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Why did Japan decide to unconditionally surrender to China in WWII?
I don't like this kind of awkward webm. Most people here are the same, but the hatred for Japan is really on another level. Not hating Japan here is considered pro-Japanese. Hating Japan is politically correct here. Not to mention that the CCP actually hopes that we will no longer hate Japan. After the death of that Japanese child, the CCP banned a bunch of anti-Japanese accounts, but this can't change anything. It is wrong to stab and kill others. The 3 Americans who were stab
in China before triggered a lot of reflection and guilt. We are kind by nature. We don't want to kill people or children. But for me and most people here, the Japanese are different. Killing and torturing the Japanese is okay is can be praised. Is this right? Maybe not, but it can't be changed. This is the fact. A war is necessary.
I think Japs will need to stab and kill Chinese - especially children - in other countries to take them to realize its not behaviour you should want to encourage or celebrate
Don't you live in a Chinese city? You can do this now.
We nuked them and the Japs had to leave. Afterwards the communists hiding in the mountians came down and took over.
I'm watching a weaboo Chinese girl's youtube channel who talks loudly in Japanese in public all the time and she doesnt seem to be anxious abut it at all. I guess most Zhangs dont have the courage to confront even a 50 kg woman.
Go-san from 中国まる見え情報局

The Chinese guy that jumped from the roof blew up his own people. What a fucking dumbass teamkiller, smdh.
China is truly bug society.
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It is really cowardly to kill a child who did nothing for the war 90 years ago.
Actually that child was half Chinese...the Chinese are really irredeemable...sad "people".
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>The 3 Americans who were stab
I think one of them was a Finn, you basically stabbed your cousin
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>This is the fact. A war is necessary.
I assume you're gonna be the first to become a corpsepost in the Taiwan strait then? Lmao
We lost to America, not China.

Actually China's attack killed Chinese more lel
The Japanese did something in China that deserves making this kind of video.So I can't blame them.
Yeah.China can make as many stupid propaganda videos as it likes.

But killing random children are not okay.
They're finngolians. It was revenge for the Yuan dynasty.
All East Asian is pathetic
Cuz white people gave us the wide door to invade China
If they don’t invade China we could not Invade China
Cuz even tho we could not defeat up damaged and injured china by white powers
Even teacher of east asia so called Chinese behave like this
There is no hope to confront against western powers
You are wrong. We may have friendly conversations with Japanese people in real life, even praise them, but the inner thoughts never change. They are just hidden. It is just exposed by some unemployed baby boomers because they have mental problems.
i wonder if Jews feel this way when they interact with Germans

i know Armenians feel that way when they interact with Turks
You can seethe more, I went through weebfag periods. I also wanted to be friendly with Japan, and I also wished you had never invaded us.
But now, I am a mature adult. No mentally normal adult here can like Japan. At most, they just don't hate Japan. They only need to read what the Japanese army did to generate hatred, and they don't even need the guidance of the CCP. Simple hatred, a lot of hatred, I don't really hate Japan. But war is indeed inevitable. When we invade Japan like the Soviet Union, the hatred can be resolved. Millions must die. This is the only solution. If there is an afterlife, we can be friends again. But before that, one of you and I must die.
I mean...they did cartoonishly-evil things to you're cunt and it's China of all places...for a war to horrify and offend the Chinese it must be a really awful one

I mean, you've had civil/inner wars where MILLIONS have died and yet what the imperial japanese troops did is by far worse than that
*When we invade Japan like Soviet Union invade germany*
I think chinese cannot differentiate between other asian and thought that all those slanted eyes who murdered hundred of milions of them could not be chinese, so they all memoryholed everything and thought that was the japanese.

Yes, I know about whan the real japanese did, but come on. They arent the #1 in the game rank
That's true Juan. If we don't invade Japan and do the same thing, the hatred will spread. In fact, hatred is inevitable. So the war against Japan is necessary, and must be cruel enough to kill enough people. Btw, although I sound like a chud, I don't really hate Japan. These are just things that must be done, just like breathing is a thing that people must do.
If you grow up in China, you will never grow up to be a mature adult.

We don't really want to be friends with China or anything, but why is it so difficult to just live apart? We don't interfere with each other. That's enough for us.
Say what you want, but war with Japan is inevitable. If the CCP is too weak in the future, the overwhelming public opinion will overwhelm them sooner or later. Either we elect a fascist party and invade Japan, or the CCP chooses to invade Japan directly. Two ways, both are to invade Japan. You can't do it alone, and revenge is will soon.
>This is how mature adults in China think.

Looks like ours chuuni(middle schooler)
I'm going to ask again: Based on all the tough bullshit you're spewing, are you going to sign up to the first one to try and cross over to Japan? Its you who has to reach them, not the other way around. Hopefully its worth becoming a bloated corpse in the Pacific lmao. Loser.
he, you should thank your jap cartoons, I went through a weeb period which I still hate. But I still wanted to kill people in Japan. This actually says a lot. My view on Japan is neutral in China, because I think it just needs equal retaliation against Japan. The right wing here is much more extreme than me.
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We surrendered last time because too tired and bored of slahughtering zhangs. lol
You cant invade Japan becase America will beat your ass if you try
And when America is no more, Japan will submit willingly and pay tribute
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I don't care.
China will never win a war anyway.
The Chinese are always too busy killing each other. Go read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and masturbate it.lmao.
Chinese don’t want to kill Japanese. Only Japanese want to kill Chinese.
Chinese just want total enslavement and slow, excrutiating torture (death by thousand cuts). You cucks don’t know Chinese very well huh?
Did you know slaughtering Chinese is an exciting sport commonly seen throughout the world?

Spaniards (with Filipino and Japanese troops) massacred 25,000 Chinese

Spaniards and Filipino allies massacred 22,000 Chinese again

Dutch army butchered Chinese

Russian army butchered Chinese

Fellow Soviet Allies raped and brutalized the shit out of the Chinese in Manchuria.

