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what do you even do in this situation?
be a scared timmy boy looking at Tyrone cucking your car ride with his massive Big Black Marker
To be fair, driverless taxi companies deserve all the flak they get. I wish the self-driving car meme would die already, they're not self driving, it's some dudes sitting in a gaming chair controlling them.
passively remain in the car while contacting a customer service jeet for troubleshooting solutions
>they're not self driving, it's some dudes sitting in a gaming chair controlling them.
based schizo
It's not a schizo conspiracy you fucking moron, they literally couldn't make the cars stop getting into accidents so there's always a dedicated "controller" monitoring the driving (i.e. some dude remote controlling it).

If you think fully autonomous self driving is real, you need to watch some youtube videos dude.

>6 years ago
Do you have a mental disability perhaps?
They literally say it's for edge cases. I bet it's less than 5% of the time.
You're absolutely delusional if you think level 5 autonomous cars actually exist and that this isn't a meme marketing trick.
>Cruise employees claimed the company's robotaxis required human help "every 2.5 to five miles,"

This is from this year. Literally all of the driverless taxi companies use remote control.


From last year:
>According to Vogt and Cruise, the company's robotaxis are only being remotely assisted between two to four percent of the time, and then only "in complex urban environments." Rather than disputing the report, Vogt added that the 2.5-to-5-mile figure refers to how frequently Cruise robotaxis initiate a remote assistance session, but few of those sessions ever reach an actual human.
>"These sessions are triggered proactively (i.e when path is obstructed, identifying objects) and 80 percent of the time are resolved autonomously by the AV," a Cruise spokesperson told us.
Nice clickbait trash
You're buying into the hype. Self driving cars beyond level 2 aren't actually a thing, which is also why you don't see these meme robotaxis on the road in Europe.
I don't particularly care. All I'm saying is, I said it's about 5% of the time and it turned out to be the case. That's entirely statistically reasonable.
>and had a support staff so large there were 1.5 workers per Cruise vehicle.
What a great improvement this is, and not some dystopian shit where tech companies are simply pulling wool over everyone's eyes.
You are just asserting stuff and pretending that some corporate spokesperson are accurate in their self-reporting.
Once again, might as well be clickbait. Do they include HR Stacies and middle managers in this? Wouldn't be surprised if they do. They need to stir shit up to get clicks.
Nah, I'm just being skeptical about the article. I doubt a company that employs more taxi drivers than an actual taxi company would be making any profits. As stupid people are, people who have the money for something like this aren't this stupid.
>Once again, might as well be clickbait.
I literally posted multiple articles.

>I doubt a company that employs more taxi drivers than an actual taxi company would be making any profits.
They aren't either, this isn't about making profits but being first to market and growing fast. This is the same business model Uber employs. Amazon didn't make a profit for over a decade and a half either. You are clearly naive or unaware how these tech-based taxi companies work.
Also, if it was money to be made in this, then why did Google sell off Venmo?
since it's not my car, I can't pull out the AR in self-defense
Yes, if it’s multiple articles, they can’t all be clickbait. Surely. They don’t operate on the same principle or anything.
Did you even read the articles you linked? They specifically point out that having remote drivers is how that company is different from Waymo and Cruise.
Yeah you call them drunk drivers
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It's pretty delusional to dismiss WSJ as "clickbait", not to mention that you're clearly moving the goalpost since you started out not even knowing that they have remote operators. You can look up autonomous levels yourself, if you're not being disingenuous. Currently the best car companies (i.e. not Tesla, lol) are at level "2.5", arguably some are claiming to be at level 3. They're very much at the "driver assistance" phase still.

It's all smoke and mirrors to get people to put billions into the car industry, but there's a reason why VW had to lay off like 50,000 people earlier this year and that the Cariad part of the VW group was restructured.

Self-driving cars do not exist. They use some autonomous driving features, but they have an army of low-paid operators to step in at literally any moment because self driving cars can't even fucking make a left turn in an intersection.
Just because they have remote control doesn't mean that they aren't self driving 98% of the time. You are retarded.
You're retarded
>98% of the time
You really are delusional if you sincerely believe this. You've fallen for the hype. If the self-driving car meme really was true, then why aren't everyone driving around in this?

