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dubstep edishhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Who won stream vs benga?
hello knobby
So what are the best dating apps to use?

t. tired of being an incel
previous was filtered for me what was it
they clearly play reggae
christian dating
Speaking of medieval life expectancies, find it amusing this lad, who was clearly in his 60s or 70s bluffed his entire village into thinking he was 150 and eventually became so famous throughout his shire he was invited to the kings court

>. By the time he finally arrived in the capital, Parr was reportedly blind and feeble. King Charles I was reported to have asked Parr: "Master Parr, you have lived longer than other men. What have you done more than other men?" He replied that he had performed penance for an affair with Catherine Milton, a village maiden. The King was stern, stating: "Fie, fie old man. Can you remember nothing but your vices?"[9]

Britain was part of the Roman Empire.
England and Wales were
SOME OF US are made of stronger stuff unfortunately
the most important part
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make /brit/ comfy again
Mental how Scotland bodied them and the empire collapsed
Old Caledonia wasn't however

Never conquered, not by Rome, nor Denmark, nor Norway, nor England, France, Germany or Spain
>old fart getting btfo by the king

nobody wanted anything to do with those freaks
if i hear that a movie or tv show or game is woke im not gonna support it
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Mad how Britain used to make things that ended up in pyramids and greek temples thousands of years ago

Now we're nothing
yeah instead they just failed at everything they tried andeventually begged england to bail them out. oops!
how do you support a tv show?
Watch it
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by watching it
>we just didn't want to fight them bro even though we kept sending legions
england never conquered scotland once and the scottish crown inherited the english one
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bound girls...
i have no idea what filter that couldve triggered
youtube link?
I've only gone and been raped again
they look like a bosstones rip off

West Africans are the Syriacs to the contemporary West's Rome
>england never conquered scotland once
yes you said that, instead they voluntarily signed away their independence because of crippling debt
Awakening my Hyperborean sovl.
looking up some info in the /fa/ archives and there's some obnoxious cunt typing paragraphs in all caps and people are just replying to him normally
I've consulted with my Rabbe, Moishe, at Synagogue many a time. I've read through the Torah, Talmud, Zohar with deep introspection. I've weighed the issue heavily upon my heart.
I've also been open to discussion with the Englisher goy and the zionist Canaanim.
Truth is, we are the people of the Book, custodians of Hashem and his Word. We have no homeland. Bombs can't give us one. Only Hashem can when the Messhiach comes.
Therefore, it's only right we stand against the abomination that is the so-called state of "Israel".
The Jews have no home. May Hashem save from Sheoh the zionist who rejects his Judaism and blasphemes creation with his man-made Frankenstein terrorist "Israel".
/lit/ used to have a personality that typed in all caps
Was just saying this down the pub the other day
>england never conquered scotland once and the scottish crown inherited the english one
lay off the skag, dougal
was a better deal for the nobles, panama scheme had a small part to play scots were beat off by the spanish navy, who were the second best in the world after england at the time.

wasn't the main principle though. in those days nobles couldn't give a toss about locals and the scottish ones voted to unify with england, which had been under the same crown for 100 years so they could get rich and increase their military power and most importantly, their riches of tobacco and sugar plantations in the new world
please don't give spainmong any ideas
iirc the theories about Jesus setting foot in Britain are based on the fact that the tin trade in britain traded with the roman empire. so jesus caught a boat with a bunch of tin on it and ended up in britain
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playing a little tune
fashions gone woke what do you expect
no football this fucking weekend
how i wish that i was dead
got the BBC archive on, watching the stuffed chine recipe from 1978
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business idea: Esoteric Reviewbrahism.
read a book
and by theories i mean victorian fanfiction
asf meltdown
jesus was british
not even a slightly similar replacement
on the poo porn
jesus was woke
Jesus was a raisin
it literally didn't. the kingdom of scotland was never conquered once by england, that is historical fact. england may have won border skirmishes or individual battles but england never militarily conquered scotland

James, King of Scots inherited the English throne and was the first monarch of a unified Britain in 1603. Union of the Crowns. If you knew your countrys history this would be known to you.