British/French army butchered Chinese

Mexican mob butchered Chinese

Mongol army butchered Chinese

Chinese were massacred in Malaysia

Chinese were massacred on ships and dumped into a Thai river

Indonesians massacred and mass-raped Chinese in 1998 *graphic images*

Chinese were massacred in Korea

Contest to kill 100 Chinese using a samurai sword

Japanese-American received the Medal of Honor for killing 50 Chinese

Los Angeles Chinese Massacre

The US air raids killed 40,000 Wuhan Chinese

The US used bio-weapons against Chinese soldiers
Chinese don’t want to kill Japanese. They just want to prolong the pain as much as possible, hence why they distribute fent all over the place through Mexican cartels
based retarded fucktard, you should win a noble peace prize for how well your opsec is for your country. you really take into consideration the best interests of your cunt’s security and international relations very well
why did you posting twice?
Indeed, now is not the time to invade Japan. We need to let the United States decline for a while. However, we are also in decline. It is hard to say what the future will be like. But as I said, war with Japan is certain and will inevitably happen.

true, China does have a large history of civil wars, but this time we have a common enemy. Plus the CCP made nationalism popular in China for the first time. If China is really going to be defeated, at least our nuclear bombs are enough to sink Japan.
Well, that's all I have to say. Now this thread is like /pol/, it's time to go. I just provided some views of ordinary Chinese people. I am not a chud, and this is not the idea of Chinese chuds. This is just the general idea of every ordinary Chinese person.
The smartest and most well-like man in Japan, I see. I see your people really love and praise you and want you to post more
Chinese are chud in general.
>This is just the general idea of every ordinary Chinese person.

not my Chinese wife
You surrendered cause the Soviets came in massacreing and raping your people.
So you're telling me that a socialist country is suddenly promoting nationalism and thinks it needs to do an expansionist death rush? I think this happened once before. Understand that despite overspending accelerating social crisis all of the productive forces needed to survive are completely intact, China has issues with food security, but they have the land and resources to start promoting agrarianism and correct that in a few decades. There's no reason why we can't all prosper, energy and food are abundant, Japan only produces soft power. And I mean this, they don't even do their own diplomacy, they put all of their eggs into one basket, that's literally how their economy has been structured since the 50s. I promise you, this won't end well for anyone, the only people causing social problems now are those addicted to debt spending. There must be economic reform.
I don't really understand what you're saying. CCP doesn't want anti-Japanese sentiment so a war with Japan will not happen, or are you saying that people *think* a war with Japan is inevitable?
>Irrelevant thirdie countries that suddenly barge in.

and they are always China's side.
coz they has sympathy on China?
Why do they turn their hatred towards the Japanese and not the whites who have exploited the Chinese for over 100 years since the Opium War or the terrible rulers of their own country?
Interesting post
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Why did the Chink Army surrender almost without resistance during the Mukden Incident?
I have heard that it was because the Manchurians welcomed the arrival of the Kwantung Army at that time, but I wonder if this is true.
Your posting sounds very Asian.
just stop posting.
You too.
That's why you will never rule the world, you are all Betas.

You just wait getting conquered instead.
>Jap flag are extremely cringe

It's either in most case some faggot Westerner weeb or in rare case a Netouyo.

Its mental illness. They don’t know irony or its that their version of irony is extremely off-putting
Don't you know? Japanese are white
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Because China was not a civilised country and its political leaders could ignore the lives and property of its people.
Japan and Germany could not defeat China and the Soviet Union because they were civilised countries.
The Japanese and Germans only pretended to be madmen and believed that state had no reason to exist if it could not guarantee the lives and property of its citizens.
That's why they did surrender.
Chang detected

That Chankoro's post are most cringest ever.

>we want kirr arr japanese
>war soon

sounds like chuuni
netouyo kun go to bed.
If you nuke Japan the US will finish your country off
Sure thing, now go back making your Jomon vs Yayoi threads.
>20 million - 25 million
You can tally the death toll from all of these battles and it's not even a fraction of the damage famines have caused in China. Not even India in the 18th century had famines this obscene, literally nothing comes even remotely close.
I don't post in any jomon/yayoiod thread.

Seriously average japanese don't care such thing.
Fun fact, the term Paper Tiger is of Chinese origin
CCP is unfortunately not nationalistic (enough).

Way too neutral towards their enemies, especially regarding getting their people behind the cause.
Meanwhile in the Wect, USA spends billions in manufacturing Anti-China media and spread it to the population through all possible channels.
This is how average kinh feel about china. Honest it's pretty comical, they barely any that different from the chinese, bit the hate boner is unreal, not even hardcore fulro hate kinh as kinh hate chinese
I am Korean and I love my Japanese and Chinese brothers as much as possible and wish them come individually to Christ outside of hatred and nationalism. Thank American Papa Sam Sama for spreading Christianity and giving Asians another chance
Just use normal English
Nobody knows what you are talking about
fulro(black bvll)
Viets are bootleg Southern Chinese.
I can tell that you're Chinese. It's very obvious
Why wuld blacks hate viets???
Viet never say nigger
Popularizing nationalism is truly awful. It opens the door for retards to get in on the action, and turns it vulgar and stupid. I wish nationalism and racism were exclusive to an elite circle
fulro are native people in southern vietnam who have dark skins.They think viets oppressed them.
Why the fuck should nationalism be for elites? It's an imaginary society, if you have a small social cabal then just settle your oaths in person. Historically all major social changes were enacted and largely driven in part by small groups.
Pathetic lefty please
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>weeb and Asiaboo culture
Hard pass.

Return to white culture/civilization and making white babies
they say a war in Asia would last only a few months…

Is this true?
Chinese have all the data every single person typed and posted on their hard drive. They can run you their their history just like the fbi
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The japanese are so brown they actually make north africans, ethiopians, middle easterners, turks, greeks, spanish, french and italians appear white in comparison
Its a bit more complicated than that, the US geopolitical policy is to keep both China and Japan eternally cucked, the only reason China is getting more attention is because we finished off Japan effectively forever in the current world order during the 90s even more so than the 40s, but since we diverted a lot of our cheap outsourced shit to China, away from Japan, China surpassed Japan so now we are focusing our buck breaking energy on China since Japan has already been buck broken

tldr, US geopolitical world order: US #1 power gap Anglosphere #2, power gap western Europe #3...all else an indistinguishable sea of brown races to be subjugated and exploited
both Japs and Chinese are equally brown
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Found the 20% population genocided bug race, KIM GOOK LEE?

>Curtis LeMay in Strategic Air Warfare "We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea, too. Over a period of three years or so, we killed off, what, 20 percent of the population?” MacArthur in 1951 “The war in Korea has already almost destroyed that nation of 20 million people. I have never seen such devastation. After I looked at that wreckage and those thousands of women and children … I vomited.”

>British journalist Reginald Thompson was shocked by the ignorance and racism of the American military, who referred to Koreans as “gooks” and Chinese soldiers as “chinks” during Korean war. J. Howard McGrath, referred to the Koreans as “rodents,” and thus had no regrets about the ongoing slaughter. In 1951, war correspondent Tibor Meráy said that there were “no more cities in Korea.” He added, “My impression was that I am traveling on the moon because there was only devastation—every city was only a collection of chimneys.”

>The US dropped a total of 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, on Korea. By comparison, the U.S. dropped 160,000 on Japan during WW2. Winston Churchill, among others, criticized American use of napalm, calling it "very cruel", he said, were "splashing it all over the civilian population", "tortur[ing] great masses of people". American official who took this statement declined to publicize it. An estimated 2.5 million Koreans died in the bombing, most of them civilians, many of them incinerated by napalm.

