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You arrive in Neocastle edition
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There is only one man in charge
Iran are untouchable

You’re not Finlad
we're off to dublin in the green
fuck king billy and the queen
time for beddy byes x
Laughable any attempt non-Westerners have to stand up to us honestly
Think you all want to take a long hard look at yourselves
Wahey, what's happening lads?
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good lad
not much, having a quiet afternoon after pub last night
No, I can't stand it.
night mate
Explore korean culture
ebb and flow
Was watching a vice documentary set in the deep wog parts of London, like fully Indians, Nigerians and Paki districts
Apparently they thought that the pandemic and the vaccine was all one big rouse to get rid of all the immigrants

Quite mental really, Rorke thinks it's a thing to get rid of the natives and the wogs think its a thing to get rid of all of them. All the while we are all sitting here not got a fucking clue where it came from or if it was all intended and for what purpose. Mental we lived through that absolute fried time.
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I'm a chef and this is my kitchen
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I hate the english.
yeah most of us actually paid attention during the pandemic and knew all that without needing a Vice documentary
modes he posted tranny porn
that looks very juicy
bit gay that
quickdraw janny, fastest finger in the west
laughable that all the right-wing morons in the world are now anti-vaccination crystal healing freaks because their e-daddies told them to be

really are left of the bell curve
need a male version of the Flo Ovutlation app

something that tracks erections
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Heard people were talking shit about yanks itt
outer /int/ catalog full of racebait garbage
Honestly looking forward to the China based new age
The yank aka Isreal age was awful
low IQ (right-wing views are strongly correlated to lower intelligence and poorer life outcomes) and hitch their wagon to anti-vaccination people, to russia, to laughable shit like 5g, bigfoot, nazis, ufos etc utter farce
need some cock
How many of these planes would it take to the halt the Israel-US genocide of Palestinian people
Yo Xbox record that!
whats the point of camouflaging planes
Based xi should make his move right now
We have all soon how blood thirsty this Israeli-anglos are
Free Tibet
You should never let a woman get in a taxi with a wog alone
Ĉu vi ne lernis la lingvon esperanton? Ĝi estas tre facile por homoj kuij povas paroli la anglan.
it's in our best interest as a species to create the greatest art possible, because if aliens came to earth the only thing we could possibly have to offer would be our art
North Korea

The axis of evil
watching Kingdom of Heaven (directors cut)
hopefully the chinese will sort the middle east out the way they sorted out the uyghurs
Mihai lives!
*offers my arse to the aliens*
All right wingers are mentally insane.
They unironically believed we'd all be dead from the vaccines by now, and cope hard when you bring that up.
stop replying to yourself spainfag
spainnonce replying to himself
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You aren't welcome here Yank.
Give it 50-60 years and you won’t be so smug
>the axis of evil
Umm remind again which country North Korea did this to
South Korea
The next 200 years are going to be hard. Really hard. The good news is that by 2300 we should have sorted ourselves out.
there is no sound louder than old Vietnamese women talking on the bus
That's funny since 2300 is the date by which humanity is predicted to be extinct due to climate change, if global warming keeps increasing at the current rate.
It's the date by which the surface of the Earth will be too hot to sustain human life or grow crops.
Of course, that's implying current trends continue and we don't reduce the rate of climate change, and also that we don't all move underground in such a scenario.
actually quite like reddit
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Stellaris start date
well supposedly it should happen sooner due to a collapse of the biosphere, though extinct is the wrong word since humans would be the last to die out
hate my life
hate my life
hate brown cunts
love oven pizza
love pints
we'll be alright calm down
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still has plenty of idiots like here
this moron thinks the t. meme is "portuguese tradition"
It doesn't exist
Yeah, I thought so
Funny that
I think bacterial-esque life is probably common place throughout the universe.
But that intelligent life is much, much, rarer.
I also expect most intelligent species induce their own extinction via nuclear war or climate change before they can create self sufficient colonies on other worlds.
I expect that will also be our fate.
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Brit bros….
LMAO https://youtu.be/I2Hpo39FivM
Your mum is bacterial-esque life
No it's not okay actually
Rude and uncalled for
What a beautiful thing it is to be alive.
Praise be to God almighty
intelligent life is rare in /brit/
My life is constant severe physical pain, depression, anxiety, and psychosis
Shall be having strong words with your God if he exists
reckon most of it is in your head
Biowar. Intentional plagues and crop diseases. No thanks! Get that shit out of here mane
guys is it true that listening to an audiobook while reading the book is the best way of going about it?
which god? *smug face*
Do you want to be in more pain? Then pipe tf down
Ego, capitalism, violence, selfishness, hate.
The 5 things that will cause human extinction.
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need this to be done to parliament, mi5, gchq, the crown and the city of london pronto
and what will be its salvation?
that sounds painfully slow
Reckon anyone who cares about the latest royal family gossip or collects monarchy related memorabilia should be sentenced to life in a secure psychiatric unit with no possibility of release.
just speed up the recording?
Need every cunt within the M25 shot
Fun fact: Tchaikovsky hated the 1812 overture and considered it vulgar and nationalistic