The only case you could make for an English conquest of Scotland would be the Jacobite Rebellion, when the Stuart crown (which James, the first British king was from), rebelled against the Hanoverians, and his base was mainly Highlander Scots and in Scotland. The Hanoverians one, but even then, the Lowland Scots supported him and fought as Britain, not England.
Turned down a potential shag from the Grindr twink at the event for I am currently feeling too principled.
yeah watching 22 wogs run around a piece of turf is much more intellectually stimulating than reading a book
Mental how literally no one thinks Jesus was Canadian
not sure what this is but it looks like wokeslop
Fucking retarded

Idiot child
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did you know jesus went to japan? do you love japan like jesus did?
God and his children are unwelcome here.
it's nice to have principles but it's even nicer to empty yourself deep inside a twink whilst watching him spaff onto the ground
says the mong watching utter slop
im really mentally unwell, been happening over the last 2 years i think

i was relatively okay compared to 2 years ago
something to do with hair loss and generally declining health issues and stuff
>intellectually stimulating
i literally mean that's not what i want? stupid pseud. learn how to comprehend a simple sentence
He went with Joseph of ara-ma-Thia to negotiate the trade
There are somewhere between 100,000 - 3,000,000 Moonies worldwide.
A cult that believes the original Jesus was ethnically Korean, that Trump is a prophet of God, and that the "Rod of Iron" mentioned in the Bible literally refers to the AR-15 Assault Rifle.
Do native English people meet Celtic or Germanic gods when taking pyschedelics?
>The Hanoverians one
bro it's won hahah
Err yeah the boats would usually go back.
they see the mantis
needs earplugs and a blindfold
I just want a smooth, fat, fuqqtoi to top and bottom until we're firing blanks. Is that too much to ask?

Yes. The answer is yes.
Not necessarily. I met with some type of Aztec/Mayan/Incan Gods last time I took a high acid dose.
We just chilled and danced and listened to music together, was a great time.
one thing that white people don’t realise is that yanks drive everywhere because in large parts of their cities there’s a possibility of being killed even during the day. also why they don’t jog except in rich suburbs
isukiri worshippers on the ropes
rorke humiliated
lots of people say they meet Aztec gods and see Aztec imagery from what I have read online
Imagine if that is the real religion and we are supposed to be cutting lads hearts out so the sun keeps rising every morning
hello self hating yank
You’re tempting me to message the Quebecois trust fund brat who’ll shortly be returning from Montreal
Good point actually or just generally being harassed or mugged
Better to stay in your car, guess that is why you have drive through atms and off licenses
yeah I got it a bit wrong but still got the gist of it, not sure why that lad had a melty
You have to be white to be English.
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Need a good strong Pallet Jack in my life
Can you not read
hmm yes
true though
Im white and i disagree. Youre probably a Russian spy trying to sow division amongst Britons
wish i was cuddling with a lovely lady
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>Im white and i disagree
shagging a femboy twink
i just shidded and farded my pants
You have to be hip to be square
To tell him Daddy's home?
who let the twiglets become sentient and use a keyboard
lool sent that wog back to Tower Hamlets
just watched the racismlad director's cut of pulp fiction
What did Gen X/Millennials see in this shit?

Why is it "trousers" PLURAL with an s at the end?
Why isn't it a single trouser?
A "pair of trousers" even though it's only one item of clothing
What a stupid fucking language
Hernan Cortes was a hero. Aztecs were nothing more than an ancient cartel gang sacrificing thousands to appease their demonic deities and were comically evil and cruel.

Imagine how much more vile and sickening Mexico would be if the Aztecs still ruled it. Was a fucking kindness what the Spanish done to them.
funny to me how leftymong thinks only white ethnocentrism is “sowing division” and not bringing over millions of immigrants and then telling them they are oppressed
Idiot drivers got me questioning if I just ran a red light in front of a police car
You have to be English to be white.
>dead abo storage
cos you got 2 legs
it's really not. violence is always contained within gangs and very shitty areas where they all reside
anyone who isnt sheltered will tell you this. people just drive everywhere and live in rich areas because they can.
Noonga fits better
is that the one where samuel l jackson is shot in the first scene and the rest of the film is tarantino saying nigger over and over
Nah Ian wright is English
Good take solely on the basis that it’s the opposite of what Neil Young droned on about in that song.
Insufferable fellow.
i've been told i'm a larping englishman because I'm white British born in the UK, English is my first language and follow English culture, which British culture is based on

Also been told I'm a bogwog and a Celt mong and not white.