>Kill 'em All: American War Crimes in Korea https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8kvln0
>Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDexrR4m4cU
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Hey bugman gook insect? Say kimchi yum yum dog meat? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?

>p.35 - Korean women were imprisoned and raped by American soldiers - The Americans occupied the village of Madzen Ri from October 14th until December 5th, 1950. During the entire occupation, the Americans were encircled and to strengthen their position they burned all the surrounding villages, arrested the inhabitants who had not fled and imprisioned them in a temporary prison. In all, about 500 were imprisoned; 76 were sent to Wonsan and have not yet been found, all the imprisoned women were beaten; 20 of them were raped.

>p.39 - Korean women were raped and killed by American soldiers - Kim Sen-Hi, 55, told the members of the Commission that on 21 November 1950, five American soldiers forced their way into the house of Sin Bon Kin, a Christian widower, while he himself was away, and raped his oldest daughter, Sin Hwa Sun, 21 years old, while her two younger sisters were present. When the two small children fled crying, they were killed in front of the neighbours.

>p.41 - 860 Korean women were raped by American troops - The district had 80,000 inhabitants of whom 80% were peasants. The Americans killed 1,342 people by shooting, burning or beating them to death. Over 860 women were raped, but many women are ashamed to tell. Members of the Commission asked if Kim Beng-Ho were sure that these crimes were committed by American troops. He answered, yes, he was quite sure they were Americans and no other soldiers.

>We Accuse - Report of the Committee of the Women's International Democratic Federation in Korea (1951).pdf https://archive.org/details/we-accuse/
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This is a great picture of a jap...all japs will end up like this lmfao

WW2 pacific theatre:

US 40k killed including pearl harbor

Japan 5+ million insects slaughtered before the nukes...how does a country get 5+ million people killed in a 6 year period? This has got to be a world record outside of China
They tourture and kill dogs & cats too, it really makes me see chinks as subhuman when I see the way they treat aqnimals and children.
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We show pictures like this to our school children to laugh at the japs, its in our Library of Congress...millions of pictures and videos
Hey midget gook weakling? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Hey kimchi dog eater? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Kneel down and beg for your life. Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, you leeching parasite, KIM GOOK LEE?

>The US spread infected-fleas all over Korea. Koreans claim the US dropped bombs containing disease-carrying insects and food. The insects had been spread over a large area of farmland in Korea. Disease broke out in the village the following month.

>Lockwood thinks that it is very likely that the U.S. did use insects dropped from aircraft during the Korean War to spread diseases, and that Koreans were not simply engaged in a propaganda campaign when they made these allegations, since the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of Defense had approved their use in the fall of 1950 at the "earliest practicable time".

>The report suggested a link to the WW2 Japanese germ warfare Unit 731. Shiro Ishii and other biological warfare experts were often named in the allegations. Ishii made two visits to South Korea in early 1952, and another one in March 1953.

>US germ warfare in Korea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_biological_warfare_in_the_Korean_War
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Hey, say "Dog eater lives matter" KIM GOOK LEE?
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?
Say it? Hey SAY IT?

>Koreans died due to exposed to Agent Orange.

>Lee-kil Bora’s grandfather fought in the Vietnam war. He died of cancer in 2013 due to the long-term effects of Agent Orange, a herbicide the American military used as a deforestation agent in Vietnam. South Korean soldiers have long been accused of massacring Vietnamese civilians. Bora was not taught about the massacres in school. “I thought my grandfather saved the Vietnamese people during the war.” Bora said. “I feel guilty anyway for Vietnamese people who lost their family.” https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3080486/vietnam-war-survivors-south-korean-massacres-tell-their-stories

>Koreans killed by Japanese military biological experiments.

>Records of the 1,463 people subjected to Unit 731. Among the victims, Six Koreans, were identified by their names. They were reportedly arrested in Yanbian's Korean autonomous province. Those who were transferred to Unit 731 for the living experiment were anti-Japanese rebels, and no one out of 1463 survived. https://www.donga.com/jp/article/all/20050804/288498/1
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> After the unconditional surrender of the Japanese to the US, the US occupation forces raped over 20 million Japanese women between 1945 and 1965. Since 1965 an average of 500,000 Japanese women are raped by US occupation forces stationed all over the Japanese islands. General Robert Abrams, US Army War College
Hey, bugman midget insectoid leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Hey, gook dog eater leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Say "me kim love kimchi dog meat" Say it? HEY SAY IT? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?

You fear my existence, KIM GOOK LEE?

>South Korean police killed 200,000 South Korean civilians. The incident is much worse than the notorious Tienanmen massacre commited by CCP.

>The Bodo League massacre was a war crime against alleged communist-sympathizers (many of whom were civilians who had no connection to communism). Historians estimate that 200,000 people were killed.[3] The massacre was committed by Syngman Rhee and falsely blamed on North Korean leader Kim Il Sung.[4] The South Korean government made efforts to conceal the massacre for four decades. American witnesses reported the scene of the execution of a girl who appeared to be 12 years old.

>Colonel Donald Nichols, reported witnessing in Seoul, the massacre of 1,800 political prisoners. He described the work of two bulldozers, one gouging a series of trenches, the other filling in dirt over the shot bodies. 705 unarmed citizens in the villages of Sancheong and Hamyang, were lined up and killed by the South Korean Army. Two days later 719 were shot. Gregory Henderson, a US diplomat in Korea, estimated that “over 100,000 South Korean civilians were killed without any trial whatsoever”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodo_League_massacre
Koreanms are just bug people, that's why they're okj with slaughtering their own people.

It's a shame that Japanese have to be grouped with subhumans like the Chinese and Koreans, you don't deserve that.
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> Dai Ichi Daihomaru Incident, jap fishing boat gets too close to Dokto, SK coast guard captures and arrest the crew of hundreds of jap fishermen, the jap fishing boat captain protests, SK coast guard officer executes him on the spot with even a single thought and throw the hundreds of jap fishermen into a 1950s era SK prison never to be heard from again
> Since 1945, SK coast guard has killed over 1000 japanese fishermen around dokto and imprisoned over 10000, most never returned
> The US feigns ignorance and gives SK a wink and a smile
You fear my existence, KIM GOOK LEE?

>In Saitama prefecture, there was 'Korean Hunt' by Japanese vigilantes. The armed vigilantes tried to send "Korean outlaws" out of the prefecture. Some Koreans tried to run away, fearing that they would be forced to march without food and water. In summer heat, they were so exhausted, immediately captured and killed. Most of them were brutally killed by getting hammered with pickaxes.

