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Cunning Hares edisyon
This is the thread
pedotroons posting ITT
you know who
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I hate human
"The likelihood of conflict increases proportionally with the amount of time humans spend in close proximity to one another."
-Chudies Principle

Since humans are a threat to me, sooner or later, The one Lucky biologically immortal human (me) eventually must press the red button to remove humanity.
This way, he can be a True Immortal.
Humans in all nations are sensitive anyway.
They were jealous because someone (me) was having a better life than them.
They were angry because someone (me) was acting in they way they don't like.
They betray because they want more power.
They bully because I am different.
Me and humanity are incompatible with each other.
I truly hate humans.
I must eradicate humans.
Either I survive, or humans survive.
There are no other methods available.
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Good night
Hope you enjoy the OP
your thread will flop and get archived in an hour
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Sworo angin
angin sing ngeridu ati
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is that sasha?
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NBI is so broken I'm able to book another appointment as a first time jobseeker for free despite having a job and NBI clearance before.
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wakey wakey
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Wagies are up right now because they waging while I stay up because of hopelessness and loneliness.
who's waging at night dough
most people my age work night shift due to customer service jobs
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>customer service
>at night
What customers
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Call centers
Finally customer support is moving somewhere other than India?
Are your english accents any better?
Filipinos are the best english speakers in SEA.
Cute >.<
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Please post more long haired Nicole
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bob cut better dough
Apparently Walmart does drone delivery now?
I vaguely remember an old religion from SEA that was a bit like Shinto. Basically no accent on morality, instead the system focused on farming luck from various powerful spirits.

Any idea what that was?

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