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If ASEAN pipo can enter Singapore and Brunei without a visa, why don't they all move there and work illegally?
the rest of asean is poor
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been busy this weekend, here is your sauce fren
I laughed so hard, I almost dropped my cherry mobile fully cracked, 2gigabyte, very slow charging up to 10 hrs ,with bloated battery and not original charger.
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pagi too. man I haven't done plank in a while. I should train my core more often
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A flight ticket costs $4000 and the entire process around that price. We only earn $90-$160 per month.
i should try this
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Illegal workers can only exist when the host country's gubmint allows it to happen. the host countries actually benefit a lot from illegal workers economically, which is why many gubmints turn a blind eye to this problem.
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wake up. breakfast is waiting.
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>nina's new film broke the record for the highest opening ever.
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I want to wage cuck but cant. Any solution for me?
I want to wage cuck but cant. Any solution for me?
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For me it's fried banana and black kofe. The breakfast of champs on SEA
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should add more protein tho.
checked btw.
You got the skills to pay the bills
So I’m sorry but im not you wasted your life on a job
pagi ges
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if you have a pull-up platform, definitely try hanging leg raise
nice trips dood
woke up too late to grab anything nice for breakfast so i'll stick with cup noodle
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> Jellyfish UFOs become mainstream news
> one of its photos have "tendrils" that looked more like corpses hanging midair

The skin-stealing ayys weren't enough of a horror, huh
>Jellyfish UFO

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corgi snow
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around last year, I saw schizo from somewhere in my cunt talked about time traveler from 2100 was warning us about alien invasion in 2025. now this shit will accelerate the amount schizo even more.
im sexxing rn
Need =/= want
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School crush just got arranged married…