What is it?
Yeah you're sooo cool and edgy for saying you support a genocide that happened hundreds of years ago
Fucking mongo freak
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>Yeah you're sooo cool and edgy for saying you support a genocide that happened hundreds of years ago
this literally happened but got memoryholed
for a lot of americans walking to the nearest grocery store is a thousand times more dangerous than going to the worst hood in london or paris with a sign saying “i hate niggers”. thus yanks are much harder and more masculine people
Non-Europeans in general make for barbarous, insufferable, incredibly sad and cruel societies

If it weren't for the white man the Earth would be stuck in the Iron Age
My 100% concrete evidence is just to look at the standard of driving. No one can objectively drive on the roads today who used to drive 5+ years ago and say things are alright.
nahhhhhhhh some of you old af XD
noʎ uodn ǝɔuɐǝƃuǝʌ ʎɯ ʎɐl I uǝɥʍ pɹo˥ ǝɥʇ ɯɐ I ʍouʞ lliʍ noʎ pu∀ ˙sɹǝɥʇoɹq ʎɯ ʎoɹʇsǝp puɐ uosiod oʇ ʇdɯǝʇʇɐ oɥʍ ǝsoɥʇ ɹǝƃuɐ snoiɹnɟ puɐ ǝɔuɐǝƃuǝʌ ʇɐǝɹƃ ɥʇiʍ ǝǝɥʇ uodn uʍop ǝʞiɹʇs lliʍ I pu∀ ˙uǝɹpliɥɔ ʇsol ɟo ɹǝpuiɟ ǝɥʇ puɐ ɹǝdǝǝʞ s,ɹǝɥʇoɹq siɥ ʎlnɹʇ si ǝɥ ɹoℲ ˙ssǝuʞɹɐp ǝɥʇ ɟo ʎǝllɐʌ ǝɥʇ ɥƃnoɹɥʇ ʞɐǝʍ ǝɥʇ spɹǝɥdǝɥs 'lliʍ pooƃ puɐ ʎʇiɹɐɥɔ ɟo ǝɯɐu ǝɥʇ ui 'oɥʍ ǝɥ si pǝssǝlq ˙uǝɯ liʌǝ ɟo ʎuuɐɹʎʇ ǝɥʇ puɐ ɥsiɟlǝs ǝɥʇ ɟo sǝiʇinbǝui ǝɥʇ ʎq sǝpis llɐ uo ʇǝsǝq si uɐɯ snoǝʇɥƃiɹ ǝɥʇ ɟo ɥʇɐd ǝɥ
only hard yanks left are those lads in the appalachians and out on the plains
both places life is tough and they are both farming people armed to the teeth with guns and trucks

don't act as if american urbanites in the 21st century are not the most sheltered, clueless, spoiled and naive cunts to ever walk this planet
wow I didn't know about this
Many suspicious car crashes and train crashes memory holed
just incorrect
true but how much of that is vax and how much of that is the exponential increase in brownness of the general driver
people tell to your face that you're larping as an englishman since youre really a bogwog celt mong?
This site is so homoerotic it isn't even funny. Do you realise how weird it is to call yourself a twink? Do you idiots even know what a twink is?
Late night gay roleplaying hours.
didn't 99% of them die of disease?
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ok I'm a catholic priest and you're a choirboy
you don’t get it. if you live in certain areas here, not even the hood always, you take a risk with your life. it’s why americans are so obsessed with guns
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>for a lot of americans walking to the nearest grocery store is a thousand times more dangerous than going to the worst hood in london or paris with a sign saying “i hate niggers”. thus yanks are much harder and more masculine people
Yeah I'm probably the coolest lad who posts here so whatever
The three components of race:
1. Race of the body: the phenotypic qualities associated with the Aryan man
2. Actualisation: race of the soul: the collectivisation of the mental and behavioural traits corresponding to the race of the body
3. Realisation: race of the spirit: the otherworldly force that must be drawn into the blood of the people through the practice of certain rites
Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
enough of the retarded low effort bait
>'cause storing dead boongs ain't my fucking business, that's why!
would consider myself such a failure as a parent if i had a fat child
this is why i will never have kids, can't fail if you don't try
Is it a tranny?
world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones
look at the statistics you mong. the worst parts of europe are safer than the whitest and safest cities here (that might be an exaggeration but you get what i mean).
no they arent
be quiet
Ireland is simply mini England if it does not embrace its Gaelic ancestry and tongue and have a new nationalist revival

Infuriates me as a fenian that the Irish liberal class, the 100 IQ midwits in Dublin and Cork like to harp on about how quaint and progressive this little island is compared to those evil Brexiteer English. Oh the masses of the global south are welcome to our holy fields and cliffs. Ireland is for everyone.