>As the rest of the Koreans were escorted to the destination, a well-armed mob rushed in with weapons. The vigilantes that was supposed to escort them joined the mob. Then, the first massacre occured. They searched for Koreans who tried to run away, and mercilessly killed them with bloodstained swords, bamboo spears and clubs.

>Some ran away with their hands bound. Some wanted to test the sharpness of sword. The massacre was unlimited in darkness. It is estimated that 80 Koreans were killed.
They didn't
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The largest US permanent military occupation presence is in Japan, followed by Germany and South Korea

However, unlike Germany and South Korea where the US trains constantly as peer allies, the Japanese military is not allowed to participate in offensive combat operations and serves only as a logistical hub and support base to include r&r fuck zones for the US good ole boys
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Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.

>"After all, they were all murderers. It was atrocious to look at, wiring Koreans to utility poles, hitting and kicking them, hammering them in the head with pickaxes, and piercing them with bamboo spears... And they openly talked about how many Koreans they killed," recalled one of the vigilantes.

>Some appeared at police station after the massacre. However, they didn't appear for confessing to the criminal behavior. They appeared to be rewarded for getting rid of "the Korean outlaws". At the trial, Yoshinosuke excitedly stated that he rushed out to the massacre scene, because he thought that Koreans would do bad things, hearing rumors "Koreans poisoned water in well".

>Showing a Japanese sword used in the massacre, the presiding judge laughed and said, "For a vigilante patrol, isn't this too dangerous?" Yoshinosuke also laughed and replied, "There was no better weapon available. I stabbed a fallen Korean with it." Scolded by the presiding judge, "Didn't you do it to behead?" he replied, "That's right. Yes, but I failed to behead his head." The whole court laughed. The trial proceeded like a farce, and in the end, most of those who killed innocent Korean people were not punished at all, and even the imprisoned ones could walk in public the following year.
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The greatest japanese mixed martial artist in their history got treated like a whore by a typical South Korean fighter

A few months later, there is an interview where Choo/Akiyama is hanging out with Dana White, Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo...Dana, Joe and Eddie are laughing their asses off shittalking about the beat down Choo gave to Sak, Choo just kind of smiled and played along saying that Sak has decent skills but too physically weak like all japanese mma fighters
Hey, bugman midget insectoid leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Hey, gook dog eater leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Say "me kim love kimchi dog meat" Say it? HEY SAY IT? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?

You fear my existence, KIM GOOK LEE?

>Korean women and sex slave history

>Korea provided Korean concubines to Mongol men. As with all parts of the Mongol Empire, Goryeo provided palace women to the Mongols.[24] Korean concubines were procured by the Khan.[25] Korea sent Korean virgin girls to the Ming dynasty. Joseon sent a total of 114 women to the Ming dynasty, consisting of 16 virgin girls (accompanied by 48 female servants), 42 cooks (執饌女), and 8 musical performers (歌舞女).[84][85]

>Korea rounded up Korean women and sent them to Japaense military brothels. Koreans acted as subcontractors for the Japanese comfort women procurers in WWII. Koreans were not only involved in the recruitment of women but also in the management of the comfort stations themselves. He gives the example of China’s Jiangxi Province, where “16 comfort stations opened in 1940 and half of these newly opened comfort stations, and two of the restaurants, were run by Korean proprietors.”[6]

>Korean government is one big pimp for the U.S. military. A group of former prostitutes in South Korea accused some of their country’s former leaders of encouraging them to have sex with American soldiers, and taking a direct hand in the sex trade from the 1960s through the 1980s. “Our government was one big pimp for the U.S. military,” one of the women, Kim Ae-ran, stated.[25] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Military_and_prostitution_in_South_Korea
Koreans boil dogs and cats alive and Japanese don't, Japanese are more like white people and should be compared to us not Korean or Chinese "people"
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Hey, let me kick your deformed bug face with my toe, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
Hey, let me smash your deformed bug face with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?

>South Korea post-war was one of the poorest nations on the earth, having a lower GDP than Ghana. During those years the money made from prostituting themselves to American soldiers made up to 40% of the GDP.

>U.S. buys 20,000 fetal kidneys in bulk from South Korea for research. Doctors extracted aborted babies organs from Korean prostitutes impregnated by American soldiers. - Asahi Shimbun, March 9, 1977.

>"Class V Supply" refers to the Korean prostitutes provided to American military. Those women were pushed into iron-made container and delivered to soldiers as "The supplied goods of the fifth sort."

>In October, 1992, South Korean sex worker Yun Geum-i was sexually assaulted and murdered by U.S. Private Kenneth Lee Markle III. Yun was found dead with a bottle stuffed into her vagina and an umbrella into her anus.[4]
I only support stop asian hate because the perpetrators are overwhelmingly niggers and I want to expose the hypocrisy present when support for the movement faltered when it was found out that it was indeed niggers
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Ettu?! Nani kore?!
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Best judoka in the world today, South Korea, Kim Min Jung 100kg+ (290lb)

The most successful jap judoka, hifumi abe 66kg, smaller than average teenage western girls lmfao
Hey midget gook weakling? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Hey kimchi dog eater? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Kneel down and beg for your life. Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, you leeching parasite, KIM GOOK LEE?

>No Gun Ri massacre - 400 South Korean civilians gathered at a bridge were killed by US forces, mostly women and children. “There was a lieutenant screaming like a madman, fire on everything, kill ’em all,” recalls 7th Cavalry veteran Joe Jackman. “I didn’t know if they were soldiers or what. Kids, there was kids out there, it didn’t matter what it was, eight to 80, blind, crippled or crazy, they shot ’em all.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Gun_Ri_massacre

>The Yangju highway incident. A United States Army armored vehicle-launched bridge, returning to base in Uijeongbu on a public road, struck and killed two 14-year-old South Korean schoolgirls, Shin Hyo-sun and Shim Mi-seon. The American soldiers involved were found not guilty, nor even apologized, further inflaming anti-American sentiment in South Korea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangju_highway_incident

>On March 16, 2021, a shooting spree occurred at a Korean massage parlor in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia. Eight people were killed. A suspect, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, was taken into custody later that day. South Korea reported that the dead were of Korean ethnicity.[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Atlanta_spa_shootings
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Kim keeps destroying saito everytime inside of a minute but always as an ippon

Did you know that Kim can deadlift 700lb+ and dunk a basketball but saito can barely jump more than 12" and can't even deadlift 500lb weak as fuck for a heavyweight
Hey bugman gook insect? Say kimchi yum yum dog meat? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?