There will be no salvation for us
my germanboi sissy clitty is leaking
im in need of a big british cock to fill my nazi bussy
don't care
will be broadcasted through public speakerphones during the rorkian revolution
the charges, officer?
shouldn't've made it then should he
just thinking back to when l was 16 and won a great victory
I don't want my books read to me by mickey mouse
alri alexander the great
Don't think I've been truly happy since I was about 9 or 10 years old.
Sad, miserable, depressed cunt for the past 20 years.
He was also hella fucking gay
saturday arvo
sunny and warm
house to meself
might get on the bong rips and have a crafty wank
>alexander the great
The English prole has genetic obedience built into him
Look how hard Deano simps for that city of London, finance role, 3 piece suit money on ching and blonde slags
So uhh...why do you guys drop the accent when singing?
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When I was sixteen I won a great victory. I felt in that moment that I should live to be one hundred, now I know I shall not see thirty. None of us know our end really, or what hand will guide us there. A King may move a man, a father may claim a son. That man can also move himself. And only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played, or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone. Even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that.
america conquered great britain in 1943 and the rest is history
Pregnant Lolis
need you fuckin hung asap
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"Well, hello, beautiful…"
>need you fuckin hung asap
love watching yank /pol/ posters tell their stories of african americans
always make it out like they were lads standing at rhodesia cause they drove through "da hood" once to get "gas"
shut up
Get the fucking sequel to Bernd und das Rätsel made
Why did Yahweh create gender dysphoria and then decide to give it to lots of people suddenly in the early 21st century?
Yawheh was a Jewish volcano God
He always claimed to be El, the one true God, later adopted by Europeans as Deus.
Satan did it or something
Bit of a laugh innit. Godberg got to keep things interesting I suppose
Why are years ending in '5' so aesthetically pleasing?

>1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, 2015, 2025, 2035
God is real mate
Did I indicate otherwise?
rounds off the number, closes it off, matches the opening one, makes it look like a bracket. makes all the numbers in between look contained.
Got all my morals from Batman Begins
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the trans dem
wouldn't expect anything more from yanks
or as the more enlightened gentlemen on /pol/ call you, "amerigoys"
I'm not wearing hockey pads
Batman Begins (2005)
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Rather than classical division into Abrahamic, Dharmic, Folk, etc categories
I think it's perhaps just as useful to categorise religions based on their position on existence.
There's religions that see existence as inherently good - Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Baha'i, Zoroastrian
Religions that see life as inherently suffering and to be escaped from - Buddhism, Jainism, Gnosticism, Mandaeism, Druze, Sikhism
And religions that are neutral, believing life simply "is", and isn't good or bad - Taoism, Shinto, Native American religions, Druidry,
No of course l wouldnt. Even if l was attracted to them l'd just fuck them on the side
Isreal have gone too far
Why haven't we heard a whisper from this cuck?
i be sucking her cock frfr
clapmeats for cronem
Lion of Damascus is looking out for his pride
he doesnt want to die
One, Two, Poo on my shoe
Three, Four, Poo on your door
Five, Six, Poo on our dicks
Seven, Eight, It's poo that you ate
Nine, Ten, We're pooing again!
Human toothbrush (Christopher Hitchens, don't @ me)
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>ran out of drink
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Me too. Awful.
twerking my skinny white ass to the postman pat theme
guffawed at this post
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The last glass
aw am gonnae fuckin KILL MASEL
wish I had a choof source
would actually physically harm someone right now for a fuckin tin of lager
30 soon. Still a virgin. Still unemployed.
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hello all
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There it is
no the fuckin time mate we are all hitting the comedown nearly 5 am
take yer positivity some other joint
what have you been up to this last decade-odd?
just slurped down a brew now waiting for the poo machinations to commence
how's it going lad
crack a beer open
not me i'm sprightly
aye lucky for some eh
living in some sunny paradise getting paid £80,000 a year
must be good
must be fuckin good aye
good lad
good lad
no good
honestly feel when i'm coming off a big drinking sesh like someones just shot my full family in front of me
feel absolutely low and vile
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indeed x
this soft yank nice protestant stuff not as effective as good old catholic guilt tripping telling you that you are evil and going to eternal suffering
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>You are not the person Mr. Rogers believed you could be
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bravo robot mongs
was that mr rodgers?
always thought mr rodgers was a black fella
bro brah bruv bro im an alpha male im a fuckin chad breh
Millions of people nation wide are all fast asleep right now
Very cute when you think about it
Millions, tucked up in their beds, warm and comfy, snoozing away, dreaming dreams...
mister rawgers dude
billions must sleep
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A plate with beige processed foods; crisps, cheese, cocktail sausages, sausage rolls and a pork pie. A selection of shop bought pre-made snacks is a meal sometimes known in the UK as “picky tea”. (2024)
aye but no fuckin us
reading about that american black guy beetlejuice. the wee guy

