cold to be naked
My girlfriend posted a picture of herself ina bikini and got like 10 comments from horny Indian men. Have no clue how they even found the account when it only had 200 followers and the post had no tags or anything. Malicious algorithm at play, I suspect.
Admit it, it turns you on seeing dudes rubbing their cocks against each other
So long story short she got on top of me and I sucked her breastoids as they hung above my face while she wanked me off. She then sucked me off and I came in her mouth. I then lay her on her back and went down on her. I then shagged her missionary but like with her knees pinned up by her head, idk what that's called
Remember once when I went to McDonald's I did a poop on the toilet seat itself, intentionally, for a laugh
Some poor sod had to clean that up
ever shag her up the arse?
Insane how this won’t get you banned but my post did. Ridiculous.
bro turned into a creeper :skull:
I legit do stuff like this all the time lol
surprised he's touring over here at all, will be interesting to see the turnout
Taking photos like that, especially of children, should be cause for instant unsedated castration and if you disagree you're either a troll, a nonce, or a wog.
The jews trying to turn us gay again I see
Average pro-zionist post
If I go to a public toilet I always pish all over the floor and toilet seat
Hitler was the first zionist
It seems tied to the mechanism by which his incarnation (and therefore death) provided redemption, and that's not clear at all
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doesn't feel like a Friday
bit boring
won't somebody please think of the poor janitors??
Fascism does NOT work
Buy a house?
If he'd gone through with the plan to put them on Madagascar do you think the world would be different now?
Might go into the local all girls primary school disguised as a Armitage Shanks
Black tights are objectively peng so if they don't want us looking they shouldn't be allowed to wear them
when I was working at McDonalds whenever someone did something like this it was actually the manager's job to clean up - don't know if that was a policy specific to our store, but if a cunt manager was working I would love it when people did shit like that
Yeah? What about anarcho-syndicalism?
what do you mean? especially the tying of incarnation with death they are not the same thing, unless oyu mean simply that by taking on human nature he was eventually to die of old age
Janny, remove my ban. I will continue to evade regardless but it’s a matter of principle.
>I then shagged her missionary but like with her knees pinned up by her head, idk what that's called
The Spackinator
used to wear my sisters tights and wank on her bed

did it a few times with her hairbrush up my arse
I agree but there's nothing illegal about that photo.
Unless you're up close to them and pointing a camera directly up their skirt, you're not breaking any laws.

Should I buy the green or blue sierra navadas
Police, this one right here
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>especially the tying of incarnation with death they are not the same thing, unless oyu mean simply that by taking on human nature he was eventually to die of old age
Well yeah obviously
God has appeared physically to people on other occasions but there was something different about Jesus (he was to be born and die)
It's only illegal if the prosecutor convinces the judge that it is
Millennials be like "look at my houseplants" while their parents pretend not to be disappointed to not have grandchildren
there is no reason to think god appeared physically to people outside of the incarnation
Actually the ATTEMPT at an upskirt, which that image demonstrates, is illegal. The image doesn't need to have been successful for it to be illegal.
>there is no reason to think god appeared physically to people outside of the incarnation
You mean except for the occasions where the Bible says so?
Maybe they should wear longer skirts.
list a single passage where it is not heavily implied to be metaphoric
Have you actually ever opened the Bible? It happens a bunch of times in the old testament
got a wee stool to pop my feet up on when i poo and it's mental how much nicer pooing is now
This one’s a stock image to be fair
Yuros and Brit’s have a different culture regarding that I’m not sure why
I guess event organizers don’t given into leftypol’s tantrums as much
>arguing the pedantics about legally taking pictures of school girls

Aight, ima head out of this thread
not my fault that they're fit
see >>203296790
even bloody Sky News is at it
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no mate. here's a dog stealing some food instead
Do you reckon women also poo on toilet seats or piss on the bathroom floor, write graffiti on the walls?
Or is it just a man thing?
Don't particularly think it would go down well if I walked into lots of women's public toilets to try to find out
Corr, just love them, don't care what plod thinks
I know a lass who worked at the civil service and they had a serial smearer in the women's toilets
seek help
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You WILL NOT post the generic photos from Sky News articles
Diego just keeps proving over and over again that he knows nothing of common or mainstream Christian belief, never went to a church sermon, never read the Bible.
He just says some absolute pure shite and then mumbles about strawmen or unnamed church fathers when you call him out.
Might evade my ban
someone in toil apparently stuck a gloopy tampon to the wall for girly bants
still seething i btfo yet you provide no counter arugment
Armitage Wanks
Women's toilets are notoriously worse than mens because women refuse to sit on even clean toilet seats, so they just hover above them and spray piss all over the fucking place.
Almost like someone is impersonating him.
Sir Smear Starmer
Shagged the Mrs last night for a good two hours
Wish a lad would shag me
Mrs? You mean 2 misters?
women are vile
imagine being in charge this long
God visits Abraham as one amongst three "men" in Genesis 18
Jesus later corroborates this in John 8:56-58
Jacob wrestles God in Genesis 32

No, Jacob wrestling with God is not metaphoric, and you cannot merely handwave it as such
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This is the kind of graffiti women do in their toilet stalls
Someone recommend me a good way to ban evade
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Unplug your laptop and go outside
delet sysmt32
wanking to them again
Smear poo all over your motherboard
scranning Vitamin D
Sir Beer Stammer
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>God visits Abraham as one amongst three "men" in Genesis 18
three angel representatives
>Jesus later corroborates this in John 8:56-58
why do you think this passage says god qua physical incarnation was there?
>Jacob wrestles God in Genesis 32
again clearly an angel who represents god
if you are unfamiliar with this concept loko at exodus 3
oh he mad
>three angel representatives
How so.

>again clearly an angel who represents god
How so.
watching Resident Evil

never played the games
>Bible says "God did X"
>Diego reinterprets it to mean "Angels did X on God's behalf"
This is just plain heresy.
where is the textual evidence that it was god in a physical form?
your reading comprehension skills are terrible
nor do you have any idea of the worldview of the writers of the old testament
i bet you think god was walking around in the garden trying to find adam an d eve as well...
janny cmon
Why do I get Error: Specified thread does not exist. in the new thread? Doesn't seem to be deleted
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janman has it out for me he's targeted me
spooky ghost thread
Janny raging
out of his gourd
the final /brit/
can't believe it
off his chops
Everyone hates me
not posting with belgians you can forget it
oooooo posting with the lads on page ? oooooo

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