Fuck off. You're scum. You're the same type that took soup from the English when they told you they would feed you if you converted to Protestantism. You are the same serfs that told the last free Irish chiefs to surrender under surrender and regrant. You are the same lot that told Northern Irish Catholic young men to stay out of trouble when MI5 were imprisoning innocent young Irishmen on suspicion of being IRA men. You are the same, slavish, cowardly, servile arse licking scum who would have made a ruckus about "those dastardly fenians making a scene" when Collins and Pierce were sieging the GPO during the Easter Rising.

Filth. Ireland for the Irish.
i would start a military contracting business that sharpened peoples sticks
that's just wrong
with what tool?
Sharpening a battalion of dicks with a pencil sharpener.
mad how australians love beer and cigarettes probably more than anyone else on earth and yet we have the highest taxes on them to the point that a slab of beer and a pack of smokes is 3 years income
Computer made out of sticks obviously
Don't hate the English me. Nice people. Got a lot of English pals. My uncle is from London. Just wish Westminster would fuck off out of Ulster.
A computer is just a rock that we tricked into thinking using electricity.
So the Irish are scum English? Interesting
What do you mean? Explain your reasoning
most computers are made out of plastic and various metals
birmingham uk
>population: 1.2 million
>43 murders in 23/24
birmingham alabama
>population: 200,000
>151 murders in 23/24

not white or safest but illustrates what i mean. different planet here
What the shag does fie mean?
And where does metal come from? Checkmate atheists
silicon is the main component
my penis
Statistically, Sweden.
do i look like king charles I?
why are you posting here you west brit freak
ok but birmingham alabama is full of n words isn't it
why not compare it with a city in vermont or maine
>nor Denmark, nor Norway

Ermmm, lad...
Every computer chip contains my congealed spaff.
And how exactly does this humiliate "Rorke"? Pray tell.
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When the UK rejoins the EU in 10-20 years which Eastern Euro country will you be fleeing too lads?
We should all pick one so we've got someone to talk too
elements and minerals that take on a solid, metallic form at room temperature
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rorke: london was better when it was 100% white
london when it was 100% white:
Tell me when Scotland was conquered by either
never going to birmingham, me
ready salted computer crisps
used to express disgust or outrage.
"Alas, my lord, that you should confuse your bride with another. Fie, I say!"
pakis mate
Estonia, in fact we should just go to Estonia now it has a much higher quality of life in the capital
Beer is brown.
Gin is white.
Think I’m onto something here
he never saw it coming
oh my fucking days rorke mate
you're DONE
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Me in Red Wine Square.
meant for
Is that from when Krusty reconciled with his father?
not trying to be rorke but those are all irish diaspora
burlington is a tiny white city and has a murder rate comparable to london
Gin is a white man invention
But whiskey is the Gaelic mans invention, it is the only drink indigenous to these isles
Every other drink, beer, wine, mead, cider, vodka, was invented by continentals
Lamh dhearg
Burlington arcade discrete buggery straight gentry twink bf
reckon gin is clear
absolutely mad this computer chip malarkey
definitely NOT human technology

i dont see any of that
I swear whiskey was imposed by the Angloid to stamp out their potato vodka
Uk would be like Japan on steroids if not for the Irish diaspora
You are fucked in the head and have nothing to do with republicanism.
was reading about William Shockley the lad who won the nobel for inventing the transistor with 2 others

everyone hated him, utterly hated him on a personal level
if he truly was a west brit as you say then the reason he's posting here would be self evident
same for the usa. if it werent for jews and irish diaspora it would be norway x japan x switzerland
i thought yahweh gave them a home that was supposed to be theirs for all time doe
Fie, you gobshiting retard, the scandis conquered everywhere and took land and trade. Fie, I say, you mothershagging funko popian
You forgot one big group there though
>In the last two decades of his life, Shockley, who had no degree in genetics, became widely known for his extreme views on race and human intelligence, and his advocacy of eugenics.[3][6]
whisky was first distilled by irish and scottish monks
find it mental that even in the medieval age, when men who were literally a seperate caste of christian society known for their holiness, devotion to God almighty and purity, were literally finding the way to distill the purest alcohol they could in 1400.

