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/int/ - International

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Why don't people from other countries like Halloween? It's fun and comfy. Why not even put up some spooky decorations?
>It's fun and comfy
I'm sure it is, but that would be cultural appropriation
they're soulless
it's meaningless, it would be like celebrating chinese new year or "becoming" a norse pagan
cringe larper shit
Halloween here is mostly "celebrated" by upper class in their gated neighbourhood who've mostly been exposed to American media their entire life. We aren't afraid of ghosts because we live in one of the most violent places on Earth.
They celebrate it in Ireland apparently.
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We have Alla Helgons Dag here instead (All Saints Eve) and it's just a day to remember and honor the dead. People put up candles at every grave and memory grove.
It's a very quiet day, pretty much the opposite of Halloween.
>be American child on halloween
>get to trick & treat, candy, spooky decorations, horror movies, haunted houses

>be Swedish kid on "halloween"
>get to walk across town in the cold and dark with a bunch of gloomy and sad adults
>spend an hour or two standing next to a dead person while parents cry and talk with other crying parents
>go home and go to bed
I've seen Halloween parties all over LATAM
That wasn't the question. Nobody even remotely even came close to asking, let alone wondered, what happens ins Sweden
Hey it's the seething Greenlander!!
Bingo! Found you!
I know it is hard for you to not honour your ancestors because yours allowed so many Muslims into your country, but atleast mine stayed racist and hated all people equally.
Hey it's the self-inserting Swede!!
bango! Fuck you!
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In fact, OP did ask by asking this
>Why don't people from other countries like Halloween?
In Sweden it's because of Alla Helgons.
>Allah Helgons
You posts are always top tier entertaining. Our very own schizo-hater.
Hello Dane!
Hope you are having a good night/morning.
luk røven og sug lort ud af din fars mås, din bøsserøv
That's not an answer to OP's question. But you're mentally challenged, so it's pointless to explain that to you.
Here's the deal.... I'll help you out on this one, so you won't be completely embarrassed:
>If not Halloween, what you cunt got instead huuuh-duuuh
There. Just saved you. you're welcome.
I want to fuck you knottry rove
Where is the fun in that? /int/ is about sharing international experiences, culture and such.
Not just being a seething, angry rager like you.
Why don't you make some cool Greenland posts?
Because /int/ isn't about exchanging cultures. It's a mixture of kindergarden and a toiletstall where you write the most inane retarded shit.
Because /int/ isn't about exchanging cultures. It's a mixture of kindergarden and a toiletstall where you write the most inane retarded shit.
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No that just what you and some other zoomers/retards do.
I will not fall to that level and I will keep posting stuff about Sweden. Even if it makes you angry.
No one forestands what you meaning
If that's the case, then why get mad over anon posting Sweden facts in a Halloween thread? We're supposed to make retarded posts!
This anon got it >>203316947
Get got marthafarka

Maybe shitposting cultures are exchanged after all? You don't seriously think I am mad all the time, do you? Why would I be mad at you? I've never met you, and I'll never ever meet you.
Well if you're not mad, then you are very good at larping as if you are. 10/10.
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PSYKE I am more than mad and I intend to keep seethe posting shut up
Holy shit, the twists keeps on coming!
I just wish you could speak the official Skandinavian language (read. dansk), it's difficult to seethe at someone with aphasia
We're both speaking English, brother.
I hope it's not too difficult for you.
We mostly celebrated halloween in english classes in school, I ended up associating the two, not comfy
We're using this low-tier easy-for-kids-to-understand only because my language and dansk is too complex, sophisticated and nuanced for you to comprehend
True, I will never grasp the Danish tongue.
It's a complete mystery.
Er det det det er?
Ja då.
Hur meget kän du forstå egentlig? (uden oversættelser)
incredibly based kid
he embodies the excruciating channel fatigue you get from being surrounded by mentally retarded bastards and pointless spam (which mongon bites over and over again)
the rule of thumb is that only 1/10 letters (and threads) are worth reading. one is possibly driven to Greenlandic "madness" by the remaining 9/10
absolutely hopeless. but there is no better place to turn
har bättre minnen från alla helgons afton än att köra bus eller godis och knacka på hos sura tanter
I actually try to receive the ban hammer every once in a while by posting the most uncalled for spiteful shit, and not ban evade during. But I also don't feel like going anywhere else.
Det mesta, så länge det är text och inte tal.
Except Allhelgonaafton is based and comfy and not some commercial crap.
Det här.
Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. It's hot until mid October in most of Texas so I love that it gets cooler. I like the leaves changing colors. I like the local fairs, carving pumpkins, the foods, trick or treating, scary movies. If there's one thing I earnestly, truly wish I could share with everyone, it's my love for October and Halloween.

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