Fuck me bros… how do I cope?
Outbid him?
If aliens are truly about to attack now, they better do it soon. I need the adrenaline rush from warfare to keep living.
if you have no interest in marrying her just let her go and be happy for her.
my school crush is STILL unmarried to this day and i'm feeling pretty nervous for her since that womb is going to get dusty.
das rite nigga, i stalk her fb atleast a few times every other year and we still chat sometimes.
it's over. this country is collapsing in 3..2..
they already do
kek everyone there is poor except the sultan. half of their gdp is the sultan's allowance. surprisingly there's no uprising yet, i wish i was that carefree about life
>this country is-
nothing ever happens, bro.
millenium, cents, years, days?
Weeks, 2 more weeks, to be exact.
Still, Indonesia is too massive even for you guys. You can always colonize more land while my country has already been 100% explored and owned. You have a shot.
Why don't you put your baby batter into her oven and save her from loneliness?
pagi pogi~
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>Still, Indonesia is too massive even for you guys
that's the problem we can't build shit outside of java and bali. retards outside the island can't bring any net value outside of natural resources
something something men like younger women. i don't make the rules, its just nature.
and im pretty happy with the current relationship i have and i wouldn't risk it for a dusty womb even if i used to like her.
like i said above, if you don't plan to marry her just be happy for her but in this case, welp, i can't do anything for her.
omg bata
i hate working
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Whats your job?
>he doesn't know
there are already many indonesian migrants in brunei, they're even in the top 10 destination
they're not as rich as singapore but it's miles better than here
Same. Fuck working for the government.
Pingin nangis rasanya
you're wrong
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i'm going to the south beach next week
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Is working in fast food that bad? As a 22 year old
What does the stuff on the map signify? Roads?
seems like railway
tf did she really say that? What hobbies does she even have other than drawing and working out?
kys indog pedo
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Malaysia is a first world country
kiss your sister indo brother
I message Malaysian girls on facebook to take me out of this shithole
now kiss my feet
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they are exporting jawir maids to italy aswell??
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>OFW telling me there are many opportunities back home while she works in another country
>tells me I can work online easily while she of course, does not
That's the job of the government. Should've killed the local Sumaterans and replace them with people from Java. Java should only be to grow food, because the island is the most fertile of all Indonesia. It shouldn't be a densely populated area, a center of commerce, or anything like that.
>posting a railroads map
>thinking bali bali have railroads
smartest jawir
Only Fans Women?
only fans whore.
Working abroad, as non-domestic helper, is getting more popular lately even in indogland. You only need to have certain level of IELTS to work in Europe afaik. But you still need to pay to the agency.
Overworked Filipino wageslaves
Indogbros, is 11.11 sale real or is it a meme? I'm thinking of buying a laptop, but I wonder if I should wait a bit longer.
waiting for discounts is brokie behavior
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khodamnya netanyahu
Iseng buka the lounge kaskus ternyata sekarang sepi banget.
Sedih banget liatnya.
Padahal pertengahan 2000an dulu saking banyaknya post per second, tiap direfresh pasti thread di pejwan selalu beda.
we are in fagbook groups now
we are on da 'tok now
get with the times grandpa
Divorce is legal in flipland now?
Were they not? I thought Filipinos were pretty progressive (70% of the Filipinos I know had gay cousins or are LGBT).
Lack of divorce is holding us back from becoming rich. Not the other problems that we have.
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Fufufafa aja ngeposnya di berpol
the current senate president is called chud escudero and he already said sometime ago that divorce bill is not in his priorities and we all know what that meant. kek.
they are still katolik
>retards outside the island
Funny when historically it were the pretentious jakartroons who dragged this cunt down again and again.
Yeah but I thought they had some leeway, you know? I think even the Pope said it was okay to divorce via some loophole or other.
Yeah, but they're also the ones that patched it up again. Java is a dynamic place.
jakartachads literally pay most of the taxes, you should ask what raja jawa and his kemensultan cronies did with the tax money
Dumb Poorfag Tangalog lowlives would cry wolf on that shit even though they don't know jack shit about Divorce.
sekarang orang pada ngepost di mana?
apa pada ngumpet di grup wa sendiri-sendiri?
internet di indo kayak udah mati, isinya bot sama buzzer semua
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nice selfie
They can file for annulment. But they need to pay like divorce. No punching bag of a wife could ever afford annulment or divorce so it's basically a nuisance issue made to distract the masses from more important issues.
Curious. Indonesia has divorce but you never hear them getting divorce raped. So do they not divorce or are Indonesian men, simply better at handling paternity than pinoy men lol
>Indonesian men, simply better at handling paternity than pinoy men
Being a Muzzie majority is probably the reason.
>literally pay most of the taxes,
nta but proofs? last time i heard jakarta is heaven with lots of free taxes.
Wtf are divorce rapes?
My new aunt divorced with no issue to marry my uncle so I guess it is true over here.
Ex-wifey demanding payment, knowing the financial status and the infamous reputation for being gold diggers of majority of women here they'll 100% abuse that.
compared to cities in other countries, yes, but people in the other provinces barely pay any taxes because there's a lot of informal job/businesses/preman and they don't report their income properly
>jakarta is heaven with lots of free taxes
lmao fucking retard
>this waggie cuck have npwp
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If jakarta is a heaven, why are they mostly so poor ?
jawirs are not jakartans
Asian woman: :|
Asian woman with hijab: :O
uh oh
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My personal tax is rp 22 mil this year. Where's my gov mandated pussy?
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t.jobless neet
>it's not us!
>it's le pendatang!
yeah, sure. everytime right? of course.
>why are they mostly so poor
but it's not
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indogs are so childish it's so embarrassing
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>footy caused increased arab hate
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Fufufafa muncul di 2019 itungannya bepe udah sepi
Jaman keemasan bepe tahun 2011-2012 pas Jokowi nyalon gubernur Jakarta.
Rame panasbung vs panastak. Banyak ""kampanye"" panastak yang diklaim jasmev padahal asli dari bepe. Dari jasmev akhirnya nyebar ke Facebook, Twitter, dll jadilah cebong vs kampret dsb dsb dsb
Aku juga nggak tahu pada pindah kemana. Aku rasa feels online forum itu unik nggak bisa digantiin private grup atau sosmed.
Format diskusi, thread/forum / sub forum management, sama interaksinya nggak bisa digantiin.
Childish? maybe. But the mafia trickery is obvious to anyone with functional brain. The real question is, do we tolerate being blatantly cheated on? Will we do the usual roll over and getting fucked? The usual "Gusti sing ngurusi nerimo ing pandum adem ayyem"?
soon, shithead. already got a deal with korea. meanwhile islands outside of bali and java Will.Never.Have.Any. because no investors, not even the government, is confident enough in such project since nobody there (people outside of those two islands) can produce shit of any value and thus those projects will most likely be a waste of money