>Green was discovered in a neighborhood bar by Sean Rooney who became his manager. He would go on to become an entertainer and joined Rooney's dwarf-tossing company where he was given his nickname because of his resemblance to a character in the movie Beetlejuice (1988).[

Bit cruel this, some cunt in the entertainment industry just took control of this disabled black lad from the ghetto and just put him into comedy shows to take the piss
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>dwarf-tossing company
hidden brad
love that little guy on howard stern when they'd ask him questions like "what's 2 + 2?"
Me in New York after a car almost hits me
>Excuse me, but I am traversing this area
I will never know love or marriage
Remember when Israel literally bombed a hospital and they sold it as as blow back from a a misfired Hezbollah rocket
When it was clearly a gravity sucking JDAM
These are the same people who think will Smith actually slapped Chris rock
The Same people who said RIP to their heart by taking the VAXX
White people be like "mmmm that's a rather tasty offering!"
Gravity sucking Jewish Damn Air Missile
Take your meds
The same day Musk unveiled his remote control "self driving" 2 seat taxis
Was the same day Trump gave a speech in Detroit saying he will ban all autonomous vehicles from public roads if he wins power
You couldn't make it up lol. clearly there is no behinds the scenes coordination
*sucks the gravity our of your arse*
all you need is a couple of slices of buttered sliced white bread and you've got yourself a meal
Shouldn't you bastards be asleep
It's 5 am for God's sake
One of Pixar's best veteran animators is on trial in Paris right now, for travelling as a sexpat to the Philippines and raping thousands of young Filipino children
Fuck off you fat neek yank
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I don't have a bedtime
The charges officer? Of enjoying a succulent Chinese meal?
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*meant hundreds not thousands but mistyped because it's 5 am.
Still at that scale it's insane. Several hundreds.
He got caught because he live streamed it online for other nonces to watch.
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He was too based for this world
Miss him so much
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I regret to inform you that I have run out of wine.
bit of poo fell out my arse just then and created a perfect bog water splashback that rose all the way up to plant a tender kiss right on my ringpiece
RIP thailad
ive just woken up for a water hungover
Anime protagonist dog throwing himself against supernatural powers beyond his comprehension to protect his dog friend
a king may move a man, a man might have a wank
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Just woke up. Haha
Only when a man wanks himself. Only then does he begin his own game.
How much did you have
Fintan is with the Catholic Irish god in heaven now
He was rewarded for his love of animals
And hatred of NATO and globohomoho
travelling on a fried out kumbi
on a hippie trail, head full of zombie
sounds kinda based o_o
bro bro bruh


whos your e daddy?

mines the bald ugly steroid mutant one

hes proper ripped and smacks bitches
>mines the bald ugly steroid mutant one
big lenny?
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he's in Tír na nÓg
Took a shit in the bath and stomped it down the plug hole
yeah hes fuckin alpha init
he;s dead mate
shut up you beta cunt