>Heisoo Shin (Korean women's movement activist)

>"[at 7:34] During Japanese colonialism, women were taken to serve the Japanese soldiers and after the United States took over, Korean women were used as prostitutes for the American army and not only militarily, but also economically, women were used when Korea needed foreign currency. For example, Korean women were used as dollar earners and these women who sexually serve and get exploited by the American soldiers have to do this because of various reasons, you know, economic is the primary reason."

>"[at 6:52] I think American people should understand what kind of life these Korean women has after they marry an American soldier and come to the United States because from what we know about 80% of them end up with the divorce and many of them are battered and some of them are even killed. We know that there are Korean women who are hospitalized in mental hospitals or who had work in a massage parlor and because of the abuses that they get from their husbands after they go to the United States."

>Korean Comfort Women and US Military #1 https://youtu.be/xOMDwsKvjVI?t=452 https://youtu.be/Yhn8ouGAxXQ?t=412 Prof.
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South Korea = only asian nation to make the world cup semifinals

North Korea = only other asian nation to make it to at least the quarterfinals

Japs = had to cheat to make r16 before getting destroyed

When SK plays the japs its considered as easy as playing the philippines or thailand...in fact all time the South Korea A team is undefeat against japan...the only times its close is when SK sends their C/D teams in meaningless games but SK still wins most of these...

All time SK is 90%+ wins against the japs, SK A Team is 100% wins against the japs...too easy playing against thirdie manlet monkeys
East Asians are the worst posters on this board, you guys are even worse than the paid shill
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Hey, wanna killed again by Japanese men, KIM GOOK LEE?
Kneel down and beg for your lfie. Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, you leeching parasite, KIM GOOK LEE?

>According to "朝鮮暴徒討伐誌", a record of the headquarter of the Japanese military force stationed in Korea, there were 31,245 anti-Japanese rioters in 1908 alone, and the Japanese military killed at least 17,779 of them. Unable to fight the Japanese army head-on, the Korean Righteous Army split into small bands of partisans to carry on the War of Liberation in China, Siberia and the Baekdu Mountains.

>K:D ratio is 100:1 - Japanese deaths: 133. Korean deaths: 17,779. The Righteous Armies Wars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Righteous_armies#During_the_Righteous_Armies_Wars
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Ethnic Koreans hold EVERY record in Nippon Pro Baseball except home runs (held by a Taiwanese) and except most strike outs by a hitter (held by a Japanese)

75% of NPB players are ethnic Koreans

60% of all Japanese olympic athletes are ethnic Koreans with another 20% that are hapas

Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.

>The Mimizuka ("Ear Mound") is a monument in Kyoto, Japan, dedicated to the sliced noses of killed Korean soldiers taken as war trophies during the Japanese invasions of Korea from 1592 to 1598. The monument enshrines the severed noses of at least 38,000 Koreans killed during Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasions.[7][8][9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimizuka
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Just fuck each other to release that sexual tension already
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Although a few hundred thousand were instantly killed by the nukes over 20 million japanese suffered a fate like picrel due to the the nuclear fallout...to this day millions still suffer from radiation poisoning from the uranium isotopes which has a half life of over 100,000 years

Japs were the most slaughtered race in modern history and even though we had fun with the buck breaking, the next round is obviously going to be China which likely will be a lot worse...almost a billion Chinese laughed at the jap kid getting killed and cheered it on, even we don't hate the japs that much
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Hey, bugman midget insectoid leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Hey, gook dog eater leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Say "me kim love kimchi dog meat" Say it? HEY SAY IT? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?

You fear my existence, KIM GOOK LEE?

>According to the North Koreans, about 35,000 people were slaughtered in Sinchon by the U.S. and its collaborators. Awaiting us after the official tour was Jong Kun Song — now a guide at the museum — who said he survived the slaughter in October 1950.

>He told us that after the men of the village were killed, the children were separated from their mothers and kept in an underground pit normally used to store chestnuts in the winter. Before retreating, he said, the U.S. soldiers poured gasoline down the air vents, killing all but three of the children inside.

>Jong, six years old at the time, said he joined the North Korean army as soon as he was old enough because “I wanted to kill Americans.” “Every anniversary, my hatred only increases,” he added before walking us to our car and politely bidding us good bye. “Our nation must have its revenge. Go tell that to your countrymen.”

>At the Susan-ri Class Education Center, guide Choe Jong Suk, a somber middle-aged woman in a black-and-white traditional gown, gave a well-practiced lecture on the variety of tortures — 110 in all, she said — inflicted on Koreans by the U.S. that, she said, were “worse than the methods of Hitler.”

>“While forgetting their own atrocities, the United States is in no position to talk about human rights,” she said.
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Another picture of one of the 20+ million jap fallout victims, the japs that got killed instantly were actually the lucky ones, over 20 million japs died this way and since we were unconditionally occupying the islands all press/public coverage was tightly controlled even though our government took millions of photos and videos for our scientific studies and historical records
for me it's
>chinese/korean vs japanese autism war meltdown
most entertaining threads in this board
Hey, let me kick your deformed bug face with my toe, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
Hey, let me smash your deformed bug face with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?

>Ukishima Maru incident - 524 Koreans died due to an American naval mine. On 22 August 1945, Ukishima Maru was carrying 3,725 Korean labourers and their families, headed towards the Korean port of Busan. On the 24th, the ship entered the port of Maizuru, where the ship struck an American naval mine, exploded and sank, killing 524 Koreans on board. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukishima_Maru
the result of hwan empire blood
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why do you kick japanese deer?
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Here's a picture of a japanese couple that were ashamed when the US forced them to take this picture, they were located over 30 miles from ground zero and died painfully of the nuclear radiation poisoning a few months after this photo was taken
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Hey bugman gook insect? Say kimchi yum yum dog meat? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?

>Korean part-timer working at a Korean-owned beauty shop in Albany, New York suffered a racist attack. Kim Young Rae was working his shift when a man entered the store without a mask. Kim requested, “If you don’t wear a mask, you can’t be in the store. Please leave.”

>And according to Kim Young Rae, the customer made racist remarks such as “Where are you from?” and “I don’t wear masks because of you people“. In the continued dispute, the customer reportedly spat on Kim’s face, and when he spat on the customer back, the customer punched him in the face and kicked him before leaving the shop.

>In an interview, Kim testified, “The hospital told me I might have a broken nose. The customer said racist remarks like, ‘Go back to your country’ while assaulting me.” He added, “I wanted to keep living in the US, but I don’t know anymore.” https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/korean-part-timer-us-mask-covid-store/
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Why are japs so ungrateful? We should nuke them again for fun just like last time
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This US marine ran over a bunch of jap civilians in honshu and still got an award for it...true patriot
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Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.

>Thousands of Korean women sold into sex slavery in China. The report also found that girls as young as 9 "are forced to perform graphic sex acts and are sexually assaulted in front of webcams which are live-streamed to a paying global audience."

