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frankie valli and the 4 seasons edition
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Dont get out much, too quiet and people think im a sperg cause im not bantering
Dont think rude sarcasm is very funny
I'm naked
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Does the sun also make you smile?
bump for potential future migration
Here’s his character getting assassinated in the Sopranos :)
Not a fan of this one, so I’m going to bed. Cya
good night
i'm gonna pass out in a few minutes too
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Sex is in my future
happy for you bud
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anyone else a hapa-girl appreciator?
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I'm a eastern european appreciator
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good night
I hid your post
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nite nite
opal is my gemstone
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me too
goodnight though for real
i am going to sleep. i hope all of (You) have a good night and restful sleeps
good night
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Women are dirty and evil, better off being an incel
what did he mean by this?
>ran outta ciggies
Are these Finns? What is going on
watching porn less and less despite masturbating more regularly
imagination is just more kino, and physically makes the orgasm feel better somehow
Cope monkey
This is cope
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They are both Russian Queens
Not a fan of brown people
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what kind of hair conditioner does she use
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goodnight and sweet dreams
Wait til you try pussy
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the kind only available in Russia
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it doesn't matter that mexico is poor and has a record in homicides, what we need is that spain should apologize for the conquest, our jewish president says this is all we need
more than 90% of americans do not even have a canadian passport
Good night bud
the world would be a better place if we just killed everyone that has tattoos
poor cunts literally on deaths door
I have, jacking off is better and also hassle free
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my sleep is fucked should i pull an all nighter?
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Jeez is he going to keep performing when he’s Jimmy Carter mode
a little sleep is much better than none at all
If i sleep now im afraid i wont wake up till the afternoon but if i stay up i will be too tired to study
ever heard of an alarm?
I sleep through them if only i had the sense to tell momberg to wake me up before she goes to work
personally i woke at 2am and i think that's the perfect time to wake up
a hunter-gatherer tribe has no use for someone who doesn't wake up when there's a loud noise
my favorite time to wake up at is 4am
Then why didn’t we all evolve to be light sleepers who awaken from the slightest noise?
alarms don't work for me because while i do wake up it's just to turn the alarm off and go back to sleep
the tribe also has no use for people who go crazy or die because they get no sleep
I find that I mainly only have the ‘alarm shutoff and back to sleep’ issue if I’m in a period where I’ve got nothing going on in my life, and I subconsciously know that it really doesn’t matter whether I get up or not. If it does matter, then I’ll get up
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shit, maybe that was my problem
Jej you turn your alarms off cause you’re on your period kek
Weird how if women spend enough time with each other, eventually their menstrual cycles sync up.
Why do they posses extrasensory powers?
women are demons
What if you’re the demon and they’re the normal ones?
that also happens with men, a wet dream is that your best friend was masturbating and you both cum at the same time.
Women are soft and nice
i don't know if that's true but if it is it must work like how bananas ripe faster with an already ripe banana around, it's the hormones in the air
demons and angele are the same shit, that's why I want to fuck one of them.
only a demon would say this
demons are known for being deceiving
>demons are known for being deceiving
and really hot
Favela monkey doesn’t know basic human anatomy, AND makes an allegory to bananas. You can’t make this shit up.
That's not a real thing for humans
kill yourself
just take the L bozo
i fucking love burgerpunk.
I'm Batman
A fine morning.
it scares me that the fat kids look like my nephews and nieces, fat people look alike.
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fake shit for brown people
still scared of the dark
you posted this already
they aren't real sadly
shut the fuck up costco guys rule
don't like the uncertainty. afraid there's someone there, or something dangerous like a brown recluse or a fire is starting somehow.
How long do I have to go without porn before sex is normal again?
serial killers don't exist anymore its ok
They've been replaced by mass shooters
I didn't say they were bad they are wholesome boca raton jews
I think they are italian americans actually.
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Thoughts about South Carolina?
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Boca Raton is home to the biggest jewish community in Florida
So what do you do with your massive income? Because you have a massive income, you are american after all
I buy massive chocolate chunk cookies and chicken bakes
i bought a stand-up video game machine not too long ago, but that isn't typical.
Charleston is comfy but I prefer Asheville in North Carolina
buy overpriced shit like iphones
Spend it all on extortionate rent and groceries :)
and you enforce a culture where guys have to leave the house after being 18 years old LOL
I know plenty of people who still live with their parents
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His and hers
As it’s a bad thing. One should never leave
you is
I didn't say or imply that it's a bad thing. However, "one should never leave" is a little far
Why did they make mordecai from the regular show so sexy bros
Two browns arguing
*does a little dance*
You're not white
double chonk chocolate cookies and chicken bakes
I'm buying an energy drink
The brit thread is extremely depressing and LQ
West Virginia doesn't have full cellphone coverage except AT&T and carriers from them, AND they have a bus service
Not even government can track you with the pilons down there
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i'll be heading to work now
wish me luck, anyone?
I thought they were taking in a million a year for the past decade tb h.
Is it the Ukrainians that caused the spike?
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finished the manga i was reading and kind of bored with stardew valley, nothing to do now
Guys I may be racist
Thank you Mexico for giving us momfags Aarokira, the best mon and son hentai artist and producer the world has ever seen, amen
wondering if this guy i'm watching is a ftm or just a zesty nigga
why do you want to fuck your hag mother?
She's doing it for Spanish women. It's so fucking cringe.

