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This is Eastern Europe! Anyone who disagrees is a retard, a monkey, a homo, an ape and an idiot.
>I'm an aussie and I'm here to lecture you about your continent
I live on this continent and I can confirm the Australian is right.

That being said, go back to Eastern Europe, immigrant.
Russia is asiatic country
Europe is just a peninsula of the greater Eurasian continent.
It's a russian, he always shits out pools of blood in threads about ruspoopia
wrong map of novorossiya
Greece is Eastern Europe.
And it’s dying despite being the biggest European region
There are three different levels of "east" in Europe. A lot of it is historic but it's still relevant

First the hellenic east, what medieval people used to think first when you'd say "the East". Balkanshits and their orthodoxy are this (Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania)
Secondly, the savage pagan east, that is everything east of Germany, all the peoples that used to fuck and eat horses and were converted by Westerners and westernized (Czechia, Poland, Hungary, the Baltics, Finland)
Then you have the Russias (including Ukraine and Belarus), which is the pagan east that wasn't westernized and instead hellenized. So they're like doubly easterners
but sar, poles are central european D:
That region likes having sex with brown men
Thank you

But you forgot to say Turkey was part of the Hellenic East too before.

Also, would you include Croatia in Hellenic East or Savage East.
They are not orthodox, but they are in the Balkans and are 100% like the Serbians, their only difference is that they are Catholic like the Italians instead of Orthodox.
How is Russia pagan?
Clearly means it was pagan before being converted to hellenic christianity
>But you forgot to say Turkey was part of the Hellenic East too before.
so was the levant and egypt but we're talking about eastern europe

To my knowledge it only got closer to eastern culture later on, especially during the yugoslav period. It's still catholic, it was westernized first. Who cares about the details anyway
read again EFL-kun
check the quintuple dubs
This is the Cold War definition, obsolete
Vienna the capitol of the eastern europe
Didn't noticed they cut Austria and seemingly also Bavaria in half. Just quickly looked up a map that excluded eastern Germany from the west.
I dont care about the opinion of brown people and rusdogs.

Poland is Central European.
Hallmarks of Eastern Europe are
>poorylic alphabet
>poorthodoxy being the prominent religion in the region
>faggot commie enablers
Poland has none of it
Greece is it's own continent
Also Russia is the capitol of abortion and Jewish racmixing because of USSR
>Light blue
Western savages
Hellenic East
Savage East
Russian East


>Not colored
? or in between
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>turkey, georgia, and armenia out of anything as hellenic
come on now
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Is Turkey western Europe or eastern Europe?
It used to be in Eastern Europe.

Today it is in the Middle East.
>Hellenic savages
You do know Poland, Finland and Baltics have fuck all to do with Hellenic culture, right? We should be light blue
Especially Baltics considering we were for the most time Scandi and German zone of influence
They are arabs.
NTA but learn to read nigga
This is referencing the original speech from Churchill that introduced the term "Iron Curtain", at the time Austria was still under Allied occupation with the Soviets controlling the eastern part of the country. In Austria the situation managed to be resolved early on with a neutrality treaty so the country didn't remain split long term. At the time Yugoslavia was also under Soviet occupation but it quickly went its own way.
Hello iki
pshekistan proper sat east of the vistula until they were gifted the western region by Stalin (вeликий), dont kid yourself
Eastern savages*
The "Hellenic East" ends and begins in Greece, Southeastern Europe (including Romania) is the South Slavic Commonwealth.

>Orthodoxy derived from the Greeks
Orthodoxy is from the Apostles and the churches outside Greece are under the authority of their particular Patriarchates (Constantinople has no authority over them), not to mention that all of their literary languages are offshoots of OCS - the third official literary language of Europe, whereas you and all the other inferior masses are subsidiaries of Latin and therefore cannot be counted as separate civilizations or creators of civilizations because you're merely maintaining the Roman hegemony.

You're pigmented, you reek like shit, are tiny, profoundly ugly, and vapid people, you're not a measure of civilization.
Yugoslavia was never under Soviet occupation, whereas Italy was under the immediate USA occupation. I read some of your history textbooks that your government peddles to your universities, the chapters about the invasion of Yugoslavia are cope-tier where it doesn't mention your defeat there, and how it wasn't a genocidal, and FAILED invasion, but an "anti-partisan" operation.

But I'll give you one thing, though, you at least cover that part of your history, while Germans don't.
You should mark Finland as semi-Eastern European and it will be good.
good enough division, but I don't think finland is at all relatable to the rest of us easternish europeans
they vibe with sweden
Kazakhstan has bigger territory in Europe than Turkey.
and it's all empty steppe, while turkey has one of the largest cities of europe on their part
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>Everything west of Vladivostok is Central Europe.
Western Europe: UK, France, Ireland, Belgium and Netherlands.

Eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Romania and the Balts.

Central Europe: Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Czech, Slovakia and Hungary.

Northern Europe: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland.

Southern Europe: Italy, Greece, Spain, Albania, Portugal, Ex Yugoslavic countries and Bulgaria.

This is better.
its like that just without russia (not europe)
It was like that in 50s before austrian elections where commies lost hard and even stalin had to agree that austria was lost case for soviets after that
bulgaria is southern
>only the part of Russia west of Urals is Europe
>Greece is not (East) Europe but Middle East instead
Um Siberia mostly populated Slavs retard.

It's culturally very European.
*mostly populated by Slavs.
you already are every single one of those things
of course, but I just put all the westernized eastern pagans as one, though finland was colonized and influenced by sweden instead the result is the same.
west = good climate
east = shit climate, winter

its that simple
there is nothing wrong with eating horses

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