>(CNN) Thousands of North Korean women and girls are being trafficked and sold into sexual slavery in China, where many are sold as wives to Chinese men while others are forced into prostitution or to live stream sex acts against their will, a new report claims.

>The investigation, by the London-based Korea Future Initiative (KFI), includes shocking first-hand reports of girls as young as 12 being raped and women being forced to participate in cybersex for days without eating.

>KFI -- a nonprofit that focuses on North Korean women, children and minorities who are the victims of human rights abuses -- estimates that as many as 60% of female North Korean refugees in China are trafficked into the sex trade.

>Human traffickers have been reported to fill the demand for more women by selling North Korean defectors to Chinese men as wives.
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Look at these japs lol...the tokyo fire bombing doesn't get as much coverage but it was just as fun and easy as the nukes, over a million casualties in this operation alone...not a single US casualty...let that sink in
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Heh heh to China... nice joke. Japan got double teamed and nuked.
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The US was killing jap kids way before China was, just like every thing looks like China is copying the US again
Wow! America is really the worst war criminal terrorist country of the world!
cute comfort woman
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Here's a picture of tokyo in 1945 taken from a B29 bomber...imagine the millions of barbeque japs...
Its ok, we were doing to the japs so the world actually gave us a pat on the back, especially our european cousins who got a good chuckle out of it
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Hey, bugman midget insectoid leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Hey, gook dog eater leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Say "me kim love kimchi dog meat" Say it? HEY SAY IT? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?

You fear my existence, KIM GOOK LEE?
So Japan could be first world country with tech factories and anime with games ofcourse. Not bad.
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Here are some of the army air corp officers that participated in the tokyo fire bombing, the deadliest in human history...look at these fine gentlemen so relaxed at slaughtering japs one of them is even nonchalantly smoking a pipe...over a million jap casualties in this single operation...not a single US casualty...this is why the rule #1 for all countries in the world is fuck around with the US and find out
Hey, let me kick your deformed bug face with my toe, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
Hey, let me smash your deformed bug face with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?
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More japs got killed since the 1900s than all of asia combined excluding china...its crazy how many japs got slaughtered like soulless insects and in the west we barely even noticed it even though we were doing the buck breaking
Man shut the fuck up and go get a fucking life Gomezes
Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
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Every war countless japs always end up like this, no wonder they refuse to have any real military anymore the natives are wise to the fact they know how it always ends up for them
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This is what japs look like in real life
Japan is stronger to be honest. They are will just drone strike everything. Modern wars are about drones and robots.
Hey, bugman midget insectoid leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Hey, gook dog eater leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Say "me kim love kimchi dog meat" Say it? HEY SAY IT? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
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Look at these ungrately little monkeys
When China gobbles most of Russia, dey don’t even need to worry about Japan and Amelica frfr
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Typical jap soldiers lmfao
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Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Why are you like this? Stop trying to start conflict.
hahahaha Japanese, how your ass is burning
we destroyed you in Manchuria and the Americans smashed you into the sea and dropped two bombs on you and the Chinese bravely stood to the death and despite all the problems survived
You are losers who lost Taiwan, Manchuria, Korea, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands and a bunch of other small islands in the Pacific Ocean
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Typical South Korean soldiers
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No one wants Russia because it's eternal war area. Russia is not pussy like Murrica in war. So yeah billions must die.
The decline is now. Everyone is in the middle of a massive decline
Hey, bugman midget insectoid leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Hey, gook dog eater leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Say "me kim love kimchi dog meat" Say it? HEY SAY IT? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
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South Korean udt seals, japs don't have anything like this is their self defense force and relies on South Korea for overseas help when needed just like in Sudan when SK let the jap nationals tag alone when SK spec ops evaced SK nationals...evac route was over 1000km from Khartoum to Port Sudan during which thousands of insurgents were killed and no SK spec ops, SK civilians or even jap civilian casualties..
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Hey midget gook weakling? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Hey kimchi dog eater? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Kneel down and beg for your life. Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, you leeching parasite, KIM GOOK LEE?
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It was a routine operation for ROK spec ops but the stuff of a action hero movie for the japs, kishida issued a national message of gratitude
excellent netouyo bait thread
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Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
U should nuke them again
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More typical jap soldiers lmfao
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Hey, let me kick your deformed bug face with my toe, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
Hey, let me smash your deformed bug face with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?
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Typical South Korean soldiers
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US and ROK typical marines...South Korean soldiers are as big or bigger than US soldiers, compared to japs self defense force (japs have no soldiers) who are smaller than third world females
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Hey, wanna killed again by Japanese men, KIM GOOK LEE?
Kneel down and beg for your lfie. Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, you leeching parasite, KIM GOOK LEE?
The Koreans were the best foreign soldiers I trained with when I was in the Marines.
Hey bugman gook insect? Say kimchi yum yum dog meat? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master. Understand, KIM GOOK LEE?
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The global firepower index for 2024.

The only part that is unbelievable is the japs are at 7 (quality they are probably below top 50), but its clear the only reason they made the list is the same as China, India, and Pakistan...zerglike low quality endless number of soldiers for the slaughter but probably enough to overwhelm nations like Taiwan or Bangladesh
I want to see a physical match between Netouyo and the Korean-Israeli Defense Forces
t. Chinaman American
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Hey, bugman midget insectoid leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Hey, gook dog eater leeching off JAPANESE-OWNED 4chan?
Say "me kim love kimchi dog meat" Say it? HEY SAY IT? 4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, leeching parasite KIM GOOK LEE?
Nips always prove themselves to be the most repetitive and Asiatic of Asians
Good thread
the japGOD won this thread btw
Where are the comfy Japanese threads /int/? Why is every thread Japan hate bait?
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Everyone one of these threads makes South Koreans look like ubermensch and japanese look like untermensch monkeys, they always get murdered in these banter threads

Netouyo are probably in the bottom 10% of physicality even in japan

ROK and IDF are probably in the top 1% of combat soldiers in the world

The fact you even suggest such a notion that is akin to a siberian tiger versus a wild boar proves you to are an incel bottom feeder
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Japs you think this is funny? I think this is funny lmfao
We delivered the Sunny D, and crippled their entire military industry.
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> human development lower than eastern europe

Its because japs are thirdies with low quality but endless insect numbers
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Hi jap! You are in proper jap position here
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Another jap looking like a good insect
I saw on that K explorer channel a ton of korean-americans in korea. Is that a thing that many diaspora koreans are returning back?
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The world always enjoys buck breaking the japs
Sounds like us and Russia desu.
Yeah we should nuke Warsawa
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After we buck broke the japs and killed 5+ million nips like insects at the cost of 40k US heroes the party hasn't stopped since 1945, our favorite whore house where we can fuck the natives with extraterritorial impunity
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> 40k US soldiers killed in ww2 pacific theatre compared to 5+ million japs slaughtered

