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There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.
First for total Stefan Janev death, Mjalkov and the NGOs will win
Stfu moron
You and Sashko are possessed by demons. Somewhere back in time someone in your family tree made a deal with Sheytan in exchange for Earthly goods, and now Sheytan owns their successors. Are you baptized, my brother? You may require an exorcism.
Post soem greek angels you would be willing to marry Angelos
Dont listen to him iki they will make deep fakes and harrasse you
Tolku vistiNEETo, KRALJU
I only harasse schizos like you, angelos is a good poster
Psycho shit stfu
Thinking of buying a rifle, a grey economy one
Jesus is a muslim.
Why would a pedophile be Gods messenger?
whats wrong with it?
Nothing wrong with pedophilia, mutts are sicks in the head and everythign went to shit once you gave femorrhoids rights
Youre such a bad people
You said multiple times that you are attracted to lanky 13 year old girls with no tits
shut up timmy

Teens with big tits you stupid piece of shit

No you stfu moron

Doxxni se be supak da te tepam
Didn't he say >>203320927 multiple times? Why does he pretend he is better than us all of a sudden?
No matter how much he tries to deny it all his posts are in the CIA archives.
idk i dont read what he posts

Listen listen i already posted evidence of my mom on the beach in a bikini with my dad in 2023 and 2019 of her having big tits

Means that also i am attracted to big tits girls

You are a bastard pieece of shit ugly incel
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This is what they teach you?
Your mom is morbidly obese and hideous, why do you want to fuck her bro?
the romanian was molested by his mother when he was a child you have to understand bro
Are you dumb she aint the only girl in the world with big tits

Wtf is your issue incel

Having trauma for calling you ugly incel because you can only get laid with a prostitutes in romania

Go grow up intellectually and spititually
You literally said you want to fuck women that look like your mother yous chizo, do you also have mommy issues, is that why you developed f20?
Failed normies seething because they couldn't socially adjust yesterday
Do your moms tits hang to her bellybutton?
seriously you are low iq

I have said im attracted to big tits girls

What does that mean moron she aint the only girl in the world with big tits

Hes a failed moron with low iq not understandjng anything with some sort of trauma

At the Camp Nou construction site in Barcelona a fight errupted between Albanians and Romanians

6 injured: 4 Albanians and 2 Romanians reports Spanish journalist

Imagine being such a poor dysgenic shithole that you migrate to moorberia to slave away, god i wish i were born in the bustling metropolis of Sofia
Common North Bulgarian W
Look at them go 5 meters over the ground lol
How was your Friday Sashe
I still have a flu for 5days now having a flu
This is why I take multivitamins, eat garlic and drink mint tea with honey and lemon every day when autumn approaches. Haven't fallen sick so far, Alhamdulillah.
Hopefully you die
he must have gotten the flu from sucking off that janis dude
Sheytan speaks through hatred. Do not be his slave. Brother you need Jesus and maybe even an exorcism.
Rick doesnt seem to be in good health, probably got something from him after beating him up again and his blood splattered over him.
Mental how he admitted he wants to fuck his mother >>203321018
Eat shit jew
God is a spirit (John 4:24), which means His appearance cannot be described in human terms. Exodus 33:20 says "You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live

For fuck sake christian moron my mom isnt a whore like jesus fell in love with a whore

Im from the q continuum you just cannot and will not force your shitty doctorie to me

Respect my fundamental rigits

Stfu moron mind your own business
Seriously you have an issue and projecting untrue things
>For fuck sake christian moron my mom isnt a whore like jesus fell in love with a whore
So you aren't jesus because he fellin love with a whore while your mom isn't a whore? Again you admitted that you want to fuck your own mother, you absolute 70 IQ schizoooo
Yall just a losers whats next making deepfakes of stuff that didnt happen
Yes because i aint a chirstian so what is your issue

Do you have issue with that incel
You niggas are so mentally ill and chaotic here, only beaten by sverige
Schizo pedo crazy hours
Hey dude look here since you project untrue things look what i post>>203322449

So that means i calculate every outcome even before i hit on update of posts so its just you >>203322446 project so much untrue things
You need an exorcism, brother. Maybe your parents made a pact with Sheytan and now Sheytan owns your soul and the soul of your brother which is why you are both mentally unwell and can't keep a job.

