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Brazilian twitter is freaking out because the daughter of second most famous female pop singer was born white
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Her daughter
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Mom is black and father is brown, so they think that it doesn't make sense
BWC strikes again
she got mayo'd
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I mean genetics are weird, it could be possible
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I thought twitter was banned over there?
We won lads
catholic thirdie iberophones lost
Oh my god we are just like the USA!!! We should follow their rule!
Someone check the skin of the milkman. Brazil has milkmen right?
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you already speak our language
you are already a dog
merely a poorly trained one
this is hopium for all the mayocels, they can have white kids with black women now
This is hopium for browns, they can have white children with black women.
Oh my god you are right, I should die for Israel right now!
all our male ancestors are white Iberian males, in a sense we are all whites, except for bolivians, peruvians, and mexicans, who are clearly endemic to this land and pure brown
Probably his grandparents are white, that's why the baby born white
it is literally that, like Jayson Tatum and his amerigolem son, there is no such thing as race in the americas because we are all mutts
not really. White Americans and Canadians are very much pure bloded. i know latinx dont like to believe that because it makes them feel insecure but it's true.
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Not really
yes, we are insecure about race because we are just like americans! we are like the USA, we love the USA, we should become just like them to be developed, they are inherently superior
>white americans
the very few left are all jewish
almost all of them have amerindian blood except for the recent diaspora of two generations ago
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So like Drake's kid who looks exactly like drakes mom.
Drake fucked a white woman, it is exactly like Jayson Tatum, both parents are mutts and his son came out looking like what is classified as white in the USA
ignoring the context of our conversation for a second there. And lets just assume that it is a 100% facct that they are pure blooded europeans while latin americans are mixed. Does this bother you?
>pure blooded european
name one white american
Obviously, just like an american I am super obsessed about race! /int/ has taught me that whites are superior therefore everyone that isn't western is inferior, that is why we should bow to Israel and the USA

Why does it bother you that they are pure blooded even in a hypothetical scenario?
I am super bothered by their race OMG!! I am super insecure about it, because westerns are superior to us, I clearly have an inferiority complex! That is why the USA is the greatest nation on earth!
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because it is misinformation, or more like outdated information, there used to be a visible pure white european community in the USA until the 80s and 90s, nowadays all the whites left or the huge majority of them are jewish, there is nothing pure white about them

name one white american
at least you admit you have a problem :)
I wish that all nations on earth were like the USA, all races divided and fighting each other while a certain elite is on top!
That is hecking beautiful and valid! The people should never EVER be united through culture beyond race against them!!!!
A person who is comfortable in his skin, mixed race or not, would not be bothered by pure blooded races, especially white ones(the group that mixed people hate the most but also want to be).
Yes, I am clearly obsessed and disturbed by a pure blood! I am like an american minority, race is everything to me, failures and accomplishments are because of the color of my skin! We need race policies and affirmative quotas just like the USA, Brazil is just like the USA
I can smell the resentment in your posts joão. Your fingers are probably trembling over the keyboard
Yes, I am trembling, I want so hard to be american!!!!!
babies get darker with time
Musk is a gigantic cuck
>I mean
not reading through obvious sarcasm is a sign of autism
he is a shill, he works together with the german vpn, he always promotes his threads and posts about race to prove his point that all brazilians are obssesed about race just like Americans
this is true but brown babies are never born this white
never is a strong word
Brazilians are not popular and thus cannot have popular music.
actually it's obvious the guy is just a brazilian wignat or sympathizer but he's too low IQ and ends up sounding autistic. His point about north american whites being usually pure is true but he's obviously trying to put mixed race people down projecting complexes
>i know latinx dont like to believe that because it makes them feel insecure but it's true.
Most latinos believe the exact opposite and see white americans as pureblooded whites due to genocide of natives and segregation. The honduran anon doesn't sound smarter either and he may have a complex for real lol