The craziest part is that over 2.4k US soldiers were killed in Pearl Harbor alone, the US buck breaking of the nips made the Iberians versus natives look like a close affair
Tiny Chinese drones will release crop-destroying agents soon, they are going to target all the farms and fields in the Pacific Rim, we’re at that stage in the world now
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Today I learned that every japanese carries korean y dna and that the native japanese jomon dna was effectively genocided except in remote regions in hokkaido and the ryukyu islands

In fact the only reason why japanese are on average 4 inches shorter and 30 pounds lighter than koreans is because the japanese still retain native jomon x dna admixtures of anywhere between 1% to 10%, jomon had a gene linked to island pygmyism

tldr, Koreans = Iberians, japs = natives

Nothing the japs can do to ever recover from this eternal buck breaking
They are going to wage as much assymetrical warfare against their neighbors as much as possible
Hey, wanna killed again by Japanese men, KIM GOOK LEE?
Kneel down and beg for your lfie. Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, you leeching parasite, KIM GOOK LEE?
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Honesty, it's impossible to picture Koreans as being any good at these physical fights. Not only sports, but also real war combats. You can look up Korean modern history, it's either them being butchered by Japanese soldiers, or them being napalmed by US air force.
And those Japanese soldiers stationed in Korea were low-class peasants, still enough to castrate all guk men, even their offspring are traumatized by """Japanese atrocities""". lmao
>posting for 3h straight while nobody replies
Don’t you have anything else to do on a holiday morning?
everyday is a holiday
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Hey jap let's laugh at this picture together, you nips get slaughtered easier than any other race in the world and always get slaughtered in every war since the beginning of history

Did you know that in all of recorded history there have been over 50+ million nips killed and 500+ million chinese by foreigners and only 5 million koreans (both north and south)

Koreans are your master race you slave bug monkey nip
Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
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Did you know that even white frenchmen (not the nafri french) enjoy killing japs to just like a few weeks ago? Its not just the chinese, the europeans love killing japs for fun, because they know they can get away with it
I just love how there are countless pics of Japanese men slaughtering kims, while the opposite cases are virtually non-existent. No wonder Kims are so insecure. lmao
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You know Choo Sung-hoon? Probably more known as "Sexyama" to UFC watchers. There was a fight between him and MMA legend Sakuraba, and he was so afraid of Sakuraba's grappling techniques that he put oil skin cream all over his body (Not even joking lol). The fight itself was canceled because it was so obvious that he was greased up, even commentators pointed it out live, and he got the nickname "Oilyama" after this fight, and been mocked as "oily dude" throughout his career.

10 years later, he publicly apologized for the oil cheating on youtube (in front of his mom lol). Of all races, only guks can reach this level of cuckness. They are the cuckest form of human evolution. Just imagine basing your national identity around wartime prostitutes. lmao
> UFC tries to get jap fan base but japs too weak to produce a decent fighter
> UFC comes up with an idea, "why not get a 125 pound jap to compete they are all midgets and a few must at least average fighters"
> ends up getting destroyed like every other jap in the ufc
> UFC knows South Koreans always brings it so gets one SK fighters at real human weight, 185 pound, to co-main event who proceeds to dominate his adversary barely breaking a sweat

This is why Dana White and Joe Rogan always makes fun of the japs
Choo Sung-hoon was caught cheating in the match and got his face kicked off the following year by Kazuo Misaki. lmao
Choo Sung-hoon grew up in Japan, so he was at least smart enough to know Taekwondo is useless in real combat, so he learned Judo instead. lol

“Taekwondo is useless” - #joerogan

Joe Rogan on why Judo is the best Martial Art "They figured out how to do it!" #shorts
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In the ten largest mma organizations over the last 20 years South Korean fighters are 803 wins to 11 losses against japanese fighters in weight classes 155 pounds to heavyweight

To be honest its hard to imagine a jap getting even 11, they must have been zainichis, South Koreans always considers skull crushing japs easier than fucking their women
Choo is 11 and 1 against japs and kazuo misaki is a 3rd generation naturalized ethnic korean family originally from daegu you fucking nip monkey lmfao
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Taekwondo doesn't even have 100kg weight class. The maximum weight of Taekwondo is 80kg. It's a faggy sport for gooklets, and is always a joke in MMA. One negress woman from Athletics can easily massacre all gook men in Taekwondo, not even a joke.
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Not to mention Choo is not even that good compared to SK fighters, but absolutely curb stomped the best japanese mma fighter ever produced sakuraba easier than a pissed off pimp slaps around a whore that missed a payment

Not even to mention choo isn't even a real fulltime fighter even though he did better than any jap at the ufc level...choo is a fulltime model and singer you fucktard...choo tried out for the SK national judo team but could not make it so represented the japs at the world level at 78kg for a few years even winning the japs a gold medal at the asian games
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Gooks have zero gold medalists in 100kg. Heaviest gook goldie is freestyle 82kg and it happened in Seoul Olympics (lol). Japanese have a lot of gold medals in 81-100kg, although 100+kg dudes here are regularly doing Sumo. The average height and weight of Sumo wrestlers based on the most recent measurements is 185cm and 160kg. Japan is the only country in Asia that provides heavyweight combat sports properly.
Asian men will always get cucked by American men, this is nature. Just accept it.
Btw, Choo Sung-hoon's UFC record was utterly garbage, ended up 2-5, same as Zombie, mid-level 60kg featherweight fighter who lost all of his championship fights. That's the limit for guk weaklings. lmao
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Seok Hyun Ko (South Korea) vs Igor Cavalcanti (Brazil), 170 pounds category

Why can't japs produce fighters like this? The reason is they are genetic untermensch weak boned weak willed small hearts

Only SK fighters succeed at the UFC level, btw the UFC was expecting Igor to be the next big star until Ko absolutely destroyed him, Ko also happens to be a world champion in sambo
Among all fake martial arts, Taekwondo takes the cake as the fakest martial art. A lot of Taekwondo experiencers seem to regret doing it in the past, just learning this shit is pure embarrassment atp. lol
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The nips fear the south koreans this is the stereotype and why all of mma in asia its all about South Korea...no japanese can develop a physique or muscle structure like this, and this SK fighter is 170 pounds on a cut, walks around close to 200 pounds, even Dana White and Joe Rogan constantly say this
>laughing stock even on Instagram
Lmao, the absolute state of Taekwondo 2024
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Being a Taekwondo practitioner must really suck. The instructors would rather teach them how to cope atp. Mental training is necessary for those who happened to practice this Korean bug sport.
Korea's olympic medals all come from niche sports like Archery and Taekwondo. Their golds in Paris were all garbage like manlet Taekwondo 58kg. Taekwondo itself is a worthless martial art, treated as a complete joke in MMA, imagine 58kg guklets competing for that, YUCK.
All martial art is fake and gay except for MMA you need to combine striking arts with grappling
I can't stand zombie because I hate the manlet weight categories but zombie is 145 pounds, a midget by south korean standards but a giant among japanese...