Just like Angelos' parents made a pact with Sheytan to help them escape from Trabzon and sell kebabs to Germans and now Angelos has to pay the price.
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Next late summer I will run the BG GRE borderline marathon
Stfu jesus is a cuck his mom a whore
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I want to lick her sweaty pussy
Do you have a single bit of evidence to back your claim up?
Damn, she's hot
Why would anyone worship the antichrist Muhammad (piss and shit be upon him) a man who couldn't even overcome his human desires when Jesus was actually based and is a true representation of what men and women should be?
Treat yourselves immediately
>The most important cases after the Greek rebellion were the massacres and ethnic cleansing of Caucasus in 1864, in Bulgaria in 1877–78, and present-day Northern Greece and Macedonia in 1912–13. In this period several million Ottoman Muslims, mostly Turks, were expelled or died as victims of ethnic cleansing.
Muslim bros?
Fun fact: Serbia would be 30% muslim if Kosovo was still part of it
I had sex and you never had.
Where is krasno I kind of miss his dumb banter when he is not around. What time is it in vietnam
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>During Ottoman rule >100
>Still standing 20
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Ushkub demographics in 1831 Ottoman census


Imagine if today Shkup was 45% Turkbanian
Show us the ethnicity of these christians bro
Based James, taking the uggo so we don't have to
My mom. Hehe. Also, I'm trans.
It says Bulgarians bro lol
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Bulgarians are directly left of "Jews" bro
So insecure you post a census broken down by religion only? Embarrassing bro
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Wtf? Is this real?
I was posting the 1831 census because it's the oldest one, you then assumed that Ottoman officials care about your Turkish nation and asked me to post the categories which I provided
You then got assmad again when I called you a gypsy
when are we going to demand gibs for slavery from turkey like blacks in america?
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Insane that Ruse was the most populous city in Bulgaria in 1866, whilst now it's a city that I've literally never heard of before this day
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Sofia, the most Jewish city in Ottoman Bulgaria becomes the capital city of Bulgaria after independence
What would you do if i were to lock you up in a room with Kelly, Sashko, Rasha, Iki, Mangal, Nojko, Krasno and Albovlach?
Bro there is nothing coming from your flag that can get me mad. Wait for a shift change in the afternoon with the other bugis incoming for that
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More Muslims and Bulgarians in Serres than Greeks, yet it's given to the nation state of Greece after Ottoman dissolution

Kinda mental
imagine having ONLY 4 '''roma''' (pajeets) now they are millions
Sofia became capital because it was far away from enemies (serbs were our best friends before they backstabbed us)
4% bro
Bulgaria is a Sofyan Jewish invention
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Actually pretty mental that Bulgaria achieved independence when like half their population was Turks
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>turbo cancer
And after that we liberated you
I wanted to see the demographics of Ottoman Serbia to see how many Turks they genocided and was confused as to why there was no information in the wiki article

Turns out, Serbs haven't been under Ottoman rule since 1817 and the first Ottoman census on the wiki page is 1831