I know you don't want any of us talking about race to not sound obsessed but it's impossible to be on the rain and not get wet. You are beating your head against the wall, if you want to derail a thread about race obsession you have to do something other than to repeat the same point sarcastically. I suggest dropping a controversial political opinion you know this sort of people would hate, more effective if its in one of the first posts.
>know you don't want any of us talking about race to not sound obsessed but it's impossible to be on the rain and not get wet.
It's almost as if you believe that this is the natural state of things lol. If anything it's the "natural state" you guys are imposing on us. Fuck you and this fucking board
Some of her songs
im not trying to put mixed race people down. It's obvious that latin americans, especially from a certain background are uncomfortable with white people. and the whiter the person the more resentful they are.
You dont overcome an inferiority complex with a crab mentality.
> especially from a certain background are uncomfortable with white people. and the whiter the person the more resentful they are.
Yes, we are precisely like the USA
it's the inertial state of a fucking racebait thread. God, am I the only one with 3 digits IQ here? I expected the global south's greatest warrior would be smarter than this
>it's the inertial state of a fucking racebait thread
Which is spammed to death here and permitted by the janitors and mods. It's almost as if they use this to keep this board alive, they need american exceptionalism agenda to be shilled to death here
No but we have eggs men, water gallon men, gas canister men and some places have banana men.
>the daughter of second most famous female pop singer was born white
That's not weird at all. As the child grows up, she starts looking more like their parents in terms of complexion and traits.
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BWC is so powerful it's not even funny, you gotta feel a little sorry for blk boys and their inferior blk boy sissy clitties
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inb4 pardocel turns up
sar these are black people, not pardos.
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His blk boy sissy clitty gets so leaky from videos like this, you gotta feel a little sorry for them. Inferiority complexes are hard to avoid when you're a blk boy, especially a brazilian one.
>always English or Italian
It's so over
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Dont worry, Brazilian women also draw shit like this
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haha funny because it implies we speak spanish, of course i'm not bothered by that at all
Judah is the royal Arabic Cohens marrying with the priestly Luwian (Levi) Patriarchs of the bible.
Cohen is semitic, and Levi is anatolian PIE.
Before Levi-Judah moved to the southern border of the ORIGINAL 10 tribes of "Israel",- it was 10 mutt tribes of mixed origin.
After Levi-Judah moved in along with Dan,- it split into the more anatolian-leaning NORTH,- aka ISRAEL, and the more semitic-leaning SOUTH, aka JUDAH.
"Jews" are by definition a semito-PIE mutt tribe on account of it's own origin mythos.
OMRI,- the king of northern Israel is depicted wearing a Phrygian cap - as all greco-anatolian-armenian PIE peoples DID WEAR.
Jews however, wear the flat cap on account of being PIE-ified semites who transformed the "head-ring" of arabs into a separate headwear - essentially dropping the "Donut" of the Agal-Kheffiyeh for the HOLE.
Levi-Judah in time eventually dropped both the Phrygian cap and the Keffiyeh,- and formed their own merged headdress,- being the donut-hole of the arab headdress - resembling a fully deflated phrygian cap and thus following the same theme as their more Anatolian-based Levitic (Luwian-Israelite) heritage.
You can fuck that brazilian tranny who keep spamming stuff like this 24/7 if you want
Cohens are PIE-aspiring semites from the very start.
lil nigga spent 9 months without seeing the sunlight and niggas already jumping to conclusions about his skin color
weren't the luwians indo-aryans like the hitites?
complete BWC victory
"Luwian" script is the only script found in Troy that matches the date of Troy. And yes, the Luwians basically transformed into Hittites, as Hittite is a sub-group within the larger "Luwian" language family.
Hittite is in some sense just the last surviving large branch within the language family, being both parallell and descendant from the "Luwian-proper".
Hittite and Luwian is a bit like Roman and Greek. Hittite,- much like Roman, is a later iteration that borrows from local semites like how Romans borrowed from Etruscans while identifying as a Greek colony.
even the blackest Brazilian blacks have a lot of non black blood that makes their kids come out surprisingly white if they fuck a white person
Is she funkeira?
Kek yeah I saw, nigga got cucked.
You people are retarded.
1. Babies are lighter
2. Both parents have significant white dna
3. Its a PALM, even full blacks have less melanin on their palms
You are all stupid and should kill yourselves.
are they calling out for blood?
is it illegal to have white looking babies in brazil?
business idea: sex with hot black women
Dhttps://youtu.be/TXtXUGxWATw?feature=shared Does this sound like funk to you?
>is it illegal to have white looking babies in brazil?
yes can't you see OP is trying to say that Brazil is just like the USA! We are a carbon copy of the USA and that is why we should look up to the USA and follow their steps by implementing diversity quotas and identitarian policies! Here just like America it's frowned upon those that racemix
dios mio...
Wish i wad born in Brasil HNNNGGGHH
I have no idea who this is
who are these people
northern mexicans are aryan though
Maybe the skin will get darker with time. It's normal in babies, their skin is so delicate
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and there's pic related
doubt it's true, BUT
They are pretty much the same tho. Calmate joao
but you were born in a highly diverse society just like Brazil
>brazilian twitter
I thought that wasn't a thing anymore
very large white phalluses conquer brown womens holes
the kid has black lips nose and hair thoughbeit
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Congrats for having the first white born brazilian

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