What's the implication of Muhammadiyah got ministry of early medium education post? What the fuck is early medium education?
like12yr mandate sd-sma maybe?
Pendidikan dasar dan menengah = SD sampe SMA bang.
Muhammadiyah kan punya banyak sekolahan
I got fifty foreign hoes on my dick
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I support Javanese independence.
this thread and last thread is so dogshit man.........
>dialek manuk
indramayu bros..
too many unironic jawirs ruined this thread tbqhdesu
Kurikulum merdeka btfo?
zonasi too allah willing, shits so dumb i cant believe they greenlight it
Isn't the last two threads made by a tangalog with one is a monkey obsessed with a pedo bong? That's why.
>arekan dialect is an even mix of javanese + maduranese
>mataraman (Solo raya & DIY) considered as "wetanan"
Who the fuck made this? Some pseud """language scholars""" from ngapak region?
If jakarta is so rich, why are they so smelly
RIP English
jowar jawit jowar jawir bacot anjing
wir santai wir
this is why we need coomOPs btw
kek, so never?
this. /asean/ is not without goon OPs
>Recycled Insult #23467
Okay tangalog.
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Javanese own java
Balinese own bali
Who own jakarta ?
why is woowo disintegrating the ministries again
jokekwi always bloating about muh effcienct bureaucracy and shieeet
so this one is not part of keberlanjutan
Mr. Lim
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chink owns java
bogan owns bali
i own nothing
betawiCHADS of course
Weed dealers should be prosecuted and hanged in public
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It's post your haircut time. Post 'em
eyebrow anon!
>Dark avstronesian bvll from daily working under the blessed svn vs skinny pale indoorfag who think open field work is beneath him.
id beat up my barber if he did this to me
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I'll take that as a compliment
I'm the barber
are you really buying that muh keberlanjutan meme? likely half of prabowo voters are hoping for him to bring the much needed change and understand that this keberlanjutan thing is just common perkibulan politik. they knew prabs is the only one capable to do it than the other two candidates.
fuck off you just wanna show off your sexy eyebrows, gayboy. i'll fucking kiss you
fat & brown
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You just mad because I look like korean
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I only know pikachu and raichu and maybe the main character, ass.
Does this happen in SEA too?
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i be wearin this jacket within 7 years frfr
The once friendly village girl acted so cold when she saw me. I still have no idea why I buy a drink from her stall once a fortnight even though I’ve decided never to visit her again. Maybe I was hoping for something, idk. Maybe this time I will ghost her for real.
>tfw was tricked into giving this up
Don't trust them bros
how do i cop this? halloween's coming up
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You should be a vlogger.
Stop replying to yourself, no one loves you
kang parkir
kang parkir owns everything
Yeah I was thinking of making some songs actually or maybe direct some dramas.
lmao it's the ntr guy
Despite my shitty posts, I'm actually popular with girls. I just have that naturally bitchy face that makes people think I’m arrogant.
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>Despite my shitty posts, I'm actually popular with girls. I just have that naturally bitchy face that makes people think I’m arrogant.
Post your jawline https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/int/image/1722/13/1722136624477.jpg
Thanks. I'm replying to myself btw
I really dont get it.
From the river to the sea, Pasundan will be free
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DSL btw
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he can stop being a complete faggot. (you) can too.
What do you mean
Alhamdulillah sudah berhijab
Rightful Sunda clay
Explain meme pls
You guys might hate this but fuck it aaaaaaaaaandddddddd itttttt'sssss story timeeeeee!
I’ve got another potential gf. This one is a waffle seller. I swear her cuteness is really unique. Her eyes shine, her hair is slightly dyed and it looks really sexy. Nice ass too but her chest are pretty, meh I would say average. Maybe this time I actually have a chance because last week I caught her and her friends smiling while looking at me. I asked them
>Why? Do I have something in my eyes
while trying to wipe them with my fingers. They just shook their heads and tried to wipe theirs too all while smiling. I didn’t catch anything. But I had forgotten to check my nose though. AFTER THIS I WILL QUIT FOR GOOD
You wish her lips are that sexy
>waffle seller
they were being nice to you because that is their job
Where am I supposed to meet women then? Street?
The trick is to approach the friendly one so you could cope with yourself the moment they rejected you 'ooooh it was just a misunderstanding then'
It's as shrimple as that
I'm a genius.
Maybe I'll just ask my dad for an arranged marriage
I wish I knew
Right? One of the easiest solutions is if you have friends. Your friend has friends who have friends and you can attend their friends parties and let your friend's friend introduce you to single whamin. The problem is that all of my friends are already married so I have no one to hang out with. Seriously. Cold approaching a woman you just met on the street is a big nono. My trick with cashiers is to slowly build trust and befriend them until you’re comfortable enough. It costs a lot of money and fuel though because I live in a rural area but it is what it is
Cariin aku cewek malay dong bang
Why do you think I'm here? Pm done
Arranged marriage sounds grim, I dunno how you guys go through with it.
Exactly why I’m trying my best to approach as many cute cashiers as possible. It’s seen as a loser move here too
Pengen bisnis tp ga tau mau jualan apa
How about Hans-Georg Gadamer? A German philosopher known for his work in hermeneutics, he focused on the philosophy of understanding and interpretation, particularly in relation to texts and historical contexts. His book "Truth and Method" is influential yet often overlooked.
Jual badan aja
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My peers are doing well in life right now while I rot.
boo hoo you fucking nigger
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im from siberia, im asean too !!
Is there any Poland secret tricks to getting a gf?
This >>203411078 but Russia
yes you are.
come home /asean/ man.
Gib Russian snow princess gf
Why are you holding your neck? Do you have neck pain?
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I can't take hermeneutics seriously anymore after its silly attempt to replace epistemology in fields that require some degree of commitment to objective facts, even if they're not pure sciences. Academic history, for example.

Not even a Marxist/tankie or a historian. I just admire Leopold von Ranke.
Does 4 month previous job experience look bad on resume?
Only if you are in your late 20s
no just follow what this guy says

Stuff of nightmare right there you fucking motherfucker.
Filipinos look ugly when they kill themselves
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Why naked tho
I miss SEA bros it's too cold here
rip facebook
How to make my voice become manly bros
smoke more cigarettes
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>veronica tan
> I thank You, Saturn-sama, for my Total Gòngfěi(共匪) Death:
> I thank You also, Shani Dev, for my Total Israeli Bharatification:
AMEN: I am what I am.
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>mim only as cameo
No thanks
WTF is with Thai names and a lot of them ending in -porn?
Imagine getting named as Napakaporn then migrating to the Philippines lol
rip asean

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