Distilled spirits existed in Europe before but its safe to say whisky came from the Scots and Irish. From malts that grew here. It is a direct translation of the Latin "aqua vitae", in Gaelic "uisghe bheatha", literally means water of life

uisge bheatha (pronounced whish-ga ba-ha) became "whiskaba" in english, then "whiskey"
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Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam

And my family is fully Irish, both my grandfathers were, I am an Irish citizen
mandem in disguise
lol asf
you're diaspora
First of all, I didn't say or imply you weren't irish, I implied you are regurgitating actual english propaganda.

Second of all, fie and tír deez bollocks
If it's mixing them...
2.5oz gin, 1oz bitters / some sort of hoppy beer, 1/2oz cointreau/dry curacao, rinse of fernet or absinthe, dash of ango. Orange or grapefruit garnish.
problem with that have you
austria has signs up in their airports that say "hey just so you know you're in austria not australia"
leftypol looks at this and feels violently sick
What do you mean? He probably is from the 6 counties.
diaspora always seem more loyal to ireland than the country they were born
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Vodka is the only white man's drink.
very amusing reading dumb loser whores on twitter trying to be intellectual using all that academic jargon usually incorrectly
there is no english propoganda evident in the fact that irish neo-liberals would gladly replace the irish people and culture with the same neo-liberal agenda across the entire world, that being increased anglification (via the UK and America), as well as mass immigration that they so gladly support. all while claiming they are proud irish nationalists, while supporting the establishment that is directly antagonistic to the irish working man

it's the same mentality pro-british irish catholic commoners would have took. I don't see how I am wrong here, if you think I am, please tell me how.
i'm scottish, and most of my family is irish
scotland is pretty much a half irish half anglo colony anyway
would like to see a dog try that
More than meets the eye
They have to bust a nut, to reach orgasm they have to beeeee in deception
not fruity enough for my tastes
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>replace the irish people and culture with the same neo-liberal agenda across the entire world

Yep, same format, just replace the nationality. English taxes pay for the proliferation of such nonsense.
why are people putting milk in their cars?
rubing my clit
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>Milk 2.99
it seems mad since it's been refined over the course of many decades
What I'm getting at
Same people, same mentality, different century

The Irish midwit that think's he's more sophisticated than he is will always suck up to the nearest authority, whether that be the crown or the neo-liberal order for lack of better words.
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>No druk thread on /tv/
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No zoomer knows that is
It's ok. I'm druk enough for both boards right now
What a life bros...
will make wan give us a sec
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Ireland was my get out via the singular Irish granny but they've gone and fucked it by becoming (yet again) England mk2 but 10 years behind.
The Baltics cry out and I shall answer
I wonder how Richard gere is
Mental how that gerbil rumour ruined his career
give me a subject and comment so the janny doesn't unleash his wrath on me and give me a 3 dayer
>Mental how that gerbil rumour ruined his career
eat a bbc irish diaspora
A lot of animal voice acting roles passed on him
saor ó chíos
Sadiq khan is gay?
Makes sense
I don't disagree necessarily with that, although it is hardly an irish trait.

But you want to punish the simple working man for that, the black or arabic or caucasian refugee/immigrant. Nothing have you said of the skilled tech immigrant. Or of the tangible oppression and Apartheid of the north, which is what the republicans fought against during the Troubles.
asf that’s my name
man i fucking playing
i move on with that mac man (mac man)
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Mom, dad, /brit/'s dead!
sporke on the oats
My diagnosis? BAD MODERATING
my diagnosis? jews
Wasn't sure if i'd get a single rep of the 50kg OHP, but i got 2. I am well on my way to 60kg frfr
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That's right, dead serious about my love of SeasideMARK
The poogays demise has been vastly overestimated, the real problem was the collapse of our currency versus the US dollar but that is a problem most other countries can relate to
you just have to wonder what currency will replace it
I agree it isn't a uniquely Irish trait. It's a midwit sycophant's trait, that can be found in every nation. I was just giving an example of the Irish version's behaviour.
There is nothing wrong with the occasional skilled worker coming over for a better life and actually contributing to the economy. Especially if they integrate to the local culture, and they themselves, which these types often do, understand that they are an immigrant and that the native culture takes precident over whatever one they came from. I have no problem with the occasional skilled professional, civil person from a poor country coming over in small numbers.

The trouble comes when there is a record number of immigrants coming year after year, clearly not refugees or skilled workers at all, illegal immigrants entirely or finding gigs in delivery or low tier service jobs, and it shows no sign of stopping, and our governments clearly won't say a bad word about it or do the slightest thing to reassure the natives or take steps to actually curb it or show that the native people themselves, of families and people that literally built and founded these countries, telling them they are merely observers to this great cultural change that we are fascists or evil for merely critcising.