At least white and asian women make art out of it.

Spanish guys are already getting mad about it.
my natural reaction to 60 seconds in public with brown migrants or urkelkin
i want a handjob from a cute asian girl, i imagine it must be heavenly
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imagine, if you will, knowing your entire life that regular exercise improves your quality of life and extends your lifespan and then NOT doing it until you're an old, withered husk!
One billon dollar for him. One billion gold one billion gold
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Plato was a classical Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, and teacher of Aristotle. He founded the Academy in Athens and wrote dialogues exploring ethics, politics, and metaphysics, with "The Republic" being one of his most famous works. His ideas on forms and idealism have had a lasting impact on Western philosophy.
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I dont, that's disgusting unironically
how's everyone doing?
and yet you read oedipal porn. curious
I like this webm so much I saved it
wake up in the mornin feelin like p diddy
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The silly awkward frog is just like me really
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this one is me irl
the will to live is running off of me in rivulets
It's not the same. It's kind of a vicarious fetish
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porn has ruined my life
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ah yes
Tfw no big titty trad wife who's blonde and doesn't say that farming poppies isn't a real job to live on a farm with
me? i hate women
me? i love women. (until i start talking to them)
This whole Frankie Valli stuff is going a bit viral right now and I’m really wondering if he is singing live or not. Because he’s barely moving his mouth, sometimes the microphone is so far away from his mouth and yet the voice sounds so clear and is so weirdly high-pitched. Even without looking at him, it wouldn’t be an enjoyable performance to listen to. What a bizarre fucking old ass motherfucker. And he never fucking blinks.
just dont think about any of the reason to hate women
(Io amo il piedi)
why the FUCK are there so many celebrity worshipers in /cum/?
PeePooyonce got a new scarf from Scattiaci? BLAH BLAH BLAH
it's just fk and few others
When have I ever worshipped Shityonce
Coal miners ($34 an hour)
business idea: kms
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Business idea: methamphetamine and employment
watchu say to me
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Boss made me tell someone they’re fired in exchange for 8 extra hours of paid time off
he's so merciful and generous
Would you have done it in exchange for a big mac with fries and a jug of pop?
>Big Mac
More of a lettuce wrapped In-n-Out burger kinda guy
need to mix up an old-fashioned, since you're supplying all the bitters...
why did he want you to tell them instead of him doing it himself?
Rusty Millio lookin ass
He’s probably weak and spineless
I think he knows him outside of work or something
He's always been shit at his job
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if that's the case, why wouldn't this guy go around you to the boss to plead for his job, unless he knows it was boss's decision to begin with?
if he knows the boss wants him fired, why hide behind an underling if the boss will just see this guy again somewhere else?

this makes more sense
im back
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Work soon...
where did ya go?
He was basically hiding when it happened so the other anon is probably right
He's a soft handed boomer
im a refugee returning back to west florida
what's the situation like?
paying for thai ladyboy prostitutes when you're 60 and still a virgin doesn't count
nothingburger in my area. power came back a couple days ago
nice to hear bud
I’ve been getting all the overtime recently. Stacking fat cash. Boss doesn’t know I’m quitting in a month or two.
Spot a brother a couple hundo?
wouldn't mind a thai ladyboy myself about now.
honestly those big built brick bbqs are not even worth it unless you like holding events, a tiny portable one is much better for everyday use
Americans either have the big gas ones on wheels or huge metal ones that look like they're made from spare gas tanks
i wish i had an ai cyber gf
got a thread up. show some love
>cash hes value
fucking kek
and no, I'm replying to the thread from here
mofo looks like old Chuck Berry. Christ
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I look like this
Morning /cum/ makes me feel mentally ill
Why do women have boobs?
did you know that muslims shave their mustache and keep the beard to differentiate themselves from jews
Theyre an indication of fertility
so you got something to look at while you're talking to them!
for me specifically
To feed their young
figure my foreskin does all the talking for me
Well you see, animals in the class "mammalia" all share the same trait of having mammary glands
Daytime /cum/ is fucking terrible.
thanks for letting us know you're here 24/7 LOSER
it would take literally 0 effort for a girl to give me a handjob yet they refuse to do it, it's literally just an effortless thing for them yet it means so much to me, seriously what is their problem
For a decade now, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, holidays, leap days, whatever. There is always an Andy Sixx log thread on /b/.
I genuinely consider this to be the greatest 4chan mystery. Doxxing the responsible party would be an incredible feat.
have you asked?
good morning sirs
Lol I remember saying how come girls don't let their friends play with their tits and you got all argumentative about it
Do you remember that
daytime /cum/ is the best

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