It works flawlessly on highways etc., but they completely break down in city traffic scenarios.
Why aren't you currently zooming around in a car that is driving for you then?
Bro 5% of cabs trips in San Francisco is already self driving. Waymo has 100k trips per week now. It's already here and it's only gonna get better with more data and improved software.
coping dudebros
>Bro 5% of cabs trips in San Francisco is already self driving. Waymo has 100k trips per week now.
1) Driverless != self driving
2) Number of trips is not an indicator of whether they actually are self-driving.

>It's already here and it's only gonna get better with more data and improved software.
Lmao, sure thing. Just get investors to poor billions into this, it's totally working and not just hype!!
Because they require a shit ton of mapping of the specific city's roads to work. If Waymo was really just some dude with an xbox controller like you're suggesting then they would be expanding much more rapidly, not spending 8 years on Phoenix to still not have the entire city available.
It's not just one dude with an xbox controller, it's literally multiple people per car.

>they would be expanding much more rapidly,
Would they? The business model is clearly not scalable, so they are pretty much 100% dependent on investor money. It's currently a subsidiary of Paypal. Previously Google, but Google [the company that maps all the roads] sold them off for some reason. Hmmm, why?
What the fuck are you saying? Do you unironically think every Waymo has someone driving the car from some center? Just because they have remote driving in case of some unexpected issue doesn't mean that it isn't self driving as a default.
Google hasn't sold Waymo? They still own like 80% of them. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
It's pretty evident that they have remote operators, since they fucking can't make their cars stop honking at each other.


It's all hype dude, in order to get sweet investment money. Self-driving isn't actually a thing and wont be for decades. If it was a thing, you and I would be zooming around in cars with it enabled.
>It's pretty evident that they have remote operators, since they fucking can't make their cars stop honking at each other.
did you even read what you posted? If the cars all had remote drivers then they wouldn't make such stupid mistakes
Who is denying they have remote controllers? Obviously they will in case something goes wrong. Also if they were just 100% fake and controlled by someone why would they do dumb shit like honk at eachother randomly? Sounds pretty stupid.
What the hell aren't you understanding? All of these cars clearly have some degree of self-driving capabilities (I never claimed otherwise), but the fact that you need an army of remote operators to be ready to step in at any moment (with some of the robotaxi companies claiming that they have 1.5 employees per car + needing to step in every 2.5 to 5 mile) CLEARLY demonstrates that calling this "self driving" is a meme.
>Who is denying they have remote controllers?
Literally the first reply called me a schizo for even claiming that they have remote operators at all.
He looks like an even gayer Milo Yiannopoulos
No, you were the retard who started this by saying they're not self-driving
No he called you a schizo for saying ALL driving is done by some guy in a gamer chair. No one is retarded enough to think they don't monitor the rides and can step in to fix issues
To be fair the Norwegian guy has a point
anybody remembers Amazon's super advanced ai which they used in their shops ? it turned out to be 20k jeet working remotely pretending to be robots
Because they aren't "self driving". They're at the driver assistance stage, i.e. autonomous level 2 or 3 (5 is actual self driving). They literally need someone to intervene at every 5 miles or so. If you were driving and needed some guy to intervene every five mile to prevent you from running someone over, you'd lose your fucking driver's license.
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sf is so bad even timmies are doing this shit
So explain to me then, why you think this is progress when you literally need more than one person to operate the car, compared to just having one regular driver per car.
Just because they are intervening doesn't make it not the computer driving. It's like saying a student driver isn't actually driving the car because the teacher intervenes sometimes.
Wait so if somebody jumps on your car with a knife threatening to break the windshield and kill you the car will just stand still?
They're marketed and hyped as "driverless taxis" when there clearly are drivers operating them. Just admit that it's tech companies trying to hype up their shit when it's clearly not at the level that normal people expect. Again, if these cars really were driving by themselves 98% of the time, you and I would have this functionality in our own cars and we'd be using it all the time; but we're not. Because it isn't that advanced. It's still at the driver assistance stage.

