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It's funny how dvach, 2ch.hk, explicitly says it is against the rules to criticize Russia, while here the majority of the posters are paid shills defending the West at every cost while pretending that this board is neutral and for everyone
boy am i laffin
> while here the majority of the posters are paid shills defending the West
If you lived here, you'd understand why its like this.
> paid
Russia doesn't give a shit about Brazil either stop simping for them
Where in my post am i simping for them?
Stop simping for the West
I can understand being a Chinaboo since they're our #1 economic partner, but Russiaboo like those guys from Nova ResistĂȘncia?

WTF does Russia do for Brazil?
I will kill all the Russians, Ukranians, Jews and niggers, and myself.
notice how the schizo completely ignored the russian anon post
please go to that site you posted take your meds or die already nobody cares
wat are u talking about
Why do care so much about the West, the West doesn't give a shit about Brazil...
Start at the end
>Nova ResistĂȘncia - registered in Moscow - regularly publishes pro-Kremlin, pro-authoritarian disinformation comparable in content and timing to outlets with known ties to Russian intelligence
Yeah fuck the biased Western shill MSM I only get my news from independent sources (the literal FSB)
I wont kms until I witness vishwaguru
>everybody that doesn't agree with our narrative is our enemy
lmao, you are proving OP's point
holy shit so they're literally paid shillers financed by russia kek
do you guys have any proof that the guy is from this organization?
t. paid shill
his name is lucas and he already got doxxed here
too lazy to find the dox now someone post it
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so people here actually doxx people here for going against the board narrative?
Funny how
Being a paid anonymous shill unironically sounds like a dream job.

I would shill literally any ideology to get paid $15/hour to shitpost on 4chan
IIRC, he pretty much doxxed himself. If I'm not mistaken, he posted a twitter screenshot that had his account info or something
lucas how much are you receiving from putin?
And you guys keep on forcing this narrative that everyone that is against the board narrative is him, further doxxing him, almost as if he is an enemy of the board that needs to be contained, funny isn't it, for a board to be neutral to be so engaged in flaming other people for their beliefs
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like the other anon said you pretty much doxxed yourself than anything
you're just an annoying and rude spammer thats why people bothered enough to gather your info
For me you can post everything about him, I am literally interested to find out how much information you guys have about your enemies
Yes, my name is Lucas and I am super pro-Russia, i suck putin's cock everyday and my life is to post at /int/, that is who I am!
>Lula portrait
Wait aren't these guys right-wing?
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>For me you can post everything about him, I am literally interested to find out how much information you guys have about your enemies
>you're just an annoying and rude spammer thats why people bothered enough to gather your info
So you guys literally have a "brigade" against spammers to defend this board? You guys also have a narrative? Incredible isn't it
>Willingly participating in foreign fed ops meant to politically destabilize your own country to own the libs
I've read Dugin's 4th Political Theory and parts of Foundations of Geopolitics by the way, he's very clear about his goal being manipulating world politics to the benefit of Russia and talks about how they should support and build up extremist networks from all sides (far left and far right). I just don't get why you would be attracted to this ideology if you're not a Russian ultra nationalist from Russia when they clearly view guys like you as useful idiots at best.
yea we know lol
no dumbass
they're turbo leftists financed by putin with a different "marketing strategy"
I literally don't give a shit about Russia, what annoys me is the fact that you guys pretend to be neutral and fool so many people doing so
global domination by 2050 sirs
Yeah, you guys are totally right!! Post it at the discord right now!
defending the west? we have an entire board that exists basically for doing the opposite.
Just read this thread m8
Sure m8
Yes, that is clearly me! Every thread on /int/ I will doxx myself from now on
Hello Mr. independent geopolitical analyst just casually reporting from Russian occupied areas in Ukraine and doing lectures about Duginism while being a member of a group that's an actual proven Russian intelligence operation!
I am sure you have no connections to Russia whatsoever and are just here to provide us with an unbiased and fair perspective the Western media won't dare to show.
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Oh my god, you totally ruined my cover!!! I have to learn from you guys how to actually earn money from shilling and how to fool as many people as possible!! I am such an amateur...
>talks about how they should support and build up extremist networks from all sides (far left and far right)
What's the thought behind this benefiting Russia? How would putting Nazis and Communists in power all over the world benefit them?
Proxies are loyal to the ones that pay their bills.
Both far leftists and far rightists in Germany receive money from Russia, therefore they advocate for pro-Russian policies and both sides benefit.
Yeah, just like the NGOs all over the world fighting for human rights and democracy
Why are you denigrating some random dude? Stupid fucking monkey brapzilian.
But I am him! The /int/ brigade has said so!
>Russian journalist Alexey Kovalev told GlobalPost in 2017 that the tactic was "an old Soviet trick". Peter Conradi, author of Who Lost Russia?, called whataboutism "a form of moral relativism that responds to criticism with the simple response: 'But you do it too'
>dvach, 2ch.hk
full of liberashkas
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>a form of moral relativism that responds to criticism with the simple response: 'But you do it too'
And what's wrong with it? If you're in a glass house, don't throw stones.
It's curious how one cannot criticize the West or this board without dickriding Russia in the process.
>this and this is bad, AT LEAST THE RUSSIANS...
I wonder, what could be the reason? Why mention them when it's unneeded?
What's wrong with it is that it's not organic at all, but a literal paid shill operation meant to influence public opinion. 4chan is already full of extremists, so an easy target as far as social media sites go. But they've become uncreative and it's no longer as effective with your country destroying it's own reputation. A German saying is
>Der Rubel rollt (The ruble's rolling) means everything is going well
Which it isn't, the ruble has plummeted and so has the effort of shills. It's more like a mild annoyance now.
>while here the majority of the posters are paid
shills defending the West at every cost
fucking gaslighting shill nigger. Every second thread on /pol/ is LE WEST IS FALLING.
poojeet absolutely destroyed
kys pajeet
It's literally the opposite you dumb shill.

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