My great grandmother was born in Ottoman times whilst these niggas have been chillin for 100 years
Guess that's why Belgrade looks like a European city whilst Ushkub looks like an Islamic ghetto
marichkof vaksal li sa e ?
Rejecting Jesus' gift is a sin, brother
You are clearly possessed by Sheytan
>Communist rule after the Second World War ended most emigration from Bulgaria, but further bilateral agreements were negotiated in the early 1950s and late 1960s to regulate the outflow of Bulgarian Turks.[20] The heavy taxation, nationalisation of private minority schools, and measures against the Turkish culture in the name of the modernisation of Bulgaria, built up great pressure for the Turkish minority to emigrate and, when exit restrictions were relaxed in 1950, many ethnic Turks applied to leave. In August 1950 the Bulgarian government announced that 250,000 ethnic Turks had made applications to emigrate and pressured Turkey to accept them within three months.[20] However, the Turkish authorities declared that the country could not accept these numbers in such a short time and closed its borders over the following year. In what was tantamount to an expulsion, pressure for ethnic Turks to leave continued, and by late 1951 some 155,000 Turks left Bulgaria. Most had abandoned their property or sold it at well below its value; most of these emigrants settled successfully primarily in the Marmara and Aegean regions, helped by the distribution of land and the provision of housing.[20][21] In 1968 another agreement was reached between the two countries, which allowed the departure of relatives of those who had left up to 1951 to unite with their divided families, and another 115,000 people left Bulgaria for Turkey between 1968 and 1978.[20][22]
>The latest wave of Turkish emigration began with an exodus in 1989, known as the "big excursion", when the Bulgarian Turks fled to Turkey in order to escape a campaign of forced assimilation.[22][18] This marked a dramatic culmination of years of tension among the Turkish community, which intensified with the Bulgarian government's assimilation campaign in the winter of 1985 that attempted to make ethnic Turks change their names to Bulgarian Slavic names. The campaign began with a ban on wearing traditional Turkish dress, and speaking the Turkish language in public places, followed by the forced name-changing campaign.[22] By May 1989, the Bulgarian authorities began to expel the Turks; when the Turkish government's efforts to negotiate with Bulgaria for an orderly migration failed, Turkey opened its borders to Bulgaria on 2 June 1989. However, on 21 August 1989, Turkey reintroduced immigration visa requirements for Bulgarian Turks. It was estimated that about 360,000 ethnic Turks had left for Turkey, though more than a third subsequently returned to Bulgaria once the ban on Turkish names had been revoked in December 1989.[22] Nonetheless, once the Bulgarian communist regime fell, and Bulgarian citizens were allowed freedom of travel again, some 218,000 Bulgarians left the country for Turkey. The subsequent emigration wave was prompted by continuously deteriorating economic conditions; furthermore, the first democratic elections in 1990 won by the renamed communist party resulted in 88,000 people leaving the country, once again, most of them being Bulgarian Turks.[23] By 1992, emigration to Turkey resumed at a greater rate. However, this time they were pushed by economic reasons since the country's economic decline affected especially ethnically mixed regions.[24] The Bulgarian Turks were left without state subsidies or other forms of state assistance and experienced deep recession.[24]
>According to the 1992 census, some 344,849 Bulgarians of Turkish origin had migrated to Turkey between 1989 and 1992, which resulted in significant demographic decline in southern Bulgaria.[24]

Mental that Bulgaria was a sane country up until 30 years ago

If we did this to Albanians we would get nuked by USA
Is this supposed to be some sort of lecture, delivered by a retarded bjurmite?
The world of 1992 was different from the world of 2001
God punished us for this by sending the Americanized hummus sexual here to harrassee us
>Immigration from Yugoslavia started in the 1800s as a consequence of the Serb revolution. Approximately 150,000 Muslims immigrated to Anatolia in 1826, and then, in 1867, a similar number of Muslims moved to Anatolia.[17] In 1862–67 Muslim exiles from the Principality of Serbia settled in the Bosnia Vilayet.[50] Upon the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, 350,000 migrants arrived in Turkey between 1923 and 1930.[17] An additional 160,000 people immigrated to Turkey after the establishment of Communist Yugoslavia from 1946 to 1961. Since 1961, immigrants from that Yugoslavia amounted to 50,000 people.[17]

Cucks stopped at 1961
We could have had another 30 years of expulsions, minimum
nojko would've seethed at us under the .tr flag
not a huge change for /balk/
Insane that communists told his homosexual parents that he can't be named Mehmet Ozgul and they packed up and left
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30+ years later they still (literally) cry about it in parliament and pass any law they want by extortion
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>Yes, you can be whatever you like here
>Yes, you are American
>Yes, you are a Transbumgarian boywife revolutionary
Sure, King.
You cant do this to albos even if usa would disappear. They are too numerous by now
Bro Bulgaria was 50% Turkish in Ottoman times
Bro what a dumb thread idea
It never was more than 30% bro but that is not the point im trying to make. Back then they immediately expelled everything non-christian from the army, and the average peasant couldnt arm up with ARs and grenades (or 1800s equivalent) as easy as today. If macedonia starts anything there will also be jihadists flocking in or even turkey
>After 1953, a large emigration of Turks based on an agreement between the Republic of Turkey and Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia took place— around 80,000 according to Yugoslav data and over 150,000 according to Turkish sources.[18] Of the 203,087 Turks in Macedonia in 1953, 15.88% or 32,392 gave Macedonian as their mothertongue, and 13.28% or 27,086 gave Albanian as their mothertongue.[19]
>A policy of Turkification of the Albanian population was employed by the Yugoslav authorities in cooperation with the Turkish government, stretching the period of 1948–1959. A commission was created to tour Albanian communities in Macedonia, visiting Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar, Kičevo, Struga, Kumanovo, Gjorče Petrov and Resen. Starting in 1948, six Turkish schools were opened in areas with large Albanian majorities, such as Tearce, Gorna Banjica, Dolna Banjica Vrapčište as well as in the outskirts of Tetovo and Gostivar. In 1951-52, a total of 40 Turkish schools were opened in Debar, Kičevo, Kumanovo, Struga, Resen, Bitola, Kruševo and Prilep.[15]
I didn't know this
Tito wanted to expel the Albos by making them Turks so he remains an ally with Albania
That's pretty funny
this is gaudy.
How are the 10% Turks you have behaving?
Isnt your mother a turkish melike? Seems disrespectful bro
>In the 1953 census, large portions of Albanians declared themselves as ethnic Turks:[17]