you stink of soi you dyel
you are sunburnt anglo-irish diaspora and a proud citizen of his majesty's realm
Dull factoid:
Male mosquitoes are silent when they fly, and cannot bite because they have no mouths as adults. They live only to reproduce.
Female mosquitoes buzz when they fly, and are the ones that bite. They need to feed to gain the nutrients and energy needed to produce and lay eggs.
Australia is literally just British lebensraum
Schizo fact - mammals have an innate fear of arachnids due to ancestral subterranean competition and horror of them holed up in the ground after Chixiculub
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I want to smell her arse.
he will give special permissions to his little buddy
If you enter this into Google search while on an a Chrome mobile browser, a cool animation will play in your screen.
based and monke pilled
have you ever smelt a girls poo?
literally me. proud to be mystery anglo irish mutt meat i am. you could make a banging sausage outta me.
put him in a zoo/grenfell tower
mumstein is mad at me for arguing back because she decided to have a go at me for not cleaning up some dog shit in the bathroom (which i didn't know was there), in any case they're her dogs and it's her responsibility the bitch
over 7 years ago...
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anglos and irish mix isn't really being a mutt, they are two indigenous european peoples living next to each other, fighting wars and migrating between the two for 1,500 years
mutt is a term reserved for abominations in the americas
who did it?
Great film, shame the Christians lost. Now to find out how little of it was historically accurate
the tories
what films this
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you love to see it
destinys chud
you the gay lad who was going to call his dog flux?
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I don’t think so.
you could still make a good snag out of me tho
perple aki
in a trackie
WHO is doing delivery at this hour? I would love a bottle of cold fizzy wine some cava or prosecco or even some strongbow dark fruits would go down a treat
You may not enjoy it
Sorry for butchering your language, Albions. But would one of you kind fellows give me a second opinion on how dogshit this is? Pretty please? :’0
>Following the Battle of Maysalun, the French General Gouraud allegedly went to the Tomb of Saladin, kicked it, and said: "Awake, Saladin. We have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory of the Cross over the Crescent."
>When Kaiser Wilhelm II visited the tomb of Saladin in Damascus in 1898, he said, “Let me assure His Majesty the Sultan [Abdulhamid II] and the 300 millions of Muslims who, in whatever corner of the globe they may live, revere in him their khalif, that the German Emperor will be and remain at all times their friend”.
yer aff yer nut if you think am reading that pal
any recent sightings of him? he's getting on a bit in years now
i was born with many natural talents but without the financial means to nurture and pursue those talents
>yer aff yer nut if you think am reading that pal
I'm a diagnosed schizo, so you're not that far off. ;)
Screaming like a mad man
I wouldn't mind Australia but New Zealand honestly sounds like a nightmare, the worst parts of America situated in the windy pissy Scottish Hebrides, and every kiwi comes off like a total cunt
grated cheese on weetabix for brek
I was talking about bums, not poo thoughbeit.
Must be grim being a kiwi
Aye it's rich but has nothing going for it, glorified province of Aus
The Canada of the South Seas. Sounds awful t.bh.
thats the insomnia sorted
>Hi, my name's Katrina!
>and my name is Hugh!
>I'm Sarah!
>I'm Emmy!
>and I'm Jone to you!
ok what do you think a bum smells like? There isnt a specific smell called 'bum' if you're lucky it smells of nothing otherwise its farts or poo
mental we will have women like this for the picking when we finally put the western boot on those russian barbarians
>Tихий гoлoc
Quiet voice. Hey several years of Russian weren't wasted!
not heard taht in a while
reads like it was written by a lithuanian schizophrenic. at the very least stop starting sentences with "and" and "but". also ask a yank general we're all drunk and high i can barely see
I have sniffed a woman’s bum though. It had a light BO smell to it rather than anything pooey.
morning gchq
get the russians, iranians and chinese invaded
God bless George W Bush
>reads like it was written by a lithuanian schizophrenic. at the very least stop starting sentences with "and" and "but". also ask a yank general we're all drunk and high i can barely see
Thanks fren. I appreciate it. I will.
new rorke patch notes just dropped
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The most wonderfully British thing on the internet. That, and this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXqWdtsFqsc
there's no way the average here is that low
sampled many willies have we?
mad how oblivion was a shit game with soul
a rare combination
is there any way for me to get silky smooth hair or am i just genetically fucked? (still better than being balled though)
I'm balled
used to play a lot of gta online and i never once encountered anyone other than me who didn't drive like an absolute fucking spastic crashing every 10 seconds
blinked and breathed some oxygen just then, me
yeh that couldve happened down the road yesterday
just "woke" up
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>disgusting normoids are drunk/high from their Friday night out
lol pathetic
more of a square me
reckon thats him stitched up
yeah yeah laugh at up at my honest typo
would still like an answer to my question, what is it, keratin conditioner? argan oil? both?
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obliviion was good game

skyrim was just mid and not even soulful
actually screaming at balled
nokia snake
yeh lol how pathetic hhehehe
women literally get their hair done professionally to look good and you think your hair will look great because of some random product you read on 4chan lol
you should experiment. try coconut oil, not shampooing as much, really endless things you could do
dog owners are such useless shits
>oh noooo stop that hahaaaaaaa oh you're so silly
oblivion was a horrible game. tons of bugs, main questline mogged by the side quests, combat is idiotic.. but the music and atmosphere was great
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spainnonce is actually the biggest freak ive ever even heard of
yeh thanks for the (you) mate
he's balled
i don't shampoo at all because it makes my hair look even shittier
they have more chinamen
hello commiemong/2016mong/spaedo do you ever fucking sleep?
bizarre reply
the biggest trick in the world was convincing people you can't be hygienic just washing your hair well with water
Happy Birthday Elizabeth
only you (subhuman transgenerational entity) seethes about “dog owners”
where's the real finlad :(
finlad stopped posting here after he had sex once. all we have now do regulars is spaedo, the cucknadian and mousey
yes /brit/ is one person FOY fat bastard

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