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It's worse than that. Someone can just pour a circle of salt around your car and it will stand still forever.
Yeah because no technology has ever improved. Especially software. Also even if they will always need some people to be able to remote control the taxis doesn't mean the can't scale it so that a single person is overseeing multiple cars at once.
Does your car have 15 cameras, microphones, radar systems, and LIDAR? Mine doesn't.
>Yeah because no technology has ever improved. Especially software. Also even if they will always need some people to be able to remote control the taxis doesn't mean the can't scale it so that a single person is overseeing multiple cars at once.
It's vaporware at the moment. It's literally just hype. You're being sold something that does not yet exist (and probably wont for at least a decade) and everyone is getting fooled into thinking that it's more advanced than it really is.

This is an "emperor's new clothes" situation.

>Does your car have 15 cameras, microphones,
Yes, 16 actually and ultrasound.
>radar systems, and LIDAR?
No, because Musk cheaped out.

Has "autopilot" but isn't actually self driving.
No, I can't imagine the pile of paperwork required by glorious EU to allow them in the street.
Also based vandals resisting the evil technology.
>You're being sold something that does not yet exist (and probably wont for at least a decade) and everyone is getting fooled into thinking that it's more advanced than it really is.
It already exists today and in a decade non-self driving taxis will be a novelty. You can go and take a self driving Waymo today in multiple cities.
I'd rather drive myself than being driven by a Pajeet with an xbox controller. Keep falling for the marketing memes, Sven.
but how are blacks supposed to steal them now?
Good for you. I will be sleeping during my commute. Driving sucks ass.
It's actually easier and a major reason why staffless shops in the US shut down
Black people will destroy the evil capitalists replacing humans with machines
Blacks really are the unsung cyberpunk heroes, lol.
this one goes straight into my humilliation ritual folder
They are based really and destroy the very same companies trying to appeal for them like they did during 2020 riots
ahaha we have a bright future ahead of us
I pity robots they are just like autists in these situations
That would be nice. But desu you can sleep or read or watch a movie today instead of driving --- on the bus.
I don't understand this Norwegian schizo's anger. If we could have a robot doing 90% of the work of a fast food worker, then we could make 10x the food with the same amount of workers.

I have no idea how much of these driverless services are driverless, but I don't understand why he's mad that something is becoming more efficient.

A bus has a set schedule and route, with other people on it. Don't be retarded.
This guy is right
He deserves it for being a fragile white who voted for this shit.
Actual human beings would never find themselves in this scenario so I don't even need to consider what I would do as I am a human being and would never find myself in such a situation.
Reminder that angloids are not human.
The only way to do that model would be a giant vending machine store

If I ever did a techbro vaporware scam it’d be that. Order all groceries on your phone, they’re autonomously packaged by conveyor belts and deposited out of a windowless warehouse when you come to pick it up. Use machine learning to select produce that meets the customer’s preferred quality standards.
>the california tech startup company can't be dumb as they clearly can afford to hire extra staff!
still yet to see an explanation for this
is this a taxi or does he own the car?
its a ghost car
>something is becoming more efficient.
How is it more efficient to employ more people to do the same task? These companies literally need more than one person to operate a single car, instead of just one driver.

>A bus has a set schedule and route, with other people on it. Don't be retarded.
It's a robotaxi.
>t. seething luddite
Jumping on every hype that the tech startups tell you too is just embarrassing, particularly when expectations vs reality is so disconnected.
>These companies literally need more than one person to operate a single car, instead of just one driver.
10 drivers, 10 cars
1 supervisor for 10 cars

I'm pretty sure B would require less people. The major disadvantage of robotaxis right now is that uber wagies are extremely cheap gig employees, and all those sensors and training are pretty expensive. It's not commercially viable for most places. Yet.
Read the articles posted earlier ITT, employees at robotaxi companies like Cruise literally say that there are 1.5 operators per car and that they need to intervene every 2.5 to 5 miles. Does this sound like efficient, self driving to you?
No, but the idea is to reduce interventions until it makes commercial sense, cars have to be exposed and trained in real world conditions for this to ever happen.

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