It absolutely reeks of a nefarious outside contolled agenda to supplant native Europeans and change our countries into globalist, borderless, neo-homogenised economic zones. And they'll use the authority of the state to supress any criticism. That is my gripe. Got bugger all to do with the conflict in NI.
Bellend smells exceptionally pissy tonight
mental how russia and africa have things and china makes things and people are surprised that their opp uk is in in economic decline when all they have is…*checks notes*…whelks sold to south korea
fuck off and die
Rorke's mum at her wit's end
not reading allat
whites rule the world and will absolutely psyop ourselves into whatever larp it takes to protect our economic interests
nowt to worry about

all they need to do is push rorkeism for 5 years through celebrities and the media, invent ICBM interceptors, knock out russia and china and bang, 200 more years of western european dominance.
Germany just entered a double recession because of brexit and you are laughing
Find it mental how hard Anglos destroyed Germany
Get it fucking up them I say
what will actually happen is that jews and a few white elites will pick at the bones of this dying civilisation and embed themselves into the coming new world order
why did you call me bad nicknames all the time, never called you something bad and never my own name sometimes....
she doesnt really have evidence thats its intentional
I’ll never forgive what they did to Coventry, and also what are own government failed to do in repairing Coventry
Read Spengler mate
I am simply too high IQ for this conversation
my cousin used to this, proper weird bloke
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Good evening my fellow Union enjoyers
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We destroyed their country mate and skelped fuck out the bastards so I would say all is fair
Got no respect for Germans me, freaks rightly under the British mans boot
were we born late enough to see anime girl robot harems
yeah yeah i know
i’ve actually read decline of the west and i don’t know what you’re on about here. pretty sure i read an essay by Spengler once about how “whites” were going to destroy themselves too. can you elaborate on your post because it seems inane
Honestly fuck the Germans. Forever proud of my great grandad in the RAF bombing them to fuck. Get fucking wrecked cunts. Not worth the shite aff ma shoe.
looks awful quite frankly
Guard in the elevator is giving real uncanny valley with his movements
Yes but Germans actually had sense to restore beautiful cities like Dresden, rather than pave them over
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congratulations it looks shit
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Zogbot niggerlover moment
Would be very annoying if when you are 95 they invent sex robots which are indistinguishable from the real thing
Why imma stop this beautiful Brazil-hread borne?
>when you are 95

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Faustian Caesar will reinvigorate the hopeless, nihilistic feminine white masses into a new war against a civilisational enemy (Russia, China or Iran), by taking control of America and then Europe, leading them onto a great victory then establishing a neo-technocratic empire that lasts as a mullatto cyberpunk authoritarian neo-Christian dystopia for 200 years then Western culture just peters out and dies.

We are in the late Republican era. America is Rome. Western Europe is Greece (nominally under Yank control). Caesar, likely a groyper schizo Yank will take control of America after a very short but chaotic civil war and rule over all of NATO like a strongman bringing us into a great conquest in the 2030s or 2040s that will bring a short lived Western revival. Tell me how I'm wrong.
if you're a virgin then you wouldnt know its indistinguishable
viagra still works at 95
that man's name? elon "dark MAGA" musk
2016mong/commiemong you are severely and high-key mentally ill fr you put mousenonce to shame
not him mate
2016mong is a spastic that thinks the universe changed when alan rickman died
ever done some pagan shit during a full moon?
you are definitely him and when i barely come here it’s even more obvious
yeah did my gf from behind
Did a dump on your mums face but that was an accident while mooning, not necessarily a full moon thing
yeah i looked at the full moon and admired its beauty while on a walk
reckon i should sell used male underwear on vinted
its 1997 animations paired with faux-photorealism
blonde in betweeners character response
WTF is with the long cooldowns on posting threads?
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Israel won't do anything
Because there is only one man in charge around here
Do you seriously think based man would tolerate pooreael bombing Iran oil fields?
fuckinjg hate 4chan and 4channers
must be danekike because it’s just extreme pure distilled judaism
WAHEY what’s happening lads?!!
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Targeted harassment against lachlan
might go downstaris and steal more of my mums gin
she'll go fucking mental in the morning but tempting
i hate /vg/ i hate /v/ i hate eveyr board filled with yanks and trannies and redditors and jews
I said: “Wahey, what’s happening lads?”

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