In the municipality of Lipkovo, 12,733 Albanians were registered in 1948 a number which dropped to 3609 in 1953. The Turkish population went from numbering 5 people in 1948, to 9,878 in 1953.
In the municipality of Radostuša, 2,252 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 410 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 7 members in 1948, to numbering 2,453 in 1953.
In the municipality of Demir Hisar, 964 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 50 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 6 members in 1948, to numbering 1,027 in 1953.
In the municipality of Dolneni, 4,786 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 174 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 1,005 members in 1948, to numbering 6,450 in 1953.
In the municipality of Krivogaštani, 594 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 12 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 2 members in 1948, to numbering 656 in 1953.
In the municipality of Kruševo, 2,335 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 1,265 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 3 members in 1948, to numbering 1,269 in 1953.
In the then municipality of Tabanovce, 3,372 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 476 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 436 members in 1948, to numbering 3,434 in 1953.
In the municipality of Kičevo, 1,187 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 413 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 1,748 members in 1948, to numbering 5,192 in 1953.
In the municipality of Butel, 4,755 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 2,958 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 14 members in 1948, to numbering 2,204 in 1953.
In the municipality of Gjorče Petrov, 12,443 Albanians were registered in 1948 and 8,827 in 1953, with the Turkish community going from 48 members in 1948, to numbering 4,783 in 1953.
Like 3%
Only met one in my life
Only Turkish I hear spoken is tourist groups being led around Ushkub square
pisslam is demon feces worship for brownoids
would you buy it?
>The Turkish community claim higher numbers than the census shows, somewhere between 170,000 and 200,000.[2][3] There are additionally roughly 100,000 Torbeš and some of them still maintain a strong affiliation to Turkish identity.[4]
So this is why the turkbeshi make spams about islam
I am a mixed jew and belong nowhere. I can pass for white or middle eastern tho so I can do trickery
Made in China
Just go back to America already Bumgal
Jews are undeniably tenacious and of a superior intelligence.
That isn't to say they are creators, they only destroy and pervert. Intelligence does not exclusively imply benevolence. As a predatory species, they are of superior intelligence to you, a prey species.
That is the present relationship.
We managed over a campaign of nearly two thousands years to completely dominate the planet.
Goldsmith/Mizera larp incoming
Here we go
I think we live in times where soft genocide is the easiest it has ever been

Have an Albanian only program of free plane tickets to Sweden and free rent there for a year if they renounce citizenship and by 2050 Macedonia will be 100% Shqljav
Or don't do that as Albanians are already Timmyfied with tanked birth rates
Expel gypsies and raise Macedonian birth rates by making kibbutzim and you've achieved the same thing
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This is why they hate you. If you're white or good looking they hate you and they want to destroy you. Blacks are the same. They envy you and want to be you but can't and want to destroy you. They want you gone. They don't want to be reminded there's something better than them.
Or even better: non shqip parts of timmydonia get annexed by bulgaria and the rest by albania
цигaнитe винaги ca yбивaли бългapи
>t. degree non haver
I would slap you with my Master's Degree diploma across your face if you said these words to me IRL
I have seen such couples in Sofia. They look weird and make me want to puke.
>Master's Degree diploma from circus college in circus country
women btfo
Every time there is a normal thread going on this submarine comes in to insult for no reason
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The last Peoples Hero of Yugoslavia died a week ago

It's over
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One of you guys could have saved her you know
senpaku eyes
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Woooooaahhhhh, Ikibey's name is Tasos! He's really a Greek!
>date feral monkey
>get ferociously attacked
I bet she wished she listened to her racist family and friends now.
ENTJ plan to demographically fix Macedonia:

Set up a social service whose only job is to help gypsies get BG pasosh
Every Brusli and Elvis gets birth records proving that their great great great grandparents in 1943 were actually Bulgarian

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