Also even though the manlet divisions are boring zombie is easily the most successful fighter from asia at the UFC level all time:

2x championships finalist
Wins over frankie edgar (former ufc champ), dustin poirier, mark hominick, leonard garcia

But the current crop of SK fighters are on another level thats why Dana White is focusing on SK, he knows the western world only cares about 155 pounds and up, really 170 pounds and up since 155 is actually considered small hence why its called lightweight

Only SK males can compete at the world level in mma, japs are too weak, too small, too weak willed
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Japan slaughtering Korea in every chad sport. Volleyball is most brutal. Japan both men and women cracked top 5 in the FIVB ranking, while Korea is falling into oblivion. Guks are now competing with ASEAN thirdie countries head-to-head in a much lower rank. lmao
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The western world only respects South Korea especially when it comes to sports, strength and anything combat related even at typical jap microweights of 105 to 145 pounds for males where there are 60 million nips and maybe 100 western whites in the world this size

I can't even imagine a jap doing this to elite western soldiers but the south koreans do it without even breaking a sweat

There's a very reason why US called both Korean and Vietnamese "Gooks" in a lump, can't differentiate them genetically, and both eat dogs. Gooks are SEA monkey-tier when it comes to fights.
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Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino" is pretty much the only hollywood movie that features Korean war, but Asian cast in this movie weren't Koreans, it was Mong or some Chinese minority shit. The movie literally says "you all gooks same". lmao
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SK mogs the japs and the rest of asia combined they should really only compete against North America and Europe at this point
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I find it funny that we took so many pictures of castrating the nips, over a million photos and videos all permanently memorialized at the US Library of Congress

How this make you feel nip? Like insect correct? Good bug
Hey midget gook weakling? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Hey kimchi dog eater? YOUR HEAD TRAUMATIZED?
Kneel down and beg for your life. Or else I smash your deformed bug skull with my bare knuckle, you leeching parasite, KIM GOOK LEE?
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I used to think that the chinese were the weakest in the world but the more I learned I believe what all of my friends tell me that japs are easily the weakest and easiet to slaughter like insects
Hey, 20% population genocided KIM GOOK LEE?
Say "We killed each other like bugs in gook war, and 20% population genocided in gook war"
4chan is Japanese-owned. This is an order from the master.
300 medals in Taekwondo and Archery, and no one can name a single Korean Olympic medalist. People couldn't care less about what's happening in Taekwondo of 58kg guk men.
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Anybody else find it funny and ironic that the US took so many photos and videos (over 1 million) to document the buck breaking and to shove it in the japs face occasionally to bully them and yet they still have to spread cheeks when ordered to do so at the implicit thread of another buck breaking? What do japs think about us doing this to them barely breaking a sweat?

Sucks to lose a war to establish the global world order
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Incredible thread
Takeshi and Kim go hard
>8 hours of schizoposting
Japan and Korea fights are the heart and soul of /int/. I thought Balkoids were supposed to be the ones who always bicker. Seems I was wrong.
Guks too weak to remember in any combat sports. They are just cringe tryhards self-brainwashing themselves into believing as if they were any good, but in reality, they aren't even good at their nation's most invested sport that is Soccer. lol
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Fun fact:

In all of Olympic history for medalists at male categories at 80kg or above, there have been:

South Korea: 149 medals

Japan: 13 medals (6 were zainichis, 3 were hapas)

Lmfao japs are fucking slave race monkeys and always get skull crushed by South Koreans
Kim Min-jong is nothing but an unathletic fat guk. He's also short, giga mogged by 6'2 Japanese Harasawa. Teddy Riner was just lucky there were barely competitive judokas this year. Guks are easiest to win when it comes to combat sports. Taekwondo (guk national sport) doesn't even have 100kg weight class. lol
Teddy Riner beat 9 Japanese guys and lost to 5 Japanese guys in total. He isn't that impressive as people claim. Riner won the gold medal by 1-2 shidos in Rio, but the crowd there booed Riner for his passive attitude. Judo fans predicted it's only a matter of time before someone beat Riner, and he actually lost to Kageura later.

However, it's real that Riner killed all Korean men in his career, and Korea didn't get a single win againt Riner. lol
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Look at the little jap lmfao

South Koreans = ubermensch

Japs = manlet slave race untermensch

This is why the japs got slaughtered in humiliating fashion more than any other race in the world

My government has millions of photos and videos for us to laugh at you fucking nip monkey! lmfao
I'm curious what the Japanese think of Manchu and tibetans and Hmong people etc. that aren't chinese but live in china
I'll give my life for NIPPON
>samefagging gookbug
>schizo spammer
This is like an exhibition of the loses from Asian countries.
Both of you are pathetic.
It’s not because of your ethnicity, but of your miserable life.

Now kill yourselves and make the world better.
I think you're talking about your own mental problems not what any normal person is like. You're probably a nerdy, socially awkward guy who spends too much time on certain corners of the internet where other nerdy, socially awkward guys talk big while being nothing, not even being in touch with their own people in real life.
I'll give my life for NIPPON, I am chinese. And I will kill millions of chinese for a japanese green card unironically.
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excellent thread chinabro
been a while since i read authentic japanese denialism
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>We are kind by nature. We don't want to kill people or children
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While I don't agree, I can understand this. Japan did some truly outrageous shit in your country and got away with it. You just want to get even and settle the score.
i only read the first 2 sentences but your post seems based
No offense but I'd prefer to see the Japanese win that conflict.
Chinese hatred for Japan is 100% justified, nobody should be mad at this, you can hate the chinese for other things but not for this
Japs speaking english is rare so anytime you see a japanese flag it's a weeb
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This thread started with a reasonable Zhang poster but descended into a Korea versus Japan mess. We need North Korea to get in here to bring peace.
very based
can't read this shit but it looks gemmy
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awful thread janny pls

This place is not /pol/.
10 more posts to hit the limit. Let it ride.
holy gem
ching chong my niggas!!!!!
Go back to work,支那人slave ahaha!
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It must suck being Japanese and having your neighbours be bug people with ugly languages who boil and torture dogs and cats to death, and think harming babies is ok.
quite possibly the worst thread I've ever seen
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The truth hurts Ching Ching, Japanese are more human than you bugs
thanks friend you can say that again and again hoooooo! ;)

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